HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1891-06-05, Page 4The Lucknow Sentinel, BruceCounty, Friday,u ne th - —111.1E— -wero. IDA: fully.. entld%*ed' . by his been • followers, else d would not havethe ., '' -,li n . ueceasarg • iQr him to +caf auk .. �� _b4y •_ stand up. Is it poseti61e to believe, Mr. Editor, that the -11 $ LIBERTY TO UTTER AND TO .ARGUE , ter, FREELY ACCORDING TO TSE"DICTATES M. P. P.S who voted nay, aCtuallf OF CONSCIENCE WE PRIZE ABOVE ALL believe that many of the county iregistrars are not overpaid. And by OTHER LIBBBTILS. whom 4 Not out of the funds of the Province under the control of the LuCk7low, Tune 5th, 1881. Government, but by the people of the ,...� r Vmcs,w^fits.lE�",f8.^.'•r i,near;',77.;. "�aer"eat=�-ea :i�ci➢''cL ' 'Ywr� ' • .�+.`..: a „,�:",.,ee people of each county should have the right to an equitable share of the earuing of this office. The Globe gives the net earning of the Bruee registry office as $3242.74 and the refund to the county $1715.52. Where the xc'. •ds 500 the unknown h !r fn: . r exam •a COUNTY COUNCIL. The June session' of the County Council now being held in Lucknow has brought together the people's repre- ty Bruce, and From the intellectual appearance• of the assembled body, their dispatch and business like methods, it is safe to say that the popular vote is competent , in this County to, elect representatives worthy of the people. The occasion has brought tcpther, be.. ides the members of the council;''a good many prominent, visitors from different parts of the county. We £eel that our village has been highly honored; and feel sure that our.. citizens will leave no stone un- turned to make the visit enjoyable and memorable . for many happy associa- tions, so much so we trust that Luck - now will become a place, famous thrnughout the l.,nd for its hospitality: -What The --e Say. - .Elle wish it to be distinctly understood that we do not hd'td ourselves responsible for the opinions expressed.by correspondents. . OUR THREE M. P. P'S. • • • ,To the Editor .of The &enU gel : • DEAR Sts, -As soon as the Domin- ion Parliament ++as dissolved and the proclamation 'for . a general election announced,the question before the country being considered of exceptional , importance, the Ontario House .•id- journed. The adjournment no doubt was made Owing to the'. patriotic and benevolent desire -of members to assist their friends .in the campaign, and thus promote the welfare of the t,oun- try in general, a.ud their own constit- tuents as in duty bound and under- pledged promises•iu particular. - When we consider that the most conspicuous motto on the Reform quan y or expen es o o ce is e ascertained, and in this case is $1972.- 78. and the net earnings $3242.74 making a total of $5215.52, exclusive of the refund. Now sir, while we are willing to pay our. repistrar and all our officers liberally, we do think the Bruce registry office can be run for less than 83215.52, and I firmly believe that the excess of a fair and liberal salary to our registrar during the last 30 years would huild all the county bridges in Bruce during that• time, ONTARIO. • To the Editor of the &got i nel : DEAR SIR.,—Mr. Kerr in„ his article of May 22nd has made ,a pretty good I case in favor of . Independence, . al- NowMel -MILLINERY 1 MILLINERY 1 .. is the time for tihe ad.ies to c -all -and leave their r order for OlsIN.rL'Ir. �� :-T�rrs:^3""" , u.,s�.,, ._.eumv.� ,•...xm�lm±ht'�. ..war.'m..+ran .._ _ h,�,.`�•,y,:.ry'l^.➢"(GU.,,•.siv"i�".•m,.; »..m., x+ce?�rmen xw�; ;r,,. .. :arm. Maarwingratraimi�bwh� *'� , PRING - �o s selected by Miss -0== Our stock • to please ter numerous customer s. .� G � Best Attention �s,,�;,�,,.r.,.-,--�.,� _ _._._._..._ _. _......