HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1891-10-23, Page 1Noy ts the Season For your Machinery Oil, your Harvest Tools, your'Potatoe Killer' in the shape pf Paris Green, all of which you can get cheap at .the hardware esst+ablieb* snitof Q. 4,l�LUgT. !/ LQ R D • UurUardware Stock Is better than ever. You are putting up rear hous•sr and lharna and want sup plies, which are expensive, but you can eave some of this expense by. -coining toD. C•. TAYLOR For your baildiug supplies, LUOKNOW OfTAR1O, FRIDAYS OCTOBER 23 1891 WH -OLE NO. 926. „GP R` ( ��aa� •a BANKERS, Or Lucknow Banking Comp'y. TO FARMERS, ,Give -'us -a -call.._. -Although we have sold seven. farms this Spring, we pave stili several on hand, and which we will sell cheap, and on easy terms to suit purchasers.. .D0 YOU REQUIRE MONEY . WE s can supply all demands if the party pa are good, or can , ye security and at reason onable interest. 1, Mortgage on your farm or put on a new loan. if so we will do it promptly and on the most favourable.term3. or if you wish to send away the interest on your ortgage -we will do so for you and at a very trifling expense. WE DO A GENERAL BANKING • business of all Rinds. Drafts issued, and Bank ' Cheques on all points whether in Canada United States or England, cashed at usual Bank terms. Interest allowed on deposit at the rate of five per cent. payable hall yearly, but no one deposit to exceed one thousand dollars without a special arrangement. FIRE INSURANCE EFFECTED WITH despatch on all insurable buildings in English or Canadian insurance Companies. Ounce hours 10 rio , to 4 p.m. GEO. A SIDDALL, Manager • rr LucKNow, 27TH MAY, 1891. LOCAL 'NEWS. THE BEST OF ALL. ir ltCerysi�nrM1�[p•e(,ila,u.� si'-,�L,ounrl:'9 ..11..C,�r9rtAiiLK'nHtiW-, uYn �1Y,• 11,nfarll;r-• tYlli{,ih,Fx'Yit.�+ l[:� �m_oa afw. ALLeu� • 1st Thos. d, 2nd R Ar"Spaarli ng.Heavy draught stallion, 3 years or r over- General ver-General Pui-os-r d mare with foal by I'Jdirrfe.-l=firfon'deCou>Jed GREAT SHOW AT . DUNGANNON. ,Toho McLean, . • Two year old filly or 4eldinr-H Morrie, 2nd James Hayden. One year old filly or gelding -H Morris, 2nd Wm Davidson. Foal of 1891 - Thos, Ford, 2nd Thos. Shackleton, Walking team, to wagon, empty, wheels -Indian Summer is yet to come.1 -Thursday, Nov. 12th, is Thanks- giving Day. -Mrs. G. A. Siddall is visiting, 1 Aingnll[ccnt DiSpjn-Y or live $tock, Etc,. . And tt Mg Crowd. The village of Dungannon was all 2 bus white oats, let Henry Cul wen, IL Mallough Q r_...- _n . . .•. -. bamaers 2 bus large peas, lin . Samuel 1+'urse, John Salkeld 1 bus timothy seed, 1st Johu Salkeld, 22nd Samuel Alttei Half bus flax seed,, 1st Joha Salkeld, 2nd Samuel Alton Best and lar -.est variety of grain in straw grown by exhi- ,• r.. -Do you want to get a goad seal-_ ettg. cheap, �, rr "'�.• . -Mons calf boots for $2.50 at W. J. Littles, warranted not to rip. -Miss Miller, of Lucknow, is vis- iting friends and relatives in Clinton, e Fa•,r3mrs `-Hotel • at Rip was destroyed by fire one night last week. -Overcoats for 1 oys, suits for boys and caps for boys at Connell's at low prices. • --Miss Elsie McLaren arrived home last week from' a visit to friends in' Chicago. -Mr. and Mrs. James Worthing- ton, of Guelph, are visitingfriends.in the village. • - -We have the stuff in ready made overcoats this season. Give u(a call and be convinced. -Mens heavy all wool shirts and drawers at 97 cents a suit at Gibson's, McIntyre's old stand. -Dr. McDonald, M. P., of . Wing - ham, had his leg broken by a runaway horse last week. -Mrs. 