Lucknow Sentinel, 1891-05-15, Page 3TRE SEVENTH PARLIAMENT
Opening of perliii>a&ent:
Parliament was formally opened today
by His Excellency the Governor-General,
at 3 o'clock. The attendanoe on the floor
of the Senate. Chamber was large as is
always the ogee at the opening ,of a new
Parliament, while the galleries were
literally packed. Indeed e4.t a.n early hoar
a lar gathering eseembled at the Senate
entry e, of those who were provided
with tiokete for the ; galleries to
look down upon the red sham.
nee ea areas the wives, the dao hte
R re and
the friends and relatives of Members of
Parliament and Senators, in addition to
the tovnred few whom 1lir. Usher of the
Bleck Rod may ohooee to select.
Lord Stanley as neaal was eurroanded
by the judges of the Supreme Court in
their scarlet robes end the representatives
Bootle wee ce pretty one indeed as Her
Majesty's representative delivered the
speech, firer in Engliah and then
in French, to the faithful Conmmone
at the bar of the chamber. Returning to
,the Commons the House adjourned until 3
to -morrow, when the dieonssion on the
addreee will take plane. Outside the
buildings there was an immense gathering,
and the•apatite of the Vioe-Regal oar•
riage were" cheered on their way to and
from. Rides Hail.
Princess Louise Dragoon Guards supplied
an escort to His Excellency and the Gov-
ernor•General's Foot Guards provided a
guard of honor. The weather was excel-
'Hon. Gentlemen of the Senate :
Gentlemen of the House of Commons :
I am glad to welcome you to the duties of the
first session of a n! Parliament, which ,I hope
will be m'emorab, or ..Isedoliberations and for
Measures adapted o the progress and develop
Itlent of the Dominion. The session in which
you are assembled has opened auspiciously for
the industries of our people. , Let us hope that
their labors may be crowned with fruitful re-
turns from land and sea and thatthe great
resources of Canada may continue to reward the
toil and enterprise of its inhabi ants.
My advisers, availing themselves=of opportuni-
ties which we t presented_ijJjhe c1rlsine months-
oClast yea c sed to be shown the willingness
of the Gov° 'cut of Canada to join in making
efforts for i e extension and development of
the trade between the Itcpublic and the Domin-
ion, as well as for the friendly adjustment of
these matters of an international character
- which remain unsettled. I am pleased to say
that these reprosentati no have resulted in an
assurance that in October next the Government
of the United Stares will be prepared to enter
on s confertmer_to_,neider-the.--ma
arriving at a practical solution' of these im-
portadt questions. The papers relating to this
subject will be laid before you. Uud -r these
circumstanoes, and in the hope that the pro-
posed conference may result in arrangements
beneficial to both countries, you will be called
upon to consider the expediency of extending,
for the present season, the principal provisions
of the protocol annexed • to. the Washiugton
treatyof,1888, known as the modus vivendi,
A disposition having been manifested in the
United Kingdom to impose on sea -going ships
engaged in the cattle trade, increased safeguards
for life and greater restrictions against improper
treatment, a careful inquiry had been made as
- to the incidents of that trade in BO far as this
. country is concerned. While I am glad to learn
tlhat our ehipp,ng le free from reproach in that
regard, your attention will be invited to a meas-
ure which will remove all reasonable apprehen-
sion of abuses arising in the future in connec-
tion with so important a branoh of our
The early coming into force of the Imperial
statute relating to the Vice -Admiralty Courts of
• the ]empire bas made it necessary to revise the
laws In force in Canada respecting our courts of
maritime jurisdiction, and a measure will there-
fore be laid before you deaigned to reorganize
those tribunals. .•
A node of 'criminal law has been prepared in
order that that branch of our jurisprudence may
be simplified and improved, to which your beet
attention is inv,ted.
Measures re:acing to' toe foreshores of the
'Dominion and to, the obstruction of its navigable
waters will bo submitted to you and you will
also be asked to consider amendments to the
ants relating to the Northwest Territories to the
Exchequer Court Act and to the ants relating to
the tradesmarks.
