HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1891-08-28, Page 8MUSICAL TUITION, ROF. MOSS, OF KINCARDINE, gives 1st otias, lz;inline un Music at reason- able terms. Will be in Lucknow on Wednes- days. McLEOD'S System Renovator. And -other tested` remedies _-..� ._�_- SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE - -Fon Impure, Wreak acid Zmpovcrshcd Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpitation of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia, Loss of Memory, pronchitis, Consumption, Gall Stones. Jafindice, Kidney and Urinary Dis- ..au diirZsin.^-' 4`$Yc io-4.wr i-aI 5 "F 3v i''="".1r'�ir j--'.illa24a'T{ if i,:i and General Debility. 81 per half pint and 82 per pint bottle. LABORATORY. - - GODERICH, ONT. J. M. McLEOD, Proprietor and Manufacturer. Sold by Berry & Days and A. 13. Congrani, Druggists, Lucknow. ThrhUOUT JtiltInd s published every Friday at the "Sentinel' block, north•east corner of Outram and Campbell Strs., Lucknow, JANIES BRYAN EDITOR 4 PUBLISHER. SUBSORIPTION,PRICE $1.00 PER • YEAR IN ADVANCE. ALL KINDS OF 70B PRINTING EXECUTED WITH NEATNESS ti; DESPATCH. tute. Reading room open every evening from 6 ta 10 p. ru., excepting Saturdays, when the hours will be from 2 to 6 p, nit The librarian will be in attendance during these hours. D. D. YULE, President. JAs. SOMEB- THE SUBSCRIBER HAS OpENED AN office in the building east of the SENTINEL Printing Office. . AGREEMENTS, BONDS, LEASES, DEEDS, MORTGAGES AND WILLS ----7CAREFULLY -PREPARED., Plans ,sPecihcations and estimates for bucij ings, mills, bridgee,etc„ furnished on short notice Lucknow, Jan .1891. irminews To be �ut To -Day Twenty-five doz. of Lies', Misses' and Chiklrens' black and white thorn, fancy straws, lace and pic-nic hats r-•5. or-�P7:►Y'..'G'Ci�^... , �,�, -. ^.:P2:�'�V� �'GM'��l'�v l: �1}3„,� ,�.�,,.r.,n�.: less than * WFIOLESAL.E- PRICES. Just the thing _ for these hot • 4-1, SUMMER CORSET. - Come and see thein. First ncome, first served. . NZ$, Eirdth. FIRE / FIRE I Insure your farm property, private dwelling in the old r'eliable, the LONDON MUTUAL 0 Office, -A, ROSS harnes--114op, Lucknow be in the office-everySaturday afternoon, JOHN LANE Agent Iiinlough. Or do you ,suffer from noiSes in the; will,send a valuable treatise containing full particulars for home cure which costs comparatively nothing. A aplen- did work on deafness, and the ear. - Address, PROF.- G. CHASE, Ar011treal. TERLING OILS T IIIILLAN KITTREDGE & CO. 1 E - , MAN U FACITURERS OF R STERLING MACHINE OIL R 1 —FOR— FARMERS ND, THRESHERS USE. 111 41)Ssalutely pure from all foreign substance and will not gum or hi corrode on farm Machinery. For sale by 0. TAYLOR, Lucknow. R. MURRAY, St. Helehs. G The Lucknow Sentinel Bruce County, Friday, August 28th LUCKNW POSTMOFFICE. Hones $ a. m. to 7 p. m. Mair:; A .RIyE NP. Q. 4;13. South L. II, & B. North Holyyrued • Kinluu*h Kinloss W G. & B. North Godaricl s Intermediate 'points f L. IL & 13. North l:la3 a. in, Daily 1210 p, u.L. 2:30 p. 3:48 p. m, 900p. m, . 1&,;30 p. Ill Tuesdays and Langskle 3 OO p, u , . Fridays - - rG.-ci: ., Allah 9�30p: m. L H. & B., South f H. a: B. South 10.00•a. tn. W G.& B. North 3.20 p. m• Holyrood) 4.sop..m. inlough /} Kinloss. t. Village_ unit V411110,11 newo. , ,.. ..caac .s . �r?:.rx�'. (y., .fir.. ,4.1n�..�rlx��s?:h +MS,! .,, ,.},,.a,SL,.aFt'?�•'��"r. � :;-=.y,.r, a'.i^.>.n. ,•r,, _rr..��i'=:ucx «a ^-�.., :T ;i"i...—r SIF;�.'`k,.v.,�:.,.,�.�_. .Y^Y �! .a-,....''�r'...,�:L.�F.