HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1891-07-31, Page 5The LucknowSentineI, Bruce Uounty„ July 3Iet THE TEN (COMMANDMENTS. The followiug are the cheesmaker's• ten commandments : I. -Thou shalt arise early in the morning and deliver thy milk to- the factory, for he -that goeth late causeth the cheesmaker to use much profane language. TI.--Th.ou shalt slaughter thy calves not until the third da an h unto me, take no wore tha i role rennet from each carcass. III, Thou shalt take no cream front.fhv,milk, eve); for thy tea or thy coffee, for when thou getteth thou'' div- idends one shall say to the other, Why taketh it more milk here for a ^r :a x r s. �, erer. -I3�crtr��'�flG�eb�--t�4"�i�ii �i�`'�.'it;�fpY'-s=iiilt gogues. Then shall the cheesemaker arise up in his might and smite thee to the earth. IV. -Thou shalt put no water in "thy milk, thou, nir thy man servant nor thy maid servant. When the div - to seek it unto the committee, they shall say unto thee, Dost thou see any- thing in our optics of an emerald color l Thou shalt get rio sheckle horn thy milk, not if the court knoweth itself, which she i fltinketh she doth ; more- over if thoi settleth this thing up,,; we will make it hot for thee. V.-Thop shalt not kill thy deacon 'and leave the 3arcass to rot near the •barn, for the stench thereof tainteth the milk. VI. -Thou shalt not bring unto the factory any sour or tainted milk, nor the milk of a cow that is sink or hath 'but lately. Salved, for from such milk .cometh lively cheese. VII. -Thou shalt not c trry off more than thy share of whey, lest one should say to another 3oncerning thee, Lo ! a wonder; one hog doth carry food for another. VI'IL- hou shalt cause thy cans to be wast, every day, the seams and -._..-._._.___-.. - _ - -cdVera thereo ;TO?' fl filtfiy` can is abominable' in my sight, and I will vitit my wrath on hi'n who hringeth it. • IX. --Thou shalt nor bother the cheesmaker, saying, Where and when shall I receive another dividend, for nor earei;h a continental about it. this course and efforts of Secretary Browne they have secured a magnifi- cent collection of Works of Art by British Masters, containing paintings valued at £1000 sterling. A sight of these alone would well repay a visit to the Western Fair, but when they add such .special..attractions as the Wild West Show, Trapeze Performances, Fancy Lille Shooting, Fire Engine Contest, Cross -cut Sawing Matches elaborate ire -works fi iaplays, Balloon Races by lady and gent, Bands ' of Music, etc., where can we go that we wi;l receive so much solid instruction and enjoyment at such little expense as to the Western. Fair in London, next. September 17th to 26th. MARRIED. MITCHELL-CROWSTON.- On Tuesday ev:ging, July 14th, at Kelvin -grove Farm, Langside, by the Rev. Mr, Craw1e' Whitechurch, Moorehouse Mitchell to Kate, eldest daugh- ter ot Mr. James Crowston. r X. -Thou shalt not say unto one another concerning me, Lo ! hath not this Philistine of a cheesemaker a soft snap, he getteth big wages and worketh not hard. For verily I say unto you, that is a whopper, he getteth up early in the morning and laboreth until late at night ; moreover he, worketh on - the Sabbath day, for which the Lord hath no mercy on hits. triwarei PureBlood And by so doing Hood's Sarsaparilla cures scrofula, salt rheum, and all other blood dis- eases, aids proper digestion, cures dyspepsia; gives strength to every organ of the body, and prevents attacks of that tired feeling or more serious ,affection. The fact that it has cured thousands of others is sufficient reason for belief that it will cure you. N. B. Be sure to get Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggists. $I; six for f15. Prepared only by 0. I. HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. 