Lucknow Sentinel, 1891-07-03, Page 44ijiow p -en the
{a1 iM1 T TTE$ ,sltTP TP.ARGUE
)14-T . A-CP(111D'lll'1Sil TO TIiE'DIOTAT)�9
-Q11 PO to AE.OP via RAPE 4BOVE 44,14
Lucknow, glue. 36th, /S8L
At the investigation into the charges
st the Hon. Thos McGreevy, at
uttawa, oaa Friday Raaf, Mr.Muephy,
an employee of the Messrs. Connolly
& Larkin,' the contractors, testified
that -he himself had paid Sir- Rector-
Langevin $10,000 from the contractors.
He also testified to having- paid large
The Lucknow Sentinel, Bruce county, Friday, July 3rd
titherto they were admitted ,free,
here has-been e. tin5itl eTrable incre an
in tobacco duties. Cut tobacco has.
been increased to -45 cents per ib. and
14e13:4.a4. PAW and Other
manufactured tobacco have been in-
caeeaedvolt ,,for. 114:. ,A>'1kk
and porter in casks have been increas-
e ve cen s per I Perla ' ga on an n
bottles three cents per gallon: There
are also large increases' in spirits and
strung waters of all kinds. The duty
on salt has been reduced one-half,owing
to the tact that combines have fattened.
sums .O money a I I i =ren.
both" Thomas and Robert McGreevy.
This is very strong evidence,, against
the accused and how they are to refute
it is difficult to say.: Unless Sir Hector
Langevin can show that he'did not
receive the inoney which Mr. Murphy
says was paid bin, and that he had no
share in theboodling which it is
'alleged, the McGreevys were so deeply
involved in, he will go out of office
with a very bad record . and cannot
very Nvell maintain himself inapublic
life: He has so far made no answer
of any kind to the charges, and vv hat
be has to say is awaited with interest.
It is a most unsavory affair; and ic is
:to be regretted that public men should
be so avaricious as to place themselves
in such 7' a position. The Rykert
scandal was caused 'by a questiorialile
•$rausa`cticii ri laud w-hich-hind-gra1,lirrs-
,would justify to their own satisfaction,
ut this case reveals men conspiring
to rob the. people by crooked ' work
with: contractors for public works.
Such business could not be . carried ori
• undetected. There 'was .sure to cone
a time when the contractors. would ask
more, and those who were assisting
them would look for greater returns
on their part, surely leading to 'dis-
agreement and a' revealing of tht-t
swindle.. In fact that :is what dila,
occur, and both Sir Hector Lant;evin
and the"McGreevys will have to bear
• the responsibility.
A Memorable Burns Speech
I offer you this as a reply to the wanton
attack on Robert Burns by the Rev. Mr. Mc
Now is the time for .the ladies to call and leave,
their order for
Our stock,' was _ Miss -Markle, with an aim
to please her numerous customers.
b• :, .1 , -,..x . <
-.p777g"w^6 %,,
_e,,1aitnN;tr � em
. w - O PRWAN .
n moi
In this Department, as Miss Markle is always pleased
to show goods.
T'he,death of the Rev. Dr. Rately Waddell,
formerly Freer church minister in Girvan,.
reca'ls the celebrated'spt)ech delivered by him
as chairman of the meeting in the • Cottage at
Alloway in celebration of the Burns Centenary,
The marvellous eloquence of the oratiou waa
recognized all over the country, and i[r.
Waddell at once- found himself famous, 'For
the , sake of those of Our readers who have
never read the speech, and others who would
desire to renew their acquaintance with'it or,
preserve it in print,, we produce it eta e.cte,asu.
• _VIr.:Waddell-said :—In other •circumstances
some apology would have been required for
the brevity with which the preceding toasts of
this evening have been proposed ; but not a
wa3 ear gentleman, I am sure, in her :via jesty'3
set•xiee, not a Lori; n it an earl, nor at, prince, of
whatsoev degree in the empire, but will
e:.ruse that brevity : her Majesty herself, if
she were present, would un,lei'staud it, far she
is too much a woman, and too much a Queen,
out to know that the royalty of geniti�i canuot
be kept too lbug waiting. The trolly is gentle -
h en, that in the nompany and presence of men
S!takespeare and Burnes, all ranks, all.tlis-
tiuctiuus, all orders whatsoever• vanish ; I :see
nor hear tor the moment auy earthly intrusion;
the bodies of man themselves St/billt„ disap-
pear, aud•be absorbed in the universal, peerless
pr, v�idm ,._sovers:ig ty.. of t11e.. httnTalr soul.
