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Lucknow Sentinel, 1891-05-15, Page 7
A ONTARIO 1 U� � fl A�O�� Mr. Boas moved the House into commit. 1• tae on a bill respectingt asaoy and coni- PARIS -RADS DEFAM � IiCBuIrOWN310211 Or loan. COULDPi•T FOUL HXJL palsory school Attendant. --+—-- Orisln of an Oillteiois Answer to an BL lilobteaiuo Was Ingenious. But 0_4p.Wan Thu- following bills were read a third Mr. Campbell (Algoma) took exception to S&ed b� the Oustom Bouse Detectives •t II��=onsable Question. Prepared. time t the proposition, and favored the appointing . q of she truant officere by the boards. New York In a sermon recently preached in Edin- A woman opened the front door out, Respectingthe E Equitable Life bur b.Soodand,by Rev.. Wb -te D. D.. addressin a seed dookip mann clown ort l ciety of tea United Sates -Mr. Mere• The bill eves carried. ---.�---: reference was made to George Oillespie, a all fours who woo seemingly looking for ditb. Mr. Rasa moved the House 'into oom• OKU011L8D FAelUgivABLS 0081'QMM. p ary and intimate friend of something, solid: - mittaQ on a Bill to amend the Act respect• oontem or g be provide for the cityoonoidat'On of the .ing the feder,rtion of the University of S4MR9l 8aihnrfosd, Qillepp ea• wee born Who. *To you doing there ?-" debenture debt of the city of London, and Toronto -and y g A New York despatch of til -day Mayo: in the parish minae of Sirlsoaldy in .t " Madgmi ' o said atrlii ll4niliug u lox i►ther=purposoe-Mr. Meredith. _ ___ � ezai3 tJ.olle e. with -sitter Cuesom House • de►eotives -have Made the' he woe ordained to the charge of the neigh• according to the Yonkers Statesman To incorporate the Niagara River Rail- aaivereitiea and colleges. largest capture of Parisian ,. gowns in fee boring congregation of Wemyse in 4638 and please be ea generous as so, pardon $tile way Company—Mr. Tait, saTEA RZOESS, history of the special treasury agents' office, was translated $hones to Edipburgiv, in apparent intrusion. My little girl and I Mr. Roes moved the House into cum. Mr. Mowat moved the House into oom- gp90isl Agent Wilbur and his men, in eon 1642; snd then he was one of she four were coming along here just now, and the mittee $o reconsider the bill respecting she mittee on a Bill respecting mortgaged arid fieoating the costumes, have anearsbed a famous denutiem wltn were sent np yre� .oho ChAd in her g'-`9 tr�i.eso^ e^ee9 ,� ec_�e3 _ Pdtr'�OU of stenography. He consented, sales of personal property in Manitoulin. y ' " her a s esamauo swindle on the Government Church of Sootlsnd to represent her in the your green sward, but in her glad forget" rhe earnest representation of the hon. Mr. Monk moved in amendment to thelvhich has continued for years, and has Westminster Assembly in 1643. Is is told fulness dropped half & dollar that had been o Member for London, to limit the time of second clause, which provides for the regia' robbed the revenue of thousands of dollars that when the Committee of Assembly was given her by the haudeomeat mud noblest practice rtquired before stenographers can $ration of chattel mortgagee, that there be in duties. The goods seized consisted of engaged on the composition of the Shorter of women. We were on our way to get A.. erT .F .w.SLt'6a•"Rf&C�,a fie, ^aiG*..r.'"Xi�u ^*X'',+""r;'iv, f rtyi Ri}� A .. ..r`.r^ r..^--' a. w•?r Al� 1 Otters, ....._,W„ �u�. �i„'2�`,� ,.�.. .,'�4�. ,. .�'_•:.�'” .-._� �,s._�. .ci,�' '..x.4'•+�'3eeu.LcA: L�"a:;7�Y�-bti''Gi3t$ti1 ''S'i�'i� go 't Y'Yid"�t1�'-u-Y3�i'1@Vr�ii`ii%"�],'� 9i "3"StiTliw'� iu `tiff ti`+��'r+.r�,�, �t^^^^�r ,: s :.r•.. ^^^,•. , re eeB. he were consigned to "' What is God ? " like the able men they bed, and, it would have done yous heiutt P Association to sin mortgage eretofore Sled with the said y months instead o! five years; se originally deputy olerk shall be valid, ad it the once fashionable dresemakers in New York, were, they. all shrank from attempting an good,to have seen the happiness of the little proposed. The billwas reported ss had been ,filed with the clerk of the court Philadelphia, Chicago, lit. Louis, Boston, answer to snob an unfathomable question. would-be Baltimore