HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1891-10-30, Page 5The Lucknow Sentinel, Bruce Oounty, October aOth THEY BOTH SKIPPED. 1 }II1VLOSS COUNCIL. LUCIENOINMARKETS. 'The above council:met on Oct. 26th. Iii'GREEVY AND IVI.U.RP11( CON- Fall Wheat, perlaushel Members all present. The minutes IIICTED OF CONSPTIIKCY-Peas having been read and roved the a-atc• . 'Quebec,. Oct. 24. -The jury, after five minutes' consultation in the cora spiraoy case of Connolly vs. Robert McGreevy and 0. E. Murphy, rendered a verdict of t`guitty" at 4:30 this after, noon. Early yesterday morning it was -whispered 45-t ---the city that both Murphy and MeVreevy had preferred to place, their confidence in the railway trains than in the vindication of their innocence before the jury. When 17,4? !,w of Queen's Benet' this • Looming the truth of the rumor was •,rnade clear. Tey could not be found, and Mr. Tarte and D. Rattray, Murphy's bondsmen, were each called upon to wi-raatanausa %art - Through an oversight McGreevy's bonds had not been reported. The trial was conc:uded, the jury was addressed by council on both sides, and after a shar deliberation a verdict of guilty wa eturned. Thursday afternoon the two defetriffentir crogg..21 over to Levis, and were seen to take the Quebec Central to Sherbrooke. Another sensational whisper passed around in the evening. The books of .the firm, temporarily surrendered to the 'court by the. Privileges and Elections Committee, were said to have disappeared. All kinds of whispers were afloat, but it was sub- sequently learned that the books were :only taken as far as the C. P. R. - station: -An order -was - obtained-- from- the.Superior Court .by Michael Con- nolly to recover possession' of the Court of'Queen's Bench was through with them. 11-1 arina the execution of clerk stated that he had receiyed a cheque from: the provincial treasurer for the sum of $16'96.18 on account of the land improvement fund, which cheque was handed to the to.wnship treasurer. The reeve stated that he bad since last meeting, issued cheques taa follows: J. Hoe/ for cutting_ a hill $24.75, do for work on south bound- ary S1.1_5.0,, „L. Miller grading eta 25th side line $14, The following accounts were presented and ordered to be paid:. J, Keeler for stationery $1.50, J. Gaunt selecting jurors $4, Peter Reid do $4, Juhn Lane do $4, Jacob Miller atata4aaarearaereaaaUtia - afe-oa grading Torrance,'s, hill $7.75, do grav- elling. 25th sidaiine $48, do gravelling on 10th sideline $91.16, do culvert on on 20th • side line $6, J. teggat work on south boundary $22,03, Wm. Barr culvert on con. 2 $3.50, J Ross work eta-onsemartaa-eama4ararsa , iso "do 2 stone culverts en eon. 6 $10, D. 'McLeod culvert on Huron boundary, ,one half 75 cts., J. Cox lumblir con 6 .75 cts., J. Brown gravelling on Cut- ross boundary $7.50, Dr. Tennant medical health"-olficer fees $30, Thos. Paterson eaver$1; inspectors fees $5, W. Kennedy $1,87, R, Hodgkinson, 3 culverts con. 12 $6, John McDairmid, stone abut- ment con. 4. $5, Isaac Hays cleaning drain bylaw 34 $29.80. Moved by McIntosh, seconded by Nicholson, that a grant of $25 be given co the Kinloss Agricultural Society,--Carrie.d. Also a grant to Henry Alexander of $10, he being aged and in indigent circum- stances to be expended by Thos. Nicholls- Mev..ed Ly. Meintoall,_ onded by Moffat, that the treasurer be instructed to plat in the bank of Hamilton at 'Lucknow the sum of fif- teen hundred dollars to the credit ot the municipality of , Kinloss; on as favorable terms as he eau secure, - Carried. Moved by Moffat, Seconded by Valens, that a by-law be framed for the appointing of polling places -for the severaL polling divisionsof the town-. ship. -Carried. The above by-law was duly read and passed. The coun- cil adjourned to meet again on the last day i,f November. '• PETER • REID,uierk. the order, the were taken from the box at 'th instigation of the Ottawa authatities and stowed in two ordinary trunks, and late in the even- ing they Were quietly Carted to the station under' the direction of Panct Anger to be shipped to Ottawa. Michael - Connolly arrived at the station with twoballiffs, and after a hand-to-hand encounter with Anger secured the trunks and is now happy in the possession of his books again. Mr, Tarte was,a bondsman for Mr: Robt. McGreevy. When he learned that McGreevy had skipped his faco gra.