HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1891-08-14, Page 5• •1 \' H141VT.btN..AN11 Q(;ONNO�it. _ 30.1)D_ sola, granted, The_ Reeve was _ _ Iinstructed to repair or rebuild a bridge with near Laugsidtt church, and councillors Valens and Nicholson were instructed to repair or rebuild a britige at lot 3, eon. 4. A sum of $10 was granted to the Elliott family, John Black being requested to expend the same for their benefit. A by-law shriking the county rate at 2 2-10 and township rate at 2 7-10 mills of the $ was td-uly. passed. E. Thompson for cleating out the drain of by-law - 34, 80 Pods being . -paid the :sm-llr--of-- 1-4.40..—_ q -'h ..clerk was instructed to procure six copies,' of Nelson's Municipal Miscellany for the use of the council. The council then adjourned to meet again on the 14th day of September. 1IIuttcre of Lite Double Scull Rau hluualaur aura 1t1cKay.� Hamilton, Ont., August 8.—•, -silty 15,000 people witnessed the great double scull race here this afternoon for the world's championship. The men were in good condition, and the water smooth.- It was exact ly7 o'clock when a start was a,t I:tst `tirade, and it •was a beautiful o:le. Loth crews' -got •away together, Hanlan and O'Connor idling 06 strokes to the minute, and ilcaudaur. and Mch.ay chitty five.. It 'as nip „and tuck for the first 300 yards, but after this point the Toronto double had the race well in hand. Hanlan and O'Connor, who 'were, then over a length in advance of their opponents, and pulling only thirty strokes to the nliuute,- while. Gaudaur and McKay were still. pulling, hand at thirty -live. At the mile and a half 'onov the Toronto crew' Dade a beauti- u turn, w lr n u; users nl 'made a'very ugly one, and lost fully a ,boat length by their .*poor work then,, £he mile and a half was ri,ached by the winners iu ti minutes, 35 seconds. On lite home reach the leaders did not axet themselves to any extent and whe`l within a quarter of a mile of the finish they stopped rowing and Hankin dipped his band in the bay. The losing t:rtly; were-' still pulling hard at their old pace, and lnauo„ed to gain a couple of lengths by this manoeuvre on the part of the Toronto'crew. The result; however,• was 1nChttnrgod, and Tdarllan and O'Connor arrived at the finish sinkers by fa:ly f."ur boat lengths in 18 minutes, 261 seconds. Many people were • dissappoint.ed that the three-mile record ,vas not lowered, .and it is generally thought that the Toronto arew•v- could have accomplished. the feat had they wished to dei so. carte Goons PETER REID, Clerk. `Fi11iI1g sorting- orders this -rrr,"'Y'r r,r•.151.,, ur;n s.•r4.'Tr.+nrnCru.:.x-:: 'n,.xr„.+r.�ar..=n. -s.n, week in s 4 DIEDIN T ERVILLE. And by so doing Itoa'6 Sarsaparilla cure, a •,,,L.�iL ... t...,• t.t,S clic_ eases, atals proper di;,ustion,,eures dyspepsia. .gives strength to every organ of the -bully, and prev,•ets attacks of that tired feeling or more serious ritertion. The fact th:a' it has cured thousands of others is sufficient reason for belief that it will cure you. N. B. Be sure to get Mrs. Jane Walker, who departed this life in Otterville, July 29th, was interred in. the Brussels cemetery, August lst. 1891, where a large con- course ,.f . friends followed 'her to her __—t� rest irly place -11s_ _Walker_ wa__ a native of Ireland and emigrated to Canada in 1828. She leaves a Targe family to mau'rn her loss—six sons and four .daughters': --Rev, J. Walker, Rev. R. Walker, Dr. A. T. Walker, Dr. T.. Walker, Dr. J. Walker and A, B. Walker, Mrs. Maitland, Mrs. J. R. Reid, Miss E. Walker and Miss M. Walker. She was converted at the age of