q parohseer most she Ibex the amended, and received its third reading, ander the said Act.", Pittsburg end other cities. res 'In their perplexity they raked Gillespie to money, and now, almost broken•hearifld, Bir. Rose move the House into commit. Mr.' Mowat consented to the amendment consigners' agent on this aide of the Allan- offdr- prayer for help, when be began his she boa-g'sue home to tell ear tee on a bill consolidatingand revising the and proposed that it be inserted as elousd tic has escaped arrest 8 poor mother g p p , insanes be is now prayer with these words : " O God, Thou of the great oslamity." High school law. Amongst other amend. 2. with olanee 2 to be changed to clause 3. in Europe The importer involved is art a Spirit, infinite, eternal and unohange- " That was indeed too bad," remarked menta made was the limiting of the number The, Bill was reported with shese amend. Charles Ht Laner, s manutmoturing' dreee- ab'•e is Thy being, wisdom, power, holiness, the woman. of Hikh school trustees in FINE cl unit t; _� __� make _ = „ .. _> ._..._.. - _ - _: _. ,.� -- --. _ . - -- _ --- - } - a�iri; >t1 ij "i Ade the. Anne and he saidAmen, hie opening eentsnoes were you any little 'children, madam.?" �r o ing o y$•iig r.- sr�move eoa'ee`yinto oom- who has branches at L ' school examiners' duties to the distrios mittee on . a bill to amend the General' Lyons and London: remembered, and $sten down, and they "Yes." Instead of the. county se formerly. Mining Act. _ He had a New York office at No.. 42 Pine stand to this day the most scriptural and " Then you kmow what disappointment Mr. Fraser moved the House into oom- Mr., Cleland asked if it was the intention street, his agents being John A. Meborley complete answer $o that . unanswerable- means to,a child, I! I only knew where Y mittee on a resolution introduced on of the Government duringthe resent Co., custom house brokers. appeared in any oreed or could borrow half a dollar, how inezpressi- P question than line Friday last, asking for an additional grant session to assist in the construction - of a catechism of the Christian Obarmh. As, bly happy o should I be 1 Madam, could ed $160,000 for the construction of the new railway from the town of Owen Sound to on the Harm !n Denmark. her beet tribute to the talents and eeivioee you les me have half s dollar ?" Parliament buildings. He desired to connect with the Stratford Lake Huron The horsee Are strong, thiok,eet animals, of her youngest commissioner, the Edin• "No, not this morning." amend the resolution by asking for $200,• Railway, in the county of truce, the pro- abort in height, and more like those to be burgh Assembly of 1648 appointed Gillespie " Well, could you let arcs h"s a quests 1W seen mairegd of $150,000, which posed railway being about thirteen miles in e?sen in Suffaik than anywhere else. In her Moderator; but hie health woe fast nowand give me the rest Shia afternoon'?" wouic, make the entire cost a million and length. Denmark, however, by far the most im. failing, and he died in December of that "No ; I can't do that either." a gust er dollars. He had no doubt the Mr. Wowat replied that the matter was Portant animal is, the cow. In appearance year in the 36th year of his age. The " well, madam, may I aek what you are buildi would be fully completed for that still ander consideration. they are not specially striki,tg. In size, inscription on his tombstone at Sirkoaldy prepared to do?" nom. Mr. Monk asked if there was a child coloring and quality they are very Similar ends with these words: " A man profound " I am prepared to tell you to move On or The amendment was parried and 1116 bill ander 10 years of age now confined in the To the ordinary shorthorn, breed, such as in genius, mild in disposition, acute in I'll send for a policeman." was read a second time. Central Prison. It an, when and by whom One sees in the north of England, though argument, flowing in eloquence, nnoon- ".Yea are thoroughly prepared for this, Mr. Il�Iowas moved the House into Som- committed, for how long a time, and for they are if anything a lisle arrasller. The quered in mind. He drew to himself the ere you?" mistee