HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1891-09-18, Page 4407, , • e-mfro. •, , • ' •f. , now-rno,or The . Luck tiQw tab' 9,70_0,, • , • KRU.pT SALI GREAT BAN Now j tAe time to secure 4). -Lire aims. Ammisionwalmasemis 1 ' A BAI) ROAD. 4It , tari At. l'Iti ti - ... .....-...- 4.0t --,-. ; ' drW ti44.44441* i To th,e Editor of the Sentinel: , . ..,1 DEAR Sial—The unlucky traveller t. from Lucknow to Goderich by the northern gravel road, either by public or private conveyance, must 110 doubt have taken notice to thf3 very bad state or rather the mud hole is disgraceful - --aving purchased the eritire stock sof A.. E. Brasher at : , "_ of' the road between Belfast and the . 12th concession. The mud and holes . . . i I intend clearing out his entire stock of you LIBERTY. TO UTTER AND TO ARGUE ' .VR1014 ACCIPORDINO THE DIQTATES WE PRIZE ABOVE ALL CONBOIENog LIBERTIES oknowitSeptongwoleth,113011.. MIDDLEMAN AND FARMER. A meeting of Kansas farmers took Place recently, the purpose being to take action with the object of "wiping „0- JET: - clew In giving the item the New ;Tcorir Standard says: "The iniddleman as truly a worker as the farmer. Ati:4 the woner lender is as useful a towbar of society as the money bor- rower. In this kind of agitation the is real enemy is the monopolist—the pecial privileges. He has no papt Special privileges aside, to the municipalities on each side of it. If nothing is done to put it in abetter _state_ .of repair the. fall traffic will be 'brutal on horse flesh. A word to the wise should be sufficient. AN 'UNFOBTUNATE TRAvELTAR. Ashfield, Sept. 1891. every MaiivAS earns a living, no mat- ter at what, ihon minister to mounte- , u14- is 4, useful.` man. He must be useful, for it is his iusefulness alone thakgets bins custom. liWlien the farmer fai distinguish between men „4410 by special privile 74, wealtIr comes fro learns to who are es and the viluntary dealings with the peo he will be well on their way understand the evils that. beset them, en they will abandon their attacks s‘pon money lend*, and', get them- , Selves clown to the' righteous business - of abolishing sp,a1 privileges." The following unique letter was found in the orchard of Mr. Mark 'Wilson, of Kinloss, on Saturday morn-- , a low rate on , 1 SHY -GOODS, 11-0011-&-SH4LS, HAiSit aps, GROCERIES, -ETc---, TQ -MAKE ROOM FOR NEW GOODS. ...,4a.s,),,,,,,.!...T_e,,,,„ ,„ ,901•3agg. ,,,,pzi. , ,, ,,% , „,,,,,,,,,, „,..,z,:,, the ifrs Will be open t,..s., J4me-AP-9.--PA-:MO.N.11-gg7,_ ._ Saturday, Sept. 12th, for day. J. F. GIBSON. ins hot : Manalt,Permit me to introduce f I am a tramp, and happening to ca; a UUiO after the family had retired, and not wishing to disturb your .peaceful slum- bers, I was quietly retreating when my attention was attracted by the magnificent quantity and quality of your pears. Reasoning with myself, that if you were present, I would ask and receive, and also allowing that it would be an unpardonable offence to rouse a fair lady from her well earned, repose for such a trivial thing, as to request a few pears, I .made bold enough to help myself, without noise or outward demonstration, thereby saving you much annoyance, for which I feel I am entitled to a IAMB gratitude.' Being a person who was accustomed o luxuries . in the earlier portion of life, I first circled your barnyard quest of some of the fine spring ens you are rioted for raising, but ding any, and fowl being scarce, THERE has been an odd society re- cently organized in Philadelphia. Men and women are eligible for membership and the rules require every, member to tell frankly, kindly ' and trtily-just what he seas in -every- " other member, which in his or her eatimation deserves praise or censure. They call themselves the Modern -Order of oaa People. ,THE Chinamen are trying to avenge • • long years. of outrage and 'oppression 'meted out to them in America by sacking American mission and mal- treating the missionaries in their own country. The missiouaries are loud in complaintsof violent treatment, but if China does not desire the presence of in chi not h I mak ,you a present of my Booking utensils its a recompense for the pleas- ure your \most excellent pears have given inc. Being also in, need of a ndry,•and finding