HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1891-05-01, Page 5kir LI1IES. • Commemorative of the death of Pear Raid,who a as "called home'.' from Lia know on Sunday, April 19th, '1891, at t;;lc pr'eko ature u,,;e of i; years and 8 months. • To the memory sweet of :a loved one We wsiuld drop both aline and a tear, And to ftose who are reft of her sunshine, A tribute, of comfort and cheer. Since the day when the allwise Creator Bestowed her a treasured existence ; " n t sorrow Mae stand iu the distance. How her smiles cheered the heart of a mother, And a father her patter delighted ; How each heart by the sounds that she uttered, With pathos le couimon united.' But a shadow appeared in her pathway -- The Lucknow Sentinel, Bruce bounty, May 1st , IT IS TO TEACH THE LADIES. Au Iluporatlltlon of Designs of Ladles' 1 itowits,, NEW YORK, Apl. 18.—Among the cabin passengers who arrived from Europe to -day by the steamship. to La Bourgogne," were fourteen P4'1",sian designers of ladies' fashionable gowns. These artists have been engaged by the enterprising managers of THE NEW YORK AND PARIS YOUNG LADIES' BAZ- 4464,97,49,144 columns of that popular magazine. All. of them are well known in New York, for their reputations have pre- ceeded them. Mrs. Astor, the Van- derbilts, Mrs. Cleveland, and Mrs. Marshall 0, Roberts are among the societ leaders who have worn owns Til God in His wisdom rescued her, And took up her spirit again. There's an empty -chair now by the table, A not with a pillow untossed ; And hearts that are aching and pining For tbe precious gem they have lost. But a hope is imbued by each bosom, Through f 'th in the Saviour, who told The tender Ribs all to come to Him, e sweet rest cf His fold And share t Uh ! bright gleans the banner of mercy O'er plenteous promises given ; That whosce'cr willetii may enter And drink at the fountain of Heaven., S. J. A. Build. Belfast,, April 21st, 1891. • THE GREAT COMPETITION ! THE CANADIAN AGRICTLTUR• IST'S $5,00.6 'WORLD HUNT. a'o,itively closes D1ay 29111, 1891, (15 days thereafter being allowed for letters to reach. us front distant points). The folio in rMagnificent prizes will .be given ff to persons seudinl;'in the • greatest n her of words made up out of the. letters contained in the two words, "The Agriculturist." 14 Prize ' ...$1,000 in Gold " 2nd 8500 in *Gold 3rd " 81,000'Urand Piano 4th " $500 Piano ,th$300 Organ (;t11 .. ,'1'icicct to Englaud and return 7th " ' .. ..............Lady's Gold Watch 8th • •" Gent's Gold Watch' 9th " .... ...China Tea Set 10th " ' Hunting Case Silver Watch 11th Boy's Silver Watch 2;► prize; of . 810 each. ` 50 prizes of $5 each, 100 prizes of $2 each. 200 prizes of $1 each. 'making a total of , 386 prizes, the value of whish will aggregate $5,000. This Grand Word -Making Cowpetition is open to everybody, everywhere, subject • to the following conditions :.. The words must be •constructed from the vivo words, 0 The Agriculturist," and must be only such as 'may be found in \Vebster's Unabridged Dictionary, and in the body of the book, none ,uf the supplements to he used. The words must •be written in ink on one side .of the paper only, and uumliered, in rota- tion, 1, 2, 3; and so on to the end of the list, fur •facilitating in deciding the •winners. The list, containing' the largest i number, of words will' be 4,- warded first prize, and so on in order of merit. Each list as it is received • at.the office of the " Caniidian Agri- culturist "...will be numbered, and if 'two or more tie on the largest list, the 'first received will be awarded the first, prize, the next 