HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1891-10-02, Page 5PATRONS OF INDUSTRY. A SPECIAL SESSION OF THE ' GRAND -ASSOCIATION IN LQIVDON. 'The call to attend a special session stif the Grand Association of Patrons 'sof :industry of Ontario was liberally ,responded to, and on Tuesday after- ►noon• nearly 60 delegates reported rah selves at the City- Hall; London, sone Of these being a representative The Lucknow Sentinel, Bruce. t✓ounty, October 2nd On constitution --Thomas Creighton J. F. Wilson, W. Thompson,.. F. Henderson, E. J. 'Pearson, R. Brock and W m. Deo. a', iim . The grand secretary reported that a platform provisionally adopted at Chatham' on March 10, had been sub- mitted to 303 subordinate associations with the following result, the figures after each plank signifying the number of associations favorable, and the bal- ance being either opposed or undecided: 1, Maintenance of British connec- tion ; 207. 2. The reservation of public lands aroii Quebec. for the actual settlers ; 303. The grand officers present were, F. 3, Purity of administration and 'Kennedy, Camlachie, president C. A. Absolute independence of Parliament ; rte. ..• •i ,y41,n .Tib{ -0. p�u .,X r. to ..::f'Yll/ ,'i{�c1�. ;T r.„,.,� a .z-�. � � sry •,a- - .au' wu ,� >i• tee;,,�, u:YY:'. •. iftfi0.s� k.I wd °Y.^mr ai,,. 9tlall�blr�,-`"'Vi�ai`1f'wrilfff, �Y�;�-pi°ei;51�i91t#Yl't , `'� '� • A. Welsh,, Strathroy, secretary- ttreasurer, and Thomas Creighton, .Dlooretown, Henry Winters, Thorny- iurst, and J. W. Wilson,.Chatharia, errand trustees. 4. Regid economy in every depart- ment of the public service ; 302. 5. Simplification of the laws and a general reduction in machinery of Government ; 303. 6. The abolution of the Canadian Senate ; 288. 22.6. 8. A system of civil Rervice refoi rrn that will give each county power to appoint their own county officials, except county judges ; 281. 9. Tariff for revenue only, and so adjusted as to fall as far as possible upon the luxuries, and not upon the necessaries of life.; 301. 10. Reciprocal trade on fair and equitable terms between Canada and the United States ; 294. 11. Effectual legislation that will protect labor and the results of labor -from those` combinations and monopw- lies which unduly enhance the price of the articles produced by such combin- ations or mohoplies ; 299. e 12. Prohibition of • the bonusing of railways by Government grants as contrary to the public interests ; 288. 13. The formation of a loan and investment society in connection with the order for the purpose of negotiat- ing loans on farm property. at reduced rates of interest ; 288. 14. Preparation of the Dominion and Provincialvoters' lista by the municipal officers ; 296.. 15. Conformity of electoral districts for both Dominion and Provincial represen'ation to county` boundaries, as constituted for municipal purposes ;, 202. There is a large amount of debating talent and executive ability in the association, ,and at the sessions held on Tuesday afternoon and evening, on Wednesday forenoon and evening, and on Thursday forenoon, afternoon and fol aldson were appointed_ a committee on credentials, and their report, as sbelow. was adopted. .}Brant -A. B. Lee. rBrue Dr. Bradley, Peter Cerri- B;gan,..Ml`McEwing, Wm. Quirk and `Alex. Patterson. Elgin -Wm. Doe and F. Leeson. Grenville -Robert Alder. Grey -Samuel Anderson. Haldimand-J. W. McCallum and John Robertson. Halton -John D. McGregor. Huron -Jas. Gaunt and J. A. Mc- . Keown. Kent -J. N. McCoyy. E. E. Parrot, W. H. Windover and F. W. Wilson. La HI bton-Wm. Ball, C. Coyle,. T. 'Creighton, A. C. Dewar, C. Kennedy, D. McIntyre, Win. Nesbit, Ed. ',Orange, John Paynter, Wm. Thomp- son and.Henry Winters. Middlesex -J. H. Alexander, R. 'Richards, r ck, Archie Campbell, B. J,-Donliti,, 'n, J. C. Hull and L. A. Welsli. Norfolk -D. Braniun, D. Dwyre, .:J. N. McNally and Albert Swinn. Northumberland --J: B. Ewing, C. A. Mallory and Robert McKeown. Ontarin-F. Roach.