HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1891-06-26, Page 4• t". ' • wv-..staar.otrile.c.; • • C _ The Lucknow Sentinel, Bruce County, Friday, June 26th ,. . . r ,Z:ZigtY " 1.0 I • 4ntn i•TERRTY - TO, VTTER 4!»T� ABOVE E:tov Accoapizgo To THE RIM- ATEi VFP 'COIFISCigNOg WE PRIZE ABOVE ALL . 9THER 401'4B1WIP. s'4:Amoloncry„ ,J11.31, — -2 Gt , —1801. „ • _ LAIM IMPROVEMENT FUND. The announcementthat several the municipalities of the Cnunty of Braze aro to share in a refund of money paid into the treasury on ac- e...lent of Crown Lands, has revived in - a that subject, and not a few Enquiries are being made as to how ads moneylaccunaulated, and why only a.few of the municipalities are allowed - - - - ta are in the irstnoution. a an - these inquiries it is necessary to go back to the time when the lands of ..the County of Bruce were first thrown on to the market. These lands were divided into three classes, namely, • • • Crown lands, SehoOl lands and• Indian '41 lands, and the various classes were sold • at different prices and the proceeds differently ad ministered. rhe proceeds • of the sale of the Indian lands were Of course applied to the creations or iincreasncif a fund for the maintenance at the 'Indians of the :Province, while the proceeds of the School lands went fur the most part to the support of education, . and the proceeds of tbe exam lands to defraying the expenses of 'government. The School lands .• were placed on the market at two dol- karripan acre, fifty cents of which was to be returned to the municipalities -16f the purpose Of making and improving roads. The Crown lands Were sold at caste 4rollar and fifty cents per acre, tanenty-five tents Of which was to be Aspittiodta_th_e purpose_abave„spe_citied._ ft will 'be readily seen ' that the in - 'core frotn•the sale of lands during tie rsett.16rent of the county would be nec- essarily large and that consequently the -amount reverting to the municipal - Fades for road•making purposes would soon innount to a considerable sum.. And for several years, after the settle- ment of both Bruce.'and Grey corn Insenced, large sums were expended in woad -making. But these grants were Jfinally discontinued and at the time of confederation_ a large sum of money • properly belonging to the municipalities lay in what might be termed the joint' -Ittreasury of Ontario and Quebec, the WQ provinces up to that time, being united. A dispute at the time of confederation having arisen between the .two provinces, as' to how this money should he divided, it remained 'in the -Dominion treasury for several :years and. until settled by arbitration. 'The money corning to Ontario as the !proceeds of schnol lands in this present odistribution goes to Greenock, Culross, Kinloss, Huron and Kincardine. BUT TER AND CHEESE. iThe plan of instruction in dairying {for vaffaieh the Hen. John Dryden ob- rtained ;legislative' sanction last session -is outlined in the Whitby Chronicle. It is intended that the professors in the :Agricultural College at Guelph Qhall • -visit the ditlerent centers of agriculture - 'and conduct a siries of experiments in • ,':theeseand butter 'making for the in,- rittuction of farmers and their families. They' Will be e.pippeci with the best :modern appliances for the making of shutter and cheese. Milk and cream be put through all the prcnessm o'f &the dairy and the results noted and clis- , cussed. The result of this instruction he to raise the standard of both • kirOme-made butter- and cheese, and to ;..gimeth.e product of butter that uniform cmccellenoP which alone can command