HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1891-08-07, Page 8EEDS; MORTGAGES—AND WILLti
Plans ,snecihcations and estimates for build
ings, 'mills, bridges, etc„ furnished
on short notice.
Lucknow, Jan .1891.
Come and see the . First
.come, first served.
Myo. Smith.
LOO�� 1E31ERE.
Insure your farm property, private dwelling
in the old reliable, the ,
1-Offce,==KTR0SS-Baines,,-skrap, Lucknow---.---______.
Wil be in the office every Saturday afternoon:
JOHN LANE Agent Rinlough.
Strayed from the premises of the undersign-
ed on or about the middle of May, a red and
white yearling heifer. Any information lead-
ing -to the sure recovery of the- same will be•
suitably rewarped.
Lucknow P.O.
Thee tarckn OW Sentinel B-r--ice-Ooun-ty, . 'ri laX AL.gu t-7ht
IIn compliance with a largely signed
petition from the ratepayers, the
reeve has proclaimed Friday, August
14th, a public holiday for the village
of Lucknow. This will afford our
citizens ate, oppertu.nitiy to attend the
temperance pec-nic ab the lake on that
day. ,
-Baptist Church •
The. Rev. G. O. Brock, of'Glammis,
wilt preach in the Baptist church,
Lucknow, on Lord's day, Aug. 9th,
both tnorning and evening. Mr.
Rock was a school mate of Rev. Mr.
Shaw, late of ,Lucknow. All are
cordiahy invited to conte' and hear
`1LLr. i�o� ctr
1 -lours 'S a. m, to7 p. m.
W. G. .L 13. South
H. & B. North
W'G.&B. North
I .. !
r 1U30pm
6;10 a. m. Daily
12-30 p. m. -
2:30 p-
• mm.
Intermediate points t 9 00 p m .
Tuesdays and
W-, G. &B.,Southtt
I. H. & B., South
- 1# & B. South
.W G.& B. North
Hol y.r, ood
inlough /j•.
Q ra, Fridasa
9.30p. in..
10.00a.m- Q
3.20 p. m •
4.30 p.m.
4.n.+c *.T •Zs. `m. '�.,�:x 1 .,...d;: ?,v'�wya;��,..,: ::,:_+•T'�rnB' ...;�,.;�y; ". .,�...,,u�..,...".T,:
*nit rtwo•
Good Prices Anticipated
In spite of the 'gloomy financial
reports from England, the prospects
crop are promising, more especially on
account of the deficiency in the
harvests of. Russia and India.
Foresters Pic-nic
The Canadian Order of Foresters of
Western Ontario have arranged a
Tug of War
Mr. A, R. McIntosh, of this village,
received a letter from Stratford, on
Tuesday last, requesting him to get up
a tug-of-war team to compete in the
of August. He also receive a com-
munication from Windsor to bring
the "team" to Windsor on the occasion
of the celebration in that town.
A New' Lawyer
Mr. Elliott Traver, of this village,
who is shortly to remove to Strathroy,
has sold out his law practice here to
Mr. P. A. Malcolmson,. a young man
from the firm of Messrs.: Cameron,
Holt. & Cameron, of Goderich. Mr.
Malcolmson will commence business
in Lucknow in the course of a week
or two.
Giving up Business
Having decided to give up the Mer-
chant Tailoring in Lucknow, I will
clear out the balance of my stock of
tweeds, worsteds, etc,, at an advance
of 10 % on cost. All accounts "must
be settled, either by cash or note, on
or before the 15th August. After
that date all accounts will be. placed
in other hands for collection.—ALEx.
-S: CitYH�PSEBIi: .--_._._---..__T.____---•,–.._.__..
