Lucknow Sentinel, 1891-05-08, Page 5i• -� . BOR1J. MILLER. --In West Wawanash, on Wednes- day, April 29th, the wife of • Mr. John Hiler. of a son. nig DAI$y. As the butter season is about com- •mencing, it may' be well to remind some that cleanliness. is absolutely es Sendai to the production of good but- ter. 4. strict adherence to the follow- ing rules is necessary :. 1. See that 'the udders of cows are rubbed with a damp cloth before milk- ing. `����mil ec and P �det •..wLL t �� in 'stables or other places where there are any strong or offensive smells. Milk is easily tainted, and the butter render- ed inferior in this way. 3. Milk should not be allowed to stand where there are bad smells. i frm�•m•m.,, The Lucknow Sentine;, Bruce Uounty, May 8th CULROSS MUTUAL FIRE INSUR- ANC.E COMPANY. TEEswn a<t; April. 25,-. The are -eters met in the town hall. •MeMbexs all present. ``'President in the chair. The minutes of previous meeting were read anal: adapted, .. When Messrs. Kirkland and Reid moved that all applications for insur- ance be now laid before the Board for examination. Carried. Little --Kirkland. That having ex- amined 17 a.. +} aY °.sxr • a.� h�iAa6i °;A.•l? nawcfF..1_ • sa is actory, the President and Secretary -to prepare and issue policies for the same. One to be returned for correction. 'Carried Reid —Little. That the directors give°consent to Mr. Patrick Ritchie's who •possess lt. •• We refer request re removing his dwelling house l E. Brasher Sometimes it's worth know- ing to know that the knowledge erszoiwzinit some lines of'goods means a d• 1Sti nct satisfaction to those ed and well aired cans immediately after milking. 4. Keep the milk cool by using ice, or where not practi,;able, ,put the cans in cold water, changing it two or three times a day: lirThis, of course, will entail some rouble, but it .will pay in the long run. ou will.get more butter, it will be of 'better quality and command a higher price. The days for , slip -shod made butter are over. Many farmers' wives put'too much salt into it—use only the best, at the rate of about one ounce to the pound of butter; Use no coloring,. matter. If every one would adopt these ,rules, Canadian butter would rank high in the English market, in- stead of it, as it. has been, being, rank butter. "TBE 'CREAT COMPETITION ! SIE ,CANADIAN AGRICTLTUR- TST'S $45;000—WORLD HUNT. ;Positively closes /May 29th, 1891, (15 days thereafter being allowed for letters to reach us front di,t:u.t points). The followin,��, niagnificent prizes will be given free• to persons sending in the , giatest number of words made up out of the. 'letters contained in the two worms, "The Agriculturist." • ' 1st Prize • ...$1,000 in Gold 2nd $500 in •Gold 3rd `« 81,000 Grand Piano 4th ...... $500 Piano 5th " $300 Organ lith " ... ,...'Ticket to England and return 7th " ...:...... ....... ..... .Lady's Gold Watch Sth Gent's Gold Watch 4)th _China, Tea Set 10th " 'nting (lase Silver Watch .11th `• Boy's' Silver Witch 25 prizes of $10 . 50' prizes of $5 each .100 prizes of . 200 prizes of $1 each. P. rr • ... �u each �:2 each mea ii'Irg a total of :386 prizes, the vat of which will aggregate $5,000. TI Grand ' Word -Making Competition open to everybody, everywhere, suhje .to the following conditi.gns : T 'wards must be constructed 'from • t rtwo Words, "The Agriculturist," al must file only ,such as may be found _.Webster's. Unabridged Dictionary, an in the body of the book, 'none of tl • supplements to.be used. The' wor must be .written in ink on one side the paper only, and numbered in rot • tion, 1, 2�, 3, .and so on to the end • the list, for facilitatin in deciding th winners. The. list containing th largest