HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1891-08-07, Page 5«;fie Wheret.hopeallda of c 1<r,r sided #l� ' a . • r.au engine'a sere . r. f `The t1i1 lti%4ants arq a mixt.tirea +F nc areethe most prhedomjnent, In whom 1 can't f>,ndaillaw, '« 'The ladies dress in fancy style, Which Z, think nut souse The gents they too, are joining them In matrimonial iplfss. From "Hospitality" I haste away, For'to northward l must call. e' at eon 1{ow my o ppirtg• lane. With itkgrand and mighty, The half treed and the Freacllpan toot Dine on that boneless fish,. And natives say upon their oath itis wlished dish. The surroundings are nut inviting, And the town not very large , I will hasten still inure northward, For in th.:rc I met, Sudbury next with its tickle ore, And a place of great renown. As h.undreds there are flocking To see that mineral town. s "'�:rrs:rrun �xr•'a:r^- •-.r•+,... sn:;,�--e .vmr..•rr„r^ Was- FYT4^`- ".-.m s.r�>b. .`.l.Y ...a1 aZ I LLa 3ace of vast Ina,,1.zensues To the great }omin'ion grand ; •As its treasury may be filled • From off that mineral land. Of the people there's a mixture, As all. other places nocth. Some courteous and forgiving; • Some, what t.1 ,.ay .- 1 am loath. nti.nei,•.Bruce fj. aU.rr ' ,. August trh 1 t BrOS! .nei�t have ' eciire , i olid cert collection of Wo 'ka, of 4r ' .b ► 13rltish *asters, (containing pinking • Valued atk, 41.00Q sterli these alone wound well ,Hoag a *WO the Western ,Fair, but When t ley adds, such special attractions as the Wild West Show, Trapezia Performances, Fancy Rifle Shooting, Fire Engine Conteft, Cross-cut–Sawing Matches,' elaborate' Fire-wo>ras I:?isplay, , .ialloon Races by ldy\ and• ge,4103and13 of Music, ete., where can/we'*4 that no vii:1 - sn_marl solid butt u -et -ion. and enjoyment at such little expense as to the Western Fair in London, next September 17th to 26th. r01'4.t• 9 , I •+f iN` '•tr ~ • V..: Y. w, 4, 0 1, e surveyor s And a switch runs past the city '1'o the famcn, blizz•uvl urine. Dative people are contented On sterile, that barren soil ; Aud appreciate their high wine, 1, ,Sweet as Copeland's castor oil. -Often money's made by handfuls ` And by handfuls thrown away, • tier the want of better judgement To protect the coaling day. - The preparation of the future In their mind can never •soar ; As the wealth of a great nation Is now lying at their door. Reader, lest I try your patience In reading my northern trip, I will leave for another shore, And to southward I will ship. J have seen that place called.Sundridge, On stony and crystal lake ; ' South River and the Powasan. O».more here I cannot speak, . • The country very general Is rough round the water's shore. About a mile just from the coast You'll find meadow land galore. e, -And with game in groat abundance rouhout the forest there— i?;'i,. iant moose,. the horned buck. Game being there quite plentiful; Of all sort and every size, The lakes up there are numerous, And streams teem with fish alive. No rause of you being hungry If a gun .ar, d.hshing line Can kill.some game, and catch sore fish, Where -a• king' cvuti-ld wish to dmr. That country all is rich in wealth, • And rich in ,mineral ore, • • • 'With monarch pine towering high, 'What could you wish fe'emore, My letter now just hero I'll C1os, Please not criticize too keen, fAt-my.attempt to give a sketch ' el what my eyes have seen. • WANDERER, )1', ,• ;':. 1 41 ,11,1'• .. > ;P. len.. PNEE POWS D, MOON Oki The above cut represents the inter- -est taken i,y a large proportion of our readers in Canada's Pavorito Exhi- bition,This the 'directors deserve for their utiring efforts to keep it at the front of Live Stock and Agricultural Fairs.