HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1891-05-01, Page 2...,.... kyf,�,. , .,.. �.,. ate..:.. .,:;_.�, . a �� : n. a�t.w€.. ,a ,F4 :'T -Tr-A -, . ... r . ,l I .., 1 _:, - c �' , ;y�, a ...-•--^`."�-��___..--._. _._-..�.__�.� 11 .,_.. .. - ,.,,•. A. n u ..,.. .. - MostIII•ry , F �iT,RI$88PIIED. t8I8H .$IIRDAY $ALOOPB. '�" = DEMOLISH � PLE a Wne�- rBns�r x�s�osD: A NARROW �eOAFs ' , _ �� ntra (lrivee the $seals Auothsr �"— - • — '� . . � ^ �,i � The Pnblia Sousse to be Oloeed air the Jaane+t saner of Belleville Condemned ta. A Steamer Crashes Into a Sohoonsr—The x K '6Q art• = Arouses the Religious Prejudices of the Day. _ Die oll Noy 3, st. rror of the Faesenger . �,� iceIt,'. �] +- P , e C _ Tai OATJ610 Old' THIS TROIIBIM. �III�U�, UWALY (i fil'l's" AB PAUNHLL, ,:�iw� .. e . >,� ��� - . -- - A Odoafts cable says: $'A despatch from ----•r-- A London cable says t In the House o! LITTLE DEFENCE ATTEMPTED. ERE IS THE aOHOONEIi ? a WIT •�' ` 8anao etttlu tt,•+' Q•pI, P• •2s, •�+�„h„v QrJinmons 'y'eete:d-ty the Bill ';"W"g A Belleville despstob eay�s : The court- A Mw York despatch eays : The, 1. " AND A REB$LUON .rAY USLLT ermanent thaolosin n o! , ublio houses F r .1 i rrYwrled tc htwe reinforced Lieut.. R 8 P P room wsa crowded beyond its pro er ste mer Couneotioat lett Stonin�gton al i�rant a' Fq;ti .Thabalr hag .mot .and to Ireland on Sunday, and including is oepeoity to -day with spectators anxious to midnight for Now York with 160 lisaeen- ­11"— ' —' "a soo a the oities of Dublin, Cork, Belfast, era and a large cargo o! freight. i$I thick �, ited 800 �ianipnsia. Preegeave s p •= The Soly City of Beaerea >s a fltate of tate rt witness the Inial o! James Kane, who mar- g 8 g K i1W►ted Infaatty pursued the Man,iparie Siege Wats oral and Limerick, passed its ee0oad dared his wife on March 23rd Since fog burg over the s_o_lllnd all night. Every- - ed 50, There was no toes of life on ` -Shops closed -Worst Suspended and reading 248 to 94. hie incarceration Rene has rather improved thing went well until the steamer was half. - .. 1 � "flab side. the Natives Angered -AL Caruana 8ttua- During the debate preceding the vote in appearance, and when he ate ed into Y g PP .,.w h wa a in F al It t i¢a ,�. -r �., a ..wawa. ter r ,..,.x a� . p r bekween °8nntin ion and C 1. ' ,,� .M! ..n . , .77uan'S ., k'^'u. �T, .._M . :. . ,�^-r,^ , .. .... , f .F "r'-- . r -r. : �rt ,t...- s, - ... , . .-. ... .:?!{'... '1tMs: a ��. , . t ,ee..._•v' _..., .. :.. � , <. , ^; i . ,.,..,,, .y ^t^'. T-a•v-�z•.. ;.. �::,:x�.�i,• ,..�..-t —.at ...r ',�".� swr-s�'"iyf.3,.,,•r,}iT'tui'.x'0�i.i.�c�6Y'�IZ, T� a"ALO,�.�•T'-`',%�?'{a`tl�Xrr".,.ti" "rdam!�-'is-uu r�',:A�'S•s.J'`u�''"�u_"-,, w;,,,;;:,' measures Qi �a set in et to the cityofc��rr�t:rsdyi�Sv�t�aa�urtf ' etaohpoea, the u t ani 8eaoad Gthoor- snit of clothes and clean linen. His yesterday morning. yThe fog woo very v. ,, A Bment sable dated to• day a*ye : The Cork or other Irish cities. He said Bal- thick. The steamer was rooeedin aI .two - 4a, the Eighth'Bengal Mountain Battery, aide whiskers have been on$ off, leaving only P g ti the Thirl9•eizth Ben al Infant excitement yrl thio city origwating from four, the Chief Secretary for Ireland, a�ostee. He ehowe4l no sign of nneaai• thirds speed; when all at once there was a g ry (Sikhs), the demolition of a teinple in order to pro- wee not inoonaiatent in as Orlin the ,7 :� i ~'� from Calcutta, and other troops from vide a site for the new waterworks, in- measure against Irish opinion, beoaiiee he nese, and took his estit bofore the sour! fearful crash, followed by a eorsping and r lift - ' Burmah are on /he way to the front. The g P with the greatest composure. To look at smashing o! woodwork, with the additional °. r 1,7t . oreases every hoar. All the shops in (Balfour) alwa r. �,„%! i,,. q . • . troops from Burmah are ceder the Dom• ) ye msintaiined that the him one would come to the conclusion that noise made by the orieo of the affrighted r{ "; '', x wand of Gleneral (ttdhem, and inolnde half Benaree are closed and all the nstivea in Imperial Parliament ought to decide snob he was pleased that he was soon to shuffle Passengers. The Conneoticnt keoled ever V wry° a battalion of th® Hing'it Roycl Rifiee, the the city and district have stopped work questions. This, however, , was not the off this mortal coil. to port, but finally righted herself. Ae ri .