HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1891-05-15, Page 1:Daley Barrel CHURNS, Jersey Creank Oans, Roller Carpet Yiweepert Finish and quality uuex celled. Also a full line of stamped and Japanned inware kept in stock. D. 0- TAYLOR H41$1,Mk1A. $ VOL XVIII. -19. Is published every Friday at the "Sentinel', ')lock, north-east corner of Outram and Campbell Strs., Lucknow, --By JAMES BRYAN EDITOR & puE4..isfieft, BSORIPTION PRICE $1.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. ALL MINDS OF 70B PRINTING EXECUTED WITH NEATNESS at DESEATCH• MEDICAL J . MoDONALD, M. D., C. M. C. P. S. . O. Office, Kintail. • VI R. . TENNANT,m01plernentshCIA N, 1.5 Surgeon and Accoucheur. Surgery op- posite Cain's hotel. Office hours from 9 to 12 a. in., and from 2. to 5 p. m. D. McD. GORDON, M.D., C.MF.T. M.. S , M. - Physician, Sur- .., • geon, and .Accoucheur. Office next door to W. Alibi's implement shop. Residence Ross street,. opposite.W.1J. Little's. DR. D. G-EDDES,. V: S., . CALLS , either by mail or telegram promptly attended to. Charges moderate. Office. Cor- rigan's hall, Joarding house. Cain's hotel. Lucknow. LEGAL LION CO.RRIGAN, COMMISSIONER, 0 in H. C. G. Kinlough P. C., Ontario. CI ARROW & PROUDFOOT, EARRIS- ter,. • Solicitors, etc., Giiderich, Ont. T. -GARROW. Q. C. PitonoFooT. Ltho'r TRAVER, ATTORNEY AT M1.1 law, Solicitor . Chancery,. Convey- ancer, etc. Office, next door to Muichison's ewellerr 8t44,'Lucknow, Ont. 11ORRISON. ATTORNEY AT • 'law, Solicitor in Chancery, C.ommis- sioner, Conveyancer. etc, Office, . over the barber shop. GENERAL Ayr ONEY TO LOAN! I HAVE A FEW 11..1. thousand dollars to invest for private parties. at reasonable interests. ELLIOT TRAVERS. • • MONEY TO'LOAN ! ON FIRST-CEASS mortgages at 7 to 7i per cent. interest, payable Yearly. Charges moderate, Apply to ROBERT ,MuRRAy, St. Helens. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. Tickets issued. to all points east or west. Quick time. Close connections with other lines. ' Full particulars to intending travellers. JOHN MURCHISON, Ticket Agent, 'Lucknow. MONEYTO LOAN ! AT 6 PER CENT from 2 to 20 years. Lists of farms for sale in Ontario as well as Manitoba. Parties desirous to sell farms will consult their inter- ests by inspecting the advertising facilities of Subscriber in Great .Britain and Ireland and continent of lands for sale. ANGUS STEWART, Land Valuator Lucknow Ontario. WEST WAWANOSH Fire Insurance Company, board of directors meets for the transactiin ot business on the first .Tuesday each month. Parties wishing to have their property insured in this increasingly popular Company, will by giving notice, be called upon by an agent or by cne of the Directors. Business calls promptly attended to. Office, Dungannon. J.. M. ROBERTS, Secretary, Wm.LANE, Treasurer. SOCIETIES .1-UCKNOW 4 I Lodge, No. 112 meets every Friday evening at 8 o'clock in tp.11.1,r hall, Campbell citreet. All . brethren colnaly invited. D. PATTERSON, N. (rand; JOHN Etaior, Recorder. , C0. F., COURT o Sherwood, No. -'•', 50, Lucknow. .Meet - 4,!*+ every, hrst and third ' 14. Monday in c v e r y month, in the Odd - '1' l, , • fellows hall. Visit - Ving brethren a r e NII.; DAVI cordially invited. A. Ti ....•:1411). D.SON,Y' ut,t; Sr.1Zk.. A 0. U. W. LUCKNOW LODGE OF 11.• the Ancient Order United. Workmen, meet in the Oddellows hall, on the last and second Monday evenings of each monthat eight o'clock.