HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1891-06-05, Page 3., }.-_ - , ,. - S.:.w- A ,-. ..,... �>... .�.yQjli „AGti 'ni � ;L ..`a' _•�",VS`Tic M „ . N-• V . . • „ . N-• V . . - . ___ . .-r...�..-. ..,_1� I 1-111W --- r - x �' r oVABb $2.6"'9x9, BUNK. JUXPED TO SEB DBA�H. - _ _- -_ - _ . - �ai� �PITASD'd LAZSBr. Raw GAWK OUT. HaT flt (�1i7rr TSI6 80oS. . >i'eor' 8eople s Ravftgo in Me Short=Term----.r---- ' , !� �� . � Tolima Willi. sidubit several AatoaLhiag Baw tie ]lidaa�n nuu. wim $ats..the wo-.One will Deny that it was the Raw", 'OrldlllIt-Al1�...13�1 kpLDn-�alG1>~.I«wt*•The ..,- i _._.. _.. �+lii;19` �iSlrall iltiv1 8 U>abti $ ltnventtignnat the world's lfhtlr,ung of a Good story. ty Have baro_ nsht rrow to rens of Libtlrty. PPY �� ciao and inventor is t_e asau t �. �p men. il7iraa! !or R;peowlatlon and Otrerorednl- Towns A. Edison; the fawners eieot'rt- Over ><a Brooki,yu a abort time ego, eaya g to bed. i Ratio, was going llteutuutd,. —+-- the world by the or, he wfllami oe ish the 1�Iew Xork SSttr%, a bright young married •"Ma�opma," the said, " I went Johnny's P tolaere-boo)[ hse �witll [lie -Iambs.-'� _�-fit. wo ••• lwodu�d.._aa-abowinable game. P --.___... __. __ _ _�_ _�_�_ Philadelvlla lie d,3-__.�____� ---------- ---.- by ygortd'a Fitt in 189d. '�.I email[ havo This game, so far as known, hasn't Doan "Haab, Snits," said her mother, rho f: _..... -__..--------_.__---•_ aha Lott Ser Nerve and IPell 81=ty [Peet - Tho recent short term endowment craze she Is Stiff l.igineibut D�atb leimmises two or three things to show," said he -christened yetW This is the scheme Ten least bit. -wearily, for the little feet and which swept over this pity and 'surround- nor Eternal Liberty. recently, which I think will"both surprise virtues, or, chdrecterietics or qualities, are the little tongue had never ceased agoing � ing country, and which collapsed when the and plesee the visitors to the electrical set down in a row, like this: one moment all day. " Now we will go I bfeak began as rapidly as it sprang.u�tait A desperote attempt to escape was rade department of tkl��Q E,XPOm�. 4, "y rionerit to etas """� l ' .i, ;;Uauh W' o I the most remarkable financial at • the ercer Reformatory on Monday the way, I am [ally, convinced, will be a Tact, y' Affability, ylty' " B4t, memms," end the big eyes11 Weis of the eget and well illustrated the morning lest. It fe !eared that the anter- great success, Two of these inventions are Politeness, Modesty leaded earnest! , " can't l have Johnny's speoalalive and gambling propensities of innate girl who endeavored to gain her not yet ready to be described, or even Intel; enoe, Generosity pleaded ibis one[ ?" mankind. liberty will die as a recall of the miscar• characterized. The third, however, is so Sobrie£y, Consideration, P R alt•-.,, }a t' rza_I h tk srAo zk._la+�a n r, u t@ " Not t0•al�}lt� degFl �. � � » rrr,�,Il R!. r..ra �, J! ,w m - r� mv. - . nen. R k .A _A tlu0 tiff a !>l! tk R R can „s+ a ,*, r la M- ,• .w �t au �.y �,,�r .i Q.. _ _.i ..:,,,. •F.."°^"._.• .r,. �,® .r^l�?t�. .,,,r,` f� ?1f. t .t f. ,.ppb .. •r. .rr^.., .�, ttt:tC,n .`t.. a..,S.,,...�^t,, ., lra6�I2""3:Ja.yuvyax..�.xa��.. .w�.:.°i.. W c.__..... r Ir.- dd ._..._...a<. uw,..._s.�.U_ueS�k ..x.s.t' L+ -a , "'f' ....u'°p-'=4.tl5ai7Y.7H3EL"L'iw,''a''•zu, ...•..;,,u• ,uw...� "(tYr'>': +..•�..., .-.Y.-.amu:.-+::,.,t� �R • . -. ,u< ., �,y!; .v n.•...�e�. x• L�_'_.wus�._.mu. i. .� ��. masa without ilia snepicion of a knowledge cateigaarderom the public, no say ecmething about it. are ei down, an�"i�iey are taken one at �amaatle, eiriiag sip very notification having time and picked to pieces by their friends. straight and looking very solemn indeed, of finance ;men illiteratetreand in some g been sent the victim i I hope'to be able by the invention to he maximum is ten for every .virtue, and ♦` I heard a story of a little girl -she was A J cases eCdresf able to zea of writs; ,men ties: Meanwhile the unfortunate victim o! throw upon a canvas s perteot piotaro of then the per Or awarded is added upend good little girl -that asked her mamma e from the shoemaker's bench, the paint her own folly is lying m the hospital ,of the snybod°v, and reproduce his words. .'