HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1891-08-21, Page 5ur LAi11(;ISI DE. hard esti)ig will atm At 1)e eotnpleted i.y Next week. School -house Nu. 9 ha. received a blew coat of paint which greatly adds -tro its appearance. Miss McPhee is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Berge). A short stop has .. hen put to the • vacation at No. n. .. Y , Miss(.,. � ftri)rv:•tolt has gone to Pert 111 it' tliei le, r....14.1,1. her peda- aU;Ie.Clul:les� ,11Irs. N. CrowstoLt is at present riously indisposed. Rev. Ur,' 'l •Lena tit, of Kinloss lurch, preached ut th , Presbyterian :;hunch here on Sunday last. • Mr. J. Mowbray, of Whitechurch, church on Sunday last. MURRAY, Z[ALE. the pedal; ,gut•b have all left the "•'ale• and gone to their respective chey voices and spe their pleasant face;),) more. Harvest is in full !,last and the pound of the binder is• heard in the Fair, and your humble servant has a histle it,his tliurnband so is not .good writing humor. l''cr. Bowles has returned looking as wale and jolly as r : fter hitt six, tvek . s.)jouru with hi, parents at t ):01i Va. \1'e are; sorry to say that Mrs. tire•viton Crowstoit Itiv been seriously ill for some time, d sit 5.1 THE GREATEST YET, E1.1E C RE]J& :11 O F '11.1E t ;l )NT I N EI\l-T TO 13E EX.HI I3ITEI) AT TORONTO-. Yuma lIuy he Expected . at the 'Toronto rvIl.:Mafon in a Few {'eek:.. roi 11- --guartern-ea:ppl•ieatJions -fGr- .pace at the forthcoming, great Indus - tri Fair to be held at Toronto from 'the ..7th to- the 19th of September are being sent in by every nail. It is now an assured -fact that 'Canada's Great Fair will this fail outrival any of its µortdecessors. .ever before were Mere so many, entries from the 'United State's, and on no former occasion has suck widespread interest been rnani- :.£ested iu its success. Notwithstanding the fact that .new, buildings have been erected and old ones -enlarged during 'the past summer, sufficient entries have'been received to almost'fi11 them. Even Great Britain is beginning to realiie that it pays to bring its nano-- factures� -before the people of Canada, as at no place can they be.seen by so many, and several of the leading' manufacturers of England have applied for space , during. the .past couple or three weeks at this' Exhibition. The . railway' and steamboat companies have this year. notified the Asso3iation of - their intention to give extremely low :rates during its.progress. • A new line .of railway -into the grounds Wilt enable �:-ttiilitot's of live stock on both the great railway`s to unloael within a"few yards of the stock sheds: It is wt•oudor- • ful the success that has attended this re .sly great enterprise sine its incep tion fourteen y l:rs,aigo,-. ut it may 'readil'y be ac eounteil for by anyone who will tape the troul.)le to examine the prize list. The Lucknow S6htin t. MARRIED. HEAT-0x-=1r(irsths: -AE at. - rata r church, (tiiutou, .•rt August 12tb, by t'a,e Bev_ W. Craig, 1:. D., ',Fir. Alexander 1). lteati.n, of Whitechurch, to !hiss Elizabeth Holmes. eldest daughter of 11Irs. M, Taylor, of Clinton, it akes re 1 • Anil by so doing Hood's Sai'sajlarliia cares 3ernfula. salt rheum. and all oth .j blond rlle- eases, aids proper digestign, tort's dyspepsia, gives strength to every organ of the body. and prevents attacks of that tired feeling or more serious affection. The fact that it has cured thuu,auets of others is sufficient reason fur belief that it will cure you. N. B. Be sure to. get od14- Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggists. 51; slit for 55. Prepared only by C. L HOOD d: CO., Apothecaries, Luwull,'Mass, _ Infl I4aY�P��11n� iisiullar 1 carce Bruce °aunty, Au ust 2I'st ood Filling sorting orders this [':"zt'4SYcaT+w:.