HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1891-09-18, Page 846•• 464011E6ty„, tut.••••••••••r•Tits•••,....0,••••••••,,,,,,....., . •-•••,410111'!' '•,••44t.11,11,1,1-45,ft • • . • 4666 46 :66117 r .47 ••••'••'4•7_•••,",,,,1••••,"z. •••-• , • ••• ••••4 •• • • ••• • The Lucknow Sentinel Bruce-Qountyi Friday SepteMber 18th 1. Foresters' Sermon Our Week Off 'The members a the Canadian Order • of Foresteri. of . tbia vtiu attend the. English ..church in e body on Sun- day, R7th inst., at eleven a. m. Members of the surrounding courts are cordially invited to titter -id. -Wank Out fey. Bad Sliver .• A number Of spuriotis 10 cent and 215 cent piecesitaaiterecently-been-put into circularion. They can easily be detected, as the nietatiS very soft and feels greasy to the touch. All that 01C10101,1 POST•OFFICE Heties m, to 7 p. m. All the millionaire editors of the, Viems • . ,"--••r• • .; • .• • , , Osa. 24/#1-1 0.• (6 33. Binith L. If, &B. North tgArood -----'•-t.-tutermecliate-paints B. North . 7 . Vanwilae • ° W,G.& B..Bouth L & B;, South 9.3011- m. a. &B. South 10.00 a. m. 6:13 a. in, Daily 12-30 p. m. 6 6 2:SOp.m. 31.48p, m; • 61 66 9 002,,, Jot_ ,14 10.30 p. m, Tuesdays and 3,00-p.in-, -Fridays W.. G.& B. North 3.20 p. m • %lough 4.30 p.m. • • Vicluttg EOM ear n , have been seen so far have been dated 1891, and lack the letter "H" under the wreath. itl _ .c.., ..41_,E1.- .. at'ine,431,r4 During the hitt few days the a mos constant crack of the shot gun can be h d i ' the woods and clearances A Handsome Residence The fine, new residence of Dr. Elliott, on Outram street, is nearly completed, and when finished will be one of the handsomest looking and -inst convenient dwellings in .the village. ' Fine Oats Mr. J. Brownscombe, of lot 16, EIinloss, near the Black Horse,brought several stalks of oats to this office on 'Thursday last, the heads of which measured 18 in length. The field from which the oats were taken will yield between 60 and 70 bushels per acre. Cattle Shipment On Monday last twelve car loads of fat cattle were shipped from the Lucknow station, ten cars of which - - were for the Old Country markets. Te owners were,Hugh Girvin,4 cars; Thos. Mcean 1 car • in. Durnin, 3 cars; Woods & Todd, 3 ears; R. McKenzie, car. around our village, but the pert sparrow is- not the victim of the sportsman. Qifr native birds are gradually dis- appearing and in a few years will be extinct. It is not -boys but full grown men who are the criminals, and justice ought to be meted out to them with no gentle hand. Make an Exhibit In a few weeks- more the fall show will be held in Lucknow, and every farmer should lay his plansto make an exhibit. He should study the matter and determine to take some- thing if it is not more than a fine sample of his best wheat. Perhaps some things from the garden are worth having other people look at ; e ers pears, plums or the like. • A Pointer for Fun ,A. laced shoe race is the latest for exhibitions. All those entering the contest take off their laced shoes and hand them to the referee. All the • shoes handed over are put in a bag, well shaken up, and dumped in a heap on the ground. The one who first gets his ehoes, puts theni on -and ties them with a. bow knot is the winner. Orange Blossoms • In -another column will be found the announcement -of the marriage of 'Fred. C. Pecover, of this village, to Miss Addit Markle, of London, on the 15th inst. Mr Pecover and -his happy •bride arrived in the .village on Wed- nesday, and the SENTINEL joins with their numerous friends in: wishing them all the pleasures of a happy married life. County of 13ruce have, we e ieve, taken the usual' -weeleAkcJiclays-an hied themselves away to some lovely watering place to spend their hard earned dollars 4reong'one or other of •the, many beautiful landscapes or rocky glens et which our noble Dominieh seiestly. proud. The Smemixne how- ever, -hai---toired on-through-411—tia weary weeks of summer, in sunshine or in rain, and-weWere mst about - to cry out in the awful wail of the poet, " The harvest is past, the sum- mer is ended," and we are still here: But as a colored gentleman once said _neighbors chicken coop, the " dark41--Vour is dawn," so it was with us. .Just as we. were giving way to the dark and dismal , thoight of " no holiday this year," the bright sun of hope mei- denly burst forth in all his glory on Wednesday last, when our