HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1891-05-08, Page 7V
a Bill �10 amend the Ousairiqlusuranos Act. each township or other municipality SbAll be
ONTARIO LEGISLATURE. He Isola that the Bill had been asked for by paid that Portion of the said &Mount which Was Gloodness ]Pays.
-- -48- the UaderWriteral Association, for the par. ObLained from the lands sold As aforesaid Vithiu
Mr. Hardy presented a petition from the Pose Of giving, greater proteakiop the rattuicipall , and such portion. shall be as At any rote, thio is the leaching of a,
against certained and t1stermined by authority of tile decision rendered in the court of sppedig
VOunty Council Of Brant, that fires caused by steam thre'sliers. It was LieutenekatGovernor -iiiCouncil praying
control over the )&do by County councils claimed that the Bar "August the present week, said to be the first Ot
ape of ofaderi from the S. fu Of there having been out ohAzage in
the bjutidaries of Any township or 0, ; inunlai
may,pp't lo"emoved. Are boxes couapd,laisny fires, the Wad over givop. 0ore alth W
4114 that the pality, or in the case of timed
n incorporated village principle invii1via 66 b upon
The following bills were introduced and Only way' to avert the danger was to, remove or town having been formed, or its limits tix- been passed
read a first time the engine to a greater distance from the tended, within a township, or partly within each by other tribunals we believe. The fools
Mr. Awrey—To amend the General Road barns. The —Bill was entirol - of two or more townships, the councils iut.erested owe'r are as follows: On March .20th, 1869,
Companies A00, Y Permissive in may.agroo aa to their roap6e4vo proportions of
'r h� 6iwrl i"UUi6iVMJ16y is an- of Buffalo, told big nephew, William E.
ire nature, I* pre,vided th.jt. Zai &4 he naoL,8,7 to - William Storey, a wholesale liquor dealer
.1dr. Daok—To amend -the Aob respecting be condition endorsed upon a policy of titled; or may refer the question to arbitration; How does he feel ?—He feels, Storey, then a lad In kniokerbookere, Was
Imat stock companies supplying cities, insurance requiring the engines to he 100 Or in case they fail to agree,or to arbitrate, the cranky, and is constantly experi-
16�wne and villages with ws and water. Proportion of eacia shall be as a nod and do- he would give him 05,000 if he would
9 feet from a barn. This, he thought, would termined by authority of Lieutenant -Gov- menting, dieting himself, adopting not am'
moneys Strange I oke or drink until he became 21
by purchasers of I' - soo6p Paid under the foregoing resolu ange not:ions, and changing the years of age. The uncle added several
Mr. Hardy -Respecting Battlement d utias former was of bound to The eruct-in-Councii.
Mr. Hook—To amend the Registry Act. be held to be a reasonable condition. the
a polio tic a
Y, may be applied by the Council receiving cooking, the dishes other conditioi
"All F, the
ands from the Crown with that ogndision Rip as, even obffee, cards and
a regio came Y-luanyway te Council sees fit. (45
11M I , t
what disadvantage would illob allpL. 3; 49 Via.. chap. 6 ; 51 Vic., chap. uguS made his money in
Mr. Mowat moved that the widow of the a a for. kue� appetizing liquors his
hon. member for Bough Grey receive mer ? By the use of a - jack " or similar He explained that as for back as 1849 a m"rkmble. 'The incentive of A golden
late- h. u b-3.) Flower the Remedy. 113janotionsto his nephew were the more
the sessional Allowance that the late bon. contrivances power from an engine could here were set apart one million acres of How does he feel ?-He feels at r6mward caused William to lead an exam_
Member would have been entitled to had be easily conveyed the distance named. land Mr common school purpoeea. 'As -the times a gnawing, voracious,
be lived. Carried. Mr. Awrey did not think the bon. gentle. lands were not rapidly taken,• insati.- piety life. On January 31dt, 1885, he
-bills were read m third man understood the full significance of the It of able appetite, wholly unaccountable attained his majority,
The following up the Legia
time and passed : 6sure in 1853 set apart a certain portion able'and wrote to his
bill. '(Laughter.) He was not surprised to *bis proceeds for land improvements, and in unnatural and unhealthy. ---August u`Ole claiming the $4,000. The unole,
To amend the A replied, acknowledging the indebtedudso,
at incorporating she hear that the agitation for this bill came 1861 the rand wa disoontinued., The uro. Flower the Remedy.
