HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1891-05-08, Page 1Daisy Barrel r CRURNIS, Jersey Cream 'Cans, Roller Carpet Sweepers Finish and quality unez ealled. Also a full line fitfunPe,d and Japanned tinware kept in stock. D. 0- TAYLOR HARDWARE. rnswrowwoorowswewsoporww•mrsumismwmmissimipiiimINNOMENNIIIMIN~ , , VOL X 51111.-19. -THE- • 4 . 1004. tr. • at To tell the Truth We have so much gooli. that the people want. we defer to specify any- thing, but just invite a - from •everybody who waitts STOVES, TINWARE or Hardware O. O. TAYLOR. LUCKNOW ONTARIO, FRIDAY, MAY 8, 1891. atY.r.virtc. ,VP-oftwoptalWgZialgeM.A. 44worP flaunt #entittel Is published every Frila3;. at the "Sentinel', block, north-east corner of Outram and Campbell Strs., Lucknow, JAMES BRYAN EDITOR & PUBLISHER. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. ALL KINDS OF AVB ' PRINTING EXECCTIOD WITH NEATNESS at DESPATCH. 1-^4,,,,a7r=r,r4M '""P,M4,71,1.7rZSlrarrtrn.M.M441...10," EVER FAST BLACK HOSIERY • NEWS OF THE TOWN. A Week's Record of the Pushing Border Town ---Miss Julia Peart left on Saturday last for Detroit. MEDICAL JA. MoDONALD, M. D., C. M. C. P. S. • 0. Office, Kintail. DR. TENNANT,101 CIA N, Surgeon and Accoucheur. Surgery op- posite Cain's hotel. Office hours from 9 to 12 a. in, and from 2 to 5 p. m. 1--1,11/cD. GORDON, M.D., °C.M., F.T. ..L.No M.S., M.C.P.S.O., Physician, Sur- geon, and Accoucheur. Office next door to W. Allin's implement shop. Residence Ross street, opposite W. U. Little's. • DR. D. GEDDES, V. S., CALLS either by mail or telegram promptly attended to. Charges moderate. Office, Cor - '1i rigan's hall. Boarding honse, Cain's hotel. .r. P Lucks Lwknrft .EVERFAST I TRADE: MARK. ;1.41AlsZlvEv 0 • THE s. • 1.10-GALLEn • WARRAN•TED FAST BLACK STOCKINGS. EVERFAST STAINLEESli -• STCGNINC::: I - - Black hose have been very •popular of late years, but it has,7always--been-a--inatter of LEGAL QIMON CORRIGAN, COMMISSIONER, 0 in H. C. G. Kinlough P. 0., Ontario. Ci ARROW & ,PROUDFOOT, BARRIS- ters, Solieitors, ,etc., Goderich, Ont. T. GARROW, Q. C. Wm. paoetiFoot. "ILILLIOT TRAVER, ATTORNEY AT XII law, Solicitor in Chancery, Convey- -ancer, etc. Office', next door • to Murchison's ewellery store, Lucknow,,Orit, . MORRISON-. ATTORNEY AT .11..• law, Solicitor in Chancery, Cominis- sioner, 'Conveyancer, etc, Office, over. the ,loarber shop. • 11.......aseaurralacusas Arsiowlaramonmeacrair GENERAL MONEY TO LOAN! I HAVE A FEW thousand dollars to invest for private parties. at reasonable inter06. _ELLIOT TRAVER34 . "MONEYTO LOAN! ON FIRST-CLASS mortgages at 7 to 7•;', per cent. interest, payable yearly: Charges' Moderate, Apply to ROBERT Muan,4„ St. Helens. • ' . ../ANA DIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. Tickets issued to all points east or west. . Quick time.. Close connections with other lines. Full particulars to intendine- travellers. ,JOHN.MURCH1SON, Ticket Agent, Lucknow, ONEY TO LOAN ! AT 6 PER CENT • • from 2 to 20 years. Lists of farms for M. sale in Ontario as. well as Manitoba. - Parties desirous to sell farms will consult their inter- ests by inspecting the advertising facilities of Subscriber in Great 'Britain and Ireland and. continent of lands for sale. ANGUS STEWART,,. Land Valuator Lucknow Ontario. WEST• WAWANOSH ' MUTUAL ' Fire Insurance Company, board of directors meets for the transaction of business -on. the first ' Tuesday each month. ' Parties wishing to bavo their property insured in this increasingly popular Company, will by giving notice, be called 'upon by an agent or by rue of tne Directors. Thisiness dans • promptly attended to. Office, Dungannon. J. M. ROBERTS, Secretary, WM, LANE, Treasurer. . .... . . ' SOCIETIES, . ." TA IT C lc N 0 W. j: -- ',I, 0.- - , I • Lodge, No.112 ', meets. every. Friday •• ,•,--. . . evening at 8 o'clock iti their hall, Campbell. Fitreet. All brethren cordially ineited. 