HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1891-08-28, Page 1Now. is the Season For your Machinery OR, your Harvest Tools, your Fotatue ICiller iu the shape of V.I,tis Greco, ell of which you 'eau get cheap at the hardware establishment of D. 0- TAYLOR LUOBNOW, VOL �T1T•--8. —,a SANK Gr HAMILTON GEO, L.UOK1\9OW. - .«.-a.,:r.7as •r: ., ..+ .. sy.utx:.ri:;-yrs •.,nr',u..,• .,- .pie ._� ,�aiad•-a •,ynnrr..v-:.='-a ff-.. zrr..-.+d<i.3i� ,0"n• irt�l;�o;moo. fest•, $600,000. President •Jou eSS'ata,'.sRT. Prey-ideut--A. 0.ItoruAY. • DIRECTORS : JOHN PROCI'Ult, CHAS. GUUNLY, GEO. ROACH Wc,or)., A. B. LEE (Toronto). VI JV CS BANK. --Hours 1U to 3; Satur- day's, 10 to 1, Deposits of $1 and upwards received and interest allowt,d, . . as PF,ar'AL DEPOSITS also received at cur• rent rates of interest. DRAFTS on Great Britain and the United Stat{ bought and sold. `SJ. C. •EROWN, 8UB-AGENT. ittt LUCKNOW ONTARIO, FRIDAY, AUGUST 28, 1891 MAIR & CO. OUR TORONTO LETTER. BANKERS, Or Luoknovaanking Camp'y Lucknow 27TH MAY, 1891 TO .FARMERS, . DO YOU REQUIRE A ('HEAP FARM. Give us a call. Although we have sold seven farms this S ,ring, we have stili several on 44iteerl•r, & trio :Incl r., �'►V.0 aF.xy,.-412i1oia t ti:Vrelitly .a... c34tIlVe rg fyr CYtive Orator -•A Fiu1101Zs lLdlrcailulli: (eLY1a;•-:r,,rilo,r• , 1 ill nloauwcn(s and (.rips !'elle* orWar. TORONTO, Aug. 26.—Queen's Park, that Elysium of the; wall with a hubby, has come into further prominence UurllarthvareStack . I; better than ever. You a., il, ltt:,, . ,i l'•':tr 1L�/.(IAEA rndbarns and want ,up plies, which it expensive, but you can ave so>;rttt tl,f this hila eti e 1.', e„nling to O. 0. TAYLOR For your huiltliing supplies. A WHOLE NO. 918. coming one of the most famous edu- cational centres on the continent. $trithnut i h =lc old 'Varsity, rehabilitated after this lira ; the School of Practical Science, 'the Biological Department, and the new. Wycliffe College ••; to•the north are McMaster University and the new Victoria College ; and the. 1.'reS:,yterian Ladies' College an DENTAL J.TS. JEROME, L. D. S. \Vingham, will be in Lucknow on the second and fourth Fri. ay for $10a aFili Filling andea' tracting a spech month. c a sets LEGAL 1'IMON ORR•LIGAN, C01'.?''t,IISSIONER, 0 in H. C. G. Kihlo.ugh P. G., Ontario. A. MALCOM,8ON BARRISTER, ' • Solicitor, Conveyancer, etc„ (late of Cameron, Holt &Cameron, Goderich). Office at'Praver's'old stand. F ISOiv.4TTORNRY.— .r SoTmritor in Cancery, 'Convey- ancer, Co. misioner, etc. Office. over te barber shop. G(`..ARROW & PROUDFOOT BARRIS- teas, Solicitors..; etc., Goi erich, Ont, J. T. GAItROW, Q.C, W bI. PROUDFOOT. ME -DIC -AL A. Mc150NAL:D, M. D., C. M. C. P. S. tJ • O. Office, Kintail. TOR. TENN,ANT, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon and Accoucheurs Surgery op- posite Cain's, hotel. Officehours from, 9 to 12 a. m., and from 2 to 5 p. m. - DMcD. GORDON, M.D., C.M., F.T. • M.S., M.C.P.S.O., Physician, Sur- geon, and Accoucheur. Office next door to W. Allin's implement shop. Residence Ross street, opposite W. U. Little's... :_ T R.T). GEDDES, V. S., CALLS either by mail or telegram promptly attended to. Charges moderate. Office, Cor- rigan's hall, ` Boarding honse, Cain's hotel. Lucknow. GENERAL - 1%ITONEY TO LOAN! I HAVE A FEW L .L thousa)ld dollars to invest for private Tarties. at reasonable interests.' ELLIOT RAVERS. • MONEY TO:LOAN ! ON .FIRST-CLASS mortgages at 7 to 7. per cent. interest, -payable yearly. Charges moderate', .Apply to ROBERT-MURRAY, St. Helens., . CAANDI.AN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO: Tickets issued to all points , east or west. Quick , time. Close connections with other • • linosck Full particulars to intentlinc•travellers. 