the market. The difficult at present as 'that the load butter spoils .the sale of 'tthe good: If 'a county or a province :has the reputation of selling bad butter, ,the purchaser will regard it as a waste '4f -his time to examine, tthe int for the sake of getting a good sample now and then like an oasis in a desert.On the .other hand the moment a district tacartiree the .reputation of produning, • ibtittAr of uniform goodw4, 'it fiudilit market at the highest prices without difficulty. It will be money in the fay- soeW--p-o-oli-ete• tO itfetid tii lectures and give every encouragement to the project. • Tng Legislature( in Maine has enact- ighiCh .requries all: 'public' ...achoels,th_dexote_sonte•Airna.each_ to teaching kindness to animals. This is an excellent idea. If we are dot mistaken not a few tpachers in this Province, without 'instructions from the department, strive to make their pupils humane in disposition. A kind regard or tie brute creation will not make the rising genkration any less manly or womanly. THE McGreevy investigation , shows that Larkin Connolly & Co. paid large • and other expenses. in return for which they were awarded contracts for Gov- ernment work at high figures. These fats were sworn to by a book-keeper of the firm, and the testimony will doubtless result in Mr. McGreevy's retirement from public life in much worse shape than Mr. -Rykek retired. The investigation is letting considerable light on the campaign methods in Que.„ bee, where corruption seems the rule. GRAND LODGE C.O.F. OFFICERS. TORONTO, June 13. --The business of the twelfth annual session of the High Court_ of the Canadian Order of For/ es1ors was concluded last night, and the court•adjourned to meet on the second Tuesday of July, •1892, in Stratford. The, following are the new officers : -R--Elliott,;-Wing,hatn, past -high -chief ranger, E. Towe, Londen, high chief ranger.; C. E. Britton,Cananoque,,high vice chief ranger ; T.White, Brantford, hitt secretary; J.Neelands,Wingham, high treasurer ; Dr. Stanley, Brantford, chairman of Medical . Boar4 ; Dr. oung,-ItidiOlown, associate7 ifeaTal . Board-'. •.E. Gartsing, Milburton, aud- tor ; D. R. Kennedy, Montreal, high registrar ; D. M. Gordon, • high chap- lain ; R. T. Kemp, Listowel, high sen- ior woodward ; .13,, Stewart, Perth. high junior woodwari ; B. Y. Gadshy, Hamilton, high senior beatle :' A. C. Washburn, .Goderich, ' high junior Leadle , R. Elliott, Wingharn ; R. A.. Dickson, Toronto.; J. D. Henderson, Whitechurch, and A. McNiel, Teter- boro, executive committee. . SIR JOHN A. MACDONALD MEM- ORIAL. Subscription to erect a suitable national' memorial to commemorate the life and work ,of the Right Hon. Sir John. A. Macdonald, G.O.B., will be received at the Post Office, Lucknow, Mr. A. B. Oongrarn's store and H. Morrison's office, and duly acknow- ledged through the columns of the Empire, Torotito, and the Lucknow SENTINEL. Subscriptions limited to $10 and as low as 25 cents. Received thus fitr :— J 5 Teanant,M,D.$5 00 D vid Moody, 51 00 H Morrison,,.. 5 00 M Campbell, sr 1 00 Thos F Cain, . ... 2 00 A G Elliott.mtp 1 00 A 5 Campbell,...... 1 00 Mrs A G Elliott,1 00 Robert Martin, .. 1 00 BORN. RITCHIE —In Ashfield, 12th con., the wife of Mr. 'lathes Ritchie of a daughter. GARDNER.— In A shfield, 12th con., the wife of Mr. James TT. Gardner of a danAter. SCRINGEOUR.—In Ashfield. 