* livid and he exclaimed, "Mon Dieu 1" (my God): Judge Bosse declared the bonds for- feited and the bondsmen will have to pay out. • ASHFIELD. The sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be administered in Zion church .next Sunday, at 10:30 a: m. A beautiful monument has been erected to the memory of the late Carolina Hamilton, in Zion cemetery. We are glad to learn that Mr. Wm. Ritchie, 13th con., is now convales- cent. The Messrs. Hunter, .12th con., have received., a legacy from a friend who died recently in Winkham. The following' pupils of S. S. No, 5 were promoted from lower to higher grades at the recent promotion exam- ination, viz. :-From senior 3rd to junior 4th -A Brown, II Anderson. From jr 3rd to sr 3rd -R Webster,I Stroud, M Webster, E Reid, M Gardner, R Wilson,E MoGill, R Wilson. From sr nd to jr Took, M Brown; J Hunter, L Habick, R Hunter, S Webster, J Wilson. Froin part II to jr 2nd --R Hunter, rkriderSoir J'Webatera j Habick;Reif* E Webster, J Lowry. Froth • riartwl to' part II -T Gardner, J Hunter. Oats , Potatoes Butter, ' per lb. Eggs, per dozen . ' - .89 INSOLVENT NOTICE 4 6 .55I TIIE ATTER OF .25 A. E. BRASHER, .25 Of Lucknow, Insolvent. 13 The Insolirent has made an assignment to the uodersignedlsor the benefit of the creditors .12 under R. S. 0.,.1889, chapter 124 All persons claiming to rang upon the estate of the Insolvent Lutist file their claims with me on or before the McLEOD'S System rifenovatorm And other tested remedies SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE - -FOR— arefaarin--,,,,Wcailiakaianiavekapammrisatatelm.-Alee4, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpitation of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Nenralgia, Loss of Memory, Brontliitis, Consumption, Gall Stones. Jaundice, Kidney and Urivary Dia- ases, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General Debility. $1 per half pint and $2 per pint bottle. LABORATORY. GODERICTI, ONT. 0%-tti71-91. -dt7e*Ei, Propriutor and Manufacturer. Sold by Berry & Days'and A. 1L Congram, Druggists' Lucknow. TEACHER WANTED. JUSTICE TO WHOM JUSTICE is DUE. BEAUTIFUL GOLD WATCH. $1. Dean Bros., of Montreal, are. now offering, a beautiful engraved. er plain, ladies' or gents' size, tilled case gold watch for only $1.00 to be paid after you have received it and have given it 30 days trial and find it just what they represent: It is a stem: wind, stein set, fine movement, 'and war- ranted for over 10 years by the makers and cannot be bought anywhere for less than $30.00 in any, retail store. Dean Bros. do this t� advertise their New Blood; Liver .and StomachTills, and consider that $20,000 a year spent in this way. will do more to advertise their business than any other/ method. Send them your address on a post-catd addressed DEAN BROS., Montreal, Que. To the Editor of the fie : DEAR SIR, -I would inform Mr. John' McKenzie ,of Holyrood, that I had no intentipn of giving offence to either himself or Mr. Datwson brad- ing in the SENTINEL that he spent last -Sunday with that gentleman, for I was • intdrrned of the fact. It was no get up of mine for 1. was not at all 'inter- ested.wlsether you spent your Sundays in 114on, Kincardine or any other place, al I justify myself by stating 'that I have the 'reputation of being as honest and truthful es yourself. hope y'ou" will spend many happy and pleasant hours there as