• Visiting brethren cordially invited. D. PATTERSON, Master Workman. R. V CA•mr.noN, Recorder, UCKNOW MECHANICS' INSTI- 141 tide, Reading roKtn ()nen every evening from 6 to 1.0 p. Tn., excepting Saturdays, when hours will be from 2 to 6 p, in, The librarian • will he in attendance &tiring those hours. D. ,1). YULE. President: ,TAM. foam- vILLE, Secretary. ENTAL -t imonammi• .T, S. .111U)ME, I. D. 8, Wingham, will 1,0 ifl 1„no.know oft the second and fourth Frit, ay aadS'aturday of each month: Good sets or 810. Filling and extracting a specialty • LUCKNOW ONTARIO, FRIDAY, MAY 15, 101. EVER FAST NEWS OF THE TOINN. Vai4faienNiggii4PartiFffw‘shing Border sr LA HOSIERY Town —A good houpe on Ross st. to let, inquire of Elliot/Traver. —A yearling heifer belonging -to Mr R. Graham died on Tuesday. To tell the Truth We have so strue„,b_ that the people want. We defer to specify oily - thing, but just invite a cali fru e very bed w h • wants STOVES, TINWARE ,and Hardware D. C. TAYLOR. WHOLE NO. 903,.. r(----,-,,„.„, --„, ,.., ,o..,•, ,,,„c,,,ouRg„., \ \\\\\ :ii ‘1.•",1.'' i'.•''',/..\ SI 1:,:cAL!1‘111:KLIE.Enc1:\/:..,:i:•.,\L„.,\:::::.....11(11 Iva F'A,r/ \ II Do. A.1.' ' ,1.1 ••,•-•.,', ,I . - • ;/if . v EVEfilliSTAIIILE.i.A.4 , ;'/;-).,111 TRADE: tylA111, ) j /' • ..,;.// '''":'' ' ' , cbY'-.41-4(V•te...2,,,, „ \ '"L,,:s74:.4*5t., , :'; : INZZIE Ns.-r.',,....a411‘ k‘"•--,,-„,, _,;-.'.." ' :o,.., , AS WORN - ...5..! t\ It A .:, r .. LUCHNOW PUBLIC SCI300.11 The following is the standing qi the pupils it the April Examination of the Lucknow Public School : N --.-_ THE. 4,••••••• --••••=:' --."--•—••••• • Et A '. : r: '.. i , I EvERFA,::::"F'. • . a •,-;;,..: 1, I WARH4N-fED '.. * , • c- .. • ;! . FAST BLACK . , ,. sTOCKINCS. , —: s'r cc 1;,its„,c.:::', , Black hose have been very popular of lateyears, .but it has always been a'm' atter of annoyance to the wearer that - . they stained the feet and _legs and faded to a dirty greenish color. This could be particu- larly said of the lines in cotton. But we are pleased to be able to say that these annoyances have been overcome in the "Ever Fast Black Hose" which have been imported recently from Germany and each, pair of which has the above cut stamped on the leg. To those who desire 'to pur- chase this beautiful line of full-fashioned hose we woulJ say that we 'can supply them in cotton, lisle thread and Italian silk. We have special values in the common lines as well. 011 MURDOoll & Co. LUCKNOW & DUNGANNON. THE LUCKNOW BA COiWP4NY ( Not I ncorporate4) • GEORGE' MAIR, PROPRIETOR.' MONEY TO LOAN . IDRAFTS ISSUED ON ALL PRIX- cipal points. I 'In•ques; drafts and mortgages cashed. Notes d isconnted. Arne r- ican currency, & Aziterican bank drafts or cheques bought or sold. Interest allowed on deposits from five dollars and upwards at,the rate of five per centum per anbum. /Money to lend on farm or village propertyiat the lowest current rates. Vire insurance effeekd in first class stock 111S11/111100 4OT111111.11it'S 0111y. We have one 200.acre. three 100 acre and two 50 acre farms for sale eheap. Office hems 10 a, in. to 4 p. in • G. A. SIDDALL. Manager. .• , The council are calling for tenders for grading,•gravelling, etc., in another column. • Read the advertisement. itM40372:0401'01=0:#7;.^97,M=4FrfelEZTV ttiAr^algy174141 SSAM.11.1.411,0111, .vv Mon arrie Grundy. Jun. class.