HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1891-07-31, Page 80
Their Gran
" URO-
The Lucknow Sentinel Brdce County, Friday, duly 3Ist
3 a. m. to 7 p. m.
rB. North
L. H. &B. North
W , G. & B. .South L
L ni..& �., south 9.30p, m.
H. & B. South 10.00 a. m.
W G.& B. North 3-20 p. m •
Rotyrood ' 4 30p m.
T,"�{.,_,;,-;f9:yLz+ n�ax- :..i.�.u.::�:�L'.:.rmaa3nTwr T,
6:13a. m. Daily
12-30 p, xu, '"
2:30 p. m...
3:48p.10.30 r:►, "`
0 p. m,
Tuesdays and
3 00 p. In. Fridays
Vitiate and %Unnit Mewl.
For Manitoba
Mr. D. W. Hayes, Grand Trunk
sion ticketsfor Manitoba on Tuesday
forenoon®: -,-George Agar and family,
Alex. Patterson, Wm. Baldron, and
Thomas Irwin, for Methven ; Donald
• Clark, Richard Martin, George Adams
and W. J. McGuire, for Verdun.
aillaaen_g a Starr Life
Mr. Albert L. Whitely, youfiger son
of Mrs. R. . J. Whitely, of this village,
has been appointed to a position in
the Imperial Bank of Canada, Toronto.
The Imperial is one of the leading
banks of the Dominion. Albert ' is a
steady and popular " young man, and
we wish him a prosperous and success-
ful career.
Nursery Stock
In another column will be found
the advertisement of the Maple'Grove
Nurseries.. This firm is one of the
largest and best doing business. din
Canada, and through its enterprisltig
local agent, Mr. H. Spencer, has dis-
tributed an enormous quantity of
trees, vines, etc., throughout this
section, and in every case it has
given the best of satisfaction.
Races at Goderich
The Goderich meeting of the Lake
Huron Tatting_ Circuit_ will_be_h d
in that town - on the 25th of,August
.next; -when $600 win be offered iii
prizes. The events will be a free for
all trot, a 2:35 trot, and a three min-
ute trot, all of which are open to both
trotters and pacers. The Reeve of
Lucknow has received a letter from
the Secretary of the Association ask-
ing our citizens to set. the 25th apart
as 4 OAP Joliday.
Ashfield Factory '
A joint stock company for the
manufacture of butter and cheese in
the township of Ashfield, has made
application to the Lieutenant Gover-
nor in council of the Province of
Ontario for letters patent, under the
great seal. The officers, of proposed
company are : President, Thomas
Edward Finlay ; directors,:, Wm. H.
Reid, Thomas . Hussey, John Kilk-
patrick and Joseph Kilpatrick. The
factory will be erected on lot 7, in the
7th con. (E. D.) Ashfield, and will be
a great convenience to the farmers in
that section. Two hundred and fifty-
seven shares at $10 each have already
;been subscribed,
Grand Association Meeting
A special session of the Grand As-
sociation of Patrons of Ontario has
been called for Tuesday, Sept. 22, • in
London.' The session will last, in all
probability, .until Friday, Sept. 25.,
The date covers the second week of
the Western Fair, and the attendance
of delegates and. Patrons from all
parts of Ontario will. be, Large. The
urgent , necessity of holding a special
session' to transact important business,
the 'nature of which could not be an-
ticipated when the Grand' Association
meeting was held in Sarnia in Febru-
dry last, has forced the grand officers
to take this action. The prosperity of
the order demands an early meeting, .
and a calf was issued for- the . same
last week.
Down on Barn Raising .
The London Adverser ,thinks that
the old style of barn raising should go,
as it is behind the age. Some recent
events in the vicinity of Lucknow add
force to its remarks. It says : When
may it be expected: that farmers at-
tending the raising of barns on neigh-
boring farms will learn to have a reas-
onable are fortheir lives and, those of
others ? Advertiser readers during
the past month are familiar with the
particulars concerning a score of acci-
dents ;
cci-dents.; and it is doubtful if a single
one was not the direct result, of care-
lessness and foolhardiness.Choosing
sides and exercising undue haste on
such occasions can scarcely result
otherwise than in :,oulebody being
injured or killed, Let this ancient
and very' foolish practice he relegated
to oblivion.
