HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1891-10-16, Page 1;;i7;70,itt,-..,,,-*.ri;.-4,-*11*.'„-k,.7.k`,..',,,Irgril,,,,,,,.*.,,`7,,IM,Iiniht...04,)4.,.7r.,40,01....!,;',.*igi,v1117..FAT&I-}107.:KV.,,,,t•,;:t'.1r77/k41...7.1..19::!+:,.Ar.71.0ieg,',44K-klAWIV.".Y.A.t.tr.,-.4.7"-.%,11+.X4i4k4.',.,=.'7,.-7,....:.7.',.::&.,.,,:.,,;.,..',0%,-, r.70.7tX...,..'X'7,1*-:SW:Ii7,4".Zt-.. „7,..*:14.A.,7.11i7.7,-7.7,,,N11g7fr,P.X.n...t,!..,,,,,I.t.......7.4:4"..."..T,7,1......4.',:t.. ,P.. .4, t7.4.,.1., 4. n...,...-..,...- ....,,, . ,P..... -.1.x,-... ..v;. --is.— .3.1*.. ......,.... 1, .. ..34,7,...... ,.. 0,..,.r.ls.., . ,,,,,,,,,q,,,,,,,,, „„„,,,„..,,„-,„,1., -4.,, .,_ , .,701,:c„,,. ,r, _ ,-, . . . . likw is the Season . For your Magbinery Oil. your Harvest Tools, your Potatoe Killer in the shape of Paris Greene all of which you can - get cheap at the hardware establishment of 0. C- TAYLOR LUCKNOW. 0 • 4.111..0...■Flowww.satmentaborekw Ourilardware$tact Is better than ever. You are putting up rear houses and barns anct want sup plies, which are expensive, but you can save some of this expense by coming to D. G. TAYLOR For your building aupp4e0... VOL XVIII. -41. • •0. •4. LLrOKNOW,MARTA TaiDAY, OCTOLBER 16, 1 -891 - Bah( OF HAMILTON GEO, 314I..d & CO. t A LUCKNOW., Capital, $1,2038,850. Rat, $600.4500. President -JOHN Silvana.. Vice President—A. G. RAMSAY, DIRECTORS : JOHN -PROCTOR, CHAS. GURNEY, GEO. ROACH A. T. WcoD, A. B. LEE (Toronto). as ler— B LL. VIIVGS B.i4NK.—Hours 10 to 3; Satur- day's, 10 to 1. Deposits of 51 and upwards received and interest allowed. SPECIAL DEPOSITS also received at cur° reit rates of interest. DRAFTS onAreat Britain and ' the United States bought and Acid. J. C. BROWN; SUB -AGENT. 01111111111111MIEMINOMMOMIAMMINIMIr DENTAL J. S. JEROMB, L. D. S. Wingbam, la ill be in Lucknow on the second and fourth Fri - ay and Saturday of each month. Good sets for 810. Filling and entracting .a specialty LEGAL QIMON CORRIGAN, COMMISSIONER, 0 in 11. C. G. Kinlough P. 0., Ontario'. IPA.• A. MALCOMSON, BARRISTER, . Solicitor, Conveyancer, etc., (late of Cameron, Holt & Cameron, Goderich). Office at Traver's old stand. ,11Eir HORR S1\T t , ' ATTORNEY AT I • law, Soli itor in Cancery, Convey- ancer, Commisioner, etc. Office. over the barber shop. ARROW & PROUDFOOT, BARRIS- ters, Solicitors,, etc., Goderich, Ont. J. T. GARROW, Q.,C, Wt. PROUDPOOT. avanismamassamprossr. MEDICAL. JA. McDONALD, M. D., O. M. C. P. S. • O. .Office, Kintail. -FIR; ELLIOTT,'. OFFICE AND REST Outram street, second door north' of Little's shoe stnre, 1Th R. TENNANT, PHYSICIA N, ell.f Surgeon and Aecoucheur. Surgery op- posite Cain's hotel. Office hours from 9 to 12 a. m., and from 2 to 5 p. m. DMcD.GORDON, M,D., C.M., F.T. e M.S. , M. C.P.S.O., Physician, Sur- geon, and Accoucheur. Office next door to W. Allin's implement shop. Residence Ross, street, opposite W. U. Little's. DR. D. GEDDES, V. S., CALLS either by mail or telegram promptly attended to, Charges moderate. Office. Cor- rigan's hall, Boarding house, Cain's hotel, Lucknow. GENERAL MONEY TO LOAN ! ON FIRST-CLASS mortgages at 7 to 7 per cent. interest, payable yearly. Charges moderate, Apply tb ROBERT MURRAY, St. Helens. