HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1891-10-30, Page 8it lL 'Ft IUt NOW POST -OFFICE.. 'Hours S 41, m, to TP m. -. *slats ;, uiiiva. ...South _ 0:13a. m, erfala 12.30 p. m. 2:30p.m No h 3:4$p.m, .. 4 ( i uterrnjediat�e,,poiess },9 00 p. m, " •1 r& -B.. N�Drtiii---. ...i0:30 p -i ;...O..._.-....ai.S.-y_ Tuesdays and a,gstda 3 00 p. m- _ Fridays. , .South ll g30p.. m: -, South. . ,.South 10.00a. m. Werth , 3.•20u. m• 4.30 p.m. Dant oly7oocl luiough� tnlrose' a `�F!TS'S::L`tlC�'^rvm +ar..r.+;.,r...:5•c'1.1P1 :R:.lv't ttlr> a 4114 7iiitintty Nato. r Population le poph1ation of the village .of .a- ;les nnhlicMoa 14.13... 1-e, umciit returns of the late census is 4285, an increase of 122 in the past ten .yeare.. We are growing. at red Concert lea shored concert given in the Ilason Fridaere ?ening-last--by- s Family, of Kincardine, was i m 9iCalstreat, and well worthy a;;much larger house than greeted ortt to kid ('iasb _.._ nateMr. Gunn, of Walkerton, it tied recently, was the town trees - et.; And when his books were audited . -was • found the cash was short wenty-two hundred dollars. The eceased's father and Thomas Dixon ere the sureties. he Whyte, Evangelist (ane•, of the well-known Whyte rotifers, evangelists and singers, will :cozdmence a series of revival services in. the Methodist church here on Sunday next. The meetings will be continued each evening during the following week. ruce' P•roests The protests against the` Bruce members of Parliament will be tried at;tf e.':`following dates and places : R. Truax, M. P. for East Bruce, at thecourt house, Walkerton, on Friday ;Nov. 20th. " A. McNeil, . M. P. . for North Bruce, at Wiarton on Tuesday, Nov: I7 . -D. Porter, M. P. P. for North. Bruce, at Wiarton on Tuesday, ov. 3. They Were for the Devil Our "divil" received a barrel of choice eating apples from an admiring rural friend one day last week.' His Ma- jesty is proud, of the gift and hasbeen liberally treating his villag&•friends' ever since. • The sender of the precious gift is unknown, but he hopes. his shadow will never grow less.. Thanks for your apples; honest friend, May all friends prove as civil. When Providence does plenty send Still mind the printer's Will be Leap Year February, 1892, will have 29 days in, other words, 1892 will be a leap year. The rule is that all yearswhose figures, or date numbers, are divisable without remainder by four ,are leap years, excepting the century years, which are leap year only when they are divisable without remainder by •r 400. For instance, 1800 Was not a leap year, and 1900 will not. be, but 2000 will be. The old maids may rest in patience. There's opportunity for them yet in the latter year to open their proposals. Evidently Suicided'. Andrew Shirely, of Hanover, left home on Thursday week with the, avowed intention of going to Maple, • Hill •to huy'some timber of .Mr."'Mc •c Richey of that place. He did not return ..that night and his wife natur- ally became. anxious but no search was instituted. •Next day some boys found his liat on a stump near the river, and search being made his body was found in the river near. by. It is reported that a razor was • found in his pocket. The prevailing opinion • is that he suicided. " . County Clerk A especial meeting of the county council of the county of Huron was held in Goderich last week for the pur- pose of appointing a county clerk:. Every reeve and deputy -reeve, 00 in all, were present. They commenced proceedings by appointing Dr. Holmes county treasurer, aed D. McDonald, clerk of the ' Clown, scrutineers. Amidst great excitement and after marshaling forces in various forms the council .succeeded, on the 44th ballot, in appointing William Lan the township clerk of Ashfield, toe county clerk. Mr. Lane was 1e SENTINEL'S choice for the position and although very sorry to lose him in the township, we congratulate him on his elevation to the county town. • R.;:_ rhe Lucknow Sentinel Bruce County, Friday, October 30t awa ,,.,...mow:.. ,,•.Lkd•4.A.