Qivic Holiday
A petition is being circulated in the
village asking the reeve to proclaim
Friday, August 14th, a Civic Holiday •
for the citizens of Lucknow, This- is:
the date on which the Royal Templars
of 'T'ewperance intend bs>lding their
pic-nic at the lake.
The Royal Templars of Temper-
ance of Lucknow will pic-nic at Blair's
grove, 4th concession of Huron, on
Friday, August 14th, near the
beautiful waters of Lake Huron.
Besides the members of the council all
T1�17f1 }� gTY1 rp,y (� invited to
r���n��, �'!!n4'..-�a��s�: -�:v ..
participate In .a • aays ou ting anti``
Royal Pilots
Messrs. Evans and Melvin, Royal
Pilots of temperance concluded a weeks
work of temperance reform in the
men erre earnest and energetic workers
in the 'cause they have espoused.
Some 54 signed the pledge of total
abstinence. They left on Saturday
morning for their home in Owen
Sound by way of Walkerton.
Tl,o VAterr' 1 lets
There is now only to the end of this
week to complete the work of prepar-
ing the voters' lists for 1891, and it
should be attended to immediately.
No one can get a name put on the list
after,; the 31st of July, without going
before the court in person ;, hence it is
more convenient as well as desirable
that all names not yet on should be
there during the time remaining in
which only a declaration is requisite.
Sacrament at Langside
The Rev. A. MacKay; of Lucknow,
will dispense the ordinance 'of the
Lord's supper in Langside church
next Sabbath. Services begin at 11
a:m. Preparatory services will be
held in the church on Thursday even-
ing at 6 o'clock, and on Saturday at
2 p.m; to- be. conducted by Mr. Mac-
Kay. Rev. Mr. MacNabb will supply
Mr. MacKay's pulpit at home on
-Rime vea a Cancer
A. very ,successful- -operation was
performed by Dr. Tennant, assisted by
Dr. McCrimmon, of Underwood, and
Dr. Elliott, of Lucknow, on Tuesday
last, at the residence of Mr. John
Grundy, of this village, by the removal
of a large cancer from the breast of
Mrs. James ' Sutherland, of the 6th
concession of Kinloss. As we go to
press we learn that Mrs. Sutherland is
doing nicely and in a few weeks will
have fully recovered.
Let the drain Harden
A well informed .. contemporary
Offers ,this advice to the grain produc-
ers of the country : At many farmers
are now into their wheat harvest a
word of warning will not be out of
place, viz : Don't flurry your wheat
into the barn. Let the straw be - per-
fectly crisp and dry and the grains
hard . before putting into the barn.
As nearly all the wheat is now ground
by rolls, millers will not give full value
for tough, sweaty wheat. For roller
grinding it must be dry and hard ;
besides nearly all wheat now is bought
and tested by .weight. All wheat not
allowed to become hard before putting
in the barn tests light and hence a
great loss to the farmer.
Lacrosse r Match
The Kincardine papers and the
Teeswater News are squabbling over
the lacrosse match played in Lucknow
on the 13th inst. The Reporter and
the Review say Teeswater had players
from Lucknow, Hanover .and other
foreign places, while the News says
Kincardine had men from Lucknow
and Goderich. So far as Lucknow is
concerned her,'players were equally
divided. - Berry and McKinnon
played with the lake town and'
Coiling and Johnston with Teeswater.
About the prize the facts are these :
Kincardine and Harriston' were to
have played for a cup ; it was found
however that Harriston had no club.