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. Tickets issued to all point4. east or west. Quick time. Close connections with other lilies. Full particulars to intendingtravellers. JOHN MURCHISON, Ticket Agent, Lucknow. MONEY TO LOAN AT 6 PER CENT from 2 to 20 years. Lists of farms for sale in Ontario as well as Manitoba. Parties desirous to sell farms will consult their tater- -este by inspecting the advertising facilities of Subscriber in Great Britain and Ireland and continent of lands for sale. ANGUS STEWART, Land-Valirator-Liteknow-Ontitrin. vvr EST WAWANOS11 MUTUAL Vire. Insurance Company; board of ssdirectors meets for the transaction of business on she first Tuesday each month. Parties wishing to - ve their property insured,in this increasinglf popular Company, will by giving notice, be called upon by an agent or by cue of the Directors-. Business calls promptly attended to. Office; Dungannon. J. M. ROBERTS, Secretary, Wm. LANE, Treasurer.' SOCIETIES •UUCKNOW ...1LA Lodge, No. 112 meeta.. eery Friday evening at 8 o'clocir . in their hall, Campbell street. All brethren cordially invited. Wm. Hoon, N. Grand ; JOHN R,LLIOT, Recorder. -el O. F., COURT ki• Sherwood, No. 50, Lucknow. Meet - every first and third Monday in every month, in the Odd - fellows hall. Visit- ing brethren a r e cordially invited. W. !Imo H JOHNSTONE, C. R. I e • 10D. D. YULE SEC. A0. U. W. LUCKNOW LODGE OF .. the Ancient Order United Workmen, meet in the Oddfellows hall, on the last and second Monday evenings of each month at eight o'clock. Visiting brethren cordially invited. D. PATTERSON, Master Workraaa. R. D. CAMERON, Recorder. ,zg,g17,7T=W‘.. WHOLE ND. 925. Or Lucknow Banking Comp'y. LUCKNOW, 27TH MAY, 1891. TO FARMERS, DO YOTYREQUIRE A CHEAP FARM. Give. us a call. Although we have sold seven far 7s7f1 ch-Ve wi se 6ieaj,ani on easy terms -to suit pufehasers. DO YOU REQUIRE MONEY. WE can supply all demands if the party or parties are good, or can give security and at reason onable interest. 1)0 YOU WISH P0. CHANGE THE Mortgage on your farm or put on a new loan. if so we will.ao it promptly and on the most valuable -terms -no • , Isirttnnesicritway the interest on your ortgage we will do so for you and at a very trifling expense. WE DO A GENERAL BANKING business of all Rinds. Drafts issued, and Bank 'Cheques on all points, whether in Canada, United States or England, caphed at usual Bank terms. Interest allowed on deposit at the rate of five per cent. payable half yearly, but no one deposit to exceed one thousand dollars without a special arrangement. FIRE INSURANCE EFFECTED WITH despatch on all insurable buildings in English or Canadian Insurance Companies. Office hours 10 a.m, to 4 p.m. GEO. A SIDDALL, Manager LADIES. FIRSTLY.—Are you contem plating .purchasing a seal- .ette jacket or coat this fall ? if so, we invite you to mil' and see our fine range of seal-' ettes froat .$4.50 up, If not, but desiring a jacket, coat or 'mantle of other material, such as beaver, melton, astrachan, etc, we would also invite you to call and see the range of these goods which we are offering and get Our prices We are showing afiner range in these lines than we ever had before. SECONDLY.