Gentlemen of the house of Commons:
The acoounte for the past year Will be sub-
" mitted to you. The revenue, after providing
for the 'ervices to which you appropriated it, has
left a Burp, us for the works which you designed
to be carried on by capital exp.•nditure. The
estimates- for the coming year will be laid before
you at an early dare,
Hon, Gentlemen of the Senate:
Gentlemen of the House of Commons:'
I pray that in the consideration of these mat-
ters and in the performahhoe of all the labors
which wid devolve upon you, your deliberations
may be divinely aided, and that your wisdom
and patriotism may enlarge the prosperity of
the Dominion and promote in every way the
well-being of its people.
Mr. Spea pr laid on the table the oertifi-
cate Of V election of Mr. Savard for
Chioontim .
Mr. Hazen, on rieing to move the address
in reply to the. Speeoh from the Throne,
craved she indulgence of the Hopse as a
young and inexperienced member. It was
pleasing to know that the season had
,,opened auspiciously, and that the prospeoto
of the farmers were good. The polioy of
the Governinent bad added wonderfully to
the growth of the country and its fame
'abroad. It was pleaeiog to know that the
advisors of Her Majesty had reminded the
neighboring Republic of her willingnees to
join wish them in developing trade between
the two countries. (Hear, hear.) In doing
this the Government had been simply
followingoat the policy they initiated
in '79. It must be gratifying to the House
to know that the time had been fixed
when the cfiliferenee would be held for
the purporq of amicably dealing with
all the matters in dispute. That
conference would bo awaited with great
interest by the people of the continent. tie
would content himself with expreseing the
opinion that when the account) of the past
year were laid before the Hoaee it would
be found that our finances are in a healthy
condition. There was - a empires to be
carried to oapital account, ' and now that
the great question of trunk lineal and oanale,
had been completed, and that the greatest
expenditure for pnblib works had been
lelade that would probably have to be made
for half a century, the increase of expendi.
tures in future -years would not be more
than the increase of population would bear
without burdening the taxpayers ofthe
country: By one occupying a prominent
position in the polities! .life of this
had ` been grossly insulted, tinfairly dealt
with, and spoken of in a way not
consistent with faots. This applied also
to Manitoba, the Northwest Territories
and British Columbia. He eay,
RIAndiog before the hon.' gentleman, that
the people of the Maritime Provinces and
the people of New Brunewiok had just as
mnoh regard for prinoiple and for right as
the hon. gentleman who spoke gt them as
it they werediri beneath hie mighty feet.
The people in St. John and in New Brune-
wick were asked if they were in favor of
unrestricted reoiprooity and the resents of
that policy, or were they in favor of
attempting to obtain a modified form of
eeoitntit" i iltili a
mbaiaa e r ►:•
ra` � ,y,, a`-'ao'nneotion. That was
the one question disoueeed in New Brune -
wick. He thanked the Home for the
patient hearing given him, and the Govern-
ment for doing him the honor of asking
him to move the address in reply to the
speeoh from the throne.
Mr. Oorbonld, on rising to eeoond the
Nen Who Are Not In Love—Tho " Bight
This clever eee*y aonoeraing," Alen atko-
Are Not in Love" is oondeoaed from the
Young Ladies' Fashion Bazar:
" I would give anything in the world. to,
know whether he is in earnest or not," ie
the thought that passes through the minds
of moat young girls when they have
rood ved i.. soma' many calls from some
handsome beau ideal who seems to jut exit
their fancy.
" But how can I ever find out ?" they
cry, despairingly.
s et ` alrea� itY Yc; 'i Bili t gdie iArl d
whether a young man is really attracted
toward you or not.