Then Mr: H. Young telephoned Kin-
cardine asking them if they would
play Goderich, which they declined
fearing that the latter would bring up
seniors. 'Clinton was then communi
cated with, Kincardine agreeing to
play them, but not for a cup. Clintons
would not . come to Lucknow, fearing.
they would not get' fair play in the
Sepoy yillage although they had to
play against an outside team. This
put an . end to the prize' cup. Mr,
Congram, of the .Telephone Co., then
made.. arrangements with Teeswater
to come and play against Kincardine
for 'their expenses while here. Kin .
cardine was coming anyhow and when
they came they also had their expenses
paid while here.' The expenses of the
two teams amour ted to. nearly the
price of the cup and if Kincardine s
insists on having the triflingbalance
it will be sent them: Wemight say
right here that it was Berry, 'of Luck -
now, who put the ball through for
For several . years past the furnaces
in our public school have been useless
and large stoves had to be used in the
different .departments to heat the
buik1in These have also Droved a
failure, and notwithstanding the heavy
expense incurred each year to' keep
them in, repair, day after day during
the cold seasons the smoke was unbear-
able and the children had to be sent
home till "the wind changed." The
gives lst class lessons on ]Music at reason-
able terms. Will be in Lucknow on Wednes-
would have to be replaced by new ones,
so the board decided to try if some-
thing could not be done to put the
furnaces in working order. They
secured the services of a competent
gentleman from London, and after
making a preliminary examination of
the work he gave the board plans and
estimates of the amount for which the
necessary repairs . could be made.
The board, decided to have the work
done and gave him the job, but when
the workmen removed the brickwork
from around the furnaces, it was found
that the fire -boxes were almost burned
away and the iron -work broken in
several places. In fact they were
completely useless, and to attempt to
repair them would be ,only throwing
money away. A meeting of the
school board was therefore held on
Wednesday morning last, and it was
decided to put in two new furnaces.
The ventilation in the whole building
has always been defective, and the
chimneys are blamed for the smoke in
the rooms, so that in order to over-
come these grievances, an iron smoke
t;tack, with a ventilatpr, will be used
on the new furnaces. The change
will involve an expenditure offbetween
$600 -and $7-00, -and-the--contracts-o
putting up , the furnaces has been
given to Messrs. McCleary & Co., of
London, who will have the work com-
pleted before the re -opening of the
To the Editgr of the Sentinel
DEAR Sza,—I have much pleasure
in conveying to you the sincere thanks,
of the Womans' Christian, Temperance
Union for the space you have so kindly
granted for our report in your valuable
paper, and also to the Oddfellows who
so kindly threw their rooms open for
our use,
Cor. Sec. W. 0. T. U.
The following is a .list of those who
passed the recent entrance examina-
tion to the High School at .
508—Baldrow Ida No. 8, Ashfield.
478—Sanderson Fred •,
499—Whyard Nath'•1
594—Whyard Herbert.
516—Young Hattie -
540—Sinclair Kate
518--VeLean Frankie "
541—Draisey May No. 4, W. Wawan.
414 -Rutherford Mary
440—Forster Jennie
454—Miller Isaac
45'1—Clark John
427—Stafford Nellie Sep. S. W. Waw.
547—Alexander A. E. No,3,W.Waw.
385—Lougheed David No. 13, Ashfield
458—Somerville John ' "
$745.00 FOR AN ASE.
We will give the first person telling
usbefore. the20th of September,
New the Testament the word
" AXE " is first found, $100.00 in gold ;
to the next, $50.00 ; to the third,$25;
to the fourth, $20.00 ; to the fifth,$15.-
00 ; tc the sixth; $10 ; to the next 25,
$5 each ; to the next 26, $2 each ; to
the person sending in the last correct
answer we will give $100 in gold ; to
the next last $50, and so on same as
from first. Withyouranswer send 25
as. in silver or 27 cts. in stamps, for a
box of Dr. Cole's Blood and diver
Pills, the best blood, liver and stomach
pill eyer , made. 'Sure .cure for sick
headache. Don't gripe. REMEMBER
the presents are absolutely free, being
given away to advertise Dr. Cole's
Perfect Pills and Family Remedies.
