HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1891-05-08, Page 84 ..: : . ,, . ... , . . . . .. ..... ,. . ,.^ • ,, .c, -.> ' ' `'• , ; • • • lea .2 MO* rd a r,a IPOSTI.OFFICEs or* '8 a. rnsto 7 p. rno 1).ccaus Aaarva. W. 1South' ' -643a. Al, L. E, & B. North 1210 p. u. Holyrood Kinloss .Xinlough W. G. cfl B, North 113.o.Nrieb Intermediate points & B. North Langside W G. & B. $outh t ' & B. South W G.& B. North 11?lyrood Kinlose inlough V1Par AIL , 41 2:30 p. ra. 318 p.m. 9 00 p.rn 10.30 p. m, Tuesdays and 3 00 p. m, Fridays • 4 '4 '4 10.00 a. m. 3.20 p. m • 4.30p.m. ranre ,mvit k04ft48 The -Luck-now Sentinel Bruce County, Friday, May 8th 41141.110.11101.11.1111111114.111 J. Passed !hs Exam. We are pleased to see by Saturday's Glebe that Mr. H. A. Hackett, of paged: mxceesstuity his fttst examination in medicine at Toronto ljniversity, taking second-class honors in Biology. A Warning to Boys The Superintendent of this Division of the Grand Trunk Railway has issued a circular .requesting agents to take very determined action against isoswer;-sise. premises And to warn the parents that legal proceedings will be token against their children. This action has been taken to avoid accidents. She Objected " Turn that wrapping paper the .....s.suessess-sees.sse goods store the other afternoon, as the clerk was putting up her purchases in a printed wrapping paper. " I don't want to be a walking advertisment to your store. I read the local paper, as all intelligent people ought to do, and I think in them is the place to ad- adveitse your business." a J44 a .a t J 1 12. ; num; 01 ro A live merchant is always awake to the interest of bis customers, and whenever Er opportunity occurs when goods can be bought at a sacra- fice he embraces the opportunity and thus his shelves are kept stocked with merchandise that regular buyers can- not successfully compete against. , The most of us endeavor to buy where we can get the best value, and being fully aware of this we visited,, the establishment formerly owned by • John ,Birrell & Co, of London, who are now insolvent, and picked up some 'special lines. Ladies embroidered skirting, beauti- - -;—double—width - brocaded lusttes, 45 cts. ; Pingle width• brocaded lustres that will astonish you 22 cts. ; fish net, black and white • • skirting lace, all over laee and em- broidery, such as you need kr the warm weather. We have an unusual stock of silk and Taffeta gloves of all shades that you should see. Parasols —A $2.50 parasol for $1.75, and something at $1.25 that no person need • be ashamed of. , Curtains—This 18 the hardest thrust of all. We've got a job line that we can sell at $1.60 to close buyers, and those that come • first will get this drive.. Wall Paper—We must .3lear this line. If you want cheap paper we have not got it,' but if you want good heavy gilt and white back we will give • you them less than any other store in town. Inspection invited. ' Carpets—If you intend -buying we cordially ask you to inspect, and • our prices and quality cannot fail to please. • Millinery still booming. Leave your order early in the week if you want it On Saturday night. . BRUMPTON BROS r ititlav and leitinity eirO. 'Presbytery of Maitland • The ,Presbytery of Maitland will meet at Wingham on Tuesday first.at• 11 o'clock a.m„ when session,records will be called for and examine.. , Strange Freak of Nature . — David Sanderson, .of the 4th con. of HOwick, has a cow which gaye birth a few days ago to a calf with two heads, one on eaeh end ; six legs, in three pairs; and two tails. The tails are attached to the side of the, body just about the two centrellegs.This is one, of the strangeSt cases ever'reported in the Province. , 9hould be Prohibited' A by-law should be 'passed 'prohib- iting the' posting' df bills or other ad- vertism'ents on the telegraph, telephone and electric -light poles in the village. If an effort were made the different companies owning the poles might be induced to paint those in the centre of the Nillage, which would add greatly to- the appearance of the street. A Good Company - The Canadian Mutual Loan and Tn- vestment Company, of Toronto, which has a local branch