HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1891-10-23, Page 2, • , . , .
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_ z THE rgEsupoT A. swallows.
sylv*nlit Bank. .. ADM 011oSs . _ Described by a lininition Young Dan Wh
,,, is There. ,
'‘'1:'----- ":-.; • af '''.. : '.:,.._Arpt9!IPPOI, Al'iD ..00,0741C14
•,. . , 41;NAILSOW 1104,1".E., -, .. . . . . rmr..,... 1.11
'741" WO WilOir A 514,1011 *We fitiVied Pala $10.0-00.....i. ge,,k. sodi.,,,,,i, 4*.141,16vrtckedsreun„. Khoo, iqother, .0 tb.e sanawaneo of the
Metlneil waspresided over by Rev. r. Wm.
_ . .__. _ _ •_ _ • . -a, 134et°te.rl'frbollro4 ellie'arisgOn°11igOtilcriistt°14114141Wei"4
.VOlcari House, Island of awaii, riamlwielt
''411'it".0*$.11:74g70!0-4:0!1°'“10-•149->: ;- "c Fr11,41 A111111"1"4 ' 1
. .
n,zeziiion43bo $1411,0414--Aounionicgl- -Onyok, ...limbo pad Rouver to -day '4 Clearfield, Pa.,, deapateb SSTS : The 1 ConSientious mothers will fix the rule
'd t Dill of the never to deprive their children of theirdaily
were prellraluarY,', bearing °dated Ellin%
4.,..,:asluilgtelldeaRatell Para Thes_... , t . 4. 1400911108 4e4PatPh sil$6 z MinUtOra •
ti,17470, Qp-Pililii44-w- --.40-,.-4.040naiefl the They left the prefecillt.,- '
treatedto . rather-ilia/Bug . enserleoce:- -aefouct-bnnking '..inititution of qlearfield and
i * carriages, Houtzdale, took place outing, unless sickness or ' 1 t weather
300 miles south from Honolulu
" • .• •rsieirodetiol 4xegc#7.7,!„ Per wee -offered hy ,:aecorted. by the r-XWaars--andsa.--anisahist-of ,keeper .Bloom, who was the firet; examined, ' ..y
eata-T-1029,--.-- 1,__,,m4....„.iji lassobbiged to change -some of their
on Vridii,i; -Boolt:'compels•--therri-te-do-so. -..In. order that they 'IsTands,
ma keep this rule inviolate many Ma -hers 'Tr.
• • fs I 5, - VOIGani0 MOUniajill Atsgust 9t4„ 4891.
on theside of Mauna Loa, 13,760feethigh;
opiesof-Ganeer,400,1a.e.t....above Elea.level,
.......11‘.1Grart . . • b ia hering to - - - -
for daseuesien was thelastraitela lip, it with a sight-seeing, cheering lutiltitude, but 1,' 11,hrtiAtxal bwoOla jag ill ifjelilzjsbaslint; talc": Otintteg fault especially common -10-1W
*4..T's John Wakefield, Of Qa440,,,, Tho, MAI?: •gendarnies, lisp' streete %veva thron6
r Pavo - rgc-I'spoilzyglotrearaviTaech°41111t(11.113;e7. credit of Dill,*(ounting to $12,604, made their infants up and/ " coddling " build a large hotel, barns,. su p ur Mfaii,--,-------
,, . ogieg, ' itor'''Ot 0 :-Oontemipetc,i,ry• up of three items, of which one was for them as soon as they show signs of waking,
, bad, costs $25 per 1,000 feetto haul lumber, .
etc. , 30 miles. frprn the coat, roads very
'4', . • "4:fT)i.'e 0,441L70.4 DJ*14,00.44O.t.liOuliSt," at several points along thornnto..pronounced in
144.,•...,i-m.,.:,..:.ti.• lot ttati-irus!:141:111-V7' ---,ArortyalosgrzL.,-Nrarl,, ---,3-rml•flf. -PriX assassaawasmatassrasassaassaassasassaassa, , aase4. all...11r*t.kat4o,,,itItIttrialcithteaslyi. ',
'While paiiSing -through ' Alt. a Boulevard $10,000, marked " Philadelphia Bxchange.
t ed to the bank journal of the
". er are r,estless and disposed to cry. Such'
mothers very generally find that ' it takes freight from Honolulu $5 per M,
the cost. there is $22.50 to $45 per
. gr, Bunting's absence the paper :Vaaa open knife having a sharp,blaile with great same mite an 1, dia.. wfficn is (vitt° true ,--touro ,,n , ., ,„, jfej..etty.expensive lumber.