� ,�' hour's play . neither team scored a game although Dungannon twice came very near it. Agricultural .Meeting A meeting of _the directors of the Kinloss Branch Agricultural Society will be held in the Mechanics' Insti- u e, uc now, on a ur. ay nex. , August 29t1i, to make arrangements for. the Fall Show, which •is to be held on Tuesday and Wednesday; Septem- ber 29th and 30th. No Frost Yet Advices received last Monday from several points in Minnesota, the Da- kotas and Manitoba, show that the, temperature has veered close to the. frost line, but that no serious damage has yet been •done. Iii Manitoba a few touches of frost were 'experienced, but without serious results to crops.. Enlarged Portraits Mrs. Welsh, of Toronto, is in the village representing Reid Bros:.Aus- tralian Portrait Studio of, Toronto. The sample picture is the finest we have- ever seen, and anyone requiring pictures enlarged and finished in this style cannot do better than place their orders with Mrs. Welsh. u Goderich Races Messrs. T. F. Cain, John McGarry, 1 ITEMS OF INTEREST' M. Corrigan and a few other local GATHERED FY FOR READEUS sports attended.the races at Goderich, OF THE " SENTINEL." on Tuesday last. Passed. His Fxami.nation At the recent • examinations.at Goderich for third class teachers er- tificates, Master J. McNay, son of Mr. Wm; McNay, of Ashfield, succeeded in passing very creditably. The list :of----the—successful- candidates -will -be found in.another column. Foot Ball Match On Saturday evening last the Dun- gannon and Luckn4lsv junior foot ball teams played a match on the Cale- donian grounds here. The clubs were Gone to Waterloo Mr. -Frank Little, of the Lucknow Banking Company, and son of Mr. W. U. Little, left last week to accept a position in the Waterloo Branch of the Molson's Bank, and his many all times to hear ()this' success. Mechanics' institute • The Lucknow Mechanics' Institute is rapidly coming to the front as one of the leading Institutes to be found in any village in the Province. The grant from the Ontario Government this year amounted to $335, which is by far the largest amount received by any Institute in the county. Local Fall Shows • Huron township fall exhibition will be held in Ripleyon the 29th and 30th of September ; Kincardine fair on the 8th. and 9th of October ; Centre Bruce exhibition at Paisley on . the 22nd, 23rd ” and "24th of September ; "Dun- . gannon on -the 14th and 15th of Octo- ber, and Lucknow on Tuesday and 'Wednesday, September 29th and 30th. Don't Stay Too Late It is told of a young man in town Want a Foot Bridge' who has been in the habit of waiting A -petition, signed by 57 of the rate- .on a young lady a few miles in the payers of the village, will be presented country once a week, and remaining to the council at its next meeting, praying for the erection of a foot bridge over the creek at • Wheeler street in this village. The bridge to a late hour. Tlie other evening "Mr. Stayer" drove out, and while being entertained by the,light of his e rimes, was suddenly aroused__.__ _y_ i r_ -would-undoubtedly-be-a••great•-eonven - ience to the school children and others living on Stauffer street andvicinity.. burring noise behind him. The small brother had set the alarm clock to go off at ten o'clock p. m. Moral, don't stay too long, Our Reading Room There are, now one . thousand vol- umes in the library, and one hundred and fifty dollars' worth more are.to be ordered immediately, so that it will then be the best in western Ontario. The directors are using every effort to 'make the reading room meet the wants Of the intelligent readers of Lucknow and vicinity.. - Now is the .time to join. Remember that new members will be furnished tickets good till the first ,of November, 1892, for one dollar only. , Young ' men and ladies s ieze the opportunity. You can also join thenight school free of any extra charge. Don't miss this splendid offer. • They Are Getting Shorter There is,now a marked diminution in the lenth of the day as compared with four or .five weeks ago. For the two or three weeks following the2lst of June, when. the daylight period was at its .maximum, the change was Scarcely perceptible, but now the les: seeing of the days, though it is by slow degrees, makes -an important figure in the aggregaEe:' On,,,the 1st of August the time between 