*** 1Justice is Expensive Frons. the County Treasurer, M •Norman Robertson, we learn that t jurytnens' fees at the late Assize amounted to $840. The fees paid t witnesses for' the crown; amounted tg $684, while the constables in atten WO were , paid ththesuras. of $90. Telescope. A -Good Lecture - Tho --•Rev: James Livin stone•, o€- Listowel, fully sustained his high reputation as one of the ablest orators and lecturers in the church, and his three-quarters of an hour talk on "Imagination" .5 in the Methodist ii'r�1'�i'":��1.''1'1 i1t�,nC°'.``Vi�"t1��'�'tl�,, ., ,�"`�13�Y�1'`� �%a. pleasing and instructive. Notice To whom it may concern. Binder twine and repairs are due on Oct. 1st, but as the harvest was one month 1 a - .~.,-•-x=V id1£--cFr..ra::.-.'n...r.,-„,u__-T r=, Young will wait until the first week in November, when he will expect all accounts to be paid promptly. Autumn Leaves This is a glorious climate. Summer irawebte- away by such s oe degrees that the foliage preserved much of its midsummer green until last week, when it seemed to suddenly recollect itself and don the golden title becom- ing fall. Foliage in the suburbs never lb -Red lovelier in its nein. found colors, well displayed by a genial sun. , A suspicion of Indian summer is in the air, and if a man cannot be happy and glad these days he is a duffer. LOCAL NEWS. r he I Spicy Items for Headers of the Sentinel. s, o' --Godlaand hear Sim Fax and enjoy aR_ goou_..,_ d- • —Mrs, Thompson, of Tara, is visit- ing friends in the village. —Mr Geo.: Girvui intends opening out a barber shop _ In Graham's block shortly. —Big sale continues ; store crowded every' day, at Gibson's, store old 'stand. —Mrs. Stewart, of Hamilton, is the guest of Mrs. G. A. Siddal•l, of this affixes . Scottish Concert The Fax -Rankin _ Scpttisla.. _Concert.. Co. will appear in the town hall on Monday night next, under the aus- pices of "Our Band" that is the "Fire Brigade Band." Now citizens this is an entertainment worthy of everyone's patronage on its own merits, but more particularly_ •as it is for "Our Own', Band." The band has freely given its services to our citizens on all occasions, and whenever asked to -play out of an evening they have never refused. Moreover they have adver- tised the town, so let there be a grand turnout to their benefit on Monday night. Oh, That Man From Bruce -In the Far West, the Bruce man is numerous—there is " many of him," so to speak. . He is generally good-na- tured, popular, discerning, but some- times the unhappy hero of many exquisite blunders ;, hence there are a great many humorous stories afloat about the artless, unsophisticated man from Bruce. One of the best of these yarns is thus told by. the Free Press of October 20th, tl being laid near Donald, a sma in British Columbia : " The man from Bruce, with his bride, was on cific. express, and, when nearin ald, the brakesman, as usual, shouted, " Donald ! Donald !" • This our Donald to his feet, with the excla- mation, " It's none of your goldarned business if I did kiss her ; we were married' last week !" t Winnipeg le scene 11 town the Pa - g Don - brought A Big Stock Man Mr. James Gaunt, the genial Reeve of Kinloss township, is the owner of one of the largest saw -mills in the county; and annually shipps to all parts of the Province an immense quantity of lumber,• etc. But it requires more than an ordinary mill to keep Jim busy, and during ' his leisure . time he successfully superin- tends and inanages some 800 acres of farm lands. Most of a place, how- ever, is devoted to stock raising, and during the past season h has sold to• Messrs, Hananton &' F.:- .illespie, of•- Whitechurch, 178 head of f 't cattle, for which ' he received in col cash the magnificent sum of $8600. Mr. Gaunt is .undoubtly the: most exten- sive and prosperous farmer in '"the county, and will winter over between 30 and 40 head of cattle which will be fit for the English market in the spring. The Lawyer's Harvest • Within the next three months no fewer than 39 Dominion election trials will take place in Ontario. The lawyer who will be lucky enough to act for the petitioner or respondent will, have a fat take. A great many bushels of barley at the meagre price of 35 cents will be required for the toiling children of the bush (what Mr. Lister calls the farmer) to make as much as the barrister .for his short services. I -w; -=Wee Aggie fairly captivated the assembly, and we doubt if the dancing could have been done better.