'second and so .On. Therefore the, benefit of sending in . early will readily be seen. • Each list must _ be • accoiupanied by $1 for 6 months subscription to the" Canadian Agriculturist." One person can send in one or more lists, accompany- . ing each list with $1, for which the -paper twill be sent to any address for 6. months, The best family paper in Canada. It is by no means a new , 'paper, but has been • established up- wards of, seven years, and each year gr rows he estimation of the sub-. scribe . It contains no trashy, highly colored fiction, but has interesting stories of a higher class by the most popular authors of the day, . Itis emi- nently THE paper for the home .:;ircle, .and at $2 .zt year is the cheapest and best. paper in the market. This compe- tition will positively close on the above named date. Remember you are pay- ing el for 6 months subscr,ption to •one of the best home papers in Can- ada, and .at the same time run a good chance of winning a valuable prize. AGENTS WANTED.—The object of the publisher of the " Canadian Agricult- urist " 0 , giving away' these large amounts in cash, is to extend the cir- culation of the paper, and a number of agents are required in every locality, to whom liberal pay will be offered. Send three cent; stamp for particulars as to clubbing rates, etc. Address, THE CANADIAN AGRICULTURIST, Peter. boro, Ontario. interview with a reporter one of the designers said : 'f Paris still leads the world of fash- ion although Eugenie no longer sits on the throne. Parisian ,gowns have a style about them that cannot be equal- ed. That, I suppose, isthe reason why we have ' been ,en ;aged to come to America to teach the ladies' of your beautiful country, through the columns of- TIIE NEW" YORK AND PARIS+YOUNG LAtIES' FASHION BAZAR, how these wonderful creatiobs ofrthe dress-inak- ers' art are constructed. It ' is out busiriess to design the handsomest and most fashionable gowns for the differ- ent seasans'of`the year These designs will be printed in colors and will be. accompanied with such clear instruc- tions as to tbe selection of materials and the cutting and fitting of the gar.. ments that no woman of sense will have the least difficulty in making per- fect -fitting gowns herself. It is ' a lrnael -a saienee; to—fashion--a-gown- that will .make a very small and a very fleshy lady appear slim. Not one designer out of a thousand can hit up- on the true lines unless he makes it a study of a life -time.. You ought to see the May number of our Magazine. 'Ve have designs in that—Will take the hearts of the ladies by storm, They - do not get a dress .made up everyday, and I can tell you it is an important • item to get the best magazine, and the very latest and most exquisite Paris styles, and have it fashioned like the one that.is•best suited to their figure." —The dust was something terrible in the village'on ?M'londay. .....tea. Dissolution of Partnership. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the. undersigned doing business ••under the name of Berry & Little furniture dealers, has this day been dissolves by mutual consent. All debts due the late firm to be paid to W, U, Little, by whom ' all liabilities will be settled. G. W. BERRY,' W. U. LITTLE. Lucknow, April 16th, 1891. RMERS ATTENTION BIDDER TWINE Having again secured a large quantity of Binder Twine we are now prepared to accept orders for twineat the follow- ing low prices, viz,: . Sllj.VER COMPOSITE BRAND, IOC. PER M. CROWN BRAND, 12c. PER M. RED, CAP, 13c. PER 1. We also can supply other first-class brands such as BLUE RIBBON, , BLUE TIN TAG, AND PURE