!'hue, in the pereon whose total is nearest 100 ie oast, when she was pat to bed, for the 71 atop, the barber shop and other arlieen etitntion hovering between life end ehonid Pafti be singing somewhere, this considered the nicest one resent. picture bock with the Iambs, end the . trades essayed the role of finonciere, end death, with the chances inclining to the invention, will put her full length picture • mamma. told her she couldn't have it, . in the brief space of three months handled latter probability. . The appalling brutality of this game can „ 11 Pa Y• upon the oonvas eo perfectly as to enable and -and -the baby voice tell to an hundreds upon hundreds of thoaesnds of Sarah Little on April 16th was brought one to distinguish every feature and ex-' only be appreciated by one who has taken dQlLare• Rernerkshl from BelIAvillA to awrop_�, _ __ _ __=_.___ - _�_._._ _.--.-..�_ A hwn�n0 _ - - - - - - - - - --' - - -- - —716 - ��as - in`lus -swo-mina es- �Yf aiY img promisee o anoi� re• 6D d` ging o is ens` knowing them isten to the an ratioink melody of her peer- p y °� a dozen girls whose obis! was dead S" sails hold forth promises of results have been stolen. At the Mercer she Mesa voice. The ipvention will do for the characteristic is bluntness, who consider „ M truth the crowning virtue. Suppose o Y• Bette S And whet killed her sv which pal ,Aladdin and his wonderful Rave her place of birth as Toronto, but eye what the phonograph has done for the g Y a �� ' could not i have only recently been introduced to five quick?" lamp to ehsme. Remarkable because of give any address where friends voice, and rep the voice as well, in '+ Because," said Bette, with conviction the confidence of the people which these might be found. On admission she was haat, more clearly. I have already per- oil the girls, end are not on intimate terms because she didn't get the book." . men secured, the confidence not alone of detailed • to work in the laundry, and her fatted the invention eo far as to be able to with the men present, and are selected as She got it and in five minutes was the ignorant and nnlntored, but people, dormitory was located fa the fourth story picture a prize fight -the two men, therm the first victim of this horrible scheme? , of the western win g' ,The question of asleep with it in her arms. -Harper s men end women, Whose intelligenoe and g of the building. To the intensely interested !saes of those ear- 9 your honesty is broached, Bazar. in some instances knowledge of flnenoea all appearance the girl was tractable and rounding it -and you can bean is eea'd and every girl instantly bends her brows - - i h&- ave kepis them aloof from all each Worked hard. She' had very little to say to of the blows, the cheers of encouragement neon you, end after deliberating for a mo- A Perverse .Generation. - o9hem e, but whose greed for sudden riches anyone and quickly gave the impression to and the ells of disc went concludes that yon are not any too • those in char Y disappointment. And when Japanese books begin at the end, the and W ose inclination to indulge ooeasion- charge that she was only too will• this invention shall have been, perfected," honest, and that 7 1.3 per cent. is all that word finis comm p r Pe i~ just where we lace the silly in a "flyer" led them to lend their ing to accept the rules of the reformatory said Mr. Edison with the trace of anthn- you are entitled to. This [hint recently tittle page, nor must it bei forgotten that S . encouragement to a scheme which was and be guided by them. eimem's glow in his face, '`a man, Will be happened to the writer, and this ' wee the the reader always places hie marker at the bound to end disastrously. About 4.30 o'clock on Monday morning able to sit in his library at home, and, per oent.