�.: ••Tx�'S.v,Keliir+: ipF'.f:xC"-'::t::,wtt1^a•`«iu.n,9.4u.•::l «reek in I)RY GOODS. COLTS ESTRAY ('AME TO THE I'RlEMISES O1+ P111" X./ undersigned, lot 1, eon. 3, h inloss, on or about the 16th of August, two yearling colts, dark browns or blacks with white hind feet and one fore foot also white, and white stripe on forehead, ''Che owner is requested to prove prhp. sty p:,•v , •,i., t:ikt: tht•n1 :twuy'• •- l'lt.'l'lal llt)ll(;1' 1YSUY, 4'J17 Lucknow P. O, • GIVING UP HAVIN.(a 1)ECIl)E]) TO GIVE UP th:•'Me•rchant'Pair "i•ing' business iti'Luck I will clear out the.halance of my TWEEDS, WORSTEDS ETC At an, aelvane e of 10 per cent, ran cost. a'Cer)unts must im-settletl`estherby cash 'Jr p•6te- s nn or hefnrt• tthe' 15TH OF AUG. SUMi\'IER FABRICS In Sateens, . Ili Prints, Iii. M'E'SS Triinining.s, In Gloves, Mitts and Lace Goods, - TIl COttOnades, Ire Flanneletts. All sizes in MENS' YOUTHS' & BOYS' Ready-made' Clothing After that date all account:. will be placed Now Full. in other handa for collection. No less than four-fifths of the many thousands• of dollars distributed • 'annually go to the farmer and stock raiser, and• while no. other industry is slighted, this greatest one receives the, lion's shares, and justly so. The farm- ing community, appreciate this and by • their presence at Canarlii's great gather. mg •every year endorse the [action of, the Association. While .the. farmer visiting thcx Exhibition cannot'turn•,in any direction without seeing something te.' instruct hila, he finds more than •.that. • �To pains have 'been spared to 1Ttgt'es -and--arouse visitors every tuinute of the day. Manager Thayer, Df Boston, a man %%llose .reputation in his particular line is continental, has_ this year added his vast experience in .ssisting to make the amusements •eclipse' anything that has, ever pre- • .zeded there. Then again the scientist, the mechanic and the artist will find in various departments something of special value to thele. When it is • rcni(•mliered that over a quarter of ,t pillion people from all parts of Canada ild the adjoining. States visited the 1 oronto Fair last year, one can' readily form an opinion of its -gigantic propor- tions and its i,nlportancr' and valu(' to the country at large. -Airs. A. M. Hatuil`tun and slaugh- ter, of London, are visiting friends in the village. A. S. CAMPBELL. ESTERN FAIR LONDON. Sept. 17th to 26th, 189!. CANADA'S FAVORITE LIVE STOCK, AGRIC.ULTLTRM, INDUSTRIAL AND ARTS EX- IBITION. E§TABLISJiED 1868. LARGE INCREASE . OF EXHIBITS AND ATTENDANCE EVERY YEAR. I5.'l(1 lads hood, but 1801 will be better. $25,000 I N - PRIZES. Attractions, Ftr,, which lire being arranged for,, will surpass any yet produced. . SPECIAL EXCURSION RATES .ON ALL RAILWAYS. Entries close September 12th; For 'Prize Lists and information apply tt, CAPT. A. W. PORTE, Pass. THOS. A. BROWNE, SEc1u T, nv. To THS FARMERS I• have rented• the. store 'occupied by Mr. Geo. Kerr nd aam prepared ' to PA -Y" CASH FOR BUTTER AND EGGS.i The highest price willbe paid for butter according to quality. : R. C. WRUNG. a See Them. Sorting in Men's.' Stiff'& Soft Felt Hats: • High Cuts are in demand and fashionable. BETTER HAVE ONE. FirUIT , =SEASON. Means, Seaters and Sugar: They combine to preserve. WE HAVE. T1ILJ1. TEN PACKAGES tNSOLVEPlT NOTICE Iti THE MATTER uB A. Ei BRASHER, Insolvent. of Lucknow, THE INSOLVENT HAS ASSIGNED to me in the benefit of his creditors. A. meet -y will be held at the office of J..?a os-- Po.; G3 'Ioa(Ce• , '1.'rotiti at 2:311 p.w. 111, tlkt 2mh fust„ t+ reeeit, a, statement of affairs, appoint insl,ettors, and give direction: with seferenc; to the disposal of the estate, r). HEN])P:RSON, • 17 Front St. West, 'Toronto, Assignee DotsShoes '': -.a.,7z-m ,+c?i1bL�,:r.