Yet for the very recognition of that .,overeign-
ty•bodies themselves are required.. 'It is now
one hundred years ago since the wife of a
peasant, on this very spot, was made' haETpy in
the • birth of a son, blessed beyond many a
mother in Israel., triumphed at the behest of
nature, and remembered no. more,the nI-guisr1
fi'tr j.,y that a man was born ,into the world— ,
e with Clouds of glory-, of inspiration,• and of
poetry wrapped thick.ibout tlrisFsa3; uncon
sciously to her-w.ho.viaa.destineel to be )mown
thereafter to his country, to the world, to'uian-
kindr as ROBERT ,Buena. (Cheers.) To com
metre •rate that birth, gentlemen and on the
ver,; put where -it was accomplished, in storm
anti uproar, with pain and dittibult,v, are we
this night, iu•grateful wonder au;l with frater-
nal sympathy, assembled. '1'o myself it .;eems
the wonderful event in my own life—wonder-
ful awl gratify leg, like the birth of a first-born
--that 1 should. have the honor of presis'ing
amo:,•g you ; but the• fact that believe iu a
gospel which .teaches 'the revelation of the
.Deity—which teaches myself at least, to recog-
r ise and Venerate the likeness of the Deity
in al ( His. rational •creatures—to recognise and
almost to adore it in a man like Robert Burns,
• with whatever imperfections may adhere to the
tabernacle of clay; and the fact that I have
been honestly preaching that, both in A' . shire
and elsewhere, may have something to do witb
it •; certainly, gentlemen, in the faith of such a
gospel 1 live, and in the faith of such a gospel
I preach, and the honor of such a gospel; trait s-
• foTaiing and inspiring, I believe- to be as. safe
this night in your hands, and under the shadow
of this roof, as in .any pulpit in Christendom
[cheers] here, where we. have met, with broth-
-erly•accord, by the very threshold where he
carne into existence, t,., make the aright for
ever sacred to ourselves, and to thank
Everlasting Father for having made such a
pian. (Cheers.) I have been charged of late
with being out of my senses about. Robe"
Burns, and of a::ceeAhng the limits of pr .priety
and truth in my eulogies of hits. • Be it so- I.
am not 'mole out of my senses than a" Ayr-
shire ---than all: Scour nd—than the world; and,
as for eulogies, ;,entlemen,' what eulogy coulu
I pr•ortonnee•that wot•'d have half the eloqu-
,enec of that ecstatic homage • which a whole
uationis new pal'og, rever(titl.y with bared
brow. and deferential attitude, to the out"nes
of his, spirit ?%i the •e1ouds? (Cheers,) Scot-
iar.._t;sgentleTn!in, was never more in her senses
than at . this moment ; rafter a slur iberlius
•dream of lift., years' incredulous admiration
has awoke this nay to ree'ise the fact of •her
uv .livir=ty. • Eu1o;,;, ivy frreuue ! the utter
me .t of eulogy that we cou'.1 :-peak would b':
but as the yoie.. s of children in a, e!;,,ru.s of the
winds. The universe of our nationality•-•th.•
intemsest nationality that ever e::iato,I f; now
According to the late United States
census bulletin Minnesota leads Michi
gan and Wisconsin in. amount of
standing pine. The wholesale cutting
down of timber on both sides of the
border, it 'Seems, continues. By and„
bye, the best timber lands will be far
removed from present ,civilization
unless something is done to reafiorest-
- the` country, The United States is
practically doing nothing., Canada
has' scarcely made a beginning, but the
Ontario- Provincial authorities are
moving in the right direction. They
ought to go further, •and the public;
would sustain them. The only way
•tn maintain an equitable rainfall and
preserve the fertility of the soil, while
.insuring ra contii*us supply of timber
tdr domestic use. ;A well as for a pro-
fitable export trade, is to encourage,
• the liberalplanting of •trees. We
need systematic reafloresting. Why
should it i•tr,t be a rule of the Ontario
overnnent to insure the yearly
planting t,>' as large an area of young
►„t :,I 71>; i,:hn11)raced in the yearly.
rutting, --flown 't.ef tri•iturc:t_l 'dialler 7
1Ve cannot ail'.,rd to vv,ait till the
.1'ro ine; i,; ,lepletc:u n fire it(lopting
in,'•asure of` bars (leeseriptign. With
'Lr' (i l',' 7i (ii , vol : at lie):'
-vv- I•T i%T.E DD.