•ho got in epite•of hie own frenzied bottom inetead of at the top. At table the g gigantic the night sasertion that he had never swindled a The magnitude o! this moat, guard, who metras the roared of having eleottioal oonneation With the guests alwevB commence with ovine, which She dormitories eves man out of a cent. swindle can only be comprehended by a y two bonne, was theatre, see reprodnoed on his wall ora is followed 'by what we would consider reference to the figures, which by a very startled by hearing piercing' aoreaeie Com- piece of oanvss the actors, and hear any- Then�•the merciless young ladies the deseort: after. Wbioh come the mors sub= ' opuservative'estimate show that in the space ing from the dormitory in the third story, tbing %bey say. I Can place one so it will got down to the same sabjeo%'s -tact, and stantial dishes. A Japanese slwmye mounts ' { of a little over three_ months over two mil Hurrying gave him. 6 1.3, while his politeness was Hurn in there she found that the women oommand a street oorner, and after letting his horse on . the right aide, the various lions -and a halt dollars were paid into had been'slarmed at' seeing a dark body it register the pseeing eigbte for a time. I estimated at 6 2 3. He got 8 for intelli• portions of the harnese being fastened on these concerns, of which the Universal slide quickly down from above, imme• nen have it oast tbean on a oanvas. so that genoe, however, which was a comparative the same aide, the mine hanging that way Order of Co-operation received about diately in front of one of the windows. ever feature and motion of the Pleasure, and then begot 6 1.3 for sobriety P Y and 7 for ilffabilit g Y silo. Wien the animal a brought a $68ii,000 ; the Earnest Workers, $650,000; Whatever it was locked in form moment passers, even to the twitching of y' home to the stables his head ie sit Benevolent Endowment, $250,0[10; Bi- and disappeared with,s shriek. They per- the face, can be seen, end if a friend Than the trying moment came when where his tail ought to be and he iced monthly Endowment Society, $18.0,000, and silted in their story, and it gained oonfir. passed during -the time, 3 on may know it. the question of hie beauty was to be de. from a tun at the stable door. Boats are the balanee.of them full $1, motion when the card, on " , aided. He is ease that he never appeared • y 000,000 more. g going to file This invention will be celled the gine• PP hauled up on the beach. stern foremost, and Of this vest sum lose then, $600,000 was window, saw a rope swaying in the wind, tograpb.' The first half of the word sign[- so ungainly and homely in his life as he.did larger vessels are docked in like fashion. �` returned" to certificate holders, while Proving conclusively that the prisoners had flee ' motion.' and the last write ' and both at that moment while sitting with his Those topsy-turvy people do not say north - about $300,200 is looked up in Receiver• come ground for alarm. together mean ,ache portrayal„ of motion. hands out of sight and his feet as far east or south-west but east -north or west- 1 ander the chair as he could get them. abantA 107 OOO.nbelon e.. _t Of this amount sidW�,�j;. �� � wee mit roentineide, an out- The invention combines photography and esntti. They Derry their babies, not aa we shiP g P 9 g g „ There were_ seyeral__whispered oo»terenose _ -_ -_ -� ,....., _._ ._... __......, . _._ .,._ ._-... g a the oertifieate. - 4 e ed liy_.ories...fos- phonography.'