number of words will be warded first prize, and so on in orde of merit. Each list! as it is receive at the office of the "Canadian Agri culturist " will be numbered, and i two or more tie on the largest list, th first received • will be awarded the 'firs prize, the next second and . so on ,'Therefore the benefit, of sending early will readily be. seen. Each lis must be accompanied by $1 for months .subscription to the " Canadian 'Agriculturist." One person can send Aris one or more lists, accompany- -Wig each list with, �e1, for which the • paper, will be sent to any address for 6 months. The best' family i paper in tOanada. It is, by no means' a new 'paper, but has been established up- wards of seven' years, and each year :grows in the estimation of the sub- scriber. ' It contains no trashy, highly •colored fiction, but has interesting 'stories of a higher class by the most popular authors of the day, It is emi- nently TUE paper for the home circle, and at $2 a year is the hlieapest and' best paper in the market. ' This•compe- .I.ition will positively close'6'n tho above "Named date. Remember you are pay. g $1 for 6 Months subscription to one of the best home papers in Can- • ada, and at the same time run a good chance of winning a valuable prize. • AGENTS WANTED.—The object of the publisher of the "Canadian Agricult- urist " ' in giving away these large . amounts in cash, is to extend the cir- culation of the paper, and a number of agents ore required in every locality, to tt hn � . Minn) bbrt'nl pay �� ill Lr, ofl��retl. Send tirt�e' cent: sttiintli for pai'tirttitlt•s as to clubbing rates, etc. Address, THE CANADIAN AGRICULTURIST, Peter born, Ontario. i1e is ct he he id in le ds of a - of e e r• a e t G • r Booi s & Shoes omething that everybody wants and at prices that can not be beaten. I wish the general public to distinctly un- derstand that I have in stock all kinds of Boots and Shoes in every Variety of Style 7.ii a the same time insisting that every pre- caution be used to prevent fire whilst such operations are in progress.• Oar ried. Armstrong—McKenzie. That this Board do now adjourn to meet again in Teeswater town' hall on the last Sat- urday in May at 2 o'clock p. m. Car- ried. ALEX. ANDERSON, secy. S. S. 1110. 7, ASHFIELD. Report for April : V.—John Me Lean 179, Thos. Gilmore 149, Joe Bogan 142. IV.—Jas, Hogan 1504' • ,Willie McKenip 139, Beanie Murdoch 98. III.—Geo: MacNamara 143, Jno Murdoch 129, Cassie McIntosh 115. II.—Willie Johnstone 137, Jno, Mc- Kenzie 123, David McLean 108. Average attendance 37. —A. J. MC- KENZIE, teacher. -S.- S. NO: 14; HURON. - - - Report for the ' month of April, based on general proficiency, regularity, punctuality and deportment : Sen. IV.—J." MoKen.zie, Kate Mur chison, L. McGill, A. Reid, E. Reid, W. M_ urr •. Jun, IV.= urchison, E. Hamilton, B. Mo - Kenzie, A. Finlayson, G. Murray. Sen. III. -73, Murchison, E. McGill. Jun. III.—E. Agnew, V. Tennyson, L. Murdoch, M. Hamilton, L Camp- bell, L. Clarkson, M. Henderson, E. Reid, N.• McInnis, B. Robertson. -II. —W.. McInnis, K. Beaton, G. Tenny- son, M. Finlayson, W. Tiffin, 1. Hen- derson.' Average ?tttenclance -for the month 30.5,' HFIELD. conductor .nider, of Wingham, will preach in three of the Methodist churches of the Ashfield circuit on Sunday 10th inst. At 10.30 a.m. he will speak at Hope, at 2.30 p.m. at' Zion, and at 6.30 p.ni. at Hackett's. No doubt he will have large congre- gations. .._.._. Dissolution of Partnership. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the undersigned doing business under the name of t3erry & Little furniture dealer, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. All debts due the late firm to be paid to W, U. Little, by whom all liabilities will be settled. G. W. BERRY, W. U. LITTLE. Lucknow, April 16th, 1891. • RME ATTENTIONI BIDER TWINE! Having again secured a large quantity of Binder Twine the 'are . now prepared to accept orders for twine at the follow- ing l0ow prices, viz : SILVER COMPOSITE 'BRAND, IOC. PER lb. CROWN BRAND, " 12c. PER lb, RED ,CAP,, 13c. PER lb. We also can supply other first-class brands such as BLUE RIBBON, BLUE TIN TAG, AN.ID PURE FLAX GIVE US A CALL. W. ALLIN. 'Pari........t ose new...c oth- ing suits for Hien, youths and boys. Probably from the immense stock we carry we were never so well supplied, nor so able to' supply that variety of choice and service- able patterns which the care- ful mother selects for the boys for durability and pattern. We have them and, while, going, still have some left for those who use direct haste. For insts.nce—, - Boys sizes 20 to. 26. Youths " 26 to °35. Mens " 36 to 44. A nice line in that navy blue ser • e to suit all sizes. Again with leather. Its variety and use is well account- ed for by what we charge for some makes of it—especially in the shoe department. We direct especial attention to Our men's plough shoes, " ' Heavy lace shoes, ' " Congress Dongola, Bal, If Our women's heavy shoe, lc• Cordovan, " . Glove grain bals.. Dongola and calf. With boys, clildren and youthsthis makes a big stock and large assortment. Why not call and see them ? Some makes of Ginghams don't present the width that others do ; its in the make and quality that follows. Yet a full yard wide gingham is right ; ' price is a matter of close judgment, that ,judges judgment. Yet, if we relegate that to the prints, shirtings , and dress goods department, we find ourselves mixed among, prices such as these— ,I''rints at 6c, 7c, 8c, 9c, • 10c, " 12c, 12c. Dress goods ranging from 10c to 12c, 12c to 15c, 15c, to 20e, and so the prices continue. Amongst them are some lovely shaker flannels so much in demand. We want your opinion. Obediently Yours, . A. E.• BRAS1iE o THE RESTA. URANT Campbell Street, Lucknow, f 23 1L.itr�li. h`�!( Alrg Oysters by the quart, pint, or can. CANNED GOODS, FRUITS, r and Make, Which I am selling for cash cheaper than can be bought at any other store in the County. A111 ask is GOOD JUDGMENT AND THE CASH. Give me a tzial, and don't be led away with every wind that blows. BUTTER AND EGGS TAKEN AT J. PEAT'S LUCKNOW. MILK AND BUTTER Important: to -Farmers.- --- .a_.. _...0_ THE UNDERSIGNED HAVING PUR- chased the suSSpperior thoroughbred willskeepFhim forriesian Bull, vice at Lir ot 6, Cwoncl on. 14, Ashfield. es won (13210) was bred by B. B. Lord & Son, Sinclairville, New York ' calved August 7th, 1888 ; black, with shield patch over shoulders ; belly, legs and part of rail white. . 4102, H,'F. H B (; Dain, Lady was d Westwond (hooded) 11611, H. 1?. 11. B., milk record .,80i lbs. per day at 4 years old, and 18i 'Rift. of butter in 7 days at same age, one of the finest • cows we ever owned. • Lytle was sired byBarri,pgton,,•„(imported) 2103, who is claimed to be without an equal in the world, and $3000 in cash was twice refused for him, His service fees were $100 per noted prizze winnnor, with ori k e record of 62 lbs. per d'dy at two years old, Lady Westwood (imported) 11611, was sired by Peter, 103, N. H. B. one of the ..cost noted bulls ever known in Holland, being the winner of first priies. and diplomas_ at five of the largest shows in Holland, and was sire of many of the most noted cows that were imp:rrted to this . country. His dam was' Glenburine (imported) ; milk record • 89 lbs in bs of b day r 20in 7 dayls in s in January,ths 1886, all ordinary care, . Barrington