HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1891-08-07, Page 4r O . NSQI*ANC111' OTHER LIDER 'IE8. 1 I,uol uow, Auguot 7th, 1801. Q42'TLJE FOR EXPORT. '-`—lihipments otlYtocheroat^tl a- tie old country are now proceeding. Advices received from the north are to dila erect that pt lce,9 a o poor, u w lug to slim demand, and that the con- signees of cattle to Aberdeen, per the w iV LS BY 4`WTh1V '�.REH" IN NIPISS.G. I have wandered far away m uroti'ngpl1 shore, 1n f;As au,ten to hutatlag le yp 1' f � . • $0341;+#11; s �lll"'^^^ . V ' S1a+�^rai 4=11 ��'' Ya tray 1 ' t A' . ads l otks ro h 1tliniob 1i•1• a I have seeith9 noted aste • p With the mill 1. It Booth.. The fine woollen mill of Oronkite, Beneath the wissawasa fall ; A -credit to his enterprise, And boon Or the settlers all. Boothrailway inthe wiidern:ssi,. With courteous men throughout, •Wal.Ltake yt n throe tu.N. tsboueing-. -_ The terminus of the route, Where a gigantic enterprise Built up with care and skill, To accumulate' one million logs To feud their eastern will. If you ride upoll that engine, My advice, insure your life ; - In caseethere be an accident • Q, �� You leave somethin fq; o 'fe,� a � .� tL.d','. -' ,.N.:.Y._I Art...'T' '._'^•-.•rY�--...+-�-r- .J AV u.....tL: This is not a very satisfactory report, but it supporta the latest declaration of ex-Ald. Frankland, of Toronto, who contends that the Canadian farmer can make more money by feeding his iuself. ••: dealer says that for the Canadian bullocks whioh he recently sold in the Metropolitan market, Londpn, he received 7i• pence, or 15 cents . per pound as high a price as is paid for Norfolk bullocks. The animals aver- aged 1,303 pounds. When sucha trade can be built up, Mr. Frankland considers it suicidal for Canadians to continue exporting lean and half -fed cattle at the prices now obtainable. BIG BUTTER RECORD. Some time ago the Advertiser gave particulars of the best butter record for" one year made by a Jersey cow, the queen up to that date being Eurotisama 955 pounds, 9 ounces in 365 days. A few days ago she was dethroned by Bisson'e Belle, a Jersey owned by Major Webster, of Tennessee,_livin the great quantity of 1,028 pounds, 13 -ounces, said to have been well worked, meroantable bitter, salted one ounce to the pound. This record has only been• surpassed by one other cow,Paulin-Paul,. a Holstein -Friesian that_gwve _1,153- pounds, 15. ounces of butter in 365 days, leaving her still 125 pounds ahead of her Jersey rival. .Pauline Paul's feat will probably stand untouched for some time. Many people discredit these performances, but they are well authenticated and not conducted in the dark. Invitations were publicly, extended while the tests were in progress to all interested to witness the milking and making of the butter.—London Advertiser. THE large petition of the Patrons of Industry, presented at Ottawa recently.. by Mr. Lister was as follows: 1. That the agricultural interests are not in so prosperous a condition as we would desire. 2. That the tariff legislation for the purpose of assisting the manu- facturing interests of the country has been taken advantage of by such. manufaaturing interests so as to unduly enhance the price of many such articles as are indespensably necessary, to farmers, • 3. Your memorialists therefore, respectfully pray that you will be pleased to takethis matter into .Consideration, during this seilion, and to cause the import duties Upon binder twine, salt and sugar to be removed, end these articles placed on the free list. TALKING ' of the fatal facility with -which people can be got to sign peti- tions, the editor of the New .York -Journal .of Commerce tells a good story :and voyehes for its truth. Forty years ago, he says, a gentleman made a "bet that he cou'4d get a hundred ,prominent churchmen to sign a peti- tion to have the Bishop of. New York hanged. He , had a long petition ,drawn up, ,beginning with the words : '‘Whereas the best interests of the Protestant Epiaoopal church," eta, and going on, after a long preamble, to demand that thebishop should he sus- pended by the neck. Tlie petition was engrossed in proper style and sent round by a canvasser, ,who told no lies about it, simply representing it as a petition to the ecclesiastical authori- ties' in a matter that would deeply affect the welfare of the church. Once a few well-known names had been got at the head of the list the het was soon won, and the audacious 'peti- tioner said he could have got aignatures iby the thousand if he had kept on •long enough. As lightning speed its running gait, With breeze beth front and rear ; With sparks and flying cinders, Will burn the clothes you wear. A wheel barrow would be safer, Of course it is not so fast ; But uno ride upon that engine, You'd think would be your last. ways uttpn tight your coat, And hold your head just sideways, Prevent going down your throat. When incoming from the lYymond, Where two railways there they cross,, You'll meet the jolly section men With Barney as their boss. The inhabitants of the Dymond To f^ et 1 never can Their familiar way and