HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1891-06-26, Page 8•OFFICE ,,,
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00th 1<0.30 p. w,
Tuesdeya and
3 00p, m, Fridays
eitrly,on-e hundred members of the
ernperanoe Society of this Village,
rid meter societies in the surrounding
scountye marched from the temperance
" merge to the Baptist church on Sunday
estto attend service. The large pro-
oession was a credit, to the temperance
The Western Fair
" The receipt =of the Western Fair
Prize List reminds us ,that the great
exhibition will be held . in London,
September 17Th to 26th. Large pre-
mams are offered in the live stock and
agricultural classes, - but we notice
that, particular interest is being taken
in dairy;products, judging from the
umber:' oftspecial prizes offered for
Neese imd butter. .
Hants of Hamilton
A branch of the Bank' of Hamilton
,sopened'in hiesillage on=Tuesday
st, ini, the brick block next to D.
urcbisiM's, store. The. . manager is
. ,J C. Brown, of Dundas, lately
accountant of the Wingham branch of
the Bank of Hamilton. The Bank of
anailton is one : of the leading
lnetary institutions -In the-Demini
and an agency here will be a great.
onvenience' to depositors and business
len generally. See advertisement. '
Word -to -the -Boys;
"Boys Must be boys," does not mean
because they are boys they cease
act as' gentlemen. We would
recommend those who are in the habit
' Of swimming' at the dam that there
• see others besides themselves who
have: rights. They seem to forget that
they' are liable to arrest at any time
for,indecentlanguage and exposure of
their person, even. if the occurrence is
►est a 'certain time of the evening.
sake %good hint and avoid unpleasant-
.ness, boys.
They Are Passing Away
'test est week reference was made to the
boease of of Wm. Gaynor, of Kinloss.
:r. f alaynor was one of Kinloss'
pioneers. He was born in Tipperary,.
Breland, some 76 years ago, and came.
to Canada in 1847. He settled in
Brantford . and from the went to the
nited States; but ' could not live
nder any flag but the "Union Jack."
n 1858 he came to Kinloss, where he
dived up to the time of his death. He
eaves two sons, Cornelius and Patrick
rid one daughter, Mrs. Alex. Milne.
eceased was married in Ireland to
Th—e -Luck-how Sen 'rnetErip ' sou ri y, rk ay, ne-- thr
Photo raph GaIINry
M , .. &: e, • of 1,11,yth, has..
rented the photograph gallery in
10,04319-%, tomirlY formerlyeecupted. by Mr.
W. J Stringer, : and will commence
o`er-6v 1t t se
Catholic Picnic
Theannual pic-nic under the aus-
pices of the Roman Catholic congre-
gation qf Ashfield, will be held in Mr.
M. Dean's grave, near Kingabrid e
+ ` v�7i"li'dhC a�.> t1,y ti iV
prominent speakers and a number of
local orators are expected to address
the gathering.
6hurch opening,
The Bethel Methodist church, on
the 10th concession' of West Wawa
July 5th, when conductor Snyder will
preach at 10 a. m. and his railways'
eernion- -at 2:30 p. M. and at 7 p, m.
will again deliver an address, On
Monday evening an entertainment
will be held. Tea will be served from
5 to 7 o'clock and afterwards music
and addresses . will entertain those
present. Admission 25 cents.
A Neat Lodge Room
The xuembers of Old Light Lodge,
1 V� a hive
�. ilia
A. F and A At , this _ $ g ,
had their- lodge- 4 cooui. neatly papered,
painted and- ornaabaented generally,
-antleca-n-naw-elalm--ene-ef- he--neate-
lodge rooms in the country. They
have also ordered live large chairs for
the officers, and when. these arrixe
their lodge equipments will be com-
plete and a credit to the members.
