HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1891-05-08, Page 4el 3' ?KE LIBERTY TO UTTER AND TO ARGVE F$E1;LY ACCORDING -TO 'UE DICTATES' X411' CONSCIENCE WE P -MMM ABOVE ALL OTHER LIBERTIES. guakaow, may 8th, 1881. GOOD PROSPECTS`. It is cheering to be able report that kitt crap in this localiey were "'never better. We seldom ever saw the fields looking greener or better covered at this early period, and al- thogh not by any means free from dan- . 411.11111111411/ The Lucknow Sentinel, Bruce County, Friday, May 8th liammemine • -Tigan ; Black Horse Hotel F. C. Cor- nell. - Lucknow—Farmers' Hotel, Jeremi-. ah Flynn ; Lucknow Rotel, W. M. M,orhing ; Whitley Rouse, John Mc - 60411; 'Oakes— Rionse; T: ' +': Cain. Sh9s---4.3e4 AIO 'her .Q00. HOLYROOD. Noticing the paragraph in ye;u_r, last issue of -die 'SrxTINEL asking per- sons from the surrounding country to contribute whatever items that are to be had in their vicinities, which I consider is a very proper thing to do, I r., f;se s -A :fe now, and may do so occasionly in the future not confining myself entirely to Holyrood, as there seems to be no cor- respondent from Kinloss at all at present. Surely each village can find some one to represent it in .the local press, if not it is pretty far ehind t t a a been great, and we do not think that much damage has been done by heav- ing. The price ..pf wheat has risin greatly of late,' and is now $1.08 on the Lucknow market. Reports from different parts of the world indicate that the price is likely to keep up for some time, and if we have a good crop this fall, we hope to see our fanners re. Iieved somewhat from the hard times which have so long afflicted them. MR. B. P. HUTCHINSON, a million- aire gambler _in grain and produce, who has been called the King of the Chicago Board of Trade, is, it appears, not only financial but a physical and amental wreck. Latest 'despatches re- presents him as wandering up and'down an Indiana town,, in a state of bewil- dermeait, apparently without any pur- pose or reason. This man teas at one time considered one of the shrewdest and most successful, as well as the rnost itnperturbable and hard-headed sppcul- ators that the ' world had ever seen , • Ele is said to have made and lost more money in a single operation than any other man. His losses in, one deal in which he attempted unsuccessfully to cover wheat, .cost him, according to the calculations ..of • the • bucket shop gossips, about nineteen or twenty mil: tions of dollars; in all probibility they did pot amount to one-sixth or even one -nineteenth of that•amount. His career has ended like, that of most gauil°lers, great or small. It matters little whether the counters be dice spots, roulette numbers, or grain and produce prices, the game is similar and the end'. is the same. SOUTH BRUCE: • The Lists of Licenses issued. On Thursday, 16th Olt., Messrs.. J: K. McL.-a,:, D. Sullivan and J..13, 'Stephens, L'.•ense Commis 'oners, and A. Stewart, Inspector, for the South • Riding of l3»use, met in Mildmay at 10 u'clocie amt. to decide who among the•nuin1» r .:f applicants,. should have their applications for License granted. -Two e.,P. were left over for lual dis- posP! » ti s.-ttlement until the next nreetiu;; 4)t the Board .on May 14th. The foig is a complete list of Tavern :Led Shops '. License issued in etout.h I.gruce fur 1891 and 1892, �• ii `c-- _ • • • LICENSES ISSLYED. Walke, i,,;�—H'�tels.—John Becker; Railway Hopi! ; .Western -Hotel, Frank Schmuck ; Sauera Hotel, ,Jno. JJou :mans ; Cv„ •as, Mathias Egger, Hart- tey.