on s Bill respecting the settlement what offcnoe. people take the greatest possible ogre of and love of the good, the envy of the bad, and " I am." by arbitration of accounts between the Mr. Gibson (Etamilton) replied that there interest in them, much more than we do in, $be admiration of all.,, " All right; I shall bid you good morning. Dominion of Canada and the Provinces of was a boy between 9. and 10 years of age at Eouland. They seem to he watched b 4'latario and Some one�or other constantly.,, y It is one or my business rales nevem ly Quebec end between the said ,present confined in the Central Prison for y• ° As there are "itIAxNRIts alAgYrH aiAN,•• tamper with any one that is thoroughly two Provinces. larceny, committed for eighteen mouths at no hedges to separate the fields, $be cows The following prepared." Bills were read a Second the instance of the Police Magistrate at snd other animals, including the sheep, are The Coaruinese and wit of the late Earl time : Hamilton. He could not be committed to all tethered, and this custom itself entails Oranville. Respecting settlement duties by par. the Reformatory at Penetanguishene, of coarse, pretty constant attention. If RET'. 8AM SSIALL, ohmere of lands from the Crown and the because under the Act of laet.staesion no the weather be at all cold, one may often Of the late Earl Granville it is said that issue of timber licenses -Mr. Hardy. boy. under .13 years 'ot age can bo ocnfioed he was tee embodiment of the axiom His Coareenesa Ciesented by the People of a as the beasts a covered with milted ". Manners Makyth Man." Always course- Philadelphia Char h. For the settlement of questions between n than institution. Ei,gniry would be y graze. The sows are milked he made ooantlesa friends end no the Governments of Canada and Ontario made, however, into the Circumetances of thrice a day, about b in the morning, then °ns' Rev. Dr. Sam Small addr:esed a .large y reapeoting Indian lands. -The AttoriSiey. the case to see if the boy could not be between 11 and 12, and again Tato in the enemies, so that when news of his' death audience at. the Olivet Presbyterian Generalremoved to some other institution: evening. A register is frequently kept of came there was no need to remind any Ohuroh, Twenty-second and Mount _..___M A)owat moven _tbk_Haneainto oom. --.--ML�IsrEdith_thD_a ht at as cairn po--Sha �t}�e amount ct Milk in__ sande-Qivain -b one to speak ria ill of the dead._,-Aor-on. _Vernon-stremis,-lass -evenq dm d- b P O y-- - 111y tbga_._-._.__�._�_ mittee n u bill respecting disputes under a'boy of such an age should be committed each cow daily. This is done without diffi alinoet nubrokon tribute of admiration Philadelpbia Prean. The occasion was the the d inge laws. to prison, and considered that the depart. oalty, and adds greatly to the interest and and regret was •paid by men of all par- fifty-fifth anniversary of the home Mie. ;1 r. Meredith then ht th the success of the deer ties. Perhaps this was not the moat Val- g powers ment,deserved °ensure for permitting such y work.. Every cow has t ovary Society. As the leolUrer warmed propoeed to be conferred upon referees un- a elate of affairs. a name. Sheep . are not reared to on sable quality for a statesman to possess, to his cab' got and drifted more and more der the bill wNre of too bartiensome - a Mr. Snider asked it the sugar beet seed great extent though every farmer, has m but there can be bas one opinion of its into the method for which he is noted, the nature, and -too eulenSive to be properly whish was Sew. Shearing dooisl charm. His manner toward women distributed throughout the pro- g takes place swipe myear- sadienoe, or at least some of the moria discharged•'hy oce man. WOOD last year, as an experiment, had given in May and toward the end of September. was perfect. During the last few years conservativa� mernbere, began to grow 1The House went into Committee of So good results. What were minimum This work -is for the most part donr�� -oo�rrlt-"_fOrmeri was no so p ipular at nuea►ey; Oro or r,�ore_quietl�left y i-pbe�ei the i e�me of-lio are ea on and msaimmm yirldS per sore ? 