'R. D. Cameron arrived home on Monday from a visit to friends in Wroxeter. Twelve hundred yards flannelette in light and dark colors at 6, 7, 8 and 9 cents a yard at Gibson's. -Save money by buying y ur boots. and shoes at W. J.' Little's. All boots warranted notto rip. --A small key with a piece of pink ribbon attached was found on Sunday last.. Il can be had at this office. -A new assortment of ladies' fall hats just received at Connell's, Now is the time to get your fall millinery. -Mr. Alex, Lawson went to Lon- don on Wednesday to take part in the grand quoiting tournament in that city. , -Eight hundred yards of 26 inch wide all wool grey flannel just received to be sold at 16i cents per yard at Gibson's. • • -A long and interesting report of the W. C. T. U. meeting was .received too late for this issue but , will appear next week. -Four large brown bears were• seen on the town line between Lindsay and St. Edmund in Bruce county last week. LAMES! last. These w ' . ,;a,a toori-ser Ashfield and West Wawanosh Agricultural Society was held, and the honored pres- ident and worthy directors are each and all entitled to the greatest praise for the success or the air. was a grand exhibition in every department, and financially speaking was the best show ever held by the Society, ,The park is admirably adopted for show purposes, the handsome .exhibition building, the fine row of splendid sheds for stock, etc., and the magnifi- cent half mile track, make it one of the best. local show grounds in the Province. Although the weather. on Thursday was dark and oloudy, and a few passing showers, the attendance of visitors was large, fully 4000 being present. The ground floor of the hall was well filled with. a -good display of fruits, vegetables, grain, flowers, and a fine selection of stoves and tinware by Mr. Thos. Lawrence, of this v41lage. The display in the ladies department up -stairs was the finest we have ever FIRSTLY. -Are you contem- plating pupehasing a seal- etre jacket or ,coat this fall ? 1f so, : we invite you to call and see our fine range of seal- ettes front $4.50 up'. If not, but desiring a jacket, coat or mantle of .other material, such as beaver, melton, astrachan, etc, we would also invite you to call and see the range of these goods which we are offering and getour. prices. We are showing a finer range in these lines than we ever had before. SECONDLY, -AS you are all, more or less interested in the cooking department of our homes, `we take this means of informing you that we save - i eeeived a 'lar a consign- W i 1as� if g-.,,.71/Ix sl<�,n�le�. -Messrs. Crawford, Anderson, Kincaid, 'Diiisley and Miller, of Wing - ham spent Sunday last, with friends in Lucknow. -An authority says that air slacked lime"will prevent the rot in potatoes. seen, and was mot only a great credit to the show , but to all who contributed in the different classes: It. far sur- passed the same department at the great Western Exhibition at ,London• both in quantity and` quality as Well. The Goderich Organ Company and Messrs. Thos. Young and Wm. Allin, of Lucknow, also had a nice collection of organs, sewing machines, etc., iri• this section, The show in the field of horses; cattle, sheep and pigs was very large, and the entries in the different classes were considerably ahead of previous years. The speeding in the ring and other races attracted a -good deal of attention, and while the events were being contested, the large, crowd of spectators gathered as close as possible to the judges stand. All the races were well contested. In the farmers trot; the handsome black pacer, owned by Mr. Hugh Girvin, 'had an • easy victory, While in the free for all, old Grey Tobe, of Bluevale, took both heats and the race. . The