Never Were Better
The reports from all points in this
neighborhood is that the crops never
were better. The wheat certainly is a
magnificent sample and filled full froni
base-to--tip-of each--ear—It-is—plump-
and full with hardly a badly formed
grain. The spring grains promise
bountifully. After all it looks:as if
we are to be blessed with an old time
Weather Report
The following is the weather report
for the month of July, 1891: Total
amount of rain fall, 5.04 inches ; aver
age for July for the last five years,
2.-36 inches; mean maximum temper-
ature, 73°:5 ; average mean maximum
for the last five years, 79°.9 ; mean
minimum temperature, 50°.5 ; average •,
mean minimum for the last five years,
Died in Dakota
By telegram on' Wednesday, the sad'
news carne of the death of David Mc-
Millan, at Michigan City, Dakota.
Deceased was the eldest son of the late
Archibald McMillan, of West Wa-
wanosh, near Lucknow, and had spent
the winter here, but left in the spring
in the hope of getting better health.
Mrs. McMillan and Archie, . mother
and brother of deceased, left o_n,.Mon-
kay morning for the bedside of loving
on and brother, but;'owin to some
miscalculations on the part of the tele-
graph authorities, did not' make con
nections, and death intervened before
their, arrival at half past seven on
Tuesday ' evening. Deceased was ' a
young man of fine character, and a
general favorite with all• who had the
pleasure of his acquaintance. The
family have the sympathy of the whole
community'in ,their bereavement., De-
ceased 'was 32 years of age, and had
farmed in Dakota for nine or ten years.
and nic-nic irk,
grana' ueJ.uvuourwwvn r -
•t Brantford, on Monday next, August
10, and a public reception will be
given the numerous lodges of the order"
who have intimated their intention to
be present.
For London Asylum
Drs. Shannon and Holmes, of
Goderich, have made an examination
of John Campbell, of the 13th con: of
Ashfield, who was recently committed
to the county jail there as a lunatic,
and as soon as the necessary formali-
ties are complied with by =the prison-
er's relatives, he will be sent to the
asylum 'at London.
Highwat to the. Orient
Thanadian FaciiicTias issneci an=
other tourists' guide, finely printed
and elaborately illustrated with views
of the scenery along. the route of the
great highway to the Orient. Views
of the magnificent mountains and the
glaciers o the BQckieLare uppl0-
mented by engravings of the cities
through which the line passes.
-' S. S. Excursion
The annual Sunday school excursion
to Goderich on' Tuesday next, August
116. Return fare from Lucknow, by.
regular train; will be only 85 cents for
adults. and 45 cents for children. The
steamer "City of Windsor will run
excursion trips on the lake that day.
Train gets- to-,Goderich-at 10:45- a. m: '
and leaves at 7:35 p. m., thereby
allowing excursionists nearly 9 hours
at the lake. •.. -
A Goose By -Law'
A good deal of: complaint is made
by several of. our ratepayers against
allowing geese to run at large in the
village, and at the council' meeting on
Tuesday evening the Reeve introduced
a by-law to prohibit :them ,,from the,
streetsand other public places in the
village. After . a good deal of dis-
cussion the matter was laid over for -a
rAonth in order to give the owners of
the geese time to. dispose of the
offending fowls. . .
He Was no Solomon
AA well known clergyman was asked
to solve the followino. a few nights
ago : If all the children that King
Herod killed Were buried in such a
manner that'Only their arms frons the
elbow to 'the tips of their fingers were
visible above the ground, how could
you distinguish the' arms of the,boys
from those of the girls 1 The reverend
gentleman worked at it faithfully but
was obliged -to give it up. "For
shame," cried the interrogator. "The
idea that you should forget that the
children that Herod killed were all
boys." -
Temperance Pic-nic
The Royal Templars' pic-nic at
Blair's grove, one of the prettiest spots
on lake Huron's shores, promises to be
the event of the summer. . All friends
of temperance are invited to attend.
Members of the order, who purpose
going in hired . rigs, are requested to
hand in their names to Mr. S. Mathes
at Murchison's jewellery store. Par-
ties having baskets are also asked
to hand them to the committee
with their names attached. .There
will be a sail boat capable of carrying
20 passengers that will run two miles
but oti the lake at 10 cents a head.