- Its growing popularity is- • due greatly to the attention given in revis. its, 1 the prize list, making such altera- ains as. are required ; _to the improve- ment of Live Stock ; encouraging the ;better classes of `Grains and .Seeds for cultivation, and brining out and fos- :-tering new inventions of all kinds. A large number of - Special Prizes are • offered for Cheese and Butter, as the r mani:factt1re of these articles arc con• sidered two very important industries of this Province. Special prizes are also ,offered for the bow making the most 'butter on the grounds,- the test to he under the supervision of ;in ex- pert from the' Agricultural College. The Machinery in motion in the Main Bui ding was of such an interesting an' :instructive character that special effo is are being made to eclipse former years. In the Art Department there ' is a new departure and one which has already proved exceedingly successful; artists are allowed the privilege of dis- posing of their productions by - private sale and public auction ; by adopting this course and efforts of Secretary • R 4wiou,,.....- . ..... try.",(r L • `=a'r,l^'=• 'nci;-x^raF:':xn+,`crrrttz'' -.a'n c• l,y so 'lying Ili>tl':; ti:tf,i•llr,fi•11:t 4'u).05 scrofula., salt ,Neural. ;u111 a41 otos, 1,10n,1 41k - C 'tr,'S. x111 •; pru;,e'r iii R'.ii(ri,, t•il>'P< 1;': ;,�;I1. ; vi.s itrrf_tI1 to errors a •,; a of ih;; Lau! an 1 prev,wt; tarsals Of that tired fooling 4,1 lonsands of others i; uaicieut reason i•':• 1 elief that it will cure y, 11• 1.,]', .'}• 1r1• in g,0t Sarsapanali Sold by alt druggists, h1; stxrug,y.). Prepa>ed >Illy by C. L HOOD t CO., A.potliecaries, Lowell, Mass. 100 Doses One Dollar GIVING UP BUSINESS HAVING DECIDED TO GIVE UP the Merchant Tailoring business in Luck- ' will clear old_ balanct_of my --. ._ stock Of TWEEDS, • WORST EDS, ETC", At an advanr-e of 111 per cent. on_.cost..--.All accounts must be settles. either by cash or note on or before the , n 15TH OF AUG. 'After that date all accounts lvi11 be placed in other hands for r,ollection, A. S. CAMPBELL. ESTEEM FAIR LONDON. Sept. 17th to 26th; 1891. CANADA'S FAVORITE LIVE STOCK,AGRICULTURAL, INDUSTRIAL AND ' ARTS EX- HIBITION. ESTABLISIIED '1868. LARGE' INCREASE OF EXHIBITS AND ATTENDANCE EVBRY YEAR. 1890 was 'noted, but 1891 will be better. $25,000 IN PRIZES. Attractions, Etc., which are being arranged ' for, will surpass any yet produced. SPECIAL EXCURSION RATES ON. ALL RAILWAYS. Entries close September 12th, For Prize Lists and information apply to CAPT. A. W. PORTE, PRES. T1-1OS. A, BROW? E, SECRETARY. TO THS: FAR51F.RS I ,have rented the store occupied by Mr. Geo. Kerr and am prepared to PAS` CASII FOR BUTTER ,AND ' EGGS. The highest price will be paid for butter according to quhtlity. R. C. SPARLING. ON can be canned et our NEN' line efwork rapidly nn P y d honorably, by rhoe o� either sex, voting or old, 'and in their own lorali'if a,whGrover they live. Any one can We furnish everything. We @tort yo„.itNo risk. You Easy nodevotlearn• your spare tnomenu, or ill your time to the work. This is an entirely hew le,d,and brings wonderful success to every worker. Beginners are earning from *25 to p50 per week and upwards. and more after a Tittle e: p''erienee. We can furnish you the em- ployment and teach you F.4111. No space to explain berg. Full information FRQI&. T$UE de C0.. Al16UsTA. RAWL b Firing sorting orders XFr week in DRY GOODS. • this k1M 4 mews eree eevee verb_ 'qrnays •a Something that • everybody wants and at prices that can r, riot be beaten. I wish the general public to distinctly un- derstand that T have ih sorer: all Wade of Boots and Shoes in every. Variety of Style 'w�+Sl",s��+y1F.'. AY,rrz:�,l w,a1 F[w.A r;f :F•,. -•��, � T✓M. mow.. Y.,y,r.Y.K1KFriyr�•� and Make, \Vbich I am seljing for cash cheaper than can be bought at any other store in the County.' All I ask is 'RA y ▪ , y0 w • ••• RL a'• {I% i P w�l �•1 K, ( .dsrt ' A'1 clistorg ere and vicinistyx. fpr the iiberap 'ronage even in the past we trust to see a continuance .,f he-Kuaranteeinf, satisfaction to all by supplying our,aisost choice grades of - NURSERY STpC Our Iv.trftii, Begets,'rill 3afro pleasure callfug upon you r serve your orders for iizth. • a •bepyon. Reserve AGENTS WANTED IN OTHER 000D u*:-.:,.. ...... , :7,171:1; r.