lady driving contest elicited .a good deal of, interest. There were seven candidates for the honor of the red ticket, which was awarded to/Miss Mallough,- Miss Robinson taking sec-, Judges -D _A Purvis, Alex Nicholson, Jos Griffis. • ' Special to H Qtway for pair of twin foals, Speeding in the ring -Farmers trot, mare or gelding, lst H Girvin, 2nd D McBrien, 3r,1 Nixon Sturdy Speeding bompetition open to members, 1st Mr Stu-rdy, 2nd John Knox, 3rd T Durnin Olsen -to -all, trot•er-pace,best•-two--in three, 1st Thos Nixon, 2nd Dr Whitely, 3rd W J Little Lady driver, single, 1st Miss Mallough, 2nd Miss Robinson Saddle horse, mare or gelding, style and speed considered, 1st T L Patterson, 2nd J H Mallough Pony race, half mile, best two in three to saddle, lst J Lane. 2nd W Phillips Judea -J McGarry, C'' A Hpwson, J C Martin CATTLE, Thoroughbred -Milch cow having raised or with calf in 1891, lst and 2nd T Anderson, 1 year old heifer. lst and 2nd T Anderson Heifer calf of :891, 1st W Kilpatrick, 2nd. Thos Anderson Bull calf of 1891, 1st W Kilpatrick, 2nd R Mallough ' Aged bull 2- years or over, lst John McLean 2nd Thos. Anderson Herd of three females and one male, lst T Anderson Grade -Milch cow having raised or with calf in 1891, lst...2 d and 3rd, R Medd 2 year old heifer, lst Wm Durgin, 2nd R Medd, 3rd S E Sanderson 1 year old heifer, 1st John McLean, 2nd R Medd Steer calf of 1891, lst Rose Anderson, 2nd S E Sanderson • Heifer calf of 1891, lst and 2n,1 S E Sander - 2nd Jamie Peck w Smeltzer, 2, Peck Beauty of Hebron potatoes, lst David Sproul, 2nd Wm Mallough 4 heads cabbage, 2st Fred Itebinson, 2nd John Saunders 9 blood beets, lst John Saunders, 2nd Thais Norris 9. mangolds, let. Geo Harris, 2nd Tiros Harris 9 sweed turnips. lst D Jardine, 2nd R Mal lough 9 lona orange carrots, 1st John Saunders, 2nd Wm Kirkbride • 9 white Belgian carrots, 1st Thos Harris, .;Fred Robinson 9 early horn carrots, let Geo Harris, 2nd John Saunders Peck enions, 1st Geo Harris, 2nd, Fred Rob- inson Peck tomatoes, 1st David Sproul, 2nd James •Curwen 9 ears corn, 1st Geo Harris, 2nd J Salkeld Pumpkin, lsk Samuel Kerr. 2nd John Bailie Winter squash for -table. 1st and 2nd James Girvin, Summer squash'S for table, lst John'aurr ders, 2nd H Howell ' 4 water melons, 1st Geo Hadis, 2nd, Fred Robinson 4 heads cauliflower. 1st James Cui'wen, 2nrdl Girvan it elephant potatoes, 1st Paul Hugh Girvin Rich Westbrook 4 heads celery, let Geo Young. 2nd H J Howell 4 citrons. 1st Thos Hamilton, 2nd H J Howell Collection garden vegetables, lst D Sproul, Jas Curwen M AN UPACTUIIES. 10 yds ail wool cloth, lst Geo Mott, 2nd sats Peter Watson - 2 year old heifer raised calf in 1891, lst R 10- yds onion flannel, 1st Peter Watson Medd, 2nd Rose Anderson !, 16 yds all wool flannel, 1st Geo Mott, 2nd Fatted ox or steer . 1st and 2nd, H Girvin ond. Mr. T. F.' Cain, of Lucknow, se- cured the red ticket for his fine team .of driving colts, and Mr.James L. About one Fery of lime to GfGy b:u-steels Patterson took the first prize for the of tubers. Try it. best saddle horse. .p Lialve.e who 1 e.. w b ss band, under .. ., .:,...:�,.,.,. :..,.�„� ,.�>< ., . ,Th .:.