—Wood- stock Sentinel -Review, —A biigesleipment ,nf corsets just rceeivcd in sizes from 18 to 32, all prices, fro111 23c up.=Gibson, Mc- Intyre's dlil stnnrl.. —Don't forget the , eoncert on Mon day night next. Give theboysa bare per house. —A night with the Rankles is a night well spent. Go and hear them —Mens long boots, whale stock for $2.50 %rdered. Boys long boots at cost at W. J. Little s. =Mrs. Langford, accompanied by her daughter' is visiting friends in Reehestea O'ity; N:--Y.--- -The band boys are deserving of a full house on Monday night next at their concert in the town hall. —We are *may to learn that Mr. Wm. Wesley, of the Walkerton Herald, has been seriously its for the past week. —But Sim Fax was a whole show in himself, and caused old and young to laugh themselves sore. ---Mitchell Record. —Mens long boots, hand made, in Canadian. and, .French, kip, warranted_ against rips.' Call and examine' stock at Peart's. —This was Sim's first appearance in Watford, but it will not be the last if money is any inducement.—Guide- Advocate. „ —An : enterprising dentist in an Ohio town has in the window of his office the sign "Your teeth pulled while you wait.” —The magistrates of Teeswater are fining the bays freely for using foul lan- guago on the streets. This is a step n the right direction. JOHN WA4.lAi;€ THE LEADINC UELL Having returned from my visit to the United States, I am pleased to announce to my many customers that I have placed on sale for the Fall and Christmas trade the es gds That could be found in the American markets. Our beautiful ladies' and gents' solid gold, gold filled and silver watches you are sure to admire. Then I might mention the large assortment of engagement and wedding rings, breast pins, earrings, bracelets, and ladies fob 5: a• e•a"-e- ssias ' '�,,ir' 47vTes-a"-aseasy '%t ser -o'- gents' shirt studs, tie pins, cuff and collar buttons, watch chains and charms and numerous other lines, that lack of space will not permit me to mention. Then I have open for your inspection, i -Do you want a web of cotton cheap I If so, call and see Gibson's 71 - cent . line. - Also flannel 26 ine wide, all wool, at 16ic a yard. —Mr. R. S. Rankin was decidedly the favorite of the evening, and his selections fairly brought down the house:—Montreal Witness. —Do you want an overcoat, a suit of diathes, a pair of boots, or a fur hat if so, call at Gibson'e and see a big assortment at fabulous prices. —Advertise your strayed stock in the SENTINEL, or if you have estray animals in your possession likewise advertise them in the SENTINEL. —Now or never, womens laced boots, high -cut, solid leather that will stand •inspection for $1.10 per pair. Misses in this line of boots at $1 at Peart's. 'womens tweed slippers for , 18 cents a, pair, womens wearing boots at 90 cents a pair, youths laced boots aj• $1 per pair. No need to climb ladders to secure bonts with solid leather, no shingle shanks nor paper insoles, go to Peart's. —Auction salesin this section are not as numerous as on other years, owing no doubt to the _goo l crops and the abundance of fodder.. The sales that ' have taken place were largely attended and every class of animals, save horses, sell well. —The Rankin Scottish concert com- p/air l t i"n"n' 'enterMitimetit•lii the pera Hall on Friday evening. This trntpany is first-class in every respect. Miss Maggie is a very pleasing stage ►tist, and Miss Aggie is ,unsurpassed n the grace and beauty of the High - and dances; and Mr. R. S. is certainly n� artist in