` Oxford-R.J. Pearson. Peterboro-W. H. Brnchour and Robert Tudhope. Welland -W. 11. Garner. Wellington -Geo. A. Darby and Jas, Y. Farley. Wentworth -T. Si Henderson. 'Huntingdon, Quebec -T. J. Leahy. The grand president introduced the t Fan Millinery At re. .Aturchisoes. Seasonable Goods,... The Latest Styles, PROS, THE LOWEST. After a visit to the city, the assort- ment_ will be complete, and all orders kv'. Ieceive err nal attentl T.. All Are Invited. To Call. MRS. li ILIRCHISON. DocparI ER 9 THE HUB Leads thein all for Pam: ay Groceries • AND (CANNED GODS. C Fruits of All Kinds in Season. FINE TEAS A SPECIALTY. The Largest ,Mock, The Choices,. Goods, & The Best Value FIRE FIRE ! Insure your farm property, private dwellin in the old reliable, the .business of the meeting by explaining evening very important business has svhy it was called, viz : Fur improving been transacted. The sessions closed the organization of the grand associa- tion by amending the constirution and ,by-laws thereof_; for finally adopting a ;,tplatform of the order in this Province; for taking into consideration the. .advisibillty of making application for a Dominion charter of incorporation, and for the purpose of -transacting such ether business as may at the time be `deemed of importance to the order in this Province. He reviewed the story of Separation from the United States last February, . the formation of the grand association, and the progress that has been wade notwithstanding' the difficulties found in the way, and believing that the experience of the gust eight months would enable them glow to formulate laws that are better calculated to aid Patrons to be success- ful, he had acted on advice given to slim and had. called this meeting. He told of his success in the Northwest, .,and of the eagerness of the farmers there to have the order spread over .the territory as fast as.pessible. He argil-worked-stead-il-y-in-the.interesis_of_ on Friday. An adjournment was made on Wednesday afternoon only to visit the Fair, -every delegate being punctual in attendance at/the numer- ous and lengthy sessions held. the order, and had visited sixeeen or. :.seventeen counties in Ontario, and besides the organizers appointed in ,,Dntario; he had appointed ten organ-. iters in the Northwest and established Eve county associations. The expenses of his trip to Manitoba would in a short time be more than met by the • dues coming 'from thatflpart of Canada. jad n The action of the h president •tailing this special meeting of 'the grand .association was approved, and ,the work of the sessions was begun by ,°ache appoint1bent of ,the following ,committees, viz. On resolutions -J. N, McCoy, 0. A, Mallory, Thos. Sawyer and T. J. Leahy. On by -laws -H. Winters, P. Corri- , B. J. Donaldson and J. Robertson. n mileage and compensation -F. Le on, Thos. Bradley, J. A. McEwan, :and Mr, Quiik. . On platform ---E. E. Parrott, W. Nesbit, J. N. McCoy, W. H. Gaynor, R. Alder, A. Dewar, R. J. McKeown, J. H. Alexander and; Mrs Darby. On finance -A. Campbell, J. H. Alexander and W. H. Windover. On goo's of the ,°tanc1VS. Ander. --las. Gaunt, J. Payer acn. LONDON MUTUAL 0 Office, -A. ROSS harness shop. Lucknow Wil be in the office every Saturday afternoon; JOHN LANE Agent Kinlongb. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the partnership heretofore subsisting between us, the undersigned, as Druggists in the Village of Lucknow, has been this day dissolved by mutual consent. All debt owing to the said partnership are to be paid to Harry Days, and all claims against the said partner- ship are also to be presented to the said Harry Day' by whom the same will be settled. Dated at Lucknow this 1st day of Septem- -ber, 1891. Witness, G„ W. BERRY, ELLIOT TRAVER, I. HARRY DAYS. The partnership existing between Mr. H. Days and myself as druggists, etc„ having expired, Mr. H. Days is the lucky one in se- curing the business, I have much pleasure in