HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1891-10-23, Page 5• • 0 C Straughan Point lace -- Mra Symington Macrame work -1st Miss Symington, 2nd Mra C Campbell Crewel work -let Mrs C . Campbe'T, 2nd Mies ]flallough Fancy flannel shirt -let ' Miss Hamilton, 2nd Miss, Buchanan 'Orazy patchwork ='let Mrs .T` C" Straughan, 2nd Mrs Anderson � aaeai`. wsilc-a Miss -Symington, .2nd Mrs C Campbell `Suit ladies' uuderware-'Miss Symington • Da net-ist Mrs G Rat, 2nd Miss S).ninikton Dai oh sock or stock+-ig-Mrs 11 J Howell, 2nd Mrs T Anderson Tinsel work -Mrs 0 Campbell~,• 2nd Mrs A Anderson Etching on any material, tine or coarse -let Mrs C Pr Campbell.,.2nd Miss L Buchanan 'r ,� S¢y2x•'r b "i•:T u;F.' 7 J ^9' t�vl'r�t�,�'�,atirnpTbefi, Symington ' . Knitted qui It -let Mrs G Nott; 2nd Mrs W Cameron Crotchet quilt,-lst Miss Symington, 2nd Mrs C Campbell Six yards rat. carpet- 1st Mrs G Nott, 2nd Miss L Buchanan Rag mat -Miss L Buchanan, 2nd Mrs W C -----�- 4 I.W?:4:x4Ai R:.r e+Av xAJAAtAVA'A4 Aal,;-A'S The Lucknow Sentinel, Bruce vounty, October 23rd PARAMOUNT. C Nutt, 2nd Miss 1 Woollen Yarn -1st Mrs. L aiamilton,. 2nd A D Cameron Honiton lace- 1st Mrs G Nott, 2nd Miss Symington Embroidered -slippers -1st Mrs ()Campbell 2nd M°es Syju ington Drawing oom screen-lst Miss Symington 2nd Mrs ampbell Table a f -1st Miss Symington, 2nd M S Scott and -ail -went hone-wid h-the-li-ttl -ditty- Embroidered•. table cloth -1st Mrs G Nott, on their lips : ' ii Mr. Dan Potcher returned frgal 1 - +armeha, Are taking up their roots) Bacla::e, Mich., after spending a few In most places they are an excellent days visiting his son. Mr. Peter Murray who went on a visit to eotlandsome months ago, is we believe on his voyage homeward. 4 • ASHFIELD. M Campbell, -the phrenologist gave a very interesting lecture in Para- mount school last Thursday evening, Those who had the pleasure of tearing the Professor state that it was a rare treat. Mr. Campbell will againlecture in Paramount in December, and it not hear him to take advantage of the chance. crop,* The apples must have been a better crop than was expected, as a great number of barrels have passed -here on their way -to -Lucknow for - shipment. Mr. Wilson's mill, 12th con., has undergone extensive repairs. He makes Sweet cider' on Tuesdays and Saturdays of each week. Mr. Wm. Ritchie, 13th . con., has l' srJix'?sis'emitt '1 lrbar 9..-s3.Is.! roast learn he is sesnewhat better at this writing. At The harvest iss ae the summer is P - - �' The ffa,ll wheat looks fine in this ended and now is the 'time for sport vicinity.- There isa large acreage of Several of the young folirof Paramountit sown. Farmers have' been encour- took advantage of the time and hi@il a ed to sow a lar a extent on account cr o e'°'gtiiiiot �f. .r,• Kenzie to spend an enjoyable evening. About nine o'clock strains of music were heard, and each lad and his lass began to tip the light fantastic toe and mingle in thil-naaay thele of the dance. About midnight. the party broke up 2nd Mrs C Campbell. Set table mats-lst Mrs C Campbe'l, 2nd Mrs G Nott ' Tea oozy -Mrs G Nott, 3nd Mrs J C .Straughan Ribbon work -1st Miss Symington, 2nd :Mrs C Campbell Outline embroidery -Miss Sy mington, 2nd Mrs G Nott Drawn work-lst Miss Anderson, 2nd Miss 'Symington Woollen shawl, crotchet or net -1st and 2nd Mrs 0 Campbell Painting on silk or satin, amateur -let Miss: Syminbion, 2nd Mrs A Anderson • Fire screen-lst Mrs C Campbell, 2nd Miss Symington Fancy tidy -Mrs C Campbell, 2nd Mi.i P F Hamlin Crotchet lace, 'nen-lst Mrs C Campbell. "2nd Mrs T Hamilton • cotton-let.Miss Symington, amilton , tbroidery on felt or plush lst on, 2nd Mrs A Anderson Crotch 2nd Mra Chenille e Miss Sy mina Mantle drape -Mrs A Anderson, Mrs J C, Straughan Fancy tidy, drawn work -1st M. C Camp- bell, 2nd Mrs A Anderson Best and greatest • collection of ladies' work' useful and ornamental, the work of one peraon-lst Miss Symington, 2nd Mie C SCampbell . - Judges -Mrs 'W H Smith. Mrs H Gau'ey, and Miss. Tena Gordon • FINE ARTS • Landscape, oil -1st Mrs C Campbell, 2ad Mrs A Anderson Animals from life, oil- 1st Mrs C Campbell 2nd Mrs A Anderson Portrait, oil-lst and 2nd Miss Lane Landscape, oil -1st Mrs -C Campbell, 2nd Mra J Carrie Pen and ink sketch -1st Mrs C Campbell. 