HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1891-10-16, Page 5ma xa ac:x:, _,ea agyn an„xzti,.,4,ax, a..a,.na .: rx• c:.t,.a..r.:-e,a.m.:m;a::%.c-r.r3s •�.._c.+, e:: a1T1 a.••• "a.r: is".s•�C. at:a_r':m r�:-`s.c"1���'+:....a, s.."•;: The `Lucknow ae �tinel, Bruce t ►ot�nty,. October 16th .ROUSING RECEPTION. • JAMES LISTER, U. P., CROWNED WITH HONOli l3Y ELECTORS OF LAMBTON. SARNIA, Oct, 13 -The defllonsera- rtion today in honor ,of Mr. James Listerr, th.Q popular representative -of West Lanibtorr in the Nouse. of Commons, was the grandest affair ever _witnessed•-ln-tkls.sown*. - Tire -wholi Ito wn was gorgeously decorated with •S ,bunting, etc., and as the monster pr loession passed through the rinci- ,pal streets it presented a grand sight. About two hundred men were mounted on or se b a ck besides d large + r ge re reseri• �p... f(;R-1+1'Nw4�i'xo-.,;.�srr Gt93M Y • h .r 'tdrtr " ► ii fiVrifom n lh rtte ..different municipalities in the .county, and a -big delegation of Chippawa Indians from the Sarnia reserve, which •was headed. by -their own band. The Sarnia, Watford and Forest bands were also ill the procession. In car - the occasion several other members of Parliament and prominent politi3ians. Arriving at Victoria Square about 2 p. m. the speaking took place. First came thej address to Mr. Lister, read y M,!� A. Smith, President of the ROCKED IN THE CRAIRLE t. F est*tan ton .Deform Association. THE DEEP. -The address spoke of the appreciation lin which M Listerh 1 THIS CATCHES YOU The SENTINxI. has been able to complete an unusually favorable, clubbing arrangement this season with - The Lou4dlli A ijvertiser. and its advantages. will be °given entirely to subscribers, The Western Advertiser is now published twice ra week, and contains eight pages in each an u mbe. r Its... Western Ontario (gouty trews is a specially attractive feature while nerve, from 4111 parts of the, .world is placed in subscribers hands everythird day, For six- teen pages every .w.eek the -rate -of -21 -.325 -is very low, especially when for this 'figure is also seat the popular ladies' monthly' Wives ad- Baughf;crs " `whose regular subscription price is fift cents ran a Another stock of boots and shoes arrived this week. Come in: and seg our prices before buying: -J. F. Gib- son, McIntyre's old statad,, -One day this week Messrs. Arthur Oongram. and W . Powers rode to Benlniller and Godsrich on their bicycles, and report a pleasant trip.. , - . . -The cold nights reminds Oil that .cold days ate coming. soon. Our -; xcr src,:-4.ra•C.'z;:.K:c''.s;,r.J:++:xu:.-s� ;;aur:,=nt.^.�.�.�'::� �.Xar., ,' ;s,�g:ya'.k«.l'...•,.q`^ NQTIC,E OF DISSOLUTION 1rOTICE IS HEREBY sI VF the partnere-bIp heretofore TRAT subsisting between us, the undersigned as Drugrrists in the Village of Lueknow, bias been this day dissolved by mutual consent. All debt owing to tbe.aaid partnership are to be paidto Harry Days. and all claims against the said partna.- ahipare•Woo •to be•presei)ted to -the said Harry Day.* by whom the save will be settled. Batted at Lrioknow this est day of Sepem- ber, 1891. stool( of under clothing is-.eselk-asserted= V.-itnees, • OIr • or ,lust such weather as we may ex - The -prices are -reduced to the 6west livin' rat. -W. Con A GRAND OFFER. -John Griffin,. auctioneer, will sell FIGURES THAT WILL BEAR INSPECTION, by public auction at lot 2, con. 8, Wives and Daughters Western Advertiser, twice a week 81.25 (E. D.) Ashfield, on .Tuesday October monthl y • 50 :NT INEL, weekly oaac:o i1001g siewyalrnf Our clubbing rate for the three 11.95 What every subscriber may save .... ,. 