'Jr>x it'ucnr.oN,Ticket-Agent, Lucknow, • -MONEY TO -'LOAN ! •AT G PVPL CENT front 2 to 20 years. Lists of farms for sale in Ontario as well as Manitoba. Patties , desirous to sell farnts:will consult their inter- ests by inspecting thio advertising facilities of Subscrih:r in Great Britain and Ireland and continent of lands for sale. ANGU$ STI':wART, " band Valuator 'Lucknow Ontario. WEST WA.WA1'OSH- MUTUAL Fire Insurance iCompairy, board of directors narets for the transaeti.:,n of business • on -Cho first Tuesday each ir',nth. 1'arti.e:; wishir , to iiave'their jprop••'iy i i -o rod iii thin increaasaly popular Company, will by giving • notice, ur called upon by an agent or by one of the .1)irettors. Busi u•,.s calls •promptly attended 'to. Office, Dungannon. J. M. Rn)1Eicr,, Secretary, WM. LANE, Treasnrer. SOciaiiES LF('JN0W T.odge, No. 112 uerets. every Friday owning at 8 +i elude in their hall, 'Campbell atrr#..t, All brethren rdially invited. NVir, noon, N, Grand ; T ''r I•;r.r,mar, Rt•cordcr. • ' to F•,COITR1' las Shorwood, No, 50, i as ir:know. Meet - u\ pry first, and third areea a• in (• v r• r y mouth, the Orid- fe!lows hall. Visit- ing l'rethren a e �,r, Wali, fly inditec. W. 11, •T(,ara'sToNE, C R. 1). 1 ,, 3t''tax SF:( •O, 1'. \V. T,('f",1r)\V LOD(1.1s 111,, .1;u'iamt ()NIT 1T .if oil \Vot'lcinrn, 111 til, t )d(ifellown!1,til, on the last and ,•, a,n•a„ f awl: mond •1t ora h(. i'rloa k, v i.itin� t,r•ti +• n onr•linlly, Ail i-i..•ri, 1). l'.>,•rrrats•,�, 11I:1: +.'r \Vorknr:ui . R. 1). eAmmm.a(t,V, Recorder. e y erms ()suit pure asers. DO YOU REQUIRE S1ONEY. WE eteu supply all demands if the party or parties are good, or.cat. „it•e sa-entity and at reason unable interest. DO YOU WISH TO CHANGE THE Mortgage nit your faint ,,} pit ,an n new loan, if so we will do it promlbtly and on the most favourable term•,. or if you wish to send away the interest on your Mortgage we will do so for you and at a very trifling expense. WE ])O A (; ENERAL • BANKING business of all kinds. :Drafts issued? and Bank Cheques on all points whether rn • Canada United States or England, cashed at usual ]3ank terms. Interest allowed on deposit at the rate of five per cent. payable half yearly, but no one deposit to exceed one thousand dollars without a special arrangement. FIRE INSURANCE -EFFECTED WITH despatch on all insurable buildings in; English or Canadian Insurance Compapies. ° Office hours 10 a,re, to 4 p.m. - GEO; A.SIDDALL, Manager Fall Goods. The, summer days are draw-• ing to a close. The demand for light goods is growing less and', there will,.. soon be .a call. for heavier articles. ... Fall goods are beginning to arrive, aiid our many .customerswill find that we have made ample provision for -their wants at right prices. Considerable boots' and shoes are selling and by the way we think, it a good idea to Purchase in this line -before the wet weather sets in. It .gives the .leather time to season, and the result is much better satisfaction in wear. . Kid glove's are now l]1ovlllg apidly, and to those desiring o' purchase, we would say lat our stock is large �,e witIz a 11 range of sizes and prices, I1 t tl -fu CAMERON, MURDOCH' & CO, LucknoT.Y. , Driiag annon FOOT BALL IN KINLOSS. . The 6th sou, foot .Ln'..1 tr t)tl :sited Craggy's, Khali, un Vatu:tLLy evening Inst, with _the' intention of playing the return inc(tish which iia., leen standingsince. ' last fall,. lacing two to one, In favor' of the etch team.. l.'