HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1891-09-04, Page 1Now is the Season • For your Machinery Oil. your Harvest Toole, your Potato° Killer in the shape of Paris Green, all of, which yuu can. dget cheap at the hardware establishment of Osi 0, TAYLOR LUCKNOW„ Mcgree election': Mr. ere w iber timstan it for ' • s- -vas, -Iv • • • • .46 411 • • . Outitardia4 niyota VOL XV1.11.-35. • 4 LUCKNOW, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1891 BknesilAIVIILTON GEO, MAIR & co „.,.....zziwita,.....4:cavatoirr.w.v-ta • Capital, $1,2o6,85o. Rest, $600,poo. President -Jonn• STUART. Vice President—A. G. RAMSAY. DIRECTORS : JOHN PROCTOR, CHAS. GURNEY, GEO. ROACH A. T. Wcon, A. B. LITiroronto). • as SAYINGS BANK.—Ilburs 10 to 3; Satur- day's, 10 to 1. ' Deposits of .st and upwards - received and interest allow( d. SP-ECIAL DEPOSITS also -received at cur• rent rates of, interest; IbRAFTS 1 Great Britain and the United 4 States bo ht and sold. J. 0. BROWN, SUB -AGENT. DENTAL J. S. JEROME, L. D. S. Wingbam, will he in Lucknow on the second and fourth Fri - ay and Saturday of each month. Good, sets for 810. Filling and eytracting a specialty LEGAL IMON CORRIGAN, COMMISSIONER, 0 in H. C. G. Kinlough P. 0., Ontario. 11011 A. MALCOMSON , BARRISTER, • Solicitor, Conveyancer. ete, (late. of Cameron, }VA (amer•in, Goderich). Office at Traver's old stand. t nTIORIKON, ATTORNEY' - AT . law, olicitor in Cancery, Convey- ancer, COMMISIOner, ete. Office. over., the barber shop. • Sri -Wry - Or Lucknow B4pking.Oomp'y. L CKNOW, 27/H NIA/0,1891. TO FARMERS„ DQ YOU REQUIRE A CHEAP FARtVL Give us a'eall. Although we have sold seven farms this Soring we have _kali several on easy tems to_enit parchaseee..•., . p0 YOU REQUIRE MONEY. WE can supply all demands if the party or parties are good, or can give security and at reason onable interest. GREAT TUG OF WAR. About three or four weeks ago Mr. D. R. McIntosh received a letter from Stratford asking him to take a tug -of - ;war team to that city on August 27th,' 1 1-114f be•ino• ;te r.;,,;,-. r., -;I:.1,..- A • 1 13 better ttli4ifrgr. are putting upand 'bar iedatuared 1;7/ • but Y9u eau *eve sur000C dip this expense, ly ID.roOr exotTw Abarto-Lin?it. *supplies. WHOLE NO. 919. especial thanks of the Luce -now con- tingent are due to the energetic •t-ePet as' kr. as. Winters, of the Windsor, fur the ,latter's kind hospi- tality. DO YOU WISH TO CHANGE THE. Mortgage on your farm or put on a new loan. if so we will ao it promptly and on the most favourable terms, or if you -wish to send away the interest on your Yfortgage. we will de so for you and at a very trifling expense. WE DO A GENERAL BANKING business of all ainds. Drafts issued, and Bank Cheques on all points, whether in Canada, United States or England, cashed at usual Bank terms. Interest allowed on deposit at the rate of five per cent. payable half yearly, but no one deposit to exceed one thousand dellaraVithout a. special arrangement. FIRE INSURANCE EFFECTED WITH despatch on all insurable buildings in English or Canadian Insurance Coinpanies. Office hours 10 a.m. to 4 pan. • GEO. SIDDALL,. Manager 'Goods, The summer days are draw - .ARROW & .PR DFOOT, BARRIS-- to a close. The demand ters, Solicitors, etc., Goddrich, Ont. J. T. GARROW, Nos PROUDFOOT.