100 Doses One Dollar GIVING UP S I NESS HAVING DECIDED TO 'GIVE UP_ the Merchant Tailoring .business • in Luck - I wi" clear out the • balance of my • !;tock of TWEEDS, WORSTEDS) 'ETC. At an advance of 10• per cent, on cost. All accounts must be settled either by cash or note on or before the ' 15TH OF AUG. After that' date all•accounts will be placed in other hands for co'lection. The above cut represents the inter- est taken by a la'ige, proportion of our readers in Canada's )i"avorite Exhi- bition This the directors deserve for their untiring efforts to keep it at the ,frol.`71f Live, Steck and Agricultural 'Fairs. Its growing popularity is due greatly to the attention given in revis- ingbthe prize list, making such altera- tiohs as are^ required ; to the improve- ment of Live Stock ; encograging the better classes of Grains and Seeds .for cultivation, and bringing out and -fos- tering new inventions of all binds. A large number of Special Prizes are offered for Cheese and. Butter, as the mantifacture.lof these : articles are con. •sidered twe very important ,industries • of this Province.l, Special prizes are also. offered for the cow .making the most utter onhe grounds, the test •to h oder the Supervision of an ex- pert our the Agricultural College, The Machinery .in motion in the Main Building was of such an interesting . •and instructive character that special efforts are being made to eclipse former years. Ill the Art Department there is a new,departure and one which has already proved exceedingly successful ; artists are allowed the privilege of dis- posing of their productions by private sale and public auction ; by aclppting A. S. ,CAM PBELL. ESTERN FAIR LONDON. Sept. 17th to 26th, 1891. CANADA'S FAVORITE LIVE STciCK, "AGkIOULTURAL, INDUSTRIAL AND ARTS EX- HIBITION. ESTABLISHED 1868. LARGE INCREASE OF "EXHIBITS AND ATTENDANCE EVERY YEAR. 1890 tuts good, but 1891 ivi?i ,be better. $26,000 IN PRIZES. Attra ;tions, Etc., which are, being arranged for, will surpass any yet produced. SPECIAL EXCURSION RATES ON ALL RAILWAY,. Ent. 'es close September 12th, For Prize Lists and information apply to CAPT. A. W. PORTE, PRES. THOS. A. BROWNE, SECRETARY. TO THS FARIERS I have rented the store occupied by Mr.. Geo. Derr and am prepared to PA� CASH \FOR BUTTER AND EGGS. ,The highest price will be paid for butter according to quality. R. C..SPARLINC. .Yr carte oda tv,:__�...1.-.t�+,.e7r,;,.iY65•:x�T.brw;•��rr:c��^r,4.crvz;r..,� fir: �t:.r,.'.��.�!.[uu^e:'^,n6;7 �T. Filling sorting orders this week in DRY GOODS. S C,MMER FABRICS In Sateens, In Prints, In Dress Trimmings, In Gloves, Mitts and Lace Goods,. In Cottonade's; In Flanneletts, __Al _siz.eS__ln MENS' YOUTHS' & BOYS' Ready-made Clothing Now Full. - See Them. Sorting in Men's Stift & Soft Felt Hats. High Cuts are in q . demand and fashionable. BETTER HAVE ONE. FRUIT SEASON. Means, Sealers and . Sugar. They combine to preserve. WE HAVE THEM. TEN, PACKAGES. New Ceylon Teas. -The Best Grown. -Prices from 30c. up. EXTRA Vl .ALLIES. Yours, A. E. BRASHER. Bnn1Q&ShnqMAPLECROVE WATERLOO, N. Y. Something that everybody wants and at pricesthat can not be beaten. I wish the general public to distinctly un- derstand that I have in stock all kinds of Boots and Shoes in every :J'dr3Fs3- Varzety of Style and Make, Which I am selling for cash cheaper than can be bouy,ht at any other store in the GOOD