: • 4000.;,$.-7-Terry,of- tar -OM -ton, Ile.,c Rieke nately missed its mark, striking with con- omit clerk of the Chestnut street Na- into this habit, henceforth she is a veritable Average costlfarilititiSatianaistIssOgaranassassassas„,
building takes 135,000 feet besides tons of
. by J. 0.- Black, of Loudon. Rev. Dr. force at the Ministers. The weapon fortu- Dill's handwriting, • W. ' C. Smith,
•40'29;0•attlttlde of the Church tO‘vaol : the Siderable force, but handle foremost, an tional Bank, pttiladelphio, was next slave to her child's capriees.
alartatifiVittifaii,bfl.ualsltel. offfcer of the prefecture, who was seated in called, and create.d a sensation by
The.fault is, puro and simple, the creation other material. "This is the world -famed
Bev.'-''' W. 'T. Davidson, of 'England, tutor ,_the rear of the Ministerial carriages The stating that Dill had no credit there of of the mother, and but the natural cense- crater •the largest active volcano in - the
-,..,-.', . ' - '
oferrorsin 'lid nient and a bad world and it's a grand sight. Itis beyond de,
1,10,30#1041W‘likare.4; Sill MOMS, in Iii b- incident cued great exeitement, and the $10,000 on July 14thor anywhere near that quence. 3 g ,
. ,. , • ' I
77.0" 1.,ill 5. I:
I 5ndarmeS immediately charged and di's- time Thisrwitness corroborated
,,,,,. ot- -
. .„,,, ,... • . , 11.11 . till i : $i
The Vfm- • ee r Bloom that only $1,800
the, testi- beginning in. the management of their little
one. If it is healthy and properly treated
• t . t. : ,:. , . scription ,you cannot describe it ; another
thing it changes BO, not as some
, ,V.•','4.,';' t.:•4:1•4i AO lAhla and MOW'CritiCiste' ',nye! twcliscoversthe -miscreants
... . . . ... ...... .. . eekrenifftestata.---Valassialeas month -Fa -file Pasinifilri. sessas-arsa,
on ht in its early pose. The active vo„loca‘nothis n,otisolaneoloirelli
Church,'Illiv(d""- ''' "'"Ada----iali-l'ar
,, 9...os, A. 1,,IX.?;10X,41,..... fP. FP-„ -, 0. -, ' • • - • t• - - . 1 I i 6ethstue°11
created in Dill's books colattWAlifiltita-fal- advances the -amount required be- .
also which hi:ea, a ou evel'y4dW'asr-aa,--------,a-
nssed la Res a Dr; inters ere tetWarda'entertainaat,liincbC to. t -e-- Chestnut -street ba.nk. Both _were _
.:44,,s.. .17;thOlfltndante . tat 414.,sttopii 4;4., ;0,abinet haa resolved to mike a vigorouscomes less but even at two years it ought 1886 it broke out and the lava ran 30 miles
,., , Buck v , . #,490, could give ..of tbe onstoma tarifE He said that the stated ry_by Dill, but both ,
stioned by counsel and by occa- , As age
other Dr
,•, ' iOni, 'i,YFIEM,1;01. NY as false' as the defeUce before the Senate bar the free entry, bank examiner then pronounced the entry this amount of sleep than there are who o, but Helo, maumu. is always active. On the
to eleekipe,.-1,„ 4bhoure out of every 24. to the sea. It took nine months to get
there...it filled up areat gulches on its way,
t'Sla- - irstitiOn,',..unle s the 'birth Of iif raw material, which .w.eSs 'necessary as a false. Pending further examination the de- and yet it is abmountain is a,we'll say,table land,
just as though it h4.1' ' tied down then and
alas. ,airs'titata , e'Oesrait-ofsthe-d_itiinaniiiita, '' ilAvt of the nat'enal ijs..._LailIstrysSasfence asked for time and "the hearing was well being. solutely essential to their side of the
Onnhthwithout the agency of man, , . continued until i-u-313-Priday at Alto- thers-ought-notlerto.henbliged there. Then 'anothe . ., ' one inside of
Ifea.brOtigbt-forward had been a subject — • . $20,000 to appear. at that time. Another. important cares if they are wise in their con- bed of the crater which is three miles across,
• , ;.y,, earibe#44,Nine4enths of What -the high MIRE** lit BVSsas. ,
Mi. Dill wassbdund* over in the sum of to neglect either thew infants or their other another till you come
Y44044111ty bible students for twentk-five The Russian Gendarmes Pastmitaters in the m. y much, in- nine miles around all black lava.' About the
- ' years. The trouble lay in the arrogance of warrant was served, however; by Marshal duct and economize tieVer