`:.:;, ° F Second battalion o! the Fourth Ghoorkae an are gathering in large orowds case with the Liberals. The latter had _ I - � .v: .._ s cam `0000OLD - --ILM4______-.­ %"';­ -- --- -a., , -��b� TI-er r- ' `gy ` `e - - k .. er __sr e, Y. Co.iChao. Wilson, Hy. a or was made y her Moors o; ,r' tits Ro of the Holy City. The tees[! is that bete should decide Irish matters. II. on learn what had ba erred Menu hila the ,,,9 Royal artillery, and a regiment of P Tommadge, John Meroberi John R. Smite PP " - Bfidrse Infantry. Gleneral Graham was serious riots have already occurred between the elementary question sa to how Irish- W. H. galls, E. J. Edwards, Leo Huffman, wildest excitement prevailed among the :vk{ ,�4 "" °"""°� fast reported ae advancing pre Tamn, the disturbed natives and the local aathorz men oaghl to eat and drink the Liberals I' ,;L „ q x I - sties, .who are supported by the British mi ht have shown s rester attachment to Joe Pitts, Robert'JerviW. The Daae was well 160 Passengers. Many of the had been F."•, . tfenersl Collett wsa re rted ae advanoing troops g g handled for defence by O. E. Lyons and W, thrown from. their bertha, and others had •. TM° from Niigriting on Lilorahmapulra with P quartered to the vicinity. In the prinoiplee they had proclaimed on C, Mikel. W. R. Riddell been slightly injured b falling woodwork i. response to several despatches sent to the English lstforms, . Q. O,, of Cobonrg, k Y j y g �� r No. 8 $angel Jnonnte $attery,the Seoosid Mar xis of Lansdowne Viceroy, o! India P conduated the case fotilie C3rown, I and broken glass. For a few minutes all ' 1. t �',n., lJhoorkae and other !too a which have q y' . Maurice Healy, one of the members for was confusion, but the offioere kept cool fir #11 ' P who to now at Siladireoting the movements Cork city, the House that Parnell James Skinner, step -eon of the gooased, p been despatched to Hehima. y tsatified• that on the day of the murder and soon succeeded in rectorg,�rder. "r,?' T he cream o! the die me ie se follows ; of, the troops marobing on the Man did not upon this or other gne9tione repre• gene name into hie barber shop on Front They then turned their alien the " r " The Mahara sh of Msni ar was de seed in ipnr district, strong reinforoementa, sent the oily of Cork ; adding, it be wanted street and naked where "she" wee. He,•,i .4 +� ] P P boat and found that she badn into a . 'f ar , ' Se !ember last se the teen!! of s revolt composed o! English and native, to test the truth o! his (Healy'e) words let was told that alis was sesistin her den h• g y tI, P troopo, have been ' - g g bi schooner which 1a at anchor in the - detailed in him kee bis r ter -in-law to move on South Ohnroh street. roadway. The jibboom of the schooner had beaded by his second and thud brothers p p amiss made to hie eon- struck tabs etes>Wer on the starboard side, 4 iU I'll n known respectively se the Jobraj, or heir lienarea, and further reinioraementa are adtaents and face him in a contest for re- Then Sane left the shop. The couple did of the Maharajah, and the Seas ntip, or an the way. The British public bus are guard- election. (Obsess and laughter.) not live on agreeable term!;' end were con• jaet forward of the forward gangway, and t3�t.. "FT. • aommaader•in•ohiei. The latter, it will fag all the banks and pnblio baildinge, and . "I °' aleo'ecoupy in force many points of vantage tinIIally gaarrelliDg over trifles. Bane did had