recommending hien to our conhdence. Please accept my very best thanks and kind feelings Pr your past i ask a continuance of the same in bthalf of Mr, H. Days, I am, Yours Respectfully, G.. W,BERRY. Is the most ancient and most general of all diseases. Scarcely a family is entirely free from it, while thousands everywhere are its suffering slaves. Hood's Sarsaparilla has remarkable success in curing every form of scrofula. The most severe and painful run- ning sores, swellings in the neck, or goitre, humor in the eyes, causing partial or total blindness, and every other form of blood disease have yielded to the, powerful effects of this medicine. Try it. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold -by -al -druggist. $14.1 for/b:.reparedony by C. I. HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. 100 Doses One Dollar LUCKNOW MA$flETS Fall Wheat, per bushel Peas Oats Potatoes Butter, per lb Eggs, per dozen .. .. .87 INSOLVENT NOTICE IN THE MATTER OF As E. BRASHER, Of Lucknow, Insolvent. The Insolvent has made an assignment to the undersigned for the benefit of the creditors under R. S. (k, 1889, chapter 124. All persons claiming to rank upon the estate of the Insolvent must file their claims with me on or before the 1st day of November, 1891, after which date I will proceed to distribute the assets of the Estate, having regard to those claims only of which I shall then have notice. D. HENDERSON Assignee, No.17 Front St. West. Toronto. Toronto, Sept. 10th, 1891. Gine m uc now. JOHN ELLIOT. An Unequalled Assortmont Including' all the newest STYLES AND NOVELTIES ARE YOU DEAF Or do you -stiffer from noises in the head. Then send 3 cent stamp and I will send a valuable treatise containing full particulars for home cure which costs comparatively nothing. A splen- did work on deafness and the ear. -- Address, PROF. G. CHASE, Montreal. Of the season in womens and ehildrets boots for TO THEFARMERS FAIL & WINTER Wear, also in all the LEAD NG LINES ASHFIELD. COUNCIL. The above Council met on Sept. 24 pursuant to adjournment. w Councillor Girvin abseait. Minutes of previous meeting were read and signed. Accounts paid -Hugh WO -hay $4: D. Connell $5.07', Mrs, 'McRae $5 (charity), T. Lougheed $57.00, D. ITeuelerson $69:30, J: r Matheson $12.0-85. _ A letter from the Reeve of Hurons - claiming pay for grave), was read. Decided that "the Reeve 'matte further inquiry in the matter. The collector's bond was accepted. Complaint of W. H." Reid and D. L. Taylor respecting statute labor was �r ��; x sr arm ��&'ae�".o�'mI'!twi�.' Y�:Yrs,.,yR,e,�_�:�s7.�:3.,,,-=1"'�'�`�a .:uW�l..:•=="='`...;ar,s but to be considered again. Rates to be . levied --County 2` and one tenth 'mills; local, 2' Trills ; special• school rate, I mill general' school rates according: to trustees' estimates. Next meeting to be held on Nov. 5- ,w,-,....7874:4Zw9EKg144 Ciacrk,- In means, womens & childrens RUBBERS & OVERSHOES AT • J. PEART, LUCKNOW. NOTICE. TEACHERsr INSTrTurliJ_ On the 10th aid 1lth of September the united associations of East and West Huron met at Clinton its the. Collegiate Institute building. It was one of the most successful Institutes held for some tune by the teachers of Huron. The attendance was. large, aggregating somewhere in the neighborhood of one hundred and eighty teachers besides others. The -diiscussions. which _ were .led! by .so_.me- the ablest teachers of the Associations were instructive and inspiring. Where all did so well it seems almost invidious- to mention ;names;. but Mr. Musgrove;. Principal of the Wingham school,. with the subject, "How we are governed," and 1V1r.. H. I. Strang, B. A., Headmaster of the Goderich high school, witlithe subject, "Analysis and E'hrsing,". did so well that we must be pardoned for particularizing in their cases. West Huron. Assosiatiap elected the following officers to manage their affairs -for the ensuing.yearr : President, R. R. Ross, Blake ; Tice -President. Miss Eurritt;:Goderich See -Treasurer, ----- G. W. Holman, Elmvrlle ; Executive Committee, W. H. Johnston, Hay , S. J. Latta, Zurich ; Geo. Baird;. Stanley ;. Miss K. Hawkins, Exeter ; Miss. L. Monteith, Zurrich. On Friday evening, Sept. i l th, the meeting closed, but not without many expressing the hope that another union meeting would soon be held. THE SUBSCRIBER HAS OPENED AN office in the building east of the SENTINEL Printing Office.'