HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1891-07-03, Page 1110,.1 It. i w} Naw -is thSeaoft For you*,_Machinery Oil. your liarveet Togls, your Pntatoe Killer in the shape of Paris Green, all of which t� you can get cheap at the hardware establishment of WWI. AP 141 14111..11,14-11, >a iii+41,101 VOL X.vll..--26: OuritafdinStid Is better than ever. You • Ate putting op roger house', .`and barns and want sop plies, whie kor yew.1Ra.uew • supplies. LUCKNOW ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JULY 3, 1391 WHOLE NO. 910. —THE— + - p 1161►A every r1 ay aleitrAeWl block, •north-east corner of Outram and Campbell Strs., Lucknow, JAMES BRYAN. EDITOR & PUBLISHER. SUBSCRIPTION PRI E EAR IN ADVANCE. ALL KINDS OF .70B .• PRINTING EXECUTED WITU NEATNESS & DESPATCIII. GEO, MAIR & CO. MEDICAL A. MoD NALD, M. D., C. M. C. P. S. fel 0 0. Office, Matadi. • T R. TENNANT, PHYSICIAN, JJ Surgeon and Accoucheur. Surgery op- posite Cain's hotel. Office hours from 9 to 12 a. m., and from 2 to 5 p. m. DMcD. GORDON, M.D., C.M., F.T. M.S., M.C.P.S.O., Physician, -Sur- geon. Accoucheur. Office next door to W. A llin's implement shop. Residence Ross street, opposite W. U. Little's. DR, I), GEDDES, V. . S., CALLS either by mail or telegram promptly attended to: Charges moderate. Office. Cor- rigan's hall. Boarding house, Cain's hotel. Lucknow. LEGAL. oinori'-CO. N, COMMISSIONER,, - 1,7 in H. C. G.. lough P. 0., Ontario. FLLIOT TRAVER, ATTORNEY AT' law, Solicitor in Chancery, Convey- ancer, etc. Office, next door to Murchison's ewellery store,•Lucknow, Ont. HORRISON, ATTORNEY AT :1 _____,— �o la;v; Solleiter-inrE:aneerp; Canvey anter, Commisioner, etc. Office. over the " barber shop. (NARROW & PROUDFOOT BARRIS- �1.X ters, Solicitors, etc., ,Goelerich, Ont. J. T. GARROW, Q.C, Wad. PROUDI'OOT.. 11 e a GENERAL,? Or Lucknow Banking Comp'y.. LUOKNOW, 27m MAY, 1891. TO FARMERS, DO YOU REQUIRE A CHEAP FARM. Give us a call. Althou _ h we 1 ave o hand, and w e ich we 'will sell cheap, and on easy terms to suit purchasers. DO YOU REQUIRE MONEY. WE can supply all demands if the party or parties are,good, or can give security and at reason onable interest. DO YOU WISH TO CHANGE THE Mortgage on your farm or put on a new loafs. if so we will do it promptly and on the most favourable terms. or if you wish to send away the interest on your Mortgage we will do so for you and at a very trifling expense. WE DO A GENERAL BANKING business of all Rinds. Drafts issued, and Bank Cheques on all points whether In Canada, United States or England, cashed at usual Bank terms. 'Interest allowed on deposit at the rate of five per cent. payable half yearly, but no one deposit to exceed one thousand dollars without a special arrangement. FIRE INSURANCE EFFECTED WITH despatch .on all ii *•u.able buildings in English or Canadian Insurance Companies. Office hours 10 a.m, to 4 p.m. GEO. A. SIDDALL, Manager. • NEWS OF THE TOWN. 4 Week's Iitecord of the Pushing Bordet,) , a te,;.� �, t,• Vilittib (iii it romation Examination PROMOTION EXAM. Tal, o1,2"wo' •"u 3i'+o „Mota7e-`V.11R °H2szr^, '. i' ha9'y,ax"ruwr t —Mrs. J. W. Armstrong went to Stratford on Tuesday. =Mr. 'Will Miller returned home frons Chatham last week. --The Public School closed on Tues- day last for the ,summer vacation. uyers express ' e opinion that wheat will go down in price. --Misses Annie and Martha Grant,. of Duluth, are visiting in the village. —Mr. David Johnston, of Buffalo, is spending a few days with friends in the village. —Dr. Strongman and fancily left on Wednesday for their new charge in Goderich. • —Mr. Thos. Bartlett, of Chilliwhack, B. C., is visiting at Mr. Thos. Webster's, Ashfield. —.The slight shower on Monday night was a welcome visitor; but it did not stay long. ' , ,.