Lucknow Sentinel, 1891-07-03, Page 84,4,h:re 0,1COFIRICEP r1104,- 34414 ,-.•-tiOtkee:ereh43ettenn. Daily - North 1.9•40 p. in. ”‘ aXeeth,e, ,3,,efittrem " • Iotermediate tieinla f 9 00 P. " m; 'Tuesdays awl leo,"411lee 3 00p, to. Firlikela t, ,fir!uth I r 9.30,. w. ,,Sooth .& )3„Soutb, 10.00 ora.o. -1/. North • 310p. in. 4,30p.r,a. OggiC frr..71 s• liFV;5014004r4,40?0,144141$44,0e#4441441.' . 44, t e , 44,7441!7A4474717A47.774744.4447,-414,74A7cr..47. The LuttcnomiSentinell Bruce Counti, Fridays July Ord 1•64•16.4.....34.44•444.4.44.444*..,4444.4-.4.4 That Rafting OnVar.Dongehl-1,103/ft11in's them was a barn raising on Tuesday last. --They had 4athemithere.from-Kinlogs, Wawanosh, and Ashfield, and Lucknow Via*,#9t unrepresented. Tbe spread 441i4b in the orchard, was one of the 44004 and, in- the 'contest, heratee4 the opposing parties John McGarry 4erlAinly—wair-th-e—witnier—althoug Kenny McLeod was a close second. Will Cure Black Knot It hare been tiltrouverced that Ilia knot on plum and cherry trees can be not only prevented from spreading but actually killed, by simply painting -4.--veir,f'''Ir''''''''''''''''' 11113111KeltniGlicaldWilittaliViWelilita oil. The disease is making great havoc of the fruit trees in allparts of 7t41* and Vicinttp Stuto. Ontario, and if this simple remedy is effectiNki; no time should be lost in making the application. has Oddfellows Officers Photograph Gallery Kaake,pf Blyth, ORANGE 0E4 BUTTON. Grated nemonsiration in Luchnow on The preparations for the.dnenSter Orange demonstration in We village are about completed audit the weather proves favorable it promises to be the largest gathering of Orangemen ever everassembled in the eounty of Bruce. On account of the 12th falling on Sunday the demonstration will take place on Monday, the 13th inst. Orangemen from the whole west riding of Bruce and east and west e-1-1,nrere•ettatanee,,,elto have it from reliable authority that Kincardine town alone will send a ;delegation of over 600. Splendid railway arrangements have been secured from all points at exceedingly low rates. The Orangemen will assemble in the Queen's park at 1:30 t.1 Lticknow, formerly occupied by Mr. W. J. Stringer, and will commence business' here about the second of . _ The toronto Exhibition The prize list for the next Toronto Industrial, Fair, which is to be held from the 7th to the 19th September, . has been issued. Copies can be pro- cured by dropping a post card to Mr. Hill; the secretary, at Toronto. 'Phtireh• Re -opening 'fr • 'The Bethel Methodist church, 10th \,Otin.. a. West Wawanosh, Will be --opened on Sunday next, July 5th, ' dondgetor Snyder will preach in the morning, afternoon and evening. A grand tee -meeting will be held next ",day. Sevbral rev. gentlemen are expected to deliver addresses. Oountess of Earnscliffe It is officially announced in Eng- ' thnt -Lady- --McDonalderidowenf- the late,Prennier of Canada, Sir John 4 A. McDonald, has been railed to the • , Peerage. as an acknowledgement of her husband's long and distinguished public service., It is said her title will be the Countess' of Earnscliffe. • a 4 , • • • - , • .• A-Att-A...torAtAutr..., ite.Opening Entertainment 'C' -Thee Lucknow OdclfeIlows purpose himing a social on Friday. next, July '10th, for the re -opening of their hall, '/which has been undergoing extensive repairs. All niembers are expected to •tnt beam appearance with their wives and fair -friends, and a good social time is anticiPated. $traw-berries and 'cream galore. • Taken the RI • Mr. George Kerr's lease of the Luck - „now mill having, etpired, Mr. Walter • Treleaven has again assumed Control of,the mill. Mr. Thos. 11. Treleaven, who, has lately been employed at the H.emlock 'City mill, is back at his old Post of' head miller in the Lucknow mill, and Mr. W. C. Treleaven as his, assistant. Tom is a first-class inilier, -and is well liked by the farming coin- , munity.. County convention • The fourth annual Convention of Bruce Co. W. C. T. T. will be held in the town hall, Lucknow, on July 21st. First session at 10 o'clock rt. m. ; afternoon session at 2 p. m., and in the evening a mass meeting