• -40•14.1,1•4•InsiMilli• MEDIC L J ,A. MoIONAID, ?if . D., C. M. C. P. S. p.1 • 0. Office, Kintail. DE. TENNANT, PHYSICIA'N, Surgeon.and Accoucheur. Surgery op- posite Cain's hotel. Office bdurs. from 9 to 12 a..m., aturfrom 2 to 5 p. m. MoD. GORDON, C.M., F.T. Le M.S., M.C.P.S.O., Physician,. Sur- geon. and Accoucheur. Office next door to AV. Allin's implement shop..Residence Ross street; oppdgite W. U.' . _DR- ../11DDES, V. 8.',.CALL'S either by mail or telegrain proMptly attended to. . Charges moderate. Office, Cor- rig,ran's Boarding honse. Cain's'• hotel. Lncknow. GENERAL -trONEY TO LOAN! I HAVE A. FEW thousand -dollars. to invest for private • parties. at • reasonable interests. . ,ELLioy ,TRATERS,- . ---1- 1 iW 0NEYTQLOAN 1 ON FIRST-CLASS mortgageis at 7 to 7i per cent. interest, payable • yearly. Charges moderate, Apply to ROBERT MURRAY, St. Helens. (1A.NADIAN. PACIFIC R.A.ILWAY CO. 'rickets issued to all' paints east or west. •Oilick time. Close conne(tions with other lines. Full ilartieu tars to intending -travellers. 'roux Mviteitisnx, Ticket Luekm,w, V'Z'',17(t),14(0)'StLf.ATG PER (iENT Jists o.f farms for s.0.1t) iu as" w .11 as Alanitoba. • Parties - desirous to .ell farms will Coineilt their inter - 1,;40 by inspecting the advertising facilities of 'Snl.scribei. in Oa eat 1 ;ritain and Ireland and el;ntinent of lands f• , A .;ous STEIVART, for light goods is growing less ancl. there will soon be a call for iheavier articles. Fall goods are beginning to arrive, and our many customers will find that we have made ample provision for their wants at right prices. . Considerable boots and shoes are selling and by the way we think it a good idea to purchase in this line before the wet weather sets in. it gives the leather time to season, and the result is much better satisfaction in wear. 'Kid gloves are pow Moving rnridly, •and to those desiring to purchase, we would say that, our stock is large with a full range of sizes and prices, a u SU %V IJ11 1HI1O. • Nv- EST W AIV. ANOS11. IvIUT UAL,' Fire, Insurafiee Con.pany, board of • directers meets for th' trans3ction brisinesk ri the first 'rueday vach mooth. Parties • wishing 4F.1 bare their property insnred in this Aaereasi.ii.;;ly populla cnnu pany, will by:giving b.• called Irvin by•an ageht or by one • of the DirectOrs. 1.>usine4s calls' promptly ▪ attended to. Office, Dungannon. J. At, Rorisar.4,'S,.,crotarV, . Wn. L1NF; Treasurer. px-41n44[094roavVinvang‘ouvescranonmaolanilsemelyrdn•Pne osoomings 'es ITC K N 0 W Al Lodge, No. 112 . meets every Friday •• .evening at 8 o'clock in their hall, Campbell street. All brethren cordially invited. \Vu. I 61);), N. Grand ; J ima Framer, Recorder. Cel.ilidwOod, O. F., couRT ;10, Locknow, Meet - every nrst and third AE.aulay in every month, in the Od(1. follows hall. Visit- ing brethren vr.e tonlially invited. W, 1.02D, 1). YULE SEC. • 4 0. U. W. LUCKNMV 'LODGE OF • • the.Anciont Order United Workmen, .1,..et in the, 0,1arllous hall, on the !nit and 4.-ron(1 lkintelay (q-enings of 1,ach month at eight n'cloelr. Visiting brethren cordially invited. 11: PATTRItsoN, ila t Work?). .111 R, 1), CA13F3toN, Tteetirler. UNREAL MMOCH, & CO. Lucknow& Dungannon. • TUG OF 1V.A.R. . • Pla Editor of ,t40 .Sc .: riF,Aft \VC 'are giving a prize for tug-of-war at our fall show hero, en Sept. 11th and 16th, to be competed for on the 16th ; 1st prize; 035, '2rid prize, $15 ; five men to draw' on each side, three teams; to draw or no second money given. I send this to you •and if you would inert -in yelp - paper, it would give any who •might want'to have a draw in your district a chant, to compete, whi,..th W41whtlid like very muchif you could send 'a team dotvn. 'Yonrs R'espeetfelly, .1. D. Yu:;, Secretary. 