2nd Miss Lane • Crayon or pencil drawing - let Mrs C Campbell, 2nd Miss Symington Sepia -1st Mrs A Anderson, 2nd Mrs C Campbell Specimen penmanship by boy or girl under I5 years --1st Jas Lane, 2nd•Matthew Woods, mental music,, singing, recitations, etc, 3rd John McLean Judges -Mrs R Fairbairn, Rev A Potter, the rendering of which reflected grea5 R Clendeuing. credit on those who took part. After Now let us Ping—Lorry !ive the„Qner, May McKen..ies long-'ived be, • •- And when they net doth have a dance May we be there to see. The members of Dew -drop lodge, Paramount,, intend having a neck -tie social in the temperance hall next Friday evening. - This will be of a veryinteresting nature, for when selecting a neck -tie you are selecting a partner for the evening. Come one, come all, and See that the . quieter sex have an escort to tea. BANK of HAMILTON LUCKNOW. Oapital,4$1,208,85o. Rest, $6uo o .0. 1 'Pres dent -JOHN ST174wr. Vice President -A. G. RttJ1SAY, DIRECTORS: JOHN PROCTOR, CHAS. GURNEY, GiErr. ROACH /� A.T. Wcox,A. B: LEE (Toronto}. " _0 -AN -N E^^ .E,i. GOODS. a - Cashier --J. TURNBULL. SAYINGS BANK.-Hnprs 10 to 3; Satur- days, 10 to 1. Deposits of $1 and upward. .received and interest allowed. e AL DEPOSITS also received at cur- rift= F lT • 'f.�+.. Y .n n,.y. s k c[•;:?n:- Fni4' .:.. n +uTrxBPT'- .. rrhv^.tcmn .1'r , i �,..:<_ -rip. ren''t`r`ates�o1=`inte4•eet�� � —a� �•�..c�.�.�s +�a,�a�a� DRAFTS on Great Britain and the United A SPECIALTY. States bought and sold. U Leads tbem •all for . arrazy Groceries • Fruits of All Kinds in Season. C. BROWN, Sun-Aomtvr. The Largest Stock, • OF INTEREST TO SHIPPERS. A despatch from Neepawa, Man., says'; The public has been consider- ably interested over the importarnt railway case that c rile before our magistrate, Mr. Fierdhaven, the other • day. A Mr. Hay, of Listowel, Ont., shipped a car load of horses. In the car he, placed a quantity of goods which. he. C.lainted were carried by the freight on the horses Op.yarrival of the carthe railway agent seized the goods other than the horses for the non-payment- of freight on the addi- tional articles. and resealed the car. Mr. Hay .broke the seal and removed his things.•.and the company. laid: 'an information, against hitt for larceny. After hearing the evidence Mr. Field - haven committed Mr. Hay for trial at Portage La Prairie, but accepted bail by Mr, Hay and two sureties. The railway people say that they -have had considerable trouble of late over stow- away freight, and that they intend pushing all cases to the utmost until the practice has been discontinued. Mr. Henry Currie is the •Irappy possessor of a fine girl baby. Rev. Mr. McKay, of Lucknow, held Bible -class 'in Paramount school last Monday evening. Mr. Richard Martin has - returned• from the Canadian Northwest, looking hale and hearty. Tho Clover Valley Patron concert last Friday evening was a grand success. The evening being favorable a large crowd assembled at the school- house and about' haff-paW eight the, 'meeting ' was • called t order. An excellent programme had been pre - 'pared and after selecting Mr. Peter Corrigan as chairman, the entertain- ment began, The first item of the programme was the chairman's address in which Mr. Corrigan endeavored to, show the importance' offarmers,join= ing together to 'fight against the com- bines of merchants,- tradesman, manu- facturers, etc. Then followed instru=" HOLYROOD. • Mrs. Corrigan and Mrs. Dempsey have returned` from Chicago, where they have been visiting friends. A number from•this neighborhood attended ' the Patrons concert in Clover Valley last Friday evening and report having a, good time. The lecture " My - surprises in .the sunny south," delivered here by the Rev. A. Y: Hartley, of Bluevale, under the auspices