—As you are 11 more or less interestecl in the cooking department of our home, we take this means of informing you that we have just received met of the celebrated Silver Cream Baking Powder, which is so popular in the United States, and' is now introduced into Canada. Try a package and you will continue using it in preference to all others. I CiMERON, MURDOCH CO. Lucknow & Dungannon. MUSICAL TUITION. , A NY lessons in music can have the same from ONE REQUIRING FIB,ST.CLASS 'Prof, Moss a Fellow of the Yorkshire College. of Music. Mose, apply to the Rev. n. Connor, the Actory. Prof. Moss will be in 8 L kn 11 da s Ke • RIPLEY FALL SHOW.* T Jackson. Six mangold wurtzels,1t D F Smith, 2ud 8 Field carrots, let S T Jackson, 2nd John SUCCESSFUL COMPpW,Q.BA,„,„ Hewitt.. remwar id Wm Ranee, t n The follow_in.,r'isSix Parsnips, lsJohHewitt. ' a list of the prizes six heaas cabbage. lst F Smith, 2nd W awarded at theHuron' fall show held wahnsiey in Ripley on Sept. 29th and 30thTIOBSES. SI an Working horses, heavy draught, lst J•obri Jameson, 2nd James R McDonald, 3rd Three cauliflowers, 1st Plenty Pritchard. 2nd Robert Martin. Six ears yellow corn, 1st Andrew Stinson, 2nd Wm Rance. 'Half peck onions, 1st John Shelton, 2nd W K p2encic piitatoe Dnions, nald Mc- enzie,Two parnpkine, lst John S McDonald, 2nd John Shelken. To squeal:lea, 1st Wm Sturgeon. ' • * Two citrons, 1st Israel Jeater, 2ad • T Moore. Six tomatoes, lst Ephraim Armstrong, 2nd Wm Rance, p n wor in orses,a.gricu tura , lat John Pollock, 2nd Francis Stott, 3rd. Donald' Mc- Lennan. Span horses, carriage, lst Samuel Emerson, 2nd Flantois Scott, 3rd James McCoomb. Two-year old gelding, carriage, let John Dick, 2nd Malcolm McKay. Two•year old filly, carriage, lst Rev. D. G. Hall, 2nd Jas. E. Baker. • fillyacarriagerist-Williana-Staideya- Buggy horse, let Andrew Stinson, 2nd Jas. Meeponab, 3rd J L Patterson. Roadster, single, with speed in the ring, let Hugh 11/1cLeod. 2nd James G Huston. Pony in harness, 1st W R Graham, 2nd John Wilson.. Brood mare with foal at side, heavy draught lst James R McDona d, 2nd John Pollock, 3rd James R McDon d. Brood mare with oal at side, agricultural, let James4A. Hen , 2nd James Bradley. 3rd Robert Liug. Brood mar: with foal at side, carriage, let Garret Swit . Two -y r old gelding, heayy draught, lst Aaron Sta ffer, 2nd William Stanley. Two -yea old gelding. agricultural, -1st A G MCCos 2nd Peter Robinson, 3rd W D Bradley. Two-year old filly, heavy draught, 1st Geo Needham. 2nd Wm Stanley, 3rd Peter Campbell. Two-year old filly. agricultural, lst Aaron Stauffer, 2nd Peter Robinson;' 3rd Donald R. McKenzie, Yearling filly, heavy draught, let William Wilson. Yearling filly, agricultural, lst J A Heniy, 2nd 1) F McKenzie. Foal of season, heavy draught, is Kenneth Ross, 2nd James R McDonald, 3rd John Culbert. • Foal of season, agricultural, lst R Long, 2nd Henry Pritchard, 3rd John Wilson. Foal of season, sired by Dunston Boy, special, by Andrew McDonald, lst• Kenneth Ross, 2ndT Henry Pritchard. SHEEP. Pair ewes, Leicesier, lst.,James R Mc Donald, 2nd Janata Patterson, 3rd James R. McDonald:' Pair ewes, Cotswold, lst ' .Tames Patterson. Pair shearling ewes; Leieester, 1st James Patterson. 2nd G S Robettson. Pair shearling ewes, Cotswold, lst James Patterson. • Pair ewe lambs. Leicester, lst James R McDonald, 2nd John Watson, 3rd R Martina Pair ewe lambs, Cotswold, let J. Patterson, Pair ewes, Downs. lst Henry Thompson. 