HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1891-10-23, Page 8' 4
rs ao'mrt0 T p. m,.
613 a,,. m, Daily"
South ,L
l'• inn, ,
co •,. �.�.. Q
_ .'i B. N•erait
mediate points 900 p.
�. I. & B. North 10.30 p. ra
si „e 3 00 days
4aang • d
$outh p,m+ •..
entir)el Bruce Qounty, Friday, October 23rd
�x. 1 Pairori •Concert
. . i a hary
Lec*ure on imagination
• The. lecture in the l�etiiedtst, church 'The Si. Helens association of Pest
0 Taresclay evening neXt, on "Imagin= r home c4 veof Industry school house No.. 4,
ati.Rrt" by the Rev. James ,Livingston"... ho.._
of i towel,
will.be a treat to -all who West W awanosh, noOcto30t. Helene
._ p t,_ er-
c1eve � speakei t° ho i church and ]etntnment to consist of s peec"hes, still- s;
severest. -spas ems. �e �c.�1Q��
his lecture is well appreciated where- Tecitat ons; -a t ureu • ,YA„. etc: On 1 v
ever' given. ',Admission 15 cents, or and enjoy yourself.
two -for 25 cents,
The Roller Mills
Tuesdays and
If Wel r
releav en has jus
&B. South mooa.m.
'OA B. North 3.20 p m •
Hol god 4.JQp.m
• in1ough
f�,itulose ..,
'added another seta aa .o new --mild-
mill3in this ,village, which does away.
-altogether with the stones in the man-
ufacture of flour. This is a. decided
advantage and will enable them to
turn out. a much whiter and - better
4u;t� 11 s
and 10 cents. ;
Marriage Bells I am.
Mr., John Elliot, the popular pro I m visit to the u rated States, rover tJ
rio,a•M. A. Graham, of Shepaparents,
sale fort• m
and, Latest Designs
at the residence of the bride's parents, � � S
on Wednesday evening. The care ' C'lOSCes " Seleotioi g
Fear in That could be found in the Amarican markets. Our beautiful
gold,old filled and silver, watches you are sure to
IEADII..0v-JTLi i yY�ril'
mony was performed by the Rev. Mr.
the 'Presence of a large number
. • : ;' : =ants solid g - , • a • ement
aca�m'ir- e: • �n"��n'".f���c�.,�r ., . ,�,�;-
and wedding rings, breast pins, earrings,• bracelets, andla tesiou
chains in endless v ri ,tyy Then we have a very tasty line of • '
gents' shirt, studs, tie pins, cuff and collar buttons, watch
chains and charms and numerous other lines, that
lack of space will not permit me to mention.
Then I have open for your inspection,
ratnalliet tI''•o *our
Ravin . taken advantage of a
We ever carried in stock. g
cheap sale, I have bought and put on sale a number of the " Celebrated
Ansonia Alarm Clocks" at $1.16 ut obtained iece. This tatien was o good bangs npr
equalled before in Canada, having
we intend giving our customers theme benefit of it.
Thisgrown so large it was found neves
,department. having grown g
sary to engage another practical watchn'aker, who makes a specialty , of
English and
American watches and clocks, and my specialty being;
Swiss watches, we are prepared to give the best _satisfaction and -
finest work that.is possible to be obtained, all work guaran-
teed strictly first -glass.
Call and inspect our new stock and obtain prices, no cos rouble to
shove. goods.
N. B. -A fine assorted line of silverware just ordered
will soon be in stock.
c of dour. The Lucknow tai i
CIIVAV L , •' � (Hite friends. The
now one � o ' tti�~-��a-1�" "`�A bride was atten e � � y - e�';-
mills in the provinces and should be , Emma Graham, and Mr. Harry Pierce,
by g
in this s
ThankSgivtng. Day
'Thanksgiving Day has been pro-
claimed for Thusday, Nov.. 12th—not
Nov, 5th as stated -in the last issue of lee
community mted • f the arming of Lucknow,
acted as rooinsman.