his line. --Grand Rapids agle. —The following from an exchange only too true : It is strange how losely men read the papers. We ever say anything that anybody oesn't like but we soon hear of it. 1, however, we once in a while hap - en to say a good thing we never:hear f that ; nobody seems to notice it. re 'may pay a man a hundred compli- ants and give him a hundred puffs, nd he takes it as a tribute to • his reatness, and never thinks it does iu1 any good. But if we happen to y something this man •doesn't.like, or imagines he a reflection on is character see how quickly he flares p and gets mad about it. All inds evil are charge to us, but we never, pparently, get any credit for what oodwe do. • —Look out for R. Graham's change ad. next week. Something for erybody. 0 a a E is c 11 I 0 m a g sa so u of a g of ev WArine ler (0,0 * We ever carried in\ stock. Having taken advantage of a cheap sale, I have bought and put on salea number of the " Celebrated Ansonia Alarm Clocks" at $1.16 a piece. This quotation the." never equalled before in Canada, but having obtained a_ geed bargain we intend giving our customers the benefit of it. ' REPAIRING DEPARTMENT. This department having grown so large it was found neces sary to engage another practical watchmaker, who makes a specialty of American' watches and clocks, and my specialty being English and �.. • Swiss --watches; awe are-prepa'red-to give -the -best satisfaction -and finest work that is possible to be obtained, all work guaran- teed strictly first-class. Call and inspect our new stock and obtain prices, no cost or trouble to show goods. JOHN WALLACE, LUcb NOW.. N. B.—A fine assorted lihe of silverware just ordered will soon be in stock. I DON'T WANT BUT THF EARTH, . • :1 WANT �j . LIVING. And I ,am going to have it in Lucknow, too, and I hereby • announce to the people of Luckno"w and surrounding country that any person'or persons coming to me having their teeth out that I will put in two sets of teeth, ' TEETH TEETH Temporary or .Permanent For the price of one set, $15, made o the very best:"material in the world. I use no rubber but 0. A' & Sons,, London, England. " The teeth will be C. Ash & Sons, an S. S. White's, conceded; by all who are in the Business to be . e best in the world..' Those firms have their names on their goods, and the people can see what they are getting, and as I will eta Pant a SatMfa Won To all reasonable people, the unreasonable, and there are such in the . world will please bear in mind, that I do not want their trade. I can always be found at Dr. Tennant's office, Lucknow. S "+t O1LS'' T M'MILLA,KJTTllED ,, • MANUFACTURERS OF 'r" R STERLIING MA..CiIN 1-1; OIL ' R LFOR-` -E`r'k 's L p FAR t, ;;�. E = r, :, s E 'h� USE.. Absolutelypure from all 1 foreign substance and will not guru or N corrode on farm machinery. For sale by . N 0 D. C. TAYLOR,. Lucknow; R. MURRAY, St. Helens, 0 CHURCH DIRECTORY~ �FNGLISIf CHURCH -.- SERVICES 11 ' a. m. and 6:30 p. m, Sunday School, 2:30p. m., Superintendent, Wm. S.);olmee. Adult class every Wednesday' evening at o'clock, Bible and prayer book lesson's. All arewelcome. REV. W, J. CONNOR, Pastor. ... UOKNOVV• MECHANICS' INSTI- 1 tuts. Reading room open every evening from 6 to 101' m., excepting Saturdays, when the hours will be from 2 to 6 p, m. The librarian will be in attendance during these hours. D. 1). YULu, President. J. G. MURDOCH, Seoretar'y. Fire. and Marinerinsurance, North British and Mercantile, of Edinburgh and London. Western, of TRronto, Liverpool & London and Globe, of Liverpool. Gore Ddstr,ct, of Galt. Northern, of London and Aberdeen. Guardian, of London, England.. Phoenix, of London, England, and Accident In- surance Co'y., of North America, Montreal. R. CUNNINGHAM AGENT GUELPH. Telegraph or Telephone at my expense, ue a.� 0 1 1 A . i _ su_+r__ N .. 111 ,..-Z-le...:i................. w u.s <..i..-.� =A1' a 2A.f.4,r .. ,1111. 1=.114- .ZA...,.•.....,...,.... ... u _ ,11,1,,1...., l , s- — r....ss z,.....,.,......,..e' Sts ns;,