manner, • With little Ben the fisherman. Along the railway road to westward, Wriggling through that •Jrooked path, Where the native flies jump on you, As a serpent in his wrath. When going on the public road, I espied a lonely grave Which made me think of other days And the pioneer so brave. As many of our noble men, Lie hid in the forest green ; The little birds with chirping notes, As if weeping o'er the scene. Friend bailiff Bob, the constable, Who is full of mirth ancrfun, And will, kindly treat all strangers By his. fowling wlth his gun. • And hair -breadth risks, through his bush life ; It would make the timid stare, --in •travellingthrouggh-The wilderness, And encounter with a bear. To Callender, now a thriving place Three miles from the mill of I. ooth ; The roads are rough and sandy, ' But the people there are smooth, There iron pirets numerous That dark rock the ore reveal, A-nxl-wvith-other mines •proapecting, They have found their native "steel," "White's" 'marble bed just near the bay, Not far from the railway track,' . The site I've seen with my own eyes, And I am sure it was not `Black." "Mack," once a farmer of Kinloss, Now is living near the mine, Still raising big potatoes And a switchman on the line. The "pioneer," his store is full, And he never pulls a cork; Can sell you goods of all design, With eggs and ham and pork. Mechanics, there is but a few, But seem foremost in the art • ; The barbers' poles omitted. Likewise the butcher's cart. There are fishermen and deer slayers, But noblack are living there ; There are log -drivers and lumbermen, Also men that kill the bear. And "Kelbee," the mighty nimrod, I must mention in my rliime Still foremost in his thrilling deed's, A great marvel in his line. The town is on a sloaping beach, - Fronting on the crystal bay , Expecting soon a city be, t - As I have heard the people say, The lakeis grand and picturesque; And with many islands "seen ; Where millions of best of fish Sport round those islands green. There is not a place in Canada You would have ,for more a wish, Than spend a day on Nipissing, In catching monstrous fish, I 'peak of my experience, N aked truth ,1 but declare ; If you saw their wriggling bodies, Howyour optics, they would stare: Now I will leave fair Callender, And still travel to the north; Arriving at the junction, Where one rail it serves for both' The Grand Trunk and the C. P. R, With one track but to North Bay ; It is wonderful the traffic Both by night and in the day. Arriving in that forest town, Its surroundings I took in, Where the works of the C, P. R; Keep up a coutinual din. The round house of the company With workmen, the best of gra'3e, Fitting up with vast machinery, For. the. heavy westward trade. + Their shop's are massive structures, Compare with any on the line, With machinery of the latest cast In novel and design, Their grand stores all are'rich and full, And mee#raniea by the score ; With railway men and bosses You will meet at every door. Great large hotels are numerous, With hne public buildings all. Would not disgrace a city site, With its structures there so tall. They have lawyers there, and doctors, And divines of all degree ; They have barbers ; they have butchers, And they've men that take spree. There are carpenters, there are tailors, And one I think a clipper ; There are coal men, and there's tankmen, Workmen on a lady slipper. The town and its view Inviting, On a•sandy ley beach, s 5 ps ,and Embroideries our STOOK IS WELL . ASSORTED�. - -. —A -special -line ot-- Skirt width embroidery at 55e. pery.ardl EXCELLENT VALUE. ^y : .`..4 , n.�"'id'3ur'1nC:i.�ia="�'f L':�l'�-Y�T.;&E:_nS%ay?r •._,�nv;c�a.;• 'rvF=ap"sr na ;Fry,.. ^ c. ;�:;.am.....nrsy� ,. r 'UAW arn W]Y. cC> '1TELL. .o..�`sr;.+a�' wigs— ar.»,vrn•.:a iL/'itd wf�.I� z .••••••••••=w I Go to T. Lawrence if you want anything in THE HARDWARE OR TINWARE LINE He has just received a fresh assortment of mixed paints in all shades. Alabastine in all shades. Kalsomine, White Wash and Paint Brushes. " Daisy " Churns, 3 sizes. " Ideal " Washers. Wringers, cheap. Carpet Sweepers: Carpet Beaters. Garden Tools of all kinds. Milk Cans, Creamery Cans. Honey ' Extractors. Dairy and other Pails. He' also Extractors: has in stuck a full line of fencing wire, Annealed, Galvanized, Barb and plain, and ,Zebra, Coal Tar, Coal Tar Roof Paint, Water Lime, Plaster of Paris, Paints, Oils, Glass and Putty. He would also call attention to the new adjustable wire window and door fly screens. ____F_,fis_77_7.7.1TROITIG-111WC+_ Done on the shortest notice, and at reasonable prices. All kinds of repairing, promptly attended to. D w RE `l`►l"CE, LU'-CB..NOW QNT 1MPORTAN IMPORT! D. MURCHISON Will shortly send his annual import"' order for goods frolic Great Britain. Parties wish- ing to place special orders for books,' etc.; are, invited to call. D. MURCHISON, IMPORTER. Still on Deck THE STAR RESTAURANT BEATS THEM ALL. Just received a consignment of fresh vegetables and fruits. Fresh Watermelons, Fresh Cucumkiers, Fresh Cabbage, Fresh. 