ripped oat all the woodwork along the 4 f be remembered, was recently killed in the g A CRAZY BRIDEGROOM. mot appear to be drunk at the time. aide as far eft as the main gangway, carry- ��� # y throughout the oily and district. It is re- :~ assault made•by the Manipnrie upon Fort eumed that the troops will be able to en on the' Eve of H g wedding a Yonne Margaret Skinner in her evidence said Ing away two lifeboats, tearing out all the tc�11 4, Thebes, defended by Lieut. Grant. The P P that Rene came to bar house' on Church aides of the rooms on the main and upper w Maharajah, with his fourth brother, known Press promptly any serious outbreak upon Man Rung amnelbt in the costume of doeka and demoliebin the engineer's ' � I the Part Of the natives. But the eventual Adam- street, end, atter knocking, walked through g o �, F,� as the Lord of the Elephants, took refuge effect of rho a frit of resentment and indi the halt -open door- and asked where Mrs. stateroom, the bathrooms, paddle -boa and . ;� , in India, and are now is Oalon$fa awaiting nation existing Amon the Hindooa Already A Durham cable says : A most extraor• Kane was. Mrs. Skinner wsa alarmed at Part of the starboard peddle -wheel. At developments., Since that time the pdwer g g o y dinary and exciting incident occurred at hisappearance. As be Dame in he nubs!- the time it was thought the steamer was y, g'" at Manipur was in the h nde o! the Jobra' telt far and wide in India, cannot at prey- Durham yesterday afternoon. A I az , p , I ant ba oorreotly estimated. y y young toned his cost- and drew out a long, in danger of ainkidg; end the parser was G w;fir.., and the Senapatty. man who lived sit West Stanley came to glittering carving knife, At this lure. sent ashore to Whitestone in a small boat M�� Chis! Oommiaeioner James W: Quinton, Derham yesterday morning with a young Skinner ren out of the hones in a fright, for help: Atter he had lest, however, it '� �i HE MItANT aIIIRDER. following the traditional policy of nthe women, who came from Kimblesworth, for and meetingher husbanc and two was found the boat was leaking but little, 111 :5 British authorities in India, prepared to A. Banana vendor Arrested While Trying the purpose of being married a1 the Regie- men on thstreet, .told them that and it was decided to make for New York. t, {l,, k �. ' recognize the de facto ruler, and proceeded y try Offioe. Owing to some cause the wed. Kane was This was done after the wreck was cleared Ili, , to Strangle His `YPife, going to murder mother. .� • to Manipur with an escort pf about tour ding, it was found,, could not take place The men rushed into the laoaae in. time to away. After .colliding with the sc ooner Fti�I' - hundred men of the Forty-second Ghoor- A Boston despatch says: A man named saterday, and. it was pat off till Wed- oee,the victim fall with an agobizing. cry the Connecticut rebounded spi rifted . , , , , �_�iae with t .e inteu�ior�aLoffioisll _install ;WEB a -a annt►th attemplesi to --bander his needa3�.. The young•oonpl® went #corn the 'dyiryg away on liar lips: - A-deop�onnd in awaYi-and 4he-log-waa so---thiQ .1 the---- ,', ----- -- w � he Jobraj es Maharajah, and y S e says her husband , went Registry Office into the Banks and eat the vicinity of the heart told the awful tale. eohooner was lost to view. Several! of the 11 �� i. resolved to send the Sensputty, who was out this morning to sell bananas, and she down on a seat. They had not been there Alfred Skinner threw himself on the mnr- Passengers who ocoupied rooms on the I'lla troublesome chieftain, to India. Com-* did act expect him back before noon. He long when the girl noticed something darer and disarmed him. starboard side were slightly injured by W 11 . • mieeioner Quinton was accompanied by .the came back in half an hour, began to abuse strange in the demeanor of her compau- Fred Abraham; reporter for the Daily being thrown from their