will be • held at which selections will be rendered by the choir of the Royal TeMplars Society, and readings, and addresses by delegates and resident clergymen. — Mrs. D. McDonald,' superintendent ofjournal work. Kinloss Cemetery • • • .Although naturetnareever fitted the grounds of the Kinloss cemetery for a • beautiful burying groaned, yet if a little money, was properly expended the place could be° greatly improved. It is not much credit to the owners of the place to allow it o remain in its present condition, and we mistake the law very much if the 'owners of the plots in the cemeterycould-not corn- , , "'pen those in charge of the place to have the grounds kept in a better con- dition. • • Public School Notes The new School Acts are now in , force. The regulations , are being revisied, and it is eXpected that the acts and regulations, will be printed ,and ready for distribution to the Board of Public School Trustees, thetrugh the School Inspectors, not later than the end of, October. In the meantime the School Inspectors have bfreen supplied with a few copies of the School Acts alone to be furnished tO any Board of Trustees urgently need- ing them. Only Boards of Trustees of cities, towns alla villages may collect a fee, or otherwise provide, funds to buy the pupils books ancy other school supplies , ut'i rusLtr have no such power. evening; last the following officers of the Oddfellows lodge were elected :— Past Grand, D. Patterson; Noble Grand, Wm. Hood; Vice -Grand, Dr. D. M. Gordon e P. Secretary, W. H. Smith ; R. Schretary, John Elliott ; Treasurer, Alex Ross. The other officers will be appointed on Friday evening next. In Peaceful Slumber A Kinloss young man went to see his girl -one tightn; short time, ago: - After the old folks had retired he edged his chair up close to the girl and gently put his arm around. her. After chatting for some time he unfor- tunately -fell asleep. This so annoyed the girl that she gently released her- self and put the churn on the chair just vacated. The sleepy youth was hugging the churn when the old man came down stairs in the morning. He did not go back since. Taken -into- Partnership - Mr. James Gordon,butcher of this village, has taken his'son, Frank, into partnership in the business, and in future the business will be carried on by the two conjointly. This is only justice to Frank who has been a good, faithful assistant, and we are glad po see his services thus substantially ro cognized. All old accounts due Mr. James Gordon must be settled either by cash or note before the lst of Aug. next, or they will be placed in other hands for collection. The Lucknow Band ,The Fire Brigade Van& of thise village went with the excursionists to Kincardine on Dominion Day, and their playing throughout the day was greatly appreciated by the people of that place: . The band has greatly improved undet the the new leader- ship and our citizens would be pleased to hear them in the park an occasional evening during the summer. The band has been engaged for the Catholic pic-nic at Kingsbridge, en Wednesdaynext, and for th'e Orange celebration here on Monday, the 13th inst. - The Burtch Theatre Company The Burtch Theatre and Pavilion Company gave a performance in Luck- aow to a large audience, on Tuesday evening last, some 500 people having , gathered under their tent to hear the rendering of Uuncle Tom's Cabin. The company is a good one and the play was well appreciated. The band they have in connection with their organization is one of the best, and the orchestra alone is well worth the price of admission. Should the Burtch Company again come to Luck - now they will be greeted with a larger crowd. •'A Decorating the Graves About twenty five members of the Oddfellows lodge in this village spent Friday afternoon last in the Kinloss cemetery, cleaning and other- wise decorating the graves of deceased brothers with flowers, etc. They also placed a couple- of neattomb stones -on the graves of .two of the brethren, to mark their last resting placed on earth. This is a , very commendable work on the part of the lodge and its members and we would like to see the