HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1891-11-13, Page 40 The Lkicknow 8entinei, Bruce County, Friday, November lath evA4 ' ' -,I.li7.1411r1.1111C71"al.. nitsp* ottittutt -;110111 TAIIIPT-T1470VTTIF '41F:1- TO 'ARGUE 4O00ADING TO TEE pIOVATy,s YtIOZWIER010 WEL nozN 44.9Y* "AL emanananuesaor bel willavea second deputy reeve if her rapid, rate of growth eentinues. Wiartoniackeiaonly •16 of hatiUg the !necessary 2000 fer incorporation as a 'town which entitlea her to a deputy reeve, fact she should tiave one now as Port Elgin` with, a population of 1669 •sends a deputy reeve to the county council. Eastnor, which is lasing ° her population will soon add a deputy reeve to Mid ThuoeCOIHirty 407.1110i1,ud the sam may be timid of Albemarle. The poor farms on. the. peninsula are being taken up by farmers who manage to Ar.eztratk.-41dr.Fzmeast.,A-41.0thozsee.0 There are many good blocks of land on the peninsula which were taken up long ago; those productive- districts being termed "settlements” such as "Watchorn's settlement," White's set- t "Mayor settiemeiti ;"--oro. Now the settler has gone beyond the narrow limits of the settlement, built his house on a rock and commenced farming where the soil is sparsely scattered over the tall boulders. In Elections for the Legialative Assembly an t e Bruce peninsula now plays an impor- tant part—so -important that the victory for either political party - de- pends on how the North goes. The. Peninsula has gained 3,300 inhabitants since the last census was taken. Now allowing one voter to every five of a population that would increase their voting strength by 600, but that this is far below the actual increase in the `votieg population a the north may be judged from the fact that in. Wiarton alone 600 names have been added to the Franchise list since the the last re- vision. That the vote of the southern part of North Bruce is being over- come by the peninsular voter, is a well recognised fact and though Chesley and Port Elgin have greatly increased •in population during the last decade, yet we must not shut our eyes to the fact that we are being swamped by the northern voter.—Chesley Enterprise. '..-Ziok24741Tovezokolleth,16104.. THE Canadian Public men come and so very rapidly. The House Of Com- , mom, at Ottawa furnishes abundant :evidence of this fact. Of all the mem- , ' • re elected to the Parliament of 1$72 -,,,..;,,.... „1,,,....: onlyttWenty five still continue to hold ltheth.,aeats, aad all those are from ,relther.Quebect or Ontario with one , • iingle exceptien. But not one single member fro:in any other Province elec- . a. zed iu1$7fine-kr L-inir-tihe others baNni gone by the beards. Out of the twenty-five, Ontario has retained Sixteen of them, twelve Reformers and four Conservatives, while Quebec re- tains eight, in all four Conservatives and four Reformers and New Bruns- Wick—one-.--The-followinrierathe-R-e- formers from Ontario :—Mackenzie, Born A„' Cartwright, Sir R., Mills, Hon. D.,liatiderkin, Paterson, Charl- ton, Baiiirnpor„, Edgar, Cameron, atieVTIA**,an." Conservatives from niariblewell, Hon. M., Haggert, Hon. J.4 Kirkpatrick, Bergin. Con- eervatiies from Quebec :—Laugevin, Sir Jiector, Smith, Sir Donald, Daonst, Baker. R,eformers from Quebec :— GeOffrian; Hon. F., Bourassa, Bechard, °river. From New Brunswick 2flostigan, Hon. John. , The decimation the ranks ° of M. P's., trom the Mar- -, *lime Provinces is something remark- • able, only one is left in the House. The great west has not a single one. Ontario has held to her public, men with a firmer grip than any other • roviuce. Ontario last year there were ';48,538 births, 14,870 marriages, and 23,329‘deaths. The highest birth rates owere in the: counties of Carleton, 36 to the thousand ; York, 36 • Waterloo, •;34, and Prescott and Russell 31. A marked variation' is shown in the different cities, Ottawa having 37 to the thousands inhabitants ; Kingston, ' 36 ; Toronto, 30 ; St. Catharines, 14 ; Belleville, London and Stratford, 2] • each. The ratio ofr births to the thousand inhabitanaa in the towns of Ontario, is less than in. England and Ireland, and is about the same as in similar towns in the United States. Pembroke the largest ratio of any • town in the Province, being 35 per thousand inhabitants, while Kincardine gives the lowest, 16 to the thousand. Of the marriages, 9,920 were Mettle- ' dists, (96,022 Presbyterians, 5,041 Epis3oPlians, and 4,136 Roman Catholics; 259 males married under 20 years of age, and 2,683 females. Between 20 and 25 years,thearaales numbered 5,017 and the femalee6,848. From 25 years to 70 the males out- numbered the females, but after 70 the ladies again began to assert their supremacy. ,The average death rate in the rural districts was ten to the thousand, and in the cities 18. /Sixteen persons over • .a hundred years of age died in Ontario during ' the year. Of these, 8 were • .natives of Ireland, 3 of Scottaad, 1 of &Wand, 3 of the U. S., and 1 of • Canada. !;. aliiivismeftwom BRUCE PENINSULA. vi,.••••••••Iloo, Bruce Peninsula, which extends from Arran township north to Tober- mory,-that-greataiatural-harborat the .extreme end of this county, has in - 'creased so much in population during the last ten years that it has become 011111MRIMMeleas ALL 000 • OUR STOCK OF DRY GOODS IS BEING Assnrte,d for, Fall Tiiaqle. A CALL 15 SOLICITED. 1;) veavaa-ereattferNN,11.,A,,,,Ilt EL p 1606UNIrS3 47 a Pt rc) WILE_ 0401\TT\TELL. STOVES!44 STOVES 1 STOVp 1 an important factor in municipal, legislative and federal politics. Less than ten years ago the population on what was termed "The barren penin - anis" was so insignificant that the northern township had very little voice in the County Council, the town- • ship of Brant alone sending as many trepresentatives as the combined town- ships from Wiarton north. Soon, however, this will be changed and the rook -bound township will be- come a potent factor in the delibera- tions of the county councillors. Ams - bel has a population of 3890 which is 842 more than Elderalie. Soon Anne THE Yankee rain -makers are evi- dently convinced of their ability to bring down showers upon thirsty . land whenever necessary. Frank Mel- bourne, one of the experimenters, signed a contract to supply Kansas farmers with rain for 10c an acre. There is very little a genuine Yankee will not profess to do", whether he can manage it or not,, as this instance shows. $1313$0 z$ • • Canada's Best Family Paper THE HAMILTON EEKLY PECTATOR ENLARGED AND IMPROVED. Contains All the News Many Special Features Crisp and Pointed Coniments The most Entertaining Stories The Choicest Literary Matter Everything for Everyboby 1$ To lislittuary This great pallier froiU now till lst January, 1893-12 pages reading matter weekly- and ..our_great_premium_pictn,ro.--ta0NRS_OS_ LOVE," for only 61-00. . AGENTS WANTZD Liberal commission to agents. A good agent for this district is wanted at once—one who will take an interest in pushing the paper and will make a thorough canvass of his district. For terms and particulars address SPECTATOR PRINTING 00. MAMILTON, CANADA. FARM FOR SALE 10(k. ACRES. 96 ACRES CLEAR. II Being the south halves of lot 53 and 54 in the Township of ,Kinloss, one 'nine east of Lucknow. Good grain and sto farm, well fenced and in a good state cult v e. .A never failing creek runs throu four fief s, Two good wells and pumps ; good bearin orchard. All seeded down but 20 acres. Barn 40 x 76, frame house 18 x 24, and a log house 18 x 25. There are five scree of fall wheat. Apply to ANGUS ICERR On the premises, and if by letter box 115. Lucknow, Go straight to the Leading Stove Depot if you want a COO riti. *$O$4X: We have now on bid a larg- and well assorted stock, and would ask those t (•) %V 2 > 1210 who ant a stove either for Coal or .. . , 111.1.11.L r]3.., - , :-.Aillie ., , TINME—', . ..._,...., .. "•,--,l:: 'i'. . s .1,..6,40... ,, , , ,...