Synod of the pinoolaq of mi. 11 . . -- 1111.-��nahkamz�-
on interest until &,future day.
rellef oX she estate of the late Passed it should be called an Act in the -had never been reimbursed to the munici- How does he feet ?-He feels no
Soon after
William Dann. interest of the insurance companies and PAlities interested, and the Government desire to go to the Mr. Storey died, and his executor, Fr&DXUU
The following bills were passed through She manufacturers of a certain article a.)w proposed to do so. The total proceeds grumbling, fault-finding,.table and a Sidway, ref died, 'pay the claim. The
over -nice- case was tried in the Supreme Court and
00mmillee of the Whole House.: ()&Hod jacks. (Hear, bear.) What about were U01,771, of which Ontario's Share ty about what is set before him when judgment raoovered for 89,585 89, principal
Tochangethe name of the town of West the interest of the former? It would be was 063,704. There were some 210 maxi.
Toronto junction and for other purposes. utterly impossible to get sufficient Power OIP*Iiliee interested, and they "* he is there -August Flower the and interest. This judgment was reversed
To enable the corporation of the city of to drive a steam threabor in some mstd in twanty.eighb counties. were Situ- Remedy. by the General Terra, but this week was
lengthy barns. The weight and friction
Hamilton to issue certain debentures, and le The delay
0 in settlement was not due to any Govern• 61186mined by the Court of Appeals, and
for odpr purposes, f the belting required would be suffi. mans, bat to Rattling stie - difflaullies How does he feel ?-He feels William E. Storey will get big money.
the Mr onk moved for a return' showing oient to cause a fire. (Hear, bear.) The between the Proviac�a of Ontario and after a spell of this abnormal appe- rw,b 40 %N With But a Single TbLought
dipoesl of children under 15 years of use of the " jaok," which cost about Quebec,
age who are arrested And brought before $75, would be a heavy burden upon the Mr. H&rdy moved tho second r ding %of rite an, utter abhorrence, loat 9) As they Has side by aide, they all bed
any court in the province. He said this farmer. threshers s am and detestation of food ; as if a
To supply the 2,000 1 bill to amend she General MiningAot. Ob, my idol I" he said, and then Med:
motion was made as the instance of some in Ontario with jacks would cost 0140,000 Mr. Fraser (moiton for Friasy) - pno mouthful would kill him-A6gust Dear Luke," amid she, as She. looked, 11 1 , f�
philanthropic parties who deeircd to help or $150,000, and would add one cent there be referred to a' committee of %bg Flower the Remedy. and he wilted.
the children and to. get informationor a will wed thee it %bon wilt,,,
them. about cent and a half to the cost of -every bushel Whole House on Monday next the ruiulu- The honeymoon, I passed in an exoessofjoy.
of wheat threshed. The insurance com- tion foliowing. How does he feel ?-Hehas ir. Excess in eating rich food brings indigestion,
Mr. Tait moved the second reading of ' Parties were not compelled to ineare any Resolved -{1) That in addition to the sum of regular bowels and peculiar stools — Hick headache, and frequent attacks of
dizziness. Dr. Pierce's Pleibstit Pellets
bill to amend she Aaeasament Act. of
man. He thought the bon. gentlemanton hundred and fifty thousand dollars her -to- August Flower the Remedy. will cure all these. They are tiny, sugar -
ill. The third clause fore appropriated and set apartfr,)mand out of
said is was a abort bill, and gave po were to should withdraw his B
the mono, s forming Part of the Consolidated
the muuiOiP&Iitiea similar to what was might go to oorawitteeand be threshed out, Revenue Fund of this Province for the purp ise preparation
and easy to swallow. No other
exercised by the cities in British Columbia. but he would be compelled to vote againat of erecting now iegi,laLive -and departmental 'Say Nothing, out Saw Wood. ion OwPdres with them as a Liver
Mr. Meredith -What are those powers? the measure as introduced. buildings for the public service of th,B Province, Montreal Star: For practical usefulness Pill. They 18're guaranteed, and one in a
there be appropriated and set apart for the same se.