-,.� .., cv ;fi+r':'•a'.:'s:::l' r.'" - ; nc .,..•::m� x. ,... .r a-,.Ti.��^ t`,trA7. vW rf u r •i�- , For terms a1,p1y to J. W. MACKAY, Gen, Manager, i`t. Thomas. • • S U MMES FABRICS In Sateens, In Prints, In Dress Trimmings, In Gloves, Mitts and Lace Goods, In Cottonades, ' -In Flanneletts-. All sizes in M EN I S' i3UYS' • Ready-made Clothing Now Full. - See Them. Sorting in. Men's Stiff & .Soft Felt Hats. High Cuts are in demand and fashionable. BETTER HAVE ONE. FRUIT SEASON. Means, Sealers and Sugar,' They combine to preserve. WE HAVE THEM.' TEN PACKAGES, New Ceylon Teas. --The Best Grown.—Prices from 30c. lap. EXTRA VALUES. - i Yours, A. E. ,BRASHER. 1 AND THE CASH.. Give ane a trial, and don't be led away with every wind that blows. BUTTER AND EGGS TAKEN AT J. PEAtT'S, LUCKNOW. MILK AND BUTTE Important to Farmers. e 0 THE UNDERSIGNED HAVING PUR_ Holstein -Friesian Bull, lSirror Westwond (13' ]o), will keep, him for service at Lot 6, Con. 14, Ashfield, —PEDIGREE :-Sir Westwond (13210) was bred by B. B..Lord & Son, Sinclairville, New York ; dcalved August 7th, 1888 ; black, with shield patch over shoulders ; belly, legs and part Of tail white. Sir Westwond(13210) was sired by• Lytle 4102, H. F. H. B :; Dam, Lady Westwond (imported) 11611, If. 'F. 11. B. milk record 80} lbs. per_ dsyr a,-t,L4 vea v ___ra _nld,_.and 1 r lbs of butter in 7 days at same age, one of the finest cows we ever owned. ' Lytle was sired' by Barrington, (imported) 2103, who is claimed to be without an equal in the world, and $3.000 , in cash was twice refused for him. His• service fees were 8100 per cow, His dam was Mietje 2nd (imported) a noted prize winner, with a milk record of 62 lbs. per day at two years old,• . Lady Westwood (imported) 11611, was sired by Peter, 103, N. H. B., one of the most noted bulls ever known in Holland, being the winner !of first prizes and diplomas at five of the largest shows in Holland, and was sire of many of the most .noted cows that were iinpurted to this country. His dam was Glenburine (imported) ;milk record 89 lbs in a day ; 20134 lbs in ten rntinths, and 21 lbs of butter in 7 days in January, 1886, all under ordinary care. Barrington was sired by Jacob 2nd (District Bull), dam tramming. (Imported) ; milk record 99 lbs in a day, on grass .:alone. She was valued at $5000. Mietje 2nd (Imported) was sired by .Jacob. Dam. Mietje (Imported). Milk record 83 lbs, 'per day, and winner of gold medal in Holand for best dairy cow on exhibition,. Peter, 103, was•sired. by District Bull ; dam Jentine, milk record 87 lbs • per day, and 191 lbs of butter in 7 days: - Glenburine (Imp:) was .sired by District Bull ; dam, Srijntje, milk reoord 9111 lbs per day ; butter -record 20; lbs in 7 days. Jacob 2nd was got by Jacob • dam; Minnie, milk'recurd 86 lbs per day , batter record 18 lbs., 9 oz. in 7 days, Hamming (Imp.) was ` sired'4 by Jacob •(District bull) ; dam, Srijntje, 90- lbs per day. .Mietje (Imp.) was sired by District Ball ;. dam, Meitje l'tt, milk record 88i- lbs per day. Jacob was ' sired by Klaso ; dam, Marian, milk record 88}•lbs per day ; butter record 20j lbs in 7 days. - This pedigree will show Sir Westwond the richest bull of the breed in Canada. He is• straight and round as a barrel heavy, low set mnseular legs, with four large teats, and large milk veins. The above is a true record of the breeding of Sir Westwond, Signed, H.'& W. F. BOLLERT, TERMS Single cow, $1.75, cash at time of service. A reduction will be allowed for three or nacre cows. , - JOHN BARKWELL,, Lucknow P. 0. 