HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1891-06-12, Page 4wa: The Lucknow Sentinel, Bruce County, Friday, June 12th -r---THE--�-- J ford Old meadows have made Iittle �{J progress for aveeks past. Of :course 01V. ;...[7"41r x V -kir ..there is yet time -fora change for the better in the condition of the crops, and -it is to be hoped that it may -come soon. - Z1BEIRTY TO UTTER AND 'LO ARGUE" > ;kJI.Y Arg9oR,;<1i izi TQ TSE DICTATES .fONSOIENCE WE PRIZE ABOVE ALL Zetteknow, June 19th, 1891. 'AT.RONS OF INDUSTRY. bug a strong factor in social and ennamereial life, and at some time may lLtnsmoms a potent political element. In dost emery part of the country new easoessions to the ranks are being made inti The_ Peopie ,We "wish it ti be dittinctty understood that we 'if& not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions expressed by correspondents. Air. Editor, I read the lucubratious of "•Mr. name," with much amusement, and I. assure you I shall not again trouble myself about anything he may write regarding Annexation. It is, di ipso, a subject that honest Caliadians, who love Canada and British connection, Mi LLI N..ERYI 'iVIIL LINEFY Now is the brie for the ladies to call and leave .- __-.- he° -rorder-#-or--- SPR IIN ONNET. Our stock was selected by Miss Markle. with ai. aim Ladies Will R echo the Bost httetiozi In this Department, as Miss Markle is always pleased bag counties a large. nutnber of panminent farmers have joined the tabs, -and are luny convinced that the principles they advocate are for the welfare of the community at large, and especially farmers. The position *state farmer in this country is becom- ing gradually changed. There is more etxpansive and extensive intellectual )(culture going on, and the farmer of rwrenty-fiva years ago, or even ten rears ago, ,is not the farmer of to -day. Wewsfapers have been ;argely, instru- mental in disseminating information, • mad agrieu) tural colleges have placed neientifc knowledge in such .t shape that he who' runs may read. High :wools and Public Schools, too,' have .at, prominent position, • and there are' few farmers' sons who have not a first- 5:laass education Farmers, in fact, are: ,+nommencing to think for themselves' - and to " think politically. One plank ci a► the platform is maintenance of. • British connection,' Some other prin- (tiples advonated are reciprocal trade ir-and equitable terms with—the Arnited Stades; ecunoruy. in :the ex- enditure of revenue no more Govern, *.went grants to railways ; fewer .4egislators and county councillors ; rthe amendment of ,the British North Amyritan Act to enable the Dominion aGolernment to cease paying subsidies ':to the different ' Provinces a uniform gr4nchise for all elections ; the simpli- "tffcation of our laws ; a general aereduction in the expenses of govern- •Invent ; legislation to secure a more •equitable monetary .system ; prompt and effective legislation to prevent trusts, combines and rings from extracting from farmers and other .consumers .more than the true value of their respective products.' clivities expresses y ' r. 'man, Goldwin Smith and people of that stripe of ideas. I should have sent you this paper last week, had you not personally requested its delay, owing. to the space necessary for the County Council,•and I am anxious to acknow ledge the courtesy you have extended t., me. I ,may also remark that per- sonalties are not at the present era considered as any refutation of the arguments and facts I gave in my last, and passing over the letters and state- ments of other people, .I shall give facts why Canada should pursue her own destiny, indipendent of 'the coerc- ion, -unmanly and dishonorableactions of the United States. Mr. Goldwin Smith is by no mean's looked upon as a person whose opinions in politics or any similar subject are staple. lie has been always discribed as a wander- ing insect, or a fire -fly that twinkles for a moment in- the ,dark and leaves neither %%eight nor light behind him in support of his ideas- .a mere social parasite. • Let, me htire give the platform' of the ultra Reformers of Canada, as I have gathered thein front the Globe, which is Annexation pure and simple, and is -t-hus--surnnrarized -- — Tim:order order of Congress, imposing a ,quarantine embargo ori Canadian sheep, has completely paralyzed • the lamb trade in this country. - Early in the season the Buffalo commission men sent nut eirculurs to the Canadian ship - : pegs to'lluy up all the lambs they could get. The result has been to raise an ,unprecedently high, price, acid many of the deniers have ct lot of sheep and• t!aanbs en their hands. To ship them now t., the other side i7,' face of the re:cer:tly icnpo ed gnat autinere..ulatiens "is iniposse.itle; as 15 days' in a hot pen' 'would eugse, many