FLAX. GIVE US A CALL. W. ALLIN... ir Yo u Mil)" not n nkr AS nmrh but WO est i tench you 9nirkly hew to con from tt0 nodth''I r3.S.l. nt work for tie. HcnQorsrtoon.an vn r Is 'wince mode by John nIN C. , 810a(toy ntthnatnrt,nndmnrnnayolk go 9 on. Both sexes, ell n r.. In nn m o a y port of Americo, you con commence et Immo, qiv- ISeq n11 your tjnie,or spore moments only to rho work. All Is now. tarrnt tiny KBE for *tory worker. Wo shirt yon fornishtna ■ ■ MILr , everything. CA9n,w, ttl'R1•:h{t.Y footled. STiNSON S• c0,, PQRTiANA,e11A R,s', THECOOKS BEST FRIEND• Boots&Shoesi Something that everybody wants and at prices that can not he beaten. I wish' the general public to distinctly un- derstand that I have in stock all kinds of Boots and Shoes in every C:= • C.) 0 ••••••1J '-4 ce (1) '-CS OOd c.> by O sts O INNINNIMME LANNI CLOS O THE RESTATTRANT Campbell Street, Lucknow, .3amor r,bvs..• r, •,mcStee , Oysters by the . quart, pint, or can. CANNED GOODS, FRUITS, and Make, Which I am selling for cash cheaper than can be bought at any other store in the County. All I ask is GOOD JUDGMENT AND THE CASH. Give me a, trial, and don't be led away with every wind that blows. BUTTER AND EGGS TAKEN AT J. PEART'S, LUCKNOW. MILK AND BUTTER im.portan t -to Fames. 0 rrWE UNDERSIGNED HAVING PUR- chased the saperiur thoroughbred Holstein -Friesian Bull, Sir Westwond (13210), will keep him for service at Lot 6..Con. 14; Ashfield,, • ET/TrattE:—Sir lVestwond (13210) was bred by B. B. Lord & Son,•SinclairviIle, New York ; calved August 7th, 1888 ; •black, with • shield patch over shoulders ; belly, legs and part of tail white., , Sir. Westwood (13210) was sired by Lytle,, 4102, H, F. H. B ; Dam, Lady Westwood . (imported) 11611, H. F. H. ]3., ,thi'lk recor11. 80m} lbs, per day at 4 years old, and 181 lbs. of butter in 7 days at same age, one of the finest cows.we ever owned. Lytle was sired by Barrington, (imported) 2103, who is claimecl'to be without an equal in the world, and $3000 in cash was twice refused for him. His service fees were 8100 per cow, His dam was Mietje 2nd (imported) a noted prizewinner, •with a milk record of 02 lbs. per day at two years old. , Lady Westwood (imported) 11011, was sired by Peter, 103, N, H. 13., one of the uiost^notecl bulls ever known in Holland, being the winner of first prizes and diplomas at five of the largest shows • in.Holland, and was sire of many of the inost noted cows that were imported to this country. • His dans •was Glenburine,(imported) ; milk record 89 The in a day ; 201,68i lbs in ten months, and 21 lbs of 'butter • in 7 days in January, 1886, all under ordinary care, . Barrington Was sired by Jacob 2nd (District Bull), dam Hammihi • (Iatported). ; milk" record 99 lbs in a day, .on grass alone. She was valued at 55000. • llietje 2nd' (Ituported) Was sired by Jacob. Dam, Mietje (Iuiported), Mille record 83 lbs per day, and winner 'of gold medal in Holand for best dairy cow on exhibition, Peter, 103, was sired by District Bull ; 'dam Jentine, milk record 871 11)8 pei day; and 19 lbs•of butter in 7 days. • Glenburine (Inip.) was sired by District ]3n11 ; dam, Srijntje, mill: record „91 lbs per day ; butter recdtd 20'1 lbs in 7 days. Jacob 2nd was got by Jacob ; dam, Minnie,:'. milk record 80 lbs per day , b•attei record 18 lbs., 9 oz. in 7 days. Hamming• (Imp.) was sired by Jacob (District hull) ; dam, Srij.ntje,'op -lbs per day. Mietje (Imp.) was sired by District Ball ; clan, lleitje 1st, milk record 88} lbs per day. Jacob was sired by Klass darn, Marian, milk record 88.4 lbs per day ; butter record 20:1 lbs in 7 days• l• This