bertha or by .1 following civil officers : Asdatant Seore• her, and accused her of having been untrue ion. He went away from where they were Ontario, who interviewed the prisoner in 'having their bertha knocked. out .from F , 1 i tary . Ooaeine, Deputy Commissioner to him After more words he -went down sitting, and Having divested bimBelf of sh bis 0011 a few minutes after the murder, under them by the sohooner's jib -boom se M kr. ' Gordon and Deputy Commissioner Woods, into an alleyway and brought a¢ a big box. his clothing was running about Prebend's testified that the accused eapresaed his it stashed through the light woodwork. and Sa rinteadent Melville of the Tele- Than he told her that i! she not g_� 11e,>aOlice werAtiQf;ongtl�h®_dEe? lze bad-a:mit Me Cn�nraeatient�was-detained two-hOurQ . pe gLv bridge oomRletel naked,�C t 4 tapirepai men : T6e military oflineis th"e`SO�ebe�d-he would to Ler sent for, and the young men, •who ted, that. he gloried in it and only wished by the accident, and reached ,her dost! . '; included Colonel Sk�ne,,,eommanding the and pat, her in the boa. This threat and was inclined to be violent, was re- he could have murdered his son. This yesterday forenoon. She is badly ' - Forty-second Ghoorkas Light Infantry ; the bas [rightend her. .She begged ttiat moved to the''' polios station in -the finished the case for the Crown. There damaged, and will be laid up some time *' , and OaptainG. H. Butcher and Lieutenants he would not kill bar and that he would ambulance cart. The. young woaan wag little or no attempt at defense. for repairs. u E. J. Lugar and J. B Chatterton, o! the take 0260 and go away and leave her, followed to the station, and said she .could, The Ivry retired, at 4 o'clock and in less -=---i• >. • This he, consented to do until he not eeeonat for the behavioral her sweet- than an -hour 'returned a verdict of guilty: Temperance in 131 h Life pmri regiment ; Captain T. S. Doileeia, g seooad is command o! the Forty-foartb eeodred the . money. Then he arras heart. The assns man is stated to have Judge Rose asked if the g prisoner had The N. Y. ' wVorld's Washington repre- . (7lhoorkas Light Infantry; Lieutenant L. more declared,she, had been nntrae, and been o! s religions turn of mind for the last anything to say, and the accused replied W. Brsokanbary, of the same regiment, g y aentafive; commenting upon the social said alis had rained his life and it were no eight or nine este. He was detained at teat he had not. The judge said the anima -1 Irf `4`1r, . . and several others, nearly all of whom are ,more than right that he should take hers, the police station. The man vdas released, was deliberate and premeditated, and that season in . that city, Ways : This will be ' • • believed to have been killed in the niaseaore He gulled a handkerchief from his pocket, and neat day on the road near, . Kimbles- he could hold out no hope for .mercy. ge known as the great appollinarie season, if 4 k which followed the Durbar, at Manipur, on threw hie wife to the floor, tied her month worth he stripped off the whole of his sentenced Kane to be hanged on Thursday, nothing else. A few high official families Much 24th 'end 256h, the details of which eo that it was impossible for her to atter a clothes and proceeded to the village, in a May 21st. are believers in total abstinence, and will �' 'I have already been published. gonad, and then coolly palled a rope from nude condition, mach to the alarm of the have nothing intoxicating in the house; Lieutenant Grant, on the British side, is his pocket, at libel end of which he made a inhabitants, who ran sway in terror at the LIBERTY uR, DSATH, appollinarie aa0ompanies their banquet { • still boldin Fort Thabat ,with admirable ali.p-noose, which he put around her nook, eight of the big, powerful ,young fellow in and sparkles at their balls. It is the success. , The insurgents will find it ` diffi• His