'What per women ; indeed the women generally work y+ °�` ng- �o is unwaver• church, and the- committee of arrange. nearly as hard as men a fog devotion to . Mr. Gladstone, who has merits began to grow readees. Dr. hman Crown Lunde 'amonnling to $1.10,3&9, re- sent. of eager did the roots contain as tested the pen the'farms, but never been liked by the fund. n000ant $24,963,37, misdellaneoud by she analy z,3r ? y do not neglect their domestic duties. Queen. This, was not deterred, however. In hie intro. 052,962 The ,houses howeger. did not influence her to neglect Mr. Dryden stated than Sugar bent dead , weigh are invariably tbmsohsd g duction he Paid and of one story y, to send a •funeral wreath as " a mark The House in concurrence, carried a had been furnished farmers in several y onl are clean and -tidy, „ " Before I .get through, your 'Chairman number of the items in the estimates sections of the Province for tee past two but from the close proximity of the cow• of eincers friendship, and nearly will be sorry that I have responded to your passed in Committee of Supply, years. The results showed shat a fair boase'to the dwelling (m door opening every member of the royal family sent invitation." He told a story of "old Mr. Mowat moved the Boast, into oom• quality of the bees might be grown in sev^ straight from one to the other) the smell of grespecial token of remembrance and re- dames," who gave what they conte .nos use . mittee to reconsider the bill respsoting oral parts of ,the Province"Of a alightly the beasts• is rather too overpowering for. in the way of clothing to the poor, thinking. divpntes, nzrdnr the drsina a Taws. A larger p unaccustomed nerves. Tbe.wifo spins her Earl Granville has alwsye been closely it would be laid rip for them in heaven. t; g Meld than scute be produced in own wool associated with the royal family, and was He then drew 'a picture of these " old few amendments were made limiting the Europe At the Agricultural College the , and not infrequently weaves her powers conferred upon referees ander the Yield had varied from ten to twenty tons own oloth,-Macmillan.'s Magazine. she only minister in attendance at Frog dames marohuig down the streets of the A'M•per sore. With i:ood cultivation an average more on the memorable night of January New Jerusalem arrayed in all these asst. The following bills were .read a second yield of from fifteen to eighteen tons to the l3vvimmint. 89h, 1864, when Prince Albert Viotor sr- �" rived so nneapeotedly in this world that off clothes. time more might bo produced, which was more Swimming is an stbletic exercise that neither doctor, nurse nor layette was at their this jandtare several persona left ' Respecting truancy and compulsory, than the greatest yield in continental has not received - sufficiens attention from hand, and little Dr. Brown had to be andr pews,and he door in sign of diesp. school nand She li usr. Rose. countries those interested 'in physioal culture for hassily eummoned from Windsor, onlyar- To Omand the Industrial Schools Act— Mr. McMahon moved fors relpra of women. It ie not only o deliehtfal smuee• riving just in stme, so, these hours oso arcual. The lecturer did not hesitate, brit Mr. Roes. copies of all correspondence and full in- men%, but is said to be far more valuable in before the arrival of the little 'Prunes, continued to use his illustration in To amend the Ontario Joint Stook Com- formation respecting she financial standing, expanding the chest and develo m the Royal Hi Her the sumo train. Ot the saloonkeepers paniee' LtAtere Patent Aot-Mr. Gibson returns, and other matters respecting joins muscles than almost an P• g y �ness had been upon the foe st he said : " It is a y gymnastic eaer- good thing we did not Hamilton . Virginim Wailer Had Lord Granville not gas rid of them all of a sudden, bemuse i ) stook o motion ciao that- is known. Comparatively Sew been dining with the Prince of Wales upon they would form such a crowd at the gates Mr. Meredith called attention' to she last The motion was carried. women, even among those who at the ,ePa= the night in question, it is very probable of hell that the devil could not take them that ss several committees