HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1891-07-03, Page 5THE ORDER REVOKED. WABRINGtON, Tune 27. -The Qan- aclian Government living complied 'with. the requiremepts of Secretary Rusk's order impoSing 'a fifteen days' quarantine on all sheep and swine en- -teritig-thid-dolinto-ffohl- itselfestablishing sinailar'qwucantine on all sheep and swine imported into ____othe-Dominion--of--Ganada-frem-Great Britain or the continent of Europe, . the secretary has revoked his order as •"Affecting Canadian sheep and swine ?Sheep and swine raay, therefore, be imported into the United States from Canada, subject only to the regular in- . spection of our veterinar. officers and LA ULU VL1G FILIVer guar- antme officer in Canada in the case of imported animals, showing them to have been duly quarantined there. • • ' 4 ^ ^ -1. ,•- -•, . , . 4:FARM FOR RAI F THE PROPERTY OF THE LATE Thomas Mullin, comprising 200 acres of good land, Nos, 5 and 6, Con,,. 11, Ash- field. 120 acres are cleared, and the remainder is good maple bush. For further p- titulars apply to i MALCOLM McT)ONALD, E:ecutor, 1.uo1Now. ko..._ Notice to Orditors. flo Me matter of the estate, of JOHN. ItcQUIt- LAN, late of the Tuivoi4tip of Wed! IVaiva- ;RA, im the Cortotte of HUPGII, Yeomun, Axe, tsed. NOTICE, is hereby given, pursuant to Sec- tion .36, Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1887, Chapter 110, that all Creditors and other persons having claims.a,•,,ainst the estate of the above named John McQuillan, who died on or about the 7th day of April, 1891, ab the said Township of West Wawatiosh„ are hereby re- itired to deliver or suail by post prepaid, to the undersigned Executors of the will of the 'said deceased, -on or before the 15th day of A gut, 1g91, their christian and Airnatnes, ses and description, and full particulars fied, and the nature of the sec tity sh4,clui ins,- a _statement, ...of...their_anilunt.' dul yorti (if aiiy) held by them, andthat the said Exec • ittors will on and after the said 15th day ..of August, 1891, proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate amongst the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of. 'which they I:Lave:then notice, andthat' the said Executors will not be liable for the assets of the said estate or anypart_thereniso.distribut- ed to any person of •whose claim they have not Doticeat the time of -siteh,distribution, • ROBERT. MURRAY, CHARLES.' TAYLOR, . . • Executors, St, Helens P.O. Lucknow, 17th ,Tune, 1891. 1891 --VOTERS' LIST -1891 iillut“.clitmlity of the Tovrashlp of 'finless, County of Bruce. • • NOTICE IS HEREBY' GIVEX THAT I• have .transmitted or delivered, to the personsmentioned in the third and . fourth 5oCtions of the • 'Voters List Act" the copies' required by Said section to, be so transmitted jr delivered of the :list,' pursuant to the said • act, 'of all persons Lppearing -by the last re .sed Assessment Roll of the said munici- pality to vote an the. said municipality at elections for members' to the Legislative • Assembly and at municipal • .eleetions, and the . •said list was Prst..' posted up . at my office in Langside uu the 3rd day of July,. 1891, and remains there for inspection. • Electors are called upon to examine • the said list, and if any emissions or oilier errors are ound thereln, to take immediate pro ceed:ngs- to have the same 'errors corrected according to 'law; Dated at • Langside this....3rd day qf July '91. PETER REID, • Cerk of tie said municipality, • . .; • . Langside P. 0. • • • Hej.ter Estray.: • St]..lya. foul the pren,ses of the under UiflIl,"ot., in the 7,rd con, f Kinloss, 011 or, .10- the laA Apri' last, f110 red heifer, • 1. ;,.. i- 11, with sum" llorns turning•i•nward. Any per,..on Lcivirp,;• infu, nation as will f.(1 hot.4, )vcry •v4 1 w ...,i'..111)1y • re1Narded , • ,JAMES LT.TTLF.,, • • P.O. (h. Ofrle,e, .14110C-11 v, 1• 91C1)1i ocr's S arilla 00 4' Sarsa 5011 J'' qll dragaists, f,o1; slx for 65. Prepared only `-y C T. HOOD 1. co„ Apothecaries, toWeit, Mass. . „IOC) 008e8,10114) .0011411 The Lucknow Sentinel, Bruce Uounty, July 3rd $745.00 FOR .11,X AXE. We will give the first person telling us before the 20th of September, 'where in the New Testament the word " AXE " is first found, $100.00 in gold ; to uexPQ00 to the third&25 to the fourth, $20.00 ; to the fiftb,$15.