- . .. do, in our arms, but on their becks, They holder at the Earnest Workers, $60,000 to help which came from %be sidewalk front. "' Mr. Edison occupied nearly an more and many minute examinations of his per. address a letter the reverse way to us, i, the i"i .fversal Order of Co-operation, $60,• ing the weet�wing. Hurrying to the spot with his exhibit at the Paris Exposition. !ton, and then he got only a stingy 5 per placing the country and city first, and the 000 to t�e Bi, monthly EndawmertSociety, he found a woman lying on the brick path- As he wishes to Elbow at Chicago all that oent. This ranked bis beauty among the name last, going from the general to the �' 075,000 to the Benevolent Endowment way uttering ejaealmions of pain and he exhibited at Paris, and numerous other• average' and it makes him hot in the psrtioniar, and in place of writing Mr. Association and, $7,200 to the Active feebly calling for assistance. The alarm things besides, he is desirous of being so- collar even now when he thinks of it. John Smith,. they pat Smith John Mr. once He felt of home, however, when the Workers. In connection with the above a given the woman was speedily parried corded a greater autos in 1893. The ileo• Japanese keys torn in inetoad of out. Jap,. considerable Bum has been or will be re• into the building and medical assistance trical exhibit is expected to be the wonder "eation of modesty was reached. He aness oarpentere saw and -.plans toward, turned to oertificats-holders of o`rganiza_ summoned. Iti was discovered that the. _of -the Ea pe tion _.__.__�.._ didn t care bow low hs was ranked in this. _.._-_-r _ .T -_� _ -not- sway -from- from -themselves. rIn-kee in so- -r- ---- . -- - """- - [tone the �vei one in o voluntae li wda• amortnneto wBe 1'7-yea=.old f3orsh Little. ye. believeddiet moi3eat __� ___ .. respeoE, fol be alwe -- P g 8 R Y q •- -•--- Y oonnta they write the figures first, the item Here i was a-stumbling•blook-in-the a;h-ou an ---------- tion, but the -amounts returned will be out p'ne wan-found-to-b®=-broken,herright---- Temporrncg 1�Fvteel ---- - P y o6rreeponaipg -tb--ahem tab®e_n___ ly., of all proportion to the amounts paid in. knee fractured and an ankle sprained. She The fourth convention of the .Dominion man. But those terrible girls almost politeness prompts them to remove, not was conveyed instantly agreed, on the aathurit, o! ons Of the $309,200 tied "sip in receiverships yid to the hospital ward, where W. C., T. U. meats et S%. John on Juno tech whom the. nnfcrtanate men knows almost their head-oovering, but that of their feet. and assieneeships s, considerable pert will she now lies beaween life, and death. to 23rd. Mies Willard will attend. The 'Japanese girls usually sew on oaffe disappear when the feeC of the receiver' He story as told Miss O'Reilly, the caper• well enough to ask for a kiss, that his per Quebec City temperance people are Cent. in this respect and frills in topsy-turvy fashion, and, no a t assignees, counsel and other expens roof• intendant of the Mercer. is as follows : Oa pot wee, st least, 8 2.3, or rale, wrong aide out.. In love making it is den! thereto are deducted. IIcder. the law Y g' * atter retiring to her bed iaaietiDg that the police forge shall do it mighty near the maximum. This made Sunda ni n dot q the tamales who do the billing and cooing. thb assignee id entitled, as compensation which is separated from the others by .e► Y �n the enforcement of the liquor laws. the man think, and 'if the result of this I a The Weleh Lcoal O t $ere, as well as in Europe, bachelors and far his . asrvioes, to a commission on the i; rtition,she took the rang of a obsir pion Bili, wee thought doesn't astonish the girl end make total collected of from 2,} to 5 per cent. the and- prii d spar$ two of the bars, making an Carried by a clear majority in the IIonEle of her sorry she didn't put the per cent down captivated ried men nby es faschAting . actresses, exact amount, which is 'regulated by the opening rnffioiently large through which Phe Commons. 