When a young man has to be urged to
call on yoil—when you have to make oppor-
tunities to see him, or find exoueee to write
to him, depend upon it you are having your
trouble for your Paine, for believe me, he's
not particularly attraoted toward you—he's
iffiet-cod erre ' on im y Its a overnment
in asking him so do so. He notioed in the
speeoh that His-Exoellenoy had caused the
G vernment of . the United States to b3
alluded that the Government of Canada
were willing to open negotiations for *be
oxtenaion of our trade relations with that
country. Canada for the last 36 years had
been trying to obtain a satisfactory treaty
wish the United States. Re was aware
that Canada was very prosperous under the
treaty of 1854, so mnoh so that the Govern-
ment of the United States thong it proper
to do away with the treaty. Canada had
always been ready to enter into a treaty
upon the terms of the treaty of 1854, but
all her offers have been refused by the
Washington Governmentupon some pre.
text or pretence.
Mr. Laurier congratulated' the hon.
gentlemen for the ability with whi'oh they
had moved and seoonded the address.
While he approved of the manner of their
epeeohes, he regretted that he could not
endorse the matter. It had been said that
in former years epeeohee from the Throne
were oharaoterized ss shining chiefly
beosaee of omiesions. ' The present speech
bristled with omiesions. So far there had
never been any explanation from re-
sponsible Ministers as to why Parliament
had been,diseolved.-"The Speech from -the
Throne gave no intimation of these
reason°, and no reference was made to the
repeal of the Franchise Aot, the nselesa-
nese of whioh had been demonstrated,
since the eleotion could be held without
a revision of the voters' list. He failed to
see any reference to the amendment to
the electoral law so as to preve t_tho_out-
rageoui Tfrande which had oharaoterized
the late eleotioo, or any reference
to the O0nveyanoe of Canadian mails
to Europe. For the last forty years
onr mails had been parried in Canadian
bo .toms. To day the mile of this
loyal countre were oarried through . the
United States to the oity of New York.
He denonno'd the Postmaster -General as
a traitor, whether veiled or unveiled, he
oould nos say, but he denounoed him to all
loyal men and true. (Laughter and ap-
with ted
gnen ceof
of exp;
hie spar.
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'And so, file
And then tits
And t>Mr•
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From hidis_
by the eI
inoompa the
- me
J. C. Davis, Rector of St. James'
Episcopal Church, Eufaula, Ala.:
" My son has been badly afflicted
with a fearfuand eat- t'lil.
T. rest. ;1.�
or several mon s, an • a er rying
severalprescriptions from physicians
which failed to relieve him, he has
been perfectly restored by the use of
two bottles of Bo -
An Episcopal schee's German Syr-
up. I can recom-
If he calla irregularly, and not often, he
is not troubling himeelt about whether or
not any one else may step in end win you
from him. Love always makes a man.
fearful that he may by any Blip of destiny
lose his treaeare, and he never feels sate
until after he he has won the object of hie
When a man le eager to have you
invite your neighbor's pretty daughters to
help entertain him when he calls he is
not in love with you, for the eyes of a
lover are shut to all smiles and gianoee
but those df her whom he has oalled to see.
If you are 25 years old, and he is thrown
in contact with young girls, and you Bee his
eyes restlesslywandering toward the girl
of 16 summers, yon may know then at
once that however bright and witty you
may be he is not for you.
A gentleman should do all the wooing,
for, though he may oome to see a girl once
or twice, who plainly shows " she'd like to
have him," he never Domes the third time,
for correctly it has been said that—
" When a woman throws herself at a man's head.
She'll soon find herself at his feet."
For if the girl bee to make advanoes the
man is not in love. When a man ie remiss
in hie attentions he is not in love.
When he neglects to perform any little
Ant of- dnes° that eche in1ie way he is
not in love.
When he puts off hie engagements he is
not in love. Of conrserin argent oaeee, he
may not be able to keep it, but if it is at
all possible, word should.alwaye be sent, or
he cannot be called in love with you., As
Rosalind says in " Ae Yon Like It" :.
' The an who comes one minute late is not
in love.'
Dutch Courtship.