•31t•s. E. Harney,; Queens, Wm. Fartluh,irs u : Royal, John P. Klemp; >Central,M1Chri., Bruder. Shops. -Alex Hsu',, Da.:ll Spence. Brant-l),,trketd Hotel, J. B. • Tschb•lee;lt : Cargill Hotel, Laurance, Beu,nau.: Erlengrove Hotel, John Con- nor; Sin:c i Hr,ti•t. Laurance Doyle; Ellerir-o ee, • litItoi-I; Richard Coe ; 'ane• n's ifet'.4, J,,.rr,l, \fichenousen :tSceri,el : 11 , el; CA I{ •tet, . George 13rude, l;' itish li ,Itei. 'Chas. 1rihl- nian ; Otter. Cre,•k H(,t-i, John Hunt. r.Iiklmnv- �_'lmmi rri,l .11•eel.-J.iseph Guerin.; P I' it H ote i• • {'„dell .Peitz; Briti H• rel, Ar,th °:hr,eicler Railway H.,tel, Fetrit;,and Hinsllerg,er, Forme -sr ll eel, Peter Kli v : Ontario: Hotel, tTrr=i I }, Seitz : Aml.,;.•sIde Hotel John Zett'. ; Det•nitrton llnitel, ileo. La native.. Culross -Commercial Hots•;. Cather- ine Mo-ack ; Culross Hotel, Groff Teesw,at•r-Queen's Hotel. William Barton; Conimerz..ial Hotel \'.'nl, Zing- er g- eY ° Ffotei. TI- t r � Reiyiit hotel, Ai F. litittni kir. • i inloss-Holyr,•od Hotei, James D. Baker; Commercial Hotel., John Cor- me 4' MILLINERY! MILLINERY ua Now x• the time for the ladiee to g l and leave e their order for PRIN ONNET. Our stock was selected by Miss Markle, with an aim dies Will mire tAe est thenUn In this Department, as Miss Markle is always s 'leased r.� dice) e ope o see in a coup "e weeks reports from every Post Office in Kinloss said the adjoining townships as well, in the SENTINEL, so that we may know what it going onin the country. A warning.=Some parties were seen fishing on the 8th and 9th con- cessions on Sunday last. A certain gentleman who k.ows who the parties are, says that if a similar offence is committed by the same parties he will have them prosecuted. Mr. Switzer, one of Holyrood most prominent citizens is at presen on a trip to Manitoba. Mr, Joseph Hodgins, of the 10t concession, has got tired 'keeping ba chelors hall, and last .week he brough home as his bride, Louisa, eldest daugh ter of Mr. Joseph Switzer, of Culross We wish thein a long and happy lif together. Rev. D. Davidson, late of Langside left on Tuesday last for Manitoba where-bee-intends-._remhirring- for-- th summer at least. We lad a call from Mr. T. Webste week. His complaint is that they are too many batch halls in the vicinity as there isn't much money in taking the census et three aentslper he rd where there is only one in the family. Seeding is pretty well advanced, and in the course of a week a great many will be. through, but ,we don't like to wear mittens plowing in May as it seems rather unseasonabled. Hayseed. 7$ t WM. 001•TIVEI.JD. HARDWP.R HARD...WARE f Go to T. Lawrence if you want anything in h THE HARDWARE: OR TINWARE LINE tt He has just received a. fresh assortment of mixed paints in all shades. Alabastine in all shades. . I Kalsomine, White Wash and Paint Brushes. " Daisy'" Churns, 3 sizes. " Ideal" e Washers. Wringers -,cheap. Carpet Sweepers. Carpet Beaters. Garden Tools of alllkinds. Milk Cans;' Creamery, Cans. Honey Extractors.'Dairy and other Pails. He al o • bas In stock a• full line of fencing wire, Annealed, Galvanized, Barb and plain, and ebra. e Coal Tar, Coat Tar Roof Paint, Water Lime, Plaster :of. Paris, Paints, Oils, Glass and Putty. He would also call attention to the new -adjustable wire window and door fly; 'screens.' '- C+ Done on the shortest notice and at reasonable prices.: All kinds of repairing promptly attended to. 11'1:10S- MAW ` ? �L, ZLTTCKNO'VV` CO]\TIT LAIIIGSIDE. The weather authorities have favored us with glorious weather during the past