sanctum sanctorum was visited by our genial and popular station agent, Mr. D. W. Hayes, Who handed us a railway pass good for sixty days. Great Scott ! Just think of it, a free trip for the whole family and the devil to boot, - from Lucknow to Detroit. This to- gether with the prospect of a full week's grub from our friends along the road completely knocks us out. We can't stand the pressure, dear readers, so there will be no SENTINEL next week. The thought of lesing the_prize should LOCAL NEWS. —Our milliner starts to work on Friday. Ladies give us a call Connell. —Mr413.e.e..),_„...1_11,_ Taylor, of Blyth, its the guest of Mrs. Will: Geddes of Lucknow. —Mr. George Mair, banker, and sons Crieff and Gerald, are spending a week with frienda in London. - —Mr. J. D: Murray shipped on e s nesday another- ear lead -of view did lambs from this statiote —The SENTINEL will be sent to any - address., for the balance of the year 1891 for 25 cents, paid in advance. Now is the time to subscribe. —Mo. W. J. Brumpton and St. .e,rete„-.4e dine this week. Mr. Brumpton a so spent Sunday at, the lake. —Messrs. Hugh and W. J. Steven- son left for their home in London on Saturday last, after spending a pleas- ant month camping at Lake Victoria in Kinloss. not be uppermost. Help to make die- tiFccp y-itTeilisitoi-ireilders—oit the SeutIlloI. fair large and valuable. Take an —Wheat is beginning to come into will be one of profit because you are the market. interest and the day spentPat the fair part of it. If you cannot beat your — There will be no SENTINEL pub - neighbor, strive to' eclipse your record lished next week. and succesa, ia the twin sister - of —Mrs. Kenneth McLeod is visiting Auction Sale A correspondent sends us the following particulars of an auction sale near St. Helens : - The first sale of the season took phece on Monday, Sept. 1401, on lot 20, con. 11, West Wiwanosh, when the following farm stock was sold: Seven ducks and two geese; Edward Haines, auctioneer; Charles,'" Adams, • clerk. We under- stand that Harry Martin was the principal buyer. ' Proceeds amounted to about one dollar and eighty-seven cents. It is expected that those weekly sales will be centinued. A Rare Bird Now ' While out shooting in the woods near Lucknow last week, a couple of young men secured a fine specimen of the wild pigeon. This bird is a rarity in this section now, and one is very seldom seen. Twenty Or twenty-five years age this part of the country was abundant with them. As Many of the • old settlers-know-they-catne-Tiresnch_ numbers that they would darken the sky. It required no skill of the sportsman then to shoot them. Any farmer er his boy, when they alit on a :field had simply to throw a stick an:ony them to secure enough for a pigeon pie. Cows in Pound On Monday last nine cows that were found pastdring on the streets near the railivay track and station of lett year. .. Thatwill mean progress friends in Teronta. progress. Patrons of Industry We mean what we say. —Bargains in tweeds at Connell's. The Patrons Of Industry in the vicinity of Paisley held a pic-nic and —Miss Lelia Berry left on Tuesday demonstration in that village on to visit friends in Buffalo. Thursday, 10th inst. ' The attendance —Trout fishing for the present was not so large as it might have been season closed on Tuesday last. . if harvesting and seeding operations • —Mrs, and Miss Ross,. of Blyth, had been completed, but an imposing were the guests' of Mrs. D. D. Yule procession, headed by the Chesley this week. brass band, drove through the. princi- —Mr. James Matheson, from near pal streets Of the village returning to Ottawa, is visiting friends in Lucknow Riverside Park, -Where about a thous- this-weeir, and people listened, attentively to —Mrs. Dr. Elliott and Mrs. R. speeches by Grand. President, F. Proctor are visiting friends in Goder- Kennedy ; County President, John S. ich this week. • McDenald ; County Secretary, Wile , Valens ;, Organizer Smith, and other —Master James Williamson, of prominent local men. Mr. D. Mc- Woodstoek, is visiting his grandpar- —We are pleased to know that Mr.. Neil Campbell, of West Wawanosh, who "was seriously injured a few weeke ago by a bull he was bringing to Luck- -The holidays are pretty well over; the cool evenings make outside sports less attractive, and it 1.111, hoped that •interest in the pnblie reading, yoore will be revived. A good selection, of