Art Maedonaldism. Harrah, charging ' Dill with embezzling deed, will depend upon the way, they per- centre of this floor is the lake of fire 400feet
ss.. s .Awinottics.' The trial of Dr. Briggs had; A SL Peteisiburg cable says: The' United $70,000 from the First National Bank Of form the first duties of motherhood. If they down in a big basin about a mile across at
.,..,;,....:. '-„, rxeolltecl not from what,. he held mitsbut th
a. States Immigration Commisszoners, who Clearfield, and he. was required to. give an devote themselves selniost wholly to *their the tdp tapered- -doWn to half-rnile air the
`'..,' ' *rfOgant•and damning manner in which he have recently been viaiting Russia were i additional bond of $20;000 before he could. little (meta -they must expect, for a year or bottom where it is boiling and spurt-
. ',Ought to force tho.se ideas down the throats painfully impressed by the condition-of:the ; return to. his home. two, at least, to be martyrs to this mistake; ing away. It's terribly grand. Just think
• • Of every 0118 (Applause.) Jews who are within the pale. They saw al Whereas, ff the following rule be observed, of a great impute .., a iron in a
Chairman Arthur, addressing the •cotuicil, number of curious examples of Russian . opu wimpy
. . _____ EXPORTS. the management of healthy children, at stove foundry, only hundred timegaslarge ;
said he hiclatever.heard in a -Methodist as- administration, of which the following kast, is not likely to prove a hardship : Do it seems to boil from one place, al bout the
eparthlYssdiscaesion.which caused him such instance is given : A Jew suffeiing from - McKinley's BH1 Reduced the quantity nob take up a baby unless it is absolutely centre -throws it up fifty feet at times,
dieepletiling as the one heard this. morning. hydrophobia was being treated at the Pas- necessary, and retern it to its crib at the then subsides for a few seconds, then up
, . ifti had heard words used that evidently teur Institute, Moscow. When isupposed
evoution ? stitiiand Official returns show that the export of
liest moment. again. When it boils up it seems to run
-7-tlibluiers had not settled in- their heads- to be curedri-a . gendarme arrived at the harleIn other words, a mother should hold her the one waysand the noise is just lik
the fiewer e the
30th June, 1891, was 4,892,327 bushels , infant inter arms juSt as-littbsaspossible-; -breakers'. on a beach. Itis worth
fold iteelfbecause tha long
cy from- Canada durirtg the year ending
'The unrolling of, a thing from itself. Give foot, marching stage by stage alongside the 1 aeainst 9,975,911 bushels in 1890. In detail
a and during the 'intervals between feeding, journey to see it 'Flysptitionths ago th
ere was a power at the westeprovince The Muted ere
What- they meant. What was linte t'he Sew was conducted on
the sun and rain and it would un- gendarme's horse, to his birthplace in the .iiie exports in 1891 were 132,650 bushels to washing, dressing and journeys out of doers, was a great cone inside of the hole, • or
• ,rn s. Sta,tes Gteat ' Britain, 4,751,952 bushels to the the crib is the proper place for it. This where the lake is now ; it was above the
, *tot. commissioners also visited a fa.ctoty at United States, 7,714 bushele to Newfound- should be the rule in health. Of course no. level of the bauk. When you got over to
,s, .' Bishop Keener, M. E. Church South, said Gradno, capital of the province Of that land. In 1890, 27,132 bushels were ex-. line of conduct can be maaked out for a where we look down at it now, 400, feet,
'lie belieired it was the putpose Of the human name, where hundreds of Jewesses were, ported to England, 9,939,745 bushels to the mother when her baby is ill. you had to go up forty feet to the big lake.
- j-siiind to ' ..sp the problem ef creation that workingior wages amounting to less than United States and. 8,973 bushels to New- There were two sma r istkes also, and the
Lad res ted in evolution. • • 50 cents per week. The high standard of foundland. The decline of 52 per cent in the .VE11011/it CA.RELESSNESS, , • -
--as fire was shooting out • &rough the cone.