— Excellent — Abigail' Watson. Good --Ga ey Holden), Rob- bie Matheson, Gracie Cameron, Rus sie Grundy, Rossie Young, Ida Rei d, Abraham Connor. James McCory ie. Fair ---Joh, t village will be held, on- the'26th inst. —Master Water Treleaven captured a sixteen inch speckle trout •last week. —Miss Wilkes, of Walkerton, is the guest of Mrs. 0. A. Shepard, of this village. — Mrs. R. Proctor left on Wednes- day for a few weeks visit to friends in Detroit. —The Rev. Mr. MacNabb will, D. "V., preach at Langside on Sabbath next at 11 a.m. --The Sacrament of the Lord's'Sup- per was administered in the Methodist church on Sunday last. • --The Rev. A. McKay, of Lucknow, omupied the pulpit of Knox church, Toronto, on Sabbath last. '—Mr. and Mrs. W. J. BrumptOn are visiting Mr Brumpton's old home .near Sparta, Elgin County. —Mrs. jatnes Smith, of West -Wa4.v-anashr-is--the---g-crest•of herdarrgh---- ter, Mrs13arber, this week, —The Rev, Duncan Davidson has sent • his resignation .of ,the Langside Con„ereeatibn to the secretary of the Presbytery of Maitland. —Don'ifplant your purnk.ins too near your neighbor's fence: If you do, the vine will crawl through, 'and the very hest pumkin you have will grow on the wrong side of the fence. —What you can get at M. Cotrigan's. grocery—Seeds, ,mangel, turnip, carrot, onions, beans, beet, lettuce, and early. Dent corn, highly recommended for this northern section. 2 —Mr. John Cournans,' reeve of Greenock, has taken possession of Nauer's hotel, Walkerton. John will be much missed .at the County Conn-, cil meeting in Lucknow next month. —Among the names of the examin- ers appointed by the Educational De- partment to examine the papers for teachers' certificates in ,Toronto during July andAugust, that of Mr. D. DI Yule, of Lucknow,eappears as it did last year. —What you can buy at X. Corri- gan's grocery—Butter prints, butter spoons, flowers, flower pots, cream crocks, butter crocks, clothes baskets, market baskets, and the finest quality of teas. •—There are 95 election • petitions filled against the return of members of the Heuse of Commons. It is•expect: ed that fully one half of the House will have the luxury of a trial on hand before the time of petition expires. —It has now becerne a settled point that 'the annual camps will be held thfs year in September instead of June and from the way things are looking it is quite possible that tho 32nd may be ,required to take the fieid this year •.. , • —The Blythe 'Standard says : I" Mr. Geo. Greer, was visiting his sister, Miss Groer 'oil Sunday. - S. 'Mathers, .of LuCknow, passed our office on Monday morning homeWard bound, after spend- ing Sunday with friends in this neigh- borhood." —Fixercise ot the muscles is neeess- art for the proper development of the human system, but unfortunately car- rying water, cutting wood, working in the garden, or running family errands is not half as popular with the averag6' boy ,just now as carrying a big blmboo pOle around the country, on fishing ex - ped itiOns. • KINLOSS. Report. of S. 5. No. 5, for April : Sen. 1 V—I'. Kennedy, A.:Sutherland E. McIntosh, E. Valens. Jun. IV. -- •N. McCaul. A, McGillivray, A. Pierce, S. .Fraser. 111 class,—S: Cox, J. Coxl A. Carruthers, 11. ITaigh. B. McLeod, D.. McKinnon, A. Stither-, land, AlitTntosh. Part. McDonald, jne. Smith, M CarrutherS,' W. Sutherland. • 44 • ; Senior V class—T Cloning, P Mur- chison, 0 Smith, L Wilson, R Griffith. W Watson. Intermediate V class-- Excenent—L McDonald, J Yule, M Strathdee, H Holmes, A Lawson, M Campbell, S Walker. Good — A. Woods, • E Graham, J Baird, T Law- rence, M McCoy, J McKinnon, W Wil on. Junior V class—Excellent—II Mc - Charles. Good—A Coiling, 0 Hamly. Primary V class— Exeellent—W Mallough, F Coiling, D Boyd, R Mc- Kay, 'CI McLean. Good --W Reid. .. SECOND DEPARTAIENT. Sen. IV class.