week. Mr. Wm. Gleason is greatly improv- ing his mercantile establishment by putting . a stone wall under it. Our enterprising artisan is working up quite a business.. The McKinnon Bros._ are engaged in putting a stone wall under the city hall. • We regret learning of the illness of Mrs. A, Ross. Miss Lane, of • Lanesville, -is the guest of our esteemed merchant. Miss McPhee, . of Culross, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Beagle. Mr. A: A. Crowston left for Toronto to.attend the Business University. Himany friends wish him every success. .ASHFIEL' D. The following is the standing of pupils of S. S. No. 5, for:April, based on deportment, punctuality and pro- ficiency : • • Sixth,-, W. Gardner . Fifth -D. 'Smith: Senior' Fourth --D Gardner Junior Fourth -A Gardner, 11 Ander son, S Ritchie, W Gardner, J Wilson •R Webster, M Andrew. Sen, Third -H Anderson, L Hunter, • A Brown, W Webster: Jun. Third -R• Gard: tier, W Gardner, R Webster, J Stroud; J Helm, M. Webster. Jun: Third (jr. se.gtion)-11 rrardner,'E. Reid. 1;, Wilson, E Gardner, E McGill. Second-= L Habiele, ST Htunter, S Webster; M Brown; J Wilson, R Hunter. Part II -J Webster, :• H Reid, J Lowry, 11 Rabick, F Ander- son{ .E Webster, 1-1 Barber. Sen: Pt I -.T Gardner, J Hunter, J Johnston, t . S Hackett, M Blarber. Jun. Part I— i 83years, he quietly passed away at his sons residence on the 21st ult. His remains were interred in the. Kintail cemetery, followed to the grave by a large number of friends and neighbors. Mr. ' Little was a tailor by 'trade ar d was born in Lockerbie, Dumfrieshire, Scotland; coming to this country many years ago. The sorrowing friends have the sympathy of all around in their bereavement. Mr. & Mrs. John Little, of Galt, at- tended his father's funeral, and spent a few days with his brother and other friends. AMBEI?LY. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Scott, of Lanes, were visiting at Mr. John N. McKenzie's last week. • Arbor day was well spent in this place, all improving their premises. Mrs. Wm. Johnston, lake' range,- is the happy mother of a young son.. . The boys of this place have organ- ,zed a base ball club. They ought to try the Hemlock City lads. • Mr.. names •Strachan, of Goderich, was visiting at Mrs. Buglass' last week but to his sad disappointment Belle was away. Miss Isabella Buglass has gone to Ayr where she intends remaining for some time. The people of S. S. No. 12 hav purchased a bell for their school bu have not got it up yet. We hope t hear the chime soon. 11/Ir. James Galagher; of Goderich is at present visiting at Mr. Joh McKenzie's. - Mrs. John N. McKenzie was vis, ng in Lochalsh last week and on he way back paid Rev. Mr. McDonald a all. visit - ng i PUBLIC NOTICE. Court of Revision, Township of West Wawanosh, '91. WAGON MAKING HORSE SHOEING AND- -- THE COURT OF REVISION: OF THE 1. Assessment Roll of the Township of West Wawanosh for the present year, will lie GENE RAL BLACKSMITHINC. held in the township • hall on Tuesday, May 26th, at 10 a. m. R.K. MILLER, ° Clerk. COURT OF REVISION Municipality of Kinloss, THE COURT OF REVISION' FOR THE Township of Kinloss will be held at the Township Hall. Holyrood, on Tuesday, the' 26th day of May, at. ten o'clock in the forenoon, PETER REID, Kinloss, May 4, 1891. Township Clerk. MORTGAGE SALE. ,lIODGIN'S HOTEL IN RIPLEY ON TUESDAY, 12th MAY, 1891 At 1:30 p.m., there will be sold the "McIver Farm "being the North-west half of Lot 5 in e the 14th Concession, Western Division, Town t ship. of Ashfield, County of Huron- 100 acres more or less. 0 For further particulars see pesters or apply to ALBERT ,O. JEFFERY, 7 B 3ardner, 0 Brown, G Hunter, M Reid, A H abicki LANES. 