.ponetratving at the field of play, however, they found that the Knoll boys had •failed to put in an i.ppateali- , with flit.' exception of one chap from Luc,lci1ua,;., who had been notified by thein to 4 ^ attend; and he was 1•a't•C l :i t. 90. However, the 1 eai'1tatagilca tented 1 1, '•t1 u• 121 tho'Cl.ir•11•(1:3 with al game' ,f l>afi(;, 11r:111. /Int. ;y(. a,r(. ;1:•:i to say that the. I f urcnl :zirl a lapin e,'. braver , than the boys, for although they lid toot, l,; ., ;1'%'y•. ! ., , .' •1,' shoe.(.1 nhitch a,,iu Iitt:y, iiewrigen to. the action of the civic authorities for- bidding the delivering of speeches . or preaching in all public park, ()neon's Park had l(•(;onte .;u(:1, a 11otl,ori .f blai;phetny, cliabaldry, and clamor, on Sunday afternoon, that it was felt that liberty had degenerated into:license ; and at length the strong, arras of • the law was invoked, sweeg,:tlg away with absolute impartiality, though not with- out some small show of resiattirtee,' the noisy declaimer and his little stance and the 'more pleasant find. peaceable preacher of the Worn. For the. past fifteen years, when weather ermittecl, Queen's Park has been a favorite stumping -ground, of the amateur orator and the resort of the mor 3idly curious. Every one over- burdened with -second-hand ideas, every one with a grievance to air, every one with a fancied mission to fulfil,. every one that knew. more. than everybody else, have lifted up their uaices--3r1 all these bygone years. What a motley aggregation they have been ? Persons and ,peoples of all shades of thought and opinion— Protestani,s and Romanists. ; infidels, and 3hristians ; pantheists and deists ; agnostics and skeptics ,; social and_ vIc re -formers ; prohibition and tem - ranee advocates ; Salvationists and ission woe*kers ; and a host of minor ghts whose names outrun the memory: ere they , have found 'congenial 'soil nd flourished in wild profusion from aliny springtime until the dreary X e m li a b autumn days. Enjoying 'so long a period '.of ' irnniunity, many 'of the park orators considered it an 'inalienable right to discuss subjects each to his taste, unmindful alike that the language used was sometimes shockingly coarse and even blasphemous, and that' it ill - accorded with . the sanctity of the Sabbath as upheld bylaw. Thousands of people , visited the park every Sun- day afternoon, impelled by a desire to hear the "battle royal" of the shouters. Each speaker had a coterie of support- ers ; and like the fungoid growths of 'plant life,,• that feed on decayed material, they fed on world -old argu- ments, and. applauded every witty statement and' irreverent' or coarse allusion. Theiryision.seemed bounded by Ca; •uarioa illtUlllsari,.ita6� hotiZull 111 their constituted champiol-t, ' There were exceptions to this genera classification, however. There wer thcfrie whose evidentpurpose,-aiid desir •was to clo good, and who were, in meas ore, succes:,ful--Such as the Toronto Reformation Society, who -held a stance at the. entrance to the park fol , fifteen cears,; the Agues street Methodist- lufreli mission bared, a,ldthe•'Salvation Arley. Their sorviucs' were orderly, and appealed to the nobler side of 1 hall ;s nature. But they were like as , „a:a, fvlest tit utul(!r- l;l c• • Ott. • But the angry and impassioned utterances of the -"religious" debaters her a;t ins+ .worked di ';ri.r^its r'strita wi' h the park ot•attor, •1'h+ 0:(1 falai between Protestant and•Romani•st was wn,x,in'g datngerously w:li'rr.. The in, consi(lerate expressions of a character namedtl.lumbn" Cans ! r,i1, an • ultra Orangemen, was. forre,ttsiirg•e.ti•ifo and creating distension. :l'he, public' were 1. -"ie rnnt'rltt??� ;•••‘;;.,1, ' •"t' fru;,, rna ,;nt•111 '1`'o+nl,a" ,,r,t;l tt l(tst the civic authorities' luacle a clean sv,(:,•1;, 11.1. 