2nd and 3rd James Lane. shearling ewes, Downs, lst Henry Thomp- son, 2nd mid 3rd James Lane. Pair ewe lalnbs, Downs, lst 'Henry Thomp- son, 2nd and 3rd James Lane. Aged Ram;Leicester, let .1 R McDonald. Aged shearling ram, Leicester, lst Jas R McDonald, 2nd G S Robertson, 3rd James Patterson. Ram Lamb, Leicester, lst and 2nd James It McDonald. Ram lamb, Cotswold, ist James R Mc- Donald, 2nd James Patterson. Aged ram, Downs lst Henry Thompson. Aged shearling ram, Downs, 1st Jas Lane, 2nd Henry Thempson, 2 Ram lamb, Downs, lst Henry Thompson, 2nd James Lane W Fat sheep, Henry Pritchard. CATTLE, DURHAM. Two.year old bull, with pedigree, lst A C so Patterson, 2nd 'Thomas Moore, Yearling bull, with pedigree, let Hugh Me- 21), Kay, 2nd Peter Catnpbell. Bull calf with pedigree, let A .0 Patterson, ch 2nd John Jameson, 3rd William Wilson Milch cow; with pedigree, 1st A C ratter- 2n son, 2nd and 3rd Peter Campbell. Thoroughbred c()w with pedi'gree lat Peter B 9 2nd Mrs Lamont, 3rd ./a JatueReol Ste peachem, 1Unkno, ? riteele .,,Xlimenalsnothenveannin 76.''WWOLT • , half gallon plums, Ittinre.eaniele, 2nd ja, Half gallon 4 wnmlilo FARM IMPLEMENTS, L Patterson Single buggy, lst John S Robe' tson, 2nd J. Gang plow, let Gillies et Martin, 2nd John S,Robertson Soil plow, let Gillies & Martin, 2nd John S Robertson Agricultural now Jt$- Scaler. plow, 1t B Bell & SOu .,. • Set forged•hc.rae ehoes,lat Thomas McBrien, 2nd J L Patterson Road- cart ret )inmencled lst Robertson Straw cutter recommended, J S Robertson Turnip pulpe.r recommended, B Bell & Son. Pump recommeuned, Henry Clark POULTRY, GRAIN Two bushels Clawson fall wheat, hit J Polloc,k, 2 Moore, 3rd W D Bradley. Two bushels any variety fall wheat, lst Wm Sturgeon, 2nd John S McDonald, 3rd Donald Gillies, Two bushels spring wheat, 1st John Pollock, 2nd J P Ferrier, Two bushels barley, lst John Pollock, 2nd Robert Martin. Two bushels two rowed barley, 1st Robert Martin, Two bushels white oats, 1st W D Bradley, 2nd John Pollock, - Two bushels large peas. 1st Wm Fitzgerald 2nd Robt Martin, Two bushels small peas, lst Edward Cardis, 2nd Thos Moore. , Sturgeon. Peck of beans, ist. John liewiit,end Wm Half bushel timothy seed, lst W D Bradley, 2nd John Hewitt. Half bushel clover seed, 1st Wm Welsh. m. DAIRY. Firkin butter not less than 50 lbs, 1st W McCosh Crock butter not less than 10 lbs,lst Thomas Fraser, 2nd Wm Walrasloy, 3rd Wm TRut Table butter not Jess than 4 lbs, 1st Amos Shier, 2nd .Jane Agnew Farmers cheese not less than 10 lbs, lst Don- ald McK enzie. 2nd Henry Pritchard Factory cheese not less than 50 lbs; let Pine River • Honeyin comb not lees than lbs, lst James Steele, 2nd Israel Jeater Honey in jars, lst Israel Jeater, 2nd Henry Pritchard Farmers biettd; 1st Mrs A McDonald, 2nd Ed Cardiss, 3rd Thomas Mitchell Early corn recommended, lst D F Smith' Flax seed recommended, lst John Pollock Collection of vegetables recommended, let John Pollock HOME MANUFACTURES. Fulled cloth not less than 10 yards, let Wm' Sturgeon, 2nd Donald McKenzie Flannel not less than 10 yards, 1st William Sturgeon, 2nd Thomas Moore Satinette not less than 10, yards, 1st Ed , Pollock Wincey cotton ,and wool not less than 10 yards, lst John Pollock, 2nd WC Smith 3rd Richard Martin Pair blankets all wool, let Francis Mont- g°PmaeirrYblankets wool and cotton, 1st Thomas Moore, 2nd John Pollock Pair wove blankets wool,lst John S McDon- ald, 2nd