pedigree will show Sir Westwond the, richest bull of the breed. in Canada. He is straight and round as a barrel ; heavy, low set muscular legs, with four large teats, and large milk veins, The above is a true record of the ln•ecdingof Sir 1Vestwond, Signed, H, & W. F. BoLLERT. TERMS :— Single cow, 81.75,' cash at time of service. A reduction will be allowed for three 'or mere cows. • . JOHN BARKWELI. Lucknow P. O. House and Lot For Sale. SITUATED G CLYDE STREET IN the village of Lucknow The house is a well finished frame, containing 7 rooms with stone foundation. " Large cellar and good woodshed ; hard and soft water, Half acre of land with splendidarden and well stocked with small and Large Fruits, The lot is on a hill side commanding a fine view pf the whole village. For further particulars apply to- JOSEPH AND RSON, Lucknow PUBLIC NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREIVY (GIVEN THAT Adatlt B.ns:,worni, of the Township of ('arrielr, in the Comity of 13rnce, yeoman, will -ripply to the ]Parliament of (lanada at the next session thereof fora Bill of divorce from his wife, ea , , fzkrtsrerly of the sand Teiwttship.of Carrick,' lint now re- siding in the city of Chicago, lin the State of J[llutols, I7, 5. on the ground of adultery, Dated at Walkerton, (hit., this 1st day of September, 1.800, O'CONNOR & O'f'ONNOIt, 6•Iuos-S-867 _Solicitors for applicant SWEET CIDER, MILK -SHAKE, TOBACCO, CIGARS, ETC., Constantly kept in stock. Give me a trial. Remember the place, ilext to the hank. NOTICE. THE SUBSCRIBER, HAS OPENED AN office in the building east of the SENTINEL Printing Office, AGREEMENTS, BONDS, LEASES, DEEDS, MORTGAGES AN1) WII,LS CAREFCLLY.PREPARED. Plans ,specifications and estimates for build ings, 'mills, bridges, etc., furnished on short notice. JAS, SOMERVILLE. Lucknow, Jan .1891, IMMENSE • BARGAINS. Having ,just received a large consign ment'of Fresh Groceries, Choice fuming flour, Choice Tobacco, Cannell Goods, Crockery., V Glassware Teas, Coffees, and :Agars, which will be sold cheap at the Hub Grocery. Goods delivered to all, parts of the village, JOHN ELLIOTT 2 GOOD FARMS FOR SALE OR TO RENT. EAST HALE M LOT NO. 5, CONCFS- sion 13, E. b. Ashfield, in the County of Huron, ninety acres cleared; about five acres of fallwheat, fifteen acres seeded, two dwell- ings, two orchards, two wells, .no better soil, barn, stable, granary, shed. et. Also north. half of lot 6.• eon, 13, with 12 acres of fall wheat, 40 acres seeded, good fences, orchard and buildings. The above property will be sold or rented at once. Apply iuin'ediately to 888 • , E. TRAVER, Lucknow. FARM FOR SALE. . JN THE MATTER OF NORMAM McLeod, lIargaret McLeod, Angus Mc- Leod,insolvents. • The farm lately occupied by the above named insolvents, situated in the township of Hur, is for sale,'• All under cultivation frame house, frame barn, large orchard, andwell watered ; one of the best farms in. Huron; 'a bargain. Apply to Peter Murray, assignee. Huron, or to 1, mORRISON, 880 Solicitor, Lucknow PROPERTY .FOR SALE. OR TO RENT. BEING NORTH HALF OF LOT 25 IN the 1lth con, of West Watwanosh, con- taining 100 acres more or •les. feint is situated .2 miles from the village of tit" Helens, 71 milt•, ft's)in •Luck ii W, :laid 10 tidi 'y froth Wilighani. There are (m, Aviv: ciearod ; 10 Ittires in fall whtat,. and 10 acres seeded down, There are also 2 good wells, a good frame house,- frame barn and stable, and 11 acre young orchard. It is half a mile from school house and convenient to ehn ell. 1'or farther particulars apply on premises, JOHN McQUILLAN. t�ja!tm1vS^�'.YIYoa.nmru.- G tl