in Lucknow is eVi- dently one of ,the most prosperous fin- ancial organizations in the Dominion Organized just about one year ago, it has now'1327 shareholders and the a- moimt of stock sul!scribed to date ie. 1769,400. The aireartit taken froth -- April 1s to ISth was F206,300. They offer a splendid opportunity forSaviegs, and... the; best facilities for effecting loans at a very moderate cost. '741171T447.18. -4J44, 4.44 ' eteas!14• " ' "• Speckled Beauties The trout season opened last Friday and our local deciples of Isaac Walton • inmigulAtecl-tha event with MA). fine catches. Messrs. George Mair, John McGarry and R. 0. Macfie, of London, heads the list with 95 speckled beaut- iesoto their credit. Mr. Alex McPher- • son also placed in his basket 36, while Mr. T. Douglass contented himself with 22. Died at Brandon e many ii.7441rns s o ngus 'c - Donald, tzY &et RAY Donald, who formerly resided on the farm now owned by Mr. Win.,Wilson, 12th C...West Wawanosh, will learn with deep ,regret of the death of his beloved wife, Jane, who passed away to her long home, after a short but Anniversary Services The anniversary services will be min - ducted in the Peesbyterian church on Sunday next by H. M. Parsons, D. 1)., Knox church, Toronto, who will preach morning and evening, and teach the Sabbath School lesson to mass meeting at 3 o'clock. On this Friday evening May 8th, he will give an address on •" Individual and Personal Responsibil- ity in the Church". The collection taken up at the services will be for the Wilding fund. Interesting Figurers • In the County of Bruce there were born last year 710 males and 661fea- :niitA-2es: Of- twins there were three pairs, two of boys and one of girls. The deaths during the year were males 251, feamales 1278. August was the most fatal Month of the year, the deaths being that month 35, In mar - ria es 1 II • year was 406. The 'Presbyterians led the list on Marrying with a total of 133 males, the Methodists coming next with 126. January was the heaviest marrying month, the number being 51. He was Insane ' • On Thursday -last a young man named Peter McDougall came to the village and put-up at. Moore,'s Hotel. He had not been there long, however, before the inmates of the house notic- ed that he acted in a strange manner, and when shown to his room in the evening, the 'whole. • household. were startled by his cries of fear that. some onewas going to murder him. Con. stable McLeod was. sent for. and the young man was brought ,before the Reeve. He saidhe had walked from Kincardine, and was looking for work in the WoollEn Mills, and when asked. if. he had any friends, he replied that he had worked in Elora and Galt, and that his brother had been murdered near Alminte, Lanark County and that they were going to. murder hint too. As he was evidently insane, the con- stable-avas instructed ,to take him to the hotel and look after him until sbtnething could be 'heard from his friends. It has since been learned by telephone from Mr. McKay, of Galt, and Mr. Bain, of. Elora, that McDoug- all is a very respectable young man and well connected; but that some six years ago he was thrown from a buggy and his skull fractured, from the effects of which his mind has become deranged. The poor fellow fully realizes his sad condition, and at times talkes and converses quite intelligently; butas the' shades of night approaches he appears to lose all control of him- self, and trembles from., head to foot, and pleads not to be left alone. • It is indeed a sad ease, anct as we under- stand he tried to commit suicide last fall by drowning; he was committed by Magistrates Lawerance and the Reeve to Walkerton gaol to await the arrival of his friends. He 'should be' sent tothe asylum. Solid Worth vs. Good Looks A neighboring photograliper tells a story of a yenng man who ca -me into the studio one day and asked nervous- ly if he might have a little conversa- tion with him. The visitor was painfully ugly, and after some awkward blushing and indefinite illusions, he asked if he supposed he had among his samples a picture of a young man who looked like him, but was,better looking. "'What do you mean., young