JUDGMENT AND THE CASH. Give me a trial, and don't be led away with every'wind that blows. BUTTER AND EGGS TAKEN AT j. , PEART'S, LUCKNOW. MILK AND BUTTER Important to Farmers. e THE UNDERSIGNED HAVING PUR- chased the saperior thoroughbred _Holstein-Fri'esiatNull,-Sir- 6V-esttviZ (13 rliV will keep him for service at Lot 6. Con. 14. Ashfield. PEDIGREE :-Sir Westwond (13210) was bred by B. B. Lord & Son, Sinclalrville, New York ;• calved 'August 7th, 1888 ; black, with shield patch over shoulders ; belly, legs and part of tail white. Sir Westwond (13210) was sired by Lytle, 4102;11T -Ft --11.111 Dain" -Lady `Westwond (imported) 11611, H. F.,1' H. B., milk record 8t11I lbs; per day at 4 years old;- and 181i lbs. of butter in 7 days at same age, one ot the finest cows we ever owned. • Lytle was sired by Barrington, (imported) 2103, who' is claimed.to be without an equal in the world, and $3000 in cash was twice refused for him. His service fees were $100 per cow. His dam was Mietje 2nd •(imported) a noted prize winner, with a milk record of 62 lbs. per day at two years old. Lady Westwood (imported) 11611, was sired by Peter,103, N. 11 B., one of the most noted 1 bulls ever known in Holland, being the winner I of first prizes and diplomas at five of the largest shows in Holland, and was sire of many of the most noted cowsthat were imported to this country. His dam was Glenburine (imported) ; milk record 89 lbs in a day ; 20138•i lbs in tenanlonths, ad -21 lbs of. butter in 7 days in January, 1886, all under ordinary care. Barrington was sired by Jacob 2nd (llistrict Bull), dam Hamming' (Imported) ; milk record 99 lbs in a day, on grass alone. She was valued at $5000. • Mietje 2nd (Imported) was sired by Jacob. Dam, Mietje (Imported). Milk record 83 lbs per day, and Winner of gold medal in Roland for best dairy cow on exhibition, Peter, 103, was sired by District Bull ; dam Jentine, milk record 87ilbs per day, and 19i lbs of butter in 7 days. Glenburine (Imp.) was sired by District Bull ; dam, Srijntje, milk record 91ii lbs per. day ; butter record 20} lbs in 7 days. 'Jacob 2nd was got by Jacob ; dam, Minnie, milk record 86 lbs per day , butter record 18 lbs., 9 ea. in 7 days. • Hamming (Imp.) was, sired by Jacob (District bull) ; dam, Srijntje, 90 lbs per day. Mietje (Imp.) was sired by District Ball ; dam, Meitje let, milk record 8814 lbs per day. Jacob was sired by Klaso ; dam, Marian, milk record 88•1 lbs per day ; butter record 20 lbs in days - This pedigree will show Sir Westwond the richest bull of the breed in Canada. He is - straight and round as a barrel ; heavy, low set muscular legs. with four large teats, and large milk veins. The above is a true record of the breeding f S' Westwood. S' d H.,& W. F. BOLLERT. IN THANKING OUR NUMEROUS c p mere in Lot know Wbitechuvzh and vicinity, for the liberal patronage gi'Ven vs in the past, we trust to see a continuance o� the same, guaranteeing satisfaction t, all by supplying our most choice grades of NURSERY STOCK. Our Mr, H, Spencer will have pleasure in calling upon you during the season. Reset ✓e your orders for him. �r>�:II�;�pn; nf�.:F �N),nxJt Tr��A.:1nz. :T' .x Ni.r�ru7iwlT.rr. ,:TWk;,•..ru• a^u els:e,r:af.-,.?�..