, • Rea. M. E Allen, of Shffield, Eng.; said inotality of these girls, in- spite of the state total expert is.due mainly to •the increased It was grand. On morning they-sthe
' • .' we were issthe midst of 'a great yeaction. of frightfut poverty lit which they lived,. ii duty on barley in the United States last Or the Story of the Book Agent and the people at the hotel- issed the cone. Yon
. .
Caution and study were necessary, or the said to have made a deep impression upon fall, although the fact reustbe borne ininind, - .iissays cound see it from the house. They went over
litold of the church and the great super- the American commissioners. At a Rns- that the quantity of barley sown last ' It was suminer, says the Cincinnati Com- and where had been a mountain of fire the
statural theories would be Shaker'. s elan police station' the commissioners 're- in • anticipation of the increase mercial Gazette ; he was a book agent ; the weht he,or.- there was nothing but a great
,, . • . Rey. David Brock, of England.said Eng- ceived a. lesson in bribery, a Rwssian friend fall
in the American tariff Considerably redeced frent door bell rang ; the kitchen .girl hole 500 feet deep, with very little fire in
s -fish preachers felt that at waa.like knocking: Of the tinvellers openly bribing a number Of the quautity available for ezpert. On 'the saiswered the peal. . • . it. lt did the bailie seven years ago.
, their heads against a stone wall to refuse Russian officials one after the other withaut other hand a large increase is shown in the "Good morning,. ma'am." fire kept gettinglarger and larger until I
,to accept certadn scientific:facts. If there meeting with a single relnifE percentage of barley . exported to Great : : III0 utmh ep hi aid" y arrived two months ago. 1 lookedl I saw,
. had. been n loss in the belief of thetheory' of Britain, which recent exporta indicate will of the house in?" I wondered. . Five &Lye after there Was a
mechanical Inspiration of the Bible there . ' In8 SWEETHEA1CT SIIICIDEV,
be gre,atly increased over last year' .
great coaimotion, I saw it during the
— . . afternoon ; more steam and Vapor. That
'had been a grand gain in the depth el lave , " She is." ,
" Can I see her?"
washers presence,. , , . rowed barley. s firre4''
ltfa J. J.. McLaren, of Canada, said -while .
. .
Both stand in motionless silence, eapect-
" 1 ou can." •
. _ night we went.over, and we sawsvhit ? the
lake had risen a hundred feet or more, and,
for Christ. •• Amalie ShoL,Illingelf 'Dead la the Cruel as 'a result.of this season's shipment o two-
acientiste confined theraselves to the dis- A Berlin cable says•: A nierchant named A Word for the Spider. . was twice as large and active. ' It Will .keep
corery of the laws of nature there Was Richard Engel, of Hagelstrasse, this city,
-Is it not enough that every bird-. that ffies,. " You said I could see ,the lady ,of the on until it has a cone up again. When it 'is
.,!, .nothing to Say. •The conflictbetweenseienee courted and won the daughter of Privy up the fire breaks out throUgh cracks all
ruthleesly robs her nursery, devours her house?" over the floor of the crater. People go over
amid religion had came from scientists who.- Councillor Loehe, but when he Baked 'for
babias, and even snatchee her own soft body " I did."
Were unsatiiified with their Wolk, who -did-the daughter's -hand he was mets with a con- 0 Well, why .don't I see the lady of the sometimes, and , cracks' open up between
flies steal their greedy young into her house, then ?' '. . them and the bank. It takes hours to get
net know the " A B C's" of the rule of tempt -nous refusal Engel retired heart- -from the very sanctum of home ; . that gauzy
evidente, and Were totally incapable of broken' from the interview and wandered " Yon see her." ' back, sometimes alliaight, and such a walk
!drawing a conclusion. Science ' had been Girl looks down .frigidly. over lava, that cuts the shoes off your feet.
clise,onsolatelythrough the streets. As he nursery to fatten upon her infanta ; that to
compelled tO abandon more potitions'than was passing Mnhlenstrasse he was attracted Agent looks up paralyzed. It was enly a few nights ago •that a party
monkeys, tiquirrek and lizzards her phimp
had religion. , by a crowd on the quay, aid drawing near body is a sweet morsel they never resist ;
" Then I would like to see the personage
• got lost, got off the trail and wandered .