of the Mechanics' Institute, was fully up to ' our highest anticipations. The evening• being very wet, the attendance was not so large as was. expected, but those who did turn out went home with a much higher opinion of our own native ---Canadarand-a-pomp* opinion_of what we generally considered a more' favor- ed country. HAYSEED. LANES. • T. Farmers are preparing to secure the root crop in winter. quarters. • A great deal of corn fodder has been seriously injured by the keen frosts of a week or so ago. • Mrs. Geo. Campbell is at present •visiting her father in Hamilton. It is with much sorrow we have to report the demise of `Miss Minnie Dickson whose illness we reported some weeks ago. After a very painful • illness; which she bore with the most Christian patience, she passed away on Saturday, Oet. 17th at the early agef 26 years. Miss Dickson was on £ the most respected and amiable your women of our community, and was universally esteemed and beloved by all who had the pleasure of her acquaintance. Being a member of the Presbyterian church, she was visited by Rev. R. S. G. A.nderso and' during his pastoral visits she' gave undoubted proofs of her faith in Christ and hopes of a better life hereafter,, The bereaved family have the earnest sympathy of all, and no doubt will realize that what is their loss is her eternal gain. Tho remains were interred in Dungannt . ceinoteryhB Monday, the 20th inst. moving a hearty vote .of thanks to the. chairman and those assisting with the programme, the entertainment ended by singing, "God Save the Queen." a 6' LANG,SIDE CORRESPONDENT. To the Editor of the Sentinel: DEAR SIR,—Please insert the follow= ing 'for the benefit of the Langside correspondent of the SENTINEL : • In the SENTINEL of the 9th inst. the Langside correspondent intimated among other notes that I was the guest of Mr. •Dawson on Sunday last. Now I do not know how true the rest of his notes may have been, but this one I know is perfectly groundless as I spent that day in Kincardine, and less than a _year ago the Langside, amotator wrote a note oUexactly the' same nature and'equally false. Surely this scribe must have over $Iept himself" ori he"seY obertard is `buil" gathered those items of news out of some delusive dream, and I would just suggest that whatever he writes for. publication in future, let it be founded on facts and let him not sit down and write anything that his imaginative powers may dictate to him. ' Now I do occasionally spend a few hours at Mr. Dawson's (very pleasantly too) and may soon do so again, and if the Langside correspondent would just favor Me with his name, I could send him a note informing him of the fact, giving the correct !date, eto.,- and by this means help him in future to avoid such bungling. JOHN: McKENzIE, Holyrobd. —The theory of the light I of the aurora borealis was involved from the analysis of its light by the spectero- scope, which showed that it was caused by electricial discharges among the particles of meteoric dust in the atmosphere. The broad red line of the spectrum of iron is shown in •all these cases, and 'thus upholds the. theory, as it is well known that the principal part of meteors is, metallic iron.- • • • H'ood's . Sarsapari I Is, L a concentrated extract of Sarsaparilla, Yellow Dock, Pipsissewa, Juniper Berries, Mandrake, Dandelion, and other valuable , vegetable remedies, every ingredient being ,strictly pure, and the best of its kind it is possible to buy. ' It is prepared by thoroughly competentphar- macists, in the most careful manner, by a peculiar' Combination, Proportion and Process, giving to it curative power Peculiar To Itself It will cure, when in the power of medicine, Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Blood Poisoning, Cancerous and all other Humors, Malaria, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Sick Headache, Catarrh, Rheumatism, and all difficulties with the Liver and Kidneys. It overcomes That Tired' Feeling, Creates an Appetite, and gives mental, nerve, bodily, and digestive strength. The value of IN THE MATTER OF A. E. BRASHER, Of Lucknow, Insolvent, The Insolvent has made an assignment to the undersigned for the benefit of the creditors r -Ii: -S; O.,1869; -chapter -124------ & The Best Value obtainable in Lucknow. 