HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1891-07-31, Page 1• law is the Seasua For, your Machinery .CIL yauic, Harvest Toole. your Potatoe Killer in the shape of Paris Green, ailof" which you can get cheap at the hardware establishment of D. C. TAYLOR LUC IOW. llurllariwa•rStok 14 better than ever. You are putting up rear holism and barna and want slip - which are expensive, but you can save soler Qf ' -this ex ease by comm to D. O. TAYL R Far your buiidiug- supplies. VOL XVIII.--� 30. LUCKNOW 014TARIO, FRIDAY, JULY 31, 1891 —THE- 11(1/1/OUT circuital r�lL f.' �.•�'fi FLi�3Fi11fiY�'.'�'4 •m:'T'tm �bO?�S�Y' 'fs published everyFriclay at cue'"Sentinel' block, north-east corner of Outram , and Campbell Strs., Lucknow, BY JAMES BRYAN " EDITOR & P JBLISHER. GEO, MAIR & CO. ie'•�i3c�''',.•.9 'rte--:�—" Or Lucknow Banking Comp'y. Luc¢NOW, 27TH MAY, 1891. TO FARMERS, DO YOU REQUIRE A CHEAP FARM. NEWS OF THE TOWN. 4 Week's Record of the Pushing Border WHOLE NO, 914. —Mr. Jack Kaine, son of Major Keine, ,G,orrie, was the guest of Jack 1 —Miss Maggie and Sa rah Brindley, of Sault Ste Marie, are the guests of Miss Laving Miller. ` —Mr. George McIntosh, of Kinloss, -shipped a car load of cattle to the county of Oxford on Tuesday last, --Miss Kate Cameron is home from Duluth. —Mrs. James Bryan is visiting friends in Kincardine. — Mr. Wm. Odium; of New York, is visitin frien m YEAR IN ADVANCE. ALL KINDS OF 7OB : PRINTING EX CUTER WITH NEATNESS itBESPATCII. • MEDICAL JA. McDONALD, M. D., C. M. C. P. S. • 0. Office, Kintail. ' • • DR. TENNANT, P H Y S I C I A N, Surgeon and Accoucheur. Surgery op- posite Cain's hotel. Office hours from 9 to 12 a. m., and from 2 to 5 p. m. DMcD. GORDON, M.D., C.M., F.T. • ,M.S., M.C.P.S.O., Physician, Sur- geon, and .Accoucheur. Office next door to W. Allin's implement shop. Reside_ce Ross street, "opposite W. U. Little's. DR. D. GEDDES, V. S., CALLS. either by mail or telegram prothptly attended to, Charges •moderate. Office, Cor- rigan's hall, Boarding hoose, Cain's hotel. Lucknow. GENERAL • ANOENE'SC TO LOAN . I'HAVE A FEW - kVA. thousand dollars toinv••st for private parties. at reasonable ' interests. ELLIOT RAVERS. 1% t ONEY TO LOAN ! ON FIRST-CLASS mortgages at 7 to 7t per cent. interest, payable yearly. Charges moderate, Apply to4ossR'e•-M-u-a1*YSt: Helens. C(�ANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. kr Tickets issued to all points east or west. Quick time. Close connections with other lines. Full particulars to intending travellers. JOHN MAROHIBON, Ticket Agent, Lucknow. MONEY TO LOAN l AT 6 PE1t.CENT from 2 to 20 years. Lists of farms for sale in Ontario as well as Manitoba. Parties desirous to sell farms will consult their inter- ests by inspecting the advertising facilities of Subscriber in Great Britain and Ireland and continent of lands for sale. Alit ; =WART. Land Valuator Lucknow Onta o. WEST WAWANOSii MUTUAL Fire Insurance Company, board of directors meets for the transaction of business on the first Tuesda-- each month. Parties wishing to have then roperty insured in this ,increasingly popul , •npany, will by giving notice, be called lip an agent or by ane of the Directors. business calls promptly attended to. Office, Dungannon. J. M. ROBERTS, Secretary, , Wm; . ANE. Treasurer. SOCIETIES T UCKNOW 1J Lodge, No.112 meets every Friday evening at 8r o'clock in their hall, Campbell street. All brethren cordially invited. WM. 'Hoon, N. Grand ; JOHN ELLIOT, Recorder. fl O. F., COURT. • Sherwood, No. 50, Lucknow. Meet - every first and third Monday in ever y month, in the Odd - fellows hall. Visit- ing brethren a r e cordially invited. W. H, JOHNSTONE, C. R. D. D. YULE SEC. A0. U. W. LUCKNOW LODGE OF • the, Ancient Order United Workmen, meet in, the Oddfellowe hall, on the last and second Monday evenings of each month at &ght' o'clock. Visiting brethren cordially 'invited. D. PATTERSON, Master Workman. R. D. CAMERON. Recorder. LUCKNOW MECHANICS' INSTI-. L tute. Readingroom open every evening from 6 to 10 pp m., excepting Saturdays, when the bours will be from 2 to 6 p, m. The librarian will be in attendance during these hours. `D.' 1). YULE, President. JAS. SoMEB- VILLE,Secretary. DENTAL