-Miss Carrie Lawrence arrived home from. the Brantford ' Ladies' Col- lege to spend the holidays. BANK OF HAMILTON .LUOKNOW. -Oapital, $I•;2oo,85o. Rest) $6o0,000. President -JOHN STUART. Vice President—A. G. Kills/iv. DIRECTORS : JOHN PROCTOR, CHAS. GURNEY, GEO. BoATH A. T. Wcon, A. B. LEE (Toronto): ° M..__ Va;shier—d: TT RNBULL.-----.. SAVLNGS BANK.—Hours 10 to 3 ; Satur- day's, 1Q to 1. ;Deposits of $1 and upwards. received and interesttallowcd. SPECIAL DEPOSITS also received at cur- rent rates of interest. DRAFTS on treat Britain and the United States bought and sold. J: C. BROWN, SUB -AGENT. MONEY TO LOAN! I HAVE A FEW thousand dollars to invest for private yarties. at reasonable interests: ELLIOT - RAt'ERS. ONEY TO'LOAN ! ON FIRST-CLASS 1..V.A. mortgages at 7 to 71 per cent. interest, payable yearly. Charges moderate, ' Apply - to RonunT MURRAY, St. Helens. 4JANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. Tickets issued to all points east or west. Quick time: Close connections with other lines. Full particulars to intending travellers. JOHN MuR:eHlsoN, Ticket Agent, Lucknow, MONY TO LOAN 1. AT,6 PER CENT from 2 to 20 years. Lists of farms for sale in Ontario as well as Manitoba. Parties desirous to sell farms will consult their inter- ests byinspecting the advertising facilities of Subscriber in, Great Britain and Ireland and continent of lands for sale. ANOUS STEWART, Land Valuator Lucknow Ontario. • WEST WAWANOSH MUTUAL Fire Insurance Company, board of directors meets Dm the tranAactibn ot business on the first Tuesday 'each month. Parties wishiug to have their property insured in this increasingly popular Company, will by giving' notice, be called upon by an agent or by one of the Directors.Business calls promptly attended to. Office, Dungannon. 3. M. ROBERTS, Secretary, WM. LANE, Treasurer. 'SOCIETIES LUCKNOW Lodge, No. 112 meets every Friday evening at 8 o'clock in their hall, Campbell street. All brethren cordials. invited. D. PATTERSON, N. Grand ; JOHN I/IOT, Recorder. CO. F:,COURT • Sherwood, No. 50, Lucknow. Meet - every first and third 1llonday. in every month, , in the Odd- fellows hall., Visit- ing brethren a r e cordially invited. A. DAvISON C. R. D. D. 'YULE SEC. AO. U. W. LUCKNOW LODGE OF .♦ the Ancient Order United Workmen, meet in the Oddfellottts hall, on the last and -second Mr.alay evenings of each month at einht o'clock. Visiting brethren cordially invited. D. PATTERSON, Master Workman. R. D. CAaLpRON, Recorder. Ll.TC'1 NO\V MECHANICS' INSTI- tnto. Reading room open every eveliing .from 6 to t0m., excepting Saturdays, when 'the hours will be from 2 to G p, 'm. The librarian will be in attendance dtirin 'these hours. D. 0. Yore, President. Jas. Soirg&L VILLE, Secretary. DENTAL OSE EVER -FAST BLACK !1: 11\\\\\, EVERaFAST STAINLESS A D E- MARK, LIZZIE HAS WOR THE WARRANTED CALLED . WARRANTED ,, EAST BLACK STOCKINGS::;;14zvii MABEL u HA THORN EVERFAS1' r.