_ .. _ .... _ ....._. .,. - - •w,N...�,_ . 4 }� els always p ea�T� In this Department, as leis- Mares to show goods. W M. OViv ITFIffi.. HARDWA Fi HARDWARE Go to T. Lawrence if-youTHE HARDWARE want anything in -�V1/ARE LINE 'shades. Alabastine in all shades. though' he bas not attempted to an- He has just received a fresh assortment of mixed paints in a) swer any of my •arguments, and. has" Churns, 3 sizes., " Ideal f1 weakened his own case by several Kalsomine,, White Wash and Paint Brushes. Daisy state.men asks m very keep of the answer Washers. Wringers, cheap. Carpet Sweepers.— Carpet Bleat .. ; He asks me to cool and answer the following questions :: 1. Who wants annexation'? 2. Why do they want it ? 3 - What' benefit would -they derive .from it if they did get it: --New - • - :eep my t perature as low as possible and an- swer them briefly as follows: 1'. A great many of the most intelligent and progressive people in Canada . want annexation. ?: They want it because they belies e it wouldl,e, to our best interests w have it. 3. We vou::l derive froth it continental 'and perrna- Dent free trade, the abolition of mon- opolies alid full development of our great resources. He says that Canada- is the.second largest in the world. Now this is not the. 'case, but from the following figures it ++•ill be seen that she is Only 'the fourth in size : Russia, 6.2S8,1•2 square miles Chinese Empire, 4,553,- 000 • square miles ;. United. States. 3,600,000 square miles, and Canada., banner is ...,ountry 'before party. . ,. less .`Csquare miles. •It will ,also `X01,�000 could -not be.expected. We felt be seen that Canada is not -larger than .proud of our.Provinciai repfesentative, United States and Alaska con 4ined, far their able and .zealous advocacy of I but --en the contrary it .is .Smaller, by our welfare and prosperity, whether in 100,000 square miles or 64- million our confederate relations ' to the. acres. Again he says. that. Canada Dominion or in the local administra- contains more fertile soil than the tion ourProvinci:i institutions. I am United States Now' any one who not going to argue the a'ivant•ages or knows • anything about geography disad;-ant.ages of the fiscal policy then knows that there is not another -mated; for this is a question on the ab:est• mind s �;i�`both parties are talicii.ed: • But, assu,''ing the siiiEerit�'.and die interested. a : ocuey of , -our )opal I' P. P.'s in Do'.yi::i�':i wafters, up t.3 March 5th, I aril at 8 loss to under, stand their. : ilt miler oi: April l 6th, *bear Ma Woods, of Hastings,' moved Pa:.isaie::t that the srstesr of Uaviug pr incin; officers by fees is of_jrrti n. ' -e ani that the Ise- ought au ought -o ue anent ;•ti .so a to provide for fat . payai. of these officers by s$1t:1'e I rain*, that sit who .re not party ane �•ree that the county of nupon wit.i many other •'l3rucr ie •.ario oouid :ee benefited ..,untie; to Com• LS ad • •ason 41,1e, lea, a 1ile.ra] country of anything like its size under the sun with the exception of China, which contains •as little waste land as the United States. ' There is scarcely any of it Which is not capable of pro. duping some agricultural. pastural or mineral wealth. Whereas a good quarter of Canada can never be of any tante. I do not wish to belittle our country It is true we have great resource s, but what ,: is the use of resources if they are not utilized. - We have as rich mines, as valuable fol este and as good agricultural ]aria as .any, country in, tree World, anti yet our l filed.. • national 'debt is Filing up year ea year, Dated at Lticknow this 22nd day. of May. our taw ns are languishing,. our mines are lying idle, our farmers are not $. itOTrisou urn progressing . vis they should and oriel S Garden To Ls of all kinds. Mill, Cans, CreameryCans. Honey Extractors. Dairy au �f other Past He also � s has in stock a full line ®f fencing wire, Annealed, Galvanized, A. tiro and plain, and Zebra. -ter-t=e-•-Plaster of -Paris, P... 