Provincial purir.t,t•.
• tteJy • pUotl,.,ne:e.l. d1 inure popular
lies •'•, ); 1 not t)( (1rvised.
the old • tori;.' the duty un
:;UgErf u!inos,`. , sl'livlr:^'',t. t ') 2
perll,. This has been wiped
out. T1 -)r old riutyt on refined sugar
was 11 centra per lh , and 35 per cent.
'ad valorem ; t.liis Iran new ben reduc-
ed to 8.10 cents per Ib. In order to
encourage the cultivation of beet sof,;
fir, a 5 per cent. bounty has been
placed un beet sugar importations :
HARD Lawrence. if you want anything in
He has just received a fresh assortment of mixed paints in all shades. Alabastine in all siladeE.
Kalsoinine, White Wash and Paint Brushes. " Daisy" Churns, 3 sizes. Ideal "
Washers. Wringers- cheap. Carpet Sweepers. Carpet Beaters. Garden Tools of all -kinds.
Milk Cans, Creamery Cans. , Honey Extractors. Dairy and other Pails. He also
has in stock a full line of fencing wire, Annealed, Galvanized; Barb and plaid,
Coal Tar, Coal Tar Roof Paint, Water Lime, Plaster of Paris, Paints, Oils,AM
He would also call attentionto the new adjustable wire window and door fly screens.
• nd Zebra.
DEI_A_77E T O D G III \ tG
Done •on> th-11Oftest. notice and- at reasonable- -prices- 'Al -1-1 i ids--ef-•-r--epai,rin4_
promptly attended to
TIO S_ ]L wRL CM], Ow 1 TT
till the whole land seems bevv':;ched ; to him,
also. belong the lances and the thorns, of which
let all fools and interniddling dunces bew are.
((sheers..) Yes. Gentlemen, he is for • ever in
season, for ever fresh, for ever golden, for ever
true and strong, Tnank Gird will you not; or,
let rite' thank God for having made such a man!
(Cheers.) But how, in reality my friends,
does God make such men -men like Moses, like
homer, like Seakespeakc, like Burns? Of
co►•itmon dust ? Yes ! but of the concentrated
essence of common dust foa?tive hundred or one
thousand years, . Thete are not astray births,
nor mere: •^idental grand creations (Cheers:)
They are grand, .because they represent the
grandeur of generatii)n; they are beat, be •
cause the vital element of a whole people is -
concentrated in their',vein3, ¥brew, Greek
or Anglo-Sa :on, they were great first: as the
representatives of their ov .1 people, before •
they were great as types of m.ant nd. All the
mast characteristic elements of national great-
ness are accumulated in them, heaped upon
their heaas,or their constitutions;
and so they become wonders to the world as the
incarnate `spirityal essence of immortal. mil
lions, (Cheers.) Of the adament and the
c; ystal of the Jew 'sa Mind.. God made Muses ;
of the lust .ous marble of th:; 'Archipelago, He
fashioned the head of -Homer ; the fictile clay
of England, the finest, the best, the most im-
pressi))le.ancl retentive, He sat upon his His
potter's wheel, and off cavae the mask 4 the
myriad -minded Shakespeare ; 'and from thea
unmolten iron Of the nort'iern hemisphere, full
,sf heat and fire. fall of rage r'rd love, full of
m,.tsic and ele.trieity, He selected the most,
precious portion, acid cast it into the furnace
(f human passionheves times heated—aye with
the concentrated heat of u00 years, and out
Cane Robe.... T,
l tly [!1;e14] .,lowing, flashing,
hit•: ing hot [cheers] ringing, eel: sin;;, reverber-
ating with song, glancing and coruscating with
wit and humor [cheers] as musical as the bells
frill of brine 1•:vety wan now lircathe-, ,.ver of 'Moscow, as clear as a jubilee trumpet, as
pian now sees and hears his ; and we are a 1 di' inely artsoratntive as • the horns
but the individual ' pi')es that send up the of the priests at the downfall of .1 ericho !