sixteen and was a member of the Methodist church for over 70 'years. Her last illness was short and ,her•tninister visited her an 'hour and a half before her death. She was calm and serene and conversed with him freely. She was ready, and though naturally timid, had no fear of death. ' Deeply interested in her home, and loving as she was loved, shelinurniured not at the prospect of separation, but being •sure of heaven the ties of earth :.were gently loosed. the spoke of death without a tremor and looked forward to Meet her friends in Heaven. KINLOSS COUNCIL. aGi a Sold by all druggists. $1; six for $5. Prepared only by C. I. HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. dOO Doses One Dollar GIVING UP k5 i;.,..a HAVING 1:i1;CI1>E15 TJP- the 'Merchant Tailoring business in Liick- I will clear nut the balance of my stock of DRY GOODS. oots 'a Shoes Something that everybody wants and -at prices that can not be Neaten. I wish the general public to distinctly un- derstand that I have in stock all kinds of - r....t, t va.ry ' Variety of Style St2MMER FABRICS In Sateens, In Prints, In Dress Trimmings, I11 (3 -loves, Mitts and Lace Goods, TWE DS, VO' +DS1. ETG■ . At au advance off 10 per cent, on cost. All accounts lutist be settled either by cash yr note on or before the , 15TH OF AUG. After that date all accounts will be placed in other hands for collection. The above council met on August '3rd. The: Reeve in the chair. Mem- bers all present. The minutes having been read and signed, the clerk handed to the treasurer a cheque for $14.81 from the land ' improvement fund. Orders on the treasurer were signed. for the following accounts :— Ben Moulton, for work au Greenock 'boundary, $100.00 ; John Hays, cover- ing a bridge on 2.0th sidemline, $7.00 ; Donald Gaunt, making cu 'llvert, con: 2, $2:40 ; D. Kennedy, work on south. • boundary, $V,5 ; James Howey, repairing bridge, S boundary; $18.75 ; Geo. Colwell, work on south line, $11.50 ; K. Browngcouibe, repairing drain by-law 57, $9.60 ; John Stanley, ditching, south line, $13.25 ; J. H. Ackert, lumber for roads, $25.15 John Gillies, gravel,.ti 2.40 ; Wm. Mc - r Adoo, gravel, $4.25 ; Geo. Mowbray, gravelling, .30th sideline, $37.80 ; Geo Mowbray; for one-half of work done on south boundary, $7.94 ; Wm. Valens, gravel, $1.25 ; John Grenache one half of work on 'Watson, bbboouund 6thry, $25,00 ; Wm. , con., ,$3.25 ; John Purvis, gravel, con. 10, $2.15 ; Joseph Beamiah, part of contract on con. 8, $50.00 ; Mrs. Smith, for . keeping 11rs. Kingham 2 trionths, $12.00 ; D: McLeocl, repairing approach, Huron boundary, .$5.00 ; John Ross, repairing culvert, 50 Cts..; N'rn. Johnston, repairing culvert, on Greenock boundary, $4,00. In response to, a petition asking for aid in repairing the 5th side line, con. 8, A. Ss CAMPBELL. ESTERN FAIR LONDON. Sept. 17th to 26th, 1891. CANADA'S FAVORITE LIVE STOCK, AGRICULTURAL, INDUSTRIAL AND ARTS EX- HIBITION. ESTABLISHED 1868. In Cottonades, In Flanneletts. a . Which I an selling for cash cheaper than eau be huught at airy other store iu the County. All 1: ask is All sizes' in - MENS' YOUTHS' & BOYS' Ready-made Clothing e See Them. . tr. LARGE INCREASE '01' EXIiII TS AND ATTENDANCE EVERY YEAR.. 1890 was good, but 18.91. aai,ll be better: -7--$25,Q00 IN. PRIZES Attractions, Etc„ which are being . arranged for, will surpass any yet produced. .SPECIAL EXCURSION RATES ON ALL RAILWAYS. Entries close September I2th, For Prize Lists and information apply to CAPT. A. W. PORTE, PRES. •THOS. A, BROWNE, SE9RETARY. Now Full. • AUDCWIEN Civ me a trial, and dtrn't he left away ttitl- every wind that blows. BUTTER