HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1891-10-30, Page 13 _541-4 q45 t 4 BANK OF HAMILTON JGEO, MAIR & CO. Now is the Season For lour Machinery Oil. your Harvest 'rode, your Fotatoe Killer in the shape of Pans Green, all of which you can get Cheap at the hardware .establishment of 0. C. TAYLOR ISSOESToW. 4. .4 err AA, OurflartiwareStock L better than ever. 'You' are patting up. tee; lonli30,4 d hamand went !RR plies, which are Cxpensive, but you caw save some of this expense by coning tts D. O. TAYLOR For your builOing supplies. VOLXV111.-44. LUOKNOW,'ONTAR-10,. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1:8-91 ,?;• Capital, St1208,85o. Rest, $13oo.000. President -JOHN STUaRT. Vice President -A. G. RAMSAY. DIRECTORS : A.. T. WcoD, A. B. LEE (Toronto). Cashier -J. TURNiULL. • Or Luckpow Banking, Comp'y. LUCKNOW, 27TH MAY, 1891. TO FARMERS, DO YOU REQUIRE A CT-.1EAFF A_RM. r• r Ja 11 e sold seven arif-Tortlingir-'srigIWITaire-Stitisssererat-ssess hand, and which we will sell cheap, arid on easy terms to suit purchasers. DO YOU REQUIRE MONEY. WE can supply all demands if the party or parties are good, or can give security and at reason or able interest. DO YOU WISH TO CHANGE THE oMftgage on your farm oi rut cm a nesv-leass, • if so we will do it promptly and on the most favourable term. or if.:;.,n1 wish to. send away the interest on your • Mortgage we will do so for you and at a very trifling expense. WE DO A GENERAL BANKING business of all Rinds. Drafts issued, and Bank Cheques on all points, whether in Canada, United' States or England, cashed at usual Bank terms. Interest. allowed on- deposit at the iate of five per cent. payable half yearly, butno one deposit to exceed one thousand doliars.without a special arrangement. FIRE INSURANCE EFFECTED WITH despatch on all insurable buildings in English or Canadian Insurance Companies. Office hours 10 a.m, to 4 p.m. SAVI1VGS BANK.—Hours 10 to 3; Satur- day's, 10 to 1. Deposits of 81 and upwards received and interest ailowcd. SPECIAL IlfrITS also received at cur- rent -fates -o riserest DRAFTS on Great Britain and the United States bought and sold. J. C. BROWN, SUB -AGENT. 1.1000•••• MN/ a • DENTAL - J. S. JEROME, L. D. S. Win gham, will be in Lueknow on the second and fourth Fri - ay and Saturday of each month. Good sag' for $10. Filiing and evtracting a specialty • , - LEGAL IMON CORRIGAN, COMMISSIONER, in H. C. G. Kinlough P. O., Ontario.• PA. MALCOMSON , BARRISTER, . Solicit° Conveyancer, 'etc., (late of Cameron, Ho Ameron, Goderich). Office at Traver's old et nd. Tor HORRIS N, .ATTORNEY AT , • law, Solicitor in 'Cancers,. Convey• ancer, , Commisioner, etc. Office. over the barber shop. • ARROW & PROUDFOOT, BARRIS- 4,3c tel Solicitors, etc., Goderich, Ont. J. T. GARROW, Q.C. 'Vs m. PROUDFOOT. MEDICAL - , Jo .4,6mcmcNeluvit.. 0. m. C. F. S. 41-1R, ELLIOTT, OFFICE AND REST - A./ dence, Outram street, secotid door north of Little's shoe store, 1-k R. TENNANT, P HYSI CIA N, 1_7 Surgeon and Accoucheur. Surgery op-- posite Cain's hotel. Office hours from 9 to 12 as m. , and.from 2 to 5 p.• m. McD. GORDON, 3/1.D., C.M., F.T. _L. M.S., M.C.P.S.O., Physician, Sur- geon, and Accoucheur. Office next door to W. Allin's implement shop. Residence Ross street, opposite W. U. Little's. DR. either attended to. rigan's hall. Lticknow. GEDDES, V. S., CALLS by mail or telegram promptly Charges moderate. Office. Cor - Boarding house, Cain's hotel. 0•111=P3••••• GENERAL MONEY TO.LOAN ON FIRST-CLASS mortgages at 7 to 7i per cent..interest, payable yearly. Charges moderate, Apply to ROBERT MURRAY, St. Helens. 