harniotifous acclaim of love :out admiration of ((Trent chewing.) Yet there are mbrbals; in
his ;emus to the stars. It is not t3 l,ronOttiu a tc rc5p cis toil, in5t c ,
a eulogy, gentlemen, nor to do aly.other idle
or merely gratuitous work, that 1 MU before
you to -night •—no•! but to look at the very Lace
Of Burns, acid tell you how I love hila ; to ask
you to ,look into his face, and lociogly and
tally, understand him; to look gl•atufully and
uffectilniately In h,:• face ats.1 tbat)k.yrt 1 fel,
hoving made him. (Cheers,) Yes,oentleixten,
I say;'trt thank Gori for,-...h•sving..made itiUt. .
(Cheers.) It is wilt of Lii in i/, the ;,rent
high priest of the floral. world, that when he
first saw 0 fieldof tvhins in,b'onol, h,
tell fast oc ids knees to thank (:od for ha'
trade anythingso ,be:aii'ifnl : and well be
1.11,41A, 1'e1', !',.ione.,11 :1j. is is, it 1'4 till.' itt',t4 1131'
1t,:t,:,,,Ilbiu'ity u ,f tra;rance, „1 1,,.1,1, and u1
....enter.. in the world, end for ever in•,setasoo
l've,' they say, ' and the whin ttre never
„tit of season ; winter or sumnter they are
always true ! ' (Cheers, ) And when or where
is Bilinsriver onti of season :r From 1 %al i foi•ii iti
te, Japan, frown Australia to the wilds (if Cat.
ad: wIler'ever' Scotelltnen are, that is every:
wITere and tt -night, en the 2..ith of .laen nary,
ta he is as, ranch it, -ii :ren, clay is th ,lttiatl,l
imes m.o.., than tie ever was since his name
Was l.newn. 'I'o hiulseIf belongs the perpetual.
•• risen, to hiin tilt. perennial gold, to himselt
the pervading; sweetness ---a sweetness r;cher
than whin or Lilo 1 lnisatne•d r„yc can boa=t , to
him the l;otusat load, the heedful of golden
melodies— where the bee maysit and suck,
where the Jiii i r; -bird with 1,urnislied plum-
age natty toy and kiss, and the butte' fly with
quaking wings..andh'i, u(OMrious eluny settle
in aal
rr!.E IP • •onlll:r whosc .etr,,n„ 1)•'i,.'' t1"'
woodlark., and .the 'linnet, and the btackbird
and the thrush Way sing, safe and inelodii)r,
bl' enough who cavi
at th's workmanship of the Deity ; wh.i are
not satisfied with His profoa•man.ees—who
w.,i 'd like to operate on the eye of Moses. to
re-wudet the bust of Homer, t • cancel the
mask of Shakesl,heare, to touch the heft. , ,,f
hobs Burns. What, sir, would these insat-•
1,10 int' in have? No Moles. Pio
1(0110r,. no';;!,alc ptare , rind no Burns 1 That
would be. the practical 'result their intrt .,ive
labors, For Mose., Bonner, and -Shakespeare
we have less concern to -night. Litt how of
1 ;,irn„ ? It wh...t re:ohctwould enuh interaied•
sale: r� improve hint ". '164 sum of their objec-
tions and their regret seams to be 'that be was
rot aCmive•rank,.r .•r a Puritan ; and this They
marl hn.v rs ;f• d by :+ours
addition to h:s
ustitution ,ci.;,b the, .Alrrai6ht ''faker him-
. t'If did not Att. neb:u, aiy, he was not a
(To be r'r;i:, re (t in our wart,
►...x„ ,amu
Mci.eod, Malrgaret McLeod, Angus Mc-
Leod, insolvents.
Tb,: fare) lately ocr.upied by. the above
named -insolvents, situated in the township qf
Heron, is for sale. • All is under etlltivation
aframe house, frame barn, large orchard, and
well watered ; one of the best farms in Huron;
a bargain. Apply to:Rpter Murray, assignee,
Huron, or tit
• Wj Solicitor, Lick -aa -w'
Subscription . to erect a suitable
national meanorial to commemorate the
life and work of. the Right Hon, Sir.