would meet to- An�arraugement was comm to by which aide enjoy a daily bath in the surf, are that the eldest eon of the heir mares$ ofbellexcept one th a time." . morrow morning it would be inadvisable divisions of the House would not be oalsed super$ swimmers. They are entirely at that aid have entered upon his career in s that the House meet at 11 a. m. en the morning,in view of,the the I'O In she meds of his sermon the organ possible the mercy o! circumstances iu uses of highly unconstitutional manner, without began to play. But. Dr. Small, not taking Thefollowing Bills were reads third slim attendance. sadden danger. The expert swimmer the presence of the Minister, who. ie the flint, palled rip to the organist: "Hol time : A number of petitions were presented, learns to be courageous and energetic in only one degree lees neoeseary upon tease on there, I'm not done yet." Again be To amend the Act to prevent, the spread Mr. Mertidith moved that Mr. Hudson, a the water, and her skill may be the means ha of noxious weeds and of diseases affeotiog mmmbe'r of the House, be paid his seasiousl of saving her own life 'or other lives. the physiciano0onsipor the in nnrseyal .family than started, and once more the key wens Strndli erne$ trees -Mr. Wood (Brant). ailowanoe, notwithstanding his Absence Swimming is Usually taught in a large w on the organ, but this time the lecturer Relating to rallwaye-Mr. Fraeer. from the Hodee through illness. -Carried. swimming bath, such as are connected paid no attention to it, He continued to Mr. Howat moved the second reading of The following bills passed their third with some gymnasiums. ®e Learned something: preach end stn " a Bili for detachingfrom sho ' Chancey reading gy Full aped le half•,psat 9 0 slosh. y g � Almost any barbing dress is suitable for The ocher windy day, as s gentlemen Y twenty people lett the church daring ' Division of the Sigh Court one of the . To amend the Act respecting master and swimming. The prettiest and most useful stood on the Campus Martins waiting for Dr. Small's remarbs. judges thereof. The Chancery Divi Bion servant -Mr. Dack. bathing dresses thin season are made of acar, his hat blew off and went sl� leylerking ad four jadgee, and the other courts but To amend the Public Parke Aot-Mr. English storm serge. This material, does down $be street, says the Detroit FreePUFFS OF AN ENGINIl. three, .and the hon - member, proposed to Awrey. not lose its rich blue color though dipped Preis. He was gathering himself for a run, reduce the number all round to three. At To amend the .Act respecting companies repeatedly in the salt 11 salt brine. It is when another pedestrian called out: A Mathematical Crank Gives some In. the time when the fourth jodg., had been for steam and beating, or for supplying the only colored fabric which is proof " Stop" sir I Stop I" terestlne Fixures. appointed there bad bean an exceptional dectriciay fvr light, beat, or power -Mr. against she alkaline effects of the sea. Such " Eh ? Speaking to me ? What is it ?" The numiler of puffs even b amount of work, but. ibis was not the Beggar. a dress is very pretty trimmed with rows '` Stand still�� sir 1 Don"s take a step ,sive depends upon the circumferenceofits noose now, and he proposed so detach the To encourage the breeding of trotting of white braid, which has been previously after yo i ghat! driving wheels end their speed, Saye an ea. fourth jjadge an•.i have him discharge. horses -Mr White. , shrunk, There have been some charming « drivenOhnng. ea canter what the rate of speed judioial cu%iea in may of the courts as Mr. Gibson (Hamilton) moved the third bathing dresses made Up reoensiy o! whirs Stop l may be for every one round a the driven directed. readinK of a iii/ respecting she liability of 'serge• -finished with o sailor's' collar and boBe and gime two women, five men,.tbree wheels a locopiotive will give four ppnffa g Mr. Meredith' wa® doubtful as to she directors. maffa, and brimmed with bands of bine bot o policemen. were in chase of the two ant of each cylinder, .the oyYindera powr,r pow by the Legislature to make Mr. Mowat moved the third reading of a serge. Flannel is softer t,�an serge, but it and it. was not only speedily ran down,, being double. The sizes of drivingw eels , lbs cbant;ce proposed. bell for the sett!