A valuable watch given each week to
the first correct answer received.
Rend. at once and be firs,. Ac -dress
A. IitaiiARD, Home Specific Co., Orillia
Ont., Canada.
stem: ei-s to
And other tested remedies
aPj Cifr''Y ANI, Aral le1II WEIL
— -FOR
�o be Oonod
Dut TG-Oay
Twenty-five doz. of Ladies',
Impure, Weak and Im•Misses' - and Childrens' black
4 t,
V 1 � art et
� � 1
verge e ed Blood
cart, Live Complaint, Neuralgia, �Loas of
Memory, Bronchitis Consumption, Gall
Stones. Jaundice Kidney and Urinary Dis-
eases, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities
and General Debility,
$1 per half pint and 82 per pint bottle.
Sold. by Berry & Days -lid A. B. Congram.,
Druggists, Lucknow.
t 1 Iricnunw.
Capital, $1,206,850. Rest, $600,000.
President -JoHN STUART.
Vice President—A. G. RAMSAY.
A. T. WcoD, A. B. LEE (Toronto).
Cashier—J. TURNBULL.
SAVIRGS BANS.—Hours 10 to 3; Satur-
day's, 10 to 1. Deposits of $1 and upwards
received and interest allowed.
SPECIAL DEPOSITS also received at cur-
rent rates of interest.
DRAFTS on Great Britain and the United
States bought and sold.
office in the building east - of the
SENTINEL Printing Office.
Plans;specihcations and estimates for build
ings, mills, bridges, etc., furnished
on short notice.
Lucknow. Jan .1891. '
.�"ta1�: �.m.�.aaJ:�..-.x��a,� �Fi���rnr.-. �����.i�.su A'•=cr.^a-a4co«.
straws, lace and pic-nic bats.
I shall offer the above at
less than
Just the thing for these hot
days is the
Come and see th i'rl. First
come, first served.
Mrs. Smith.
Insure your farm property, private dwelling
in the old reliable, the'
Office,—A. ROSS harne&s shop. Lucknow-
Wil be in the office everySaturday afternoon,
JOHN LANE Agent kinlough.
Strayed from the pretnises of the undersign-
ed on or about the middle of May, a red and '
white yeazling heifer. Any information lead-
ing to the sure recover of the same will .be
suitably rewarped.
Lucknow P.O.
(� D. C, TAYLOR, Lucknow. - R. MURRAY, St. Helens. G
Absolutely pure from all foreign substance and will not gum or
corrode on farm machinery. For sale by
And I am going to have it in Lucknow, too, and I hereby
announce to the people of Lucknow and surrounding country that
any person or personscoming to me having their teeth out
that I will put in two sets of teeth,
— . TEE'r-1 .
Temporay or ,Perrnaneitt
For the price of one set, $15, made of . the very best material
in the world. 1 use no rubber but C. Ash & Sons, London, Englarid.
The teeth, will be C. Ash & Sons, and S. S. White's, conceded
by all who are in the business to he the best in the world.
Those firms have their names on their ;oo:ls,, and the people
can see what they are getting, and as I will
Gmaiantoo 'fi'atigadiont.
To all reasonable people, the unreasonable, and there are such in the world,
will please Bear in mind, that I do not. want their trade. I can.
always be found at Dr. Tennant's office, Lucknow.
Valie*1130141.4 1041.01t OWcto
O E ER aR ? EVESSILEI . ermanentos
bone guaranteed:. Salary nantl. iSz onsea Fath. v@an;
liar htivantages'tobeginners. 8 Ok complete, vwith t:att•deu1ng toe -antes.
o'd't'FIT FREE. We guarwtted eohat we a aver tst:4Wrlte inflows
BUOTIIERS,,Teursecpmen. T pronto, Ont. tTels house is reliable.)