was sired by Jacob 2nd (District Bull), dam, damming (Imported) ; milk record 99 lbs in a day, on grass alone. She was valued at $5000. Mietje 2nd (Imported) was sired by Jacob. Dam, Mietje (Imported). Milk record 83 lbs per day, and winner of gold medal in Roland for best dairy cow on.exhibitiorr; ,• Jentine, milk record 84as by District Rua ;dam lbs of butter in 7 days.pet day, and 19 Glenburine (Imp.) was sired by District Bull ; dam, Srijntje, milk record 91i lbs per day ; butter recor20§ lbs in 7 days. ' Jacob 2nd was got by Jacob; dam, Minnie, milk record 86 lbs per day , .butter record 18 lbs.,, 9 oz. in 7 days. ° Hamming (Imp.), was sired by Jacob (District bull) ; dans, Srijntje, 90 lbs per day. Mietje (Irnp.) was sired by District Ball'; dam; Meitje lst, milk record 88i lbs per.day. Jacob sired milk recordg 88a lbs per�day ; butterM record l0 lbs in 7 days. This 'pedigree will show Sir Westwond the richest buil of the breed • in Canada. He is straight and round as a barrel ; heavy, low set muscular legP.� with four large teats, and large milk veins, The :above is a true record of the breeding, of Sir Westwond, Signed, H• & W. F. BOLLERT. TERMS :— Single cow, $1.75, cash at time of service. A reduction will be allowed for three or mere cows. JOHN BART'\'YELL; Lucianow P. 0. PUBLIC NOTICE.. ' T0TICE tS HEREBY GIVEN THAT Adam Russworm. of the Township of Carrick, in the County of Bruce, yeoman, will 'apply to the Parliament of Canada at the next session thereof for a Bill of divorce from his wile, Emma Russworm, nee'Correll, formerly of the said Township of Carrick, but i ow re -I siding in the city of Chicago, in tiro State of Illinois, U. S. on the ground of adultery. Dated at Walkerton, Ont.,•this 1st day of September, 1890. O'CONNOR d O'CONNOR, 6 -mos -8.867 Solicitors for applicant DUNN's K1NC POWDER TNECOOICSBESTFRIEND SWEET CIDER, MILK -SHAKE, TOBACCO, CIGARS, Constantly kept in stock. Give me a trial. Remember the place, next to the bank. NOTICE. THE SUBSCI#.IBER HAS OPENED AN office in the building east of the SENTINEL Printing Office. AGREEMENTS, BONDS, LEASES, DEEDS, MORTGAGES AND WILLS CAREFULLY PREPARED. Plans ,specifications and estimates for build `--ings, mills; bridges', etc„ furnished Ol} FlIOTt notice. • JAS, SOMERVILLE. Lucknow, Jan .1891. (leery! IMMENSE .BARGAINS. Having just received a large' consign ment of Fresh Groceries, - Choice fami1* flow Choice Tobacco, Caiiiied Goods. Crockery, • Glassware Teas, Coffees, and Sugars, which will be sold cheap : at the Hub . Grocery.. Goods delivered to all parts of the village, JOHN ELLIOTT 2 GOOD FARMS FOR SALE OR TO... RENT. EAST HALF OF LOT NO. 5, CONCES- sion 13, E. D. Ashfield, in the County of Huron, about five acres of fall wheat, fifteen acresacres seeded,e eded, twodwell- ings,-two orchards, two welds, no better soil, barn, stable, granary, shed. etz. Also north half of lot 6. con. 13, with 12 acres of fall wheat, 40 acres seeded, good fences, orchard and ord above ,dwill be sold rent at once.Apply immediately to 888 E. TRAVER, Lucknow. FARM FOR SALE. - TN THE 1MMATTE OF NORMAM 1 McLeod, Margaret McLeod, Angus Mc- Leod, insolvents. The farm lately , occupied by the above named insolvents, situated in the township of Hu , is for sale. • All under cultivation framehouse, frame barn, large orchard, and well watered ; one of the best farms in Huron; a bargain. Apply to Ptter Murray, assignee, Huron, or to 889 H, MORRISON, Solicitor, Lucknow 1104V 8400 sc, AmE§LCANsti A pamphlet of information and ab. straet of't ho laws, Showing flow to. Obtain Patent:; t'a 'ents, Trade] Marks, Copl'riglita, a2i:t MO. Addrana MUNN & CO. 361 Broadway, New York. 4 L. . • r r1