'el ANA DIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. ki Tickets issued to all points east or west. Quick time. Close connections with other lines. Full particulars to ihtendinetravellers. JOHN MURCHISON, Ticket Agent, Lucknow. MONEY TO LOAN ! AT, 6 PER CEN,T •from 2 to 20 years. Lists of farms for sale in Ontario -as well as Manitoba. Parties desirous to sell farms will consult their inter- ests by inspecting the advertising facilities of Subscriber in i -G -seat -Britain and Ireland and • continent of lands for sale. Axons STEWART, • Land Valuator Lucknow Ontario. WEST WAWANOSH MiTTUAL _Fire Insurance Company, board of dirocilk meets for the transaction of business on the first Tuesday each month. Parties wishing to have their property insured in this 1 increasingly popular Company, will by giving • notice, be called•upen by an agent or by cne of tne Directors. Business calls promptly attended to. Office, Dunganne9.. J. M. ROBERTS, Secretary, Wm. LANE, Treasurer. sassassass,..• 0 SOCIETIES L CKNO Lodge; No. 112 • - , meets every Friday • • ss• • evening at 8 o'clock in their ball, Campbell street. All brethren cordially invited. WM. HOOD, N. Grand ; JOHN ELLIOT, Recorder. GEO. A. SIDDALL, Manager -r- -_ ECI We have just purchasing a number of lines of goods suitable for fall and winter trade away 'below the OUR TORONTO LETTER. Dev. Dr. Parson's Opinion of Things in ssiesssasseNsatstreessastiaSsdrass.aat. therress.dvormatton of a Ent,ghland Regi- ment...Will Don the Fraser Tartan. Paramount ,and Coral Wreath. The soil is well adapted for agricultural TORONTO, Oct. 28.- The Rev. Dr. Parsona Jrzt WHOLE N0.08.- waiintommoionamli CLOVER VALLEY. AIIMIWM••••••••• Clover Valley is d fertile tract taf land, Live miles long.bysa mile and a cp-A'ater that tall sycamore of Knox church. has pursuits, stock raising and grain grow - apparently*. fallen on evil times, or, at all inn being the principal occupation of eyents, stirring times. His bluff, brusAue e way of saying things has set the city talking, the people. The inhabitants are Of a ashler ro• +1144 rt • rint. very pea eful, intelligent and enter- - 1 gO 1 an to pilittnWa a•-iff'eilfifinSliMi-ftql ' Fill& 'EliairibnriferifiM The learned doctor" has cut a. wide swath,. • es . Fivt, he took exception to brass bands, saying is a Lirnited Monarchyand the that they were invented by the devil ; then he prevailing religions are Presbyterian cudgelled secret societies without discrim;d n- atiofi, holding that they covered a multitude an -Methodist. of iniquities With a grain of morality ; and The Valley Patrons of Industry met now he is after the press, opining that "any., s , y__wh o rends the modern newspaper is a rt.,,v eveninge ago, when the follow - more likely to get into limbo than anyw ere in_ w re-duly-e-leeteet mud else," This is a goodly bill of fare, and %worthy installed :- President, Bro. W. J. a mail of the abilities of the doctor; but according to present indications, that worthy Paterson ; Vice Pres., Bro. W. S. gentleman, in all likelihood, will have a blythe Stewart ; Secretary, Bro. W. J. M iM9- time of it nIthe interval between now and the Lennan; Treasurer, Bro. G. Hurburt; new year ; and if he does not find himself. in his argume.ntative powis no sers are greater than Bro. D. Beaton ; Sentinel; Bro. --questiSister mall estimate: do play ,devilishly bad music, so there is a Downey ; Demeter, Sister Jane• Mc - slight 'kinship here, and perhaps the doctor Guire ; Editor of the Valley News, had this fact in mind, and it is therefore only proper that they should seek to rectify the Bro. T. F. Paterson. The lodge since error of their ways; but why the reverend its organization about a year ago. has • prelate should set his face so sternly against been in .t thriving and prosperous con - press" is not tit all clear, and this it is what oitfon, and Undee'r the newly' elected fraternal societies and the - •Vlibertydoving ---, .. mystifies the public, However; his arguments officers it promises to be a greater are yet to be heard -hi clear, fellueid success than ever. Some .of the lead - allege, it is hoped • but/there is no doubt that • the worthy pulpiteer has the courage ef his in political luestions of the day are The Old Scots' Brigade. and rising generation are determined stirring, story of the Old Scots' Brigade ; and to read and think for themselves J'ames Grant, the noVelist, tells many a •••• the story of the heroic achievements of regarding the politics of this monopo- Scottish regiments are written in characters list and boodler ridden country. 