HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1891-09-04, Page 4$
The L know 8-entinel Bruce -County, Friday, SepteMber 4th
assOlo I,of Confedertition Quebec has a fixed
gen4;ta representation of 65 and all the other
1,44414, o
provinces are given a proportionate
representation, as found by each
Aras LIBERTY TO Irv, .A.ND TO ARGUE decennial census. - Ther population of
OBELY QP THE DICTATES . Quebec now places the number of
OoselotERofs WE PRIZE amovE ALL people to each -representative at
OTHER LIBERTIES 22,901- None of the Maritime Pro.
vinces contain that proportion, and
consequently Nova -Scotia- -will lose one_
''''-t•-;=:-,---140102.1mloptoutbor 4th,1801., member, and New Brunswick two,
Prince Edward -is -hold would -lose one
also bit the same rule were it not that
the Island Province came ILL atil,
sequent to Confederatio'n, and that its .
-yro,,,,,,,,,,,,.„., , ...‘, „„t _.,_ .
,g,5,,,cw .6- w..4-irragowkatong#,PAti.P. ;_ffm,,,..114,4nlitolos. will ain two members
representation was specially provided
Repots from Manitoba show the
cutting well advanced. A peaceful , , m ,
' • ipsOple, fearing the descent of a ravag- sothat the net result will be a reduc-
hag foe, could not be filled with inore tion of the number of legislators from
215 to 214. LI_BRA .14 DISVOUNM FOJA
R,Itirm than those who watched day
The Department of Agriculture,, in
. __,,.._..a. .e........ , • •• : In its to Parlia-
I I t I his session, states si
and night thtoughout the Northwest official report presented that nce
Well ASsCr2d for Fall T
uuthy parte of the country there were
•'miles .of smudge Ores around the fields -
tentle,d , by watchful men, with the
*-' hope that they would 'be able to pre-
, t, 'vent the frost waves from settling on
the grain, but even this precaution
was found: 'ine4ectual, the fields in
Many' ea s
beg touched. But the
se.e Porkl so phenomenal, the
of less
the gates into I well filled that in
ahew"ab bey°11s4t5Ir '4"1
0i re the frost has
swarm all over th,v a few of ,
she had reachedthe
the appalling fact e ear, leaVing
a tobaeco-scented ct li
nt e,,.IA
J where the
accosting herif' .1 unusual
her steps, as i
but her imagination) A. The
upon; and the'forthe
a kind in which sheds been
enced, gave a ehock to
when presently, as sh0 ,! endicl
on, bearing the heavier'
1 , i 4.;.
nl all
sional artificial cough bei'still ,, A is
, b
trian hastening by, -and :-re4 144kat
denly saw .a. more e
light figure and. active gait,. ,p
seemed to utter themselvea witho
scions effort of hers -44 Mr. ti
Mr. Brion, is that you?" 0
He stopped at the first. soun
voice, looked back and saw her, saw th atilt ,
behind her, and comprehended the sitilktf4n ,
appened—who could be got to play
_.,:.Immecliatety.....Without_speaking, hes tsiiiie4? ;i,. part of the avenging_ cannibal I
took for one happy moment, when the de; ?f),_, ,are willing to bet all we are worth
to her side and offered his arm, which ihei ''l -
lightful sense of his ,protection was to Ira., the editor of the Dundee Star
strong foi4' her, and thenreacting violently. -..0,1,.,),. '
from that mood—released. " I—I am
, .
Mortified with myself for being such a fool," la ,,L, -- - --- --
‘• what is the matter with Mel- SHAW, of the Ontario A cul
ehe said angrily ; "but really that person d'ri -
did frighten me. I don't know aani
her. lege, has issued an*excellent
' bourne to-night—I suppose it is the and 4 e'
how she came to be abroad alone at that modest anis, the results obtained , from
„exhibition." Aud she went on to explain Treasnrir .
hour; and to explain away:, as she hoped, wheat experiments carried
to reservi'f','
e nu --
their intention of remaining in _the
Dominion was g86,000. Allowing for
the natural increase and adding the
inarnigrantsthese returns ought, accord-
ing to this estimate, to show Canada to
have a total population of 6,291,000,
or 1,400,000 more than there is.
IT is not often we run across such a
remarkable suggestion as that which
was made by the Dundee Star a 'few
days ago: Commenting on the, great
number of murders committed lately
in Canada, it remarks that it is a
1/X- 00\TITULT_L.
