HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1891-04-24, Page 8'• Alcittlluwfro sra4t7 .'••••sw•-as •e•asr, • 0 r . . q . a * . . .:::i!...,, . la'. r...:e... : ., '''''.",•` "'". .:. , iti: :,,,,;,., •,:.; . ' _.•,i,..1,vg,7,.4.* ' ' ' ,t "4.e'lt,04",,L14;41,ta," - . • tityrEridaYAstApril 24th ;101411#«64......"0..770, • .R0... 44ifICEP7 Interesting, Lecture • to -T P.n..- • • Those ofOrcitizens whe 'attendea" Ntair,s A-asavz, m. • L.,11,4 13,104*. 1030 P. 03. v. IIolvrtDd flIQUh 2:30 ) Intermediate p'oints 9 00 R. m. - 14. 4 B. North 10.30 p, m. Tuesdays and lAngside ' 3 QOp. m, Fridays W,G, B,,Santlil I al , %,46•AdV•I'.70, ,l/rdWASIVW 11. & 1,V t.Sgolib 1.:10(P":: Kinlose iniough flolyrood 4.30 p.ta . :t -'Unto every lady in this land that •we have an unusual supply of the req- • molts for this season of he year and That.They Who Run May Read.- . We will enumerate in as brief a form as possible.—Wall Paper. After the • usual summer and winters soiling the Walls of your houses cry out for a new covering, and you cannot do better - than call and get a nice embossed or ' gilt' paper, at the price of usual com- moner paper.'„ The principal difficulty with our paper is too good, but we • have cut a greabig mece off the big end of the price and now they are within reach of . all. Borders, exten- • sions, ceilings and corners to match papers. • Carpets in Hemp, Union, Felt Stair Tapestry and Brussels. We are determined, to clear out this line if possible, and no reasonable price will be refusedfor any piece in the store. It will be to your interest to see these goods before purchasing. Window blinds and 'rollers. Lace curtains, cream, white and ecru, 50c, 75c, 90c, $1.25, $1.75 per pair and as high you would like them. Romem ber e are reducing stock and the cash is what we are after, and we,will meet • you in price and satisfy you with goods. • A few boxes of London layer raisins, $1.25 per box. Village and Virinity ftwc IP The Bank of Hamilton Mr. B. Wilson, Manager of the Bank of Hamilton at Wingham, was in "Lucknow on Wednesday regarkring the loeation of a branch of that Bank in this village. Public Meeting • A public meeting of the citizens Of Lucknow will be held . in the Council Chamber on Tuesday evening next, at • eight o'clock, to make arrangements for entertaining the members of the County Council Ontheir visit to the village on -the third Tuesday in June next. Let there be a full attendance. A Good Iron Mr. A. D. McDonald has secured the right of the counties of Huron and Bruce for one of the most useful and convenient contrivances' fol. ironing clothes we have ever seen. No more stoves required to heat the irons, and the work can be, done in the • best room without soiling or heating. Mac. says he is taking lots of orders for it. Very Good Rules The late P. T. Barnum . gave the following as rules to be °laser ved 'in the art of money 'making : "Don't drink; don't be above your business; on't mistake your vocation; select 'the right location ; avoid debt persevere; whatever you do, dowith all ybur might; depend upon your own personal exertions; use the best Ofgl- tleier Scatter your powers; b6, systematic ; read the newspapers; beware of ontsidr: 'operations ; don't. endorse without good security ; advertise ye bigiiies; be Polite and kind to your customers; be charitable; don't tell what you are going to do. and preserve your intcgrity." the lecture in the English church oz Ti•MsdaY g.104 ygre. an. able and instructive historical sketehof the Babylonian and Israelitish nations, by the Rev. Mr, Connor, nacumberat.,.9Lthe, church. The chair was ably filled by Dr. Tennant, and several fine selections of sacred music were splendidly rendered by the choir. Lucknow Post Office, zmiquirfrwitrw .16-gwitg tion from.the report of the Postmaster • General respecting Lucknow Post Office, shciws it to be an important institution : The postal revenue last year was $2,349.50; 1,294 money orders were issued and the sum of Board of Health • • The season for cleaning p back- yards and alleys has arrived, and .immaiotv. 