'to one, why then it'll be a fanny thing. Whereas, in Japan it is the ladies' who are [fount, depending nhon the magnitude of the could squeeze through %o the outside. Thio A temperance scholarship has been He got 7 for generosity and 8J for coni hopelessly Smitten with 'agreemble actors, is estate. In oonneoaion with this commis• .00aompiiBbed aha took her blanks[ and oat founded in the Mp ee College, London• sideration, in spite of his own : convintion Magee and not inlrc quently compel them to accept sion, to which the assignee is entitled, are it into stripe: This she tied together and Ferry, for stimulating interest in temper. 'that these figures should be reversed. His their hands and hearts. -Drake's Magazine. . / the. expenses of entering end recording the twisted it into a i ope of sufficient strength once work among the students. total was 701, which he was assured was asegnment, advertising and printing, to bear tier weiobt. This wse fastened to The Lord Provost of Glasgow has ref used mighty high for a new man. . Too Enticing. + one of the baro He got square though by taking an counsel , fees for the assignee, auditors ,end getting outside on the to groat a wine end beer license to %bej re- Fliepende 'BJatter : Judge -How nems p window led g active part t the per asst. of the other „ fees and other Court expenses. In aOnneo- ledge she began to let herself down. ireebmeat contractor of an exhibition e- members of the nom you to enter the hone ? But inti think, Sion with the above charged and coats to to the ground below„ Everything went all pony, and the way be , g Y g Tae opened shortly in the esst•end of the your Honor S Two o'clock at night; no reduce the amounts left fur distribution to right until she got opposite a window in cit inafetod that a men he never saw before .m. the third stor y was a confirmed drunkard policeman, within a half -'a mile; an open the number ofn the specale�to>?s thEre are a. Y• there she was noticed by ,liar and thief, window on the first story S Why,. you number at the certificate holders of the ems of the women, who began to eoream. The peerage of England owns 1,538 liquor made many bitter enemies for him, The „ This frightened abops, and a% the same time the ,House of horrible game went on until the girls were would have climbed in yourself 1 Earnest Workers, and Ilenevolenf Endow• g sued her sa,badly ee her appear- g t,' once did them, and she let go her, boldin Lords hes about 1,300 livings at their dfa reached, and then it Was a shameful thing Don't scare Dsv11. went Association who, in the excitement gcsal in the church: It ie a charitable to sec those down trodden end ab'aat men , of the crash and through ignorance of the bar terror and fell to the eartb. Had it i Rams Horn;. . The. devil. is never scared supposition that they give a man a church vote in chorus for the maximum every duties of . an assignee, or receiver, have,. not been for the other . women she would and then license a' ro rho nemr him to rims, by a handsome Bible on a parlor -table. at the solicitation of Lawyer Samuel have undoubtedly suooeeded in golfing g g P Evans Mairoo, cignod an agreement to clear away. As it ie it is, probable she will keep him beep. � 1 _ ---�-- clea r be able to work a IfIreat Britain has at least three militar How to Pack Dresses for Movin -Clars-I have been out shopping s11 give up to him $2 of the insignificant gain, even if it is Y g. ; ooaamanders who ere total ebetainer9, viz. the morning. Mends -Did you see any- emonnt to whioti�nnder the law they will 'possible for her to recover. Sir Robert Thayer, Commander. in. Chief Moving gowns is almost as troublesome thing you liked ? Clers-Oh, yes. I saw be entitled to when the distribution iEl of Her Ma'est 'e armies in Bombe Sir as moving entire suites of furniture, and your clerk, and b * promised to be dawn to i made for colleoting their money. „ A Helpful 8nkgestion. Henry, Ramsay, , late Commander ,of of a Yet to the woman who knows