'sunrise and sunset was .40 ;minutes shorter than it was on July 1, and 42 m.nutes her er than on Ju e o_ '_i. '_lla3 'off of the day's length in ,August will be 67 minutes. The rising and setting points of the SUE are moving slowly and steadily towards. the south. Nearly Fatal Mistake Wm. Jones, of Chicago, who was on his wn'I to, Kincardine, was taken from the half past ten o'clock train in a critical. condition last Monday morn- ing. The facts.of the case as near as we can ascertain, are as follows : Mr. Jones was on his way to his wife who. was sick in Kincardine, and feeling unwell procured a small bottle 9f medicine front a doctor at. London. The medicine contained a quantity of 8tryc1ininc and the contents of the fatale vee: to he t ,1;f'n in four doses. Jones teak h bottle al the boars]. ri and COnirliOd fi am and went on ling the directions Mr.. dr. the eontents the - first. close awl the result and had it -not been for some of the people on n would, hava died. ing roe to pis -were ss tiel oas resolved with awl the nian was tit Kill,"Yrilill(s Another Train The London train commencing 1st Sept. will continue at least for two months to run through to Kincardine, reaching here at 12:15 and will return through to London, leaving here at 2:10. This is a r closed mail train. The above additional railway -accom- modation was secured through the efforts of Mayor MacPherson. -Kin- cardine Reporter. Caledonian Games The Superior Telegram contains, a notice that the - Northwestern Cale- donian Club intend having a day of fun or frolic in that city on the est of September. The names of the officials are nearly all men from the immediate neighborhood of Lucknow, President, Mr. Dobie ; Vice -President, A. J. Mc- Crae ; Secretary, R. L. Hunter;, John Gillis and many others. We wish them great success. Died In Iowa The sad intelligence was received in the village, by letter on Wednesday of the death of Mr. James Lees, son of Mr. Robert Lees, of the Lucknow Woollen Mills, which took place last week at Sioux City, Iowa, from typhoid fever. The young man, who was a watchinaker by trade, left here about two years ago, and the last time his ar.ents-beard from• him be_wa ing in Montana.., The ,deceased was very highly esteemed and the sad news of his untimely death was a terrible blow to his bereaved parents and friends, who have. the heartfelt sympathy of the whole community i their said affliction. The body will be brought home for interment in the family plot in the Kinloss cemetery. Deceased was in. his 24th year. -The Wiarton Encore has become defunct. This paper was started over a year and a half ago by Israel Post and his sou, . Aftcr a few months, it proving a had liay;'ig institution, it was sold to a company, with B,olhert Mc- Murchy as manager, He has run it d•Cer since, hut with no Letter success it was an ill-advisca move in starting the paper ; there •VVILS no rooto for it. -He told his son to milk the cows, feed theliersess silo') the pigs, hunt the eggs, feed the salves, cateh the colt and put him 1;110 Ailldr, (11111 1:nril,1 wo?d, split up seine kina1ings, ;hi; after suppar and he sura to study his lessons before he went• to bed Then he Went tn the farmer's olub to discuss • -Mrs. G. W. Cater is visiting friends in Detroit. --Mrs. Gordon, of Drayton, is the guest of Mrs. D. Hayes. -A choice lot of mantle -cloths-just opened out at Mrs. Smith's. -Mrs. Harry Days is spending a few weeks with friends in Detroit. -Mrs. Connelly is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Little. -Mr. McGill, and family, of Chi- cago, are the guests of Mrs. John Boa :j. T.3,ro ass., -Mrs. W. C. Murdoch returned last week from her visit to friends in Michigan. -Mrs. Smith ha -s- now on hand stocking yarns in all the latest shades and qualities. -Mr. Archie McDonald, of Guel.h Lucknow. -Mrs. Sheriff and 'Miss Emma Reeknor were visiting friends in Kin- cardine last week. -Butternuts, hickory, hazel, wal- nuts and chestnuts promise to_be very plentiful this year. • -Masters Crief and Gerald Mair spent a few weeks on the banks of Black Horse lake. -.