�,.la,rlr.11ch.,.n�..d,�'�� ,r.a.. ;�. n .. men .of the •celebrated Sliver .been spending a few weeks visiting the leadership of Mr Harry Pierce friends added a great las 1 Cream Baking Powder, which, is so Popular in the United pP States, and is now introduced Fatted' cow ar heifer, 1st Thos Anderson, 2nd E Durnin Yoke working oxen, 1st Wm Kilpatrick 2.year old steer, lst H Girvin, 2nd -S'E San - 4*,, .. . del Year Sid steer, let J A Mallough, 2nd M McBrien Judges- P McKenzie, J Gorrie,, R Fraser ' 'i3HEEP, Long wooled sheep -•=Aged ram, lst Wm. McAllister, 2nd Salkeld & Son, Shearling ram, 1st and 2nd 3 Stewart Pair aged ewes raised lambsin 1891, 1st W Me Allister Pair, shearling ewes, 1st Salkeld'& Son Pair ewe lambs, lst W McAllister, 2nd J O Stewart Ram lamb, 1st and 2nd R Finnigan Shropshire downs -Aged ram. last Glenn Bros, 2nd J Salkeld • Shearling ram, 1st J Salkeld . Pair ewe lambs, 1st Glenn Bros Ram lamb, let and 2nd J Salkeld Aged ram. Glenn Bros Shearling ram, 1st :'�as Lane Pair aged ewes'raised lambs in Glenn Bros. 2nd J O Stewart Pair shearling ewes, 1st and 2nd Glenn Bros ' ' Pair ewe lambs, 1st Glenn Bros, 2nd J Lane . Ram lambs, let and 2nd Glenn Bros of into Canada. Try a package and you will continue using it in preference to all others. CAMER.1I1 MURIItICIi & CO. Luc ow & Dungannon. I MUSICAL TUITION. Acv + T^ -- ONE t + UIII,INGFITtST-CLASS lessons inn music can have the same from Prof, Moss, a Fellow ofthe Yorkshire e College e teory.. Prof' tMtiss will bellr. in Connor, the rectory. P Lucknow on Mondays. the• Lucknow Bible Society will be held this (Thursday) evening in the Baptist manse, commencing at eight o'clock. -The heavy frosts of the past few evenings have made a wonderful change in the foliage, and autumnal tints arc now displayed on all sides. -Mr. George Mair, banker, and Mr. D. W. Hayes, station. agent, left on Monday lst for a two weeks quail and duck shooting on the St. Clair flats." -It is currently rumored that a ghost has' been seen on several occassions lately at the 10th con. of West Wawanosh, between St. Helens and Belfast. ' . -r. John Gordon, of St. Helens, fell from n `gee while picking apples SIE! LESSONS WILL BE TAUGHT by Ansa.K.aake, late of Bly�h. Pupils last weelc and was pretty is aisle h t, to attended at their own` homes or at her resi- but we are glad say dente over E. Kaake's photograph, ga"e.;. around again. Tatars reason -able, ay 1891, let Pia B. Berkshire boar, lat John Clark Sow having raised pigs in 1891. 1st Thos Todd, 2nd S E Sanderson Boar littered in 1891, 1St , Jas Hayden Sow .littered in 1891, lst Thos Todd, 2nd ,Tames Hayden Suffolk -Med boar , 1st R Finnigan Sow that has raised pigs in 1891. let Wm Mallough • 1 bcar, Chester White, recoinmended, Jahn Barkwell, Lucknow IMPLEMENTS. 'Single buggy: lst J L Patterson Wood axle, farm waggon, 1-st-W 11 arcoej 2nd C Proctor, •Belgrave Farm gate, lst John Johnston, 2nd George Carr -Ell m, ....., FOWL: �A- Brahma, light-lst Wm Kirkbride, 2nd T Todd. BraI ia, dark-lst Wm; Kirkbride, 2nd W • Kirkbride, - Cochin'white-lst and 2nd Wm Kirkbride, Cochin', Buff -1st Wm. Kirkbride. Leghs•frn,.white l -stand 2nd Jas.,ALane. Leghorn., brown=Thos. Tedd: r.. { Plymltnth Roek-let James Lane Black Spanish- Wm, Kirkbride, Homburgs, black and white -1st and 2nd Wm. Kirkbride. Hamburg, pencilled, gold s,m1 silver,--lst and 2nd Win Kirkbride. Game- -1st and 2nd Wm, Kirkbride, Bantams -1st Wm. • Kirkbrirle, 2nd Thos. Todd. Geese - -1st Richard A Sproug, 2nd James NOnsys. Roadsters ----Brood mare with foal by her side, 1st W 0 Jones. 2nd R Armstrong. .3rd H Giryin Two year (dui filly or gelding, 1st A. 'L Mc Donald, 2nd R Mullin One year old filly or gelding, 1::t 11 (r Tay for, 2nd\J A Mallough ' Horse in harness, single, l.st 1;, Thompson, 2nd John Knox I.'air matched horses in harness. 1st '.1' F Cain, 2nd 5 Potter • Foal of 1801, 1st 1L C in' lo, 2nfl W C Juuou , 3rd 11Armstrong Stallion :3 year's old or oie13, style and speed considered, 1st Jnhnathasi Cook Heavy Draught - Brood Mare will foal by her side-lst '.Ihos'1'odd, 2nd David Strrnd, 3rd 4 McCabe, • Two year old tilly or •gelding let 11 Anderson, 2nd John i`toLean, . One year old filly or gelding --Matthew Woods, 2nd Jos. A. I tallongh.. Two yeold stallion -1st J, O Stewart, 2nd Poul Reid.ar One year old stallion • Thos Beaty. 