Battle of the Boyne
�r•+zr.,^. �`��'m'Y.,1�17i1�`r[1�U i�ill���ii�i ,
sary of the battle of the Boyne will
be celebrated by the Orangemen of
West Bruce and Huron county, on
the 13th July, in a manner unprece-
dented. in the history of the history of
the order in this section. Several
Serious Accident
Alex. •Fraser, of Huron township,
was dangerously injured last Tuesday. -
He was in a well while his father and
brother Thomas were fixing the crib
at the surface. One of the logs did
riot fit rightNnd Thomas striking it
with an axe failed to put in place, and
in striking harder the axe flewof the
dandle striking Alex. on the head, the
edge of the axe cutting out a partof
the scull, and strange to say, without
taking• him off his feet. Although
confined for` some days to the house,
no serious apprehension- is entertained,
With The Horses
There are few road men better
known than Mr. A. W. Wright, the
pushing and and indefatigable repre-
sentative o£. Messrs. Watts Co.,
Electrio Soap Co., of Brantford. Mr.
rig t came, to Lucknow , on Satur-
day evening and e;femained over
Sunday. He drives -one of the finest
ponies , in the country and calls him
."Peter." Onthis trip - hehas driven
1600 miles and seemed quite fresh on
his entrance to the stable. "Peter"
was bred- in Hagersville and was pur-
chased by Mr. Wright from that well
known horseman, J. P tterson, Paris.
A Grand Celebration
Kincardine has always been success-
ful in getting up a first-class celebra-
tion on Dominion Day. This year
promises to be equal to, if nos
better than former. years .in- that
respect. The programme will consist/•
of football, baseball, and lacrosse
matches, aquatic' es 1 ts, masquerade
procession;:exhibits;n !'of waterworks,
hosenaan's. contest Vic. No charges for.
admission to park. Everything free.
Reduced rateson railway. A steamer
will be chartered for excursions on the
lake. Let everybody go and have
a few hours solid enjoyment on the
shores of Huron'slovely lake.
Model Farm
About 1500 farmers and a theiy
friends tookadvantage of the cheap
trip to the Ontario.. Government's
Model Farm at Guelph, on Wednesday
last, under the auspices of. the South
ane Hasset, who died about six Bruce Farmers' Institute. Of this
ears ago,
number some 105 left the Lucknow
station, and amongst the excursionists
lased their -Papers, we noticed a large number , of the
We have occasionly met subscribers leading agriculturists of the surround -
o had missed getting their SENTINEL , ing townships. The Model. Farm is
some particular issue, and because. situated about a mile from the' city of
happen' to , be a month or so in Guelph, and from,, its high location
tiara -the paper had been stopped be- commands a splendid view overlooking
e they were not paid up, and felt the city and surrounding country. It
'ttle hurt. in consequence. To pre- contains 550 acres altogether and
t misunderstanding we wish to as- seine twenty-five or thirty acres . in
all that'. we have never done this front and around the main building are
don't do so. Most metropolitan beautifully laid out in lawns, flower
rs, and quite a • few of the local beds, etc. which togetherLwith the hand-
rs, do stop sending when, a sub- some - evergreens , make it a very
iption-has expired, but they are very pretty place. Although the farm is'
'innately situated indeed who can. und'+oiabtedly well and ably managed
„SENTINEL does not pretend to be and everything kept in apple-pie
x `tideosition to do business on such order, it is not altogether a model
path ipt business- principles, and when farm, but an experimental institution,
,lieaper fails to turn up, whether left and no farmer or breeder of stock can
Sy the carrier boy or sent through the visit the farm without receiving a
office, there has been some over- great deal of useful- and practical
ht. • The paper at all events has knowledge. For many year the farm
• not been :stopped for non-payment was a non paying investment and
til the publisher has chinned indus- largo sums of money had to be, given
Su ly and finds that no boodle is go- to it for running expenses, but since
ome withl►ut suing or trying Prof. Mills, and his able assistant,
other method of making it come. Prof. Shaw, have taken the menage -
always like to get as many sub- raient of the farm it has vastly im•
seta tions in advance as possible, arid proved., and the profits realized last
, i6rgreiit many, make a practice of doing year were $1400 over ' and above
,There are others again who allow expenses. 'It is useless for us to under-
ei7rs to run on from year to year and take to describe the different methods
a: the iIlCt',l.'l:eel fate ill c'onseepiencc. and experiments. adepted at the term,
cass. though dr, we stop a paper but we would advise every one Who
*we ere told to do so, or have is engeged in farming to go and see
iir several attempts at collection for themselves. Prof. Mills and 'ell
s.rar•,•.tw�. .