J. S. JEROME,.' L. D. S. Wingham, will be in Lucknow on the second and fourth Fri - ay and Saturday of each month. Good sets for $10. Filling and extracting a specialty LEGAL SIMON COR'RIGAN., COMMISSIONER, in 11. C. G. Kinlough P. O., Ontario., \1jILLIOT TRAVER, ATTORNEY AT 1L`4 law, ' Solicitor in Chancery, Convey- ancer etc. Office, next door to Murchison's ewellety store,.Lucknow, Ont, 11111HORRISON, . •.ATTORNEY AT . law, . Solicitor in Cannery, Convey- tncer, Commisioner, etc. Office. over the C barber shop. arms i is : piing, we have sti severa on band, and which we will sell cheap, and on easy terms to suit purchasers. DO YOU REQUIRE ' MONEY. WE can supply all demands if the party or parties are good, or can rive security and at reason onable interest. DO YOU WISH TO CHANGE THE Mortgage on your farm or put on a new loan. if so we will do it promptly and on the most favourable terms. or if you wish to send away the interest on your Mortgage we will do so for you and at a very trifling expense. WE DO 4 GENERAL BANKING business of all Hinds.. Drafts issued, and Bank Cheques on a i points whether in Canada United States or England, cashed at usual Bank terms. Interest allowed on deposit at the rate of five per cent. payable half yearly, but no one .deposit to exceed one thousand dollars without a special arrangement. FIRE INSURANCE EFFECTED WITH despatch on all insurable buildings in English or Canadian Insurance Companies. Office hours 10 a.m, to 4 p.m. GEO. A. SIDDALL, Manager YOUR CHANCE FOR TIAI 1 August is usually -the quiet= est month of the year as far as the dry goods business is concerned—the lull between summer and fall goods, but we are going to ,try to make it livelier this year than usual by cleaning out during the month of August the ' balance of our summer goods at greatly reduced prices. Rememb r' we do not advertise anything we. will. not carry out. • It would not pay us to do so. Whoa we say we have made a tilt in prices you may depend upon it THAT .A, CUT HAS BEEN MADE, and when we say that we are going to sell the balance of our summer goods at greatly reduced prices that is exactly what we are going to do. We do not offer you trash or old bankrupt stocks but reliable goods, seasonable goods and cheap goods. If you have a dollar to spend on dry' goods, keep''it until you can see 'how far it will go at this clearing • sale. Do not think we are selling goods at about half the whole ale cost, for we are not, but we are selling at from 15 to 0 per cent. less than regular rices: Sale will commence on aturday, Aug. '1st. AM[AON MURDOCH & CO., s 4 P ARROW &c PROUbFOOT, l3ATtltC9- tere; Solicitors, etc., ''oeierirh, Ont. J. T. GARROW, Q.C, WM. P120QDFOOT. • Lucknow & Dungannon. • - ' iss tta Graham has returned froth her visit to friends in Orange- ville. —Mr. Wm. Williamson, of Chicago; is renewing old acquaintances in the village. —Master Redge Fletcher, of Brus- sels, le visiting his grand parents in Lucknow. —The party who lost a bunch of small keys can have them by calling at this office. - -Mrs. W. C. Murdoch, of this vil- lage, is visiting her parents in Emmet, Michigan. —Mr. Lindsay T. Lawrence. of London, was in the village enjoying a few holidays. • — The Lucknow brass band will be present at the Goderich races on the 25th of August. —The • farmers " are busy in the harvest Gelds and business is very quiet =On the whole the crops are turn- iug out far better than was expected a few weeks ago. —Mr: and Mrs. ,Wm. Murchison, of Toronto, are spending a few days with fl fends in this section. —iarton'svolunteer company numbers 30,. but it -is not yet.admitted to the 32nd battalion. —A couple of Frenchmen were in the village with a performing bear on Fridayevening last. . —Found ! On Campbell street,. Lucknow, on July 13th, a girl's jacket. Owner can have the same by calling at this office, • -The bridge on Willoughby street, near .the livery stable, is undergoing much, needed repairs. A complete new bridge is almost necessary. —County- Master, A. T. Davison, . of Lucknow, fa, attending the Orange Grand Lodge of British North Ameri- ca, meeting in Kingston this week. -Rev. Mr. Armstrong, of Potts ville, in the Guelph Presbytery, occu- pied