1400t ball, base ball and other games.
A movement is on foot to secure °the
services of the band, and a good time
may bo-, expected. Parties attending
are requested to join in with the
whole crowd at one table for refresh-
ments. :Mr. Kincaid will cater to the tack signs and placards on telephone
wants of the thirsty in 'temperance and telegraph poles. They should also
drinks, ice cream, etc. be stopped in Lucknow. '
of the
—Miss Annie West left on Wednes-
day for Chicago.
—Miss Libbie McDonald returned
•home from Guelph this week.
—The 32nd Bruce Battalion wili
not go into camp this summer.
—Mr. W. A. Sparling, OrW ingllatn,
was in the village on Wednesday.
—What about that stray animal
running with your stock just now 1
—Miss McPherson, of Kincardine,
is the guest of Miss Aggie Lawson.
—Twent sev_ea parties left this
Eta Icon 0 rirefay la:strfor-'t"rceif'6i ffl=
west harvest fields.
—Mr. John Jewitt left en a two
weeks trip to Barrie, Orillia and
-Beaverton, last week.
—Next Sabbath R. H. Barnby will
Pushing Border
gives 1st eiass less. ; on Music at reason-
able terms. Will be in Lucknow on Wednes-
System nonovatot
And other tested remedies
-- -FOR
Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood,
Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpitation of the
Heart, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia, Loss of
M rrgyam-,-ma :0--ffioraord aS ll
Stones Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Dis-
eases. St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities
and General Debility.
$1 per half pint and $2 per pint bottle.
Proprietor and Manufacturer.
Tobe Opened
Oat To Day
Twenty-five doz. of Lados',
Misses' and Childrens' black
and white leghorn,
.7CG"0te,, �-�a�Ilaehli
I . shall offer the above : at
less than
No Garhes This Year•.
The probabilities are there, will be
no Caledonian games in the village
this year, and our citizens and others
should do all they can. to boom the
fall show,. We want the people
brought to Lucknow, and if every
man who visits the fall show only
spends 50 cents it adds that much
more to the wealth of the place. Our
citizens each year contribute liberally
towards the membership - fee of the
society, and the directors should make
the programme of the show as
'attractive as possible. For the past
two or three years the speeding in the
ring contests have proved a drawing
card and the society this year should
largely increase the amounts ' given to
these events. One hundred dollars
spent in this way will add' double to
the amount to the exchecquer of the
—Hamilton police have instructions
to arrest medicine men and others who
a. m., and at : a - ea at, : 1 p. ni.
—Mr. Wm. Pagan, of Ashfield, was
thrown from his buggy on Tuesday
last and sustained serious injuries.
—Attention is called to the new
advertisement of D. Murchison, in
this issue, regarding import of goods.
L. -Mrs. (Dr.) Tennant and Master
John and Miss Aggie Tennant left on
Wednesday last for Sarnia to visit
—Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Shepa rd
arrived home last week from a month's
holidaying with friends in the county
of Grey.
—The Lucknow furniture factory
has closed down for two week to make
some needed repairs to machinery and
—A man named Kay, of Ripley,
has fallen - heir to a fortune ' of
$25,000 by the death of a relative. in
—The band treated our citizens to
an open air concert °ori Wednesday
evening. Their splendid playing was
greatly appreciated.
—Mr. W. Scott, 'of Hamilton, a
former old resident of •Lucknow, was SENTINEL Printing Office,
renewing old acquaintances in the AG#tEEMENTS, BONDS, LEASES,
ill age -on Wednesday.
— Mr. W. -R. Willis left for Mani-
toba on Tuesday, where he will remain
a month to close up the business affairs
of his deceased brother.
—Seventeen passengers ,.went by
G. T. - R. and ten by O. P. R. to
Manitoba, on Tuesday forenoon, to
assist in taking off the great harvest
—Mr. John H. McHardy, of Wing -
ham, - who has just returned- from a
seven weeks trip to the Pacific coast,
spent a few hours with friends here on
Tuesday ,last.