ether credit with them is use- his assistants are most corteous in
their treatment of visitors.
a ma cies wi •e p aye
There will also be band competitions
and . all in all a- good time may be
.The, Paisley Caledonian Society
will celebrate Canada's national holi-
day by a grand gathering of the Clans,
and it is likely many _of -our Highland
citizens atilt go there .ou July first. • ..
- 'he i ase agscirrst-- esi'ey—gook
in which. he wae charged by W. J.
Stringer with iarcery of goods, was
di is cd when it came kzefere.
Thome at Qoderich on Tuesday last,
— Mi. George Graham, of that sub
urh....JShepardtown; was in the village
J +M14'Y'< M ..'14,. •n. 't.: Y; I+I. f. itaY't-M.a .i CYeAr`Y.'}t .t-
which he bought from Mr. Swartze, of
Bayfield. They are beauties,
-The death is announced of another
of the old residents , of West Wawa -
nosh in the person of James Smith,
who was an industrious and good
ls9afr,1err Y ` ;.i,
a 6e Oponed
Large Barn Burned
About half -past two o'clock : on
Sunday morning last our a. citizens
were awakened from their peaceful
slumbers by the ringing of the Metho-
dist church bell, and in a very few
minutes a large crowd had assembled
at . the- scene. of the, conflagration . on
Inglis street, just at the rear of Mr.
Brasher's store. A large frame barn
that had been used by Mr. Allan Mc-
Leod as a store room for his livery
gutters and carriages, was discovered
on fire, and in a short time the whole
structure was enveloped in flames.
The firemen were promply at, their
post, and soon had two streams play-
ing on the building, but the fire had
gained such headway before it was
discovered that it was impossible to
serve-either--the-building-oe itseontents:
How the fire. originated is a mystery,
but it certainly looks as though it•was.
the work of an . incendiary. There
was no insurance on ;the building,
which belonged to Mr. John Brown,
but on the cutters, buggies, etc., we
liea r. McLeod had a .'partial
insurance of $500. Mr. T. F. Cain
and Mr. M. Campbell also suffered the
loss of a cutter each that had be been
stored in the building,. and en which
there was no insurance.
A Week's Itecord of the Pashing Border
+—Miss Lane went to Brandon on
—Miss Lelia Berry
friends in Gerrie.
—The OddfeIlows are having their
lodge room greatly repaired.
—Wm. Powell, of Amberly, spent
a day irf the village this week.
Mr. Wm. Burns, sr., 'is off to St.
Clair county, Michigan, visiting
—Mr. T. Douglas, of this. village,
had the first swarm,. of bees this season
on. Wednesday.
—13urtch's Uncle Tom's Cabin Co.
will exhibit here under: celnvass, Mon-
day, June 29,
—Mrs. • Angus McKenzie left on
Tuesday morning last for Calgary,
—Now is the time to leave your
orders for straw berries and cherries
at J. Elliot's. ,
—Mr. and Mrs, G. A. Siddall left
'on Wednesday for, , a few weeks visit -
to Preston, Ont.
-Grand street parade in afternoon
and open our concert at 6.30 p.in,, by
Burtch's Band, June 29.
- -Mrs. Alex. McKenzie and Mrs.
McLeod left on Tuesday morning's
train for MYloosimin, Manitoba.
Brussels is making big preparations
for the sports and other attractions
there on the first of July.