how to do it South Beach this, summer for.two weeks. It is highly probable that in a number of Province in India. end Sir Charles Bernard, the right way their very moving results in 4v wconlaro� GIRL. instances they will find themeelvee in the There was a row in the church and the pleasure. How ? Because when the new disaffeoted ones had gathered in a turbulent commander of Burmah daring the last She AN no.Latin, she knows no Greek, recover w debt, as the amount he will t; Burmese war. house is occupied, when the !chairs and But the purest American ebe can rpdak; . recover will not pay the $2 Called for in the crowd outbids, while two policemen guarded tables are mil in'their proper laces then she knows the uses of her and she she door on, the inside. The thirty.fifth aural session' of the p P places, agreement: If the sot emo of Lawyer when She is ready.to assume her gown, she And the proper places of I and me, . Maires is a success he will res 've the "What is to be done with all these people Right Worthy Grand Lodge of Good Tem- sbe doesn't use big words to tell P knows that she can open the boxes in which A sthly, although she can use them well. biggest slice of the award to be made by collected out tbere ? said the policeman, plore will be held in the city of Edinburgh, %bey have been encased select an one she in short, she's agirl withoutprotence the receiver or assignee in tbese two organ- appealing to the pastor. Scotland, commencing on the 26th day of and ' Y With an ample supply of common sense. izations He hse the power of attorney " Why," he ocoly replied, ."we expect MAY. '• his is the second time this great sweet�� thoroughly clean and freshut it on at once e it In Than b rather c neparle dvoo fronesay. from over 10,000 Earnest Workers, which you to go out and take up the collection." internatibnal body bee been called to meet Y And the di in Great Britain. The session is a most packing the gowns be liberal with tissue There i,e a ant at $2 per head represents $20,000, and fully Y d and quelled the disturb• paper, patting it between all trimmings, in y of 20 per cent: on gaegn ante. . important one, and will probably, hold, a she sleeves and between the bodices. Bow bees whil'a the drone is admitted free. And 5,000 Bonevolent Endowment people, which week of ten days. yet some people claim the Maginley Bill repreeen*d $10,000 more, or a grand total of to peck diem ? Well, the best way ie to go is nota t . , *g0�000, Hhe Was the IImpire.) to a boameker with Well, the measurement 90 against labor. -Neta York World. . ' . - Tommy -Mamma, the boys all say that Obtaining good Hideee. of your skirts apd, allowirg about Cleveland has for years had a deaf. Te °Srlage the Whirlpool. it I handle the stick in the ball Baine this " Jimpsen is to be arrested for kisEling a quarter o! s ymrd more than mute on its police loans. He has thoreootd An Ottawa deepaitch Nays • Mr. Gqr: afternoon we'll beat the Leather-Bangerc 'Cors, although she was willing." they are, have him make you four 'Elf having been a thoroughly efficient ' � -,_ man'a b il,..lpresemed to -day is for, a charter four to one. " How can he be arrested, then Tl or five deep, strong boxes covered with officer, and as be cannot hear a sound he ._.._111_._.._..._,._...- . Tomm 's motber-That's all right, " It was after dark and she thought it eftber black or green heavy paper. Four is obliged to be more than usually watchful. ; to construct a bridge morose the Niagara Y'. gh*, my @ , 9 P P River at or near the whirlpool rapids, for eon. but qon are going to stay at home this was Simpson -the charge is obtaining or five ordinary gowns can be put in each Colorel '.Taylor, commandant ' of the ' elq+ ,c or 'steam railway purposes° The afternoon and handle the etiok for me, and goods under false pretences."' box , and with %born can be any little ad. School of Infantry at Winnipeg, was Seized we'll beat the carpet worse than that. janots belonging to them. Two evening with a fit .of apoplexy on Wednesday and idtda, • is that an eteutrio railway be coil. P g g g y straeted from %be American pack down the ' -� A Pertinent Question? gowns, with all their belongings, have died trona its effects. river bank to %be wbir►pooi, across the No Dessert. Rochester Herald: i+'sther=-If you Plenty of room in such boxes, and are not The second Sale of Can%dian cattle in 11 0 osed bride and a the Canada side to .