HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1891-08-21, Page 8The Lucknow Sentinel Bruce County, Friday, August 2Ist
Hours S a. m. to 7'p. m.
1d,31I+d 4iuuv.l;.
W. G. &,33. South , 6:13 a. In,
L. Ii, & B. North 12'30 p. m..
Holyyrrood 1
•Kinlough ;}. 2:30-p. m.
W. G. & B. North 3:48 p.m.
Godzrich -
111.1/mediate points
L, &B. North
augsfzie._..._ .. _. --
W, G.
W,G. & B. ,Snuth 0,30p. pn.
L H. & B., South
H. & B. South 10.00.x. m.
W G.& B. North 3.20 p. m •
oel}-4.3O-r.r" -. .
Kinloss )
900 p. m, "
10.30 p. rn,
Tuesdays and
3-00-p;in - Fridays- -.-
�K..illx ul<ll
Fine Wheat
Mr. James McLeod, of 10 .5, in the
7th lion. t Kinloss, brought a grist of
new wheat . of the Manchester reel
variety, to the Lucknow roller mill this
week that tested 65. pounds tothe
bushel. It was the finest sample of
fall wheat that has been seen here for
Died in Toronto
,.----There-died in Toronto -this -veele,
the residence of her son, Mrs. John-
ston, relict of the late Thomas
Johnston, and a former resident of this
locality. Deeeased; - a 4 e•-aaa:tis--grrairs
mother of Mrs. Thomas Little, of
Lucknow, was in the 82nd year of her
�"f ale u,nd for nearly 40 ,ears was an
l►�V ..., u:n _ rsys;,,,:.,,�•.; "v,3vz;•,.a.� -w :r l:Esi�?'�ai: m.r: w.
esteemed an ,-t muclrespected• red'ent t
of the township of Ashfield. The
remains were interred in the Goderich
cemetery on Wednesday.
Runaway Accident
A young man named Shepard, son
• .. • •. . _the Nile.
Foot Ball
An exerting foot ball -match was_
played in the Somerville Park on
Wednesday evening last, between the
• the Lucknow
players. er an hour s go • .
on both sides,. it was 'declared a draw,
neither side having secured a goal.
The Harvest _
The weather ' for the most part
during the past several weeks has
been. favorable for successful harvest-
ing.' Wheat and barley have been
,housed in splendid condition, while
spring wheat and oats are coming
along nicely and' will, for the greater
part, be edt this weak. The yield in
these grains will be exceptionally
large, about one quarter more than
the usual 'crap.
Killed at Holmesville
A sad and fatal accident befel -0 a
brother of Mr. • W. S. Holmes, of this
village, at Hoomesville,' one day last
week. During the storm on Sunday
last a portion of the fence on his.
pasture field was blown down, and
while he and a neighbor were in the
act of separating his colts from those
of Tiis neighbor; Mr. HoImes received -
a kick in the side .from one of the
animals from the effects of which he
died a few hours afterwards.
In the Sheriff's Hands
The sheriff is in possession of the
' furniture of—the Cen rarHaS1 at -
Walkerton, under execution against
B. Bruder, the proprietor. Bruder
erected the hotel two years ago. It is
the best built house in the town' and
he did a large business during the first
year. Prosperity, however, did not
agree with him for he began to neglect
his business. He offered the creditors
25 cents on the dollar last spring. It
is expected now that only a few cents
in the dollar will be realized. _
A Local Trot
Between three and four hundred 'of
our citizens assembled in the Somer-
ville Parison Wednesday evening last
to witness a trotting race, between
three of our local flyers, belonging to
Messrs. D. R. McIntosh, Wm. Hood
and John Elliott. The heats were
half mile, best two in three. The
contest created a good deal of excite-
ment and although the time made was
not as fast as we have seen made on
the same track, it was well contested.
The first and third heats were taken
by Wm. Hood, who was declared the
winner.. The second heat was won by
John Elliott. .