- 00 sixth, i0;$to the next 26, $5 each; tb the next 25, $2 each; to -the person sending in the last correct answer we will give $100 in gold; to the next last $50, and so on same as Win first. With your answer send 25 cts. in silver or 27 cts. in stamps, for a box of Dr. Cole's Blood and Liver. Pills, the best blood, liver and stomach 9E-41 _ tk=ALIngfreat-oir-, headache. , Don't gripe. 'REMEMpEe. the presents are absolutely free, being given away to advertise Dr. Cole's Perfect Pills and Family Remedies. A valuable watch given each week to the first correct answer receiyed. Send. at once and be first. Address Ont., Canada. N. 13.-Kinaly give permission to use name if a prize winner. p.. . Nel•c,.-1,:i: The importance of 'keeping the ldood in a pure condition is tinixersally known, and ot there are very ft,W people who have perfectly pure blood. -.The taint of semi -lila, salt -rheum, or - other foul bunter 1., lierred and transmitted for generations, co tisiitg td.told stitring, :Lnd SVI3 also accumulate poison anc1.g •rtos of dis- ease from the air w,) Ilie 1 id we eat,' or the water we drink. '1111.1'r. inoie conclusively proven than the ].()••:11ive power of over all dis-: blood. This when fairly expel every scrofula r S p ar e•tses of the 1 lfs9 :nedicine, 4 t.„1", clues ritce of o salt riagun, remove s • XILV the taint which causes eat;u•rh, neutralizes the acidity- ' andlcures• rheumatism, drives out the germs ofinvlaria, blood pois:cting, ole Jt also vital- izes and Chriehes-the bleed, ihos ovorcoi oing that tired feeling, and building tip the whole system. In its preputation, its merit, and the wonderful cures it -accom- plishes Hood's Sarsa- parilla is Peet:Lim (o ItseJi. Thou- sands testify to its success, anallinest Advertising! floral's_ Sarsaparilla receives is the hearty endommlent ot. its army of friends. Every, tQstii,%..,•:1;i1 ive publish, and every stateroom- 0'11111f Of. H00(1'S Sarsaparilla may e upon as strictly truedn every", resio.2et. ' If you need a good blOod illrirler or building .tip medicine, be sure to take Hood's Sarsapa- rilla. Furtherinformation and statements of • cures sent free to all who th...6.0ss US as below. • Saraf')•c,*;,:i 2 Sold by all druggists. ;$1 ; iiiafor 65. Prepared onlY. . by C. 1. HOOD ,t: co., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. 100 Doses One Dollar • $5 REWARD?... • Strayed from the premises of the undersign- ed lot 34,icon. 4, Kinloss, about the beginning' of May, 9 steers and 2 heifers, mostly 2,yrs- old. . An7 person giving such, infdrmation as will lead to their recovery will be rewarded accordingly, JOSEPH WADDEL, lm -005 • Whiteehurch P. 0 CHURCH DIRECTORY. • L1NGLISH CHURCH - SERVICES 11 I II'. m. and 6:30 m, Sunday School, 2:30 b. in., Superintendent, Wm.. S. -Holmes. Adult class every Wednesday evening at 'o'clock, Bible and prayer book lesson's. All aro welcome. nEv. W, J. CONNOR, Pastor. TO THE FARMERS I have rented the store occupied by Mr. Geo. Kerr, and am prepared to CA..S1-1 FOR BUTTER AND EGGS. The highest price will be paid for butter according ti) quality. R cSPARLINC. Fire and NI.,rine insurance. North British and.11fercantile, of Edinburgh and London. Western, of Toronto, Liverpool & London and Ghtbe, of Liverpool. • Gore District, of Galt. Northern, of London and Aberded6. Guardian, of London,'England. Phenix, of London, England, and Accident In- cur:ince Co'y., of North America, Montreal. R. , CUNNINGHAM, - GUELPH. .eie graph or Telephone at my ex use. rasher Twughthiaextensive1dry,. hot weather the absorbing qiiiStion is raiiir Willy it is very much needed, but unlike a great many other needs, it is one which we cannot help our - Attzt,242P'12:2ArairMinfr,AA,Ist,AA=Are/MOVAr4.