2n d Paul Reid. Foal of 1891 1st Thns Todd, 2nd H G Taylor, 3rd David Stroud, is 'ream in harness -hat Welwood Bros , 2nd John Jamieson.. Bailie • Past wool blankets, 1st John Bailie, 2nd Samuel Alton Best c •1 tinware, 1st James Whyard, Collection of, stos as recommended James Whyard ' Best made pair pants, lst R 'Mallough, 2nd. Geo .Young Judges, Jos Morris, John Thompson . - FRUIT AND FLOWERS. 4 named varieties winter apples, 4 offeach lat Geo C urrell, 2nd Salkeld & Son 4 named varieties fall apples, 4 of each, Ist • 5 Alton, 2nd ren Mott 2 named varieties pears, lat Fred Robinson; 2nd Geo Harris / Collection' grapes, 1st Thos .Harris, 2nd Geo Harris Plate peaches, let Thos Harris, 2nd Fred Robinson , Plate crab apples, 1st J C Stranghem, 2nd Samuel Alton . Plate quinces, let J Grummett, 2nd C Brown Col heuso•plants, lst Thos Anderson, 2nd Jas Curwen _ Col garden flowers, 1st Thos Anderson, ?nd Geo Young Judges A Ss'tnds, W'H Smith DAIRY. Five pounds table butter-lst R Mallough,, 2nd ii Girvin. "Twenty pounds packed butter -- 1st II Girvin, Win Milligan. Factofy made cheese, not less than 50 ibs- W Wilson. Home made cheese, 12 pounds-lat W' Wilson, 2nd A I� Cameron. Loaf baker's bread-lst P F, Hamlin, Loaf home made bread -1st M Wonds, 2nd Geo Hanes, Five pounds honey in comb-lst M Russell,' 2nd Gen. Harris, Jar Honey -1st Paul Reid, 2nd"G Harris. Maple Syritp- let Wm Durgin, 2nd M Woods. Special -For best 20 pounds packed butter -has Durnin, Crab apple jelly, highly recommended- •W Holland. • • Judges - Chas Nairn, R C Spari=ng Af . &ATTI'Cri• DEPs1:IiTMMuNdr..° . Lane. • Ducks • 1st and 2nd J:.mes 1 Jane. Peafowl --Wm. Kilpatrick. (;nigra rsswl H STaylor,l Judge •-.Tames Bryan, aaAIN. 2 tont fall wheat white, 1st Sanluel 2nd Henry Curran - 2 hn3 fall wheat red. lst .Joit Salkeid, 2nd Samuel 14'urso 2 bus spring wheat fife, hat John Salkeld, 2nd W C Potter 2 bus Colorado wheat, l.st Samuel Furse, 2nd John Salkeld 2 bus any otlu•rvatiety, 1st Samuel Furse, 2nd W m 1lollan.t di • 2 bus six rowed barley, 1st Salkeld &' Son, 2nd D DfeNevin 2 bus two roved barley. 1st Saiunel Kerr, 2nd Henry Crimen • 2 bus black oats, 'IFt tia.11:cid k, Son, 2nd Wm Holland Furse, fr. Tatting -- 1st Geo Nott, 2nd Mrs A. Anderson Crochet work -Mrs' Colin Campbell, 2nd Mrs Geo Nott t Embroidery in linen -Mrs Chas 'Dur•riin, 2nd Mrs J 0 Straughan Embroidery in muslin -,Mia W Russell, 2itd Mr's Geo Nott Embroidery in cotton-lst Miss' Mallough, • 2nd' Miss Symington Fancy braiding -Miss f. Buchannan, 2nd Miss J (.% Sraug`han Toilet set/ -1st Mrs l.' Campbell, 2nd• • Mis Cr Nott - Fancy knitting • lst Mrs H I Howell, 2nd Aliss Symington Fancy patch WI ,r1:- bliss 5) .nington, 2nd Mrs A Ainlesur,n Patched quilt in wool-lst • Mrs J Straughan, 2nd Mrs G Nett Patched quilt in cotton' 1st Mrs 0 ('amp" bell, 2nd :airs 'r H:cmilion Embroidery in wori+tcd 1 silk .._ at Dias Symington, 2n1 Mrs G Nott '1' Linen shirt, hand made, unwashed -Mrs Hamilton. 2nd J 0 Straughan Linen Shirt, mnchine, unleashed -1st bliss 1uoltanan, 2nd Mrs G Nott Pair woollen mitts hand made --l.st Miss' Symingt m, 2nd hiss 13iichanan Pair woollen gloves, hand made- -1st Mi.,. Symingt,in.2nd :1Irs (1 Nott Pair woollen stockings, hand made -lst :firs G Nott, 2ntl Mrs 9' Anderson Pair woollen socks, hand made -lar "Airs (1 Nott 2nd Mrs 'L Anderson Sofa cushion -'14 Mrs •(1 Campbell, 2nd Mrs G Nott Pillow shams .1st Mrs G Nott. 2nd Mrs.T 'ontiened on third page.) • 1.