AND EGGS TAKEN AT Sorting . in Men's Stiff & Soft' Felt Hats. High Cuts' are in demand and fashionable. BETTER HAVE ONE. To THE I have rented the store occupied by Mr. Geo. Kerr and am prepared to r J. PEART'S, LUCKNOW. MILK AND BUTTED Important to Farmers, 900 SALARY and C;'in,utissiou �tIp to Argenta,. Men incl SVrJrut�rr, `lechers and Clergymen, tu,.,,introduet• a new and pope• .ar standard book. Testimony of 19 Centuries to Jesus of Nazareth. eth. The must remarkable religious book of the age. written by 300 eminent scholars, Non- sectarian. Every Christian wants it. Exclu- sive territory given. APPLY TO The Henry Bill Rublislling "�„ Norwich, Conn, M PLE GROPE NURSERIES, WATERLOO, N. Y. IN THANKING OUR NUMEROUS customers in Lucknt w, tYiWhitechurch `natal ilii'[ r r'ir` iireffailiT idERh eii n uH tF ..ti,,, in the past, we trust to see a•continnance of the saute, guaranteeing satisfaction t r all by supplying our most choice grades of "NURSERY STOOK. Our Pt1r, 11. Spencer will haVe pleasure in calling upon you during the season. Reserve voui order:, for him AGENTS WANTED IN 'OTHER GOOD ' LOCALITIES. .For terms apply to J. W. MAC K AY, Gen. Manager, 13t. Thomas. 0 THE UNDERSIGNED HAVING PUit- -chased the superior thoroughbred' Holstein -Friesian Bull, Sir Westwond (13210), will keep him for service at Lot G, Con. 14. Ashfield. - PEDIGREE :—Sir Westwood (13210) was bred by B. B. Lord & Son, Sinclairvllle, Ne> York ; calved ..August '7th,138-8 black,, with shield patch 'over shoulders ; belly, legs and part of tail white. - Sir Westwond (13210) was .sires. by Lytle, 410, H. F. H. B ; Dam, Lady Westwond (imported) 11611, H. 1?. H. B., milk record 80 lbs; per day at 4 years old, and 181 lbs. of butter in 7 days at same age, one of the finest cows we eveer owned., The Hub ac! IMME N SE BARGAINS. Having just rf•ceiicd a large c-iuNii1 motif of Prob. Groceries, ., . Choice family lour, Choice Tobacco, Canned. Gob. Crockery, . Glassware Teas, Coaalrees, Lytle was sired by Barrington, (imported) 2103, 'who is claimed to be without an equal in the world, and $3000 in cash was twice refused tor him. His • service fees were 8100 per cow, His dam was Mietje 2nd (imported) a noted .prize winner, with a milk record of 62 lbs. ver day at. two years old. Lady Westwood (imported) 11611, was sired • by. Peter,,103, N. H. B., one of the most noted bulls ever known in Holland, being the winner of first prizes and diplomas at five of the largest shows in Holland. and was sire of many of the moat noted cows that were imported to this country. . His • dam was Glenburine. (imported) ; rnilk record 89 lbs in a day ; 20138i lbs in ten months; and 21 lbs of butter in 7 days in January, 1886, all under ordinary care. Barrington was sired by Jacob 2nd (District Bull), dam Hamming (Imported) ; milk record 99 lbs in a day, on grass alone. She was valued at 85000: Mietje 2nd (Imported) was sired by Jacob. Dam, Mietje (Imported). Milk record 83 lbs per day, and winner of gold medal in,Holand for best dairy cow on exhibition, Peter, 103, was sired by District Bull ; dam Jentine, milk record 871 lbs per day, and 19,i lbs of butter in 7 days. Glenburine (Imp.) was sired by District Bull ;• dam, Srijntje, milk record 914 lbs per day ;'butter record DA lbs in 7 days. Jacob 2nd was got by Jacob ; dam, Minnie, milk record 86 lbs per day , ,battei iecord 18 11)5., 9 O. in 7 days. Ramming (Imp.) was sired by Jacob (District bull) ; dam, Srijntje, 90 lbs per day. Mietje (Imp.) was siren byDistrict Ball ; dam, Meitje 1st, milk record 88b lbs per day. Jacob was sired by Klaso ; dam, ]Varian, milk record 88; lbs per