action. The bride was the recipient of many
perintendeut of the Grand
or Snider handsome and costly presents. The
;uST,NTiNEL extends to Mr. Elliot and
appreciating -the-e-vangelisti4---his-happy bF a our- hearty con rg atu-
one by Conductor W. K. lotions, and well wishes for their
has decided to place him on a future happiness.
ere he will be in a position to '
in this work even more fully Church Entertainment
does at present, without at all • A harvest home and entertainment
ing with "his -duties- ass conduct- •under- the auspices - of the English
has therefore, promised to church in Kinlough, was held in the
on the line between Toronto Orange,hall and school house, on
Word, with his home in the Tuesday evening last. • The weather,
did not deter the
place. Conductor. Snider's though unpropitious,
run is between Wingham and people from` 'crowding both places•to
•d W' gham overflowing The musical part of the
omalc Rani:.:, , work d
'he automatic pen. holds ink enough. Snider,
write:' 24"sheets of paper, pen, pen run whe
inkstand•allin one. Also engage
e -,magic cold. water pen, writes with than he
!fid water , ,and requires no ink. R. interfeer•
am, sole agent for Ontario. or.
°Op 'Er Up place h'
t . the semi-annual meeting • of the and Str
(Ontario branch of the Royal Cale- former
.�d�gpaan..Curing Club,
the followingpresent
clubs .compose group No. 15 for the: London
district medals : • Howick Thistle,
- Brussels, Kincardine, Lucknow, Wrox-
eter,. Listowel, Wingham (convener).
A Good Concert
The Misses Jones, ofd Kincardine,
will' give one of their popular concerts
n the town hall,' this (Friday) .even-
s ing.' ; The entertainments given by
the., Jones • Family : are very highly
spoken of andshould draw a good
House in Lucknow. Go and hear
tliem° _.._
a�lFr, 4
The Telescope
The. Walkerton Telescope came to
hand last week greatly improved and
enlarged. It is now an eight page
>r`: paper, neatly printed, and brim full of
live local and editorial -news.' ' It is a—Potatoes are rotting very badly in
first-class journal, 'and' we wish its new fail to and
much goohere cannot this section, and many farmers who
,propriietor, • Mr. A. W. Robb, everypromotethought they had an abundant crop a
success in his journalistic• labors. Mr. Harvest Thanksgiving few weeks ago, will barely have enough
J. Stevens, the late proprietor has for their own use. _ '
�.. P A, thanksgiviria Orrice ,was held � ,
assumed control of that' old and retia- the Enlish church, Lucknow, ott `
ble ;reform journal the Stratford Beate Fridayevening. The church wasbeauti-
-13ring • along your fall printing.
con. fully decorated by'willing hands with A bill -bead or letter -head conveys the
g .. evergreens, grain and the various
not pro-
idealetters of a live
-buswritten ss;n thewwhile
Honoring a Friendducts of the field, which Werey or
� ry, theat' e iahhOst Of t e. John an evidence that God had remeinbered have a one-horse, look. _
McGarry, genial host of the Whit- hispromise made to his. people so —A feature of the Canton Show
ely House, entertained some twenty- long��o that "While the earth was the exhibition of over 300 fine
five prominent citizens of the village remaineth seed time and harvest, etc., horses. The one-man judge system
Elliott,to supper a honor join
Mr. John - shall not fail," but was also an evi hove much same -man both to'the
Elwho was soon to join the noble dente that we, as a people, are not •directors and to eahibitorb.
army of by Dr. ,I The chair , wasnd forgetful of God's goodness to us in
ably filled the
good thing pr vfded were fulfilling His gracious promises, and —There will be no 'service in the
lober fly partaken things provided were: so bountifully supplying our wants. English church on Sunday next, 25th
fewhpleasantlyf by ll present, n We would also obey the injunction, inst., as/the Rev. W. J. Connor has
few hoursawere ospent and "Honor the Lord with thy substance been invited- to assist the Bishop in
speech making and singing,. one
heartily -wishing Mr. Elliott long and with the first fruits of all thine the opening of the new church at
all g• increase, so shall thy barns be filled Ripley.
life and happiness. with plenty and thy presses shall —R. McCharles, auctioneer, will
Orange Blossoms burst forth with new, wine.