Robert Martin Pair wove blankets wool and cotton,. lst Thomas Scott Knitted coverlet, lst Thomas Moore, 2nd illiam Wilson Tufted coverlet,.lst Francis Mentgomery, nd Edward Calkins Bed cover fancy patch cotton, let William almsley, 2nd Thomas Buckingham • Bed cover fancy patch wool; lst Duncan Mc- regor, 2nd William Wilson • Bed cover fancy patch silk, let Mrs Ander- n, 2nd John Brown Crotchet work in wool 1st Mrs Aderson, d John Brown Crotchet Work i•n.'8otton, let Thomas Mit- ell, 2nd John Brown Berlin wool work, let Duncan McGregor, d Duncan Campbell Rag mat, 1st John Barkwell, 2nd W D radley Pair socks, 1st • Thomas Moore, 2nd Amos hier Pair mite, 1st Thomos Moorea2ndWillia tzgerald . Chair tidy, '1st Duncan McGregor, 2nd uncan Campbell, 3rd John Brown Collection of ladies fancy needle work, 1st dirt. Bosawin. -Bud-Mrs-- Anderscin, 3r41461iii eltnn Caniphell; 2nd A C Pattenoon, 3rd ik?' Wilson. Two year old heifer, lst A C Patterson, Yearling heifer, with pedigree, 1st -and 2nd Peter Campbell: ' • Heifer calf with pedigree, lst John James, 2ud Peter Campbell, 3rd Wm Wilson. 'D . Peter Campbell, best herd of cattle on the grounds. . ;sh . . Milch cow, grade, lst Peter Campbell, 2nd, W C Smith, 3rd Peter Campbell. Two year old heifer. grade, lst pad' 2nd Jo Henry Pritchard, Yearlidg heifer,'gra de, 1st *on: Wilson, 2nd Br Henry Pritchard, Heifer calf, grade, let Peter Campbell, 2nd 2n Wn' Wilsen; Pair two year old steers, grade, let William Bell, 2nd Geo Strathdee. by Pair yearling steers, grade, 1st Wm Wilson, 2nd Robert Martin. Pair spring steer calves; Wm. Wilson, 2nd 2nt Peter Campbell. • Pat steere, lst -W Bell, .2nd W Wilson. wa Fat' heifer, let Wm. Bell; 2ud . Andrew. Stinson. • can Holstein bull, John Barkwell, recomniended. Mr SWINE. Berkshire boar, 1st Matthew Ferris, 2ad 1111 Dancan McGregor.. Chester White boar. John, Barkwell. Berkshire sow•under 8 months, lst James s Lane, 2nd Robert Morgan. 2nd Chester White sow, John Barkwell, Roofs AND VEGETABLES. 2nd One bush early potatoes, lst, Wm. Sturgeon, 2nd John Shelton, One bush. any potatoes, 1st , Ephraim Arm- etrong, 2tul Amos Shire. Four varieties of potatqes, one peck each, 1st Thomas Buckingbam, 2nd J P.Ferrier, Six Swede turnips, 'Mt Robert Martin, 2ud Richard Martin. Six any other variety turnips, lst jarnes E • Bakers -2nd Richard Martin. ix beets, 1) F Snnth, '2nd Donald Me Collection of ladien, ,fancy knitted work, lst ilhain Welsh, 2ini Thomas Mitchell, 3rd hn Brown Gents flannel shirt hand made, let John own, 2nd Thomas Mitchell Laundry or ironed »shirt, lst Mrs 'Lamont, d John Taylor Patch in old gannet, let John Brown Best collection of art by lady artist, special J E Mulholland, 1st Mrs C McDonald For public schools, special: by 5 T Jackson: Penmanship 4th class; let Edward Reavis 1 Dmican Campbell Black ink map (booming 4th class, lst Ed - rd Reavie, 2nd William Welsh • Black ink map drawing 3rd class, 1st Dun - Campbell, 2nil Mrs A McDonald "ollection of hand painting' recommended, -s Harris pain' ting recommended, Agnes at(i)rn reat.li recommended, Mrs 11 McLeod niturr. ix summer apples,lst Richard Buckingham John Hewitt ix WI appleoi, 1st -Richard Buckingham, Donald Mc Kenzie • Four varieties fall apples, lst-Andrew Stiu- on , 2nd Duncan Campbell Six winter apples, 1st John L Bowers, 2nd