—A man 'named Campbell, of West
Wawanosh, was severely ' gored by - 'a
bull which he was leading ,to Luckno w
for shipment, on Thursday morning.
—We regret to learn that Mr. Robt„
Davison, of Paisley, and .formerly of
this village, is, at present dangerously
ill, and little hopes are entertained for
his recovery.
—Mr. John McBain; of Lucknow,
spent Sunday with friends in the vil-
lage and was a welcome caller at the
News sanctnm on Monday. Ile leaves
in a few days for an extended visit to
Scotland.—Teeswater News.
—A Toronto inspector for the
Underwriters' Association .tested the
village waterworks on Wednesday last
and pronounced them first-class. He
said they far surpassed his expectations
iiia village the size of Lucknow.
—The 'sacrament of the Lord's
supper was administered in the Metho-
'dist church on Sunday last, when ser-
mons were preached in the morning
by the Zee. E. R. Black and in the
,evening by the Rev. John Kenner.
Large congregations were present on
each occasion.
ruggis s, uc ,.now.
days is the
a ital:�
FAA ,9oR,S Fo.
Rept, Q;R^.o,000:
President -JOHN STUART.
Vice President -A. G. RAMSAY.
A. T. Wcon, A. B. LEN (Toronto).
Cashier -J. TURNBULL.
SAVINGS BANK. -Hours 10 to 3 ; Satur-
day's, 10 to 1. Deposits of $1 and upwards
received and interest allowed.
SPECIAL DEPOSITS also received at cur-
rent rates of interest.
DRAFTS on Great Britain and the United
States bought and sold.
office in the building east of the
A cleverly raised two dollar bill is
in circulation. The alteration, how-
ever, can be very readilydetected if a
p'erson takes time to look at the bill.
The Government legal . bill reads :
"The Dominion of danada will pay the
bearer two dollars" is altered by means
of pen and ink to read "The Dominion
of Canada will pay to bearer ten
HUNTER -In Ashfield, 13t1i con.. on July 21st,
the wife of Mr. Jammer Hunter , of a
HusroN-In Ashfield, 12th con„ on July
29th, the wife of Mr. David Huston of
a daughter. .
Or do you suffer from noises in the
head. Then send 3 cent stamp and I
will send a valuable treatise containing
full particulars for home cure which
costs comparatively nothing. A splen-
did work on deafness - and the ear.—
Address, PROF. G. °BASEL, Montreal.
NAbsolutely pure from all foreign substance and will not gum or
corrode on farm machinery. For sale by
Q D. C.: TAYLOR, Lucknow. R. MURRAY., St. Helens.
And I am going to have it in Lucknow, too, and I hereby.,
announce to the • people of Lucknow and surrounding country -that
any person or persons coming to me having their teeth out
that I will put , in two sets of teeth,
Temporary. or Permaneut
For the price of one set, $15, made of the very best material
in the world., 1 use no rubber but C. Ash & Sons, London, England.
The teeth will be C. Ash & Sons, and S. S. White's, conceded
by all who are in the business to he thebest in the world. -
Those firms have their names on their goods, and the people
can see what they areetting, and as I will
GiLtar,an,too Safi'sfae a
To all reasonable people, the unreasonable, and there are sue in the world,
will please bear in mind, that I do not want their trade. I can
always be found at Dr: Tennant's office, Lucknow.'
Vatiers ono roltvols
WA'TED' O E EIRIL CE MECE99ART. Permanent s -
I�1B done guaranteed. Salary and Expenses Pahl• l n -
liar advantages to beginnere. Stock Complete. with fastreelling specialties.
OUTFIT FREE. Ws puarantee.what we advertise:" Writs IsgOWN
ItinO'ICxI:ER S, Nursers/mem 'A'arente, 0n4 (Tele bonne le reliable.)