'Tomatoes, New Potatoes. Thanking the citizens. ' of Lucknow and the public generallyfor past favors since commencing business I would solicit a continuance of the same, Ice-cream, cider. and other temperance .drinks, canned goods, biscuits and confection- ary always on hand as of old. J. C. KINC AID. a11111•111•1111MMIllk SIS JOHN A. MACDONALD MEM 11891—VOTERS'LIST-1891 Subscription to erect a . suitable national- memorial to commemorate the life and wore of the Right .Hon. Sir John A. Macdonald, G.C.B., willbe received at the. Post Office; Lucknow, Mr.. A. B. Congram's • store and H. Morrison's office, and duly acknow- ledged through the columns of the Empire, Toronto, and the Lucknow SENTINEL. Subscriptions limited to $10 and as low as 25 cents. ' Received thus far ;— J S Tennant,M,D.$5 00 David Moody, 81 00 H Morrison, .....; ... 5 00 M Campbell, sr 1 00 Thos F Cain, ...... 2 00 A G Elliott. rr.n 1 00 A S Campbell, 1 00. Mrs A l Elliott,l 00 Robert Martin, '1 :00 W J Csinnors ...1.00 M McDonald, .....1" .00 Dav McDonald 1 00 D C Taylor, .......1 00 Mrs H Hudson 25 Robt Webster..: .0 J Dinning,..:... 1 00 ll'otice to Creditors. In the »natter of the estate of JOHN McQUIL- LAN, late of the Township of West Wawa - nosh, in the County ,of Huron, Yeoman, Deceased. NOTICE is hereby, given, pursuant to Sec- tion 36, Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1887; Chapter 110, that all Creditors and other persons having claims against the estate of the above named John McQuillan, who died on or about the 7th day of April, 1891, at the said Township of West Wawanoah, are hereby re- quired to deliver or send by post prepaid, to the undersigned „Executors df the will of the said deceased, on or before the 15th day of August; 1891, their Christianand surnames, addresses and description, and full particulars of their claims, a statement of their amount duly vertified, and the nature of the security (if any) held by them, and that the said Exec utors will no and after the said 15th day of August, 1891, proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate amongst the parties entitled thereto having regard only tb the claims of which they have then notice, and that the said Executors will not be liable for .the assets of the said estate or any partthereof so distrihut- ed to any person of who.,e claim they have not notice at the time of such distribution, ROBERT MURRAY, CHARLES TAYLOR, Executors, St. Helens P,O Lucknow 17th June .1891. FARM FOR SALE.. THE PROPERTY OF THE LATE. Thomas Mullin, comprising 200 acres of good land, Nos..65 and 6, Con. 11, Ash. field. 120 acres are cleared, and the remainder is good maple 'bush. For further particulars, apply to MALCOLM McDONALD, Executor, Lucs.40w. • 4' Municipality of the Tillage of Lneknow , County of Bruce. NOTICE IS HEREBY GI VEN THAT I have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in the third and fourth sections of the "Voters' List Act" the copies required by said section to be so transmitted or delivered of the list, pursuant to the said act, of all persons 'appearing . by the: last revised Assessment Roll of the said Munici- pality to vote in the said Municipality at elections for members to the Legislative Assembly' and at municipal elections, and the said list was first 'posted up at my office in, Lucknow on . the 13th day of July, 1891, and remain % there for inspection. Elector?* are called upon to examine the '• said list, and if any omissions or any other errors are found therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the sadneerrors corrected according to law. Dated at Lucknow this 13th day of July, '91. i. H..MORRISON, Clerk of the said Municipality, 3 913 Lucknow P. O. 1891 --VOTERS' LIST --1891 Municipality of the 'Township of West waw- • ^riaosh in the County of Huron.' NOTICE IS HEREBY SEVEN' THAT I have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in the 'third and fourth sections of the -`Voters List Act the copies required by said section tobe so transmitted or delivered of the lista pursuant to the Said act, of all persons appearing by the last revised Assessment Roll of the said munici- pality to vote in the said municipality at elections • fur members to the Legislative Assembry and at municipal elections, nd 'the said list was first posted i' up a my office in St. Helens on the 4th day of ir'g., 1891, and remains there for inspection. Electors are called upon to examine the said list, and if any emissions or other errors are found therein, to take immediate pro• ceedings'to have the same errors corrected according to law. Dated at St. Helens this 4th day of Aug: '91" R. K, MILLER, Clerk of the said municipality, 3-915 St. Helens P, O'. Fire and Marine i,.nsuranee. North British and Mercantile, of Edinburgh and London. Western, of Toronto. Liverpool & London and Globe, of terpool. Gore District, of Galt.' Northern, of London and Aberdeen. Guardian, of London, England. Phoenix, of 1London, England, and Accident In- anrance Co'y., of North America, Montreal. R. CUNNINGHAM, AGENT, - GUELPH. Tet,4rs',h ,): due at cry expense. 'r• . 4 • D'. r ,y,.tlVf/lava:+ • - ro. W 71P1M1t, V.11,14 C'L rM .meyp,... r 4, 4.