man 9" asked the photographer. ' Well," replied he—making a n•'elean east of it -L-" amjust engagoil tc) be married. The yonnlady lis o?, out. West. She is going home to-morrowt She says slie;thinks rin sogood she don's mind 'iny being homely, but she wante a, good looking Octave to take home with her to show the girls." • given away to advertise Di. Cole's Perfect Pills and Family Renaedies. At the close of the contest the names and addresses of all the. price winners will appear in this paper. We refer you to the Traders' Bank of Orilla. Send at once and be first. Address, HossE &wale The firemen of Wingham are compl- eting arrangements for their great dem- onstration on May 25. 4244 unattriawariotrat. Lawrason, of London, are spending a few days with Mr. Lawrence's parents in Lucknow. —The date for holding the June Session of the County 'Council in Lucknow is the first Tuesday, and, not with Pneumonia' , at her late residence in the city of Brandonat the advanced age of 66 years, 9 months and, 13 days. 2 - Railway Cow By -Law There is a Law on the Statutes pro- hibiting cattle, horses or other animals running at large within one-half mile of all railway crossings in the, village, and Mr. 1). Hays, station agent here, has received a notice from the Grand Trunk authorities, that the law will be rigidly enforced in the future. If any accident should, occur through cattle running on the track, the own - es of such animals are liable for all • damages incurred, as well as the pen- alty attached to the law. She is an Abstainer • Lady Macdonald has long 'been an abstainer. Another lady of high pos- ition met her at dinner one day, and was surprised to see- that she took no wine, and at length aske‘Did you not •set out wine when you entertain the Governor General 9" " Never," was the prompt reply. "Bit did you not feel that must apologize 9" " Cer- tainly not ; wine is not a natural bev- erage, and so should rather come in wer and, that example led the other , high lady to become . a total abstainer also. • Foresters' Concert The entertainment given in the town hall on Thursday evening last by the members of Court Sherwood, Can- adian Order of Foresters, in aid of the poor of tile, village, • was not so largely attended as the •merits of the enter- tainment deserved or the laudible objects for which the concert was given, shouid receive. The stage was, artisti- cally decorated with evergreens; and among the branches of which were FOR SALE. AMUCK HOTTSB AND WAGGON Shop, situated on Victofia and Campbell streets, Lucknow 'The brick house contains two front rooms, five bed rooms and kitchen, with stone wall cellar and continual flowing spring water in cellar. For further 'pardon- larsapply JOHN 1VIAMA1N, t -f Box 10, Lucknow P. 0. 7 A. full stock just received. 82, 144 44 —The CO W By -raw went into force • EMBROIDERIES`k • on Friday last and the Constable has been instructed to impound all bovines found running at large in the village. —A fine of $20 and, costs may be imposed upon any person who kills robins and other harmless birds. The tine goes to the complainant. Nest robbers are liable to the same fine. —We have just received some new carpets in hemp, tapestry and wool in the best patterns we have yet shown. Liberal discounts for cash. — W. Connell —Miss Edith MacLellan, who has been visiting her' sister, Mrs. W. G. Murdoch, of this village, for some time past, left last week for her home in Em :nett, Michigan. =There are very few persons who do not require something new at this time of the year. The advertising columns should be carefully read by everybody. —The weather has been decidedly —711117 • 6—S321 cool since Sunday, and 'snow fellnn Monday and Tuesday, but we do not mn mrr 1,1 A rt firm cl think the frost has done much damage u r•einivirjliz tQ the fruit buds. • —The Sacrament of ti e Lord's Su - LACES Childrens Dress Trimmings,,_ FISH NET TRIMMINGS, r Ladies Corsets; Etc., Etc. liats Bonnets and. Feathers In endless variety, and at low prices. GIVE ME A CALL. nicely arrahged a lot of stuffed birds, squirrells, and other animals, while in the centre of the " forest " a large black bear was a, prominent figure. The whole scene, looked well and was very appropriate for the occassion. A good 'deal of disappointment Was, felt when it was announced that the High Chief 'Ranger Mr. 