'We • of blood in the history of nearly every country'. • But that is another story. The event of the might here state that the association is past week in military circles here was the not in favor of the contract system of formation of a Highland regiment, Negotia- dealing with merchants, (a resolution tions, if we may use the word, had been under , V way fur a year or•• more ; but with an apathetic ueino• passed in the lodge to that effect and niggardly militia department, as far • as our volunteers are concerned, to deal with, it was rather up hill work, s L'ut at last Scotch perseverance and enthusiasm prevailed, and next spring will see the suns of the heather,. resplendent in the historic garb of the North,. marching out with all the ,pomp and panoply of war. YMembership is reserved exclusively, succeeded, in tO native -horn Scots or those of Scotch descent; and on the occasion of enrollment by the Government officials between 150 and 200. mostly native-born, volunteered ior, service. Many old warriors were amongst the lot, some wearing the medallions and - clasps of the Crimea and other stirring. canopaigns, and these will serve as excellent exemplars in things military in the newly•formed Scots' brigade, The regulation height was originally fined at 5 ft. 9 in., but it has been reduced to meet the desire of those not blessed' with so many inches, to 5 ft. 7 in, The officet•commanding will be the beauty, pride, and president of the Bsard of Trade, Mr- John' Davidson, who has already bad military experience. The various Scotch societies ill the city are taking a deep interest in the regiment,. and, together with- private subscription's, will no doubt see that it has sound financial backing, '•The regiment will don the Fraser tartan, partly, we presume, out of complinient to Mr. Alex. Fraser, city editor of The Mail, who has taken a very active share in its orgsnization ; but especially as it has an historical relation, as the Fraser Highlanders were .foremost in scaling the heights of the,Plains of Abraham in that long and arduous struggleswhichtculminated on the St, Lawrence, and the flag of the old French regime was lowered for the last time on the -citadel of Quebec. • convictions. discussed in the lodge, and the young regular price, which we expect to be able to lay before you for your inspection 'in ,a few days. As soon as they arrive and are checked off; you will sr" -1 O. F., COURT • Sherwoia, No. 50, Lucknow. Meet - every first and third Monday. in every month, in the Odd- felloWs , Visit- ing brethren r e cordially W, JI, JOHNSTONE, C. R. 1). D. Yucs SEC. hear from us. They will astonish you and no mistake. We have now in stock the finest range a shawls we ever had, all kinds, colors and ,prices from 45 cents up, and suitable for young and old,. See them. CAMERON, & 'CO, Lucknow Dungailnon., A 0. U. W. LTICKNOW LODGE OF -LA.. the Ancient Order United Workmen, meet in the Oddfellows hall, on the last and second Monday evenings of each month at eight • o'clock. Visiting brethren cordially invited. D• PATTERSON, Master Workman. R. D. CAMERON, Recorder. • ' MUSICAL TUITrOiV. N r„ONEREQUIRINGFIRST-CLASS les s in music can have the grime from Prof, Moss a Fellow of the Yorkshire College of Music. 