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Lucknow Sentinel, 1891-06-26, Page 7
I� tj r }••'^ '. '22 21, .. . 2. }. , z..«,xi i . J Y. , ' ,. w. w .,. .. �� n 0 . .-2122. ',ry .., , 7 • ... _,_A . 2222. � _. __ _ _ .. ,y._ ...o... . .- .. ,1 ,.. ,.--.--. . ._. _.. ._.. _.. _2222... -• .. .. -. __2222....,. _.�. • NEWS OF THE WEEK. TRY PB�iIYTIpE I3AY8. PHY6IQIS /�11D R3IIBG118tON8. --" O*oer_ a illQoted at t e A nnnaf > eettu_ BX�NR A FOODI^ • AW homed Roy Hoskins was drowned as 13mo bean Trmaamcted at the Annual MeeR- VarlonA Bemaria to a Chicago QA8DAN ON pl�7IAD1. a1 London last evening. > d`ay Yeateiday. inn In Toronto. � Street Pet On 'March 20ib, 1865. Richard Cobden The Grand Lodge of Preptioe Bo s lm a vendor. , .�'oisn J.W-foll°wa.: o• •Uolonet t . • `•� "' The natives of MaSaaii b ve et- . a.!` _>apalmeaSing of°#hel7ounoil'oft _ . Coe . Tbie ..._ •s�„ ,� , .. _ �x p ._ lrlalApltarad, in aIInceal=easaipm it -Lin 848109% a� �iid Oo11egQ of Phyeloiens sad liar sone opened ,.Ohl Ia#n'i ha sweet? " moat inteseetiing debate of the season Loan under M. Cram et. flioers as tollcws ; R,19 Saba. 'Tuesd� g Peened Uo look at the dear hitherto hos been on Canadian $ ' n �„M pts an .oaten ii P'rmpo eapeitition from selected000G.• F• W. Ji7dward sen., D. 4. M. • iboe w!�f4orr►, 'a Toronto. Among "How ret ' ;, Sbiog 1 " This is a "a " = p9411 A 1 ga► P pretty it tel feat. of -increasing iiissrest, and . R. , ..-' The SwediSb Rigsdag hoe passed a law Wm• L. Bell, jun., D. G. M. ; W. j. 6. .; Shaw, present lit wee 'ilton. Drs. Rosebrugh and "Mamma, you mag*, you must. ba the projected confederation of the Britieh prohibiting Roman Cratholioa tzom ��k1IIg Q, C• ' A. jamseson, .-4r _a, ; -N.- . resident-reeuZie in fhe n nim Wn_ _ ° dor-mei- - - .__ _ _ __ __- .— _ y-.- (ort. A-merioan-ooldniiee'will-bring if i:gto -� v ___ _ _ _ -__ __.__...____.�..mak ae}the toi7iais faith. fIinob A. G. 1, ; John Bulhugharet, G. T. ; tion of Dr. J, A. 'Williams, of In erect!. wanting for each a los .time. _ eo- '" John, dear, that is jest what I've been great Prominence this session. It seems The Agreement between the Britieh aria R. D. Baker, G. L. ; W. J. Ssuders, A, G. g So a generally e►ocepfed here as a deeizable sited SfaSes Governments relative to a Mt• B. B. Osler, Q. C,, was appointed "U'S a very fine specimen change, though I fait So discover any" ; H. Bell, .4. D. o! O. John 13ymons, Solicitor for the Cou,ucil. Dr. R_ A, po.... .. ___ 19 you have 8 Beason for seal oatohing is ready for G. T. % T. W Ron all, O, T.. F, hr s •.. -,_-., ,..26x4.61. ,11,,in i,uSereSlt w7iioh the British public -• - . R�a3 The uui g re appointed , intedTreaA, 0 "Oh, how w8jeticall have in the matter. There expenie'no proposal Y-e�-�n•"d.. Donovan, U. D, (}, M, No. I. pix. ; —, Ttie following were appointed a, commit. notice the lingering lights he eotrt� An Osborne county, Kansas, man with a Monaghan, D. D. G. M. No. 2 Div. ; . H. toe to deal with protested elections : w' - nota• shadows and the sand*el ora p relieve us from the thOse a and tier of pp&ok of .coeds is barging from ten fo Angrova, D. D. G. M. Na. 3 Div.; Thos. Bray,iPhilip, Day, Moore, Bergin and Fen- white." y P Pretending to defend those polonies !tura IItfeeu wolf Scalps a day, on which he real• Soot$, D. D. G- M. No. 4 Div.the United Statew -a task loss i13 splece. _ _ which, by the „ _ a ter dux m �1v Ixn� +r.^ �n.�19..,. a Mrd r� -r ._'l+_:. :. n.,.. ... -., ..-. 2222, m. �. ..» ... ..^.q h .+S- .... ,.. ♦` ♦`�_ ,u —n ,-,'u•.' r, ,r -,,c lie , .v . -, 2222 SL, Sw. .. :,, r ..., .. -..tz, ,. ,lir. T, � �.. 'z.. .. .. .. .. .. . 2222. r . rr. � ♦ ..'.1`. (:"T'' ` ... - e ....� ^t^S.'Cn.. }� . T-.u''.cC"''L iu"+y 1r�Ci'�"Li'iw�"..`",F,C^auLSxu:wu�.a,,,.+.;=rwti.f!iR?