'fiats, Oils,. Glass and . ' Putty. He would also call attention' to the new adjustable wire:wind'c�, wand door fly screens. oa~,toal ' AVTC�ZTGiTG- .. Done on the shortest .notice and at reasonable prices: All •kine of repairing promptly • attended to. L .7-Q i J QW �,,'NT Notice to �9edito o• GREEN- HOUSE FAR mE in the �1latter. Doi old C�.'1at7.T e+l the - Township ,ty Township of IIeirean in the PLANTS ' - if Bruce, .Y'oor un. an Ix.r,l.�ent. NYYTICE IS HEREBY 'GIVEN that the FoR c H EA p above named ]Donald Clark, e•f the 3',,tunsb i, nil of Huron in tee Curt; of Bruce., Yeoman, h' nxtde an aesi. nuieni to me (under the hr„ visions of Chat . L , `>4 R.S.0.1667 and amend - in Act) of all his °real aid personal t— tare and effects held .in trust for the benefit ..of his Creditors. A Meeting of the Creditors of the said es. --rte is hereby convened and will be • held .et the office of H. Morrison, Barrister, in the Village cf Lucknow, .,n WEDNESDAY THE '3110 DAY OF JURE • YS'?l, at the hour of Two o'clock iu the after- n.t��n, to receive a sta.trnk-nt of affair_: to ap- point inspectors and for the ordering up of the. estate generally. Cre.litors are required t file their-el:dins with ray solicitor at the V tags•of Lucks e. t- ether With proofs and particulars. re j rire-i ht= the said Acts.. on sir before the • FIRST DAY OF JULY A.D. 1894, After which I will proceed to distribute the said est -lie. having rec;ard only to such claims. of whkh I hare then notice, and j will not i,e responsible for the assets` of the said e;tat.e r`r any part •thereof to any person or pe• ,r - who claim or claims Mall n. t have been s,. Solicitor for Trustee. Trustee. million of our people are in the United St.ates. bile just acro.ss the l Tet not• one of our imaeirars ine cities are springing Cap, •epreese•d an opinion new districts are bein,'opened up and • favored the fee •leci 1 c fire.^rl emir.*ra.rz:t;�, and the 1 S'te 1 t 1I J1 'threes p. P •s either 1"5- It te. he ,cinta would ask r, . D S}-s2enl � debt I.er capita. is only about one third' OF t'ALL _�B1.E FARM PP.'OPE�.TY IN th tS .. ar, l�tit conduct in that of what it is here The. causes c*f this 4 TETE TOWNSHIP i iP K1NLU: fam,to re IN THE COUNTY QF BEI -CE matter ta .. WC1fe W 5sions durn.- are partly c:iiu•aTIC and F:i r1,y F•c,iia.:al 1 • If i�l c ani 'r -'til Stu a,e remedied by arine15- w-ou; f i't tion T'.:r L -:.iced States is a little >;s ++bich w,,r:d a iti•i, i,�e.f. It • has a:1 kinds eir the �._,::ii�aoa:' '. profs IIre'k i c . 44 - a :'ry-.4" i:, tl-mri� -d re u,t ,f Q'i:i;�- .. . _ .eas•equeraet- zed kind_ �' •s •c`SS .'t a !1,..:4 bF F 6 parc t: jx�.,ar.g- for whatever is 1 •st'pro- a]l�• #tl,C•ta� ;,' Ill �,, „r. 1 the E_.. u cirsas'Hrt•t�lFt f - tF art Bt ; , ;f LLP old rir:ic::, a.r art: •- in ',n� , r:,ri et::c3 •Q, &rt , n (•'.Q• -7T i'9l ' e, .aLt t: S' ewe other r 1.art r..�:to 1 �i Refill a* flan r... "Country {t'=1Ore a- y (S,NrTs so was revisel, e- / rt- j there l''lev thus Lace as Nliunit lea, r tie tis la Poor - 1 ` .- eie a 1w e: t hanle e, aiibb�•,A`t►,� •i rtes+: rc t fu to : In Canada ada :he C�,LC...1 9115 ,ren �� o t18yg da tF(i �y,}�,M1-Parts- �"' !ry•ek of1. fame `fir neari�ly 'n one zo 04401 —Part 1K.E ti..� J�•l d {• alarA r }y` ^t - There vei.: be s:•id on Wednesday, June 24th, 1891 at one o'clock in the ssteir,:•••n, at Wti rlv's Entt ir. the • VILLAGE OF LUCKNOW, virrue cd 1,^wers ` sale cwntainedlin I. certait mc•rtgare which will be pre duce•7, at ' the Ka:;r: the fc,L'�winz property : ' PAECEL 1.