+ STAINLESS' STCGKINCS. We are the sole dealers in this excellent' and beautiful line ot Hosiery in this district. They ' come at various prices, in cotton, 'lisle threads and Italian silk. Every pair has the above cut on them ; every pair is guaranteed' absolutely , fast black and stainless, • just the hose that has been long wanted. Besides the above We have special lines in plain black cashmere, ribbed cash- mere and the common cotton. Prices right. —Mr. Alex. McKay add Miss Kate Cameron left on Friday last for a visit to friends Thessalon, Algoma. —Mrs. Herbert Martin, of Hamil-' ton, _ is visiting with -.her._cousin- •-11Ir-s,- Geddes of.this village. ' —Dogs delight to bark and bite, and little birds to sing, but all the festive fly can do is to walk o'er everything. —Messrs. James Sofnerville, Elliott Traver, Robert Ellis and J_. M. Ciitie, of-Zucknow, were in Goderich last week. =--Mr. Atex. Ross has been. elected representative to the' Grand Lodge `of Oddfellows which meets in Stratford in. August. ' --About one hundred of our (Adz. - ens went to Kincardine on Dominion day,; and all apparently enjoyed them- selves. • ---Mr. John Burgos, of this village, drew the lu sky ticket for the $20 geld piece at Brussels celebration on Dorn• inion day. John Scott who has been on' the sick list for the past couple of weeks, we are glad to see is improving and is again able'to be out. —Accurate particulars of births, marriages and deaths are re,4uested from interested parties, for free inser- tion. nser tion, under their respective headings in those columns. ' - --Mr. George Kerr and family -left oh Saturday last for their future home in the city of Brantford. They carry with them the well -wishes. of all our citizens for their future prosperity. —Walter Campbell has opened an office at, number 'two Campbell's Brick Block, where he can do, Division court work, conveyancing, etc., etc. Mar - rage licenses issued. —Mr. Robert Graham arrived home last week from a coupleN of month's trip to Nippissing. He brought back with him several fine specimens of the, different kinds of ore found in that locality. ' —On Saturday last the directors of the Kinloss Branch Agricultural soci- ety held a meeting for the transaction of general business in connection with the society. There was a pretty full attendance of • directors, and a 'good deal of work was accomplished. —Mr. 0. Smith, son of Mr. J. S. Smith, who has entered the service of. the Bank of Hamilton at Wingham,. 'goes to Lucknow this week with Mr. • J. C. Brown to assist in the office being opened there. -- Wil�gltam Advcaiice. ----On Wednesday morning last the gentleman who drove .the- members of C.U.F. from St. Helens to catch the early train, tied his horses to the plat- form at the station and when the trni:i pulled out they suddenly became friligt- ened and ran away. Going through the freight yard gate they upset the waggon breaking the reach and leav- ing the hind wheels and box scattered °vet tt1+ cad ; they atilt card 11.m n Havelock st ;and struck . a telephone post Goin„ right through the harness of the Luckuowv Public School. The following are the ,names of the pupils who have been promoted, in order of merit : ITIRD DEPARTMENT. KINCARDINE'S CELEBRATION. •-.s,� ot;:a���.�cr ' 4211i 1'e"lti" leo L IQ in ltlnc ne on Wednesday last was a success, anal considering that everything was free. the attractions were very gaud. Ar- riving at the station a procession wa.3 formed and escorted about 1500 visi- tors to the Square, heaued by the n ori " o ose 1n t e different classes 'who have obtained the required num- ber of marks to be promoted to a high- er class : From third class' to second department Excellent — E. Robertson, Rhoda Wilson, Hattie Gallogher. Good— L. Patterson, W. Brennan, R. Aral- -strong, B. Bryan, 