• _ he saw.some men dragging. from the river that frogs and toads snap her up without
who owns the property." ' • around for •three hours. A native man
. OMAHA ROUSED. the corpse of a young girl. Something, ceremony; that centipedes seize her in reSist- working for us, that uEred to be asgusde,,
abotit the dress or. figare seemed familiar. less grasp a that 'wasps paralyze and bury.
-0.‘ Then I want to see the man, woman, or
" In Chicago." .
went down and piloted .thent out, The
Lynchers of she Bruie Coe Jalled-A Mob He darted forward, and the terrible sus- her aliVe ? Are not these enough, without
child, lady, gentleman, dowager, Old maid, guide was a, new one. , The 4th of July
. Threatens Trouble. picion that had snbsequently formed in his ma.n joining the hoat of exterminators ?
bachelor or heir-at-law who rents this pro- night we went over:. Talk,about fireworks I
Man, too --in whose service shelives ! It/ beats Professor Hand's. 'It's wen-
perty from the Chicago owner." .
, s An Omaha despatch.' has the following mind was confirmed --the body *as' that of derful."
his sweethearL On learning of her father's Consider for a moment her usefulness.
particulars of ,the Omaha lynching : Joe ." Oh, you want to ssee the woman that
Coe, a negro, was lynched early yesterday assists me with the work ! w h y didn't you
decision she had rushed from the house and Count, if ynu can the thousands of flies, and
threwn herself into the Spree. Engel was, mosquitoes eaten'by one mammon house or ,For the Female Form.
morning by a mob, which battered down say so in the first place ? -This vulgar care-
theeteel doors of' the' city 'jail and braved lessness in the use ef the Word ' lady ' is Golden brown mixed cheviot for late
crazed by grief. He followed the corpse to garden spider in a sunimer. Then remem-
the house of the Privy Councillor, and ber her harmlessness. Other. servants we traveling gowns.
the whole police force and the fire depart- very aggravating."
entering with the bearers, he drew a pistol must pay ; birds eat our cut -worms, our
and, shot himself dead, his body falling be- caterpillars and our potato -beetles, but we .
meat to' get its yictim. ' Clic *as confined to " Yes, I expect so -is she in ?" Rustic ectu hats trimmed with cherries
5 -year-old Lizzie Yates, and when it became " When Will she be in ?" '
,the jail ' for a criminal assault on little
side that of his beloved' in the presence of' have 'to pay a tax -small, it is true --in'
mown that he child
effects of the injuries inflicted by the black had died from the t 4
e hotior-stricken father of the girl. :.,,,, 'fruits, in berriers, in green peas, 'in corn ; ..
Satin ribbons tor trimming satintfinished
owbi and hawks, while theYScle'stroy moles " Won't be in." Chine, ?Silks: ' ' . '
THE CHORUS GIRL SCANDAL. and mice, indulge now and then in' young " Why not ?.. Where is she ?" •
. ,
brute, the indignation of the citizens- was - Chickens. But the daughter owith h
f Aranche " I. ger husband at Old Point Comfort ave her a week's vacatioW to'spend
trimmed with ribbon.
Stamp baskets, silvered or gilded and.
'miscreant was the only thing that would . tke Public the Facts. suffers from her touch, no humming or
cleaning. You didn't think I was going to a " rain " fringe.
Monied to such a pitch that the life of the Rumor that Efforts Will be Made to Give asks no reward, neither fruit nor vegetable
she could rest up ready for the fall house- Beaded sets of girdle and collar ending in
'Joseph Newshoffer, who led the assault on Wales' set and the coterie of young swells faithfully she goes on her way doing • her do it all myself, did you ?" Cushon covers of Canton flannel for
satisfy them. .
' A London cable says : The Prince of buzzing attends her movements. Steadily,
the county jail last night, which resulted in
who surround Prince Albert Victor, hisyachts, hammock, etc. .
appointed work; and we, so wise, so far
. It Was, by, That Time.
the lynching of Geo. Coe, the negro, has been
eldest son, are alarmed over a report that b
a ove her in the scale of being, we -murder Many gray suede Oxford ties and silk ,
arrested on a charge of murder. the father of Lydia Miller, who is in good her !-Olive Thorne Miller, in Popular Chicago News : "Well, said Chappie, as stockings to match. , .