of the lambs to die. ''The excuse givers for the: passing of theme regulations is that while there is r;sto disease in Canadian sheep,, yet. Cavi= . ada perulits sheep from England to . con'te in free, ,incl that in this way dis- ease may be carried from Canada to the States, e•t'ks age there was promise of ran able-01na• ..rop°of grasses and cereals, The Wheat batt scintered safely and the meadow, hre'sc•ritt d a% unbroken ,,breadth :•t' ;,;leen, ' l.t only r.eeded sun• ;,'hine tlf,i r•rtin to tial thy ;gardens fhll, The c;xQe e t;i:l; ;} ur,plc•a lit fact• now places us•tilat these. hope • can hardly „bc ,realized. The nip h is h., ve been cool • And many of them frosty,. and this, ...,vith an °lines ;entire nl,:Jrnce of rain, a has pry v.•ntf•d ,ouch of the spring ;gain from, germinating and caused a steak and stinted growth of that which •has taken •rout. In sonic parts the ram in March prevented seeding until the drought had set in, . and the result is that rhe fields present spotted and drie:c1 ul, appearance. :The. &ti wheat ".and irew- clover l9eldt3' still show fair vitality, but the yield 4, (1). " Unrestricted Reciprocity -with " the United .States in` all the natural "and manufactured products of either ",country." (2). "'To admit all manufactured goods from the United States abso- "lutely free, and. Canada must discritn- "inate .against '.Beitian and all 'other "countries duty that is or may be here - "after livied by the United States." (3): "Canada must allow the United " States •Congress to make her laws " regulating customs and excise," . • (4). " The logs of customs to Can- " ada by adopting Unrestricted Reci. " procity would amount to about $15,- "000,000, and would also distro;f `our trade,'with England and all. foreign "nations: The•functions of a Govern- " merit Must. -be carried on. Money "-mite, be raised;-' and•direct taxation - " be the consequence, so much per head " —it.is as plain.as the sun in the sky " that by far the greater part must be " levied front the farming cotnr:uuity. ".What do Annexationists say' to this I " How can this tyrany�and injustice "'be avoided.? rhe,,,_reply is, don't " annex." (5). "Next would follow gradual " severance ,from British protection, " and absorption into the United -" States." Every loyal Cauadian rejoices that the last election has dashed this horror aside, and the vor;:e , of the nation re- fused to accept tine degraded plaition •desired by " Couto." Let u now turn and sere the• platform of the party 'to Which...1 belong, along with the deepest thinkers and loyalists of the Dominion. Thunk God, sir, we are net ashaul,-.d of being loyaliO and royalists, euid desire no connect on to the United States, as 1, -stated in my a nation with a degraded and „a de radius; Government. • Yep•, Sir, T repeat it, " a degrading Government," for, as at present censtututed, ' it i; a Uovernenent by the rabble and for the tal.,hle. C, ino num' know, if he•know•s anything, tl, ,t th.i.. is •a fact, daily and hourly proved—whe•eea lynchiri;, $wind - lin.; and r•u.liQnisin are continuous, do not eNa:;!;t•r'ttte. No one in his natural senses' can compare thearnoralty of Can- ada, comparatively so pure, to the debased immorality of the -United States Mel e 'is ot: it platform • (1). " British' connection of which " we are se proud." (2): "Canada to have porfu'ut politi- oa%l-and commercial indipendr;nce of " the United States." ' (3). " Canada's National' Protection " Policy, • which is building up and " securing our home market, the best and -safest of alt -markets.' (4). " Canada 'will not descriniinate WM_ CONSTELD_ ARDWARE ! HARDWJffiE i Go to T. Lawrence if you want anything in THE HARDWARE OR TINWARE LIME He has just received a fresh assortment of mixed paints in all shades. Alabastine • in all shades. Kalsomine, White Wash and Paint Brushes. " Daisy " Churns, 3 sizes. " Ideal " Washers. Wringers, cheap. Carpet Sweepers. Carpet Beaters. Garden Toels of all kinds. Milk Cans, Creamery Cans. Honey Extractors. Dairy and other Pails. He also fencing\.... _.. . _ .� has in stuck a fall line of wire, Annealed, �GaIvanlzed;., Barb and piai)G nd -Zebra; Coal Tar, Coal Tar Roof Paint, Water Lime, Plaster of Paris, Paints, Oils, Glass and Putty. •He would 41so call attention to the new adjustable - wire window and door fly screens. is not likely to be anywhere near th " against great Britian under any con - high water mark so confidently lookee I " aitions." J. • • V. G -- Done "on the shortest notice and at reasonable prices., All kinds of repairing promptly attended to. TNUs_ LAW RE 3..7 CLQ', LZTCKCN'OV OJWT- 1otice to Creditors. In.. the .'clatter of Donald Clai k, of the Township of Huron in he County •.,of Bruce,, Yeoman, an Insolvent. NOTICE' IS HEREBY GIVEN that the above named Donald Clark, .of the Township of Huron in the County of Bruce. Yeoman, has made an assignmeni to me (under the Pro- visions of Chap, 124, R.S.O. 1887, and amend- ing Acts) of all tits real and personal estate and effects held in trust for the benefit of • his Creditors. .