In certain parte of Holland, when a
young man thinks he bas found hie affinity,
it is customary for him to ask for a matoh
to light his oigar at the door . of. the be-
loved one's house. This little subterfuge
is intended to arouse the parents of the
'girl to the fact that something is in the
If a s •cond call with a similar object is
n afterwards, no doubt is left of
ng man's intentions, and the
roceed to investigate the young
araoter and antecedents, with a
asoertaining his eligibility" as a
f the family. When he calla the
e, always for a matoh to light hie
ey are prepared to give him an
nit is regarded with favor, he is
egnested to step inside for the
, and ie eerved with a light. If he
opted, he is refaced a light, 'and
must be only such as may be found i e shut in his face without farther
11 L11 ++•••�.a-v. • ,. v al
25 prizes of 810 end). 50 prizes of tit eae
100 prizes of 82 each. 200 prizes of j1 eac
marina a total of 386 prizes, the val
of which will aggregate $5,000. Th
Grand Word -Makin; Competition
open to everybody, everywhere, subje
to the following ,conditions : e T
words must be constructed from t
two words, " The Agriculturist," an
Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, a1
in the body of the book, none of tl
supplements to be, used., The wor
must be written in ink on one side
the paper only, and numbered in rot
tion, 1, 2, 3, and so on to the end
the list, for facilitating in deciding t
winners. The list . containing ti
largest number of words will be
warded first prize, and so on in ord
of merit. Each list as it is receiv
at the office of the '" Canadian Ag
cult.urist" will be numbered, and
two or more tie on the largest list, t
first received .will lie awarded the G
prize, the next second and so
Therefore the benefit of 'sending Not a Miracle, Now.'
early will readily be seen. Each I'reoently Coneamption wait con -
early now people are
must be accompanied by ..1 for, to realize that the disease is not
Months subscription to the " Canadi;. The onreof Coneumptionie not
A;;riculturist." One person can se!'. now. Dr. Pierce's Golden Med-
in one or more lists,. 'accompal
ing each list with $1., for which
paper will be sent to any address fo
months. The best family paper
Canada. It is. by no means ant'.
paper, but, has been established
aleens. eerreand natrlr'veboi'rfleah�
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stories of a higher .class by the m The Honors of War.
popular authors of.the day. It is oslphia Record : " War is murder,"
neirtly THE paper for the home �irlee Raesell eLoawiell, in ethea r" wBige•
and at .$2 a year is the cheapest ung;waged in Obilt el, of any con
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chance of winning a valuable prize. many years botore the Ohpal :na
AGENTS WANTED.—The object of be fit to Dome within the pale of
publisher of the'" Canadian Agric{�•
urist " in giving 1.‘‘. ay , these hast hie lectures at Yale last week
amounts in cash, is to extend the er told of a quaint reoord kept in
>a 1111 11JP,ih town concerning from
of ire
Butter•Fingers in BasebiifL"" m.t,•, balers, whioh reads eta followe : " One.
ving prepared for this oonting-
downcast enitor will, in all pro -
light his weed with a matoh
wn box, and walk away mooing
ranaitory nature of all earthly
' hen the accepted suitor is invited
he house, he, as a matter of course,
he parents whioh of their daugh-
eptivated his fanny.
his is Bettied,the young man steps
nd they join hands. While the
nt is by no means a Bottled fact
hie important stage, . yet it is
a truth that when, on the 'ocoa-
young man's third visit, hie
has offered him • a , second cigar,
e smoked it in their honee, the
nt never has been cancelled.
very will Dare it, if taken in time
a fair trial. This world-renowned
rill not make new lunge, but it will
liseaeed ones to a healthy etate
er means have failed. Thousands
'testify to this. It is the moat
Boston Herald.: Norco of the Navv t"erl sifts f 4:endn bilit nota ministor,tho next was
bas belli`st n appear toahave the grip. d mi meter brit tiob a man, and the third
neither a man nor's minister"—Congrega-
-A London physician has sent a cable- tionaliat.
to Chicago recommending the follow- The tall giraffe with rarer; lows
a remedy for the infinenze: 'I Five As ho ewe ea hi hie wisp of nay,
And he laleeses hie nook ss dovin it goes,
o of camphor in twenty minims For he tastes it all the way.
re of iodine, and one draohm of The failure of Drops in Kansas is .stirs.
rine with !reap, frequently, fir Witt- "bated to bird fs-ti il: wig atlid neglect wile the
tunas;.riast..,Joieski-.•r000mmondedr "farmers ralrnfter--thu -Allittn jja'n'i li
ipyriner poiiticslu gatli2ntifilrr�i.'