#7"°yv+.�i^'..'-=•�i7ZYB�L''iJ:""�i'1tii''""Yi% , _r-•.r_'1C.,��'S:a.:,-yz'fs.rJa$.�iau'^.'r�"i�•U'L�':L _.•�3,�:L`�C..�--''-z:-i.-. "�h¢wi•�-,.'Jt'�L-�..^-c+ 'Ow`skti°u d' �?t e onsite distiller, Wifhont any rate oe N o" a airmen ; b seed These _e eo `2614, U-2 by that blue ribbon. pNer.' Then y o snot see what onbstantial P faith in any Ednoation, Dr. gi$�rrfaon Rales �ndbRegn- cultivated dt pntrasfReally, S thea an the intnreSt the Britieh people have m the an- died at Peoria, Ill , yesterday !tura the doctor who . is not re' nlar, neotioa to oompeneate them for guarantee. effects of injariea received Ina tall from a doctorioe to a sincere egula ,And calling lesions, l ;quite ing three or four millions of North 8 Dr: bay; Printing, Dr. Oliphant ; spoiled its beauty for me. ladder a week ago, g B-_ o Dr. Gr+ikie,; Finanoe,Dr..Philip ; "Say; "1} in, don't you think we better Americans livi° ni Canada against another in 'a thoroughly instructed and expert Ednoation, Dr. Fowler. g The Por*ugueas Senate yesterday, by * Practitioner whenever occasion domande, At 10 , invest in that ? Suppose the landliid commnaity o! Amerioane living in their vote of 83 to 6, ratified the aonvenlion with it is still periaieeible to Smile, amiably at morning, the newly elected O'clock President, yesterday woulobject c?bow lovely ! goo, m ' Y neighborhood, We are told indeed of the - England, which was Signed, and goes into the professional jealousy of quacks. The J. A. Willismai in' to chair. , loyalty' of the Canadians ; but Shia is an • operation immediately. successful physician. " with it ooh ieironies[ T_ —� d+. — . _ ... _._ — _. _ _ _ —_ 2222 _ �_ 22_22 _ _ _ - ._ � _ _ _ -:.._ .. _ __- _-- _- _ � ._ - .._.-. ..— _ . .-. 22___2_2 —_._..__— our a one o members of the college was fined at $2. sorry,' TV 011-4 on Smile nee ? 'No? Iren 'nor holdaythemeelvan olisbleor oOy cfight oQiI station agents on the elevated railways of than they were, is the most intolerant It was decided •fo eek for tenders for Brooklyn. They have been eo eaooeeetal deapoet on earth. And we encourage him pprinting 5,000 copies o! the Ontario been$000king or! IBenppodeahewwill int battles, who world repudiate oar right to that the managers will appoint more. t0 a eo. We are vaguely aware o! the Mndioal Register, to contain the names o! $50 !or it. I'll sok him and then offer tO a right of herr *pre g t sovereignty over � The ernptioa of he continues. 'ilia limitations of his knowledge; we know aL the members of the college ; She him $35. Se will tape it rY� and who claim Sh eruption ie mild ae yet, bot it ie ez ectad it that he has to solea first what in the mat• Ontario Medical Act with amendments, quick soca h: their own costume duties, even to the P ter with as, and neat what will do as and other information of interest to the F-i•f•t-e-e-n dollars t It cant be ! g eaolneion of oar manufactures. We `are I become violent soon. Tonriect are How maoh do. you want for it ? What ? flockt�q to Naples to witness the ern Sion. good, and that *.cosh there are !sore hie profession. ' all bloc two peoples to all intents and purposes, P .acquaintance with which. helps him to —I'll take ik. Pl6aae give lit iio my coach• sad' rb i" " pairiione daineion to A ember a Parisian- i ladies recently gu665 night,. izimny theories that re ulate man." . both parties to attempt So keep lip a applidd'hair bleach to their !colas with the his rofessional notion are atilt h g One Act From a Beal Life Drama, What was it ? It was. a combination o! sham oonneotion and dependence which intention of turning them red, but only col, slid may or may not be correct. " I witnessed a most tonohing and ars• a sumny afternoon, a man and a decidedly iwoill snap meander if it should ever be pat , saooeeded in producing a beantifnl shade o! know that he hoe dieocvered that many of y, y S matio incident the other da " as s M. J. Yon* " poodle" at the corner of Chi- the strain of stern reality. It is All " green. the methods hie lather used were unwise Madden, of Chicago. It wan at the union cag° a largest dry goods emporium, Pays very well for our Cockney newspapers to t The Ontario Convention o! Ugjversalisto mud deletrioas, and that the doses hie depot. Among the paasengere leaving She the Chicago Herald• IS took about two and talk of defending Canada of all hazards. for 1891 will be held at Bloomfield, Prince grandfather gave often hastened the result train just in from the eouth woe` a diatin- one-half minutes to sell the dog. It would be joss sa possible for the United Edward County, Jane 266h. 27th and 286h. they wereintended to prevent, and hindered .guished-looking old gentleman, and slinging States to sustain Yorkshire in -a war with A cordial invitation is extended to those in• what they were designed Sc induce. We to his arm was the most beautiful girl I >Eie Let 81a light Shine. England, as for up to enable Canada to terested. know not only that he is amen, and there• ever now in my life. Canada Presbyterian: The death of contend against the United States. It is The Baroness Helena Boethy, living in fore fallible,, but that his prolessiosi science, " To take She Joliet train there oame Chief Justice 'Dorion 'reminds lie of an simply an impossibility. Nor meet we Vienna apart from her husband, died on like hie fathers and grandfather's, is pro• down the atone Steps a burly officer in incident that has ire lessons. genus ago a forget that the only serious danger of a ` Saturday. Her only son, Edwin, 19 years greasiv, and is still very far from being citizen's clothes, and by his aide was the friend of the writer, a stalwart Protestant quarrel between those two neighbore Arieee, � Old, was so Stricken with grief ihathe killed exec" Nevertheless, when anything mile once society favorite, George Lips, can. trained in a rigid sohool, was elected to from the connection of Canads with thin himself. as, in spite of all we know of hie limits• vioted of forging hie mother's name to represent a . constituency in Western On. country. In my opinion it is for the in_ A man named In ald, of A tions, we fly to him ea *.cash we were all valuable documents, who, in, spite of all tario. He went to Parliament with a feel. latest of both that we should, as speedily as g ppenzel, wise, and do As nearly what he tells as to the influence brought fo ear, mast serve ing .,Against Roman Casholios which he possible sever the political thread by . Switzerland, engages aB A' lown in Hnrzo 'e g an our flesh and our pcokote permit. For his term in the penitentiar .tense!! describe as etron whish we are ae communities oonneoted oiroae, now is Chemnitz, has absconded Y g prejudice.. He, with the manager's money heat, contain. we believe thmil erring and inadequate as A steel band was about the prisoner'e was not long there until he became inti. and vatleave the individuals on both aides to . :kg I 000 marks. % t:e is, he knows more than we d'o, and that wrist, attached to another about the mately acquainted with Mr. A. A. Dorian. °alfivate She relations of commerce and his knowledge is, on the whole,'ihe bees that cfiioer'S wrist. The two ooaplea I have The purity dt Mr, Dorion'g lite, his polite friendly inferoonree as with other nations. ri Th rad to guarantee She proposed na• is at oar oommsnd. described met directly in front of the big refined manner, his high aims' end eorapu. B t a interest i this aonfederstiotQ ona^ibif -fr in Rome now amounts to This childlike trust in oar ph aiois, ie a _grates• long honor eo-im me beottuae_I. thea have pressed -our friend that -he obssats-ia _. _. -- - _ _ _ _- _.