daily and weekly papers, periodicals and magazines will be -found- on -file- -- there. —The municipal ..eollector will soon be presenting each of the ratepayers with a neatly prepared statement of this year's taxes and the time for payment. No one will be slighted. --Messrs. Thos, Matthie, John Scott, John David Moody, Thos. Burns, Jr., J. Morton, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Johnston and Miss Pierce drove to Paisley on Sunday last, to see our old townsman, Mr. Robert Davison, who has been serious- ly ill for many weeks past, but who is, we are .glad to say improving. requiring anything in mil- linery will find our stock comprises the latest novelties in the line. This department is under the management of Miss Lawson, whose experience as trimmer for a large millinery estab- lishment in Detroit during the Spring season is a guarantee to those whose patronage we wish to secure, that they are safe in leaving their order with us for,their fall hat.—W. Con- nell. —Lucknow fall show will be held this year on Oct. 5 and 6. Speeding in the ring will be a prominent f a ure of the exhibition. There will be t ree races, open to trotters and pacers for which prizes amounting to $100 will be given. The directors will also have on exhibition a phonograph Luck- nowitee will now have a, chance of hearing themselves as other i hear them:—Wingham Advance. Intyre occupied the' chair in his usual ents in this village. pleasant and kindly way, that always' —Parties °Wing this office will. do contributes to the enjoyment of a us a needed favor by , dropping in and meeting • where he presides. The settling their indebtedness. , grtliering was a cheering one, as all —A large number of ,our citizens. present were evidently well pleased went to Toronto on Tuesday last to with the day's proceeding. • visit the Industrial Exhibition in that The Coming Big Show • . city. . • The prize lists of the KinlossBranch —We have a lot of ladies water - Agricultural Society are being distri,. proofs we are , clearing at a big dis- buted and from the manyinquiries for count. Call on Connell if you want the list during the past couple of one. weeks, there is evidently a growing —Miss Mary McFaden returned interest in our popular and successful from LUcknow on Monday, where she fall show. The object of the officers has been visiting for the past fortnight. and directors has been to make the —Tiverton Watchman. society' one of the very best in the —"Attention is called,o the remark country, and the fact that they have able low figure of the "celebrated succeeded year after year in giving the Ansonia alarm clock" in Ai r. John exhibitors a liberal prize list and the Wallace's advertisement. . public an attractive ' exhibition is •_ Mrs. W. Farquharson, her daugh- evidence of their judicious manage- ter Jennie and son Willie, have returned from visiti her mother near ment of the affair: • This year a very attractive list of special prizes is - 1.eicknow.--LWalkerton lierald. ng offered for competition in .speeding in • the ring and other classes, and this —Try our 35 cent tea, and ask (Mr, rieshonld bring_in_exhil itoin:LAL prices for sugar. If you want to get visitors from miles around. Notwith- loaded . down with a dellarfr-worth- standing the efforts of the officers and make your way to Connell. directors the highest degree of success —Mr. A. E. Brasher left for Toron- • cannot be achieved without the mutual to on Tuesday, having secured a assistance of prospective exhibitors position as traveller „ for a wholesale , and citizens and united effort from all house. Mrs. Brasher and, family have quarters will ,insure most satisfactory gone for a visit to friends in Aylmer. days of the show--the5th and 6th of Mechanics' Institute purpose adding —The Directors of the •Lucknow results. From - the present until the OctOber—good work can be done by $1.5000 worth of pew books to the libraryin a sew weeks. As -the long all interested. 1 6 evenings are :Coining in now is the time t6 join. ' --We have received', a copy of the prize list of the Ashfield and Wawan- osh Agricultural Society, which will hold its fall fair on October 14th and 15th. The list is nicely printed and was issued from, the office Of the Luck - now Sentinel.