=MM rives to at pleasure; so turn. ink from the impOissble•to the possible we especially direct • the attention. .of the gentle - Men to our Light Summer Coats and Vests Tabulated they read this way - Light Check all woo4Coats'and Vests LightCheck all wool Coats and Vests Light Check all wool Coats..and Vests Light Merirfo Checks apf.1 Stripes _ . • Coats and Vestsi . Light Merino Checks arid Strirks Coats and Vests. Light Merino Checks and • Stripes Coats and Vests. Mens' Boating and Regatta Top Shirts Youths' Boys' Mens'Fancy,Colored,Plain&,Black Hose Youths' " oo 'Boys' 0 • it ...111.•••••••• Something that -everybody wants and at prices that &A& not be beaten. I wish the general public to distinctly un- derstand that I have in stock all kinds of -Boots and Shoe's in every AA.,mamarao Variety of Style and Make,. I Which I am selling for cash cheaper than can be bought at any other store in the oun y. GOOD JUDCMENT With the Shaker Flannels this season is only a repetition of last year in demand, with this difference, that last year we got cleaned out early and found the mills in the same way. This year we °bought generously, and, while going, there still remains a nice choice. Listed, they read this way= Plain Colors in Blue, Pink and, Grey,: • Striped Blue Shaker " Pink Shaker " Grey Shaker Cheek Grey Shaker " Blue Shaker " Pink Shaker* Price clinging at 8 to 121. Ladies Hosiery go hand in hand and leave no stain when they have this „stamp, " War- ranted .Fast Black -Saxony made." No need to tell yon this ; you have bought them here before and know thereof Amongst this week's arriv; als are SOMe very nice gents Tourist Crush Hats in Browns 'and. Blacks; also flat crown stiff Feather . Weights, for evening wear, Our aim in this line is to keep nice new stylish goods. You know the store ; try to know the stock before sizes leave. Challies, Art Muslins and Lace Curtains, 1 New lines- in ladies and misses' OXfords, in colors and Blacks. New goods opening weekly. as 18 AND THE CASH. Give me a trial, and don't be led away with every wind that blows. BUTTER AND EGGS TAKEN AT PEART'S, LUCJNOW. MILK AND BUTTE Important to Farmers. , o HE UNDERSIGNED HAVING PUB- . chased the superior thoroughbred eletein--F riegan 'Mill, Sir WeetwOlicf(132`10); will kee-P-him for- service at Lot 6,..Con. 14,, Ashfield. PEDIGREE :-Sir Westwomk,(13210) was bred byB. B. Lord & Son, Sinclairville, New York ; calved .A ugust 7th, 1888 black, with shield pateh over shoulders ; belly, legs and. part of tail white. 414S02ir, HW, eFs.twif°171B (1 32--141"a Dam, Esairedd-liy YLytle, Westwond • (imported). 1161L 11.-F. • H. B., milk- record 80ilbs, per day at 4 years old,' and 18 lbs. of, butter in 7 days at same age, one of the finest cows we ever owned. - • Lytle was sired by Barrington, (imported) 2103, who is claimed to be without an. equal in. the world, and 83000 in cash • was twice refused tor him. His service fees were 8100 per cow,. His dam Was Mietle 2nd (imported) a noted prize winner, with a milk record of 62 Ibs. per day at two years old. - • • Lady Westwood (imported) 11611, was sired by Peter, 103,,N H. B., one of the most noted bulls ever known in Holland, being the winner of ' first prizes and diplomas at five of. the largest shows in Holland, and was sire of. many of the most noted cows that were imported to • this country. His ..clani was Glenburine (imported) ; milk record 89 lbs in a day ; 20134 lbs in 'ten months, and. 211bs of butter in 7 daySin January, 1886, all under 'ordinary care:. • - Barrington was sired by Jacob 2nd (District Bull), dam Hamming (Imported) ; milk., record 99 lbs in a day, on grass alone. She was valued at $5000., • • Mietje 2nd (Imported) was sired by Jacob.. Dam, Mietje (Imported). Milk record 83 lbs per day, and winner of gold medal in Holand for best dairy ecnron exhibition, . Peter, 103, -was sired by'District Bull ; dam Jentine, milk record 87?r lbs pei day, and 19 lbs of butter in 7 days. Glenburine (Imp.) was sired by 'District • ; daurcSrijntje;,. milk record 91 lbs per clay ; butter record 201. lbs in 7 day's. .. Jacob 2nd was got by Jacob ; dam, Minnie, inilk record . S6 lbsper,day., butter record. 