__ __ volf_� cniraaoS.--IInlesg two millions phenomenon which` is old itable to ae and .papa. eaolaimed the girl, ag her was a "''Ch ' nearly lost his aversion to Roman Catholic- the direction of" an auric '°ble separation.• I are rata " the Government will not subei• to our doctors, and from which we both get lace lighted lip with pleasure, 'here is tem. Yenre of intercourse with the late am. afraid from the last telegrams *bat dize the enterprise. • benefit. Undoubtedly our physioiane do George come to meet lie after oqr Long Chief Jastioe when he was a mem er of *bore may be some diftioalty, either in Yesterday morning the Sia young minis.. as good ; and indeed they ought to, even if• journey,' Parliament led thio stalwart Protestant So . Your Province . or in Lower Canada, - in tare o! the Reformed Presbyterian �Sharch, they knew less and guessed less fortunately "She rushed forward to meet the oon- think that even a French Roman Catholic carrying out the project. Whatever .mag charged with 'heresy, were expelled from .than they do, else were faith a much leas via*, and impetuously may be an estimable lovable' man. There be the wish of the colonies will, meet with the church by the synod at Pittabarg, Pa. Potent virtue than it is declared to be. But p Y grabbed both his the concurrence of our Government and " hands. 'The shook the eight' of the ig an important lesson here. It, a Roman p The vote wag 95, to 37. it is one thing for Be to flock of our own °2ranaoleS produced wan posiSively fright..Catholic can no live, even in Filrliai Ro - . We have, reaognized_their__-_....__._____ —__ arlisment. fol: -- --Her-- _ ___T_— ___.._-__.__The French National Coanoil-bar a vole m000rd .to-=the-dootora; _olid- qua anotgbr grn�t byes opened, her fce 40--diearhi-preju ids and almost oemmena' right *o— Control- 'their awn fate, Of 69 to 57. haa-voted-amnestg-So 7 "arpeiii- -Shing for those,_profsooionel_gentlemen --to-b!Auoehd,,-she-fried to spam" bat oonld' not his religion to one. who was trained to look even •to the point of asserting their teas- ' holdI I At we Shall come "to them and to She investor, who woe saoueed of conspiring and then she fell fainting into the arms of upon that religion as repulsive, bow much Pendenoe whenever they think fit, and to sell to foreigners the Secrete o! the mann• none else, and that we may neither be her father, who bore her to a aarriage. more Should Protestants a able to Com• which we know to be only w question of facture of smokeless powder. legitimately born, nor die legally, except " The convict, daring this ordeal, was a mend their religion .to *boas who do not like time. All this makes our present reeponen. with the concurrence of She earned pitimble•lookinq" object. He offered no i* ? Afsor all, daily life is' She moat power• bye position towards them truly-one.aided - -Jae: A. Lake, accused of stealing oats faculty.—From '! The Point of View,'.' in word, but me he passed through ,the ate I tel kind of argument. Where we. all fail is and ridiculous. There seem to be some- ,, from a farmer, near as Is%go came up for Jane !' Scribner." saw hie lower' lip was covered with blood. in living in such a way se to' commend the thing like et dead -look, in the political. ;,• flint at Sarnia. He was let go on suspended .He had bitten through it. religion of the, Lord Jesus Christ to those machinery of the Canadme, which . bas r sentence.principal, . The man Taylor, the alleged Spiders and Their Young. " The girl, I learned, was the felon around as. The best Protestant is the driven their statesmen into the measure k principal, iP undergoing his trial now. flanoee, who had been in Mexico all man