13. McQuaig, J. Douglas, W. Corrigan, W. Mohring, E. McLaren, D. McAulay, John Moore. Failed—M. Thompson, M. Stewart, ' From sen. second class to third class. Excellent -=H. Sandy, .fig. Thompson, H. Arnistrnng, •3. Lyons, Y. Matthie, G. Douglas. Good—H. Findlitter, W. I)aviason, 13. McCoy and C. Mair (ties), Jessie Baird, F. McKinnon, E. Vance,, G. Middleton, E. Agnew, E. Mohring. Fryileci—L. McAulay,. L. Nivins, D.' Anderson, ,C. Shoebottom. From jun. second to sen. second class. Excellent—A. Gedcdes;L Smith..and A. Traver (ties), Ida, McIntosh. Good —Joe McCoy, 0. McQuaig, J. M'cDon- ald, (E. Torrance, E. Wheeler arid D. Henderson ties) J. Stewart, K. Robin- son, W. Holmes. Failed —R. Graham M. Loree, W. Barber, G. Grundy, 11. McCrory,_ ran sBtew-art: -- Following were absent from exam- ination or part of it :—M. Stewart, C, Shoebottom, D. Anderson, E.. Mohring D. Hos;, J. McDonald, .H. McGrory, R. Graham; G. 'Grundy, F. Stewart,' W. Barber. FOURTH DEPARTMENT. Second class — Promoted --W Leers, W Grundy, M Hunter, A MzCorvie, S McQuaig,: L . Ross, • A Brennan, A Middleton, W Peart, A Ross, M Grundy, R Davidson. Pt. II class Promoted—M Carnet - an, M Greer, W Findlater, B Patter- son, H Watson. • R Armstrong; C Mc- Laren, W Arlin, M Murdoch, D Flynn L Mohring,. M Reid, M'Robertson, J Douglas. FIFTH DEPARTMENT. Senior class—Promoted-LW Vance, K McAuley, G Sandy, J. Henderson, G Patterson, E Reed, D Hornell, G Brennan, A Yule, H Wilson, J •Lyons, • 'V Thompson, I Flynn, M Murdoch, E Adams, B Robison, M Davidson; B Arlin, E' McIntosh, B Grundy. Juniorclass—Promoted—G Holdom J Baird, A Watson, G Cameron, R Young, R..'Irundy, .I Reid, W McIn- tosh, R Matheson, J McCorvie, G Mair J Barber, M Moore, A Connor,' ' L Lyons, •A Tennant. • WHITECI•IURCII NOTES. At a barn raising onthe farm of Mr. Peter Lever's near.here lately, an, acci- dent happened which might have resulted fatally. One of . the bents slipped from its, position and struck Mr. A. Claw on the head and also badly injured Mr. Wm. Purdon on the leg." The accident was the result of too lit- tle caution. We have had a €€w showers of rain' lately and the craps have been'greattly refreshed. The. fall wheat looks espec- iaily'goocl,.but, hay is almost a failure. ,The hay cuttin has been commenced and Mr, Abel Smelzter has some in the barn nlrea'dy. .S. S. NO. 5, KINLOSS. • Senior 4th.—K. • Kenny, E. McIn- tosh, A. Sutherland, E. Valens. Junior 4th. ---A, McGillvray, N. Mc- Caul, A. Pierce, L. Fraser.. , 3rd class. —J. Cox,.L. Oox, A. Carruthers, A. Valens. 2nd clays,—TI, McCaul, L. Svtlierland, 1). McKinnon, 13. McLeod. 21X1 part. ---N. Pierce, 1), 1.N cLeod, M. Carruthers, .1. Smith. —Andrew -(.recti of ' Gedcricb, al,iw+il•+al Ydi.yor 'Butler and H. Morton, 3, Y., the other clay, charged by' Alex. I;ogis with having, stolen $70 • r 1 '`�eJ 1£t the 1 rine fourth : rd ulg down Campbell +el at, where they . r EAM muliporl:IQ, to, tezri^ tlio'tl to :,romp Tltcy cn:ttltlt�cl 'tt t;ttc`, `+, r t;t• „te tt.veCelz:`C . +`3. ,Tbilb<)MI$, L. I), S, [R [IN I 119,trit'I� (4„..„ 11 :i 1rSi ''i'I+.lt 3, tarn- ,,„,, li.^., hn•,rri f11n rnr,rt C, tit. „ill; ti tiVin�ltasn will be in Lucknow ”'• �' ` � l 1 1 tl trial ^r the next 1;n th.