wife had straggled bravely, only to be that state. W hn he gotyto the hams o s Wife+Beater's Leap to Death while on fashion of this winter, too,, to 'even . _ ��`+• cult to dislodge him, especially since he has *brown down again. Cannata took his big intended wife's parents he knocked out His way to Prison, forego punch at large ontortaiuments, i i been reinforced by the small detachment arrestcoolly. He would say bat little, of the window a pane of glass eleven inches A Pittsburg, Pa., despatch says ; On and several' of the . handeomeat affairs F in the finest houses in town hsve `` ,. � ti • �' , of troops ander the command of Captain pleading inability to speak •English: He by fifteen, end crept through into'the Tbulredsy night Constable McDonald,o! ,,w4 Pteegrave, and in view of his brilliant practical admitted that"be wanted to kill house ; then from the inside he knocked West Newton, having in charge prisoner been attested by lemonade end mineral i' ;I� .achievement.in repulsing on April 6th a his wife, and declared that her unisith- out the remainder of the panes and crept Sandy !Nilson, of Greensburg, boarded the waters only. Even people who give seven i" f • force of 4,000 Manipuns, well armed with fatness bad led him to take,the step he did. out again. By this tiime there wag help at fast train on the Pennsylvania road bound wines with their dinners, 'give nothnag f,,. rifles, dating whish engagement the Sena The 15260 whish hie wile esye she gave him baud, and the poor fellow.wse taken to a for Greensburg. After taking his seat in epirifnone or fermented when it somas to a �. putty was killed. Liens Grant, with a force was not 'found on him. 130 wag held in neighboring hones and attended to, a meds • the einoker the ooneteble removed the, any large entertainments. The dancing ° ffi nighty Ghoorkaa from Tamme, was be- $1,000 for the neat term o! the Soperior sal man being summoned at once. Ilia handcuffs from the prisoner, and they eat olase, which is the ewellest gathering of wr• Roved to have fallen a victim to the Mani. 'Court. No serious injury was inflicted on two passages through the broken lass had K g g. Jeanette young people, has had more temperance w - P g g g together. emokin sad talkie suppers than other kinds of suppers, and t - paris, but, instead, he carried Fort Thebt, the woman. inflicted frightful lacerations all. over his station was passed, when the constable champagne � garrisoned by 900 Maniparis, by aesaalt, TRAGEDY IN s olsuIIB, body, and last night be was considered to remarked : "Well, Sandy, you will soon in verewhhonaes. as been cLavieboen entertaining driving the enemy out at Ibb point of the -� be pad! recovery, bo looked up." Wilson replied.; "I'll g bay 6neic. _ is frowned upon, and the daysof terrapin LLL�c1jt The And Loudly Cheered White a. Cheyenne Indians Troublesome. see you in hell .first, and with a- blow by the tabiul and champagne b the bun. Tae >;alegtaph woes being ant by the in• Woman Was Beteg Slowly Killed. knocked the constable from the coat, dred baskets have one y satgents renders communication from the A e eoial from Pine Rid a states fife! rnehed ant on the latform, and a ran g Y• People oP oven � A St. Petersburg cable says : News of P g i? prang good in0omee hops that it is not coming "UK X " ( , front rather slow. a most remarkable and horrible tragedy Bogs Farmer Smoot. arrived at the agency froth the train. Aa be did so Constable book. g `' . Y whioh has just occurred 'in the. $own of today from Medioine Root bringiog.intelli- McDonald followed. Just so both men ;r .PIER;ND WITH A RND HOT IRON, polotek, is Rnesian Poland has reached RenOe . that a band of Cheyenne river reached. the ground a freight train came Arranging for a Good Time. here. A day. or. two ago a travelling Indians are. now camped on Wounded down the opposite track. The fast' line ' Horrible Story 'of Juvenile Ferocity from, train oto