0 ; -Farmers hein,g yo'r grain 'to Lucknow. The lareers grain and will pay highest market prices tor it. 1-' supp,r 1“, •oln •.; • Peter's cle lab. Tete. • w, „ next, after e • lv Mr. Kenneth McLeod, Mr. Me- Intosh secured the services of five men from Huron'and Bruce to go to Strat- ford. Two days before the contest was to take place it was found that owing to sickness and other family troubles three of the best men were unable to go. Mr. McIntosh arid Mr. D. .W. Hays, station agent, then. undertook to gcit, up a team, but up to a late hour on the night • of the 26th had secured only two men for certain. Nothing daunted, Mr. Hays, accom- panied by piper Duncan McKay, K. McLeod and W. Campbell, boarded the 'Carly train for ,Stratford. It , was found that an expected "puller" in the person of F. Shannon, Ripley, had. missed the train. At Belgrave Mr. Van -Norman got abOard, , -being the first complethent to.the team ao far. At Clinton another disappointment was encountered,.. here D. and D._ Bell, of Hensel'l were expected to join the party but failed to show up, and not until Seaforth was left behind. did it hecome known that the •stalwarts of Hay township were aboard accom- panied . by Mr.. J. E. McDenell, of e.neelle-to-w-h-ometoo-Neeatecredit can not be given for bringing them along. Arrived at Stratford, • on counting noses, it .was found that • there were only three. of the. team with K. Me- Leod to fall' back on'as spare man., D. R. McIntosh was- wired to send on t. Hays, Kinlough, and F. •Shannon, Ripley. Instead he sent • 3. Murray and. Shannon, whie got to Stratford about 4 o'clOck, drove to the grounds, and almost without a breething .spell went unto the rope. Zora team. was on the ground but did not pull owing to one of their mien having' been injured by a threshing tuachinceacci-_. dent, so they saidt but the real reason may have been that they were not allowed ato e use their' harness. The teams faced up in the following order: Lucknow: D, Bell -• Stratford. (Anchor) '''R. Sproul F. Shannon •. • ,J.,DeHerton ,D, Bell . Geo, Court Van Van-Ncirman Jas. Hannah . Ken. McLeod J. Morrison D. W. Hays (Captain) Jos, Dunston D. Stewart, Russeldale, Referee.. • . Tito first pull was taken by Strat- ford, in three . minutes, the second by Lucknow in four inieutes. In the third Pull'Luckaow bad. the centre haialkerchief • over the dee and *rat, furd's handkerChief within six inches cif its Stratford then rules:mod them- selves •enensgh to pull the 'centre hindkerchief near the 1:ei , and the ends having - by some bec.oine loose, . after 11 minutes the referee rauic 11 draw. This is the second time the Huron and Bruce men have gone long. dist •tances front homesonly to' have this factor) given. It Is tree the crosal eal eeeli in, but, that. was no meson, why the referee could not sec exactly which team had the adventage, there having hem fourfeet to _ teinstand •go on. • Wr, Ii.tvo had about fifteen contests in Lucknow and such nthing as a draw e•ts never. known. 'However, it 43 OV.:r .forthis yeer, lint v( hope to 3ect• the genial' faces. of the .gentleinatly Stretferd team inLucknow next year. • e • The horeeraces were a euheess, the "free fur all" race being best, in which Axtell, Stratford ; Grey Tobc, 1 Rosa i3, re,ler Springs. took part, Grey Tole being an easy winner in 2.2&1, 2,31, and Never lese,kal ing during the whole rite. , CIOLIOriat jUdlur lac.R•ciso ,:sue leet to -Stratford two eon's to one, and Stret- eq. "twee; filer .;;.t.ra team Ther C) were fully three thousand ASHFIELD. The weather lately has been rather unfavorable for harvesting onercheene, ie inepector, Mr.. Tom, visited our school last Week -and expressed himself well pleased, A great deal of the fall wheat in this vicinity has not yet been sewn on' account of the rain; The'plurns