>arr¢m .,ewiirrc•-rcaw�.,n , u.;i,,A.r....rtry.nJ` . . Something that everybody wants and at prices that can - r wish tire general public to distinctly un; de•rstand that I have iu stnt•k all kinds of !foots and Shoes in every • Variety of Style anti ,1a,C,. Whish 1 am selling for cash cheaper titan can lit bought at any other store in lay County. All I 'ask is New. Ceylon Teas,—The Best Grown. --Prices• from-:JOc. up. ,EXTRA VAt.tUES. Yours, A. E. BRASHER. GOOD UDC ENT AND ..THE _ _CASH. (rive 11 it, a tail, and. don't be leis away with • every wind that idows. • BUTTER AND EG(.s TAKEN AT • LUCKNOW. III AND BUTTER • Important to Farmers; THE UNDERSIGNED HAVING PUB - chased the superior 'thoroughbred Holstein -Friesian Bull, Sir ;Westwood .43210), will keep •him fa' service at Lot 6,'Con. 14, Ashfield. PEDIGREE :1 -Sir Westworid (13210). was bred by B. B. Lord & Son, Sinelairville, New. York".; -calved :august-qt44188$-t hlaek, with shield. patch over shoulders ; belly;, legs and part of tail white. Sir Westwond (13210) was sired, by Lytle, 4102, H. 11'. 'Li. B Dam, :Lady Westwond (imported) 11611, H. 1+'. It B., milk record SOI lbs, per day at 4 years old, and, 181 lbs. of butter in 7 days at same age, one of the finest cows we ever owned. Lytle was hired • by Barrington,, (imported) 2103, who is claimed to be without an equal in the world, and $3000 in dish was twice refused for him.. His service fees .were $100 per cow, His deur was Mietje 2nd (imported) a )doted prize •winner•„witb a milk record of'62 lbs. per day at•two.years old. •• Lady Westwood (imported) 111;11, was sired by Peter, 103, N. H. B., one o£ the most noted bulls ever known in Holland, being the winner, of first r,rizes • and diplomas at five • of the largest shows in Holland, • vires was sire of many of the 'most noted cows that were • imp:rrted to• 'this cotruitry. -His •dam was Gletbnrine"(ianliorted)•; milk record 89 lbs in a day ; 20134 lbs in ten mt;,nths, and 21 lbs of butter in 7 days in J•anttary, 1886, all under ordinary care. Barrington was sired by Jacob 2nd (District Bull), dam 1 -lamming (Imported) ; milk record 99 lbs to a day, on grass alone. She Was•valued at $5000. - Mietje 2nd. (Imported), was sired liy .Tacob. Dani, Mietje (Imported). Milk record 83 lbs per. day, and winner, id gold toedal'fn Roland for 1 rest dairy cow on exhibition, ' • . . Peter, 103, .was sired by District Bull ; dam ...Icahn., milk record 87 lbs per day, alit!1J!i lbs of butter in 7 days. Wlenburine• (Imp) was sired by District Bull ; :dam, Srijntje, milk record 914 lbs per day butter record 20 lbs in'1 clays. • Jadob 2nd was got by Jacob ; dain, Minnie, milk record. 86 lbs per day , batter record 18 lbs., 9 oz. in 7 days. Hamming (lull'tl) wast sired by Jacob (Distrir;t bull) ; thio, Srijntje, •00 lbs per day. Mietje (Juin,) was sired by District Bali ; dam, .11eitje 1st, milk record S8 lbs per day. Jacob was sired by Klaso ;' Jam, Marian, milk record 8S lbs per day ; bnttisr record 20.} lbs in? days. • This pedigree will show Sir Westwond the richest- bull of the breed in Canada. He'is straight and round as a barrel ; heavy, low set muscular Jegs. with, four large teats, and large' uiilk veins, The above is a, true record'nfi the breeding of Sir Westwond, Signed, H. & W. F. BOLT,! RT. TERMS Single cow, 81.75, cash atttimt of service, A reduction will be allowed fur three or wt.re cows. �SA LAR Y arts! f tri Agents, Men au,! �b'uulrn, Teachers . and (b rs ylnen. tt, intrr•dut:,• • a uew and popular standard boo!.. Testilllolly -of 19 Centuries to Jesus 'of Nazareth. ...The most rt•ruarka)le religious book of the age, written by :300 