—Eicellent—Albert Boyd, K. MacNablio,May Graham, Jas. .Torrence, John Lyons, Katie MaCNabb, Edith Sroith, Aggie Hornell, Katie Treleaven. Good—Nettie MacDonald Stewart Yule", Aggie Lyons,,,. Willie Yule, Annin.Douglas, Eliza Paterson and John Tennant (ties), Adah Grundy lad-ie-Arrost rerigitie,$);-11-ark-Dotrg-las--) Malcolm Matheson, Wallace Corrigan, Tom Reid. Fair—Walter Treleaven, Phillip MacMillian, Saddle Johnson, An nie 'Youne. Jun. IV class.—Excellent—George .Armstrong, Frank Caio, Sarah Greer, Birdie McIntosh, Ed ward OW u rn,Annie Lawson, Sadie ,Boyd. Good—Annie Baird,, Jennie. Lees, Frank McIntosh, Culy Matheson, Beatriceillamly, Aggie Findlater, Allie Miller,..0ora Ross and.. da Burgess. (ties), • Mary Stewart; Mary McKinnon, Edith Greer, John. A. MacDonald; John McDonald and • Hannah Barber. FairDalla Flood, Aggie McMillan, M. McKay, George Berry, Maud Flood, Fred Davison. THIRD DEPARTMENT. Jun. III class. —Excellent—Enialine Robertson, James McCormac, B. Bryan, Willie Brennan, L. Patterson. Good -- Reggie Armstrong, Jessie Douglas,H. Gallagher, Rhoda Wilson, E. McLaren, W. Mohring, • W. Corri- gan.. Fair—Minnie Thompson; John Jno..McClure, B. McQuaig. • 1 re c ritosh, Libhie Lyons.. PRESBYTERY. OF4 MAITLA.Ne. The Presbytery of Maitland met in Wingham on May 12th, the Rev. F. A. McLennan, 'moderator. There were present 15 ministers and 8 elders. The minutes of last meeting were read.and adopted. The session records of Beigrave, South Kinloss, St. Ifelens, Wrox- eter klturch; Brussels- and 'Walton were produced and e...amined, and attesteda. carefully and correctly kept. The Rev. Mr. McLennan, eon vener of finance committee, reported the Presbytery fund in a satisfactory stabe. ''`The clerk was instructed • to N% rite t Congregations in arrears to the Sfyiu4 fund itn'd..request payment with as little delay as possible. • On motion it was carried that the remit of the General Assembly. on marriage . with deceased wife's sister be approved ofh The Rev. Duncan Davidson telftered, by telegram from Alin:4:i, Manitoba, his resigna- tion of the charge of Langside congregation, The clerk was inAreeted to cite the congre- gation to appear for their interests at the next wee ing o resbytery.• It was agreed thot Knox. church, Brussels, be supplied through the Probationers' com- mittee for one month ne3 quarter. The clerk was instructe. to 'forward the name of the Rev. G, B. Ph; 1).; .to the coni• mittee on the diitiileation of Probationers for work. if he should desire employment through the comMittee. 'The.. Rev, • Mr. Stevenson submitted an. 0 • Sen. II class. -.---Excellent— Hattie. Sandy, Elva Vance and IL Arths,trOng (ties), Grace Douglas, Crieffe Mair, H. Thompson, B. McCoy, Fred Matthie, Jessie Baird,' H. Findlater. Good— Jennie Lyons, Coral Shoebottom, Fyfe IV.".icKirinon, L. Nevins,. H. Grundy. Fair—Geo. Middleton, D. Anderson, E. Mohring. .Bad—D. Ross, W. Day idson. . . Jun. 11 class.EXcellent —Robbie Graham, J. McCoy, L. Smith, E. Tor- rance, Jno. McDonald, E. *Wheeler, Ida McIntosh, Aggie Geddes, A...Tra- ver. Good—K. Robison, W. Barber, H. McGrory, P. Stewart. 'Fair—May Loree. • Bad—G. Grundy,' D. Hen- dersofi. • • • The following -are...reported as being absent from the whole br. a .part of the exam., apparently without any reason: —John McClure, W. Corrigan,J. Lyons. 111 ...3-rundy, W. ,DavidSon,•D. Ross, G. .Middletdri,' E. -Mohring, E. McKay, D. Anderson, F: Stewart, 0.