'Edward Towe, of London, could not be present on ae- count of illness, 'but his place was ably 'supplied • by Nealands, High Treasurer, and Mr. R, Elliott, Ex -High Chief Ranger, of Wingham,both of whom entertained the , audience, with addresses On Forestry, and the large amount of monies that had ben paid out to -sick brothers and the widows and orphans of deceased Foresters, The Cadet Mouth Organ Band, under the management of Mr. D. D. Yule, surpasssed anything of the kind ever given in the village, and they were repeatedly enchored. The solos by - Miss. Lalla Berry and Miss Lila Gordon were warmly applauded, and the tine &let by Messrs. 11, Morrison and G. Kerr, was Well appreciated. The reci- tation by Mr. James Purvis, of Kin- loss, and the Cornet duet by Messrs. Sheppard and Willis were also well' rendered;. - The chair was pccupied by the Reeve, and the collection amount- ed to some $13. The whole entertain- ment reflects great credit on 'Court Sherwood, 'and we hope their lauclible efforts will be more heartly appreciated by the public at some future occas- sion. $750 Dollars in Gdld For a Wife -We will give to the first person tellittg, us Ilefore June 1st, 1891, where in the Bible the word "wise" is first found $100.00 in goldl To the next $50.00. To • the third, 8'45.00. To the feertle $20.00. To the fifth, $15.601 To the sixth, $10. 'To the next f.5,5,. $5 each, To the next 25, $2. each. To the person -aendingin the last' correct answer we will give el00 in gold. To the next to the last $50, and so on same as from the first. ti your answer send 2r?..,, cts. in silv,er or 27 cts in stumps tor a box of, gole's Blood and Liver Pills, the best Blood, Liver and Stomach Pill ever made. Sure, cure for sick ,head-• ache,. Don't gripe. - Remember the presents are absolutely free, bc.ing • per wilt be administered in the Metho- dist church on Sunday morning next. and the Rev. 'Mr. Dyke will preach both morning and evening. —And now the thrifty man plants his garden with vegetables and flowers, but e're he has risin in the morning his neighbors chickens' have scratched up and eaten all the seed. —We are still buying hats, ribbons, lacesand flowers for .the millinery department. The secret . of success in this department is to keep the goods the ladies require for spring and summer. This we do.—W. Connell, Fire and Marine Insurance. North British and Mercantile, of Edinburgh and London. Western, of Toronto, LiVerpool & London and Globe, of Liverpool. Gore District, of Galt. - Northern, of London and Aberdeen. Guardian, of London, England. Phcenix, of London, England, and Accident In- surance Co'y., of North America, Montreal. Office,—A. ROSS harness shop, Lucknow R. CUNNINGHAM, Wil be in the office every Saturday 'afternoon, occupied by Mr. Geo. Kerr and -am prepared to O...31-1 FOA BUTTER AND EGGS. The highest price will be paid, for butter according to quality. B. C. SPARLINC.' DE0401-C• FIRE ! FIRE,' Insure your farm property, private dwelling, . in the old reliable, the LONDON MUTUAL 0 AGENT, • GUELPH. Telegraph .or Telephone at my e*pense, JOHN VINE ,Aient kinlough. DaYT 1 WANT A LIVING. And I amgoing to have it in Luckn.ow,•too, and I her* announce to the people of Luck now and surrounding country that any person or persons coming to me having their teeth out • that I will put in two sets of teeth, TEETH TEETH Temporary or Permanent For the price of one iset, 615, made of the Very best materir in the world. 1 use im rubber but C. Ash & Sons, London, England. The teeth will be C. Ash J Sons, and S. S. White's, conceded by all who arein 'the business to be the best in the world, • Thole firms have their names on their gools, and the people can see what they aregetting, and as 1 will Gliarailt A4S71924-Waetian, 'r 'all F tm'b1r'proptiv tiff firettgoli nn'tt- the?' e Etre worth die "WOK • will please bear in mind; that T do not want their trade I can always be found at Dr. Tennant's office, Lucknow. 1)6), :Paiterss- Zino r . • • ''2 11"