Seven member,: of the mob which lynched
circumstances, bas engaged a solicitor of Science Monthly. he and the Earl of Skipaboutpace&the deck Satin striped grenadine for inexpensive
• the negro, Geo. Coe, are under arrestcharged
standing,'who will not be likely to respectthe day -after the greyhound sailed, " what evening dresses. .
with urder in the first degree. At 7 p. m.
or protect the reputation of any one. who ,
300,000,000 Heart Beats. -
do you think of America ?" - '
a large crowd surrounded the county jail
may have been ilt of a breach of the law e human heart is six inches in length, "It's out of sight," said the noble Earl,
and threatened that if the -prisoners-were
in connection wit is 8 • ea ug er four inches m diameter and beats an aver- diplomatically.
not given their liberty the jail would be
attacked and the men liberated. County Among the ruiners, afloat is that Prince aegnehoefusre,vieny80toinitiesmepeer minute, induayte,e4n,d200times
Victor.and other aristocrats who had
Attorney Mahoney sent down word that the
hems. Irieetla . of, inethes, cheechorussgirl had not Wo titnes,,per..y,ear,-.6.9-igq'
n'wonre not b1ed ttiklet any 'tiff '
treated her' rightly. The Iniille:alla IS that years the heart beats 369,006,000 times.
the ill-treatment to which she was sub-'
jected, and Which, it is hinted, was of a very
sensational ;character, was the direct cause
of her suicide. Public feeling against the
coroner, who suppressed the evidence ad-
duced at the inquest, is very strong: 4
• .
cumatances, and the crowd at once began to
biy plans for attacking the jail. , . A Wholesale Dealer. '
AGAINST THE CAR STOVE. ' Talkative Drummer (to stranger on train)
, -Whit's your line?
A Nevr 'Work Railway Fined for DisregardStraker-Braitis 1
A Slidin Seale.
, ' fo the Law. Drummer (sarcastically) -Indeed 1 how
A New York despatch says : In . the The New Skirt. do you sell 'em. , "Tom," she asked, " what is this ring
Supreme Court circuit, before Judge Bart- There is a new kind of skirt for women Stranger -By the case; I'm worth ?"
a lawyer !-
lett, a verdict for $7,000 was yesterday which possesses, great advantage over all
" Well," he answered, "1 paid $75 for
directed to be entered against the NewYork,
, others for outdoor wear in that it is so con- Puck.
Tincture iodine..... 4 dans it ; actual worth probably $30 and I might
. . Ar . PB eY1S1 aPriegPe sr , i al;
brought by the AttornerGeneral of this of the drapery to become disarranged. Bus Tod. iron 12 dans A. , Stove Potin-
New Haven & Hartford Railway in the suit structed ' that it is impossible for any part ' A Simple Corn Solvent.
raiee about $12 on it at my uncle's." 19.1)
State to collect penalties for the heating of skirt is especially recommended for cycling, Sol. antini. chlor ' kdriins An Indiana, minister swears in his sleep. dry, Montagny, Quebec, -writes: "1
18f17. The customary stay of 30 days for the means of a slit on each hip instead of at the °-Pliarmaceuticat Erct,, his conference has been asked to pray for have used August Flower for DyS-
cars by stoves in vitilation of the Act of horseback riding and tennis.. It opens by Also useful for warts. , The weakness causes him great distress, and
purpose of perfecting anappeal was granted. back. The openings are ornamented with . .him , pepsia. It gave me great relief. 1
The United States Supreme Court will be buttons, so as to give the idea of pockets. . Some of Papa's Was MI88111g. l'irstFair Parishioner -You have got a
. recommend it to all Dyspeptics as a
"Why, the baby is getting his father'svery good remedy."
appealed to to determine whether the Car By being made in this way the skirt can benew minister since I went to Europe?
Stove Act was an unconstitutional mterfer- so scant that there is no Portion of it left fly-econd,Fair Parishioner -Yes. F. F. P.-
hair,"- exclaimed Aunt Sue, enthusiasti- 8
encs with inter -State commerce. ing to catch in the machine or otherwise A young man, too. "Flew do you like him'? Id. Bergeron, General Dealer,
Young Blaine in a Divorce Sult. cally.
" Yee," replied Uncle Geotge, " I notice
that its papa's bald spot iii getting bigger: F. F. P. -You do ? I shatildn't think you Lanzon, Levis, Quebec, vrites : " I
• discommode the wearer. -N. Y. Advertiser. S. F. P. -I find him very interesting.
Retribution. would. They say he's engaged. S. F. P.-- have used August Plow r with the
A special from Sioux Falls says : The .