{ „ aid more attention to cocking and loos to in the least degree crashed. For, my own the Old County took lace in Glasgow on PrP g p Them ohrpe orae Band mum said the p g Y P g the Canadinn park. Tbia is the principal ti amp, " But I ellns likes'to finish a meal dress, my dear, yen would make a mach Part, I cannot say enough in favor of these Wednesday, at •rates which are decidedly . object in view, bat rho bill is wide enough' with ewoete. Yer ain't of an nukes have bettor wife. Dsnghter-Yee, father. But boxes, not only for moving the frocks, but unfavorable for the exporters. • to include steam railwa „ got y who would marry me? for holding them niter one }las moved. . Y• yen 7 Y 'ta>t tenth °Internetionel Christian En- -- " I have cakes of eomp." Cover them well with paper; before the lid -Dr. James Cunningham Batchelor, deavor Convention Will be held in . A Female Murk Tapley. " Tbank yer heart mum ` but i never g � of ie put on, fie them sip securely with strong Nionea olia, p „ Y' cord, and let the boxes .go into a room P Minn., on Jnly 9th, lOtb,llth touch am. New Orleans, who aaeoeede the late Albert and 12th. The first object of the convert - New York Pro -its : Wile -I've just had a - � -_ Pike as -Illustrious Sovereign Grand Com where they will not be disturbed until' you tion is to weld into a whale all the elements letter from in�piher• -It - mender of the thirty-three degree Masons, I. really at home and take out your gowns that go to constitute the Christian - • Husband -Eines is i he ? the oan entrusted that flue-0evenths cf was born in Canada, July 10, 1818. He with s certainty that note loop ora book Endeavor organization. � The second is to - •. Wife --She a miserable. young men of the United ' States went to the South when site oun is missing, that they do not require a + seldom see the inside of a churbh.-Troy q young. brashin ,and that the are absolute! se stimulate in an especial degree [lis interest Husband -I ui glen. c f it. Prean. y -The British novelist Blackmore is a g y y in the movement in the district where it is Wife -Monster S fresh as thq daisy in the fields. -Ladies' held and in the rc ' „ „ hearty and well-preserved man of 65 years. Bina contiguous. Most Husband -Not tat r.11. I know year -"Does position effect sleep? asked a Home Journal. elaborate p g y mother. Sbe'a nevtr happy except when medical writer. It does not when the man q looks mach like a typical society, pre.try preparations na are bait made b • squire and rarely appears in socia[ re• i the people of Minneapolis to entertain the . she's mieemble, holds the position of nightwatchman. e P A Disappointment. Excursions IDYL or A Ilonsz; sen, [erring to live fhe lite of s literary reolnae. New 'kork Prim : " So on have been delegates. nyothrars being planned. x es, in a eaenal Conversation the other He is an Oxford graduate and"a lawyer. abroad ?" y as well as many other means of enjoyment. Ram 'em in., The delegates will all be billeted at the any; expressed he'raelf in the following brie! �' Jam 'em in, - -Mr. Wenameker told hie Sunday "Yee." and naive manner roneerning three of the Pusb'em in pack; school in Philadelphia last Sunday th�t he " Did•you visit Paris ?" various hotels and other places and mem• r most prominent actresses When I See Huetle'em, Wse gra%ified end surprised nearly very "Yee, bnl 'we etc ed only one ds bers of the local orkaniza%ions will