Mr. JOae h Hobson, aL I ' - circus gave a' representation in that town. Knee, neer the Big Foot battle ground. pped end ran bank, and after a Chief Engineer of �, Cape Breton. Amos Rose a missionary, s the . Grand Trunk i r�, a The manageress of the circus, a woman of y, nd Mrs. Keith, search Officer McDonald was found alive in referring to the Vit. A Halifax dee atoh says : A revoltin remarkable bean! and a school teacher, both balf•breede, were but ,unconscious from• several wounds. Clair tunnel recently, said: ,, In two P y g y popularity, who PP y Wilson's lifeless hod months we bo a to hsvH the tunnel officially ,"4 ; ; day of youthful ferocity comes from Little was herself an excellent horsewoman, was stopped, but finally allowed to proceed, y, was found thirty feet P y ! Narrows, C. B. A number of :boys, on just on -the point of leaving the ring after They met Smoot, who was bound for the from the track, horribly mangled. The opened. The towns of Sarnia and Port > a their wayhome from, school called in at agency, and warned him to o in. b men had jumped immediate) In front of Huron are arrangir, o enin + exercises of performing some daring feats with s g y .a t I P y en noaeasl character, P b , ' ,� �. ' the blacksmith's forge where the smithy's spirited horse, when the animal suddenly circuitous route if he wished to avoid he freight train and were struck by the , in the completion of , • • apprentice, whose name is Logan, was at attacked her in a furious manner. trouble, which he did. The antborities pilot. The constable And his , lifeless which the Grand Trunk will enter heartily. work. The boys began playing, and Logan For a few minutes the audience, p There is to baa g r51. here regard the occurrence as the act of Prisoner were+ laced on the tt' and grand dinner down in the ' becoming offended drew a red hot and in spite of the woman's shrieks, some orazy young bucke, whose hearts are taken, to Greensburg. McDonald will tunnel. The table will be set just on the' 4# � .. • sharp iron oat of the fire and .taking hold did not appear to realizd anything again , bad. No special importance is recover. Wilson was wanted on a charge international lice, 'wick one-half in the `' %,fi,���, of a boy by the name o! Matheson, drove anaensl 000arriing, bat appl.ndeyii and attached to it, and the general opinion is of leeltnit and battery preferred by lice States, the other. in the Dan,inton. At the ' tv> • 't the iron into bis abdomen. The victim, cheered the actions of the horse, thinking that there will be no renewal of the trouble wife. bell of the Sable, in •Canada, will sic Press- y A' who is 12 years old, is not expected to re- them a part o! the performenoe. Not until this spring. dent Harrison, while at th0 other end, in r g ' I Have 8 irxd Yon N A Shocking Deathbed Confession. Arnerice., will be seated the Governor. - Dover. Logan, after committing this not, the stomal kicked her with snob lanae than p ow,. mommas"- _ . _ - General of ': : ,� :;'-I----'-- ----- :------ skipped -.at once, . and is- supposed to be she fell to the ground did, the•people'real#z3 A Shawano, Wis.', despeioh sae • Neer Csnader- Of cotffsa; there ill __.__. _ _..� Y I k. hiding in the fastness of Logan a glen, be. that something was wrong. The brute A Montgomery, Als., despatbh soya Wasbiogton, in tbia county, a few days ego be .e al , good ti y epeechea, "oto., an . ''' ` . . tween L'ittle'Narrowa and Lake Atelia.' then trampled upon her with snob fart' Willie Mendheim, the 13 -year-old son of Bahr and his wife gnarrelled, actor which general good time is eitpeot8d. - At any' P g Mrs. Mondheim an estimable widow,be• Bahr hanged himself. Before doing so he rete, it certainly is a very intereetinp, enter- that none of the public or the rooms in f `�MY� Shot to a Drunken Brawl- attendance had the courage to approach came angry with his mother yesterday sed told the children that Mra: Bahr