Ing se
country (Sir RichardOartwrlgl>!t), the eine
p ,pie .::fol 4`t�t� fi lti a Provmpee aro an
hesitation." Chronic
severe, deep-seated coughs like this
are as severe tests as a remedy can
be subjected to. It is for these long-
standing cases that Boschee's Ger-
man Syrup is made a specialty.
Many others afflicted as this lad
was, will do well to make a note of
J. F. Arnold, Montevideo, Minn.,
writes: I always use German Syrup
for a Cold on the Lungs. I have
never found an equal to it—far less
a superior.
G. G. GREEN, Sole Man'fr,Woodbury,N J.
A Toronto Street aocene. '
" Don " in Toronto Saturday Night : In
my walks this fine weather I 000seionelly
meet a young and very handsome married
woman in company with a man
who is neither her husband nor a
gentleman.. He bends over her and ahe
genes up at him in a very confidential way
while they stroll along, as if anxious not t -
be overhe d I do not—know hew the
husband teele about at, bat I have euoh
thorough confidence in her innate goodnese
and honesty that I wish that I were her
mother for about fifteen or twenty minutes
and thereby privileged to give her a
talking to and the other maternal
etceteras. I have heard . half- &"dozen
eople—mention"—•-the ane
of them said a word against her, but when
theyspoke of her -husband they wondered
what he was thinking about. I cannot
help doing some wondering myself. Now
no woman has a right to do anything to
cause her husband to be wondered at or
sneered at. She is the custodian of his
honor. Even if he is parfeotly satisfied to
permit the oompenionehip which is creating
remark, hie kindness and faith deserve a
better reward than they are receiving.
Some day she will hear some .cruel and
heart. piercing criticism from an angry or
envionefriend. What . is worse, her
husbad will hear something that will
make him tremble with rage and
sorrow, and he will hear it from
somebody who will probably make it
look and sound as nasty as possible.
Probably he will be twitted with -it by a
tipey companion at the club. Great God !
how wounding it will be to them both
Then why should this pretty 'goose play
with the fox and arrange for misery if not
a matrimonial estrangement ?. The things
that are said may bo underserved, yet when
the agony of resentment Domes upon her -
she cannot say that she bas been without
fault. And then, women are bat women,
weak and foolish often, and men are but
men, masterful and villainous often, and
the end of it all may be mach worse than
even that whioh I have suggested.
A Necktie Party. -
Clothier and Furnisher: " Conductor,"
murmured the affrighted passenger,
" what's the matter in the next Pallmen
oar. Are they having a fight in there ?"
" Woree than that," replied the conduc-
tor ; " one of the ladies is trying to tie her
husband's necktie for him."
It was ail Bight.
Epoch : He—You are N. G., Maria.
She—What do you mean ?
He—Nioe girl.
"She—Oh 1
A Wise Lad.
Harper's Young People : " Johnny, do you
know your alphabet ?" -
" Yee."
" What letter oomeeafter B ?"
" Oh iota of 'am. Twenty-four alto-
gether' .
Wild ginseng, the root to whiibh the p
Chinese apothecary attributes so many
virtues, is of almost priceless value, being
worth more than its weight in gold. It ie
found .in Corea, and forma part of the
annual tribute paid by the Kmg o! that
nation to the Emperor of China.
The advantage of this is that we may
save perhaps fifteen appeals and serve the
came purpose as would be eerved by esoh
of these. The provision° of the statute are
that proper oonnset for those interested
should have the opportunity to appear for
—Have men more pride than women ?