'For tsrirs apply to the Rev. Mr. Connor, the rectory. Prof, Moss will be in Lucknow on Mondays. as—a—as_ MUSIC LESSONS BE TAUGHT by Miss Kaake, late of Blyth. Pupils attended at their oil‘ a homes or at her rest, dence over E.Kaake's photograph gallery. Terms reasonable. • DUAIGAANON. On the evening of the 12th of No- vember) Thanksgiving Day, the har- vestelionie supperin connection with the. Methodist chureh of this place, will be held, in the large hall. The committee in charge aro active,. being determined to make the occasion a' -grand succees, Lane' `gots..- therea-We are, Flew& to state that Mr. W,m. Lane, who so ably filled the position of township clerk for Ashfield during the phst few years has been aWarded the lucrative office of county J.erk for Huron. Though some five Bourg were ,spent at the ballot by the wise men of Heron in weiehin,g the many candidates, at .last it was found that Lane could bump the letlaecee on•his. beav;est, opponent, thus el ‘iming the position of county clerk. Mr. Wm. Murdoch, of Paramount, built the brieeetent for the Cameron monument here last week. Mr. Dave Whyard of this place, at• tended the nock tie eeei:d at rara- mount last week and reports lots of fun. Dave al 1,VayS 'Z,Ct:Mf, tie lik(` 010 Paramount I'm tertai amen s. Thom must surely he something or somebody there in Parbanount in his estimation. What, think ye Davie _ ' AT. and Mrs. Samuel Roach are spending a week -with friends in .Lon- don. Mr; Robert Higgins and bride re- turned from their, wedding, tour last week We wish them ci pleasant journey through life A numbers, although . some -of the aunt hers were not 'standing true to their colors. He convinced the audience that there was alwayS some chaff ir ''''VPRA.Fririter-'51744140,113441triliV,XWPC,3V'''.....W.;-azzu.•_..47.,,, *4; : •rl! g • away before the order would work satisfactory. Ile spoke' somewhat lengthy on the contract system' with merchants. By his remarks on that subject he did net seem to be much - in favor of it, but stvongly advised the 11R- - achievements in electing ntembers of -' pa-rliament who would do their utmost to further the,interests of the eountry. He also gave an account of the meet- ing of the Grand ,Assoeiation in Lon - •ng the fair, statiag that they had been recognized by the Mayor:of that cisy, who in an address to the delegates assembled said they had his spmpathy and he wished them success in every way. Mr. Corrigan'e remarks. were 7- much. appreciated. .by. .the audience. We might here state that the order was good in, nearly every respect. The programme vs now proceeded with. The first was a violin selection by Mr. Thos. McDonald and Miss Murdoch; which was loudly \ • encored and responded to. Then the . Valley Glee Club gave an original, selection which was well received. A • solo by Miss Aggie Corrigan,. followed by an instru mental selection by Miss Ida Stewart' of Blyth, was highly appre- ciated, A selection from the McKen- zie family, of ' tiolyrood, followed by. a comic recitation by Mr. John Shields. of Pine River, and some bag -pipe music. by Mr. D. McKay', of ,Kintail, -all of which were loudly applaused. Mr. ohn S. ':Ms,Donald was then Called .. upon and gave . a good, practical and some time ago) but look forward to ' intelligent address. • He spoke espec- strongthe time •. when the P. of I. will be enough to say to the govern ially to the younger members of the . • went pap fed monopolists who order who had not as yet got into the tyranize ever merchant and workingman, alike, ruts of --party politics. He alsO spoke . comedown ye „robbers of our country, at some length on the . platform of the take off you coats, throw aside your order; stating that it was one worthy . of .support as its Aims were good in dignity and earn your bread like the rest of s. every particular. Mr. McDonald's u . address was listened to very attentively The season's crop in this vicinity has and was appreciated by the audience. been threshed and the yield generally Then camreading e the of the Valley has been good. Messrs. H. Pritchard, News followed by a solo by Miss Jewel' 4 A Paterson and A. Hamilton have in jOhnson. A selection by the