Narrow escape
We take the -following • front -
Toronto daily of Friday, which refers
to the family of Mr. George Kerr, who
lately left Lucknow for Brantford :—
The family of Mr. G. Kerr, , who
recently purchased R. M. Orchard's
clothing store, were nearly asphyxiated
last night.' They live,over thestore,
and early .this morning one of thy.
sons was awakened by a severe pain in
his head. Dearing groans . from an
adjoining room he found his father
and mother gasping for breath. A
break in the gas pipe is supposed to
have been occasioned during the work
on• the sewers. Mr. and Mrs. Kerr
are both laf'a up over the occurrence,
although now out of danger.
A Fast Operator
Mr. Fred R.. Baker, associated press
operator, of Detroit, Mich., who, it
will be remembered, was the only
Canadian operator that .carried off a
prize at the Buffalo tournament- in
1889, having taken the gold medal as
first prize for fastest and best Morse
sending. Although as Skilled "knight
of the key," Mr. Baker is also -11,
splendid mechanic and his desire to be
such being greater than that of a tele-
grapher, has engaged with our skilled
and old experienced watch maker,
Mr. John. `Wallace. Mr. 13aker was
president of thcc Baptist Young
People's•Seciegqty, and will no doubt be
greatly atis:iefl, •1)Ut. W'hat 1- Detroit's
loss is Lucknow's gain.
met wit a •a. accten on • nes-
day last. He was driving a reaper
along the road when the horses
ran away. He was thrown to the
ground and the reaper passed over
him, inflicting serious injuries. No
'bones were broken but the young man
was badly bruised and it will be some
weeks before he is able to leave
the house.
School Furnaces • ' •. -
The work of putting in the three
new furnaces in the public school was
completed last week,' and so far as the
workmanship is concerned,, we believe
it is a first-class job. All the rooms.
that are to be used by the pupils are
well 'ventilated, and, if the furnaces do
anything like what is claimed for them,
the building will be well heated.
What the board wants now to complete
the work is a competent man to look
after the furnaces and see that the
.ventilation pipes as well as the heating
-appliance are -•kept -Ili -order-:-_. _.-_....- _-
Tramping the Peninsula
Rev. G. R. Turk.visited the stations
in his district on the Peninsula last
week as far north as Tobermoray.
Mr: Turk had his first experience of
-the—Bruce Fen -insula on this ---trip -
Not finding a tug at Wiarton he .had
to make the trip overland, commenc-
ing in a buggy and ending on foot
through the rough country in , that
section, one night having to sleep out
on a bed of branches raised .from the
ground on poles to keep away from
the rattlesnakes. During one day he
travelled 40 miles oyer about as rough
a country as could be found in Ontario,
and held'ameeting. The rev. _gentle-
man will not soon • forget his trip.—
Owen Sound Times. • .
Failed to Pass
The list of ,the successful pupils who
passed' at the recent' High School
primary 'and other examinations
appeared in the, Toronto papers. on
Wednesday. Lucknow sent up seven
pupils to write at these examinations,
but the published lists fail to record
the name' of a single successful candi-
date from
andidate•from our school. This is indeed
too bad, coming as it does so close to
the recent High School entrance
examinationswhen only four of _the
fourteen pupils who tried that exam-
ination succeeded in -obtaining the
required number of marks,. and three
more were allowed' through on the
recommendation. . of. the ..Inspector.,
The papers for • the third class exam-
ination, however, were exceedingly
difficult this year, and out of the
ninety-one pupils who wrote' at .Kin -
cardiac :only seven succeeded •in
Oddfellows Grand Lodge
At the Grand Lodge of Oddfellows
meeting in Stratford last week, about
three hundred delegates were p •resent,
the Lucknow lodge being represented
.by Past Grand Brother Alex. ,Ross.
The official reports showed the order
to be in a flourishing condition. Dur-
ing the year,„the ranks of the order in,
Ontario were increased' by the net ad-
dition/ of Z67 members, during the last
six months iii net increase of 506 is
shown, leaving the membership on
June 30th, 1891, 18,212. During the
year $71,476.90 was expended by the
lodges in the benevolent purposes of
the order—nearly $10,000 in excess of
the expenditure for similar purposes
ifor'the previous year ; and the record
'has been kept up for the past term,
Iiaarly $35,000 having been paid out
for relief. The death Bate for the
year 1890 was the Heaviest known;
viz : 131, oi' one in each 132 of our
nientJiership, and the average sickness
-has 'advanced from tae -days and a
fraction in 1865 to nearly four and a
half days per member iri, 1890. Since'
1856 the order throtigh its lodges has
disbursed for the different nt purposes of
relief the sum of $894,350.96.