Joe Howard says that "iairan interesting
race question raised by the fact that while
white women very often marry bleak men
it is very rare that a white man marries e
bleak woman."
He Gives Advice its Bne1Lh Olrls Wk
Have Married Them.
Mayor McShane this morning gave two
young Englieh girls who have married
Italian organ grinders a severe reprimend4
for •marrying into what be termed slaver,
Three Italiana, with two of their wives.
English girls, „called to get a reduction et
their iioenee, which is 050. The mayor.
after eyeing the women, said : "You're not
Italians ?"
"No," replied . the tailed. "We are
"P��1CiEW� t9iCiYiiYY iit�fli�Y:'CFa irY,e �t e�zr.•, ',
Italians ?"
"We met them on • the boat Doming
over," was the anewer.
"And you married them ?"
"In Quebec," said one.
' Can't you do any better than grind
organs ? Could your husbands not do any
better ? It is terrible to encourage you.
something else and yon go and keep bowie?
This organ grinding business is becoming a
regular nuisance. These Italians ought to
work like other people. It is a ,pity to aeir-
young women like you grinding orgaae."
The Mayor next turned upon one of the
men : " Would it not be better for you to
go and work ?" he asked.
" But organ grinding is my trade," wan
the anewer.
" Are you aware that your trade is a
nuisance ?" the Mayor asked.
Then addressing the women again the
Mayor said : " It is a pity for . women to
marry men to enslave them. In -England
women are not married to slavery, and
why did you marry into slavery in this
country ? Thera was no need for it. I
would rather try and get work for the
" Make your husband eapport you at
home, and do not go organ grinding any
more," said the Mayor es he signed an.
order to have their license reduced' from
$50 to $25.—Montreal Star.
Pensive and Expensive.
Many a woman shrinks from ooneultingt
a physician about functional derangements
and weakness, and prefers to Buffer in
silence. She is cad and pensive, and her
-web -et -of net ailments will -prove expensive.
It may coat her her life. One of the mos*
skilful phyeioian° of the day, who has had
a vast experience in curing diseases peculiar
to women, has prepared a remedy which is
of inestimable aid to them.. We refer to
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, the only
remedy for woman's peonliar weaknesaea
-and—ailments; cold—by-druggists,—under w
positive guarantee from the manutaotarera
that it. will give satisfaction in every Daae,
or Money refanded.
A Yellow Summer.
We all know that last summer was • a
white, Bummer. The girls affected white
costumes even to shoes and giovee, and to
our expense we know that only white flan-
nel suite and shirts were the oorreot things
for man.
A lady who says she knows all about it,
and who certainly should, assures me that
this is to be a yellow summer in the same
For a oonvinoing proof she pointe, to any
of the shop windows.
The Czar of Russia is more than nix fete
tall and has the shoulders, arms and
thighs of an athlete. So great ib the
strength of his hand° that he can twist a
horseshoe with ease. He is a magnifioen*
horseman, a thoroughly trained soldier
and an a000mpliehed linguist, speaking
seven modern languages besides Russian,.
He works hard and .is out of bed from 6
in the morning till 10 at night. Stimu-
lants and narcotics are, however, gradually
undermining his strength. /
D. U. !F L 20. 01
Neuralgia, Sciattica,
Lumbago, Backache,
Sofe Throat,
Frost ates9 Sprains,
Bruises-, A;.urns, Etc.
Sold by Druggists and Dealers everywhet'°"
Fifty Cont., it bottle. Directibns in
11 languages,
THE CHARLES A. VOGELER CO.,Ballimore, 18d.
Canadian Depot: Tormato, Ont.
r 1 C'c. .
PO T1!Jl EDITOR:—Please inform yo
.i..: named disease. By its timely use'thousa
r.)•+.1 be glad to send two bottles of my
o'ptwa :f they will send me their Express
'°'C:" 7'i3:t Wag* 40101041116 rtt.. TOR
tie them rete
+a u�itotmffijs ase
Worst eases,
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