She -You are very depressed. I didn't , - • Yes ; he's engaged to me. ' best po3Sible results for yspepsia."
answer in the famous divorce suit of MarieIle Dad Been on the Road.
Nevins Blaine againatJames G Blaine, jun.,. know you cared so much for your uncle. He -What allowance do you think your'
I 4
was served upon Mrs. Blaine to -day. She
from New York on the Central? C. A. Barrington,—Engineer and
Junius Bretus Irving -How far is Chicago.
He -I dida't • but I was the means of father ought to make usa when we are
asks for st decree of divorce and custody of keeping him in an insane asylum the last
Cassius Mortimer Dixey --I do not know General Smith, Sydney, Akistralia,
married ?' She -Well, if he makes allow -
the child and for suitable alimony. Mr. year of his life, and now that he has left me
in miles, but in railroad ties itis about 17,- awe for your faults I think he will be doing writes: "August Flower has effected
Blaine in his reply denies that he deserted ' all his money I've got to proVe that he was
is wife, but claims she deserted huts Fle of sound mind. . , 005,673,942. all that can be capected of him. a complete cure in my case. It act -
pleads poverty, and urges that hehas an
The Empress Frederick has presented the ed like a miracle."
come of only $2,000 a year, which will cease Young man, your safety demand that in- An edition of Walter Scott's novels on an mess of the regimeet of Prussian Hussars, of
should engage in some sort of is regular unprecedented scale of magnificence soon which she is honorary. Colonel, with a silver
the first of December next. He makes a you sb ,,,,,,, ..,,,to bespublished in England. Andrew Lang centrepiece, which cost $2,000, G'eo. Gates, Corinth, Miss: ,writes:
, plea for the custody of.thaschild. There cm vymet- . s - ,"?.„
is to edit the work, and he will have the memorial of her recent visit to the barracks
as a ' ' 1 CdliSi der your August Flower the
...-IPtaassill probably hese hard fightlors,the -eh' '
. ., sa ysef the Ilogek—it gpems to me your
use of many interesting notes provided by t Posen, best remedy in . the world for Dys-
who resembles hissiftediather, . Was,. s es -very beige. thelther if,R.,,irniarvielad,o;4 ,
WeHfeorwmaeertt that disease, but used several bottles
I was almost 'dead with
Prosecuting Attorney -Are you acquainted PePsta:
didn't charge us half as much, Iceman -He ' tt g ail ' I w. ...P . '
in Berlin are $1.42 a week, though they rim good deal colder tharehis.
The fair wages for skilled female tailors didn't ? Well, er, ypn see, lady, my ice is a Dr. Mary Wallq,r will Probably be sent with the prisoner at the bar? p.10.1,iirne. 0 f
1 to a lunatic asylu . Juryman -Yes,
church choir. August Flower; and now con -
down to $1.10, and the working season is The Acting Governor of Arizona Territory ' Tho `Empress Eugenie is staying at Birk- jthuer
Prosecuting Attorney (to the court hastily) sider myself a well man. I sincerely
a short one. Good cloakmakers get $1,66 is of the opinion that the population- of the hall House in Aberdeenshire, the usual
-We'll take this man, your honor. recommend this medicine to suffer -
per week. Young girl workers get from *oratory will reach 70,000 before the. end ' autnintsresidence of the Duchess of Albany.
50 egiits to $1 a week. The price paid of the preSent fiscal year. Tho estate was bought for the Prince of A salmon weighing 50 pounds wits caught ,ing humanity the world over." ®
making a dozen buttonholes by hand is 2 New York talks of an office building 550 Wales in 1850, and lie afterwards sold it to in the Solway, Scotland, a couple of weeks G. G. GREEN, Sole Manufacturer,
ttb-...1-,-4110-Q1113011-in-t-,,-.7-7-"=Tr.--r-r-7.77-rtr:--rr---s--7r---,----OZO,r, _ •:. . .. ,,.., ._ _ „et* WOOdhltfarAeW jefigey.41.14_A,
Not to Blame. -
Cltpine told Witt he thaught, you Naked
, .
repose," said Maud.
Well, it was his fault," retorted
Estelle. " If Chappie would go home'at a
reasonable hour I'd get the repose -I need."
_At a _recent CawkerCity,Kan., elec'tiod13:
More women than men voted.:
The average es,laeico af the mistresses in
the London board schools is $950.
- ..74tint.:A''iii5;A15.5iciAfrAAAis,"ArArrwarYet.- • nt5.-,..Urrary
_ -