Mechanics' Institute
Members joining the Mechanics'
Institute will be furnished tickets good
for the remainder of this year and for
next year for the small sum of one
dollar. The- .directors are e_Xpending
immediately $150 in books. Let every
one take advantage of this liberal
Temperance Pic-nic ,
There. was• -a large. attendance ,-the
Temperance pic-nic at Blair's Grove
near the lake, on Friday last, our
Civic holiday. Although it rained
almost continuously,. in Lucknow
during the day, scarcely a drop fell at
the lake, and all who were at the pic-
nic enjoyed themselves to their heart's
• bive:41st class lessons on Music at reason -
ab e terms. Will be in Lucknow on Wednes-
days. .
$yotom Itenovator,.
And other tested 'remedies
-.-- -FOR----
Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood,
Dys)epsia, Sleeplessness; Palpitation of the
Heart, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia, Loss of
Memory, Bronchitis, Consumption Gall
t-, _. , .: , r.:;,..b, ---rcrta..,,ti;amass^...::..,.t.F•,;.Z,'Tai�irat
`�ifiitie`ni,, �"
Huron Count; Clerk
By the death of the late Peter
Adamson, the clerkship 'of the county
of Huron is now -vacant. " A large
number of applicants are applying for
the •office,�. and although we are not
i 1-. r'1... •..et
of Huron, we believe Mr. Wm. Lane,
of Dungannon, is the best available
man for the position. Mr. 'Lane has
for many years ably filled the office of
Clerk of Ashfield, and in our opinion
is in every way thoroughly qualified
to fill a similar position for the county.
— Miss : Edith Smith and Miss . F.
Willard are visiting friends in Man-
chester. s_
— Miss Julia Peart and Miss
Stephenson arrived home from Detroit
last week.
—The Misses Laidlaw; of Sparta,
are visiting at the residence of Mr. W.
J. Brumpton.
—Miss Maggie Burgess spent a
couple of days with friends at Wing -
hare last week.
—Mrs. John Baird, and her dae h-
ter-MabeT, of -Toronto, spent sonne-days
in Lucknow last week.
—A couple of Egyptians were in the
village on Wednesday selling beads,
combs and other trinkets.
— Mr. Joachim Grenache went to
Bura1o• t6 spend-a-=-feitadays with
friends, on. Saturday .last.
— The band treated our citizens to
another of theirpopular open air con-
certs on Wednesday evening. '
L -Mr. R. Proctor took in the excur-
sion to Grimsby Park on Saturday
last and returned on Tuesday.,
—.Mr. James Worthington, of
Guelph, spent a couple of days with
friends in Lucknow this week.
—A game of foot ball will be played
between the Lucknow and Dungannon
clubs in the park on Saturday next.
—A ten year old boy named Joseph
Osborne *as drowned in the lake at
Kincardine last week while bathing.
—Mr. W. U. Little, Mrs. . Little
and their daughters Arlie • and Unify
left on Tuesday to spend a week 'with
friends in Hamilton and vicinity.
—Dr. McDonald, of Kintail, per-
formed a successful operation in
removing a malignant tumor from the
head of Mrs. McRae, of Ashfield.
—Mr. S. Robertson left on Wednes-
day for a months trip to visit his sons
and other friends in Superior City,,
Wisconsin. We wish Sam a pleasant'
—Exeter Times :—The Lucknow
SENTINEL calls upon the council to pass
a by law prohibiting geese running at
large within the corporation. Luck -
now must surely be a backwoods
village to have allowed geese pasturing
privileges so long.
—The air seems full of them—that
is, scandals—here, there and every-
where. An exchange says, and it has
its application Here, ” a swindling epi-
demic seems to lse raging throughout
the country. The most common,- as
well as the 'most . effective,scheme is
that in . which great value is offered for
a small consideration. In these
schemes the victim is only .a tithe less
dishonest than the schemer. • A strictly
honest person will not expect or try
to get something for nothing=he will
therefore let these schemes alone."