+mint of questions between Shrinks every time it is wet and does not bnt'the dirt was carefully brushed off by vary, some being 18, 19, 20 and even ^ 22 The foilo,ving bills were read a second the Gr,vtrnments cf Canada and Ontario retain its color afser a dip in sea waterthe rescuer before he restored it with A feet in circumference though the time: reeptctine lx,diau lands. _ bow and a smile. g y To regulate the ehartt,ra to loan' aom. Mr Rods `moved that the House doth Increased t1rinkina and NmokinR. " Ree ?" queried the pedestrian 'who had are generally made in- or about paniee-The^Aitorney.Gtieneral. ratify au Order in-Connoil approved by Rochester $erald : Does sn increase in cried " Stop." from The tofift a Speed varies Respecting certain duties, nowar© and His H.,nor the Lieutenant. Governor the spirit, and tobacco emokic indi. from fifty -e a r ge circumference fight miens e f th P t; l p g g Ido.. Thanks. I've learned something Taking the average ciraumferenae o! then liabioes of, trustees -Tho Attorney. 29th any cf, April, such order being to the sate prosperity on the part of the working new." `� g s driving wheel to be twenty feet, and the Glen a following t ff+ct : Upon consider of people of any country ? This is a question After the north Pole. speed per .hour fifty miles, o locomotive '1'o wmk vie the election laws -The the fallowing rt•port of the bon Minister of that ie being asked in Eogland in view of will give going at express speed, 880 Attorney G. nerAl. Education, da►rd 28:b April instant, the the budget speech of the Ohanoollor o! roar Polar expeditions are now prep puffs ing to start oat -three toward the North per minute, lv 52,13 puffs per honr, the ' Mr. Rr�sa moved the Haus® into commit. Committee of Council aavese that the fol- the exchequer delivered last weak. In the � ted on a bill consolidating and revising' the lowing expenditures in oonnNotion with the coarse of hie speech he showed that the Pole and one toward the South. Lie sten- wec ala revolving 13 200 ternea in oeixty haws respecting the Ednootion Depart. University of Toronto -and University Cbl. Chief items of increase were derived from ant Ryder will lead an expedition to the minutes, giving 1,056 puffs per mile. meet. lege be provided for without delay, namely: alcoholic spirits, beer and tobacco. The east coast of Greenland, which in eompara• Therefore, andictaexpress going from London tivel unknown • Engineer Pear to ow ou onl, s distance of for miles will The FloneA, went into committee and A. p'or b.lar,oe due on biological doper$• increase in spirits amounted ,to 18,000,000 y g Y, of, the � - passed the following bill@ : most, $32 i67 2 For boat of biographical gallons of home made li uor representing United States Navy, will try to reach the throw out 213 048 paffa before arriving at To ftirtht r ameud the Acte relating to museum, 165,000. 3. For, new chemical A cost of £900,000. Thin increase added to P , and Dr, its destination. Daring the tourist season northernmost slut of Q•roenland the erecr,ion of new prt.v naial buildings- laboratory. aria buildings, %%000. +� For that announced a year ago in the some de• Naneen, the Norwegian explorer, will enter of 1888 the journey from London to Edia. Mr. Frasrr gymnasium and temporary convocation rection, is regarded as an indication that the Arctic Ooesn' through Bering Strait, burgh was acoampliehed eu if s3 than eight To ame,rtd the Act respecting Canuty room, 320,000. fhe warking people, who are obiefly ad- follow the course of the Jeannette and hot:ro, the distance being 401 miles, giving - Crown Attornovs-The Astor ney•General. The lloute went into concurrence on the dieted to spirit drinking, are making attempt to reach the Polo itself. The a speed throughout of fifty miles on hoar. Respeoting settlement dusioe by pur. report of the Committee on Supply. better wages than they have for years pass, Swedish explorer, Baron Nordenskjold, A l000mosive of an express train from ohast.ro of lands from the Crown and the