80 Remember that those who are not already subscribers of either paper get balance of 1891 free ; a payment of only 81.70 guaranteeing the and a regular dwice-aweek publicatof a tiontion until theweekly of 1892 from the date of Agbsctrn,tinn 'yam`' 1►i.-f fi vPs one; Time• Tlsironer you subscribe, the-ruore you will receive; Address all orders to • THE SENTINEL, Lucknow, or Advertiser Printing Co., London, Ont. Qt_ h 2 a quantity_ _ of rfare n sto - 75 ` 'iryara; ear, -.the ' P Per y of Wm. Riddle. As the proprietor is -leaving the farm all will be sold without reserve. ELLIOT TRAVER, Ir HARRY DATE, -Ratnership existing- betiveel¢`Mr i3; Days and myself as druggists, etc„ having ex 'ired, Mr. H, R , curie t e curing h�ysiness, I have much .pleasure in recommending hien toyour conhdence.accept .'lease thanks and kind feelins frryou past patronage, very I a k a continuance of the same in bthalf alf u f M'r, H. Days, I am 4• . r• 'vas eld by the people of Lambton and particularly of ,his work during the Last session of 'Parliament. Mr. Lister is. response gave a lengthy and able addresw in which he dealt with the great battle of the last session, and spoke of the bribery and corruption which the Liberal party charges has for years existed in different public dc;partinent>7. - He spoke -of the necessity, of purifying the Government of the country, and severely dealt with the various scan- dals. He charged the Hoe. '"Mr. Chapleau with having a guilty know- ledge of e corruption in the Printing Bureau. 'r. Lister was followed in short spe `• es by Messrs. McGregor, .Hyman, Armstrong, Gibson, Suther- land, Campbell, Landerkin 'and David .Mills, The last named spoke at some .length on the work of the last session, 'the policy of the Liberalparty and -the .necessity for puttin; - down ` w rong- •doingand corruption. All the.speakers .paid strong tribute 'to Mr. Lister for 'his services during his Parliamentary career , and particularly duringrthe. last ... • session. F - .REPORT OF S. S. NO. 14, HiJROIQ Fourth class -Excellent -I, Picker-- itrg. Good -A Murchison, E Hamil- G Murchison. Third ` elass-Good-B •Murchison, L Murdoch; 1I Hamilton, E Agnew, E McGill.' Bad --B Ra ertson, V Tennyson, M Hen n, L Clarkson. Second class -d -K Beaton. Bad -W Tiffin, I Henderson, G Tennyson.. Part II -Good -S Robertson, A Clarkson, D McKenzie, G Murray. Bad -W McKenzie. Average for the month 36.. N. B. -The pupil's work is excellent. if his average 'mark reaches 80, and • bad if it falls lelow 50. ELECTION PETITIONS. Final Fixtures of Dates and Places for Trial Toronto, Oct. 12. -The following (final fixtures of dates and places for. ,the trial of Dominion election protests. .in the Court of appeal were handed out +.to -day by Justice Maclellan : East Hastings, at Belleville, on Jan. 1.2,_.9` - East Yirk, at Markham, on Jan. 5, .1892. ' " Add figt e, it Ntipahetcpn Deo.'21, ' Legguox, at Napanee, ontDec. 17. Prifice Edward and Bross protest, at :Picton, on Dec. 14. North Wellington and cross protest, at Guelph, en Dec. 10. - Centre Wellington and cross protest, atGuelph, on Dec. 7. . East Elgin and cross protest, at St. Thomas, on Dec. 2. East Bruce, at Walkerton, on Nov. 20. North Bruce, at Wiarton, Nov. 17. In the North Bruce election petition the •court allows the petitioneiis' motion, and fixed the time and place - 'as above. In the lengarry election petition the court irects that the,o:rder of 1VIr. \Justice St et as to trial be d/lplicated. LAMBS FOR SALE. THE UNDERSIGNFD HAS FOR Sale at Lot 20,, Con 10, Kinloss, a number of choice Oxford DowD ram lambs and sheai•liugs which arc offered for sale at•reasonable prices Fie also has for sale some first-class ewe lambs. Written