soon and as often as you wish, and 1or any other one at Langside will never molest you in your whereabouts. If you knew who you were making a liar We think you would not say so ,much. LANOSIDE 00101Ef3P9NDENT. Hood's Sarsaparilla. Is a concentrated extract of SarsaparMa, Yellow Dock, ripsissewa, Juniper Berries, Mandrake. Dandelion, and other valuable vegetable remedies, every ingiedient being . strictly pure, and the best of its kind it is possible to buy. It is prepared by thoroughly competent phar- macists, in the most careful manner, by a peculiar Combination, Proportion, and Process, giving to it curative power • Peculiar To Itself It will cure, when in the 'powe medicine-, Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Blood Poisoning, Cancerous and all other Humors, Malaria, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Sick Headache, Catarrh, Rheumatism, and all difficulties with the Liver and Kidneys. It overcomes That Tired Feeling, Createsun Appetite, and gives mental, nerve, boWly, and digestive strength. The.value of, • • HOOCI S MALE, HOLDING A THIRTTCLASS certificate, for U. S. S, No. 9, Kinlosa, duties to commence on Jan. 4th, 1892. Testi- menials with application, stating salary, will be received up to the 13th Nov., addressed to JAME'S GAUNT, Sec-Treas., Whitechurch P. 0. Sarsaparilla Is certified to by thousands Of voluntary Wit- nesses all over the country whom it has cured of diseases more or less severe. It is sold by all druggists. $1; six for Ss. Prepared only by C. I. 'HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. N. B. If you decide to take Hood's Barsapa,.. rilia do not bo induced to buy any other. THIS CATCHES YOU! The•S .NTINEL has been able to cqmplete an unusually favorable clubbing arrangement this season with ,The Luludon....„&d,yertisey.. , and itsadvantageswill be given entirely to subscribers, The Wastera %Advertiser is now published twice a week, and contains eight pages in each number. Its Western Ontario county news is a specially attractive feature, while news from all parts of the world .is placed in subscribers' hands every third day, For six- • teen pages every week, the rate of $1.25 is very low, especially when for this figure is also sent the popular ladies' monthly ‘• Wives and Daughters," Whose regular subscription price is fifty cents per annum. • 1st .day of November, 1891, after which date I will proceed to distribute the assets' .of the Esta, havine- regard to those claims only p -hich -I shill then have notice. D, HENDERSON, Assignee; No, 17 Front St. West, Toronto. Toronto, Sept. 10th, 1891. ALE THE PROPERTY OF THE LATE Thomas Mullin, comprising 200 acres - of/good land, Nos. 5 and 6, Con,. 11, Ash- field. 120 acres are cleared, and the remainder is good maple bush. For further articulars a ) 1 to --54470.-1Vatrik-ItaTOW-Itr.415; fr.:xecutor, LUOIU1OW A GRAND OFFER. FIGURES THAT WILL BEAR INSPECTION,' Western Advertiser, twiee a week $1.25 Wives and Daughters, monthly 50 SENTINEL; weekly ...., s: 1.00 Regular subscription for the three... —$2.75 Our ellthblitg rate for the three 1.95 What every subscriber may save ....80 Remember that tbuse who are not already subsoribers of either paper get balance of 1891 free ; a payment of only $1.70 guaranteeing the regular delivery of a monthly, a weekly -and a twice -a week publication until the end of 1892 from the date of subscription. Hurry Up Now's the Time! The sooner you subscribe, the more you will reoeivO. Address all orders to THE SENTINEL, Lucknow, or , Advertiser Printing Co., London, Ont. ttll'en. 0, etififie JVIEGEi meor A pamphlet of information and ab- stractor tba tawa, showing How to Obtain Patents. Cave:tTv. Trade \ Marks, 0,,i7rIa•hts, trot Aqdre,..1. llUNM GO. 361 ft ro y, 'York Still on Deck THE STAR RESTAURANT BEATS THEM ALL • • $9®0to SALARY and Commissien Agents, Men and Women, 'leachers and Clergymen, to