1 . ,l i, tmrler "nv(itial" l t v if :i •L,aly f front thirty to rtixty .01. •1Mra eo 1a'•r•ry Stinalaty ofi,ii.. r give,; t� Ere to, that i:ili(l of 'tieing. I11 le, „r,t .,,, ,11:1' r; „1c: , , , far, . - ,. a, 1 thus+ - ncl on r•,) . ;i "l?, ). i1;a it i5 hat in Liu. lat!U1' ?lay(' 1' futur, the JIirron hoys will rctu'rn tale thirty will . . pie. • tw'o 1)C ,It: . lie mediate. vicinity, as is also old Knox. The•r1ew provincial- parliament build- ings are in the forepart • of the park ; ••tl 1:• .t aievaiso a nw11u1:,••itt in honer of the citizen -soldiers w110 fell at Ridgeway, and in nolle bronze the statute of that valiant old Liberal, the Hon. George Brown. Guarding the avenue at the southern entrance are three or four old muzzle -loaders har- ing the crest of the Russian Erri.pire, grim relics of Sebastopol and' the stirring times of the Crimea. LIME KILN, KINLOSS. Mr. Joe Fraser and family, of Lebanon, Ind., 'al* the guests of their - brother,. John Fraser. A number of boys, make a practice almost every evening of helping theme selves with our -pears and plums and Other fruit. If it isnot stopped we _will _give their names next time. ,Mr. M. J. McKenzie, of White- church, paid friends in this vicinity a visit recently. . Miss Mary Alton, of Belfast, spent last week with Mrs. FI. Caesar: Mrs. McKenzist, of Iiri-rzaardine spent :a few days visiting Mrs. M. McKenzie. , Mr. Alex. McKenzie, jr., left' last week for Manitoba. 1 • • Mr,. W. Dawson, of Toronto, was visiting friends here last week. Mr. Alex. McKay has left for Manitoba. Mri. K. McKinnon, of . Carrick, is the guest of Mr. Angus McKinnon. ' Mr. Alex 'Smith 'has gone on aholi- dav trip to Manitoba and Dakota. Mrs. Alex. McArthur,.of Carrick, is the •guest of her brother, Mr.. Allan l%T3Kinnon. The Misses Diary Dawson and Tena McDonald were visiting at Mrs. D. McKenzie's, 8th con.; last week. Mr. • K. McKenzie, of Holyrood, was in this vicinity this week visiting friends. - FUNERAL OF MISS 1UcDONALD. 'The .following is taken from ' the rf'ad .n Advance, published at Virden, Manitoba, and • refers to a former resident of this locality - On Tuesday last, surrounded by sorrowing frriends' and relatives, the mortalremnains of the late'Miss•A. H. lMIcDenald, daughter of Mr:. and Mrs. Wm.McDonald,.. of • Laggan • 'Farm, were consignod,their final restin g place in the Virden Cemetery. Miss Mc. . -Donald' has mover enjoyed robust health. About'five months ago the fell disease which caused her death began to develop, n.ncl when it became known, that there, was no hope of recovery she resigned herself with christian forti- tucle'lute His hands who had promised, never to, forsake her,• Kind and t;etu•r(,us • to a fault, Miss McDonald lead no enemies, and to those. who had experienced her kindness and uniform 1good nature her death is''a sad blow.' 11110 funeral, as may le supposed, of one so beloved, was a largo one, up- wards of 75 carriages being . present. 4Tlie casket was borne to the 'grave by tip(. zull;,r lug gentlemen, who acted as pall bearers : •1lfossrs. Brady, Me (aillvary, J° •liickle,• Thos. Turnbull, holt, l;owes ;old C. Pine,i. The funeral service was conducted by tlic Rev. .1r. Dodges, .cvhilo thr• ot�r•'fi arr;ltlt((-n1(;nls were. we under- stand, carried nut hy (r, it; 11oarlety, • - 1L'lo Cl, T. It. is ulierir,g t ury , r - .1 s,t t,<, sin,,e Orr .itt,141.1 a ill,1i and I 'a� Ill, .4t+tll, ,.�Il)l,t)uatl atll'l aiee. . ,atlirl to retort, up to ,e'et, 1: - l;;t• :it ,�:Ulnl� ,.loswu the ,.rile can l,(. 1!Sti '•I' i'y' •.le'lira,'r %l•lr,t + LANES ,. m. aP '1: �4.W,d..,xi:LNil('aid`ay+ll,t,�7:«.r,�_kft A-,.,,n(.•r.II-Y'SuyS�iiv.-'ui.^—•A „�m.d,'.t�M1kY,...xlr1 7 a r t!!g griull :.s k,t ll�l; t'a,pidly harvested, :t!!