• A meeting of the Creditors of the said estate is hereby ,convened and will ,i held at the office of H: Morrison; Barrister, in the Village of Lucknow, on • WEDNESDAY:THE 3RD DAY OF JUNE '1S91, at the hour of Two o'clock m the after= noon, to receive a statement 'of affairs, to ap- point inspectors and for the ordering up of the estate generally. • Creditors are required to file their claims with•my solicitor at the Village'ot Lucknow, together with proofs and particulars required by the said Acts, on or before the FIRST DAY OF JULY A.D. 1391, After which I will, proceed to distribute the said estate, having regard only to ouch claims of which I have then notice, and j will not be. resbonsdible for the assets of the said estate or any part thereof to any person or persons Whose claim or claims .shall not have been sr, filesl. Dated at Lucknow this 22nc1 day of May, 11. Morrison, John Ilamilton, Solicitor for Trustee. Trus -tee] ,a AucTiox SALE uk' VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY IN THE TOWNSTIIP OF ICINLO.SS IN T1LE COUNtY Oh'BRUCE • There wal be sold on Wednesday, June 24th, 1891 at -one o'clock in the afternoo11, et 1Vhitely's Hotel, in the VILLAGE OF LUCKNOW, by virtue of 'powers of sale contained in or certain mortgage which will be brnlluced• at the sale,'the following property : PARCEL 1, -=Lot 13 in the third concession of the Township of Kinloss in the County of lirdee, containing one lnindn d acres more or less. ' • The following improvements are said to'he on the premises : Abut fifty acres cleared, upon which is said to he erected n frame house, frame barn with log addition. , TERMS :—Fifteen per cent. of the pur- chase money to be paid down on the day of Ole. -For balance. terms will be tirade ltnoss n at the sale. - Fut further. particulars apply to ;TONES BROS. •Rc• MAC•KEN ZD , Solicitors, Toronto Street, Toronto, Or to S. T. ,TACKSOI, , ESQ., Ripley, Ont, s GREEN-- HOUSE FARM E PLANTS RS FOR SALE CHEAP ATTENTION! Any n -umber of beautiful and healthy . GERANIUMS,---FTJCHSIAS, .. and other green -house plants. ' Also TOMATOES, CABBAGE, AN D . CELERY PLANTS, of new and leading varieties, for sale cheap. Large, healthy tomatoe plants ONLY, 5 CTS, PER DOZEN. CALL AND SEE THEM AT -- i 11>. GReA II AM'S • GREEN -HOUSE, - Outrain St.,' W Lucknow, u. H CH10 MANUFACTURERS' AGENT FOR SCHOOL DESKS, MAP, AND SUPPLIES OF ALL -KINDS. ENQUIRE FOR PRICES.. • ONTARIO. LUCKNOW, can be earned se our NEW line of work, rapidly and honorably, by those of eithor .ex, young or old, and in their null lo, a ltt,c,,w h e) )VI t they Live. Any n *text filer the work. o,, an learn.. vote .{Vo furnish evcrythhtg. 1yo�tn��t yon. No tlalea You can devote your apnre moments, or ail your time to the work. Tracts an entirely new lead,nnd brings wonderful Ciccone to every worker. Beginners pro earning from $26 to $60 per week and upwards, and more after a Iltilo experience. We can furnish you the em- ployment and teach you FUER. No Apace to explain hero. Full information FREE. TRUE cia co.. AUGUSTA. DUI E. BIIDER SWINE ! Having again secured a large quantity of Binder Twine we are now prepared to accept orders for twine at the follow- ing low prices,eviz : SILVER COMPOSITE BRAND, 1QC. PER . CROWN BRAND, 12c, PER, RED (.SAP, 13c. PE14 It. We also can supply other first -Mass brands such as BLUE RIBBON, o B Ula TIN AN I) PURE FLA GIVE US A CALL. \% MALIN. BULL 0014 SERVICE. rill{E UNDEItSIG1 E1.► WILL KEEP ' 1 fur service at lot, 11, con. 8, Eastern Division, Ashfield, the two year,old horough bred Shorthorn bull, "Red 1li•sniark." n • PEDIGREE—Red 13isniarek, ° 12758, r, 1, • calved March 8, 1889, bred by Wm. Mallough, Dungannon, Ont. ; got by Wallace• (roan,) • 2752 ; dam Annie 8430; by Young Springwe e n I Prince 6299 ; Grace 'Harper 2nd, 92: by British Heir 2nd 2889; Lady Ilarperflel, . 6630, by `2nd Fathom Chief 1782 ; .. �arl • Harper 6629, by Grand Duke 1'75 ; Rose 1833 1. by Loyal Duke of Glo'ster, 1035 ; Maggie,. 1 1429, by Lord ,of Lune (imp) 155 (16428) ; • Queen of the West, 1751, by Victor 11311 (12268) ; Daisy 823, by Halton 684 (11552y, Lavinia 4th 1342, by Duke of Wellington (imp) 91. (3654) ; Lavinia 2nd 1340, by Alex ander (imp) 6, (11099) • Lavinia (imp) 299, by a son of Scipio (1421), l,y Eryholinc (1018), by Son .of ii7orth Star (458). rRRMS-8l,�n. COWS must be returned thrcc.-'tiytes 1 .neu..ssary, or. they 1'811 be sharked for.service, We -fees charged if anus are not in calf after third service, , PAUL Si1I ELTZER, 'I3elfaet 1', O. • 0 • i i:1 o