Mr. Tait -Simply to enable municipali Mr. Hiscots said is would be disastrous Purpose, and from and out of the same fund the sy
give ua the wood. Hawing contest for fif do
.-lies to meseas improvements at fifty per to this farmers it each a Bill were passed further sum of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars and the championship of Canada,
Mr. BiLe-
cent. of their value instead of,,&* their full hop denied that steam shreshere dollars, 80 as to make the whole of the money a Whiah osrae off at Exeter, Oag�, th tube to Bigot.
,value &a at present. a Propriated for said purpose amount in all to a other I
had any alarming prevalence of 916 sum of twelve hundred thousand day. This sort of trial of muntey 8 Weekly : Shingler-I have
Mr. Hardy said the bill was a very. fires. dollars. speed and
Oat of 1,182 fires in Ontario in a (2) That it -is expedient that the Act papsbd in endurance is excellent in several ways. it called to ask your daughter's hand in
radical one, and he did n0 --know that the tooent year only four were from shreshere the forty-third year of the reign of Her Majesty, broadens' the,chest, devalope she mueol marriage.
country waa ready for it. and entitled " An Act to provide for the ergo- the arms and back and Promotes so of
It was the and six from tobacco pipes. if this sort of tion of now buildings for the accommodation of Prospective Pa -But you are an an.
JiBlatiOn went on the farmers o the ProvinciAl-Legislatur-o-and--the.-P-u.bli,-.D..- -general.mation-of-all- the-vi%al- powers,- -Bclt,- without suffiaient income-40--
Singleltax idea, or a half -way Btep in that le, the
direo I -would-li t known, doctor
t was a serious propooltion-,, -have lenv6ito kies.ihelr- p.artmenta, as the same is amended by chapter beat of all, it oonddoes t 6i t support her, and the ethios of your profea•
own wives without
and before adopting , the six of the Act passed in the forty-eigbib year of when comes the proverb,0"%myllnootublinug: sion forbid you to advartipe.
one w measure Act of Parliament. (Laughter.) He hoped the reign of Her Majesty, And by chapter three
,the � a mmol understand its purport. the bon. gentleman would withdraw She of the Act passed in the fiftieth but saw wool-" Is is pleasing to find Shipgler-Yei law notiv.roosi. Ihsvib
The Pill was withdrawn.- year of the same
Bill, and if lid did not he hoped the main. reign. should be further amended by omitting Canada getting a good 6xsnople to let three rooms Over my *Mae to reporters,
Mr. Whitney moved the second reading bete would defeat it. therefrom the words , ten hundred and fifty the popular damak6d for p;)raonmi pr meet have given them free use of my telephone,
thousand dollars" wherever the same occur owess,
01 a bill to amend the Ontario Election Act. in Who would not soon 0 and have joined the Press Club.
"TER RECESS. the said Act as so amended. And inserting in- Sooner. ode a wood-sa win'
Mr. Mowat feared that the effect of the stead thereof the words .' twelve laundr6d thou- 0011toot than pri 9
Bill would be injurious rather than bene• Mr. Fraser moved $bat, the debate on sand dollars." a ze-fight ora fasting or
Mr- Gi aanR (-EL&inilton)-bill-to-�ameiad-4he- tineleepinc struggle with natarA"ndi,,_ It Was All Right,
tions 2 utt&lo esus 0 you keep a dog ?11
suppress acts of bribery, they should can- Ontario Insurance Act stand adjoirned committee, among them bill 81, respecting
®rider well the means by which they at- until to morrow. -Carried. the liability of directors. - asked the Young man of the old man, tents.