12th con., the wife of Mr. J, Scringeour of a daughter. BLUNTER. --In Ashfield, 12th con., the wife of Mr. Roberti Hunter of a daughter, •••••• 2 GOOD FARMS FOR SALE OR TO'RENT. • EAST HALF OF LOT NO. 5, CONCES- sion 13, E. D: Ashfield, in the County; of Huron, ninny acres cleared, about five acres of fall wheat, fifteen. acres seeded, two dwell- ings, two orchards, two wells, no better soil, barn, stable, granary, shed. eti Also north half of lot 6. con, 13. with. 12 acres of fall wheat, 40 acres seeded, good fences; orchard and buildings. The above property will, be sold or rented at once. Apply immediately, to 888 " E. TRAVER, Lucknow. Fire and Marine insurance. North British and Mercantile, of Edinburgh and London. Western, of Toronto. Liverpool & London and Globe, of Liverpool. Gore District, of Galt. Northern, of London and Aberdeen. Guardian, of London, England. Phenix, of London, England, and Accident In- surance Co'y., of North Americo., Montreal. R. CUNNINGHAM, AGENT, ; GUELPH.' Telegraph or Telephone at my exp use. ot+11.1. • 1LLINERY MILLINERY/ Now is the time for theladies to call and leave their order for -- - 41.1Sto PRING • • Our stock was selected by Miss Markle. with an ai*i. to please her numerous customers. —.J Orty0,60,_ NV Ver.Wx,to In this Department, as Miss Markle is always pleased to show goods. W1/1_ OOfJEUDI HARDWARE 1 HARDWARE Go to T. Lawrence if you want anything in THE HARDWARE OR TINWARE LINE He has just received a fresh assortment of mixed paints in all shades. Alabastine in all shades. Kalsomine, White Wash and Paint Brushes. " Daisy " Churns, 3 sizes. " Ideal " Washers. Wringers, cheap. Carpet Sweepers. Carpet Beaters. Garden Tools of all kinds. ., Milk Cans, Creamery Cans. Honey Extractors. Dairy andoother Pails. He also has in stock a full line of fencing wire, Annealed, Galvanized, Barb and plain, and ebra. Coal Tar, Coal Tar Roof Paint, Water Lime, Plaster of Paris, Paints, Oils, GlassAn Putty. He would also call attention to the new adjustable wire window and door fly screens. TR1111.1R,OTTG--1-1ING- • -----Done-on--the-shortest-notice- and--at-reasonable-_prices___ _All kinds_ of_repairing_ promptly attended to. =OS- • 1.1.46L'IsAT "EZ,M i\TaEi, ryt-.703.K.row oivan Notice to Creditors. In the Matter (If Donald ClaIle, of the • Township of Huron in the County . of Bruce, Yeoman, an Insolvent. NOTICE IS HEREBY, GIVEN that the above named Donald Clark, of the Township Of Huron in the County of Bruce„ Yeoman, has made an assignineni to me (under the pro- visions of Chap, 124, R.S.O. 1887, and amend- ing Acts) of all his real and personal estate and effects held in trust for the benefit of his Creditors. • ,s A meeting of the Creditors of the said estate is hereby convened and will be held at the office of EL Morrison, Barrister,. in the Village of Lucknow, 011 WEDNESDAY THE 3RD DAY OF JUNE 1891, at the hour of Two o'clock in the after- noon, to receive a statement of affairs, to ap• point inspectors and for the ordering up of the estate generally. Creditors are required to file their claims with my solicitor at the Village ot Lucknow, together with proofs and particulars required by the said Acts, on or before the FIRST DAY OF JULY A.D. 1891, After which I will proceed to distribute the said estate, having regard only to such claims of which I have then notice, -and j will not be responsible for the assets of the said estate or any part thereof to any person or persons whose claim or claims shall not have been so filed. Dated at Lucknow this 22nd day of May, H. Morrison, John Hamilton, Solicitor for Trustee. Trustee. bTotice to Creditors. In tlit matter of the estate of JOHN Itic9UI L - LAN, late of the Township of West Wawa- 1 nosh, in the County of Huron, .Yeoman, Deceased. ]OTIC E is hereby given. pursuant to 