0 EL All persons claiming to rank upon the estate of the Insolvent must file .their claims with me on or before the 1st day of November, 1891, after which date I will proceed to distribute the assets of. the Estate, having regard to those claims only of which I shall then have notice. D. HENDERSON, Assignee, No, 17 Front St. West. Toronto. Toronto, Sept.10th, 1891. Hood's ■ Sarsaparilla Is certified to by thousands of voluntary wit • - nesses all over the country whom it has cured of diseases more or less severe. It is sold by all druggists. $1; six for $5. Prepared, only . by C. I. HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. N. B. If you decide to take hood's Sarsapa- ' rilla do not bo induced to buy any other. • FARM FOR SALE. THE' PROPERTY OF THE LATE Thomas Mullin, comprising 200 acres of good land, Nos. 5 and 6, Con, 11, Ash. field. 120 acres are' " cleared, and the remainder is good maple bush. For further particulars apply to MALCOLM MCDONALIY, Executor, LUCKNOW (]O� SALARY and Commission !!77 to Agents, Men and Women, Teachers and., Clergymen, to introduce a new and popular standard boob. Testimony of 19 Centuries to Jesus of Nazareth. The most remarkable religious book of the age., written by 300 eminent scholars Non- sectarian. Every Christian wants -it. Exclu- sive territory . given. APPLY TO - The Henry Bill Publishing Uo., • Norwich. Conn. TO THE FARMERS I have rented the, store, occupied by Mr. ' Geo. Kerr and am prepared to PAY' CASA FOR BUTTER AND EGGS. The highest price will be plid for butter according to quality: R. C. SPARLING. DUNNrS BAKINO POWDER THE COO.ICS.BES1 FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. An Unequalled, Assortment Including all the newest `y 4, STYLES AND NOVELTIES ARE YOU DEAF 10,®,..__.�ose�7 Or do you'suffer h; ;•,.,. sof a from noises in the head. Then send 3 cent stamp and I fl0 �0 ar will send a valuable tteatise containing full particulars for home cure which' costscomparatively nothing. A splen- did work ,on• deafness. and •the ear.— Address, PROP. G. CHASE, Montreal. Of the season in womens and childreEs boots for • FALL & WINTN1t Wear, also in all the LE D.NG LINES In mens, womens & childrens RUBBERS & OVERSHOES y LUCKNOW MARKETS. Fall Wheat, per, bushel Peas " Oats Potatoes Y" Butter, per lb Eggs, per dozen ...... ........ .12 ,.89 .55 25 .25 .13 PIG ESTRAY. STRAYED TO THE PREMISES OF ithe undersigned at lot 25, con. 4, Kinloss on orbout the lst of September, a black pig. The owner is requested to prove property, pay expenses and take it away. • D. McDONALD, 3.923 Langside P. 0. • LAMBS FOR,, SALE. THl+; UNDERSIGNFD HAS FOR sale at Lot 20, Con 10, Kinloss, a number of choice Oxford Down ram lambs and shearlings which are offered for sale at reasonable prices He also has for sale some fir At class ewe lanfbs, HENRY' THOMPSON, Holyrood P 0 • AT MRS. J. urchison's LUCKNOW The newest, freslest, latest, most seasonable, moat fashionable Mil LLJNEJ3Y' As cheap as cash can buy. • AT-- PEART'S,. LUCKNOW. NOTICE. THE SUBSCRIBER HAS OPENED AN - office in the building east of . the SENTINEL Printing Office. AGREEMENTS, . BONDS, LEASES, DEEDS, MORTGAGES AND WILLS CAREFCLLY PREPARED. Plans ;specifications and estimates for build ings, mills, bridges, etc., furnished on short notice. JAS. SOMERVILLE. Lucknow, Tan .1891. PERSONAL ATTENTION To all orders the, year round. V.Crs. Murrchi on. Has just opened out a fine assortment of DRESS GOODS Jo all the latest Colorings. Also Dress Trimmings In Silver and Gilt Gnimps. Navy and Gilt Cord Trinining, Also Black and. Gilt. A cheap line of cloths, suit able for fall wraps, etc. Yarns in all the different grades. A special line of Black Y aro o School Wear A call from intending purchasers is solicited. Ms. Smith,. 1!: is