must be 'an exceedingly good crop. You could scarcly give •them away last Saturday in the village. MURRAY STALE. (Too late fur last week.) Mr. John Murray and his sister, Miss. Lizzie Murray, intend leaving for the Model. school in Kincardine on Monday. .The: recent third and second class examinations were unusually 'difficult and a large percentage of the candi- dates were •unmercifully "plucked." Out of the twenty whoevrottafrorn the township of Kinloss Only one succeed- ed in passing. Mr. Wm% Walker, of St -Sa, Noe 8, e -Nes- Ilie-iteacher ofthis lucky 'candidate. The old veterans who never before knew defeat feel tiery sore over the result, and the young. aspirants to fanie who were depending upon this examination to win their spurs feel equally bad. But when 3Ye. 'see the very poor showing made by Kincardine and °thee high schools with all their facilities we could not expe§i:' anything else from those were trying to do the work -of halfal • dozen, teachers aided. by all inoderri apparatus and appliances. • • Foot ball is rapidly becoming the national game; and the boys of the Vale, not to be behind thOtimes, have organized tv team which practices . on Wednesday and Saturday evenings. They are improving rapidly and some time in the near future the sixth eon. giants and the hwasp-evaisttld" second :con. and other locat celebrities, will. need' look to their laurels. By.. the way, what is the matter with the Agri- cultural Society getting itp a foot -hall tournament as an attraction at the fall show. It would. no:t take very large money prizes to bring nut a good number of our local teams and nothing can he got which. would prove such an attraction, Me. Dab: Grisham has been laid up for some time, with a sore. hand, but is Low aLle to go .4;o wort,: again. • - :Miss Tenn, McDonald left on Thurs- dayeto isit friends. in .-tfroke ter. Mr. E. A.: Stewart leaves otil.Sattir- day to resume his duties as principal 'of the Balakleva streq school St. Thomas. TIonry seenis •to like calarnity•city very well. e t.INIAN111()N. Moveil—Mr.''aitd Mra. Sweettuan 'flayed from Int village to Manchester on. Thitisde,y last, Mr, Sweetnam having secured aI good situation as boot and alma maker in that place. • _ Mrs. Wilson end .her dnughtor Maggie loved from here last week, where they:inted to resides for seine time. We aye sorry t h see such gond 'citizens. Entert a inn le rt Dui egannsin, .T.STn, 79, C 0. F., inkend lieldina grandentertaientent in tim near future. Further noticn will he given. in ,•-• Mr. Wm 11,..1,rtlen visited friends in Termite lest aeels, Miss Lizzie.:Murdocli, i)f Parane)unt, is spending a few days tvith fri .nds hore. ' tpr,1rem ts• -- r. Unities 'll liin. ,; our popular meat cleeler, ie patine UJ) it thee meat, Atop on Southampton street., • 'Air. P. F. Ilitmlin las orooted it line ;twiting lin front of his' shop, which tcIls.11111t1l t41 the appoaranco of. the . • .., ,i1).,, crioi 11,o l',')It,111i"Pp Of•Plann"0- 'MI', 1, (4, liekle Proofed a lino two no,nt lL-oi citiaon; of 1-..1..itt,fortl genor. .4t(,i ..,. , , I: tag.e.on Jvseph :•;trot, 4 pp( 'Si t e 011.1 c-1,-;(• 1,;• • ( r•. -11.11...t1"1, ilv• I 1 . ,t , in yil):4 church, A DEATH OF AIR. JOHN ANDERSON •seseeleaseaseateisseetteratisleste By the death of John Anderson one of the bestsknown and' nicest esteemed fatnilies dn this section.. loses. the familiar form 'of a father,. whose love and tender care for their best interests will always be a precious. reinembAr.. • , •-n- . eepreeentatives of many. - , branches of the family here and else-' where will mourn deeply the-lt.iss ef the head of