•• • 1) 1 '' •.' :::' :-:'!liltilllE n. 11.r..1:!! ..'•1: • •:-----,i,,rnirunirroor,, ._-,--=,.. alien -• . EL. ilIMMINI::1:„ ..NELJ!'11.:1' 1":211.171' 'L'Ili- "illEtn.:41 'Ut',AFINOFINEr. - IIIIIIu".1.), 4111u.'Ildbiliii.40,•41,11. VI, .10.40 i,, . , ' ---',.. — , • - • ---4. .? • :;)• • ';', -• : -; '-,--......k.p -..-z • 1 = To call and get our price before going elsewhere, as we are boundto under sell any of our competitors this season. N. B.—Special attention given at this season of the year to cleaning and moving stoves and stovepipes. TIT 08_ I.LAW EW- 1...,TICIK_I\FOW CDT\TET faimaleammmenrammomminmernanumeir John Griffill, AUCTIONEER FOR HURON Q0. REAL ESTATE, • INSUR- ANCE AND GENERAL AGENCY. SALES ATTENDED IN ALL. PARTS of the County and satisfaction guaranteed. A number of FIRST-CLASS FARMS For sale on reasonable terms. JOHN GRIFFIN, KINGSBRIDGE P.O. TENDERS WANTEO, QEALED TENDERS WILL BE RE- ceived until Saturday, the seventh day of November for the erection of a frame building with a stone foundation for the Ashfield'But- ter and Cheese Company, (limited), on lot ,number seven in the eighth concession of the eastern division of the Township of Ashfield. Plane and specifications can be seen atter Mon day at the,office of the subscriber, who is au- thorized to receive the tenders. JAMES SOMERVILLE. Lucknow,-Oct. 28th, 1891. —BOATUFOR—SE Rif ICE T UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO - inform the farinerli of this section that be will keep for service this seam at lot 18, cpn. 10, Kinloss, a thoroughbred Berkshire boar. For pedigree and other particulars apply to JAMES pURVIS, 4-929 Holyrood P 0 LAMBS FOR SALE. THE TJNDEItSIGNFD ILAS FOR sale at Lot 20, Con 10, Kinbiss, a number of choice Oxford Down ram lambs and shearlings which are offered for sale at reasonable prices He also has for sale some firat-class ewe lambs, HENRY THOMPSON, Holyrood P 0 30 A. Y15Rt I undertake to briefly teach any fairly Intelligent penon of either sex, who can read and write, and who, after Instructioniwill work Industriously, how to earn Thirst Thousand Dollen a Tiaristhetrovinlotalltiosovh they Ilve.1 will aleo furnish the WIWI= or employntent,at which you can Oro thitimonnt. Ito looney for me unless successful aa above.1Kaally and quickly komnad. 1 dein but one worker4 trom each !strict or county. I MI* &smut), Wight and provIddr1 with ornploymorxt 10111 11111pltglik who are making orm *5050 ajear each. It's NIEW and OULU,. lull particulars FREE. Adana*. at once, £. C.ALLEN. He 4.110, Augusta. Maine. 9. t ENLARGED —TO - 16 PACES rIE WEEKLY GLOBE FNC:)172. 1392 AND BALANCE OF 1891 mawcammaMin ONLY ONE DOLLAR THE MOST LIBERAL OFFER EVER IVLADE NO FAKES NO CHEAP BOOKS I NO JACK-KNIVES 1 • SCISSORS OR CATCH -PENNY OFFERS 1 BUT A CLEAN, WHOLESOME FAMILY NEWSPAPER UPON ITS MERITS. Commencing with the issue of 7th October T: GLOBE will contain sixteen pages, instead of heretofore, making it the largest and best family Canada. Every effort will be devoted to ma READABLE, ACCURATE and INTERESTING in all Special pains will be taken with its Agricu MORE SPACE WILL BE DEVOTED TO SELECT/ FAMILY. SUBSCRIBERS WHOSE ORDERS ARE REC 3 I St' DECEMBER, 1891, WILL HAVE THE PAP1 CLOSE OF 1892 FOR THE ONE YEAR'S SUBSCR rf 11 I s MEANSL'enr7notnils-‘1:e fielaes f°13%$i!• 9"— AGENTS WANTED IN ALL UNREPRESI STRICTS. For terms, address / • it,1 hn rIT„ mts. and om-TatE EMUS TO ;HEM UNTIL • • THE GL • NOTICE. THE SUBSCRIBER HAS OPENED AN office in the building east of the / SENTINEL printing Office, • AGREEMENTS, DEEDS, MORTG CARET' CM., Plans ,speciboation Ings, mills, br on oh Lucknow. Jan .1891. BONDS, LEASES, 1GES AND, WILLS PREPARED. nd estimates for build es, etc., furnished notice. S. SOMERVILLE, I.sqg 'Fl! Insure Y LO °mos wil • TORONT0.1 FIRE! ?erty. private dwellin reliable, the I MUTUAL 0 harness shop, Lucknow every Saturday afternoon, ) Agent Kinleugh.