Here Lies I lively.
tempted to do so. The difficulty was to Mr. Mowat moved the second reading of On clause 4, holding directors personally Epitiphy is a . demoralizing kind of taffy. 11 Yes, air," said the old man, sternly, 11 1
prove the crime of bribery. Is was known a bill respecting disputes under she drain. liable for loss sustained by persons relying It Appears on the tombstone, end Ilogizes keep a dog
and et
that the larger the penalty the more dj&. 590 laws, which has special reference to, upon statements in Prospectuses signed by the dead al;nost to the very stars.
*oil to convict. There was probably ten the appointment, of referees in the she directors. I The The young mono bear* fell 40 degreas.
times as much corruption in Dam' arbitration of disputes. u8nalmelbodotbeginning,is: "Harelies.�' Yes, air," continued the old man, soft.
Dominion Mr. Meredith thought the wording open Very Suggestive, for the lies are frequently ening, for he had seven, daughters, I I keep
eleotione,ae in Provincial. It was well The bill was read a second time. to objactio.n, me it -was more stringent, even quite astonishing—almost enough
known that, there was no more corrupt The following bills were read a second than she English Aot. so to one tied.!'
practice than that of personation. time: It seemed tb be both &mass and amaze the dead of 'whom No cards.
This Worded in the interest of old insuranoe they are wlitten. A truthful epitaph, in
was the reason for providing imprisonment To amend the Act respecting County companies desirous of preventing the for• many instances, would be: " Here lies oae A Drumme,r'8 Sample.
for the offence' The bon. gentleman did Crown Attorneys. -The Attorney -General. motion Of now Companies. He wits deeir. who omitted to take Dr. Pierce' a Golden A St. Louis commercial traveler Probably
.not see that any object would be gained by A To amend the Ditches and Watercourses one to protect investors from fraud, but it Medical Discovery.,, if Hick and suffer,lag, Carries, the most unique "sample-" in the
having county attorneys attend election at so applied to railways. -The Attorney• wag quite safe to follow the English, law in and, dreading, premature dear teat test the profession. 'It W a hum" - body, 3 years -
trials, otherwise he had no objection to that General. matters of this kind. potent remedy'. Is care's all, ohi64io,4iver, old'. ad example of sh6'6ffloAoy of a oerts in,
clause. He purposed consolidating the Respecting the disqualification of Justices Mr. Mdwat'thi)ugbt there was no danger blood, and lung diseases, as biliousness mbalming Said.
Election Act before another session, and of the Pesos. -The Attorney-Geaeral. to the honest man in the proposed law. skin and Scalp diseases, scrofulous sore's
consideration would be given to any'' com- Rolh.ting to Railways.-Mrb Fraser. All the director bed to do was to,prove that and swellings, salt -rheum, letter, eryeipelse,
mendable amendments. THE ESTIMATES. he had 91 reasonable ground" for believing and even Scrofula of the lungs (or Consump�, 41. X L 19. 91
the prospectus to be true to be relieved tion), i! taken in time.
Mr. Whitney said that if the clause Mr. H, E. ,Clarke thought the distribm. from responsibility.
imposing a penalty an the bribee, the man tion of grants to Roman Catholic inatitu. Mr. Gibson said that some sub -section Wfil-lam. to Visit England.
receives ceives the bribe, were adopted there tions was out of proportion to the number might be added to the 0-
5 lause which would The Emperor William Is to arrive in
would be no trouble in getting evidence. of Roman Catholics in the province. While not modify the bill as, a whole, but which London, an or about Monday, June 29 ; be
-Outside the cities he did not believe there they were only one-sixth Of the whole might meet bon. gentleman's wishes.
-were twenty omsei'of personation. It .was Population, 'it was, proposed to increase the The bill passed. will stay At BRokingbarn Palace for a week,
not nearly so general so bribery.
and is then to go to Windsor 0aetle for thip
grants to them by, 01,688 and to increase The House went into committee on Mr. wedding of Princess Louise of liahleswig.