other societies of the' village who have mem- bers burriea in the cemetery„to follow the example of the Oddfellows. • —A philosopher tells how a. girl's taste differs according to ler'age :* "At sixteen she wants a dude with tooth -pick shoes 'and a microscopic moustache ; at twenty, a chief justice with piles of tin ; at twenty-five, she'll satisfied with a member of Congress ; at thirty, a country doctor or a preacher will do ; at thirty-five, any- thint that wears pants, from , an editor u p. ” , —Several much needed repaits have been made in thcsidowalks this week, aledonian park, when addresses will be delivered by Mr. James L. Hughes, • of Toronto; Rev, 'Tables Livingstone, of Clinton, and the local 'clergy. After the speeches . a foot ball match between Dungannon and Lucknow, and a lacrosse match between Kine cardine and Harriston, will take pl e. Another interesting 'feature will be the band competition for two valuable prizes. Four prizes are also offered for competion among the diffierent lodges present, being, $10 to the lodge having the largest membership hi the procession, $10 to the neatest uniform, $10 to the lodge farthest distant from Lucknow, $10 to the ,best dressed Young Brittcin Lodge, and $10 to the best dressed lodge of lady True Blues. In the evening a splendid concert will be given in the town hall, for which first-class talent has been secured. The village willbe handsomely decor- ated with arches, evergreens, etc., and -nothing -will- bemakespared,-to make the visitors spend pleasant day. -Every- body should come to Lucknow on the 13th. HINTS TO VOTERS.. ow to get your name on the Dominion Lists. The steps to :be taken are as follows: After June lst the revising offieer takes the list now in force, and by means of the assessment rolls of last year and other information obtained makes up a list of those who should be added. At the same time he ascer- tains, by all means possible, those -now on the list whose names ought to be removed, and makes a list of those proposed to be struck oE Up to the first of e'eugust any person having the proper qualification may apply by affi- davit to be put on, setting forth in his affidavit any :one of the grounds upon. Which he is entitled to be added to the list. The grounds are briefly as fol- lows :- 1. Owners of. real estate—In a city this is $300. In towns $200. In vil- lages or country sections $150. 2. Tenant—The rental .must be at least $2 monthly, $6 quarterly, or $20 yearly. la. Occupant—The occupant must have been a bona fide occupant for one year prior to application, of real prop- erty of the value of $300 in cities, $200 in towns,. or $150 elsewhere. 4. Income—Applicant must be • a •resident in electoral district and derive an income of at least $300 a year earn- • ings in money or money's worth, , Or from some profession, caliing, trade or investment in Canada, and has to • derive such income and been a resident of Canada for one year next' before being placed upon the lists. 5. Farmers son—Applicant must have resided with his father One year • before being put on list, and as nany sons may be put ones the value of the fathers property will admit, allowing each son the same amount as entitles the father to be put On. Ownerra son—rApPliCant must be the son of an owner of real estate other than a farm, and the father's property must be sufficient to give each son an applying a qualification equal to that required of an owner. For example :—In country districts, if an owner's property is valuednt $750, the owner and four sons may be placed on the litt, as this would allow $150 to each. 1 • 7., Tenant's son—Applicant must be a son of teneit of farm of ,not less than 20 acres; and loased for Act less than five years, and have resided with his fathereat ler one year before going on list. 8. Fishermen—Applioant must be a fisherman and the owner of real estate and fishing gear, which together are of the value of at least $15-0. . J. Annuitant- -Applicant must have resided within the electoral district one e year before being put on the list, and leeceipt-of -aelife- annuity -secured -on— • - - — - real estate in Canada of at least $169. It is to be noted thateell perms.