none eave you a portion of ave in repair when I There is potatoes to taa.ke starch for conclusion, words ks. • Yeur pears that it has ever I feel that it n me to leave 11 I could a.,a‘ step at incon- trip -to the la convenient, I, my 'wardrobe to call on you Amu -enough in the° po it. Now neadam, fail to express myth are the most excellen been ,my lot to taste, a would be ungentlemanly without admitting 86. wish for when I eall again ladder, as I found it somew venient to ascend.. Yours truly, KENTUCKY RAN missionaries it has as much right to • exclude them or drive them out as America has to exclude or drive out the Chinese. f HON. A. S. Hardy, Crown Lands pimiaissioner; lion. J. M. Gibson, Provincial Secretary, Mr: Aubrey 'White, Asst. Commissioner and Mr. Blue, Mining Director, took a trip to the Rainy River regions a few weeks ago to spy out the timberand see the lay of the land for theinsel.ves. They 'were suprisingly impressed with the conditions of land in those regions, as being excellent farming lands. They say also there is an immenso quantity Alm store, Mclntyre's old stand, Lucknow. „„. yin • ALL GOODS., OUR STOCK OF DRY GOODS IS BEING ell Assorted for Fall Trade. A CALL 15 SOLICITED. Aiz CoUNTS FOP C Liksiffe -W-M. 001\1"1\T.N •THE NORTHERN FOR 1: 1. Never in the history of the past 14 exhibi- tions have the prospects looked so bright\ and so early in the season for such a grand exhibi tion of live „stock, agricultural and dairy products, fruit, vegetables, and ladies' whrk, fine arts, etc.; etc., nor have the list \ of attractions been so varied and entertaining as the present season's. The programme ;Out before the many patrons of the Northern in this district this year is larger and better than ever. No where outside of Toronto and Lon - doh 'can be found an exhibition equal' in attractiveness and instruction to the Northern. Those who have patronized the Northern in the past, know that their many and remunera- tive prizes draw a huge field of competitors and brings out the closest competition in the different classes, especially in live stock and speedieg in the ring, while the list of attrac- tions easily downs the bill of fare presented by, any rival institution in this district, and we are confident will satisfy the most fastidious of the novelty loving public, and a large share of whose patronage the Northern will justly be sure to retain. On Wednesday and Thursday there are three events, each day on the track. On Wednesd#, single trot,best three in five beats. Rimnta,g, best two in three heats, and a walking race by Agricultural teams. 04 TRITICStai —Stallion trot, bestthree in five heats; running, open to all, best two in for efficien among the lady drivers. Prof: Cooper, one o the most daring and succe-ssful aeronautists in the business has been secured to give two eihi bitions, together with his trained dog Fitz- 'immima, which is the only canine' aeronautist in the world. on Wednesday and Thursday. These daring aerial performers ascend in their balloon to the clouds and from that tremendous height drop from their balloon and for nearly 1000 feet descend with awful velocity, when their frail'parachute begins gradually to open, andthey descend to mother earth in safety. The managing committee have aecured the services of some of the best acrobatic peifoim- ers in the country, who will without doubt please all those mterested in the Performance of such daring feats. Tom Edison, "The Wizzard Inventor," has given this age many wonderful inventions but none more pleasing and instructive than this wonderful machine; the Phondgraph,which will be at the Northern. Through this machine can be heard. exactly as rendered, selections from different operas as sung by Patti, the voice of Gladstone, the rand old man, as he thunders forth arguments m the House of Commons. London, England, .or the comic songs of Joe Murphy. A large grandstand has bean built which will command a view of everything going on in the gram& of tiruber,°so much, that they dare. not commence to put it in figures. There Will be a large cut this season-. • Mn. Gladstone has an article in the current number �f the Nineteenth Century figuring out the results of the coming general elections. Mr. Glad- stone calculates that