the 'family. The funeral, on Sunil ita last, was largely attended, tending to show theasteern in which the deceased was held, and many ex- pressions of regard for the deceased and of appreciation of his consistent Christian character were heard as the cortege accompanied the remains to the tomb. Deceased was born in the year 1823 in the county ofArmagh, Ireland, and came to Canada with his parents, Joseph and Martha Anderson, when six years olds beating in the county of Halton. After his marriage to Miss Sarah Ross they togethe'renotted. to the county of Bruce, near Lucknow. This union was blessed with eight children, four sons and. four daughters, two of whom preceded him to the better Rent-1)11de for hiniSelf a home out. of the dense forest, •ancl often was EiS house used- as- a place of •worship by • the pioneer ministers untiletesuitsble build- ing cotild'be erected. • Altera residence of 21 years in Bruce, he moved to Lampton county, near the village of - Florence, where he resided for..13 years. In the spring ).4 !88 he removed 'to Alvinston, Wh-eee, to usehis own words, he "wished to spend the remainder of tadays in.rest and quiet and be neat a place :of worship." Early this spring cleceased 'vas attacked with le grippe nd recovery was slow, . A visit 'to, his -on,. Mr, J. B. Anderson, at Niagara; was tried with a view to regaining his tealth, hut theOppesite was the result nd with great difficulty he was en bled to return home. All that medi- al skill and good. nursing: could uggest was 'done, but owing to a iseased heart he never rallied but apidly saek, and on Friday last he assed to that 'bourne from. whence no aveller. e'er returns. His sisters, rs. (Rev.) Duff, of Port Colltorn'e, nd Mrs. W. A. Gordon, of Florence, nd his brothers, Wm.. -Anderson, of uelphs and, Robert, of Forest, ,were Iso present. His pastor,, Rey, W. G. . McAllister, returned. front the set f Conference at Windsor, and officiated .'the lest sad'rites, delivering a Most oquent and impressive sermon from att. .25th 'chap. and 23rd verse. he Methodist church, .where the :ser- ce was • held, a as cliaped in black, •a. heautiful sheaf end tvas ut hy the \V. T. bh ing itory He leave widow rind six Children mourn his loss, end who have the artfelt. sympathy 'd f e utigh rhoocl. .Liis daughters are Mrs, ev.) MCOutehnon, Poteolea, and Mrs: • • Gillespie and Mre. S. 1-T.. Sae -nee -a • 1 a 1 a a c cl r p traveller ft a a a el T vi at .se Ito to hs L o .(R .N1 of • this town ;the sons are , 0. Anderson,. of Florence ; Pa ...A uder son, of Niagare, and A. R. Anderson, of this phiee, .Derease.1 had been t consistent member of, the ,,Isthoclist church .for many yesrs, and ne politiee took anective interest in the Reforit cause in his younger days. Be was • also. much interested in the teal-per- :inc(' work, evor reedy to assist with his hand, and purse in every good cause, lied will he greatly misscal.by all '• who. knew hien . es_ • . ---1)etectiee Mutray is uow• tli. way to Portage la, Prairie for nerisoe er named Cihainlen-s, ores lyhelll he will take to (loderich for trial on a charge of shooting with intent to kill. Lest May Chambers hurt...seized the post ollko at J-larrisbur 1 fl• manftroql t,, leave tom II, nt v•!3;'. ft'31 !Owed :Intl arrested hy Constable Role. Helmet, of 'Li,towel After • taken into custody Chanikets shot the constable twee' seel etreet-sdl -to wRS soul*,4': t ' 1 NI' and Chritilhess t ttia11y found it( . P.ortage. 'la Prldrio so,z,•vilig a CO days sentonce for fokin;4. 1 f', 1,-, bot Won rifled ;,; 1 aing held r' !I Government e .0.91)1 le the tietarie au thorif • •