/ AGREEMENTS, BONDS, LEASES, DEEDS, MORTGAGES AND WILLS CAREFULLY PREPARED. Pans ,specifications and estimates for build ings, mills, bridges, etc., furnished on short notice. JAS. SOMERVILLE. Lucknow, Tan .1891. ' .25 .13, .12 SWEEP ESTRAY. .0 Att1.E TO THE PREMISES OF THE undersigned, lots 75 and 76, in the 1st con. of Kinloss4 on or about July last, an aged white ewe afilV lamb, Both animals are marked in the ears. The owner is requested to prove property, pay expenses and take them away. MTTRDOCH McQUEEN, 3-923 t Lucknow P. O. PIG ESTRAY. STRAYED TO THE PREMISES OF the undersigned at lot 25, con. 4, Kinloss on or about the lst of September, a black pig. The owner is requested to prove property, pay expenses and trice it away. D. McDONALD, 3.923 Langside P, O. 4 I have rented the store occupied by Mr. Geo. Kerr, and am prepared to P.A "Sr CASH FOR BUTTER AND EGGS. The highest price will be d paid for butter according to quality. R. C. SPARLIHC. NOTICE. Mrs. Smit -Has just-opened-ouLa=_fine assortment of DRESS GOODS In all the latest Colorings.' Also , Dress Trimmings In Silver and Gilt Gnimps. Navy and Gilt ALL PERSONS HOLDING ORGANS, Pianos, Sewing Machines, or other goods or chattels, left with tbeui (unsold) by any person connected with the firm of T. KIBBORN & SON, Of Chesloy, S'hlburne and Markdale, are hereby notified that such goods must be accounted for to the undersigned at once,. THE BELL ORGA m & PIANO CO., (Limited) ; , Guelph, Ont. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. 0 SITUATED IN THE Mct<%AREEL Survey, on Willoughby Street, in the Village of Lucknow, containing one acre of land with good fruit trees and first-class small frmiis, also a large barn and driving shed. The house is in good condition and contains six rooms, kitchen, collar, etc. This property can by had ata bargain. Apply to MRS. JAMES C. MILLER. • efa-tf Bob Street, Lucknow. THE ROCHESTER STAR NURSERIES -a- THE OLD AND RELIABLE NURSERIES of our northern climate, which haye proved so satisfactory in the past. Good,: vigorous and healty, Fruit and Ornamental Trees are now offered at the Lucknow Agency at reasonable prices. Farmers and all others will find it to their advantage to call and make their own selection when ample time can be procured to study the class suitable to every soil and to every taste. Also the USY 7BENTWA HER - guaranteed to run easier arid do better work than any other machine in the world, No rubbing necessary, We challenge a trial with any other machine. Warranted for five years, , and money refunded if not entirely satisfactory. Apply at the Lucknow General Agency Offtee. It GRAHAM. Manager. P . S, -Money to loan at low interest. A few good, energetic men wanted; wages weekly. Cord Trimming Also Black and Gilt. A cheap line of cloths, suit able for fall wraps, etc. Yarns in all the different grades. A special line of Black Yarn. for School Wear A call from intending purchaser's is solicited. Mrs. Smith. 'Il McLEOD'S System Renovator. And other tested remedies SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE -- -FOR Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpitation of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Consumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice Kidney and Urinary Dis- eases. St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General Debility. • 81 pet half pint and 82 per pint^ bottle. LABORATORY. • - OODERTCH,ONT. J. M. McLEOb, , Proprietor and Manufacturer. Sold by Berry .& Days and A. B. Concram •n