WFCIon8rInvitahrieties winter apples. id' S inith, 2nd Duncan Campbell Crab apples, lst Duncan Campbell, 2nd MsrsixLamont lst Mrs Lamont, 2nd W D BMrs Lamont rsaidxl e ywinter pears, lst Robert Mnrtin, 2nd. uc ow on on y . barnyard Sams, tat Robert Martin,2ni1 James A McLeod Pair geese, let James Lane, 2nd Thomas Buckingham • Pair turkeys, Ist, Thomas Buckingham, 2nd Robert Pnllock Pair ducks, 1st James Lane, 2ud Robert Pollock JUDGES. Horses—J J Lau,ghlin, Clinton ; Thomas 11 Taylor, Blyth and D IVIcTavish,Utiderwood Cattle- David Milne, Ethel; Edwin Gaunt and John Webster, St Helens Sheep. swine and poultry—James Moffat. Teeswatcr ; Anderson., Lucknow and John JohnstonJAshfield Grain; roots and vegetables- -W Shaw, JohnHumberstone and L Robertson Fruit, home manufactures and art- David Collins, Kincardine J 11 Garnier, M D Lucknow and tienry Daniels, *Marton Ladies work -Miss M Brown and Mrs Ann Johnston, Kincardine, and Mrs McMurchy, Ripley Farm implements; harness and narrieges—' Joseph Bloore, : Peter Bayne, Kincar- dine and David Henderson; Huron Number of entries .736 • Receipts at gate 5201 •. LANES. The weather is all that could be desired for pushing along with the fall work. The success of the fall show in Lucknow is talked -of by nearly every one you meet. • Mr. John Campbell returned home from Manitoba on Saturday last. Mis. Wm. Farrish, of Rockwood, returned to her hone last Week, after spending a• few days with friends in this'Iocality. Miss Mary Lyon, of Londesboro, spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. J. Spindler. Mr. John Jameson seems to be sur prising the show rings generally with his fine team of heavy draughts. A list of his successes will be given next week. W. H. Reid disposed of another fine lot of cattle, 28 head in all. This is a large sale at once from one farmer. Mr. Wm. Pagan's new and hand- some brick residence is' almost,. com- pleted and will add greatly t-6 the appearance of his beautiful farm -- Coldstream park. ONIONS FOR DIPTHERI.A. " Why don't they use onions For . goodness sake .why don't they use onions ! Where do they live? I will there_todayand-fell—t-henr-to use onions !" Such were the exclainatiens of mother, says the editor of the Den- -ver-Mirtor,.'wbeirwe-repor fed 'One d'aY at dinner that a child of Mr. G. W. roudleyrwas dead and the wholeAmily including himself, alarmingly ;sick with diptheria. •Mother was moved to these earnest and interested expres- sions by a firm belief that she knows - severallivesSaved by the use of onions in diptheria, one of them being our sister. In these cases raw ,onions were placed •iit a bandage and beatez) into a pulp, the cloth' ntaining onions, juice and all, being then bound about the throat ar.cl well up over the ears. Renewals m:ay bemade as often as the mass . becomes dry. In the cases noticed -the result was almost , magical, deadly pain. yielding in a short time to sleepy comfort. The editor adds the wish that this remedy might have a wide enbrigh trial to fully test its usefulness, —Chicago Canadian Amorican Since the first of the year .three of ,our young Canadians in this city have married the daughters . of Chicago millionaires and another is On the eve of leading to the altara charming . lytiung lady whose foru tno is repro- sented by seven figures. Next ! .0 • •