18 oz.. in 7 days. • 1.1aMming was sired by 'Jacob (District bull) ;, dam,' Srijntje, 90 lbs per day. • Mietje (Trim) • was sired by District' Ball ; (lam, INleitje 1st; milk record 88.1; Ms per day. Jacob was sired by Klaso ; dam, Marian, milk record 88:11 lbs per day ; butter record • 20) lbs in 7 days. • This pedigree Will show Sir \Vestwond the richest, brill of the breed in Canada. He is straight :and round as a barrel ; heavy,' low set muscular legs, with four large teats, and large milk veins, The above is a true record of the breeding ot Sir Westwond. Signed, H. &. W. F. BOLLERT. TERMS Single cow, 81.75, cash at time of service. A reduction will be allowed for three or nacre COWS. JOHN BAEKWELL, Luiknow P. 0. scoritAtiragrat, • 4,4 A pamphlet of nformiltIon and ab- straitof tho Inws.Showing How to Obtain Patents. Caveats. Trade Marks, Copyrights, sent free. Address MUNN & CO. 301 Broadway. New York. 30 '1 A YEAR t 1 undertake to bees, tenett any fairly intelligent person of either qP!C, can read and writ,', t1 witn. after instruetion,will work indostriouRly, how to earn Three Thousand Dallars Year in their nwn licrevertlwy liv rti§o furnish the sititati,m nudoymeat.nt which y,lt ran rani that nwant. N.• money (.•r unit., An, isf /1.1 1,1) 4,,') )1.Arnekt 1111,1ire1,0, 4.0 r 0,24. r2cli 114,-e AITAA,y t WOO 1 with •• t r =R Im, ii tgi 1 • I -11 f..4 CV • t :! .1 , V .: 4 1 • ' ' ' , . 1 ' ff 1 c , „ . . ,, , . . 1 L'.. 4..... ,vi.i...,.. ^, . . • , • -1, . • ., . ,..',,e • RES -TAU -RAY camp-b-eirstreet,-- Luckii J. C. KINCAID, PRt Oysters by thP quart, or can. .13.14a, lumnyva, y Ii'4; CONFECTIONERY. tIA SWEET CingR, MILK-SHAKE9,r's, • TOBACCO, CIGARS, ETC., ' tp in s Give me a trial. Remeniber the place, the bank. • THECOOK'S BEST FR „ BAKIN PODUNN' E, ktt The Hub Oro IMMENSE Having ,just received a 1 ment of Fresh G Choice. taxa Choice Tod Canned Goodso Crockery, Glassware . Teas, Coffees, and Sugars, which will be sold. cheap at , the Hub Grocery. Goods delivered to all parts • • , of the village,, JOHN ELLIOTT, , Hereford. Bull For Service. • • THEC E LEBRATED, . HEREFORD. bull, BisMark, will be kept for service for the season of 1891 at Henry Johnston's, .' lot 7, con, 8, E. D. Ashfield. PEDIGREE -Bismarck was calved January 26th, . 1886.. His dam is Bloom, (22107) by Duke Argyle, C., g, d. Victoria 4th by Duke - of Argyle, C., g. g d Victoria by, Sir. Oharles, • . g g g d Verbena by .Carlisle. The Bull . Bismark was bred by R.. J. Mickie , .of Oshawa . Ont., and' got by Cecil, winner of first prize in aged bull class at Toronto and Guelph and silver medal at Guelph for best bull of any age, Cecil was bred by Mr, Aaron, Rogers„' Herefordshire, England, and, was got by Charity 3rd, (6350) 9728, and he by that noted ).bull,,T he Grove that sold for 87,090 last year when twelve years old, The breedink of this calf bi of Lin best to be found upon the side of both sire dam. and he is one of the. • best ealves I ,havb ever bred. Yours. truly,, • , R. J. Atnetrs. TE1MS-81.25 to insure calf; A reduction made for 3 or more cows. CoWs InnA be returned 3 limes if necessary 00 1.1wy will be charged for service, No fees charged for COWS if not with calf after third 'service. HENRY JOHNSTON, Pro • .: BULL FOR 4ERVICE.., rrum uNDER$IGNED \vim, Xi:EP . . .1 for service at lot 11, 00 8, Easterry Division, As111,e1,1 Xi.: tvo yea), .i•'.11' thorough bred Shorthorn bull, "E ed 11 ism ask. PEDIGREE --Red llismarek, 127M. red, .calved 11Tarcb 8, 18811,,hred 1)y Wm. 1\lall.;t10). ' Dungannon, Ont. ; got 1,v Wall:ieo (imp) , 2752; dam Anni,.., 8130, 1,y Voilli:,. SI wingwood Prince 6299 ; Gihee 1 larpr 2nd, 9227, by British' 1-Ieir 2nd 2889 ; Toael, Harper 2nd, 6630, by 2nol 1.'amosa. Chief, 1 782 ; Lady ' Harper 6629, by ,rand Doke 675 ; Rose 1833 by Royal Puke of Glo'ster, 103:i ; 'Maggie, 1429, by Lord, of Lome. (imp) 1.'17, (16,128) ; Queen of the West, 17:il . by Victor 1136 (12268) ; Daisy 823, hy I [alt IL 6t;4 (1162), Lavinia 4th 1342, by Duke of Wellington (imp) 9(43654) ; Lavinia .2nd 1340, by Alex- ander (itup) 6,. (11,0)9) • Lavinia, (inro) 299, by a son of Scipio (1•121), ley Eryholni e (1018), by 'Son of North Star (3''). TER MS - .21.1(1. Cows .must be returned thi•ei,. times mo o s.Cry, or they will he charged for service, . No fees charwjil if o' .w.o: me not in calf :, (to -0 third service. 1 SMELTZ' Belfast t•,, • • ft