HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1891-10-30, Page 4ISE t,1 B R' Y TO'OTTER ANA TO ARGUE -EREEtT4tiklOttEING1 TO THE pIQTA,TES ' 1F,., ,19,9ATfM I INQE WE' PRIZE ABOVE ALI. coTa3 , LTiTlTIES o �w,; October 30th, 18G 13ITIM ING 'ESE OZAR. England and Russia are again in conflict. The former has again balked a wily scheme on the part'of the latter w ile she is tern Farii successful • :...,1A'.•';.�f�`/,..�C'�^.'}t.�a ..,:'i1;YrM.��"C. .i�. i��:ec,i.a:te3� the ..breach between the two nations :.,will only be made the Wider. There iGs no- doubt, bpweiver, that Russia is preparing to follow in the Pamir diffi- culty the course wkkch she pursued in 4 The 'Lucknow Sentinel,'Eruce'Count'y,. "r , ay; October 30th T. U. alae sletulres by dam reuleacez, of Fares These true dead beautiful words were spoken b?r Lady Henry Somerset -' at a recent parlor meeting in London: "I am reminded of a conversation which took place betweeri Dr. Parker and Henry Ward, l3eec ier. One aeras..: saying before the ether some earnest planate -which -was given -this -reply -4 have your scheme; now, where are -yourrfa:nati;csia Showing -that -fa atics are necessary to the carrying out of good schemes. We need care very little what names we are called, nor how cruel are the blows leveled at us. How sharp the stones, so that are stoned until they succeed. We must be content to sacrificereputation so that the wrong of our social life be redressed—the evils under which our country droops and languishes des- tro ' ed. Those who liberated the save were aos�it Ytttz and stoned. So people in all age have been. Till after their death, may be, the grand result of their endeavor which won for them their well-earned fame. If we pause on r onward wa ' to think what people will say, hesitate lest stones should be hurled, we shall sink beneath the ignoble dread.; we shall die and do wo work, hold outnohand to sae or bless. There is a judge whom alone wemust fear, whose verdict alone we must esteem, earnestly seek- ing a solution to the enigma of life— the mystery of wrong doing. We shall trouble ourselves, not at all about such petty considerations.. Old ideas must die, and -new and more powerful motives arise. Religion- is not a t thing of creeds. It would be well that each should ask with regard to questions ringing and turning in their minds—What would be God's view in the matter I --Our attitude towards our fellows is not ours to determine ! - We dare not at will decide "No" to this, or "Yes to that ! As I am, so are ye, saith the Master. In each. succeeding age God's special message comes, and it comes to souls in attitude to receive it—ready, with all sails set, to catch the favoring breeze of Gvi's spirit.—Union Signal." ' W hen tyrant feet are trampling Upou the common weal, , Thou d;st not bid us bend and writhe Beneath the iron heel. In thy name we assert our right By sword or.tongue or pen, And even the headsman's axe may flash The message unto men, Although the temperance cause aaa:., Afghan boundary were detected and obstructed by England. England gave notice of war by marshaling her Indian forces where they could promptly dash to the assistance of the Afghans. Geimeer, thus 're -en gree , o ly faced the Russian aggre ssors on his boundary. The. Czar directed ° his officers to withdraw from Afghan territory, and went through the form of reprimanding one or two of them. .Then a' commission was appointed to dellminate the' -disputed frontiers and all was quiet in that direction. The Russians are now going through the targe farce. in the:Pamir. They . have been quietly stealing Chinese territory in menacing . contiguity to British India, and have been caught at it. First they talked war, and blustered aboutwhat England might expect if she interfered. Now they find that 'China is ready to fight, and that Eng- land is prepared to act with her. So Russia again proposes an international commission to settle the frontier. It is doubtful .if England and Chirm will agree to the .the proposition. The indications