At half- sell by public auction at lot 1, .con. 13,
past seven o'clock' When the service Oct. 26,
A pleasant event was consumated W. D. Ashfield, ti Monday,
at the residence of Mr, D. Moody; on commenced, the church was comfortab- a large -quantity of farm stock, imple-
Outram street, en Wednesday last, ly filled sed the ministers who were nients, etc., the property of Mrs. D.
when :Mr, Wellington , Martin, of to take part in the service, proceeded McLean.
Wingham, and Miss Jennie Worthing- from the vestry to the chancel, dressed —John Purvis, tyn, of Lucknow,— r8-joirlec-together in-theit•-canet'tcalsr.an knelt in their
in the holy bonds of matrimony, by, respective places and engaged in silent Wednesday,
")the Rev. J. S. Coiling in the ,presence prayer., The sight was ndost in ress-
g 'p
e . y
iv'e. ,.'Rnv':' E. A. �I•all. teouk,tl►. . ra. yrs
of a number of .guests and relatives, ....:.
The bridesmaid was Miss Thresa for the evening, and Mr. L. Armitage,
Borland, and Mr. Jas. A: Denning student of Huron College, the lessons.
was the groom's best man, while the Rev. ' V. J. Connors, took the Anti-
mony beautiful,gifts sent to the bride Communion service, and the Rev. R.
were evident tokens of the esteem in S W. Howard preached the sermon.
which she is held. We join in wish -. The organist, Miss E. Whitely, pro:
ing. the young couple a long and vided a good' choir for the occasion,
happy married life. and the hymns were not only suitable,
Died in Iowa - for the evenings service but were well
The Great Falls Industrial, published rendered. The first hymn sung was
Montana, of October "COme ye thankful people, come raise
at Great Falls, the songs of harvest home,"sand the
4th, contained the following reference closing one w>ts most impressive,
to ,tie death of Mr. James Dees, ,,when the harvest is past and the
Former of Lucknow :-=James Lees a summer i� gone, and Jesus invites thee
young men well and favorably• known , no moi%." . Rev. Mr. •Howard
to many people of this city, met with reached from the text written ir�(the
an unfortunate death at Sioux City, p
Iowa. He was a young man of 6th chapter of the book of Genesis
and'. 22nd verse, "While the earth
excellent character, and was • em- remaineth seed time and harvest, etc,"
played by Dyas & Jones for about 10 The sermon was one of the best we
mgnths. He in company with another have eller listened• to and was well
young man by. the name of George. delivered and just to point. It Holl
Straight started for the east in a boat, only the to poi of.the con-
their point being St. Louis. Reaching negation hut it moved, the hands of
Sious City, Lees. was taken ill with � large number into their pockets so
typhoid fever. He was rempved to that � good collection was the result.
the hospital where he died. Ha s coin- One gentleman placed a five dollar bill
panion failed to notify Lees' father on the trite. This is what Our'
and it was only by accident that he church and all other cliurc}yes want,
heard of his,. death. A few days ago straight forward giving for the preach -
thisLees wrote to or information as & s re- Ing othe Gospel. The Lord's supper
this city, askingwas administered at the close, which
garding his son. Mr. Lees while here, brought this` most impressive service
bore an excellent reputation and had to an end. • •The, Lord be with you
many hinds whose sympathy wilbl
tS_ till we m rt again."-�Co�t.
ox ;en 'ed ilia gtef"stricket p -
with residence . in in _
Cturer programmewas • furnished by the St.
Owen Hitchcox, of Paris, de- Peters's church choir, of Lucknow,
four lectures in the town hall and would do credit to much larger
theauspices of the Womans places. The Lucknow Glee Club also
an Temperance Union, of the tendered some excellent pieces, all of
and was greeted with a full ' which ,were well received. Mr. G. E.
on •each occasion. Mr. flitch- Kerr sang two solos for which he
the ablest lady lecturer that
received a very ..hearty applause.