—Clinton News -Record. BOR1I. Ls— In Lu`cknow, on Wednesda ber 9th. the wife of Mr. D. station agent, of a son. Seplens- Hays, P ECOVER —MARKLE—At ibe residence e bride's mother, 70 Stanley street, London, on Sept. 15th, by the 'Rey. James Ballantyne, at Knox church, Adds., • eldest daughter of the late Wm. Mark1e to Fred C. Fecover, of Lucknow. and in this-villae were taken. to .the 'stA-Obteited Plant pound by order of the Grandr Trunk Railway authorities. The company is fully determined to enforce the lav, land for the next offence will prosecute the owners of the coWs in 'court. The death of a railway employee at Fergus' on Saturday last was caused by a cow on the track, and the company have • sent notice to all their •agents and track foremens 'to strictly enforce the law. The juty at Fergus on Monday' last recommended that the' Grand Trunk and other railWays post notices stating the law which prohibits cattle running' at large near railway 'tracks, and impose a penalty for the same ; and further, that instructions be given employees to be more careful in keeping cattle away from railway tracks and crdssings. 4 ' • ' "There is" says a horticulturist, "hardly an instance in natural history of a plant so 'universally detested by the . ienimal world as the . Castor-oil plant! No sort of bird,beast or -creeping thing will touch a castor-oil plant. It seems to be. a poison. to all the animal world. *Even• a' goat • will starve before . biting off a , leaf, and a. hos M1 ill sniff, at it and turn up his tipper lip as though it had the most detestable oder on the face of the earth. 'Army worms and the locusts will pass if by though' they may eat every other green thing in • sight, and there is no surer way to drive moles away from a lawn than to plant a few castor beans here and there. Even the tobacco worm will refuse to he fed on its leaves. • rs. Smith Has just opened out a fine assortment sf DRESS 'OMDS In all the latest Colorings. • Also Dress Trimmings In Silver and Gilt Gnimps. Navy and Gilt Cord .Trimming, Also Black and Gilt. A cheap line of cloths, suit able for fall wraps, etc. Yarns in a� different grades. A special line of Black Yarn for School Wear A call from intending purchasers is solicited. •M. • Smith. JOHN WALLACE THE LEADING JEWELLER. Having returned from my visit to the United Stites, I am pleased to announce to my Many customers that I have placed on sale for the Fall and Christmas trade the ' • Choicest Selection and. Latest Designs That could be found in the American markets. Our beautiful ladies' and gents' solid gold, gold filled and Fail ver watches yon are sure to admire. Then I might mention the large assortment of engagement and wedding rings, breast pins, earrings, bracelets, and ladies job chains in endlest variety, Then we have a very tasty line of gents' shirt studs, tie pins, cuff and collar buttons, watch , chains and charms and numerous other lines, that lack of space will not permit me to ention. Then I have open' for your inspection, --Farmer John --"This yer Hamp- den watch of mine has refused ter move another peg," and soon as harvest- ing is over she'll hav ter git a hawlin over." Little Pete,. from top' of hay mow—"That's all right pop. Mr. Wallace, the Lucknow, jeweller, has prepared for the rush after harvest, and hasengaaed another practical - watchmaker whr; makes those 'Merican watches his specialty.. : 3wir —Atm We ever carried in stock. Having taken advantage of a cheap sale, I have bought and put on sale a number of the "-Celebrated •Ansonia Alarm Clocks" at $1.16 a piece. This quotation was never equalled before in Canada, but having obtained a good barain we intend giving our customers the benefit of it. T. REPAIRING DEPARTMENT.. This department having grown so large it was found neces- sary to engage another practical matchmaker, who makes a ispeetalty ef, American watches and clocks, and my spacialty being English ail& Swiss watches, we are prepared to give the best satisfaction and finest work that is possible to be obtained, all work guaran- teed strictly first-class. Call and inspect our new stock and obtain prices, no show goods. JOHN WAL ACE LUCKNOW. N.13.—A fine assorted line of silverwarekst ordered will soon be in stock. cost or trouble to 1111•1111111•M 4semok,„ TED tAtg• uaratrelf1124caristItensagratrilalt liar advantages to beginners. Stows complete, with rateseutne mediates. • OVT.PIT mans. Ws guarantee what ws actverttni: "Write BROWN v BROTIMRS, Nnrsorranen• Toronto, Ont,(Thlo bonito 1114)11AM") le-- • 1 • ! ° , t, ••,j,