—Mr. J. Adams, of this village, has
a largo quantity of salt on hand which
he will offer for sale at a, low price..
--Jammie McKelvie, ' Wingham's
most popular esteemed restaurateur,
was in Lucknow on Wednesday seeing
his friends.
—Burtch has new and beautiful
scenery, elevated stage,and present%
the old tiiue favorite drama, Uncle
Tom's Cabin.
—Mrs. Frank McInnis and family
left on , Tuesday for British Columbia
to join her husband and father there.
—Mr. Thos. O'Rielly, of the 9th
con. of Ashfield, has 'a full bloom
blossom of an apple graft only a few
weeks old.
—Burtch has 20 first-class artists,
a finely uniformed band, and is the
only canvass show in Canada this
season. '
—A large number of citizens and
farmers from the surronnding town-
ships went on the excursion to the
Guelph Model Farm on Wednesday.
eat, , apop exy an in rnuties o o
age. The deceased belonged to the
order of orangemen, and received the
rites of burial of that order at the
hands' of his brethren.
Out To=Dap
Twenty-five doz. of Ladies',
Misses' and Childrens' black
and white leghorn, fancy
straws, lace and pic-nic hats.
� A 2hrwA
Strayed from the premises of the under sign-
ed on or about the middle of May, a red and
white yearling heifer. Any information lead-
ing to.the -sure recovery of the same will be
suitably rewarped.
Lucknow P.O.
office in the building east of the
SENTINEL Printing Office.
Plane ,specifications and estimates for build
ings, mills, bridges, etc., furnished
on short notice.
Lucknow, Jan .1891.
Just the thing for these hot
days is the
Come and see them. First
come, first served.
Mrs. Smith.
Insure your farm property, private dwelling
in the old reliable, the
Office,—A. ROSS harness. shop, Lucknow
Wil be in the office every Saturday afternoon,
McLeod. Margaret McLeod, Angus Mc-
Leod, insolvents.
The farm lately occupied by the above
named insolvents,situated in the township of
Huron, is for sale. All is under cultivation
aframe house, frame barn, large orchard, and
well watered ; one of the best farms in Huron;
a bargain. Apply to Peter Murray, assignee,
Huron, or to
889 Solicitor, Lucknow,
JOHN LANE Agent Rinlough.:
Shop, situated on Victoria and Campbell
streets, Lucknow The brick house contains
two front rooms, five bed rooms and kitchen,
with stone wall cellar and continual flowing
spring water in cellar. For further particu-
lars apply to
t -f
Box I0, Lucknow P. O.
Alisolutely pure from all foreign substance and will not gum or
Ncorrode on farm machinery. For sale by
G D. C. TAYLOR, Zucknow. R. MURRAY, St. Helens,
. BU
And 1 am going to have it. in Lucknow, too, and 1 hereby
announceto the people of Lucknow and surrounding country that
any person or persons coming to me having their teeth out • '
that i will put in two sets of teeth,
Temporary or Permanet
For the price of one. set; $15, made of the very best material
in,the world. I use no rubber but C. Ash & Sons, London, England.
' The teeth will be C. Ash di Sons, and S. S. White's, conceded
by all who are in the business to he the hest in the world.
Those firms have their names on their goo is, and the ,people
can see what they are getting,'and as I will \
Gmatan e etz
tel, sr a •;k5
'.Eo all reasonable people, the li unreasonable, and there are such in the world,
will please be1ir'in mind, that I do not want their trade. 1 cane
always be found at Dr. Tennant's office, Lucknow.
I 1
ANTED t'iogu. arEtSoE vEarEE d $Espen.ae gPadntYasu
liar advantages to beginners. Brook eompIQte, with fas>rae ,ing enecisinea
D8� 1 > FIT AE, NAr a '1'oronwo, On fe nee fie reel b1
dFi�swlr,,•q,?• , •�• , •t w•,r. •