Last but not least Mr. F. Grundy.
er visited• the place, 'and her gave a fifteen. minute speech, which
se on Sunday evening was the as both amusing and 'instructive.
emperance address we have ever The chair was occupied by Bev. Mr.
d to. She is a very fine speaker �
oars home -her arguments and
Hall,pastor. at Bervie.
ral quotations with great power
fluency, while her sweet, well —This wet weather makes people
d soprano voice delighted the think of a good strong pair : of shoes.
ace with a couple of beautiful Mens, solid leather long boots at $1.48.
at each meetp g. She is an Womens - heavy shoes. at .8B cents a
t worker in the..cause of temper- pair at Gibson's.
Lady Le
cox is
has ev
best te
and b
p `s auctioneer, will sell
by public aiiction-at lot 6, con. 4,
Kinloss, on October 28th,
a large quantity of farm stock, imple-
ments; .etc.; • the -property of,- Mrs. -A.
--Me hope to hear regularly from
all our 'correspondents now that the
busy season in the rural districts is
over. A correspondent is wanted in
each village and' school section not
already represented.
—An exchange tells of a printing
office in Kentucky being opened with,
prayer. This is a rare exception to
the rule, as from time immemorial it
has been the custom. for printing
offices to be opened by the devil • and
ciosed by the sheriff.
TEARTH,t not\
And I am going to have it in Lucknow, too, and 1hy that
announce to the people of Lucknow• and surrounding
any person or persons 'coming to me having their teeth. out -
that Z. will put in two sets of teeth,
ran . or Permaneni
Tempo • �'
For the price of one set, $15, made of the very best material
in the world. I use no rubber but C. Ash & Sons, London, England.
The teeth will be C. Ash & Sons, and S. S. White's, conceded
by all who are in the business to be the best in the world.
Those firms have •their names on their goods, and the people
can see what they are getting, and as I will •
guarantee. fJsfa i on
To all reasonable people, the unreasonable, and there are such in the world
will.please bear in mind, that I do not•. want .their trade. I can
always be found at Dr-Tennant's office ucknow,,
.,.i,� FA'ri. z¢.4'.I.;... �^---_ ..•+7-,.- - - ,...,�-•»n,... ta-
' Dean Bros., • of Montreal; are now
offering a beautiful engraved or plain,
ladies' or gents' size, filled case gold
watch for only•$1.00• to be paid after
you have received it and have given,it
30 days trial and find it just what
they represent. It is a stem wind,
stem set, fine movement, and war-
ranted for over 10 years by the makers
and cannot be bought any where for
less than $30.00 in any retail store.
Dean Bros, do this to advertise their
New ,Blood,; Liver and Stomach.Pills,
and consider that $20,000 a year spent
in this way will do more to advertise
their business than any other method.
Send them your address on a post -card
addressed DEAN Bitos., Montreal, Que.
�- —roe. .
IAbsolutely pure from all foreign substance and will not gum or
Ncorrode on farm machinery. For sale by
D. C. TAYLOR, ••Lucknow. R. MURRAY, St. He ns. -Q
a. m. an11,, 6:30 p. m, Sunday School,
2:30 p. ii ., Sdperintendent, Wm. S. Holmes.
Adult class everyWednesdayevening at
arewel� welcome.e and RRA/. W�.yJ r Co NORbook , P Kto All
1.1 tate. Reading room open every evening
from 0 to -10 p m., excepting Saturdays, when
the hours will be from 2 to' 6 p. m• The
librarian will be 'in attendance during these
a hours.
XVoutDOC1i, sec et ry.R' President, J. G:
Fire and Marine 1nsurallce.
North British and Mercantile, of Edinburgh
and London. ,Western, of Toronto.
Liverpool inSondon and Globe, of Liverpool.
Gore District, of Galt. -
Northern, of London and Aberdeen.
Guardian, of London, England. Phoenix, of
London, England, and Accident In-
surance Cosy., of North America, Montreal.
Telegraph or Telephone at my expense,