Mr. McLenaghan moved, " That this and are thus getting n,ehare of the wealth will, on the other hand, evil to the region London to Edinburgh, subject to the above }sane of limber licensee -Mr. Hardy. House reg, oma tbat a grant to .the Eastern learning from a prosperous oondition'of of the South Pole • and as the leaders of oonditions, will give 423,456 puffs. all these expeditions p For the c�estleinent of goe�e►ioce between Dairymen's Aasooistion has not been commerce. peditione are explorers of Ba- the Governments of Canada and Ontario mate." perienoe thereare likely to be considerable sweet Cbaarity. reaps g Iridian Isnds--Tho At$ornoy- Mr. Dryden amid that $500 was granted' Scandalous, additions to the world's knowledge of polar Mrs, U todate-The comruittee has 1 gens • to the Western Association because they New York Herald: '" I doiy't think geography. decided to stop sending cfoti g to the Mr. Gibson (IIamilton) noeved the Hone thooghs they could benefit the cheese much of Mrs. Bronson," �srr'd Mrs. Smiifiee. sad far the Dog, heathen during the summer. 1Pe ere going into committee on a bill to amend $,he trade by eetebiiebin6 a school of dairying. I spent' the afternoon wiTly her -and sash h work d r new Sold. Ontario Inatiftnee Act. The only amend. The Eastern Association did -not think this a woman for listeningto scandal I never Harper's Bazar: JAyemith-Lock here, Mrs. Love►o t e -Yes - :i ? mens of importance wag the striking out of would amount to anyiheng, and therefore knew 1'+ MCOcrkto, your dog bit, me just now. � Mrs. Uptodete-Yea; we Miro going to the first ol> noe, whioh enacts that Som• did not ae►i for a grant. This school was -The widow of Gen. Lo MoCorkley�-I'm glad,yon told me. III send the clothing to the 9eseide rssorlp,-- Qrniee shall not be liable for losses ossa only an experiment, end was mgr ed to by • Logan indignantly give the poor fellow an antidote right away. New York Herald. Maned by steam engines witbin 100 feet of dairymen in the eft, and ,$ho'weet, denies A rumor that she is 'about to marry s barn or stook. Another &me . ndmebtl The motion was lost on"division. &Bain• She asys : _ Thanks to Congress Mme. Carnot bad 4,000 guests at the last Bishop McIntyre of Prince Edward Provides that insurance eompamee not + and the General's friends, I am well pro• ball at the Elysee in Paris. She was TsBia died cIntyri o the residEd o! � leoensed under the Dominion or Ontario 'The Nbw York woman who established a' ofed epor, and I now enjoy The friendship attired for'the occasion in a handsome Biebop Cameron ofyAntigoniab, whom he Insurance Acts, nor incorporated under home for ants has a German rival, who y flood man who were his friends. dress of Louie XV. Pekin, vieux,rose was visiting the Benevolent Soeietioo' Act, and not advrrtteeaj,-pe follows: "Wanted, by -a Why Should I want to sacrifice all thegs stripes on white gronr,d,broobewith vienx- having }ineii in cxictenae art ,last$$ Nino yoara lady of quality, for adagaato romanora. P rt sent blensin!x; s and the aeaooiationa of 30 rose flnWHkS,,.,, ienx•roas .satin tiabien trim. Brethren, writes a Georgia d'ai *or . previous to the date when the Act waa cion, a few well behaved and. respectably. years Of happy wedded life for the nrlcer•-' med with pont d'Alcnoon and a head, 11 the Paper is a little tato this week, taut introduced, viz., Murch 111, 1890, shall not dressed children til ariinee a cat in delicate tai°ty of other ties? -small rose, feathers and ainnionde. when we tell yon the reason we are sure YOU •will forgive no. We were oat 'in rho be suthoriz, to carry on business unless health two or three hours a day." Form. Barry Sn:Hvan, the tragedian, died yes. Peter Sharbot, the alleged murderer, is country attending the funeral of out Tete bill was carried. y onlych it the terday in Loudon. He Was born in Birm• Suffering from typhoid fever in the County mother-in-law. She died nn er.epscisl sanotiosi. erly it was the Cabe that amused iagham in 1824. ja� young, &tib she ' • _... -_ ,........ elan gain.e," i 4•.r... ...'Ste:'. n. ,. -.'� � , / !It 1V n ..., . ,.�;±:;'M." WAN :. ... � , M1, ►itll�ed�r:4iL.amu,..,... ,..'"-'�eti:�i�"..,..