The House divided on the second reading the grants to general hospitals by only Hardy's Bill respecting liens for.labor On Holstein And Prince Ari, of Anhals-
of the bill. which was last by a vote of 25 $2,272, most Of which was to go to the logo and timber and the Payment of wages Dessau, which ceremony, according to
yeas and 32 nay's, as follows I : . I Home for Incurables., He moved that the theieon.
Yeas-kesers. Balfour, Barr, Bush, Campbell grant of $132,557 be cat down by $ 10,000. Mr. Hardy agreed to the lot of July as present arrangements, will take place in A
(Algoma), Campbell (Durham), Dunlop. Fell, I Mr. Fraser agreed that the grants should the do a Of the Act coming into force. The 136, George's . Chapel on Tuesday, July 7, orURL p0APT
Glandining, Godwin, Hammell, Kerns, McCleary, t
Martor, Maacham, Meredit 11 be made proportionately, but p Wednesday, July S.
h. Ulseampbel , committee rose, reported progress and asked stay at Windsor for a couple
pointed out c' The Emperor will
Monk, Preston, Reid, Rorke, Tooley, Whitney, that no Protestants were refused admit- leave to sit again. f dayw as she
Willoughby, Wood (Hastings),wylie.
Nage-Masers Allan, Awroy, Biggar, Bl.pzard, guest ofthe Q acen, and n to take -hie lance into the hospitals, carried on under The House went into Committee on is thin UPC
Mr. departure Irvin England.
Charlton, (3hisholm, Cleland, ConmQe, Dack, Roman Catholic auspices. He could skate Dryden's Bill. to amend the Public Health
Davis, Dryden,. Evantureli Garrow. Gibson that those hospitals with which he was the Act.
tHamilton), Gibson (Huron), Gilmour, Harcourt beat acquainted Were compelled to be for , The evening session hhe Was Willing
-Hardy, Lockhart, MdK9y (Oxford), McKay was entirely occu4 to Give Up All. CURES PERMANENTLY
V otoria). McKeehaia, McMahon, Moore, Mowat, the means of subsistence despite the Gov• pied by.the discussion in Committee of Mr. When Qaeen Elizabeth of England, found
O'Connor, R%yside Ross, Smith (York), Tait, ernmen* ' grants. Ross' bill coneolidating end 'revising the death approaching her, she cried despair.
Waters, Wood (Brant). Mr.'Gibson (Hamilton) moved tha.6 the Public Schools Acts.
r. Aferedith moved the aeooni rem wood N. Has- inglY, 11 All my possessions. for a moment
,off bill respecting trust companies. ding bill relating to the city of Toronto be re- tinge) made a strong appeal for a uniform oftime l" There are wealthy ladies today,
!erred back to committee.
assessment for public schools in counties the world over, who would gladly exchange
Mr. Mowat thought there were -grave Mr. Meredith objected to such a motion instead of townships.- their riches for, sound health. Many are
4 happy by D . Pierce's E
objections to the clause permitting tract being sprang upon theft in the absence of The House adjprirned,st 12 o'clock. made well an r
aompaniee incorporated under the Doman- the mover. He fancied the rems3n of the q I 'A
ion Act to exproiae powers conferred upon move was in order to reverse the decision Favorite Prescription, a never -failing cure
of Police.