introduce a new and popular standard book, Testimony of 19 Centuries to Jeta-ef- Nazareth,— The most remarkable religious book of the age. written by 300 eminent scholars, Non- sectarian!' Every Christian wants it. - Exchp sive territory given. APPLY TO The Henry Bill Publishing o. • ,Norwich, Conn. • . . THE HU Leads them all for . Family Grocerii);, OANN.g0 0.001,$* Fruits of .Alricinds in Seasoa, FINE TEAS • A SPECIALTY. PRIOSPASSI.C.aly3PanpiPS "'StiaLlaaPP. The Largest „Stock, The Choicest Goods, • & The Best Value JOHN ELUQt An Unequalled Assortment • .0•-• Including all the newest • - aaaat- TO THE FARMERS STYLES AND NOVELTIES • I have rented the store 'occupied by Mi Geo: -Kerr and am prepared to CASA FOR BUTTER AND EGGS. The highest- price will be paid for butter according td quality_ . C. SPARING. Just received a consignment of i'resh vegetables and fruits. Fresh Watermelons, Fresh Cucumbers, Fresh Cabbage, Fresh Tomatoes, New Potatoes., Thanking the citizens of Lucknow and the public generally for past favors site commencing business I would solicit a continuance of the same. • Ice-cream, cider and other temperance•drinks, canney1 • 100 DoseS goods, biscuits and confection- ary always on hand as of old. ne Dollar 1J- C. KINCAID. ,\* n - DUNN'S AKINO POWDER THS,221SAPEEFermErAiD ARE YOU DEAF Or de you suffer from noises in the head. Then send 3 cent stampand I will send a ,Valriable treatise containing full particulars for home cure ,which costs comparatively nothing. A splen- did work on deafness and he ear.- Address,Piton G. CHASE, Montreal. BULL FOR SERVICE. THE UNDERSIGNED WILL KEEP for service at lot 11,, con. 8, Eastern Division, Ashfield, the two year old, thorough- bred Shorthorn bull, "Red Bismark." PEDIGREE—Red Bismarck, 12758, red, calved March 8, 1889, bred by Wm. Mallough Dungannon, Ont. ; got by Wallace (imp) 2752 ; dain Annie 8430, by Young Springwood Prince 6299 ; Grace Harper 2nd, 9227, by British Heir 2nd 2889; Lady Harper 2nd, 6630, by 2nd Famosa Chief, 1782 ; Lady Harper 6629, by Grand Duke 675 ; Rose 1833 by Royal Duke of Glo'ster, 1035 •' Maggie, 1429, by Lord of Lune (imp) 155 (16428) ' • Queen of the West, 1751., by Victor 1136 12268) ; Daisy 823, by Halton 684 (11552), Lavinia 4th 1342, by Duke of Welling -ton imp) 91.(3654) ; Lavinia 2nd 1340, by Alex ander (imp) 6, (11099) ; Lavinia (imp) 299, by son of Scipio (1421), by Eryholme (1018), by Son of North Star (458). TERMS—U10 Cows must be returned three— times • ,,,,---246,‘Assaryv they.......will...he charged for service. No fees charged if cows are not in calf after thirdiaervice. PAUL SMELTZER, Belfast P. O. AT MRS J. Murchison's LUCKNOW The' newest, freshest,- latest, most seasonable, most fashionable MILLINERY As cheap as cash carOuy. PERSONAL ATTENTION To all orders the year round. Mrs. Murchison. *M. Of the season in, womensarrel childres boots for FM,L & WINTER Wearadlso in all the LE DANIG LINES In rnens, womens & ehi1drens RUBBERS & OVERSHOES — AT— J. PEART'S, LUCKNOW. Mrs, Smith Has just opened out a fine assortment of DRESS GOODS In all the latest Colorings. Also Dress TAIIIM In Silver and Gilt Gnimps. Navy and Gilt Cord Trimming, Also Black and Gilt. A cheap line of cloths, suit able for fall wraps, etc. Yams in all the different grades. • ,A special line of Black Yarn, for School Wear A call from' intending purchasers is solicited. Mrs. Smith. MAPLE GROVE • NURSERIES, WATERLOO, N. Y. THANKI14G OUR NUMEROUS customers in Lucknow, Whitechurch, and vicinity, for tbe liberal patronage given us in the past, we , trust to see a Oontanuance of the same, guaranteeing satisfaction t3 all by supplying. our most choice grades of NURSERY STOCK. Our Mr. H. §pencer will have pleasure in calling. upon you during the season. Reserve your orders for Min. AGENTS WANTED IN OTHER GOOD • LOCALITIES. For terms apply to W. MACKAY, Gen, Man ger St, Thomas. :4 a