-.'L•F,rTao>m,,.nE•�rUiiTa��rm,� AGENTS WANTED IN OTHER GOO1 LOCALITIES: For tei.ns apply' to J. W. MACKAY, Gen. Manager, St. Thomas. e •U� rccorp. IMMENSE BARGAINS. Having just received a large consign ment of Fresh Groceries, Choice Ealy flog, Choice Tobacco, Canned. Goods, Crockery, Glassware Teas, Coffees, and Sugars- which al it Irs which will be'sold cheap at the Hub Grocery. Goods delivered to all parts, of the village, JOHN ELLIOTT . CHURCH DIRECTORY. ENGLISH CHURCH -SERVICES 11 a. m. and -6:30 p. m; Sunday School, 2:30 p m , Superintendent, Wm. S. Holmes. Adult class every Wednesday evening at o'clock, Bible and prayer book lesson's. All e welcome. , Ray. W. J. CONNOR, Pastor,. Herefore Bull For Service. THE CELEBRATED HEREFORD bull, Bismark, will be kept for service for the season of 1891 at Henry Johnston's, lot 7. con. 8, E. D. Ashfield. PEDIGREE -Bismarck was calved January 26th, 1886. His dam is • Bloom, (22107) by Duke Argyle, C., g. d. Victoria 4th byDuke of Argyle, C., g, g d Victoria by Sir. harles, g g g a Verbena by Carlisle. The Bull Bismark was bred by R, J. Mickie, of Oshawa Ont., and got by Cecil, winner of first prize in aged bull, class at Toronto and'Guelph and silver medal at . Guelph far best bull of.any age, . Cecil was bred by Mr. Aaron Rogers, Herefordshire, England, and was got by Charity 3rd, (6350) 9728, and he by that noted bull, The Grove 3rd,'that sold for $7,000 ' last year when twelve years old, The breeding of this calf is of the best to he found upon the side of both sire and dam. and he is one of the beat calves 1 have ever bred. Yours truly, R. J. MACKIE. TERMS -$1.25 to insure calf. A reduction made for 3 or more cows, Cows must be returned 3 times if necessary or 1rhNy will be charged for service, No fees charged for' cows if not with calf after third service. - HENRY JOHNSTON. Pro DUNN'S ree Ingo it lgne , . TERMS :- Single cow, $1.75, cash at time KINC of. service. A reduction will be allowed for three or more cows. OWDEP,' / ' JOHN BARKWELL, Lucknow P. O. THEC00K�S BEST FRIEND otT,Loo satioNdocAt4.. A amphletnf information and ab- stract of the laws, showing How to Obtain Patents, Caveats. Trade Marks, Copyrights, Sent ire.. Address MUNN 6.'60. 361 Broadway, Naw York. $30 A. TEAtiR ! ! undertake to briee, teach any fairly 'Meth gentperson of either sex, who can read and write, and who, after instruction, will work Industriously, _ how to earn Three Thousand Dollars a e'Year In their own loralittes,wh erever they live.1 will Rho fhmiah • the situation or emptoyment,nt which you can earn that amount. No money for me unless/successful as above. 1•:natly and quickly learned. 1 desire hut one worker from each district or county. have already tnught 01111 provided with employment a torrge8 number, who are 'waking over *2000 a year each. It's NEW and SOLID. Full particulars FREE. Adorns at once, lE. C. ALLEN. ltox 420, Aut:uata, Maine, BULL ,FOR SERVICE. - THE UNDERSIGNED WILL KEEP for service at lot 11, con. 8, Eastern Division, Ashfield, the two year old thorough- bred Shorthorn bull,',Red Eismark." PEDIGREE -Red Bismarck, 12758, red calved March 8, 1889, bred by Wm. Mallough, Dungannon, Ont. ; got by Wallace (imp) 2752 ; dam Annie 8430 by Young Springwood Prince 6299 ; Grace Harper 2nd, 9227, by British Heir 2nd 2889 ; Lady Harper 2nd, 6630, by 2nd Famosa Chief, 1782 ;.Lady Harper 6629, by Grand Duke 675 ; Rose 1833 by Royal Duke of Glo'ster, 1035 ; Maggie, 1429, by Lord of Lune (imp) 105 (16428) •, Queen of the West, 1751, by Victor 1136 (12268) ; Daisy 823, by Halton 684 (11552), Lavinia 4th 1342, by Duke of Wellington (imp) 91. (3654) ; Lavinia 2nd 1340, by Alex• ander (imp) 6, (11099)Lavinia (imp) 299, by a sou of Scipio (1421), iiy Ecyholm e (1018), by Son of North Star (458). ' TERMS -8l.(0 Cows must be returned three times ' net.essary, or they Will be charged for service. No fees charged if cows are not in calf after third Service. PAUL SMELTZER, Belfast P. 0.