who commends ProteaSsntigm by hie .of confederation. I suspect that there has h A letter from Duncan, She American Exhibitions of maternal affection are by winter," --St. Louis Globe -Democrat. daily, lite. been some demoralization and corruption '. charged with aStempfing to warder his wife no means confined to the higher animals. in that quarter, aad'that it ie in part sin Ia 'in Wales, to his brother in Maryland, was Even the spider is capable of displaying -g purity. the political system by ' rest heroism where leer BOYSI Good Girls. Photograph n the effort to read as the trial, in which he acid that his, g young are can- If mppesre'ahef a somewhat morbid one letting in new blood., There . is &leo, I j companion on the Welsh mountain was a earned. It is said that one spider, the A000rjiing to She Court Journal the Prin- tom sonata anion think, an inherent weakness in the parody M, Win. He asked for £100. lyaoea, when her egg -ba wad captured b ceases of Wales are paragons of iris. The g the Viennese o! he f our old English oonetifation g P Y sew eo well they can make 'their own the deed bodies of children and other per• o g , which -is +. A break occurred late an ant -lion, ate of to leave an preferring gone ea performed on the miniature soenea o! to . 4" yesterday after- to share the irate o! her eggs, and be ewa1. fi°meg' *bey can go into the kitchen and P r s them photographed, and for colonial ompitale, with their'opeechee from " I noon in the Erie Pinnal of Sprakers, N. Y. lowed up. When Ssken away by !orae °QOk' *hsy anderetaad the art of bread• this parpoge the ogrpse need to be taken to The break is on the fourteen mile level and morin the can make baster, thePhotographer's studio. The attention the throne, votes of confidence appeals So • navigation is stopped. she Still pereiglad in returning to the scene g' Y play the fhe country, changes g Aped. Superintendent of. dangers piano, dra A' and point, have a "Played a of the sanitary authorities having been g s o! ministry, oto., Owens, of eeofioII No. 3, has men sit work g drawn to dao er, of the dissemination of rand all about snob trumpery issues that A French naturalist *ells the follow; of gonlpture, and can read and Speak three g the game at last becomes rid'ioaloiie in the romplat g the break, rano it will probably be anecdote of one of, the. minute' yellow or -. four languages. What more can. a infectious disease by this practice, a decree completed by morning. spiders which Live is nests made anion .erase helpmeet for has been issued by the Austrian Minister Wyse of both Spectators and mature." The Treaaairy Department at Waehin the eta!"g o! girl do to become a bel pi the Interior absolutely forbidding She , Washing- growing .oafs : On looking crowned head or 'commoner ? Yet there t, . ton has issued a oircular'to eastoma officers into a Beet, the naturalist found there s have been constant hitohee in the Wales' Photographing of corpses is studios open to Advice to Amateur Photographer s. �, enjoining Strict enforcement of the sot great number of little eggs in various matrimonial programme, for they won't the Public, and the photographingof bodies It you would snouted in your eaperi• approved August 30th, 1890, prohibiting stagea o! development. 