1). PATTERSON', N, Grand; JOHN' ELLIOT, Recorder. . • , • . -... C O. F., COURT • Ni . ,,t Ju Sherwood, No. „ , 50, Liocknow. Meet- s T'',...t: every last and third i . :, s'. „4...::i.,. . Monday, in every • 4. month, in the Odd - fellows hall. Visit- it ing 'brethren a r e I , . „7-"' cordially invited. A. kk' _-„; --- A1777',.7•• -",:,:,,,T) ivisoN 'C. R. . t..t...,11J!:_..:. -, • ' ' stJa D. D. Yu tiA, SEc. . .... i 0. U. W. LUCKNOW LODGE OF . • the Ancient Order United Workmen, me in the Oddfellows hall, on the last and iecj&d Alondaly evenings of cacti' month at dight o'clock. Visiting, brethren cordially I invited. D. PATTERSON, Master Workman: R. D. 0.61EliaN, Recorddr. a LITOKNOW MECHANICS' INSTI- n tam Reading ronin ones every evening 1. from 6 th 10 In., excepting Saturdays, when the hours will he from 2 to 6 p, in. The librarian will brt, in attendance during these hours. I). I). YuLt's,, President.JAls..S031E11- VILLE, Secretary. DENTAL ,T. S. .TEROME, L. D. S. Witiglumt, will be in Taicknow on the seeond and fonrth Fri - ay and Saturday of each montli. Good sets Or 810. Filling and extracting. a specialty annoyance -to the wearer that they stained the feet and legs and faded to a dirty greenish color. This could be particu- larly said of the lines in cotton. But we are pleased to be able • to say that these annoyances have been overcome in the "Ever Fast Black Hose" which have 'been •imported recently from Germany and /each pair of •which has the above cut stamped on the leg. • To those who'desire to pur- chase this beautiful line of full-fashioned hose we woulJ say that we can supply them in cotton, lisle thread and Italian silk. We have special values in the common lines p,s well. • MURDOCli & CO. LUCKNOW & DUNGANNON. THE LUCKNOW NKINGCOMPA NY (Not Incorporated. 1 -0-- EOM MAIR, PROPRIETOR. MONEY TO LOAN RAFTS ISSUED ON ALL PRIN- • cipal points. Clieques, drafts and iortgagesinshed. Nots)s discounted. Amer. can currency 4 American, bank drafts Or cheques bought ,or sold. Interest allowertun deposits from five dollars nd upwards at the rate of five per contrail t)er nnum. Money to lend on farm or Village roperty at the lowest enirent rates. Fire insurande cliec!:erl in first class stock insnranccCoRIIMMit'S oBly. We have one 2'00 acre, three 100 acre and two 50 aere fiMOR • for 410 chCap. ()fita hours 10 a, in' to 41- ni. G,A;;SIODALL, Manager. -.Under the new school law, muni- cipal councillors will be unable to act as school trustees.' fareft7Terirreer, Mair, of this village. Lalla Berry spent a couple of days in Dungannon this week. -Miss Annie Campbell, of Rapid City, spent a few days at Langside last week. -Mr. D. Stevenson and his two sisters left last week for British Col - umbia. --Several of •aur snbscribers have yet neglected to settle their accounts for the SENTINEL. -A large party of young folk was' given at Mr. T. Lawrence's residence on Tnesday,evening. -Mr. Al. Murdoch left last week for Port Lain bton, to assume a respons- ible position there. • -The trotting -bred stallion "Sara- nac" will be at McGarry's Hotel, Lucknow, every Monday. -Mr. Thomas 1VIathie, jr- left on Monday last, fer_aerlin, cia, wliere Ile has sechre,good situation. -Mr. • John Jewett arrived horne ifrom Barrie this 'week and will work in the furniture factory here. •-The teachers and scholars made a lot of needed improvements to the school grounds on Friday last. -In prints. and 'shirtings • for patterns, quality and price, customers' are sure to be suited at .ConnelPs, • -Six members or the Oddfellows ledge here attendedchurch with the. TeesWater brethren, on Sunday last. -It is proposed to have sermons preached.througout Ontario,, as far as. possible, to the .A.O.U.W. on Sunday. May 24. • -The trees 'are leafing,. and fruit growers say froul present appearance, the coining season's crop 'will oe an. enormous one. -The Dominion .Parliament opened 'the campaign on • Thursday of last week, and the Ontario Legislature, eeased its labors -on. Monday last. • • whi'spered.quietly around that the Bruce Batallion Will be called oiit again this summer, and that Windsor will he the:camping ground. -Ex. • -There has been ai,vholesale cutting off of licenses this year in adjoining places. In Winton, Chesley, and Port Elgin, the pruning knife has been dex- terously used. • -If you require anything in lace curtains or curtain nets, apply at Connell's. Those curtains he is offer- ing for $2.75 are value for the money.' Liberal discounts for cash. -Mr. A. 2.11cD, Allan, of Goderich, svill lecture on " Fruit Growing" under the auspices of Holyrood Mechinies' Institute, at the town hall, Holyrood; next Friday evening, May' .2nd, -A couple. of, young men from Lucknow were in town on Snnday and were quite conspicuous in their high silk hats. They attended devine Ser- vice with their Wingham brethren, 1. 