—Lot 13 in the third cancesgion •,f the T:,wn.Li',. f Ii.it,:eis in the C'unt-- e f ' Bru.' c:,l,taxing one hundred. acres inor.• '.0 ices.• es. Lit t \', e are t ua i ! aatorc w sm , as �iii'�s•�LJE-� tU , kr an rsrol.e3c.t .-( L 7i4S3ui t, ti & toe of 10 -striae �+ry. - Tl1ls during a e,f the that as far ascthe u -'ion, tel' his au ,ieee not matter if ,fir, _ � concerned it did' 'lio crat vas su$taiaed . alrnest as ..ze ,iotas you +i i,J say as Patti who gas alliin - . ks` C71t7Tehr4 is - sent ..an F,r,. give a•I,1�:L - E the aJmost ,poly prvdpet iuz of �'un try t are a+aicbn excess tberefure must ?� other country w n`, sed that the ' tlart c4 ,the ; ,a Lii+' I�ru i tyre The f -wing improvements are said t.: nn the premises : A':e.rut fifty acres cleaned, -upon which is aaid to be erected a frame l,-:.n*e. frame barn with i"g a8ditirrn. - ATTENTION! • beautiful and healthy B INDER TWINE r Having again secured a large' quantity of Binder Twine we are now prepared to accept: orders for twine at the follow- ing low prices, viz : SILVER l.�OMPOSITE. BRAND, Any nu;n1,-er' ofy C;ERA~Y I1 1 ; • FUCHSIAS; and other green -house plants.- Also TOMATOES, CABBAGE,. , • AND CELERY PLANTS, ,of new and ,leading v-'arieties,•for -sale cheap.. LarTe,.bealthy tomato, plants TERXVLS :—.Fif`teet per cent..-.' • : -.rust money to be paid th wn on the Day r f Sale . F .�r balance termi will be tna`ie kn vwn sa the gale. F. r `urther particniara apply to JONES BROS. & M,AC K.ENZIE. Solicitors. Toronto Street, Torc,nt.o. • /men. t S . 1:15. - qx ±• r, u rl')� rCT • + • 4ti WtA,,. (ztl must shape of gam. LflQ, no n..tlat t rie+rs o hive . market. '� it a mast a ith u Lhe ques,•ion I. thingsed are British . produced in Eritiuh . +�It���.� tg S. r.. rraittl". Ord ONLY 5 CTS. PER DOZEN CALL ANi) SEE THEM AT. R. GRA HAM'S GREEN HOUSE, Outram 'St., - Lucknow. We also can supply other ` JRCH ®. first-class brand uch as !MVM.kNI-FACT'UREP.S' AGENT FOR BLUE RI.BBO N 7 :' Y lOC. PER: CROWN BRAD, ' 12c. PER 1. REp (_SAP, 13o. PER lt. SCHCSOL DESKS, • MAPS, AND SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS. 'ENQT:IRE FOlI PRICES. LCCE OW, - ONTARIO. 0 EY oat e1 earned tand o,or t?., tira of work, tain8i,' and b 1 n r rE 10 those Or either ora moat OT Old• and 1. their own lotfiltiea.wbMe.tl7 thea lige An, f■ ■ ane ran EeiT to )earn. we format) rrerytkiinit lt• ata' .8:.11.61;77111 Tan nn da.ata ,.Mw apart momenta, or a;; your titer to the work. Traitit an aatirn•7 new load -and firings tmooderin: roman to. t.tnr wtaher. mart are earning feat. e!t 0 tom week rib-, pro••meatgadtomb foi ':Z& 7CesomeuEgrataCera rail ` �VEM SI 1.,' iSi Vas-li vie ,r _ III AND, PURE FLAX. / GIVE I'$ A CALL, W. ALLIN. BULL FOR SERVICE. THE UNDERSIGNED WILI, KEEP 1 ,for service at lot 11. con. 8, Eastern Division, Ashfield, the two year old thorpugh- bred Shorthorn bull, "fled Biemark." PEDIGREE—Red Bisn. ti, 12758, red, calved March 8, 1889, bred by in. Mallongh, Dungannon, • Ont. ; got bWallace (imp) 2752 ; dain Annie 8430 by Young Springwood Prince 6299 ;' Grace Harper, 2nd, 9227, by.. British heir 2nd 28&.); Lady Harper 2nd, , t 6630, by 2nd Famoaa. Chief _ 1782 ; Lady Harper 6629, by Grand Duke 6,t 5 ; Rose 1833 by Royal Duke of Gloster, 1035 ; Maggie, 1429, by Lord of Lune • (imp) 155 (16428) �' Queen of the West, 1751, by. Victor 113t1 (12268) ; Daisy 823, by Halton 684 (11552). Lavinia 4th 1342, by Duke of Wellington (imp) 91. (3654) ; Lavinia 2nd 1340, by Alex- ander (itnp) 6, •(11099) Lavinia (imp) 299,, by a e: u of Scipio (142_1), by Eryholln e (10125), bS Son of North Star (458), TERMS—e.1.r0, Cores must be returned three times 1' nectasary, or' they will be sha ged for sen-iee. No fees charged if cows are not in calf after third service, •