- :;colon d 1 f t` F i- ' court of competent a. and S,attn'+lAY of each month. Good sets ' �1 were stopped Cd bysonic CIi;t3r1119. }Ltl"i5(.lti tl 11. }los $10., • Filling and evtracting a specialty LucknOld% & Dungai n on; - PP ' • .b:.wuic.a good. On the; Square the ,: ator cerin .; test was cowpetited for seer! whi- r lasted was very exciting.. Time was then given for dinner. , About two, o'clock the United Empire took out air excursion on the lake and a great, number availed themselves of tW:e opportunity. Half an hour later the athelic sports were con n,enc d on Lake View Park and a large crowd gathered to witness thew. The Lucknow Fire. Brigade Band were nn the ground, arid let me say right here that Lucknow has now a band that she may well be proud of, who, in their new caps and linnera coats, presented a neat appearance while'their musie was appreciated on every side, and all declaring they were 'the band. The foot races were good as .the runners were closely matched. The jumping and • vaulting were very good and much interest was taken in The yacht race w+ -as not so toad as it might have been as there was no %viacil and before the race was,coniplitted chi were hecalrned. The.rowing race was. very exciting, Young and Lercll'tetter taking the contest, At the word go from. Capt. Rowan they started Young tak ing from 25 to 27 strokes p,Ir minute - while Leadbetter taking' a • tucly pull _of 21 : before-.-reaeln*g t be hotly Young's foot rest gave way and in the delay Leadbetter, shot ahead about three lengths. After turning the bouy Young steadily gained but his foot, rest , again slipped and Leadbetter came in two lenghts ahead. The s.iw-log and swiming races were very good as also was walking the slipery pole; The train pulled' out about 6.30 ancj1 nrost all were satisfied with the day's pro ceedings. -CoM. • - • COUNTY COURT. The June session of the Bruce 'County Court, which ended last week in Walkerton, contained an unusually• heavy docket. . Most Of the cases were tried by the jpry. • Smith' vs.. Ball,—Action ' te' recover price of team, ;waggon and harness: Verdict for plaintiff with costs. . • Jones vs. McLeod,- Martin .Marshall and Hunderson.—,Wrongful issuing - of an attachment. Verdict for defend- ant,* each case. • Del ion vs. Zuber,-Action for wa.ge4. verdict for plaintiff 'for. 22 1. ' Yeman vs. Yaristone. -- Dta.magee. V' erdict for plaintiff. . Queen us. Gardner..—Theft., Sen- tenced to one month. Queen vs. Ostrom.—The. prisoner' was charged with having shot the Bail- iff of Kincardine' twice, while the lat- ter was executing' a ' warrant against, him. The plea of insanity was set up in the defence and proved successful; the jury finding the prisioner not guilty on the ground'of insanity. , • Queen. vs. • Ballaghs. — Prisoners charged with, stealing wheat. Both prisoners were acquitted. • Queen vs. Tremp.—Accused'of steal. ing horse and cutter in Brant Co. four years ago. . Much evidence as to idea-, tity was taken, land . jury finally dis- charged the prisoner. Queen vs. Losch, et al.—Charged with having stolen blacksmith's tools. Verdict, John Losch, not guilty; S. Losch•and Wm Sieling, guilty. Queen vs. Shannon.—Assauit. Ad- journed till next session. The; grand ,jury reported• the jail in excellent condition ; recommended the introduction of water service' into the• county buildings and grounds. and tri, • introduction of electric lin t. Thor, are three male and two fra:o: le prison: ers, and four• insane prisoners confined in the jail. .. _ On Tuesday. nv:uniug, .1 10 -year-old son of \Ir. tleor.t. c m. 7, Kincardine townshil his way home froth school r tree on the roadside to get :+ for' his schoolmates. Ile and injtlrect he ltacl to be u't :eel ours the p fur 1,-y v v. -ts 11.1(1 :�tu1•,, alt, t,'wart tr. 'limbed bed a $ -\v 4111, „11 111,1,•' oriel i;: •4�i 9 A