0.0. F. Ii7inghanb Advanoe. ' -Messrs. -Bennett & CaMpbell have made11 nal pi of painting.. 011 the l'o,irielluos of Ir. John Boyd and Mr. E. W. Cater, It would help the ap- pearance of. the village if others would f(dlow their good example, olid have their dwellings nicely painted. -Several cows, horses and other a»inials have been. at large during tlie past N:\ek. Now that citizens are put- ting their lawns and gardens into shape for the slimmer they will expect, the council to strictly enforce the the By - Law governing this matter. -Have you Sam it ? The Stan14 hat, something new in head wear for gentlemen, combining elegencti and ease. Each hitt is of fur felt, beauti- fully lined, and..contains Ithe picture and anograph of the great explorer. They come in three shades, Congo, Zambezi and Black, and are for sale 'by Cameron, 711-erdeeh «'0.. 4•21Wareenr "-Jrlifi new. bell for the Lucknow piddle school has, arrived, and will shortly be placed in pont ion in the sAiool tower. • FASHIONABLE WEDDINC+ 1VIECHANICS' INSTITUTE MARRIARE OF A POPULAR LUCKNOW LADY. The Phsbyterian church was w filleden Wednesday of last week adnairnag friends and citizens who h assembled there to witness the m riage of Miss Jean Gordon Murry, o of Lucknow's most popular young la ies, to Mr Joseph Helt, of Chieag There were a large numberof invit guests present, and several of the sea in front were reserved for the Among those presbnt we noticed, and Mrs. Holt, of London, parents the groom ; Mr. and Mrs. J.Marti Kinloss ; Mr. and Mrs. A. Campbe Kincardine ; Dr. Malcolm, New Yor MM. Fenton, Toronto; Miss Magg Martin and Mr. Duffield, Wingha Mr. R. Paxton, Otterville ; while tho from the village were, 'Rev. and Mr McKay, Dr.and Mrs. Tennant, Dr. an Mrs. Elliott, Dr. and Mrs. Gorsion,_31 ell by ad ar- ne d- o. ed ts m. Ir. of 11, lc; ie n se s. d and Mrs. Holmes M. and Mrs. E. it, The Annual 'Needing. The Officers Elected and Other Business Brasher, Mr. and Mrs. D. R. McIntosh, -Mr. and Mrs. W. U. Little, Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Cain, Mr. and Mrs. A. Ihompson,• Mr. C. A. Shepard, Miss E. Whitley, 'Miss Mullin, Miss Mc- ' "er-Miss-13-.---MeFeenzie, Me: arid Mrs. D. D. Yule, the Misses Murray, Mr. J. and Miss Lalla Berry, Mrs.. McLaren, Misses . Woods, Mr. John Elliott, Mr. F. Gordon, Me. -K. Camp- bell, ]Jr. H. Pierce, Mr. D. Geddes, 3:1r. J. Murray, Mr. and Mrs. McIn- tyre, Mr. G. Lawrence, Mr. D. Law- rence, Mr. Vanstone,. Mr. and 'Mrs McDonald, -Miss McClure and others. The bridal • party arrived at th church about nine o'clock and the. goof and. his " best inan," Mr. • Thoma Edwards, of London, proceeded to the front. of the building by the norll aisle. 'A- few minutes later the 1.1'ride entered, and leaning on the arm of her uncle, .1.1t. James Martin, walked Up the south aisle, closely -followed by her three brides-niaids. The bride looked eliaruoing and was handsomelyattired in a costume of white surah silk, with veil and orange blossoms, while she carried in her hand a large and -beauti- ful bouquet of roses. The first brides -maid, Miss Maggie Murray, sister of the bride; ,wore cream.surah silk, lace and -ribbons; Miss Holt,.of London, pink crape cloth and silk ; andMiss Nello MeHardy, of Belinore, cream beaglina. silk and ostrich feath- ers. Each of the bi ides -maids carried a lovely ,bouquet of roses,. and their handsome costumes • were greatly ad- mired. After the singing of a hymn the paster of the church, Rv. .4.11. McKay, performed the, marriage • ceremony, and -as this was the first wedding that has ti ken place in the new church, • 31r. •MeRay, on behalf of the congrregation, presented the happy bride with a hand- some baldly bibie. On completion. -of the services at the church the bridal rty. and the guests repaired. to tho sidence Of the bride's mother, on glis street, ''.wherc a sumptuous past awaited then], and a pleasant lie was spent. Th6 bride was the cipient of many beautiful 'and valu- le presents, among theni being a gold tch, the gift of the groom ; an' quisitely engraved . tea set •Vice, of artistic design, consisting Of- ' pieces, from Mr, and Mrs. Holt, of mien ; a silver fruit and flower nd; from the groomsman ; china mer • and tea service from Mr. R. xton ; views of Niagara, pair of lor lamps, and in •silverware • a 'ter dish, celery stand, cake dish, ei, .pickle dish, egg cruet, biscuit , card reeekrer, fish knife, butter knife, egg and salt cruet; napkin rings, salt indiyidualls, knives', forks, „spoons, br.)ech set with brilliants, plush otto7 1)1.111, mats, photo receiver, picture of Presbyterian 'church, table\ linen and many other ' useful articles, all of • which tr,stified to the high apprecia- in which the young bride was held by her many friends • • The happy couple- .1 -eft 'by Hip- early morning train on Thursday for Detroit, where they will spend a portion of the ioneymoon, before going to their home. n Chicago. • • • 11 s pa re In re tit re wa ex Set Six Lo stn (111 Pa • pat ljij cru jar • 11 anima, meeting of the Lucknow Mechanics' Institute was •held in the reading room on Monday evening last, with Mr. D. D. Yule,. President, in the chair. He stated the purpose of the meeting, and said that the progress of the Institute during the year was very encouraleing 'in die several departments. The reading robin was much better patron- ized, and he hoped that the public would" take advantage of the privilege that"the liberal grant of the Lucknow council had conferred, by openinu it free to' all. •The library had been largely increased, and the number of books taken out by the members shOwed that it was a want well filled. The night school, during the winter, had also heen well attended, and the order and attention by the pupils shOwed that the. benefits were duly appreciated. He called on the treas- --trreri-Mirit-D":-Carneron,. to read his report, which showed that the funds received during the year amounted to $600.50, and the amount: that had been. expended to $598.32, leaving a balance on hand of $2.18. The Secretary, Mr. --J then read a lengthy report, from which we extract the follewing Number of members on roll.. .. ..1.42 Cash received from the same ..$141.00 Ain't expended in new hooks;. $248.39 Nurnberyols. purchased this year, 485 Total number of vols. in library :'. 906 Number vols. taken out this year 1361 Amount paid for literature for reading room, $53.35, consisting of 4 dailies. ' 9 weeklies • and six , magazines or periodicals. Thirty-five pupils attended the evening classes for the full nutuber of nights required by law.. . . . The. amount paid to the. treasurer was derived from the following sources: Members .fees , Legislative gr't for membership 50,00 library.: . .. 150.00 . reading room 50.00. , 4 eveningclasses '76.00 Municipality of Lucknow .. . 100.00 ' " 'Co. of Bruce, 2' yrs. 20.00 Sale of old papers. 2..25 Donation from C. A. Shepard • 11.25 Total . . . .. . • . , . . . .. $600. 50 . The following., is the amount ex - Tended : $14-1.130 Rent,- light and heating reading room . .... • .. $ 86.97 Salaries, hbrarian, teacher and • caretaker •108.75 Books" for. library 248. 39. Binding books and magazines 12.75 Papers and Magazines for read- ing room 53.35 Miscellaneous .• 88.11: Cash on hand.. . 9 18 Total :- • The following officers were then elected for the current year D. D. Yule.... . .. President J. "Murchison • ..Tice-Proident J. G. Murdoch.... . . ..... Secretary R. D. Cameron.... .. Treasurer Directors -A. -McPherson, , W. Berry, Thos. Lawrence, J. Bryan„1„ Scott, C. A. Shepard, T. W. Hildred, G.. W Catr, J. Somerville: • HEMLOCK CITY. Owing to the fine weather the farm. ers arehusy seeding. Mr. W. H. Long left on Thursday last for the "Home Retreat," 1:uriph, where he has secured a situtatin. The directors of the completer the operations of huilding new furnace and raising a new smoke stack, and now the massive strurturo rises on hunched feet, from the ground Your correspondent has to report the death of another of our respected citizens in the person of John Ifutchison who pad aswtIV on (jay inorning lost after a four: 1 tiesi. Deceaseil viss tr'n. cars of tigr, very brightand intelligent boy. The. bereaved family have the sytilp.thy of - the community as "31.rs. Huteltien died of heart decease only three wet1:s ago sati4e,t • .