Go to- T. Lawrence if you want anything in
He has just received a fresh assortment of mixed paints in all shades. Alabastine in all shades,
take. to make the execution of a ' Kalsomine, White Wash and Paint Brushes. " Daisy " Churns, 3 sizes. " Ideal "
criminal too comfortable, and that "if Washers: Wringers, cheap, -Carpet Sweepers. •Carpet Beaters. Garden Tools of all kinds.
all murderers were put to 'death in the . . .
same manner as their •victims suffered • Milk Cans, Creamery Cans. Honey Extractors. Dairy and other Pails. He also
at their hands, there would be fewer
has in stock a full line of fencing wire, Annealed, •Galvanized, Barb and plain, and Zebra,
murders." Supposing a man hacked ,
his victim to death with a meat -cleaver, Coal Tar, Coal Tar Roof Paint, Water Lime, Plaster of Paris, Paints,' Oils, Glass and
similar operation on the murdereri Putty. He would also call attention to the new adjustable wire wmdow and do011y _screens.
whp in Christendom would perform a .
Or suppose that a man first killed and
,hen ate his victim—such cases have
• her apparent Satisfaction m meeting him, than half akii rin at Guelph. The sub-
." It seems to promise for a fine day, does wedged in he.nportant one by reason
co. ' nded airily, looking up at she was,
and thereshwea:el the adaptability of the
cift.,44181:sockets. munications_Wi'mate, not only of the
:%,,' • oge`0,0teatzte of 1_ Y-sv...4,it the show was o*,, Manitoba, -4 ,g,i3tiStElge Of. „increase was : mainto but also to
/NT,...,bitterly regret
•:t,i4§67, )3 the Territories, 140.98 ; `.1teil§Ittetrot th,to f Ontario. The expori-
**0 Columbia; 87.56e; unorganized, meat has Me to show the -splendid
' °Ontario has added 186,067 to her capabilities of' Ontario ' for wheat
•.,, ,population and now numbers 2,112,989 -growing. Speaking of the visit of the
* 41041tie,, percentage of increase being deputation appointed by the 15eininion
Ar, Quebec the total increase Miller's Association to the 0allege he
11,429:,508, ii, percentage of 9.52, • says : "The committee arep :Vests to
By, far the worst feature,.. of the' extend the growthof wipe, ds flaki
eusus is the showing in regard to the They think very highly of ‘4, d that
s. It
,'Opulation of the rural sections. In variety, and advise farmes,%04P.,b
.,..Q. istite
• ',' ' no le'ss than 36 constituencies in They highly recommend
r , Ontario the population* has actually Velvet Chaff, and regtirdV,a0A.;,9. he
'. .4, .. ose
decreased since 1881. These are :— milling wheat. They.also cer
'North Brant, East and West Bruce, Bulgarian an extra good millin141,,p
Cardwell, Dundas, the two Durhams, In regard to the red varieties, the,'
. Frontenac, • South Grenville, South advise that the Rogers should not be
Grey, • Haldimand, West Hastings,, sown, as it is inclined to smut and con-
' gast.Thaton„Lanark,Lennox,__Lincoln._,A ' ood millin. Iro erties."
i I :. I). II
• '
• and Niagara, the three Middlesexes,
'Morich, the two Norfolks, the two
Northumberlancla, Ontario South and
West, South Oxford, - South Perth,
• Prince *Edward, South Simcoe, Sdutli
• Victoria, Welland, the 'three Wellitig-
_tons and North York.
from 1871 tb 1891 the percentage
of increase was .17.31, and during the
last decade was only 11.52. The
result is certainly. clisappointing.,Y.
While the popnlation of the United
has increased by 24.8.5 pr cent., that,
of Canada does not come up to half
• that figure. Even the United King-
dom, which is losing steadily by immiL
gration, has added 8,2 per cent. to her
population in ten years. ',In ten years
if theiranaigration statistics are to be
relied upon, nearly a million people
have arrived in Canada from abroad,
and yet the increase in our population
in less than half a million.
For the first time since confederation
there will be no increase in the repre-
sentation in the Commons as aTesult
of the census. On the other hand
there will be a decrease. By the terms
The secretary and directors of Cana-
da's Favorite Exhibition are busy
arranging ail preliminaries for the
coming fair, and we are informed that
the exhibit promises to be larger, of
better quality, and more instructive
than has been heretofore shown.
The •following amendments have
been made in the prize list :— No
registration is required in the carriage
and roadster horses, classes 4 and 5, it
having been ascertained' that the stud
boa has not been made up for a suffi-
cient time to wa'rrant the action pre-
viously printed, and that in classes 13
and 24, the prize list should read "Cow
3 years old and upwards which idakes
the most butter in a three days' test
on the grounds," ijistead of "Cow, 3
years old," etc.