lead Prise and deserves to be parried out•" . the. spot. At - last, by some means the told her he was going to commit suicide. paisoned an old man named ,Zell, the father • ;,,• A New York despatch says: Frank C'he bo went out into the barn why Big Wren Dave Little wives ' Siemeraon and Peter An net seamen on unfortunate women managed to eacriosie y procured of his first wile, who died a year gt; ryI g herself from beneath the animal's boofe an•ordinary rawhide hame.6tring, returned ago. •The children informed the antborities, There is a, very ge,ieml and- ancient a �•: the brig Henrietta G., were ebot by Mate and before his mother's eyes,, George T. Libby to -day in the le end half stunned, with her dress all torn and y ,, made his and they arrested the woman, who eon. imprceion that big men in Choosing wives 11 r �� ' rge y y her face and, body' streaming with blood, preparstione•for death. He fastened the feeeed. .Mrs. Bahr is ill and under the care prefer email women, At first lance this F, ' ., painfully, though not seriously wounded. She had sufficient fortitnee to salute the leather to the eeiliiog with s Large snail cut of a physician. Balis was an ugly disco would appear to be trnP, because the num. The bri started to -day for Cuba. Several p y g y �� "'� g y audience and stagger from the ring without s Blit in the leather large enough to admit sitioned man. Not long after Zell's death her of big men with little wives is certainly �; Swedish sailors who bed some aboard any`aeeistance. She, however, had hard) his head, got up in a high chair and Bahr pounded one of his children in- in an overwhelmin�� , intcaicated quarrelled. The mate seized s Y jumped. Inst before the lea be said : " I humanly, mal�rity, tss we see I 11 si`, q resohed the dressing -room before she Dom• P y, and after jerking its ,leg ,almost them. In�tbe five 3eare f have held my ,1. bottle of whiskey from one of them end menoed to utter piercing shrieks, which nave spited you now, mamma 1 Hie nook 'sac of the socket threw it on s baa, where office I have learned a thing or two through i shrew it overboard: ,The men knocked the were heard by the andienoe in the airous. was broken. Hie mother saw him as it soon died. He was hover rosecuted for the medium o! the marriage license cffiee, mate down. He retreated and got his pig- mode the fatal spring. P • 1 . tol. The sailors' again attacked him sal After lingetingseversl hours ingr8at agony P g• the child's murder. end it is my impression that it is nut'that ' he Bred. Four sailors and the mete were she succumbed to the terrible injuries fibs • big men prefer little Aomen, ,*Qt !list little The Fatal Fire Dam t4 * arrested by an officer who went ant to the had received. p• Trouble in the Holy ulty, 'women prefer big me $, Ond of is the ea - A tPsmegna, Pa., deepatah says : Ater,• A Calcutta cable Saye : At this hoar r2 Priet;ce of the worm• visa that what s ` £' � vessel. The mate was paroled and the p. m.1 P • I `1 there bas Been a e ra w sailors were held. - He Struck an earl- rible explosion of gaW°and fire damp occurred aspect of affairs in sena At the tier ehanbe woman wants and etarto ont to get _ A London cable es s : In Ireland the st No. 10 colliery, owned and operated b generally captures.. St. Louis Globe. + y y was preceded by a serious not. The mobs -bice Democrat, ' A Child on a Matt! CoW'e Horn, ttYmera are up in arms against foa•huntinK the Lehigh Valley Coal and Navigation filled the streets during the ruarninq »seams 1 A Shamokin despatch esye : The bright squires and peers. The young Earl of Company, a few miles east of tbie place, more violent. In spite of tb> efforts of tbo local 7 l . Huntingdon, a captain in the Pcinoe o! today. James Haggerty, of Langford, officials, the police and the military, the nstivea, P@nnBylvania'B Tnrlif on UathB. red !rocks of 3 year-old. Bessie Metaskie of who were•in a state of semi•revoit, cut