= the old lists who were qualified as in- come earners, or as 80143,0f owners of preperty...will'htleft off tlis-eree-44-4-- OS the law niaKes the" alga provided by the cities and incorporated towns euti ities the basis of the new lists. Those qualified therefore on income, or as sons of owners ; ;All require to make a iw application supported by the nec- essary proof. The revising officers will provide the necessary blanks. This is a point to which persons qualified to itialatteristelir.-11nofaar every qualified elector should see to it that his name is on the list. Cut this out. / —The Ladies' Aid society will Reeve hot dinners in the Caledonian hall in 4 r —The Rev, John Kenner, the new minister for the Ashfield circuit, has taken up, his residence at the parsonage in this village. —The voters' lists for the townships , of Kinloss and Ashfield have been I printed and the advertisments appear in another column. -he village was very quite ow Dominion day, and nearly all our citi- zens were away enjoying themselves at other places, Twenty-five doz. of Ladies';) Misses' and Childrens' black J.14.4,4z4W.t .straws, lace and pie-nic hats. Isball offer the above at lessthan • VVROLESALE PRICES:. , e mg or ese days is the SUMMER CORSET. Come and see them. Mistcorne, come, first served. Mrs. Smith. zooic IE I?Ei MARRIED. PARNEA--ANDREWS. — At the home of the bride, Milton, Ontario, on Wednesday, June 21th, by the Rev. j S. Colling, Lucknow, assisted by Rev, George Clarke, of Hamil- ton, Mr. Thomas Parker, manager of the Terra Cotton Works, iltea, to Hettie Mellissa, third daughter of Mr. George Andrews, Milton, and neice af the officiating minister. NOTICE., THE, SUBSCRIBER HAS OPENED AN office in the building east of the SENTINEL Printing •°Mee. ....eleceEZEMENTS, BONDS, LEASES, , DEEDS, MORTGAGES AND WILLS • CAREFULLY PREPARED. Plans ,specibcations and estimates for build mill, bridges, etc„ furnished on short notice. • JAS. SOMERVILLE. Lucknow, Jan .1891. FIRE! FIRE! Insure your farm property, private dwelling in the old reliable, the LONDON MUTUAL' 0 - -• Office,—A. ROSS harness shop, Luc/know Wil be iii`the office everySatiirday afternoon, JOHN LANE Agent hinlough. ‘4-01LY-EST1AY. Strayed from the premises of the undersign- ed on or about the middle of May, a red and white yeading heifer. Any information lead- ing to the sure recovery of the same will be suitably rewarped. W. HEDLEY, Lucknow P.O. STERLING OILS TR L.1 N fIILLAN KITTREDG&CO E il1V9E • MANUFACTURERS OF R STERLING M &CHINE OIL L 'R— I FARMERS AND THRESHERS USE. Absolutely pure from all foreign substance and will not gum or Ncorrode oh farm machinery. For sale by G D. C. TAYLOR, Lucknow. R, MURRAY, St. Helens. I DON'T WANT THE EARTH, U BT-- 1 WANT A LIVING. And 1 am going to have it in Lucknow, too, and 1 hereby - announce to the people of Lucknow and surrounding country that any person or persons coming to me having their teeth out that 1 will put in two seta of teeth, TEETHis „Iwo a TEETH - emporary or .Pcrmanfint For the price of one set, $15, made of/the very best material in the world. I use no rubber but 0. Ash & Sons, London, England. ' The teeth will be C. Ash & Sons, and S. S. White's, conceded , by all who are in the business to be the best in the world. Those firms have their names on their goods, and the people • can see what they are getting, and as I will • •Guarantee Sa_tikfacti'on TO all reasonable people, the unreasonable, and there are stich in the world, will please bear in mind, that 1 do not' want their trade,cal • always be found et Dr. Te,nnant's office, Lucknow.' si ?sitters. (;?, w ','••• ,re• • • 3114g/Id0 14 ern ,. ;4'7 , 1 • 1 arAhAnd:Tanfiltansid3lre-guittMartinrat;31EVA:110011611:1°14111e1Dat61,3wiE't4::1:1113.4;::„!anir:Ttaii7t,:. "VEDIT„ rrriguna Tvd liWrIm.CPAohat wo attiportts*:1,-Zrit0 BItOT11EIo, Ataiiiie trifiiima1-06 prit•tTata moo le,r =thole) 41:14. • '6 15 (tt • r 7,74,44,4,74„1.7.4111k7,7740, ...774447.4•74,m4A04.- .4,44 4.4 m4047.44.77,44,ACVAA17.7. ,144.44777.7,,7rA',74V"A -,,,11,61.1rri...1101Wrntrrmot43„"6-,,-6: ..„.„ r • •