'The mother spider wed with those they may, and the great of personsiwho have died of any infections mtnte, ]et everything You use be the Best ii the impoi tmtion of adulterated articles o! became very much, frightened ' his p pro. catches o! Europe do not seem inclih d . to disease by Professional, photographers, of its kind. t . food and drin", and 'providing !or an oeedingS, and' vainly endemvored to ooeot ally themselves' with the royal house of oven in private .oases. Eaoepfion ie made A poor comate boa and weak lane will i.. • inapeotion of foreign cattle, eta. her tressaree: She evidently had no idea England. Just where the atioking point ig of cages in which such photographs may be not give good resets . . There. has been great lose of life and of Seeing from the danger threatened by the vast outside world has not been in- required for polios or mediao•legal par. Have the dark rolm and everything iia destruction of prgperty is the overflowed the monster hovering over her. From formed, bol is speaks well for this fin de Posse.. In She case of persona who have it in perfect order. valleys of the Red River . in Texas and the another nest the observer tore away . the siecle royal family that ita daughters have died of non•infe0lione disease, the oorpses Use great care in eve may be photographed at the private 8 every Par* of, the pro- , . ,�; Territory. Since Sunday She river fine Protecting web, but She diligent .mother not been coerced or driven into loveleeg p 'vote rest- cess. Carelessness never Succeeds. •r been higher than known for sore.. Dwell- immediesely began spinning a marriage. dance of the deceased, subject to the mppro• Do not be satisfied with any kind of an, cover exact! g patch a vol and on She responsibility of the we 1. impreesion, because some ignorant person ing end business lioness have a been swaps y the breach he had made. He oaf official whose ant it ie t away, crops destroyed and Block drowned. several times repeated the experiment, and Beery w°'°don Should Know y o verify deaths. *old you that you are doing splendidly. y Four or five years ago farmer George the gpider as often repaired - the mieohiei. This ordinsnoe came into force on April Ii you are anxious to succeed in photo_ . Botching, of Anoors, N. J., . died, leaving Y oaa gathers her eggs, as soon an they gillithe waves is the first being small r las• Briiirh Medical Journal. graphy, learn to develop *lie' negative ant$ The 1 0 $12,000 to disseminate fbe Henry George are laid, into a ball, which she covers with than tete of the Second. to print from it. Do not Derr a thin but Com That bengaline Pro y your plates works. The heirs conteeted the will and pact web of silken tissue. g ine has the effeot of a coarse . Minneapolis Journal: The ode degrees b to a them for Professional to develops and print the case has been carried through. nearly This ball, fastened to her web, she. drags grog grain, but As if the cord had not been which a man may fall are Shas lammed' lip the picture is o! *your do, how ptodmuch oction T Ali the courts r the State. The only Whe after her wherever she goes. inserted. by a labor agitator : , Anybody can pot et. plate in a camera and A: reason it is not carried further seems to be When pursued, she runs as rapidly as the That sursh is a soil P'!k, the threads of 1. He owns a dog. exposebo it. because the estate is exhausted. The weight of the egg -bail will allow; but if which mingle rather than look straight, as L2. He owns a a ogee. o not attempt legatee has received $266 and there in only any attempt be made to Keizo the cocoon, they do in most other silks. p areportraits ' of friends ; . y 0318 left. She Stops at once and defends it, often That Suiting is a general term for all 4. He combines e Smokes ithe fabove practices on *boy n llfinYouPieter with nemland ike Ii n b Rev. Mr. Rattan, the clergyman, who ti owing great courage and fighting capso• Wool fabrics. „ the public otresta. her eapreeaioia, and the will say it is youor I r was seriously injured at Portage is Prairie Y, It fhe 0000cn is d'eetroyed, the lyooea That olive ie a green, just the color of 5., $e sports a gaudy vest. fault: Y a few days ago while defending Rev. Mr. retiree into A corner, and in a abort time