t-tninent acholars, Non-' sectarian. Every f'hri,tian wants it. E, elu- sive territory ;air eu. APPLY TO The Henry BHI Publishing :.:o., Norwich, Conn, APLEsfr' 4" +i OVE NU SERIES, WATERLOO, N. Ya N T1lANKING C 1 N i '.1I l✓K ) U5 'tnae.4'1L$kBiRwff,'=3et ltiuiatopl. ".g r� ,, `'a^ ' it• t•-3I+SGa and vicinity, for the li)trral patronage given us in the past, we trust to see a continuance of . the same, guaranteeing satisfaction t , all by supplying our Most, ,hoi<.e ;;iattes of NURSERY STOCK. Our 1.1.1r, 11. Spencer will has t• pleasure 111 calling nptII jynit during I;t'5ei'\i .• - Af1ENTS WA,NTEb IN ()THE]; GOU1, LUCALLTIE.S. For terns- apply ti J. W. MACKAY, (;en, 1lanitger, %it. 'Phoma,. T Hub rery! IMME N SE BARGAINS: Having ,just received a largo c.-esiLre hien!. of • Fresh Grocelles, . Choice family Stour, Choice Tobacco, Canned, Goods .__. Crockery, Glassware a f • and Sugars, which will be sold cheap at ,the Hub Grocery. Goods cl'elivered to all parts ° - of the village, JOHN ELLIOTT JOHN 13ARKWELL, Lucknow P. 0. CHURCH DIRECTORY. ENGLISH CHURCH - SIM—VICES 1i a. m. and 6:30 .p. m. Sunday School, 2:30 p. m , Superintendent,' Wm. S. Holmes. Adult class etery Wednesday evening at o'clock, Bible and.ppr_ayer book lesson's. All e welcome., REV. W, J. CONNOR, Pastor. Is the most ancient and most general of all diseases. Scarcely a family is entirely free from it, while thousands everywhere. are its suffering slaves. Hood's Sarsaparilla has remarkable . success in curing every form of scrofula. The most severe and painfuTrun- ning sores, swellings in the neck, or goitre, humor in the eyes, causing partial 'or total blindness, and every other form' of ?Mood. disease have yielded to- the powerful effects of this medicine., Try it. Hood.'s SarsapariUa' Sold by all druggists. 51; slx for $s. Prepared only by C.I. HOOD d;,CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Blass, 100 Doses 'One Dollar BULL FOR SERVICE, . I. THE 'UNDERSIGNED "WILL `KEEP • l•fer service at lot 11, con. 8, Eastern Divisinn,.Ashfield, the two year !ilei thorough- bred Shorthorn brill, `teed )3ismark." PEhIGREE---Red Bismarck, 1276. real . calved March 8, 1889,'ared by \Vnm. Mallough, • t)unganhtin, Ont. ; • got by Wallace (imp) • 2752 ; dlun Annie 8430 by Yonne; Springwood • Prineu 6290.; Grace 'Harper 2nd; 0227, liy British Heir, 2nd 2889 Lady Harper 2nd, 6630, by 2nd Famo:i.•i Chief; 1782 ; Lady Harper 6629, by Grand Duke -1;7:r'; Rose 183:% by Royal 1)ukt' of Gln'ster, 1035 : Mas;gi ', 1429, by Lord of Lune (imp). 1:55 (16428) 1 Queen' of the West, 1/51, by Victor 1136 12268) ; Daisy 823, by Halton 684 (115452). Lavinia 4th 1312, by Duke of Wellington iinp)^91. (36.i4) ; Lavinia 21111 13.40. by Alex • ander (imp) 6, (110:19) ; Lavinia (imp)29:1, by son of. Scipio(1�421),by l ryhnlui,•. (1918), by Son of North Star (458), • .. TERMS-ell/Al. Cows must lie •ret>1rne three times mtes.ary, or they will he Nor charged for service. N'fees charged if cows are not in calf after third service, PALTI, SMELTZER, Belfast P. U. • to . . SIL YF.A lt! I undertake td briefly tench a ny'fatrly intelligent person of either 3000 set, who run rend and write, and who, after tnntruyitiyn,tvill work industriously, stow to crab Three Thousand Dollars. n Year intheir nwn Iornlltirs.n•hereverthey llve.I will also furnish tho situation or enlpinyment,nt whish you rnnsntn that mous*. No money for me unless suoressful as above. Easily and quickly 1'arnr.1. 1 desire but otic worker from each district or county. 1 have already taught and provided with employment n lar ' humors, why aro making over tit 3000 a Tear each. It's NE end-SOLI D. Full Jr..Dim Arlan,.ntonce, A . C. ALLEN. .420, Asignstu, Maine. a • • 1