(1 is 1(•l,orte(1 a splendid crop. Mt•. Scott - has brought u -s a-nother very large head ,,f ` +.:lt:;;, i:ofltaillilrg. 180 seed pods. p hiss Tina McLean- atrr•i •'•ed 'home 1• 4 . �A}•n. .:4 1. Mr. Henry Scott started far IDakota last week, where he intends spending the witi.tl:t•. Jli'..J1)1111 Courtney left iast week f'rn' Dakota. Miss Minnie E. i?inlay has gone on a trip to Algoma to sl,er:(1 a few • weeks with friends there. She will he greatly missed, as She hit; been one of the moat successful workers in the sal) beth aeheel, and also organist in the Proshyter•iatn • church l,l l e. We wish her a. pleasant trip and a safe return. Since writi:,,,; cur last report to the SENTINEL, the relentless hand of death has entered one of the oldest house- holds in this part of the township and. removed from our n ids[ •one much be- loved :arid respected. The illness of Amelia Smeltzer, beloved wife of •Mr. W. H. Reed, Sr., reported in the SEN- TINEL . some time ago, • terrniriaLed in death en Friday, the 1 4th of August, at the ripe old age of 74 . years, 2 - monthsand 6 days, Deceased was a native of Ireland, being • horn in Kilkenny. on June .8th, 1817. In 1826 she, with the rest of the family, left the land of their birth, and came - to.,seek a home in the wilds of Canada. In 1836,.-at,.the-early age .of,.'nirreteen, . she was married to William Harbourn Reed, and for a number of years re• - sided in the township of Esquesing, In 1859, the, faintly moved tai, Ash- field, and ever since have been identi- fied .with the history of the township. The funeral which took place on Sun- day, the 16th inst., showed the high feelings of respect in which deceased and members of the family were held by the entire community. Tlie-.£une___ eral was one of -the largest ever seen in this section. The remains were in- terred in the Dungannon cemetery, the burial, services being conducted by Rev. J. Kenner.. The family, which consists of nine sons all living, have in her death lost a kind and affectionate mother, and .her. aged partner in life, who survives her. at the advanced age of 84, mourns: the loss of a sympathizing • and loving wife. The deepest feelings of sympathy. ofthe .many friends and neighbors. are extended to the bereaved c• ..family, but the patient endurance of suffering, and the strung assurance of a better and brighter life,' which she... • left behind, proves that What is their loss is her eternal gain. F. • • ENTRANCE t:)N. To. [lar Editor r,> the Sentinel DEAR SIR.—In the last.issire of the SENTINEL •1 •noticecl an arti'C•le' . with regard to the recent Entrance Exam irtation' written . by .one "justice.” Justice is right, and I am glad the Correction alma. been !!rade, as Para • - urount has no desire to steal tho honor of , Teeswuter or any other place Probably the writer of the incorrect article, based This' remarks upon the list given in Ihe,ltNrINr, in which Miss Reid was,hi�„liest- and which cild,not contain[ the .i 1 t.., ,. alit, .iii. li-l. •„,.i, gratulatc - .hiss Campbell ' said het teacher, Miss At3Pherson, on their success. - 1,,11.,.\ l i l't)S0N, Purauloullt, • on `'i t•(1ru•srlay the (?fie L Ca idles ,Kcr We into.0 Se•l'n 1l1l8 e'1s, i1. •Ti• way., i,11;;(•t tvt•is 611(41 nrirl peif,;.Liy w1i;c. ' • a, -in reply ton eorre.'1 ,a,'letl it may slated tll•Lt have 31) days ; tar 0 1 at- Will 'r •.. )r(i�., 1,+;1 will 1,0 a leap year.• the rule is thus !Ur y,,tr t\lI('J ::+•,,, ,a: ,a,.• 'l,nn) yrs, aatc, di.a.-aea „,ta(vui. ,t.,..hantiel l,y four are Teal, ye,11,, r•tieopl it i! tit'• C(tlltnr\ y'' - \:Il'^at Lr'i• •,I \'„ ti' on1y,alam 1 a :1t ii . •i ,, 1t,,',ut /(•1llilrttlllaf 1 \ 't 1'',U I:,N(illll'a' , '174 •ti/tilt , , t. be, but 200 .,;'iii La•, - I:.ti. • t 411