HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1891-08-21, Page 4The LUcknowtenti.ne'i, 'Bruce Oouny, Friday, A u.gUst21s.. a _THE-- place in the House at 3 o'clock. Then �r ' M�rr 41 ups vc inyu ,C. v. ;;..t,Ler the �e a,3- �'�G-1i ifl> �►� cnti3 41.. r t!O[E LIBERTY TO UTTER AND TO ARGUE .4v114.4.0'.4v114.4.0'ACCORDING TO THE DICTATES • • +0F CONSCIENCE WE PRIZE ABOVE ALI •DTBEB LIBERTIES. Luo1 new, Aix st 21st, 1,801. >,xbs in hi.. place. lace. There being no answer, the Speaker related the steps that had been taken to notify Mr. McGreevy 'of the order:... It appeared that a telegram was delivered."to him on Friday last at 2.45 p. m., in the office of the Richelieu & Onta.rio.Navi- g,ation Company in Quebec. The Minister of Justice burp-edi hely timed that he be taken. into custody by the sergeant -at -arms. The niotioii -. -wits carried without a word of discussion. At the upening of the House Lt. -Col. Todd, now of the library staff; had been appointed deputy sergeant -at -arcus probably with a view to the arrest of the member who has thus placed him- ment in the case is the statement, of the truth of which there is no doubt, that Mr. McGreevy has sent in his resignation .as a member of the House. This, however, will not relieve him of his obligation to appear, or purge him of his contempt, for he was ordered to KEW SCHOOL LAW. On the first of this month tho act passed at the last session of the local legislature respecting truancy and corn- v : ttendance came into ince. The law requires that allure teen between the ages of eight and ,fourteen shall attend the public school lfor a full term, and failing to do so %without sufficientexcuse, parents, •!uardians and children are liable to In Lawns, Mullins and Embroideries our A special line of Skirt width embroidery at 55c per yai4d 1 J ., � ,,; • .�,..�,. ...� , ter. ,.z.�� r•�. ��.�--�,�",'y' - �.,. -, tyro" � H. • • �, .w .,,... c, V oroseCutruii. e ekuUaeB iby the act are, efficient instruction at Leine or elsewhere ; sickness ; no ,achool within two mill., .xceses a child milder ten, three miles if older ; lack. elf school acconimodation ; if excused by magistrate} or principal, or has passed the entrance. •A justice of . peace may gront� a child six weeks cleave of absence during each school term if he is .satisfied that the services of such cchild are required in husbandry .or in urgent or household duties. In towns and .villages the municipal coun- ted shall appoint truant • officers to enforce this act ; in townships the school trustees have- this . power,. and a'child fails to attend within five days 'esf notification 'by this officer, proceed- ings shall be instituted against the par- 'ant4 The penalty is a fine of from $5 to $20 with the option of giving bonds for $100 that the child shall attend —ate -sc%iobi: `.Assaessars-are-to-enter--in- a, book, when making their assessment, the _names and ages of all children of s clool •age in the municipality, which will be compared with the school ,avgister by -the truant officer. Corpor- .sttioi s, officers or agents of coporations ap breach of the Independence of Parlia- went Act, butto answer to the ques- tion he refused to answer before the Privileges and' Elections Committee, who got the benefit of the election fund to which Larkin, Gonnolly & Co. and others contributed, It is rumored that he will not return at all, but will renaeve himself from the jurisdiction of Parliament, At all events his con- tinued refusal to answer and . even to appear inParliament is an extraordin- ary circumstance, • trom which it is impossible to avoid the inference that he had something serious to conceal, not perhaps in his own interest but'in the interest of other members of Parliament. _ neglecting to enforce this act are liable to a- penalty- of from $25. ' t -o--$50. Parents .will do well to bear this fact in mind and see that their. children :mart to school when the holidays,are • dewer. • IN THE new Parliament natives Of Canada are in the ascendent by a large aanajority. Of the 213 elected, 182 claim -Canada-as -their .place of birth, tlafteen were born in Scotland, seven in England, seven in Ireland and two in the -United States. In the Senate, 55 .of the 77 members were born in Cana da, aline in 'Ireland, six in Scotland, four in England, two in the. States and tone in Switzerland. • ��z,v6m.�-T^x•.� -m x-r�_zr..:ravr.,;a�Gct�,q�at r'�.- +,�.