-Mrs. R. Lees and ,Mrs. George Douglas. spent Sunday . week with friends at Niagara Falls. -Mrs. Polly, of the Nile, and Mrs. Strong, of Goderich, were the guests of Mrs. Girvin this week. -Miss Elliott, of Mount Forest, is the guest -of. her brother,, Mr. Joseph Elliott, of this village. -Peter Grant, whose parents reside in Huron county, was kilted by a train at Kingston on Friday. , =-Miss Alice Walker who has •been the guest of Mrs. Brumpton, returned to Mooresfield this week. -Now is the time to buy your fall hosiery. Call and examine the stock now opened at Mrs. Smith's. Aa- E:---Brasher;-merchant-of: this vfllage, has assigned in trust to 'to M. D. Henderson, of Toronto. -All the farm hands who went from Ontario to Manitoba , have been engaged and many .more are wanted. A large assortment of new dress cords in all the leading shades, plain and gilt effects at Mrs. Smith. . -What are believed to be profess- ional crooks are working the country at the present time, and burglaries are reported from points all around us. . -The steamship . Sardinian . from Montreal, on which Messrs. John Mc - Bain and Peter Murray sailed, arrived at Liverpool on Tuesday, 25th inst. ' -Miss Kerr, of Ashfield, spent Sunday and Monday in town, the guest ,of Miss McKenzie, Havelock street. -Mrs. Smith has just opened up a large stock of lovely handkerchiefs -hemstitched, initials and fancy borders, cheap. -Mr. John McCarroll, who ' has been. visiting friends here for a few weeks past; left for his home in Algoma, on Wednesday. -11r. John Bowering preached in the Methodist church on •• Sunday morning last, and Mr. R. H. Barnby occupied the pulpit in the evening. -Messrs. D. McKinnon, W, 'Lang- ley and D. McSwain, with M. Murk- ley as foreman, put 'in 63 - ties, spiked and trimmed thein all up in 3 hours and a quarter. Who can beat it f -Mr. Fred. N. Grundy, of Chicago, spent a few days last week with friends. in Lucknow. Fred says all the old Lucknowites in the Western Metropolis are' doing ,well. -Messrs. John, Thom -as and Fred Coiling, George • Smith, Herbert Grundy, and Frank ` and Stanley Johnston, are camping on the banks of the Black horse lake in Kinloss. -Attention 1 Boys and girls take your scliool bags from the dark corners, dust them and prepare for a 'good half year's work, for your holidays - are about over ; school opens , next Mon- day the 31st inst. ---His many ,friends in this section will be pleased to learn that Mr. Harry (1. fo'rton, who formerly taught school at Paramount, is now proprietor of 11 first-class drug business in the city of Toronto. Wallace, j twoller, has gone on a trip for the benefit of his health and ae hoPe to hear of a favor- able resnit. He .expects to visit the American markets and says the people assortment in his line on his return. A 4 DON'T WANT THE EARTH, BUT 1 WANT A LIVING. 'And am going -to have it in Lucknow,: too; and I hereby announce to the peonle ,of Lucknow and surrounding.country that any person or persons ceming to ma having .their teeth out that will ut in two sets of teeth TEETH Tem TE !-1 or ermanent For the price of one set, $1.5, made of 'the very best materlal • in the world. .use no. rubber but 0. Ash Liz Sons, London, England. by all •wh,o are in the business -to be the best ill the world: Those firms have their manes on their ge,.),13, and the people oan sce what they are getting, and as 11 'will , , 150/4 3! 0 41416 n \ vill please hear in mind, that T do not want their trade .1 cal To all •reasonable people„ the Ithreasonable, and theru'uke such 1 the World always be found at Dr, Telmant's office, Lin:know. lricigrao.c%?4v1V;IJ.4tange::b:gli4nlir:204rsl.LIZelit3::04a7-frt'79;:"5:117te'llePTIcint7astilecti'er4a7tioBal