In consideration of the rerpairements
necessary to make a successful show,
special attractions have been secured
at great expense and trouble, to amuse
and delight the great number of vist-
tors who annually fleck _to this great
exposition. Among those already
secured may be mentioned, an immense
wild west show, grand displays of fire, •
Done on the shortest notice and at reasonable prices. All kinds of repairing
promptly attended to.
• 11"1-108.. T....115A.:17711R, TT , T.....T3C3KINTOW 01\1 -an
works, balloon races and parachute
descents', fire engine contest, aspalace
of illusions, a troupe of wonderful per-,
forming seals and • trotting pig, a
monster street parade by the different
orders and societies belonging, to Lori-
n, a marvellous French gymnast,
cross -cut sawing match, Edison's
phonographs, fancy pistol and rifle
shooting, band concerts, and a host of
others being arranged for
London has the rd utation of holding
one of the best fairs in the country,
and we are thoroughly satisfied that all
who go to see their shoik' ,will be well
,repaid or any expense and trouble
connected therewith.
--A q.iingulr,r complaint cones from
%the tire insuranbe companies. • It
n'elates to large losses in the farming
baistricts on live stock due, as reported
ana the farmers, to lightning in connec
134 -'on with barbed-wire fences. Most
ho'f the animals killed in this way were
near the wire fences at the time, and
it is,supposed the tnetal strands not as
conductor of electricity in a degree
sufficient to largely increase the risks
of such insurance.
A N.Aresori. --A t Alvmstun, Oil June, 5th, Mr.
• :John And,:rson, aged GB years, for many
• years a resident of Wnlose. •
Fire and Marine Insurance,
Will shortly send his annual
import order for goods frohl
Great Britain. Patties wish-
ing to place special orders for
• books, etc., are invited to call.
North British and Mercantile, of Edinburgh
and'London. 'Western., of Torontt '
Liverpool & London and Globe, of Liverpool.
Gore District, of Galt.
Northern, of London and Aberdeen.
Guardian, of London, England. l'huinix, of .
London, England, and Accident In-
surance Co'y., of North America,. Montreal.
Telegrapher Telephone at my expense,
Still oll Deck
Subscription to erect a suitable
national themPrial to commemorate the
life and work of the Right •Hon ; Sir
John A. •Macdonald, ' G-.C.B., will be •
received at the, Post Office, Lucknow,
Mr. A. B. Congra.m's store 'and H.
1\19rrison's eilice, and . duly acicnov.
lodged through the Columns ' of the,
.kotOirei Toronto, and the Lucknow
•SENTINEL.. Suhseriptions limited • to
$10 and 'as low as *25 cents.
• .Receive.d. thus fay :— •
J STeiilnt,M,D.ST? 00 David Moody, 8,1 00
H Morrison, • • • 0 • 00 - M Campkell, sr 1 00
Thos F Cain, .. 2 00 A G Elliott,M.D 1 00
A S Campbll, .. 1 00 Mrs A G E11iott,100
Robert Martin, 1 00 w. .y ()Inners ...1 00 ' 61.°
M IvIeDunald, .'. ..1 00 Dav 'McDonald 1 00
D 0 Taylor, „ .1 00 1.‘frs 171. 1-ludsoe • 25
1101it Webster_ • , • 50 ,1 1.).1ning,... . 1 00 .
Justyeceived a consignment
of fresh „vegetables and fruits.
Fresh Watermelons,
• Fresh Cucumbers,
Fresh Cabbage,
:Fresh Tomatoes,
New PotatOesji
Thanking the i citizens of
Lucknow and the public
generally for past favors since
commencing business I would
solicit a continuance of the
Ice-cream., cider and other
temperance drinks, canned
goods biscuits and confection-
ary always on hand as of old.
, P
, — -
Thomas Mullin, i.,,inprising 200 acres •
of good land, Nos. 5 and 6, Con. 11, .Ash•
field.. 120 41:1:06 are Cleared, andthe
remainder is good m1.0. bush. • For further
particulars apuly to
NI:A.1.0 I..,M McDONALD,
1,-‘,ALNgo-N.r •
Canada's Great
Septa 7 to 19
1891. 4.
Greater and Better ',than Ever
• !Latest inventions
Superior AttractioriSi
al..7.1MITICIOW IL 3. Et=
•liVOLn1il1ttVolUal.84Vg. Woroato