2 -lie spring work is being rapidly pushed forward; Some parties finished seeding last week. C. Rou'si and family. paid a. visit to friends in Clinton. Miss Mary Ferries arrived home from Woodstock on Wedrfesday last. R. E. Lane was in London Last week' i ;y :i� goods. The new goods have arrived and the stock of staple „rl'* 5rt ;r:6li tete. r i t w •rr report c� . ' y . �p.rt tin. 'Other' '?,`tis 1.:T; rnr community, in the 1 derfnise of Mr. Tllomos Little,father of Mr. David Last;;e, after q busy life of gi Vendor's Solicitor London, Ont. We are sorry to announce the death of one'of the scholars of Sl S. No. 15, Ashfield, who• passed away on Satur- day, April 25th, in the person of John Hutcheson, son of George Hutchison, citi*en of Wingham, but Johnnie never left Ashfield. Mrs. Hutchison was but two weeks dead when, her son was called away. IIe was well liked by all who knew 'hint, and especially his schoolmates who regret his loss. Johnnie was sic..k but a very .§ hoot time, and 'although : well to no help could he done. His father and relatives have the entire sympathy of this community PUBLIC NOTICE. O Court of Revision, Township of Ashfield, 1891. • o THE COURT OF REVISION OF THE U Assessment roll of the Township'of Ash- field for the present year will be Reid in Finlay's school house on the 28tb day of May, 1891, at 2 o'clock p. m. WM, LANE, Clerk. CHURCH DIRECTORY. GIIISI--I CH15fi•CRI — SERyIC +;a .. �l� 11 I a. iYi,... and :tl. .. i All:.. p Sunday Sc v lfdcl.. 2.30 U• n ,,Superintendent, Wnl. 5. Holmes: Adult class' every Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock, Bible and prayer book lesson's. A11 are welcome REV V, J. CONNOR, Pastor. :0: Adam Thompson begs leave to tha th inhabitants of Lucknow and surrounding country for the liberal patronage bestowed:.-' him during the last seven years, and wishes g continuance of 'his old customers and a tar.. share of the new, agile is in a better positioir than ever to supply the wants of the pnbl He always has on hand a stock of Wagons & Buggies of all kinds, He also will remind them of his far famed SCOTCH DIAMOND. NARROWS which he alway has on hand and are made the very thing in this lint e material. willdo well to give him a al and see prbces before purchasing elsewhere Particular attention paid to ALL KINDS OF HORSE SNOEII flat feet, contractions, and interfering. ADAM THOMPSOj ' Lv,mpbelj Street opposite the Bank • AMMO BULL FOR SERVICE. mumUNDERSIGNED WILL KEEP1 for service at , Division, Ashfield, the etwo t lyear con. Shorthorn bull, "Red Bistrark:" • PEDIGREE—Red Bismarck, 12758,red' calved March $, 1889, bred by Wm. Mallough, Dungannon, Ont. ; got by Wallace (im) 2752 ; dam Annie 8430 by Young Spring Prince 6299 ; Grace h,irper 2nd, 9227, British Heir 2nd 2889; Lady Harper 2nd, 6630, by 2nd Famosa.Chief, 1782 Lady Harper 6629, by Grand Duke 675 • Rose 1833 by , Royal Duke of Glo'ster,.10335 i•Maggie, 1429, by Lord of Lune im Queen of the West, 1751; byJ'Vict5 or6 113 • 6 (12263) ; Daisy 823, by Halton 684 (1,1552), Lavinia 4th 1342, by Duke of Wellington (imp) 91. (3654) ; Lavinia 2nd 1340, by Alex • ander (imp) 6, (•11099)Lavinia (imp) 299, by' a sou of Scipio (1421), biy Eryliolme (1018), by Son of North Star (458h TER i, 9 81•fl0• Cows must be ret,irrieci three tittles if.. -necessary err they Will be charged. fo - service. No fees charged if cows are not in calf after third service. PAUL SMELTZER, Belfast P. O. }