—A novel remedy for the fly nuis-
ance has been given out by •a . New
York mans who vouches for its
reliability. It won't do any harm to
try the discovery. The New Yorker
went into the country last year when
red Mover, was in bloom and brought
back with him when he returned a
number of clover blossoms. He hung
them in his room to ornament the
walls. The clover dried and 'since
then, he says, not a fly will stay in the
room. 1 -Ie has watched and studied,
and says he has discovered that flies
cannot stand the scent of dried clover.
eases, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irreguharities
and General Debility
$1 per half pint and $2 per pint bottle.
Proprietor and Manufacturer.
Sold by Berry & Days and A. B. Congram,
Druggists, Lucknow.
To 6e Oponol
Out To -Dai
Twenty-five doe. of Ladies';
Miffs' and Childress' brick
and white leghorn, fancy
Straws, . lace and pic-nic bats.
r, n. Yri_x:5u..ati ✓F.q*+aF.n,-E ...z ur.,'�.a �...�:=x r.r� t. .. z. .: w.r,.z l�.• •C '�;,,.. r„ .,;�y..„,.,a..,,..
.sfaY1 offer ti.1e above aL
less than
Just the thijlg for these hot
—T H E–
ani know ,fentxnux
Ts published every Friday at the "Sentinel'
block, north-east corner of Outram
and Campbell Strs., Lucknow,
BY .
1 tate Reading room open everyevening
from 6 to 10 p. m., excepting Saturdays, when
the hours will be from 2 to 6 p, m. The
librarian will be in attendance during these
hours. D. 1). YULE, President. Jas. SOMER-
VILLE, Secretary:
office. in the building east of the
SENTINEL Printing Office.
Plans ,specihcations and estimatesfor build
ings, mills, bridges, etc., furnished
on short notice. .
Lucknow. Jan .1891. ' •
Come and see them. First
come, first served. y •
Mr5. . t arit■
LQ0i 1E3:MRE
Insure your farm property, private dwelling
the old reliable, the —
Office,—A: ROSS harness s ao
Wil be in the office every Saturda
JOHN LANE Agent •lkinlongh.
Or do you suffer from noises in the •
head. Then send 3 cent stamp-fad-1—
tampanderwill send a valuable treatise containing
full particulars' for home cure which;;
costs comparatively nothing. A splen
didwork on deafness and the ear.
Address, PROF. G. CHASE, Montreal.
+Absolutely pure from all foreign substance and will not gum or
corrode on farm machinery. For sale by N;
Q D. C TAYLOR,. Lucknow. R. MURRAY, St, Helens.
And I am going to have it in Lucknow, too, and I hereby.
announce to the people of Lucknow and stirrotiadinrettuftty that;
any person or persons coming to me having their teeth out
that I will put in two sets of teeth,
Ternporary or Perrnanent,
For the price of one set, $15; made of the very best material
in the ,world. 1 use no rubber but C. Ash & Sons, London, England
The teeth will be C. Ash & Sons, and S. S. White's, conceded
. by til who are in the business to he the best in the world.
Those firms have their name's on their goo;ls, and the people
can see 'what they are getting, and as I will °
uarantoo SaU ffcU oo
To all reasonable people, the unreasonable, and there are such i}1 the world
will please bear in mind, that I do not want their trade, I Frii
always be found at Dr, Tennant's office, Lucknow. (�
ID* 25attersono %matt owo
t v.t fti 4 i. }
•eat tSae —-ti:,,''.1,', ' ' .'
°g' gy o rii EIRI 111CIti N]Cd)]H 1a61A RH., i'ermaoen>: si
kL IJ tions guaranteed. 8alarg� and Eapenae0 Paid. Pean-
lar advantages to beginners: Stock template, with fasYrselling apeetalUeo.
FIBRE. We guarantee what we edvr/rttae:�•writo *I ROW1
hT OTHERS, Nnreerymen, n.ronto, Ont.•{Thio-boase•ls retlab10 )