the pulpit in Knox church morn- ing and, evening on Sabbath last. Mr. Donald Clarke, of Hrttron township,left on Tuesday fast for Manitoba. Donald's many friends wish him success in the Prairie Pro' - ince. • —The Rev. E. R. Black, of°Canton, Ohio, . will preachin the Methodist church here on Sunday. morning next, and the. Rev. John Kenner, will occupy the pulpit in. the . evening. —Four young people, George Mc- Lachlan, Dora Baldwell, Bertha Chap- man and Harold Heller, went out in a row boat at Port Elgin Monday even- ing. The boat filled with water and Heller and Miss Chapman were drowned. —Our constable has received word from Galt to be on the lookout for 'a lad named C. H. Steeves. The youth in question has cleared out with $100, which he stole from the house of a farmer named John Milroy, near Branchton. —All justices 'of- peace who have not taken the oath of qualification are reminded that the act passed at the last session•of the . Ontario Legislation requires that they shall take oaths of office and qualification on or before'the first day of August next, otherwise their commissioners will " be deemed to be absolutely rovoked and can- celled." —The following from the Hamilton Times might, apply to Bruce county : The wealthy county of Oxford ,should go to work and earn that $4;000 which Hon. Oliver Mowat promised to give it if it should build a proper lions: kr its poor. Oxford keeps its paupers in the county jail, and feeds them upon, ,I:i11y and hard. ':t,',, .au<i n-.fotd, shoulcl'be' ashamed to do anything so • mean, we would like to see counties make proper provision for tin r -poor. on; o I n erwoo . ;, spent a- 'few pleasant hours on Tuesday calling on his old friends in she village. —Mr. Falconer, who has been visit- ing friends in this vicinity, left for a months trip to the Northwest on Tues- day last. --In Middlesex County•they arrest farmers for neglecting to cut the thistles on the roadside'opposite their farms. —A large number of our subscribers are from one to three years in arrearo, and we would like to receive the money. —Miss Laura Berry accompanied Miss Ora Wilkinson to Goderich on 'Tuesday to spend a few weeks at the lake. —Messrs. Wm. Taylor and Lawyer James Taylor, of London, are the guests of Mr. W. S. Holmes, of this village. ' --Mr. Allan McLeod• is having a large -ad clition-built-tr hie Ii eel stabile on Inglis street. It will •make a fine barn when completed. —Lost ! On• July. 29th on the God- erich road, a lady's jacket. The finder by leaving it ' at the Post or SENTINEL office will be suitably. rew.arded.- -The Lucknow foot -ball club go to Wingham to -day (Friday) to try coil- cussions` with the club of that town. Mr. A. B, Congram will act as referee. —We have received the journal of Proceedings of the 'Canadian Press Association for the current year. It is an' interesting volume of, 50 pages. —The Wiarton Echo, Exeter Times and Kincardine Review all take a hol- iday this week, and no papers will be issued from their offices. i —A congregation has been organ- ized in Teeswater in connection with the Reformed Presbyterian denomina- tion. Rev. Mr. Reid, of Pittsburg, Pa., is the pastor. • -The Wiarton Encore says : A 'bear met with rather' rough handling on 'Dungio's farm a few days ago: While .the cattle were grazing in afield Mr. Bruin was noticed making for a calf with the evident intention of having veal for supper. , The cattle• on notic- ing hind quickly formed into line, and with heads down and tails erect, charged his bearship and tumbled him over a bluff.. He has not been heard of since. SOME USES OF HOT WATER. Hot watervis far more of a media - nal property than many, °believe or know, Because it is to be had for the making, thousands think it invaluable, on the theory that what comes easiest if oftimes least thought of. The uses of hot water are, however, many : For example, there is nothing that so promptly cuts short congestion of the lungs, sore throat, or rheumatism, as hot water when applied promptly and thoroughly. 