in memory of the beautfful rendition of the above solo by Kathel-Kerr on board the sail y acht'Gypsey, Thursday, Sept. 24th, 1891, and dedicated to him in sincere admiration of his glorious voice by • the authoress,-MAE Suzann::. We were sailing o'er the waters. Vast and blue with foam capped waves'; Sky and water Ilended grandly'llo' ng the ocean's monstrous caves, Sailing peacefully, unheeding Of the dead who slept below ; Of the souls above the cloudland Risen from the breakers rsnow-, `Twae a glorious day in autumn, And a sun of burnished gold Beamed above us from the heavens ' With his beauty but half told ; Smothered in the clouds soft kisses As they rolled in idleplay, Forming wondrous chains of flowers Which he ruthless tossed away. And the wind in his sweet 'wooing Held the sails of snowy white,1 As, our little vessel wandered O'er the waters clear ana'lrright. It was calm and Still and peaceful ; The majesty of God was clear. Could He be above that cloucllond With His image mirrored here ? Then a voice of thrilling power. , . Sang out clearly, pure and sweet,. While we listened in awed sileirce, Rocked in the cradle -of the deep. - 'No one sp.,ke, not e'en a whisper, But the waves seemed time to keep, Aa the voice full -toned sang softly, I lay me down in peace. to sleep, Still the singer's words rise grandly - Secure I rest ttpun the wave." Each one felt God's great completeness • "For thou, Q' Lord has't power to save" And we listened tilt he finished, "I know thou will not slight my call," . Feeling in our hearts the promise, "For Thou dost mark the sparrow's fall," When the Voice had ceased, and silence Fell upon the listening cl c,wd, It seemed but a sinful mockery To speak our praise of him aloud. From each heart the prayer seemed uttered, I lay me down in peace to sleep," And it brought the face of mothers To our memories, pure and swept.• Each one felt the sweet influence And the power of God to save. How in tones of gentle kindness -'He could still the angry wave, Anr.l the sun set in his glory Kissed the waters calm to sleep ; Soothed as troubled human beings Rocked in the cradle of the deep. DEAR FRIEND KATHEL-•It is seldom I copy my own.mOlan.uscript . poems, and baring my dedication of Gunod's Ava 'Maria to Gwill, the tenor, you are the only other one whomI favor that much. I trust you will.accept this tribute to yourself, and if it gives you half as much pleasure as your beautiful voice did me that day, I am repaid the sending and dedi cation, Believe me o be your poetess friend, MAE SHERRIE. New York City, Sept. of 1891. LUCKNOW MARKETS. Fall Wheat, per bushel Peas . 414 Mai et Potatoes Rutter, per Ib Eggs, per dozen..... ........ .12 66 .87 .57 .25 .25 13 Real Merit Is the characteristic of Hood's Sarsaparilla, and it is manifested every day in th'e•remark able cures this medicine accomplishes. Drug- gists ruggists say: When we sell a bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla to a new customer we are sure to see Mar back in a few weeks after more, -proving that the good results from a trial bottle war - leant continuing its use.' This,positive merit Hood's Sarsaparilla possesses by, virtue of the Pecullalt Combina- tion, Proportion and Process used in its pre- paration, and by which all the remedial value of the ingredients used is retained. Hood's Sarsaparilla is thus Peculiar to Itself and absolutely un- equalled as a blood purifier; and as a tonic for building up the weak andgivingnerve strength. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggists. $1; six for 55. Prepared only by 0: I. HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, ]lieu, 100 Doses, Ono Dollar , "111€ ••-�t;�' m,,,..,,..u� .r.. >' �g G, W, BERRY. ar us -- I.) T , Are mn and , Tho importance of stoma r1 E Hua.