• Grundy, 0,. Henderson. FOURTH DEPARTMENT. II class.—Excellent — J. Watson, M. Hunter, W. Grundy, J. Lawson, W. Young. R. Davison, A. Shoebottom A. 'Middleton. Good—S. McQuaig, J. Yonng, W. Lees, L. Stuart, A. Mc- Xahh A. Brennan. „Fair—M. Grundy G. McKenzie, Part 11.—Excellent--.-M. Cameron, M. Greer, J. Douglas, D. D. Flynni.:).1. 1Z.obertson, R. Armstong, W. McGrory Watson,. L. Mohring, B. Patterson. Good—C. McLaren, W. MeInto;11, W. Allen, M MulfTIOch, W. Findlater, W. M. Williams. Fair—H: Graham., 0. Holmes, W. McLure, M. Reicl. ' FIFTH DEPARTMENT. Sen. class.---Excellent—George Pat- terson, John lien dei•sn, George Sandy George Brennan Oood—Ida Flynn, James Lyons, .Willie Vance, Etta Adams, El mond Reicl, Annie Yule, 1 elaborate and exhaustive report o11 the statistical and financial returns of congrega- tilins, and was • thanked for his excellent services. , Circulars were received from four Presbyteries intimn,thig their intention to ask leave of the General Assembly 'to receive as ministers of the Presbyterian Church' in Canada six ministers from other churches, namely : The Presbyterian Church in England, the Congregational Church in. the 'United States, the American Presbyterian Church, and the Church ef Scotland. • • The petition of the Presbytery to the Synod of Hamilton and London, Asking for a trans. ference of A.' portion of the mission field under the jurisdiction of the Presbytery of Bruce to the care of this Presbytery, lies on the tableof the Synod. as it is proposed to form a new Presbytery in that district. The Revs. Messrs. Ross and McRae 'were appointed to superintend the studies of students within the bounds of the Presbytery, and prescribe written exercises to be read. before the Presbytery. The students within the bounds are Messrs. Davidson and Cameron, The next meeting -of the Presbytery will be held at Wingham on Tuesday, July •14th, at 11:15 a. m, JOHN MONABB, .1.ucknow, May 13th, '91: Presbytery Clerk A. MURDEROUS BURGLER. CLINTON, Ont,, May.10.—Constable Bulmer, of . Listowel, 'with CheifS Wheatly and Paisley, attempted to arrest a .young man for burglary com- mitted in Harriston. Being .traced to Clinton, he was found Saturday morn- ing at the Commercial Hotel in his room. He was ordered to .come.out, hut refused and fired with his revolver through. the door, He ,locked the door and made a feint to escape by way of the window. Upon doing so all hands rushed nut to intercept him there, ex- cept Constable Bulruer, who remained in the hallway. , The man rushed out, and was grasped firmly by Buluier, both 1) raving revolvers. The burglar managed to shoot the constable. taken dead' aim for his heart. . The bullet struck a rib, and running round saved his life. The wound, is not dangerous. In the excitement, the burglar escaped to a bush south of the. town. Every effort is being made to &Well tho fup,F- tiv,e, who is evidently making his way to Detroit, where he is supposed to hailed from. -- The Census. - Census-Taker—Good morning, mad - ani ; T'm taking the census. Old Lady—The what ? CenSus-Taker- -The Old Lady.—For • lan's sake what with tramps takin' overythh.0 they lay their han'S on,, young folks nkin, fotygrafs of ye without F00 much as askin', an' impudent fellows eomin' aggie )lurdeeli. N, ma Thotitson. rotm' as want, to t A.1,( 1,111q)' :air-----:Merley Davidson, PredRoulsten Soon there wount fa) nothin- loft ter Ethel -McIntosh, Willie Mc0ny', Allie take, I'm thinking. • . fo, • 4, "14