1 Headache almost always yields to the simultaneous application of. hot • water to the feet and back of the neck. A. towel folded several tunes, and, dipped in hot water, and quickly wrung out and applied over the tooth-. ache or neuralgia, will generally afford prompt relief. • A strip of flannel, or napkin folded lengthwise, and dipped in hot water and wrung out, and then applied round the neck 'of a child that has the croup, 'will sometimes bring relief in ten minutes. , - Hot water taken freely half an hour before,bed-time; is helpful in the case of constipation, while it has a most sopthing effbct upon the stomach and bowel?;. A 'goblet of hot water taken just after rising, ,before breakfast, has cured thousands of indigestion, and no simple remedy is more widely recom- mended by physicians to dyepeplies, • DUIVGANNON. going to,, I ninit Y Are g g �Vlanitnb'a ; for the harvest. Mr. Thos. Durnin, of thia place, left for Manitoba to -day with a' load of horses.. Tom has handled a good num- ber of horses in this way, but exnecta' s Oa' The Revs. Mr."Swan, of Manchester, and Mr. Potter, of Dungannon, ex- . changed work on Sunday !ist The B,ev, Mr. Anderson, of Goder- ich, preacher! in the Presbyterian church here List Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Treleaven re . - turned turned home last week from Tara,. where they had been attending the. funeral'of their son. Died. On Sunday evening, the 20th inst, Allie, daughter of Mr. James Harlow, of Ashfield, passed peacefully away to her 61131 rest. The deceased had been ailing for a number of months with that common, but fatal disease, consumption. A large number. of friends and acquaintances attended her funeral to the Dungannon cemetery on Tuesday last. Mr. and Mrs. Harlow and family have our sy..mpatJ h�..... ..• . ... ....,r. �yr•r Mr. B. J. 'Crawford has sold out his stock of tweeds to Mr. W. G. Girvin, tailor,, f _tjaia__place...-.-Mr-.-:Gir-.vin-is-a- good tailor, and no doubt be able to suit you with a suit if you be fortu- nate enough to have the opportunity of-callingon him. Mr. and Mrs. John Murchison, of Lucknow, also Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Murchison, o-f`Teron-"£o, were lilt ni ' at R. Murdoch's this week. • Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McKay, of Exeter, are visiting friends in this place and vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bickle, of Toronto, are spending a few days with friends here. • HOLYROOD. Haying and wheat cutting is almost, completed• in this neighborhood. The hay crop was very light but the wheat. promises to yie ld fairly well. Mrs. Wm. ' McMullin, of Winghana, is visiting friends in the village. Mrs.' J. Watte, of Chicago, is, v isit- ing her sister, Mrs: P. Corrigan. Miss Carrie and Mr. Ed. Lawrence., of Lucknow, were the guests of the Misses Corrigan last week. Mr. D. McKenzie returned home' • from Owen Sound Collegiate, Institute on Friday last. . ' Mr. T. . Wrathwell's , new brick dwelling now in course of ' `erection promises to be a comfortable and a handsome one. Mr. Hugh McIntosh is in Oxford county visiting a sister whose •life was reported to have been in a critical condition. The patrons of the Holyrood cheese factory, which was destroyed by fire last week, have sustained but ` little loss, as . the mostvof the cheese was saved. Many of them now send their milk to the Lucknow factory. The open. meeting held by the Pat- rons of Industry last Friday evening in the township hall was quite a suc- cess'. The speakers of the evening were Messrs. P. Corrigan, Wm. Val- ens, of Holyrood; and T. Webster, of Kirrlo,ugh, who handled their respec- tive subjects just as might be expected from their abilities of platform men. An ineeresting programme was also given, part at the beginning, and part' at the close of the meeting. A simi- lar meeting will be held in about three weeks, when the renaininn planks of the Patrons platform wilr he spoken; upon, and a pleasant time' is expected: LANGSIDE. (Received,too late for last week.) • 'Ilse hay industry is almost ex hausted. Preparations are being made for the harvesting of fall , wheat; which is a very fair crop ; the only fault being that it is out -rooted. , • The root crops are growing wellsince the recent rains. lir. Joseph 'Tiffin is indesposed0 at present: Mr Treleaven • attend&1 the funeral of his brother at 'Para last week,