0%)aGNS"t4N& o A'pamphlet of information and ab- stract of the laws.lhowtng How to Obtain Patents, Caveats. Trade Marks, Copyrights. sent free. Adds. MUNN & CO.. 3131 Broadway. New York. • $3Q A YEA R ! I undertake ke to ',Heft r teach any fairly intelligent person of either seta, who can read and write, and who, after inetructton,will work induetriouety, how to earn Three Thousand Dollars a Year in their own loealities,.vherever they live.* will else furnish the situation or employmrnt,st whinh you can ram that amount. No money for me unless surce.@riA as above. Easily and quickly learned, 1 de@ire•bnt one worker from each district orennnty. I have already taught and provided with employment a large number, who are rnaking ovoCC-f11000 a year ea, h. ft'. NEW and SOLID. FI 11,rticulare 1 IUEL:. tddrr•s it onro, *..C.&ALLEY. Aiwa 4180. Ateguatta. MMIue. IMMENSE BARGAINS. Having just received a large C,,nsign Illent of Fresh Groceries, Choice family fiou Choice Tobacco, Canned. Goods. i1 Crockery, Glassware Teas, Coffees, 1 • and. Sugars,. which- will be sold cheap at the. Hub Grogery. . Goods delivered to all parts of the village, JOHN . ELLIOTT CHURCH DIRECTORY. NGLISII. CHURCH-SERVII:'ES 11 , LL a. in. and 6:30 p. m. Sunday School,. 2:30 p. m , Super ntetident, Wm. S. Holmes. Adult class every Wednesday evening at o'clock, Bible - and, prayer book lesson's. All • e welcome. -1 Ev, W, J. CONNOR, Pastor. Hereford Bull For Service. THE CELEBRATED HEREFORD fr service for the bull, of 1891 atl Henrbe y t Johnston s, lot 7. con. 8, E. D. Ashfield'. • 26th, 1886. PEDIGREE - Hie dam - isk Bloom, (22 07) bwas calved y Duke Argyle, C., g. d. Victoria 4th by Duke of Argyle, C'., g: g d.Victoria by Sir: ,'banes, • 'r • g• g dVerbena by Carlisle. The Bull hismark was bred by R. J, Dickie, of Oshawa Ont., and got by Cecil, winner of first prize in - aged bull class at Toronto and' Guelph anti :. silver medal at Guelph f .r best bull of any age. Cecil was bred by Mr. Aaron Rogers, • Herefordshire; England, and was' got •by Chabull, The Groveo3rd, thatand sooldhe f for by },000hat ttlast yeah when twelve years old, The breeding of this calf is of the best to he found upon the side of both„ sire and dam. and he is; one of the best calves I have ever bred. Yours truly, • R. J. MACKIE. TERMS -81.25 to ipsnre calf. A reduction made for 3 or more cows. Cows must. be returned 3 times if necessary or they will be charged for service; No fees charged for, cows if not with,ealf after third service. HENRY JOHNSTON. Pro DUNN'S AKINC POWflFa._ THE COOK'S' BEST FRIEND BULL FOR SERVICE. rritik UNDERSIGNED WILL KEEP 1 for Division, Ashfield, -the iee at lot wo year old n. thorough bred Shorthorn bull, "Red 3ismark." PEDIGREE• -.Red Bismarck, 12758, red calved March 8, 1886, bred by Wm. M'allough, Dungannon, Ont. ; got by Wallace (imp) 2752 ; dam Annie 8430, by Young Springwood Prince 6299 ; Grace Harper 2nd, 9227, by British Heir .2nd 2889 ; Lady Harper 2nd. 663, ady 'Harpe x6629, by Grand Duke Chief, 751782 ; RoseI1833 by Royal Duke of Glo'ster, 1035 : Maggie. 1429, by Lord of Lune (imp) 155 (16428) ; Queen of the West, 1751, •by Victor 1136 (122681 ; Daisy 823, by Halton 684 (11552), LLavinia 4th .1342, by Duke of Wellington (imp) 91. (3654) ; Lavinia 2nd 13.40. by Alex • ander (imp) 6, (11099) ,; Lavinia (imp) 299, by asou of •>, Scipio (1421), by 7:ryhnlm e (1018), by ' Son of North ,$tar (458). rERMs-s;.r9 Cow`s must be returne three times . necessary, or they will h4 charged for service: No fees charged if cows are not in•calf after third Service, PAUL 'SMILTZE11, . Belfast P. Q. �»._, u:s_"'"J. "'•.PentntN+'rem//RrkTl.-#7'1.eterwey.�...v�`,m.�vu. '.-ssc.r- _ L.-.r.....c.�.,kaVT.:x,.9G�rvw.a..a.rN%-'FC.1 _.mi • _ . .cT _ *AN., ..._ xMSTs..,e•+-m•aia�mnvw-.Kn..wca.+.t.t....�.....a '-.' arm * '4,...»mm+mm:.L�:nc-.x-. .....-....aumsv...awvwmr«vn �..-:..:mrxemnm rr •