�m' -AIL;MOEDA L SCOUNITS GAIS:Ht WM_ COINT:NTwipp- H Go to T. Lawrence if you want anything iii THE HARDWARE OR TINWARE UNE • He has just received ,a fresh assortment of nixed paints in all shades. A1abastir.e in all shfdes, " ,1 ''' Kalsonline, White Wash and Paint Brushes,. ." Daisy " Churns,- `3 sizes. Idea Washers. ash . Wrin ers, cheap. Carpet Sweepers. Carpet Beaters. Garden Tools of all kinds. �. VIil Cans Creamery Cans Honey Extractors. Dairy and other POs. He also 1a.in and Zebra, e. .. . 193:11,1 vwcs.,,, v+..-...�.�_.. __J - Ihas in stock a f1111 line of fencing wire, Annealed, Galvanized, Barb and p, iiISDt�E i HONOR TO WHOM HONOR To the Editor of the S'eniinel ; DEAR SIR,—Kindly allow rue to cotrec-a mistake with fe e'a rice to -the - late entrance examination, which ap- peared in the last issue of the SENTINEL. The full list of successful candidates was not published in your paper, Teeswater and Port Elgin being left off., which I suppose caused the mistake. The highest 'mark, 617, in "West Bruce was -takenr-by--Miss--Dou;- las Campbell, a pupil of Miss Minnie McPherson, S. S. No. 10, Culross, her total being'55 marks 'more than the highest mark scored by the Para- mount pupils. Her sister, Miss Nellie Campbell took 555 marks, being only seven behind the first of the afore mentioned pupils, IN 1837 ' Canada had only sixteen •aniles of railway. This had grown to lofty -nine miles in 1847. Ten years later the Canadian. railways reached 1,428miles, in 1867, 2,258,mlles, and this was more than doubled its 1874, when the figures reached 5,574 miles. In 1887 . the total Was 11,691 miles', and on June 30th, 1890, the last date to which the figures have been com- piled, 13,256 miles were in operation. On •June 30, 1890, ,there were really 1.4004 miles of railway in Canada, because 748 miles had been completed 'which. had not been turned over to the operating departments. The increase •over the year previous was 628 miles. Canada has shownprincely generosity to her railway corporations, .the Cana- dian Pacific, of course being the chief beneficiary. Of the .786,447,812 capital,in the Canadian railways $181- 3k, 721, or nearly 23 per cent, -has been .contributed by the Dominion or Provincial governments fir munici- palities. ORDERER HIS ARREST. OTTAWA, Aug. 18,—Thomas Mc- ' 'reevy did not put in an appearance in the House of Cotemons today, and an order was issued for his arrest. There. 'was sohiething very business:- like usiness-like and commonplace in the proceed- ings which • ended in this important step. • Firat•the clerkread the oxder of the day, in which it was stated that Mr. IVIcGreerty • was to appear in his JUSTICE. HYMENEAL. • Coal Tar, Coal Tar Roof Faint, Water Lime, Plaster of Paris, Paints, Oils, Glass and Putty. He would also call attention tothe new adjustable wire window and door fly screens. Done on the shortest notice and at reasonable prices. All kinds of repairing promptly attended to. LTCK.NOW 01 T - (Contributed ) In another column the fats are told of an interesting event which took place at St. Paul's church, Clinton, on Wednesday morning,namely the marriage of Miss Holmes, eldest daughter of Mrs. M. Taylor, to Mr. A. D. Beaton, of Whitechurch. The bride and groom were attended respect- ively by Miss M. J. Holmes and Mr. H. M. Snell. Miss Holmes has been i1 valued member of St. Paul's congre- gation, and was an earnest worker in the Sunday School and other depart - merits, whereve her willing mind and ready hands could be used, she will be much missed. The Sunday School. teachers• and officers and some members of the Woman's Auxiliary presented her with a chair and centre table. The following letter Was addressed to her after the wedding : DEAR 1V RS. BEATON,—Yor - friends of the Sanday School and Woman'`s Aurilary of St, Paul's church, desire to congratulate you on the happy event of this day and to wish you many years of wedded happiness, They desire also to express their• estimation of your character and to say how much you will be missed in their varied church work, where your ready and valuable assistance has always been so cheerfully and; ungrudgingly given, They were:unwilling to cant a shadow over the nappiness of this day, yet they Cannot but try to express their regret that they must part from you. -hey feel it will be hard to fill. . your place, and they now say from their hearts "The Lord bless thee, and keep thee. The Ldrd make His face shine upon thee and be gracious unto thee, The Lord lift pp His countenance unto thee and give thee peace," Asking you to present their kind regards to your husband; and to accept from them the gift bf a chair and centre table, your friends �t :nonce more say "good bye," and speed you on your'journey a ,th warmest wishes for you* welfare. CALIFORNIA'S DESERT . LAKE. San Francisco, Cal., Aug. 17.—The desert lake in Southern California will be permanent. The latest reports from Salton are that the water is slowly but surely rising at the rate of ; about three-fourths of an inch per day. The amounts of water now in the Salton basin is about 4,4601544,000 cubic feet. PORT. AN IMPORT t Dei MV RCIIISO Will .shortly .send his annual import o}cier for ".'gods frona Great Britain. Part. ies wish- ing to place special Orders for books, etc.; are invited t`o call. D MURCHISON,, IMPORTER. SIR JOHN 14.. MIACDONA.LD. MEM ORIAL. Subscription to erect a suitable national memorial to commemorate the life and work "of the Right Hon. Sir John A. Macdonald, G.C.S., will be received at the Post Office, Lucknow, Mr. A. B. Congram's store and H. Morrison's office, and duly acknow- ledged through the columns of.—the Empire, Toronto, and the Lucknow SENTINEL. Subscriptions limited to 00 and as low as 25 cents. Received thus far :— .1 8 Tennant,M,D.$5 00 David Moody, $1. 00 H Morrison,. 5 00 1I Campbell, sr '1 00 Thos r Cain•, `'. 2 00 A G Elliott,M.D 1 00 A 8 Campbell, 1 00 Mrs A: G Elliott,1 00 Robert Martin, 1 00 W. J Connors ...1 00 M McDonald, ......1 00 flay McDonald 1 00 D C Taylor, .....1 00 Mrs H Krzilspn 25 Robt Webster... . 50 J .(Denning,;,.... 1 04 FARM FOR -SALE till 011 Deckmum PROPEItTY OF- THE LATE. 1 Thomas Mullin, comprising 200 acres of good land, Nos. 0 -id 6, Con. 11, .Ash- field. 120 acres arra cleared, and the particulars apply to THE STAR RESTAURANT remainder is maple lash, For further y MATLCOLM' McDONALD, liX.eCUG>Y', .I/IJCICN11w BEATS THEM ALL. --... Just received a consignment 'of fresh vegetables and fruits. Fresh Watermelons, Fresh Cucumbers, Fresh Cabbage, Fresh Tomatoes, New Potatoes. Thanking the citizens of Lucknow and - the public generally for past favors since commencing business I would solicit a continuance of the same. Ice-cream, cider and other temperance drinks, canned goods, biscuits and confection- ary' always on hand as of old. J. C. KINC AID. -„ Canada's areas INDUSTRIAL FAIR� TORONTO Sept. 7 to 19 1891 Greater and Better Than Ever SCIENCE, ART AND INDUSTRY COMBINED WITH INSTRUCTION AND AMUSEMENT NEW IDEAS Latest Inventions Superior Attractions, CHEAP EXOORaIONS•ON ALL RAILWAYS L J. WITE*OW Z. . =ILL President >Nfanager. Toronto Telegraph c.r Telephone at my expense, 1891,—VOTERS' LIST -1891 f, Municipality of the Village of Lucknow County of (truce. oTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT . I ]grave transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in 'the third and fourth sections of the "Voters' List Act" the copies required by said section to be so transmitted .or delivered- of the list, pursuant to the said act; of all persons appearing by the last revised Assessment Rol of the said- Munici- pality to vote in the 'said Municipality at elections for members to the l:egislacti� Assembly and at iriunieipalelections,•andthe said list was first posted up at.niy hffice in , Lilcknow 'on . the .13th day of July, 1s91, and remains there for inspection. . Electors are called tlpon to' examine the said list, and if any omissions or any . other errors are found- therein, • to Calve immediate proceedings to have the saweea'rers corrected according to law. Dated at Lneknow this 13th day of Jufy, '91. H. MORRISON, . Clerk of the said Mtuircipalit3 Lucknow P', O. 3-913 -.:1 m..0 au 804 ue ene purpose yr ' ,surround you with every. comfort and anticipate and gratify your every wish. She—How good of you, Harry ! Arid on $19 a week, too ! . " We are six in fait A Farmer at ,ily. live in Edom, Texas„ e az subjectace - to exe violer. `Says: • ' Colds and Ijuaj m - Troubles. I 1Lar used Geet,tt'an -Syrup for six year successfully for Sore Throat, Cough e9 Cold, :Hoarseness, . Pains in, tb ow Chest and Jatngs, and spitting-ur • o Blood. have,tried many differ ent kinds of cough .Syrups in Ilia Fire: and Marine.lnsurance.• Mirth .British and Mercantile; of Edinburgh ars t•London. Western, of TQ nto, - Liyerj$ool & London and Globe, of l derl)�,nl, (lore District, of Gale; Northern, of London and Aberdeen. Guardian; of London, Engla id. Phn�.ni , o f London, England, and Accident In- surance Co'y., of North America, Montreal. R.. CUNNINGHAM, • AGENTs. • - GUELPH. a. ;at