olives. , Moray from the attacks of liquor men, lies dies. When fhe eggs aro hatched, the That heliotrope is An Irish ball, being hammered6. so cost perioobeethe d ike•failed or claw- viUse ews. your plates to make landeoapso 'or very low condition. Er si else has mother• spider takes her g' p a dee lilso rather than the heliotrope After this, it is conceded on all aides that Do everything deliberately. Y P yuan upon her P Set fit ilia wound in hie fete; and fears are liras" and oarrieR them About with her. i*Belt. permanent reform in neat so impogeible, or, Do not neglect to doss the plate before entertained that it will end fatally. Mr. Naturally quick and jerky in her prove- That bodice is the 'proper name for any at least, is ver im improbable. insetting is in the glide, or the picture will Rattan 'is well advanced in years, and menta, she acquiree a mach gentler motion filled covering worn above the waist.— y P grave !ears are entertained that evert ehouid in bearing her treasures. She oarefally New York Sun. be spoiled by does gtopa. . he recover he will suffer from the effeatel avoids all dangers, only attacks eaeily-won A Bad Case. Learn to nee a reliable Flats slid do.not. � for the remainder of his drays. Freeni the prey. wad, in abort, accommodates herself Rfacacy of prayer. Boeton Post : "Poor Morrow, he is hope. change. . rowdy who struck him, in ander arrest. lesely diad. Use one formula for a developer, anti to whatever conditions are most favorable Christian Guardian ; It is justly thought Remlly ? What brought is about ?" keep on doing. so until your sre master of, . — .. to fhe her Young which swarm by hundreds a very questionable aa?d damaging pro- :,,,Housecleaning. He hinks he e in vari is a car. it, Lecture Postponed. about her bbdy. needing that the heir.'fo the throne, for whom prayers are offered up all over the of thiim, and now begot so he's the meone n are Masragedter he� gar'dus, inII yol,mita Neta York Weekly : ans Diddereaa—Did yon Thouglkt it veal Ilaeca-ratt, empire from Sabbath to Sabbath, and coming tc beat him." most sore stseIId the lecture o! Prof. 'Hsrdheed SII ' " Grip, a Malady of the Imagination ?" Chicago News : " What I object to i" said who is naturally expected to. ,be an em• _ R Diddereaa—He did not lecture. Knowitall, " is the absolute absence Of b strengthen t of the virtues a which adorn sad Pleased With ><t. Lightning. valoniation. " Why not ?" glrengtlien royally, ehonid be found - in "Down with the grip., mymd in yonr quatrain. For instance, one each low company as a patron of degrading Superior Evening Telegram.- ' "' H w did Detroit Free Press : I am a little short g P• , line finishes with baooarst and the other g g yon litre to little dog I gave your wife ?" and will ,, amMemento. Popular indignation has propound to you a conundrum iris 4 with spa. The linea should theme. toned vent in some I leaver saw one I liked better. It died menteC arithmetic," said a Detroit men t0 AT a meeting of the Toronto i000san plain niteraaces, 1py the Boal da ffebeor d ! the Church of England yesterday iiLore Than Some Athero Have. and oybrioml ; bot the Prinoe'g popularity y' hie friend. and kind disposition will lead to the con- ` "'`'—' ' "All right ; let me .bar it,"' aaewerea� Clark declared amidst load and Boston Poet : '� Bagga zz�arried 7 Yoa daring of fhe teals in hope that be will JohnStanrS Blaokib,the famous Scotch hie friend,onged applause that prohibition fanatics earprise me, What did' h have to got !creaks associates and praotioes of a gaea• lively old man of 1. He; ntg in professor. . o! Gree" and philosophy, is a " Well," smi& the man that, was Short, had Bono more to retard she progress of married with ?" tionable nature. P a fall work. 11 suppose you had $10 