are that unless Russia removes, bag and baggage, from Chinese( territory, she will be driven. out by the Chinese, with England at hand to help. The secret of ..all this is that the Czar was not ready for war in •1885, and he is not :ready to -day. He is r , perfecting his preparations, both as to &et and army, and at least another year may roll around before he . is ready: Modernarmament has more than kept pace with Russia's military and naval development.., and she has to catch., up with those who are at once her neighbor's and , her enemies: Meantime, whatever canbe gained by stealing from China, Turkey or 7.. q Afghanistan is so much to Russia's ad vantage. . • /;. 1 { • G OUR KOOK OF DAY- GOODS I5 BJiING Qr ted A CALL. 15 SOLICITED. A FEW months ago the Massey and Harris . companies combined forces ; last week two more of the 'big agricul- tural implement firms- of Ontario, the Patterson of Woodstock, and the Wisners of Brantford, consolidated with a view to saving expenses. , This u another , mark of the tendency of special industries to centralization and indicates a bad future for those towns „that depend upon bonuses as a means of inducing manulacttiring firths to , esrtablishindustries within their bounds. THEY have an • abominable law -in Montreal, ,a, relic of the middle ages, which is, just now, worked very miich • to the detriment of the innocent. When a creditor seizes the wages of a debtor, this law allows him to seize, the wages of every man, of the same name whether he be Indebted or not, and he is compelled to prove that he is not the 4 neon. A poor workingman in Montreal is undergoing that ordeal just now, and notwithstanding be has shown that he has not even the same name, he is' put to the expense of praying it in court. The law is bar. barons in the extreme. , Just fancy the opportunity this affords unscrupulous persons • for putting innocent men to trouble, and what numbers thelre are who could be compelled to prove their loon -identity. The least that could be 4one would be td «addle the cost on Ate, tqr, who wishes to indulge in !poi byplay, or sweep the law from the oit Lute book, • • one ..... does not seem to take those long strides that many would like to see it take, yet we do believe there are evi- dences of steady progress. For all this we thank God . and .take courage. Much, ; however, still remains to be done, which can only be accomplished effectually' by carrying out Wesley's wise advice, ".A11 at it, and always at it," .the right method: truly, if carried on in the, strength of the holy spirit. ' Fully realizing the truth of this, the Luck - now W. C. T. U. engaged Mrs. Owen' Hitchcox, of Paris,to deliver a series of gospel temperance lectures. This talented lady is the only :Canadian who has the honor to have her name on the rolls of the -national lecture bureau. of New York, and is rapidly making herself a prominent name and plaee amongst the many noble men and women who have the cause'' of temperance at heart. Mrs. Hitchcoir is . a pleasing, . terse and versatile speaker, and in all, the subjects of her lectures'by the magnetism of her voice, pathos and clearness of 'delinea- tion, which held her audience spell- bound. At the close of the last ad- dress, "Take_ up the stumbling, block out of the' way of my people," the per- oration on "Pure cold water," had a thrilling effect, also her charming ren- dition of Be true to me, papa," and thesoul stirring "song -of trust," the memory of which will enable us to trust that her work among us will not he in vain for we know "Paul planted, Appollos watered, but God gave the increase." Having to go to Strathroy on a similar mission a number of clergymen and ladies wearing " the white • ribbon met at the station to wish her God speed. Kindly adieu having been apoken and the Chautau- gua wave being given, the train rolled away, carrying with it the most gifted lady lecturer that the people of Luck - now have been privileged to listen to. JESSIE BROWN, Lucknow W. O. T. U. LAMBS FOR SALE: THE UNDERSIGNFD HAS FOR sale at Lot 20, Con 10, Kinloss, a number of choice Oxford Down ram Tambo and shed rlings which are offered for sale at reasonable prices He also has for sale some fiat -class ewe lambs, HENRY THOMPSON, Holyrood li O r Win, •� i S ! STOVES 1 4.