the Liberal •fatajority will exceed 100, and while, the Ministerial journals scoff at this conchision, they are none of them so sanguine as to assert that Lord Salis- bury will be reinstated at the next • election, The most they do, a well '' informed corresponded telegraphs, is to minimize Nr. Gladstone's estimate of the Liberal majority, expressing rather a belief that it will be so small as to be unworkable. But they make tacit' 'acknowledgement that the reverses of the bye-plections have pre- pared them for defeat. , eMM. ARbWAKITT---t----HARE)WAREI Go to T. Lawrence if you Vant anything in _ THE HARDWARE OR TINWARE LINE He has just received a fresh assortment of mixed paints in all shades. Alabastine in all shades. Kalsomine, White Wash and Paint Brushes. "Daisy" Churns, 3 sizes. " Ideal " Washers. Wringers, cheap. Carpet Sweepers. Carpet •Beaters. Garden Tools of all kinds. Milk Cans, Creamery Cans. Honey Extractors. Dairy and other Pails. He also has in stock a full liiie of fencing wire, Annealed, Galvanized, Barb and plain, and Zebra, Coal Tar, Coal Tar Roof Paint, Water Lime, Plaster of Paris, Paints, Oils, Glass and Patty. He would also call attention to the new adjustable wire window and door, fly screens. Done on the shortest notice and at reasonable prices. All kinds of repairing promptly attended to. • • 1111E0 S DAW RnTo:pJ, 1..-o - 0 r OW"•Col\TT INSOLVENT NOTICE IN THE MATTER The Markham papers Ek'tmounce the rite of- assessment of that ambitioustOwp for this year at the modest figure of 32' mills on the dollar. 21 OM Sept. 29th to Oct. 3rd the G. T. R. charge only a fare and' a third good till Oct. 5, and on Sept. 30th and Oct lst a sin fare will be charged good to return An ct. 3rd. The Northern opens on Sept. 29th and closes Oct. 2nd Patronize the Northern. MARRIED. sAumme—TwAmtly—At the residence of the bride's father, R. TwavaleyEsq., Ashfield, • on Sept. 16th, 1891.4 by Rev. J. Kenner, George J. Saunders Esq., 0.)3Leivick, to Miss Margaret 3. Twamtey: Still on Deck • A. E. BRASHER' Of Lucknow, Insolvent. The Insolvent has made an assignment to the undersigned for the benefit of the creditors under R. S. (k, 1889, chapter 124. All persons claiming to rank upon the estate of the Insolvent must file their claims with me on or before the 1st day of November, 1891, after which date I *will `ptoceed to distribute the assets of the Estate, having regard to those claims only of which' I shall then, have notice. D. HENDERSON, Assignee, No, 17 FroW nt St. est. Toronto. Toronto, Sept, lOtli, 1991. L I FARM FOR SALE. TAE PROPERTY OF THE LATE Thomas Mullin, comprising 200 acres of good land, Nos. 5 and 6, Con. 11, Ash- field. 120 acres are cleared, and the re mainder is good maple bush. For further particulars apply to • MALCOLM MoDONALD, Executor, LuoKNow THE STAR RESTAURANT BEATS THEM ALL. Just received a consignment of fresh vegetables and fruits. Fresh Watermelons, Fresh Cucumbers, Fresh Cabbage, Fresh Tomatoes, New Potatoes. Thanking the citizens of Lucknow and the public generally for past favors since conamencing business 1 would solicit a continuance of the same. Iceocream, cider and other temperance drinks, canned goods, biscuits and confection- ary always on hand as of okt. 3. C. KINCIAID. ONEYTOILOAN 1 ON FIRST-CLASS mortgages at 7 to 71 pet cent. interest, payable yearly. Climes moderate, Apply a to Ronwr MUnniklt, St. Helens. SALARY and Commission Teachers9aOdOp:pular to Agents, Men and. Women; Clergymen, to intro nee a. tn andard hook. Testimony of 19 Centuries to Jesus of Nazareth. The most remarkable religious book orTtlie age. written by ,300 eminent scholars, Non- sectarian. Every Christian wants it. Exclu- sive territory given. APPLY TO The Henry Bill Publishing 0. • Norwich, Conn.. MAPLE •inifVE NURSERIES, WATERLOON• Y. 9 , IN THANKING OUR NUMEROUS customers in Lucknow, Whitechurch, and vicinity, for tbe liberal patronage given us in the past, we trust to see a continuance of the same, guaranteeingsatisfaction t all by supplying our most choice grades of NURSERY STOOK. upon you during the seas . Reserve Our Mr. H, Spencer will hav*leasure in calling your orders for him. AGENTS WANTED .IN OTHER GOOD • LOCALITIES. Foriterms apply to Jr. W. MACKAY, Gen, Manager. St, Thomas. ,