joint stock companies under the Act. Of ilia committee as to a particular clause. There is no body of men more liable to corrective for all functional weaknesses, it
The following bills were introduced and A Chief for diseases so common to women. As a es
read a first time Mr. Gibson' (Hamilton) was willing to suffar from exposure than the police. Bat is Pf ai ivereal repute among the sex, and
yield the point in the face of the Opposl- as an n
For the relief of medical practitioners in tion; and give notice in the naval w example of how they get rid of their thousands of pale, worn-out enfeebled -all e
the Rainy River district -Mr. Howat. Y. maladies the following is cited : . Green victims have been Changed into vig,,rous
The following Bills were re'ad1third Island, N. Y., U. S. A., Feb. 11, 1889: women and girls by its use. Guaranteed to
For the settlement of questions between time:
suffered with neuralgia in the head, but give sasiallotion, or price refunded. Drag -
Respecting '
the gffernmenta of Canada and Ontario
rio Respecting the city of Kingston Gas and found instant relief from the application of gime have it. EURAL
raspgUog Indian lands -Mr. Mowat. . Electric Light Companies. -Mr. Metcalfe. St. Jacobs Oil, which cured me." E. P. ' ' I IT HAS N 0 EQ
To amend the election laws -Mr. Mowat. To aatborizcj the town of Coll.ingwood to BELLINGER Chief of P61ic.e. What He Wanted. ]Earff
Mr. Meredith moved the secoad reading issue certain debentures -Mr. Wylie. Cloak Review I have dome in here IT IS M 13 01 no
of his bill to prevent the courts from sit. To incorporate the Tilson Spur Line "GOLDTHWUTIM's Geographical Xagdz�ne" air,' "Baid the angry citizen to the a
sing on ppblia holidays and from taking Railway -Mr. McKay (Oxford). h%l],& V aperin"•
new cagea after 6 p. in. He offered if the ver interesting paper on the B.�firing tendent of the horse -car company, , to got
To enable the corporation' of the city of Sam Sassoon.' It says from forty to seventy justice. Yesterday as my wife & waa'geiting I Piso's Remedy iorcatarrh la the
4avernment'would consent to, a aeorind Hamilton ro issue certain, debentures 'and Canadian sealing vess 11,11 hunt in an to one of Best, F-Islest to Use and Cheapest.
roadingy no% to press the bill further this for other purposes.—Mr. Gibson (Hamil- the waters through w Ole an gilly Your cars, the conductor
session. ton). which the Beal pagaes stepped on her dress And tore or,
Mr. Mowat said he cauld not -consent to just north of the Aleutian Islands, on its it.,, oft,& yard of
Mr. Metcalfe moved that there be laid way to the Pribylbff Islands, killing the Id Well, air," calmly r'
a te replied the super Sold by druggists
a second reading, &4, he was opposed• to before the House a opy of the commission an )r in Sent by mail We
to .know that we are to V. T. :�azeltlne, Warren- Pa u E
their far is worth muoh or little, Shooting blame for that. What'do you expect U a to
interfering with the diabrati p of the judges issued with respect to fish and game pro imals without discrimination, whether ndent, "I don't,
in this matter. teotion, and of any 'instructions %0cOm- many which sink and are thus entirely lost. dd-get her a new dress T1
Mr. O'Connor said he pas paired, bat if
pp SELF -A G
mini h In I p CooROLL
expenses incurred or paid by the Province the*breeding grounds ie'ralpidlyin his right hand a W901 E:RS)
pailying the same or connected therewith. The effaot is already alarmingly a rent, 11 No, air, I do not," grimly replie'
he were free to vote'he would support the Also fora return showing in dessil, all d the
and the numbior of seals annually visiting
bill. oth6r, brandishing HADEROLLERS
in connection with the amid commission, , f What I propose to Nware of Imitations,
The House divided on she motion for the di , a - a at, ie Cloth. E- ---
second reading, which was look on a vote of ing. It is estimated that 1,000,0oo seal have you do is to help me match this ✓ NOTICE
35 yeas to 49 n a. giving dates, items and names. are born every year on the islands of St. cloth.,, 1
The Attorney. General moved that the Paul and St AUTOGPAPH' �LA B left
Me , -Mowat lived the third reading of House to -mor' F AND GET
row resolve itself into a com. killed ther� C
the I io amend the law -respecting-oQlem- mittee and the far of old animale is Some man 1111196,011ink that the lamp of
Of the 500;000 In
* �Gaorge. Females are never
to Consider the following resolution valueless. A
ale pupq leav� life is a spirit lam ad in from the wiy 40
nizlikoln of marriage. That an annual salary of 63,0oo be ing the islands every fall, it is estimated' they pour in the aloonol.