\ Go straight to the Leading Stove spot if-yot ivan't- —� • 0 .We have now on hand a large andl well assorted stock, and would ask those Who want a. stove either for �aior Z* Wd To call and get our price before going elsewhere, as we bound to under sell any of our competitors this season. N. B. -Special attention given at this season of the year to cleaning and moving stoves and stovepipes. THOS_ 1.,A- E' 013, LTTCSB.NOW ONT 'sro�c5`��h �00jnilioi�a�hUii�..y,� I� IIIPl�ii� li��4�1� �C; ' 'Keiglriu ldfliU SIIIdNRiG0 a'1 018 u L'41Man hitt iatElLII TIM Vii ' are John Gr!iThi, AUCTIONEER FOR HURON 00. REAL. ESTATE, '1INSUR- ANCE AND GENERAL AGENCYi • SALES ATTENDED IN ALL PARTS of the County and satisfaction guaranteed. A number of FIRST-CLASS • ARMS For sale on reasonable terms. "" ' JOHN GRIFFIN. KINGSBRTOGE P.O: THE ROCHESTER STAR NURSERIES. 0 THE OLD AND RELIABLE NURSERIES of our northern climate, which have proved so satisfactory in the -past. (toed, vigorqus and healty- ' Fruit and" Ornamental Trees are now offered at • the Lucknow Agency at reasonable prices. Farmers and all others will find it to their advantage to call and make their own selection when ample time can be procured to Study the class suitable to every soil and to every taste. Also the • BUSY BEI WASHER guaranteed to run easier and do better work than\lany other machine in the world. No ribbing necessary. We challenge a trial with any other machine. Warranted for five years, and money refunded if not entirely satisfactory. Apply at the Lucknow General Agenej► Office. R. GRAHAM. Manager. P. S.—Money to loan at low interest. A. few good,energetic men wanted; wages weekly. TENDERS WANTED. SEALED TENDERS WILL BE RE- ceived until Saturday, the sevonth day of 'November for the erection of a frame building with a stone foundation for the Ashfield But- ter and Cheese Company, (limited). on let number seven in the eighth concision of the eastetn division of the Township of Ashfield. Plane and specifications can be seen atter Mon day, at the office of the subscriber, who in au- thorized to receive the tenders. JAMES SOMERVILLE. i Lucknow, Oct. 28th, 1891, 41 ENLARGED -TO- 16 PAGES Pr WEEKLY GLOBE P`OR 1892 AND BALANCE co' 1891 ONLY ONE, DOLLAR THE MOST LIBERAL OFFER EVER MADE. NO FAKES! NO CHEAP BOOKS 1. NO JACK-KNIVES! SCISSORS, OR CATCH -PENNY .OFFERS 1 BUT A CLEAN, WHOLESOME FAMILY NEWSPAPER UPON ITS MERITS. Commencing with the issue of 7th October THE WEEKLY GLOBE will contain sixteen pages instead of twelve pages as heretofore, making, it the largest and best 'family newspaper in Canada. • Every effort will be devoted to making it: BRIGHT, READABLE, ACCURATE and INTERESTING in all its departments. .Special pains will betaken -with„ its Agricultural Pages all. MORE SPACE WILL BE DEVOTED TO SELECT READING FOR THE FAMILY. . SUBSCRIBERS WHOSE ORDERS ARE RECEIVED PREVIOUS TO 3ISt DECEMBER, I891, WILL HAVE THE PAPER SENT THEM UNTIL CLOSE OF 1892 FOR THE ONE YEAR'S SUBSCIIIPTION. 15 months of a i6 -page for $ I to T H S M ESN S every one who subscribes now. AGENTS WANTED IrLL UNREPRESENTED DISTRICTS. For terms, address H GLOBE, TORONTO.' NOTICE. THE SUBSCRIBER• HAS OPENED AN office. in the building east of the • SENTINEL Printing Office, • AGREEMENTS, BONDS, LEASES, :DEEDS, MORTGAGES AND - WILLS CAREFULLY PREPARED. Plans'.npcciheatioas and estimated for build Ings, mills, bridges, etc furbished on slusrt notlee. .JAM. SOMERVILLE. w • Lucknow. Jan 0 0 tA. s us,gd the pi: 3, of III w;,wbimwl..r LOOg TIER m FIRS ! iiE! Insure your farm property, private dwellin In the old reliable, the - LONDON. MUTUAL 0 Uffiee,—A. ROSS harness shop` Lucknow Wil be' in the office everySsturdayafternoon, JOUN LANE •Agent 1l:inllougk. v 0 as .n_.rv. nimr.u. v......,.. .... u .r..i .n, c n ... u .. ..•r+�...v..rr