day ; butter record' 201 lbs in 7 days• . This pedigree will show, Sir Westwood the richest bull of the breed- in Canada. He is straight,,and round as a barrel ; heavy, low set muscular legs. with four large teats, and large milk veins. The above is a trtie record of the breedingot Sir Westwood. Signed, FRUIT SEASON.' Means, Sealers and Sugar They combine to preserve. FOR BUTTER AND EGGS. The highest price will be paid for butter according to quality. R. C. SPARLINCI WE HAVE THEM. and Sugars, which will be sold cheap ,at the Hub Grocery. Goods delivered to all parts of the village. JOHN ELLIOTT TEN PACKAGES New, Ceylon Teas.—=The Best Grown.—Prices from 30c. up. EXTRA VALUES. Yours, A. E. • BRASHER. H, & W. F. 13oLLA:ItT. TERMS :— SiHgle cow, 81.75, cash at time of service. A reduction will be allowed for three or mere cows. JOHNBARKWELL, inicknow P. CO. 6y< el Scws41-AmEZZot ,a'd'nSN�ua`. A pamphlet of Information and ab- atractof the Iaws.ehowing How to OMaarrks,PCopyrighte sent Trade edd»+n MUNN & CO. 361 Broadway. ' New York. CHURCH DIRECTORY. ENGLISH CHURCH — SERVICES 11 a. m. and 6:30 p. nn, ' Sunday School, 2:30 p. m , Superintendent, Wm. S. Holmes. Adult class every Wednesday evening at o'clock, Bible and prayer, book lesson's. All e welcome. REV. W, J. CONNOR, Pastor.. , A lir" EAR ! 1 undertake to briefly 3000 tex, any fairly intelligent ritebn,andf either sex, who Can reed and write, and who, after Instructlon,wlll work industriously, how to earn Three Thousand Dollars n Year in their own localitles,wheraver they live.1 will also furnish the altuition or ou can earn that amoUnt. No money for metNunIs sur essful e+ above. Easily and quickly ieefrned. 1 desire but one worker from each district or county. 1 have already taught end • provided with omploytnent a large number, who are making over 411000 a year each. Its N1:W and SOYA D. lull particular+ FREE. Andress at once, E. C. 9.LLEN. llox 2s0. Aum uan, Maine. Is the most ancient and most general of all diseases. Scarcely a family is entirely free from it, while thousands everywhere are its suffering slaves. Hood's Sarsaparilla has remarkable success in curing' every form of 'scrofula. The most severe and painful run- ning sores, swellings in the neck, or goitre, humor in the eyes, causing partial Or total blindness, and every other form of blood' disease have yielded to the powerful effects of this medicine. Try it. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggists. $1; six for $5. Prepared only by C.I. HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mase. 100 Doses One Dollar B'UL,L FOR SERVICE. THE UNDERSIGNED WILL KEEP for service at lot 11, con. 8, Eastern Division, Ashfield, the two year old thorough- . bred Shorthorn bull, "Red l[3ismark.” . ,PEDIGREE—Red Bismarck, 12758, red calved March 8, 1889, :)red by \7m.Mallough, Dungannon, Ont. ; got by Wallace (imp) 2752 ; dam Annie 8430 by Young Springwood Prince 6299 ; Grace Har ler 2nd, 9227, by British Heir 2nd 2889 Lady Harper 2nd, 6630, .by 2nd Famosa Chief, 1782 Lady , Harper 6629, by Grand Duke 075 ; fuse 1833 • by Royal Duke of • Glo'ster, 1035: Maggie„ 1429, by Lord of inane (imp) 155 (10428) Queen of thl, West, 1751,1 by Victor 113 12268) ; Daisy 823, by Halton 084 (11552 Lavinia 4th 1312, by Duke of \Vellingt. • imp) 91. (3654) ; Lavinia 2nd 1340, by 'Al ander•(imp) 61, (11099) ; Lavinia (imp) 299, • son of Scipio (1421), by Eryholme (1018), Sero 'of North Star (458), •• PERMS—a1.(n' Cows must) he rete i three times nt cEhnary, or they toil charged for service. No fees charged if are not in calf after third service, PAUL S;\IFLTZE Belfast