The bill was read a third time and granted to a referee for the Purpose of the jb&6only 250,'000 survive the first year's'
Drainage laws, which sum shall be paid struggle for existence, and she emanalliee
The following bills received ved their third monthly, and shall be over and above his of the second year red
the Dumber to
Respecting an sgtepment between the Mr. Harcourt moved that the House go ovailable these are
Midland Railway, the Grand Trunk Rsil• into committee on the following resolution: says: "There is no qu ski The Magadnell
reading travelling expenses. Carried. 225,000, and not over 200,000 C, En
for slaughter.
way Company of Canada, and the village 1. That there shall be paid out of the Corsoli- on that we ( the CURT
Cf Midland. -Mr. Biggar. dated Revenue Fuild of thio Province to the Americans) own the Pribyloff Islands and
townships and other municipalities that *be company Authorized by our To I'll F R DITOR -Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy rig
To prevent the extermination of the entitled Gov. named disease, ' By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently e.-; ,
plant called ginseng. -Mr. Caldwell. tho-reto the sum of $5 11 701.N, �eint%the propor ernment alone has the right to pareae the stial) be glad to send two bottles of my remedy FREE to any 01 your reaaers
I tion which may be chargeable to a Provineb sealing industry there, but it is not at the 0 na-.1'01
Mr. Dryden moved the second reading of of Ontario in respect to the sum of $101,77168, islandb that the Canadian vessels have #A a
sumgtion if they will, send me their )express and Post Office Address. Respectful)� T 1.
ft bill to amend the Pablic Health , Act ' claitnprl tp be payable to ti,46 upper Capadr. Ini- IS"; WOa# Att 10,idC IrOPOWrO, ONTARIO.
Howat movod.the ri!aond ra&ding of pruvement rtiNd ou mit 6,)1 k,r,)WL1 land,, made carried on their deattaction. Their Nvor.
�fthiiiiettlemefii by iribi by late L'fGV11300 .Of (Janatia, betwooll the, atobing for %b6ir prav ja jaat,
a bill respeetin tra. W r
14th day of June, 1853, and tho 6th clay of March,
tion of acoondtb 'bot*een the Dominion of 1961, and Wohiiy received th6r6ob by tb(§ Pro of the Aleutian chain. k,
lie Pill 00 of W,
north n OT TLE
While the
vince of Canada between the Faid 6th,day of e.
anads and the Provinces of Ontario and seal are swarming toward the Pribylol
0 1 ' 0
March, 1861, and the let day of COHN AWAY YEARLY
-loly, 1867. group the waters near the narrow passe-
Qaebea and between the Said two pro- %Vhen I say Cura I'do .of
v vil 2. The said monars shall be Paid tinder the among the Aleutian Islands merely to ,;,t(,P t1jem for a time,
'3013. The bill provided for 6ho appoint- directioti of -he Lieuteriant-Govertior-io-Council
inaeg. re fairly alive ')Av� thein ref.u,Tj dg -1111 I M E A N. A RA 0 CA I C U R E. I lia ve made the diseat, I"
ra 1, 60 to thelrbAsurer
men% of thvee with them, and there the 0:0silian hnnt. lCoilona-Y. or I VVnrrrX-AZ Te-me-dy f6l'-i"
who. Shall- ba I -s.of tho va.riou9tow awp+ &,A, their her . vast and
A of.khO QcvBrn alities appaaring to be entitled thereto era reap
otby -44pit
it. G bo"oni movedtheoe116ii-d-ri avi rd er
NU ;j 4- -60itkl Of MY I f Ifilol cmad) rir xpr
em ng od said Province of daa4da in that be iffl- if 01 you
ha , and 'ing grounds,,'., tsr a -trial nn&it.w�ll rtire ",o, � Addre4,s-��-444 Q I&
4�rl, 04� c 4w Wk#- r. I 10n064TO.