---_• , Leads them all for ^ QANN^ E ._ . -Lr 0S. FINE TEAS a spgotAt,TY,,,.. The Largest Stock, The Choicest Goods, obtainable in Lucknow. JC►HN ELLIO�'. i ui neequal4ed Assottrnent pure condition is -.rc:.-e + " • -a'd aniree co tion i• it rides,. of a brush with savages. looked for danger, butthey were brave and yet there are and it was only by reading' between ver y fees people wlrofnes that the parents discovered that baro perfectly j,weh perturbed them. A small party had blood. The taint of scrofula, salt rheums, or completely wiped out, but their art other foul humor is heredited and tr:a.nsrnitted$tronger and well armed • they did not for generations, causing uutuld suffering, and They would send letters by the next ap arrnmul•ttr� pnisruLtoilld-gk eels-ot_tt, -rataarty: --- ease from the air wo b.rea.the, the food we eat,ld that was all. For fifteen years those or the water we drink. Tiler:, is ltuthing moreits had waited, . prayed, hoped, sor- conclusively proven than the 13u:;olive power ofd ; but from the silence of the past no Hood's Sar- s a p a r i 11 a, ever came to explain the mystery of over all dos- eases of the lost ones. " If we only kenned they blood. This "y; 1 ll medic' n e, deid," the aged father used to say .to when fairly �; r tried, does), later years ; "but oh, its weary • expel every ;; ;' >. trace4:1+1 n' !". • And then I understood in a scrofula or ;j.j _ • salt rheum, are what he felt- when he offered my removes the taint, which causes catarrh, neutralizes the acidity and cures rheumatism, drives out the germs of malaria, blood poisonhlg, ete. It also vital- izes and enriches tl.e blood, tl:us overcoming 'that tired feeling, and bllihling up the whole system. In its preparation, its medicinal.., merit, and the wonderfl:l cures it accom- plishes Hood's Sarsa- parilla is Peculiar to. Itself. Thmt- sands testify to its success, and the,best advertising -Hood's Sarsaparilla receives •1s the hearty endorsement of its army of friends. Every testinunlia- we. publish, and every statementive make on behalf of Hood's Sarsaparilla may _le relied upoI as, strictly true in every respect. If you need a good blood purifier or building up medicine, be sure to take S:u•sapa- , rilla. Further i.urormation ::.ci st ,temeats of cures sent•free to all who address us as"below. 41 a hadE tlW :l y. teo'4• .h Bold dry all druggists.. i'1;Qsix for .?.i. Prepared only by C.:. 1100VA CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mash. tOO.Dose$ One Dollar PIG - ESTRAY. STRAYED TO ' THE PREMISES OF the undersigned at lot 25, con. 4, Kinloss on or about the 1st of September, a black pig. The owner is requested to prove property, pay expenses and take it away. - D. McDONALD, 3.923 , Langside P. O./ El La o Arrival Fall Millinery At Mrs. Murchison'st. Seasonable Goods, The Latest Styles, PRICES, THE LOWEST. er a visit to th-e city, the assort- ment will be complete, and all orders will receive personal )attention All Are Invited To Call. MRS. MURCH1SON. zooms Pi:mE FIRE !r FIRE! Insure your farm property, private dwellin in the old reliable, the LONDON MUTUAL 0 Office, -A. ROSS harness shop. Lucknow Wil be in the office everySaturdayafterneonr JOUN LANE •Agent Ii,iniough. 30 A ifEAit 1 I undertake to beetiy teach any fairly Intelligent person Of either sox, who can read and write, and who, after Instruction, will work industriously, how to eam Three Thouennd Dollars, a Year in their own loeetitio,,wh erever they11,0.1 will Also furnish the situation oromployment;nt which ydu eon earn that amount. No money for mo unless suecesefe I as above. Easily and quickly hearned. 