John A. Macdonald, G.C.B., will be,y
received at the Post Office, Lucknow, �O 0A l Ll Cri-LaP
Mr. A. D. Congram's store and H.
Morrison's office, and duly ackl`tow- ' •
ledged through the columns 'of the Any number of beautiful Jird healthy.'
Empire, • Toronto, and the Itlucknow ' CiERANILTI'hi, li�UCHSTAS,
SENTINEL. Subseripti�rrs linitted to • • , • .
$lO and as low as 25 cents. and other green -,house plants. .Also
Receirsol thus far TOMATOES, CAB RAGE, . .
J S,Tennant,M,D.S5 00 Dai 'id Moody, $1 00
H Morrison,,.,......: 5..00 Ivi.Campbell, sr 1 00
Thos F Cain, ,. 2 00.A G, ia" 1 00
A S Campbell, 1 00 Mei A G Elliott,1 00
Robert Martin, . , 1 00 W .T Cannors....1 00
M McDonald, .....1 00 Dav McDonald 1 00
D C Taylor 00 00 Mrs H Hudson 25
EAST HALF'O'`•-•' 1i1)T N('1. r4, COYCES.
sioa 13, E. D. Asltl•ield, •in'the .County of
Iluron, nin ty acres cleared, about five acres
of fall wheat. fifteen acres seeded, two r1well.
ing:s, two orchards, two well -.1 lir ieett,•r •y,ii.l.,
�'o urr .h
Stable, ra ar shed.eta. ,kiso t
1 sins•� n Y,
half of lot 0. coil. 13, With ;12,.00t•e:- of fnll
wheat, 40. .acres iee(led, good fences; ort;i;a.i.1
and buildings. The .abo5v.•� ),mise rty will 1s'•
sold or r.':nted at once.' Apply initis! i s:• 1t 1;
888 -E. T'1IAV.ER, husks u .
1891— VOTERS' L1 ST -1891
If norcipu-'n-y of the Tov:.i.:R'ip of "s1 SFeid,
' Cor oily of Aletrow, I
I hare) transmitted of delivered to the
persons mentioned in the third and fourt-T
sectiutls i)i the 1Voeer.4' 1,y ALL” fhe.enlil1v
- coufred by said section td be so transmitted
nr del've'ed of the 1'at, th'vsuant to the said
acts of all- persons .appearing by the last
revised Assessment 1.,, of the said munici-
pality to vote in the said tnuniel,r 'ity at
elections for menlber,s. to the Legi;,latide
Assembly and at municipal elections, and the
said list was first posted up at my office in
Dnnya'inon ' on the :3rd (lis of Jr'y,
and remains there fo- ispect'on.
Electors are ca•'ed upon ,to e- mine the
sa ',Hist, and if any -a
onrissions'or any other
errors are found therein, to take '•nniediate
proceedings to have the same er:airs corrected
act ording to law.
Dated at Dungannon this 3r,1 day oe. July, '91,
Clerk of the said min:cipalit'•,
3 91.0 • Dungannon I', u.
—June bugs and flies are now out
in force at night and millions lose their
lives in thtt electric lights.
of new •and leading v'arietie's, for sale '
Large, healthy tonlatoe plants
..,yno C - _ , ._
Outram . 1;.. Lucknow.
!v'`i •w y
04 ',I 1
't r 1
1f \N''J•..1(l'1'1.rl.EI ,' &GENT b'(iFt
t _?
inn hr err„rd nt c lir sin line ofw,rk,
rapidly 'Ind hnnornbl 7• fiy iln),r of
either nix, rote or rt1, and to their
own Inentitirn,whrrnvt r tt ny live. Any ,
one amt • to fife work. i,nsy to lentil.
We fnfnleb ntrerything. we stint you. No risk. Von enn devote
your spare moment,• or all your time to the work: Thlt.ip an •
entirely now Iend,nt) brings won florin? ,tnren.•tn rvrry marker.
BC,tj1l.uUtY aro c.rcn+n tt •,, , V.F VI i Tt pt•r n•:uk and u'pi otts,
end more Atter a tittle- L*ppo'rienee. We can the tan,
tpioymnnt and teach you PHEW. No Arlie its L5,e. nal
Iefottnatlon F•11E& TIME tit CU.. AiieiUSTA. MAINE.