the tel - 1" . • Hickory Ridge, attracted the attention of a Wales Regiment, was dashing to dsyaorose was instantly tri led; end was burned to a graph wires, looted the railway station, and A 'Cian'bnrp, Pa., despatch esye ; E4 X. ° ", vicious cow while the, child was gathering Farmer Murphy's meadow sitar x fox grid crisp. William Reone, of Tamaqua, was plundered the railway treasury of 3,000 rupees. Mayor Gen, G. W. Stroh was attested on � Cask o! hou0de, when the farmer anew• fatally injured. John Davis Frederick The local authorities summoned' a large Moods night ;? arbutus yesterday. The beast rushed peetedly appeared and seized the Earl's O'Donnell, Chas, F. Lilly, all of Coaldsle • numberof volunteers io their assistance, and y ehargec with swearing 27' towards tl:e child, knocked it down and Daniel Reese eneceeded;n arresting s hundred o! the most time's• He was fined• 0 dente per oath, or, Q then gored it with ite horn. Frightened bores by the bridle. The Earl, wb,tract s , of Langford,. and James Gal•, violent df the rioters. These arrests have resulted with poste $20 in all. then. Stroh had a by men, the cow raised its head with Bessie hie anoestry to a steward of the Congaerer, IaQber, of Gearytown, were seriously in. in duelling the disturbance fcr the present at ' was agbaat at such a liberty on the art of juied. The explosion wee Caused b least' ,. law snit laat week in ri•gard to the rent of �^� A m- -• i.mpt�lt ct,! ..,one .l3asrt.ttrsci,s4tn i>ztt . the .-nn- ... P nalrad'ulam ° apiece ai l;.ronnd btfore rho same W n► a pl'eheian','zi3�3 ria l iii' »hilt etruCk i m t� ''" A tri id-lexte-rfaively dieenseed in go ' and while there of •. q r°�'m- derbrneh. There the infuriated beset was p y g tufo a controversy ;'_ lassoed` aiid' ibe bleeding little victim` re- blow at the -farmer. Mnrphy held the - if] thW . e-,:bibition of tbo rpiionnl cireWa witZ� tk�eecttto a~t „T > na„ horse with one pawerfol Arm, while with :..Zt aPFeara.ta be. a fast that Cnstoma socia! Prominent ladies are i at.h pro'sr' tyhieh fibs the L . _"L I lt�sited from rho lidtn. Though still alivei y s mtng to o g were utteYeB, I►iemtsrsirda Ot tli® fife Evil. (yffioer bronillard has mede.p seizure of introduce new dress combinatione, which -oathe were made• at the tilne by Jacob Bessie will die. the of her be streak end nearly dismounted ' some of the plant of -Haan & ® Haney, eon• consist of brevity of skirt, dnality of ander. Bartbolcmew, a pereonoa enem of the ea - Merely rractising. • tractors for the Sault Canal., Mr. Hugh dress and abortness of upper drapery. The Mayor, who brought the ,Puit which are. John Hall of New York is reported Ryan made the statement the other day mode most approved by the society is that ted much smusement and raaltement. R Detroit 1Vetra : Aunt --Da not be so se saying that he Suds it a mpane o! doe that every y dollar's worth of plant in the of Syrian ironsere and full blon'se of silk impudent and rude, Charles. It is bad to stand helots one of the great store win• work had been meds in Canada, and lest over s velvet z�nave bodice. No member -A mother hse lost list prerogative in a . Manners. do�a in Broadway and thank the Lord for there was therefore no ground for ouch of the society, how ver, q has ventured ,to home -ben she Permits her daughter to get, II% Charles --I know it, aunt, bnt I am going thtltarge nnmber of things in that window action on the part of the Customs anthori• walk Qpt�p_ z'eltiun,a�'�nefnme !o a�„esv stxaty h p ' --= 4nio-the-lifc-inowanoo•bttainaaa.-- be-oaa-tlar,vdthont: _- .. ___ _ _ __.___ . _ - _._.__ _.. ___- iy __ _ _,._� ____-- ..-----_ _ . ., _ _ _ oriGtaxa - eeasorr ry -: — - _ i _ _- _ _____.-._�.._...,.w..,.,��_..._ vdzti-tier• old bonny . -+tri :x.-. _ _ _ .... .-. ----.. -. __......,.•-... - � .. • 4' � `� 1 , I . I � 1#. , n c , ; 1. a. CN_._w.._�,_.a errn x ,- .a4aa :sb m.,� Y y R...n."— q•.wi.:uI:, . ���.1.