Glee theneighborhoodof 2000 bushels , Club was followed by an inatrumentai ah. Mr. A. C. Paterson succeeded ie carrying off four first prizes -and one citation by Mr. A J. received. A re • • second in Ripley, and two firsts in McKenzie, of the Isle of Sky, followed Lucknow for his herd of thoroughbred by a violin instrumental by Thomas cattle. . . , McDonald and Martha Murdoch, a Mr. and Mrs. Stewart, of Port solo by Mr. J.. McKenzie, of Holy- . Latniston, are' visiting at Mr. A. rood, followed by a recitation by Mr - H. Hudson of Paramount, and a Hamilton's at present., . Scotch song by Mr .A. C Paterson Mr. W. J. Paterson left for Virden, were all well received. Some more Manitoba, last Tuesday, 20 inst. bag -pipe music and a clog dance by The great problem which is puzzling Mr. Rousseau was an interesting the brains of the Valley mathematic. feature of the progranime. A recite is -What attraction, takes so tion from Mr. A. Blair, of Advance, s many of our young swains to Para - solo by Miss Corriganenn instrumental mount two -or three. times a week 1 by Miss Ida Stewart and a quartette Paramount scribe ! Please give ,your by the Holyrood Glee Club were all judgement in somefature epistle. well received and encored. A selection As was announced in a past issue of was then given by the. Valley Glee the SENTINEL the Clover Valley E of fClub, which wound up the programme I. concert was held on the 16th inst., or the evening. A hearty vote of and was a success that exceeded the thiinks was tendered the Chairman and most sanguine expectations of the pwrae; a, the • participants in the affair, gramme cotnmittee. The day After singino the IN,Tational Anthem dark and 41,anknYe INA Ow04•4 eYPAlitl" on the a.ccordeon by Mr. Rousseau, of Michigan, all of which were well • her ladyship, the moon, arose. in ari her, brightness and shed tt lustre. ,around that gladdened the eyes of the. inhabitants. ,for miles around, for the different roads leading to the Valley Academe. were -soon lined with vehicles of all sorts, and, by 8 o' -clock p. m. the building was tilled to the uttneSt. capacity. The meeting being called' to order, en the platform were noticed , Messrs.abehn S. McDonald, warden of the county and County president of the Patrons of Industry ; Peter Corrigan, of Holyrood ,, A. C. Paterson, county treasurer of P, of ; and other. prominent persons from surrounding lodges. Messrs. Wm. Valens, county secretary P. of 1., of Holyrocl, 'and Peter \ re Konzie, of Kinloss, were tesavoidabiy absent: eIt was .moved, seconded and carried unanimously that Mr. Peter Corrigan take the chair, Mr. Corrigan then came forward arid in a twenty minutes address clearly outlined. the aims of the Patrons of Industry: He declared it was a grand organization instituted to give the' working • classes their rights. He spoke of the order numerically and showed it was steadily increasing in • -the, largo gathering dispersed te -their various homes, weltieleased with the evening's enjoyment in every respect. PARAMOUNT. Our little village was treated to a slight fall of snow last Monday night,. Next Saturday evening -will be Hallow'ene and it night be advisable for all to lock their hen -roost doors, bar their cellar doors, lock their' garden gate, etc., as the urchin is not respell.. sible for his actions on that night. A very enjoyable afternoon . wast spent by the ladies of Paramount and Coral Wreath at a quilting at Mrs. J. \V. Murray's Mrs. J. W. believes in laying up a store for winter. - . It is reported that the grandest ball of the season is te be ,given in Mr. Tennysen's house by some of our boys who intend spending the winter in the Michigan lumber woods. Let it come. Every lad and lass enjoyed them: selves to their hearts content last Friday evening at the Temperance Necktie' social. We feel proud of our young men who treat the ladies so kindly on such are occasion. , • T4,