in our temperance both here and in England than " The girl." y pocket, and N day just ag be n ed so, end is described ae I should eek You fo; $5, how m nth would all 'the efforts of avowed opponents', by A Tough Truth. being " ag lively as a kitten." remain ?" . their platform abase they had in mans Daniterane But,.Not, Fatal. Neto York Serol The oat -pot o! Whieke from, the Ron- "Ten dollars," was the prompt reply. „ oases riven the advocates of true temper- guffayo Netaa Youth (to oeb-driver matt for GFovereral Jones is to bass Y once prinoiples semporarily from the field )— '` Snaky distillerieg leaf year amounted to Did you ever run into anyshing ? "Yes, but the boat man never gets She 25,000,000'gallons, nearly 8,000,000 gallons' in disgagt, and to results, in England at Cmbby—Yee, frequently, girl." more than the average annual prod of. Poor Charlotte, she widowed oa•Empresd any ante, had been that intemperance bad Yoush—What,? +• Mrs, Alice Shaw, the American whistler, cantly Mexihas co, is only s recovered to a her *aeon re - for the time taken a frog. stars, an shown Cabby—Debt. 1er°t A Mneie'linek, has returned to London from a profitable than fifty by fhe leaf reports of ilio English aaanded Boston Bulletin: " ,dr. Ledger Bays he tour of four months in Russia.• Nexs tall tragal old Maaamilien � which learned red & *tea. Dr. Langtry wag also applauded --Te Ontario Medical Council met has no ear for music. elan is to appear before to sNext of quarter of m Oontnr a o. D ' when he said that every effort Should be yesterday afternoon in the Medical Connell "That's so ; ho nous it Krl m pen rook." she in . Y K uring the past put forth, xo close the saloon; the legitimase. buildings, Toronto. .Drs. Shaw and Rog©- winter General Lopez, who was *because iaassl.aup+�lie11 tt)1 r��+ei+o,altle r(;gnirnmenta, hragh, Of *big pity, wore naasoi)g inose Mar. A. Panroso Gordon Cummin ,she etomn The emalli.at ltnowu ineeCt,' the Nor. of the Ernporcr's andoina. runs hitton h fA g s lP, is bust, a net' to of the wed dog and way ciib with all ie laI orrOr6 add the s *loon only served the purpose Of present. The results of the election of British Baronet's Amorican brother' axrd iohiienman, is bot one IIinefioth of an inch o! hydroplibbiii.. deBaaohi g to oominnnity to put money offioerd for the oounoi� for the year 1891.99 heir, is a Sall, stalwart and remarkably in length. into fhe oo"ate of She ' proprietors ; the die as f011owR ; President, Dr, Williams, handsome man. He is fond of field sports Marion Harland . began to write wheel saloon is I was She o ea gate to hell. Ingersoll ; Vioe-Pregidetat, Dr. fowler, is a good horseman and all his noighbore Mrs• Prigoillis Sarogging, of GFminsville, Rho was only G years old, She is now W .. The t9ioknesa of the aman hair varies Kingston ; Registrar, Dr. R. A. Pyne like him. He lives in Mer land a tow Ga'' has 1 i53 deeoondente, as followR iyiiddre-aged rand is a somewhat portly ;r' `fie two-hundred•e nd•Slsiath to ,the Toronto; si'reagnrer, De. W'. T. Aikine, miles oat of Weekliugton _ rylan is Keehn• 12 children, 103 grstndahildren', 836 great. woman of raaodina " hefght� 'I ter -!Toot - _ -,-- ) { dbh pr3rb of a inch, Craxonbo ; t�Olicitar, Mr. S. B, Oaler, Q, C. man farmer. . uhildren She a o22�pgreat - = are ld�Pgrand• turninglagray, and she wears it combed back T �.,. � _ I _ .._..�__ , 1. _ 1._. �_ _� ,_ ___ ___ _ -LL _ s- . _ _ _. .. _ _ . -- _ . r - - - ... _ - ego cl it�ro d. -- �._ 0 _a -T•-- , .. _ M. __.-�.�,T..,..,,.� �- .._..,s.�,,,..�,.,_..... - , r , 2,2,2,2.- .,_.. ,,.;fir A...�..--�....__.,._ ..n..._.......�.-22_2,,2._ .,. .�..�.._-.-.-�....,22_22-,b--:._..�...,..-_2,222.,-.,•.,�,.®.�.. ��.m ,.,�.,_.�.:.�„.,r,. ,i ,. ,' �::a . .� I - . <\ - 1 ,.,. :J i!.