1 desir: but onworker from en ch district nrcounty. i eave already taught And provided with otnployment a ere number, who aro oinking over 88000 n year earls. it's NEW and SOLID. Full particulars Env E. "Address at once, E. O, ALLEN. "tort 42O. Augusta, Blaine,. • at ,ort Pellet pation Purel they a plaints Pellet them i It h years the du It i idle in ents In C FARM FOR SALE. THF PROPERTY OF THE LATE i Thomas Mullin, comprising 200 acres of good land, Nos, 5 and 6, Con. 11, Ash field. . 120 acres are cleared, and the remainder is good maple bush, - For further particulars apply to MALCOLM McDONALD, Executor, LUCF;Now $900SALARY and Commissit•n to Teachers and Clergymen, enandit duces a new and popular standard book.. Testimony of 19 Centuries to Jesus of Nazareth. The most remarkable religious book of the age. written by 300 eminent, scholars Non- sectarian. Every Christian wants it. scholars, territory given. APPLY TO The Henry Bill Publishing Coe, Norwich,, Conn. TO TIII FARMERS I' have rented the store occupied by Mr. Geo. Kerr and am prepared to P.11 -"Y" GASH FOR BUTTER AND EGGS. The highest price will, be paid for butter according to quality. R. C. SPARLING. DU N'S . BA NC P-O-WDE R THECOOK'S'BEST FRIENDI . LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. BULL FOR SERV1VE. mHE 'UNDERSIGNED WILL KEEP .fc3ta serviee,, at lot' 11, Can. $';' EaSteiii Division, Ashfield, the two year old thorough- bred Shorthorn bull, "Red Ristnark." PF,,DI.GREE-Red Bismarck, 12758,red, calved March 8,1889,'oral by Wm. Mallough Dungannon, Out.. ; got by Wallace (imp) 2752; dam Annie 8430 bv_Young Springwood Prince 6299 ; Grace harper• 2nd, 9227, by British Heir 2nd . 2889 ; Lady Harper 2nd, 6630, by - 2nd Famosa Chief, 1782 ; Lady Harper 6629, by Grand Duke 675 ; Rose 1833 by Royal Duke of Gloster, 1035: Maggie, 142, by Lord of rune (imp) 155 (16428) ; Queen of the West, 1751, by Victor 1136 12268) ; Daisy 823, by Halton 684 (11552), Lavinia 4th 1342, by Duke of Wellington imp) 91. (3654) ; Lavinia 2nd 1340, by Alex- ander (imp) 6, (11099) ; Lavinia (imp) 299, by son of Scipio (1421), byEryholme (1018), by Son of North Star (458). TERMS -$1.(0 Cows must bh returned three tines necbssary, or they will be charged for service. No fees charged if cows are -not in calf after third service. PAUL SMELTZER, Belfatit P. O. ARE YOU DEAF t, Or do you suffer- from noises, in the head. Then send 3 cent stamp' and I will send a valuable treatise containing full particulars for home cure which costs comparatively nothing. A splen- didwork on deafness and the ear. - Address, Pitot'. G. CHASE, Montreal. Including all the newest STYLES AND NOVELTIES Of the season in womens and childrens boots for FALL & WINTER Wear, also in all the LEit' D'NO LINES • In mens, womens da childrens RUBBERS & OVERSHOES -AT J. PEART'S, . LUOKNOW. NOTICE, THE SUBSCRIBER HAS OPENED AN office in the building east of the f ,1^J$Q iEI Printing Office. . AGREENME1ta BONDS, LEASES, DEEDS, MORTGAGES , AND WILLS CAREFULLY PREPARED. ; Plans ,specihcations: and estimates for .build ings, mills, bridges, etc., furnished . ' . on short notice. JAS. SOMERVILLE. - Lucknow, Jan. 1891. Sm!th Has just opened out a fine assortment of 'DRESS GOODS In all the( latest Colorings. Also Dress Trimmings In Silver and Gilt Gnimps. Navy and Gilt • Cord Tritnming, Also Black and Gilt. A cheap line of cloths, suit able for fall wraps, etc. Yarns in all the different grades. A special line of Black/Yam o Schoai Wear • A call from intending, purchasers is solicited. ht Mrs, Smtith s r • 4: