HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1891-08-21, Page 1azrW Noy isihoSeason For your Machinery Oil. yuur Harvest Tools, your Potatue Killer in the shape of Paris Greet), all of which you tau get cheap at the hardware. establishment of D. C. TAYLOR LUCKNOW, li u r1tardvardtock 1 tter than ever. You are-rettting np rear houses-- and ousea .n .l barns and want kiop plies, which are expensive. but you can save Some el thinex pense by condi);; tto D. C. TAYLOR.. For your building supplies,' VOL XVII. -33. LUCKNOW ONTARIO, FRIDAY, AUGUST 21, 1891 W1TOTI 1 LO r 9 g4NK OF HAMILTON GEO, MAIR & CO. LUCKNOW. Capital, $1,2o6,85o. Rest, $600,000. :...4: •.c.���-gar'as•^wit 1(• YIiB'1i1T�y�"27-61'3-1,�"'Srfa'1"{''-..,.... Vice President—A. G. R.AIuSAY. DIRECTORS: JOHN PROCTOR-, CHAS. GURNEY, G2,x ROAM A. T. WCOD,,,A.. B. LEE (Toronto). Cashier—J. TURNBULL. e_ ., ST T TI rr y D A TT u T- •, • __.iib_ ay s, to . 1 eposits o . an upwards received and interest ailowa,d. SPECIAL DEPOSITS also received at cur• • rent rates of interest. DRAFTS on Great Britain and the United States bought and sold. • J BROWN, SUB -AGENT. DENTAL • J. S. JEROME, L. D. .S. Winghain, will be in Lucknow on the second and 'fourth Fri - ay and Saturday of each month. .Good sets tor $10. Filling and extracting a specialty LEGAL BUNION CORRIGAN, COMMISSIONER, in H. C. G. Kinlough P. 0., Ontario. PA. MALCOMSON, BARRISTER, • Solicitor, . Conveyancer, etc„ (late of Cameron, Holt & Cameron, Goderich). Office at TraverYs old stand: HORRISON, ATTORNEY AT 1 1 1 law, Solicitor in Caneery, Convey- ancer, Com1`toner, etc. Office. over the :ba€3ber-shop - ' MEDICAL . T A. McDONALD, M. D., C. M. C. P. S. V • O. Office, Kintail. T R. TENNANT, P H Y SI C IA N, JJ Siiigeon an FAccowiFeur. . Suirgery op- posite Cain's hotel. .Office hours from 9 to 12 a. m., and from 2 toy p. m. D. McD. GORDON, M.D., C,M., F.T. • - M.S., M.C.P.S.O., Physician, Sur- geon, and Accoucheur. Office,next door to W. Allin's implement shop. Residence Ross street, opposite W. U. Little's. DR. D. GEDDES, V. S., CALLS either by mail or telegram promptly attended to. Charges moderate. Office, Cor- rigan's hall, Boarding honse, Cain's hotel. Lucknow. GENERAL i- ONEY TO LOAN! I HAVE A FEW thousand dollars toinvest for private. Tartiest at reasonable interests. ELLIOT RAVERS. MONEY TO:LOAN ! ON FIRS r-C'LASS MONEY at-77 to 7:1 per cent. interest, payable yearly. •Charges moderate; Apply to ROBERT MURRAY, St. Helens. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. Tickets issued to, all points east or west.' Quick time. Close connections with other lines. Full particulars to intending travellers. • JOHN MURCHISON, Ticket Agent, Lucknow. /1''ONEY TO LOAN ! AT 6 PER CENT 1�1 from 2 to 20 years. Lists of farms for • sale in Ontario as well as Manitoba. Parties desirous to sell farms will consult their inter- ests by inspecting the advertising facilities of Subscriber in Great Britain and Ireland and cgatinent of lands fot,sale. ANGUS STEWART, Land Valuator Lucknow Ontario. WEST WAWANIDSH MUTUAL Fire Insurance Company, board of directors meets for the transacti3n of business d h h Pi wishing to have their property insured in this increasingly popular Company, will by giving r(,otice,°be called upon by an agent or by one, of the Directors. Business callspromptly attended to. Office, Dungannon. J. M. ROBERTS, Secretary, Wm. LANE, Treasurer. SOCIETIES UCK'k�TOW I Lodge, No. 112 meets every Friday evening at 8. o'elock in their hall, Campbell 4txeet. All brethren cordially invited Wje. Hoon, N. Grand ; 'JOHN ELLIOT, Recorder. CO. F., COURT • Sherwood, No. 50, Lucknow. Meet - every hrst and third Monday, in eve r inont`.i, in the OM, fellows hall.' Visit- ing brethren • a r e cordially invited. W. H. JoT'iNsTONE, C. R. D. D. YULE SEc. AO. U. W. LUCKNOW LODGE OF . the Ancient Order United Workmen, meet in the Oddfellows hall, on the last and second. Monday evenings of each month at eight o'clock. Visiting brethren cordially invited, Ti. PAT'r'rRSON, Amster Workman. R. P. (lnr\rruoN, Recorder. GAR}.OW & PROU:DP(1OT, BARRIS- ters, Solicitors, eta:.,, Gndcrich, Ont. n J. T. GARRO.w, Q.r, W,n. 1'Riunreer. 0 t� BAN KERS, Or Lucknow Banking Comp'y. • LUCKNOW, 27m MAY, 1891. TO FAIVIIERS, DO. YOU REQUTIRE A CHEAP FARM. .Give us a call. Althoug-h we have sold- -seven farms this Spring, we have stili several on hand, and which we will sell cheap, and on easy terms to suit purchasers. rite Y ILII_ 11.18 F M(v MMX. can supp-y al email $ s"1"` ' fe par y or par fes are good, or can give security and at reason onable interest. DO YOU WISH TO CHANGE TRX Mortgage on your farm or put on a new loan. if so we will do it promptly and on the most favourable terms. ur if you wish to send away the interest on your Mortgage we will do so for you and at a very trifling expense. WE ])O A. GENERAL BA_NKiNG business of all hinds. Drafts issued, and Bank Cheques on all points,' whether in Canada, United States or England, cashed at . usual Bank terms. Interest allowed on deposit at the rate of five per cent. payable half yearly, but no one deposit to exceed one thousand dollars without a special arrangement. • FIRE INSURANCE EFFECTED WITH despatch on all insurable buildings in English or Canadian Insurance Companies, Office hours J.0 a.m, to 4 p.m. • GEO. A. SIDDALL, Manager YOUR CHANCE FOR ARCM August is usually the quiet- est month of the year as, far as the dry goods business is concerned—the lull between summer and fall goods, but we are going to try to make it livelier this year than usual by cleaning out during the month .of August the balance of our summer goods at greatly reduced prices. Remember we do not advertise anything we will not carry out. It would not pay us to co so. When we say we have made a cut in prices you may depend upon it THAT A CUT HAS BEEN MADE, and when we say that 6 ' We are going to sell the balance of our summer goods at greatly reduced prices that is exactly what we are going to do. We do not affer,you trash or old bankrupt stocks but reliable goods, seasonable goods and cheap goods. If you ' have a dollar to spend on dry goods, keep it until you can see how far it will go at this clearing sale. Do not think we axe selling goods at about half the whole- sale cost, for we are not, but 'we are se" Bingat from 15 to 40 per cent. less than regular prices. Sale w,11 commence on Saturday, Aug 1st. CAMERON, !d9°900 & CO Lucknow ,& :Dungannon. ITEMS OF INTEREST GATHERED UP FOR READERS .I aaaa-WataealeatrlitIltlatiffrailiMgrfitTirdfil Saturday last. —Mr, John Savage was visiting old friends in Buffalo. —Mr, Alex. Paterson left for Mani- toba on Wednesday last. —Mrs. Chambers spent last. o yroo ---The farmers ire ,julrilai,t ova:r thll' splendid harvest prospects. ---Mr. John Gentles, of Kincardine, was in the village on Tuesday, —Mr, John Peart is visiting friends in Hamilton and other places. —Rev. Mr. Coiling and Mrs. Coiling were visiting friends in Toronto. —Miss Tillie Chambers spent a few days with friends at Buffalo this week. —Miss Carrick, of the. Lake Shore, Kincardine, is visiting friends in this village. —Mr. W. E. Treleaven preached in the Wingham" Methodist church on Sunday last. • Misa Crai ," :of Walkerton; is the guest of Miss Lou. Coiling, of the parsonage here. OF THE " SENTINEL." - -The party who lost an eye glass from their spectacles can . halve it by calling at this office. --The-Re occupied the pulpit in the Presbyterian church here on Sabbath last. The Rev. Mr., Crowle, of White- church, preached in the Methodist church here on Sunday last. —Mrs. Wtataalie,nned_y,...ef__Superior City, Wisconsin, was visiting her sister Mrs. G. T. -Burgess; o£-this-villae:" —Mrs. Wallace Grenache and Mrs. McCabe, of Wawanosh, went to. Buffalo to visit friends on Saturday last. —Mrs. , A. Campbell and Miss Campbell, of Kincardine, . -are, the guests of Mrs. McPherson, Burnside Farm. —Mr. and 1VIrs.DonaldMcDonald, of Kintail, left on Tuesday- for a trip to Manitoba,,, and " we wish them a pleasant journey. —Mr. George Greer, of West Wawanosh, threshed nearly forty bushels of wheat per acre from a fifteen acre field last Week. —The ' rural schools • re -opened on Monday.: last and the schools in the towns and cities open- on- Monday, August 31st. —The Wiarton Echo says that the time has come for .the county of Bruce to he divided up into 'ttvosmalle.r and more compact zounties. . . —Mr. Robert, Murray . • and his young bride, of Detroit, left for home on Tuesday last after spending a few pleasant weeks with old friends in this vicinity.' • . —Rev. Mr, McLennan, of Lucknow, has been spending a few weeks with his nephew at Lions Head,and holding communion services north.—Wiarton Eclw. —The Patrons of Industry. of the county of JBruce intend holding a demonstration in Paisley on September 10th, alien •'prominent speakers from a distance will be present. —Coon hunting was indulged in by a couple of our local sports on. Monday night last, in . the bush just south of the V illage. They treed one of the animals but could not succeed in bringing him down. 4 —The annual meeting for 1891 of the Ontario ,,branch of the Dominion Alliance,. will be held in Richmond Hall, 25 Richmond street west, Toronto, on'Tuesday, September 15th, commencinrY at 9 a. m.,,,, —We regeet to Bear that our photo- grapher Mr. E. Kaak,eaintends alloying his family to Lucknow shortly. We can ill . afii)rd to lop such excellent citizens, hut what is our loss is Luck- 12c,w'sr gain. —01 in too Are,,'.e-"mored. -,-The latest swindle is reported in the eastern papci+s. An agent visits ;he fare.,.-, ,,.:+}, i,..,,f„ra- thi ;+.1r u:.Lertn iiiate, r, A hich he sr11, 'at Y3,5(1 per bottle, and some pr,er-10 -.re focN enough LO buy it. a 4' DUN(xANNON. The young people of the Methodist church have affiliated the Young Peoples' Society with the Epworth 1-"friclugiT TIR , ar r ,ri^as ,rir+ a,l; X4.1 ltpworth League of Christian En- deavor. They purpose having their usual course of lectures this corning fall iuid winter. Miss Annie McMath, of Pontiac, Michigan, is spending a few weeks w o was serious y i 1 of late, but we are glad to say he is getting stron'; again. Mrs. W. H. Vare& presen" -d her husband with a fine boy baby a few Oar; ago. Will's smiles are broader than ever. Mrs. A. Sproul; who was danger- ously ill last week, is we are pleased to state,' gradually getting better. • By proclamation Tuesday, the 25th inst., has been proclaimed a civic holi- day for the village. ' Some intend going to the races at Goderich, and others to the pic-nic at Port Albert. Rev. R. Treleaven and family, of St. Thomas, are visiting at his fathers. Mr. Treleaven occupied._ the pulpit., in. the -Methodist church on Sunday evening. Notice.—Tuesday next will be ob- served as a public' holiday by the busi- ness inen of Dungannon, but all places of business will • be kept open for the ateeomodation--ofthe-public:ori -Mt5tiday- e.vening instead. CHARGED I'VITH MURDER. one Bruce County Fanner Fatally fthuolw .)Mother All on Account of Dog. Toronto, _lug. 1-I—Coun^i: Pl, rM1..en::, t• R.T T; -Wnjmnr:�r x �'.� ""''�iS.R;. n•ReG YieanFG+ tdar-lk oda-er r ;eiaff `of Sohn S. • Cook,, ,who is confined in Albernarltr• iail, Bruce county, on the charge of murder. The circumstances, which, strange to say, have not- hitherto been published, are most peculiar. A far - tiler nained Janies Abercronil'i, MIGHT HiVly BEEN SLOT.—A youth south of the village, while engaged at picking berries in the famous Gourley patch, claims to have ran foul' of a hurye black bear. It is n-o#� JikeLy that J- imn sang that • old familiar piece,. 'Home ,sweet home,---- wherever- -I wonder there is no place like home," before he betook himself hence. The news 'arriving in .the village of the Rear presence of Bruin, three of our sports arose early Tuesday morning and, equipping. themselves with •guns and clogs, started across the fields, over fences and through the bush to the renowned berry patch, and taking an -elevated position upon a large log, they•viewed the forty acres of .slash to their satisfaction}.... Bruin, however, did not come near them, for had he, he might have been shot, as both Will and- Sams, yea, even Dab ,wise in pur- suit 'of fame. But .Dan might have played the part of a Harry Higgins when he was overtaken, by the' Scotch mist, 'for, alas ! on his return horse when he attempted to bring down one of the feathered kind, he found to his horror that..his gun would not act (no powder we presume) Oh, 'if it had been the bear, Dan, and you all alone; what -might --we were forgetting you all kept near each other while in ,the .woods. • LANES. There are good prospects for an abundant root crop. Spring .haa never made a better appearance. for a number of years. A bunch of timothy can be seen in. the- •post office •measuring• 4 feet, 10 inches. This is a good growth of hay for this season. • ' Mr. Able Reid, of Durham, and Mr: Gideon Reid, of Algoma, were visiting their,•mother who is lying seriously ill, and have again returned home. Mrs. Flynn, of Chicago, is at present visiting ; her mother, Mrs. J. Lapnan. Miss Maggie* Clare, of Detroit, is spending a few weeks among her friends in this section. Mr, anti Mrs. John Spindler, have been to Lonclesboro attending the funeral of Mrs. Spindler's brother. 'Mr. Pagan, who was injured recent- ly, is recovering, and we hope to soon see him enjoying his usual health and spirits. Latest Enquiries—"Have you any 25 cant tea T' "Yes, plenty." "How much is it a pound ?" "Twenty-five cent's." - "Ts that Patron price ?" "CI ood morning ; will you please give, me two 3 cent • stamps. Trow much will they; bel" "Six cent Mrs," "Why T can get two for . cents in Lurk " The 6111 Cf: clerk cou-hl not r•r‘ how they could sell stamps nn so ,toren a margin of profit. ' • John C. Cook kil1ed one of his sheep, went over to Cook's farm to ,kill th- dog. Abercrombie shot Cook's (Tog;. and Cook, annoyed over the loss of hit pet, went for his gun and shot at Abercrombie...rhe hall lodged in Abercrombie's thigh, completely shat- tering the h,,iie. The effect of the - rifle shot was 'so serious that the leg had to be amputated above -the knee; and a few days after the operation Abercrombie died, and Cook wag arrested for murder. The post mor- tem revealed, however, that the direct cause of death was congestion of the. lungs and that one lung was entirely gone. The doctors who performed the autopsy declared that Abercrombie's death had been hastened by the wound and the operation, Justice Street clbc;ared this morn.irijg that a man was not compelled to keep himself in goed health so as to prevent himself being murdered: The crime of murder wag not lessened simply -because the victim__. wanlc7 have died anyway in a. month or a year. Because of this bail 'was- . refused. MANSLAUGHTER. - ver(Iict of, the Coroner's biggest In the 1 tcbelFi-'Wife-Mi*rder ':fee. Mitchell; Ont., Aug: `""I3 -Daniel Whale is held by the coroner's be -guilty of the slaying of "his wife.. The circumstances are these. Whale, a retired hotel -keeper from Toronto, anda his wife- have had frequent mis- understandings,and it is said that early on Monday morning they had another,, •which culminated in the death of Mrs., Whale. CoronerP, R. Shaver, of Stratford, ' was telegraphed for,. and he came over and held an inquest last ,. night in the town hall. After viewing the body., Robert White testified that, Mrs. Whale was regular in her habits. He stated how she was- lying in a pool" of blood when he went into the house: There was blood upon the floor, upon the wainscotting, and there was a•deep wound, on the back of head. Her hair was all matted with. blood. -The hus band «as under the influence of liquor. Whale said"that they had several rackets before, but -this one, he thought, would he their last." • He threatened to shoot his son-in- law, Mr. J. Seldon, when witness was in the house in, the morning. Witness further related how Whale's daughter,. Mrs. Seldon, had found.a loaded revol- ver in his (Whale's) bed. Witness said he,took the revolver to his board- ing-house and. locked it up. . Further on in the evidence he remarked' that Whale had stooped downand kissed his wife as slie was lying on the sofa,. making the remark, "She has made thousands of dollars'for me." Whal stated to witness that he had • still •another retolver and he intended to get, it loaded also. , Williani Taylor said that'Whale had called. him into. his 'house. the morning of the tragedy: Witness stated that when he entered the -room a ghastly sight. met" his eyes. He related 'lnow a poor woman was lying in a pool of blood, her face covered with blood, her hair clotted with it and blood spotted over • the wainscotting and the floor, some of which Whales attempted to wash off the wainscotting. When Whale was spoken to regarding the death of his wife he made no reply. Whale said to him : "You sit there and don't say a word." He was under the influence of lienor. Whale made: no explanation, but said to cr•itncss "This will be a bad job for me. Whalrt claims that his wife had not been feeling well, that she had fallen and that he had picked her up and laid her upon the sofa. Irepickeel her up a; second time, The way ler accounted for her injuries was that sh; had gone epi•, r ' a neighbor's and hal fallen, • • •1