be on Jostle'em, PP Y y every train reaching the City on these days Mrs. Randall I [cite n lesson, When I nee Poke in tho back. day cl 'hie recent trip to meet come one there. We went there to improve ',our• to pilot the strangers to their stopping Ellen Terry I am charmed. When, I 'see formerly connected with his class in the selves' the French language, and were laces, p Sarah Bernhardt I am electrified. Mrs. ` Traulp on'em,,, school. P �i'he convention rotniaea to be one awfully disappointed. Kendall ie an actress, Ellen Terryan an stamp on ones , „ „ of the biggest gatherings this Season, f Make the bones crack, A Rat Portage despatch says a, strange Haw eo? '- •. thousands �chantYego' Sstah Barnhardt a goddess." rat women, case of suicide occurred there. A laboring " Why, *bay don't speak the Frenob and from all eve= the Statefrom s Illinoisthis , i9 A telephone line is short! to be opened slat women, man named Francis Garnean, b000min y *here at all like we do." ' P Y P Tom, Dick and Jack. 6 said, will send at feta[ 2,000 delegttes, between London and Paris. The total despondent through excessive drink, --�--• about 400 of these from Chicago alone. distande between the two oities is 271 mil s, Hang on, , jumped into the water bear the falls, but The entire lumber stock of J. W. Day & pannnylvanis and .New York will Send a • 21 miles of wbioh is the distance across 2 Cling on; before doing so onrefaliy removed his Co,, at Miniioepclis, aggregating 19,000,000 thousand each. Washington, D. 0., will By teeth orb hair., 4" English Channel. By adding the loop Ah, ther©� ,clothing. Ale*tor W s found in one of the foe*, tvss Durand yesterday morning.' Loss, send 200, and 130timore; Maryland, .Dela• oirualso the letigth of the wire needod would Now stay bore, pockets explaining the reasons for commit. $228,000. wire, Indiana and Kentuckywill also send And pass up your taro. tin be twice 271, or 542 miles, including 42 g the rash act. The report is confirmed that Nat Whit. contingents. Wisconsin ill send a miles of sub marine core. It would not be The Noribern Express Company has-Brigge---That was a terrible thing flo, a minor on Blue (gbcgiyon, Arirone, wee *honamnd. In foo* all the Stmtes will send surprising if the next thing in order ahonld been robbed of $12,000 on the line between abont Wangle, wasn't it ? While bis wife killed by Indiano. The Indiana are headed large numbers. Canada will also add its ' . be an Atlantic Ocean telephone. Cbippews Falls and Abbotteford, Wig., by was talking to the dressmaker he nom• towards New Mexico. quota and no doubt a few , Canadianiang - -There are no nate in Greenland, bat some one Who possessed a key to the -safe, mitted enroide in the neat ram. Grams-. _ -rift ax"lur-nfii- cormmentary onhitman W quota, tbeir way tbithar an well. �'--two-`y hive s nativo dog eEe-t4 iliac cin t ow n twenty years there as been no Phew 1 eve t1;iy oun oat -ho Cause 1- ...vonit. -to"eco--rho_--m x 'T 3I y ou nerd laaki -baskI =-31`I>ii3rrzilisuCvisi�titriat'i lies deoie A l g , ,.,.., ......, t: �_.. ._ _.... a . $e -its. -the. aide -ref fin .lotbepg;=eo tlse' -Doan*arl�eftiu ttf _ Jtaele Soma ysogt�gg ileiggg-His 'iugpaseclt>'iNt lit3 Ovorlleard on tannin rho aornore, to eeo if the prothe* in fatare all one*omQ do*leg mnef be t*Wves do not miss the oats. stamps.. he dressmaker , ..._ , . , ....-.a.. x.. ,. . .,.o- n...,, ....-.�....,... :._•� ..,. , .., e , a .., , ,,_.:,., _ _<, . •.,,� v . «, „. „••w.. _. o _._w . of.ths_oorpge•, �..u,z p fd i gold,- . what said. mcesei n is.. a>•*h . _ a � •.n: ...•, T�-.r, , y I � • , o F . ; I . • , 1. 41, 3 Ail;t;« •i'a �lAed,�, tL ;"ba�y`/;,y^m+%'G^." -M a%4r 4'0 aroo,x ytvaar+w.•.- - .. . _ . m.....r...a,w,..w,.«w+.rwa:...�w•,w..t.>M•w»usa•' � ...._ �, ... .... ... .... 1 � /, 4 ,,. w vuvnz»aw ':ank ,.•u+.. , .. as'1..­­1... .. .. .,„. ... � .. • •^ 'A&h-.,�_.L_.,-) . i F A ` •adv: .A 6 Law-