'Sec- tion 36, Revised' Statutes of Ontario, 1887, Chapter 110, that all Creditors and other persons having claims against the estate of the above nanied John McQuillanwho died on or about the 7th day of April,, 1891, at the said Township of West Wawanosh, are hereby re- quired to deliver' or send by post prepaid, to the undersigned Eiecutors of the will of the said decelised, on ,or before the 125th day of August, 1891, their christian and surnames, addresses and description, and full particulars of their claims, ti tement of their amount (if any) held by th m, and that the said Exec • ?t e nature of the securit duly vertified, and. Y. utors will, en and after the said 15th day of August, 1891, proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate amongst the parties entitled thereto having' regard only to the claims of which they have then notice. and that the said Executors will not be liable for the assets of the said estate or any part thereof so distribut- n ent ed to any person Of whoPe claim they have not arned at our NRW II caeither be sex young or old, and In thtir notice at the time of such distribution. , oven loenletlet t,whe ever they livelAny rapidly and honorably, by tbotiorot ROBERT MURRAY, We furnish everything. Wo start you. No risk. You can devote ono can do the work. &my to earn. CHARLES TAYLOR, entirely new lead,and brings wonderfhl oilmen to every worker. your spare momente, or all your time to the work 'nit 1 Executors, St, Helens P.0; anliedgilunnoorarsatgeoreaarnutitnIge ofriopmgritt 2ntet.e4:004pnerruwattekkoanydouutpliwolulds: Luckn•ow, June, 1891. •' laforgation TM TRIVE-ds-100.-. AUGUSTA. RAINS. . Vomits rad Mich you pug. No spaa to uplift here. Nell GREEN -HOUSE FARmER • PLANTS FOR SALE CHEAP ATTENTION! BINDER. TWINE! Any number of beautiful and healthy GERANIUMS, FUCHSIAS, and other green -house plants. Also TOMATOES, CABBAGE, AND,CELERY PLANTS, of new,and leading varieties, for sale • cheap. Large, healthy tomatoe plants ONLY 5 OTS. PER DOZEN. CALL AND SEE THEM AT R. GRAHAM'S GREEN -HOUSE, Outram St. - Lucknow. D. MURCHISON MANUFACTURERS' AGENT FOR SCHOOL DESKS,' MAPS, AND SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS. Qr ENQUIRE FOR PRICES. LUCKNOIN, - ONTARIO. Having again secured a large quantity of Binder Twine we are now prepared to accept orders for twine at the follow- ing low prices, viz: SILVER COMPOSITE BRAND. • 10C. PER IN CROWN BRAND, 12c. PER 115. RED CAP, 13c. PER tb. We also can supply other first-class brands such as BLUE RIBBON, BLUE TIN TAG, AND PURE FLAX. GIVE US A CALL. W. AJLIN. BULL FOR SERVICE. HsEUNDERSIGNEDWI LL KEEP Trseatlot 11, con8miepigiEhfie:deetwo yearoldt10rough. relg4irnu,ievsmarc, PEDIGREE—Red Bismarck, 12758, red, calved March 8, 1889, bred by Wm. Mallough, Dungannon, Ont. ; got by Wallace (imp) 2752; dam Annie 8430, by Young Springwood • Prince 6299 ; Grace Harper 2nd, 9227, bY British Heir 2nd 2889 ; Lady Harper 2nd, • 6630, by 2nd Famosa Chief; 1782 ; Lady Harper 6629, by Grand Duke 675; Rose 183.3 by Royal Duke of Glo'ster, 1035; Maggie, 1429, by Lord of Lune.(imp) 155 (16428) ; Queen of the West, 1751, by Victor 1136 (12268) ; Daisy 823, by Halton 684 (11552), Lavinia 4th .1342, by Duke. of Wellington (imp) 91. (36S4); Lavinia 2nd 1340, by Alex, ander (imp) 6, (11099) ; Lavinia (imp) 299, by a son of Scipio (1421), by Eryholme (1018), by Son of North Star (458). rEitms-.5.1.(o, Cows must be retirned three Ones necessary, pr they will be charged for service. No fees charged if cows are not in calf after third service, PAUL SM ELTZER, Belfast P, O. `r1S, • 1 •