41040;94 414A be gjvmp. to all places where filth has accumu- lated during the winter. At a meet- ngof the Local Board of Health on Monday evening, the constable w instructed to inspect the village, an see that all the backyards, out -house and other places were properly cleane and all rubbish, wood, waggons, etc removed from the streets Sbnating Accident - On Wednesday evening of last week what might have been a, fatal accident hal/nOiXed- to Wu Miller, Son Of MA J as. Miller, of Wingham, and formerly of Lucknow. After tea, William and his brother Peter were fooling with a as revolver at their home, when Peter d fired the revolver off up in the air, when by some means it went off again, d the ball entering William's left breast, penetrating the skin just below the 4441y.A*4460k, °mei- • epartment. Total amount of money orders paid out, $8,494,40. Narrow Escape Mr. James Hackett, of Ashfield, was knocked down on the crossing near Cain's Hotel, on Tuesday last, by a farmer's team that was driven rapidly around the corner of the street. It is unlawful, as well as a dangerous practice, to drive at such a, rate in the village, and Mr. Hackett had a very close call from serious if not fatal accident. Though pretty badly shaken up, his injuries were only slight. Annual Meeting The annual meeting for the election of officers and directors of the Luck - now Mechanies' Institute for next year will be held in the Reading Room on the evening of Monday, the fourth day of May at half past seven o'clock. The treasurer • and secretaead..theit_report.for_the_ last year, as also the report of the auditors. A large attendance of members is requested.—James Somer- ville, Secretary. •Arbor Day _One—week—frem--te-day—(-Fr'islay-Hs- Arbor Day for the public. schools throughout the Province. It should not alone be,,,sonfined to planting trees in the school grounds, Fut our citizens should also turn out and plant maples 'along the various streets of the village. There is nothing that will add more to the beauty and appearance .of the place than shade trees, and hundreds should be „planted in the village this spring. Gone to Detroit We take the following compliment- ary reference to our former townsman, Mr. Beverley Murray, from the Glencoe Transcript : "Mr. B. F. Murray, who has ably filled the posi- tion of accountant in the Traders' Bank here for the past six months, has resigned that office and will leave to -day ' to take a more lucrative position in Detroit. We regret that Glencoe is to lose Mr. Murray, who, both in the bank and in social 'circles, made Many warm friends. His obliging disposition qualifies him to fill a -prbminent position where the public are to be served and we are sure our American cousins will find in him a good citizen. Foresters Pharity-Ooncert The Foresters of Lucknow and sur- rounding -courts are making 'extensive preparations towards having a grand demonstration on Thursday evening, April 30th. A first class programme is being prepared. The best local talent have cordiality promised to assist and everything promises a first class entertainment. The most at- tractive feature will be a lecture by Edward Towe, who holds the highest office in the order of High Chief , Ranger. Other High Court officers will also be present to take part; Lucknow is certainly being honored, Foresters in April, County Contra in June; and' Orangemen iri July. A collection will be taken up in aid of the deserving poor of our tillage. Let there be a grand rally in the town hall on. Thursday evening, April 30th. See bills and progrrimmes. Attempted Suicide . • On Wednesday morning Donald Mckinnon, who has been incarcerated in jail for some months •past awaiting trial, charged with the murder of his wife, made another attempt to commit suicide. This time his implement was a small piece of wire, vi•Thich he succeeded in forcing about an inch into his body about two inches below the heart. His effort at ,self-destrue tion was diseexered_h • jailer Dickson and theWite takeriaway. McKinnon does not appear to have experienced any ill effects from the-operation.7- Groderick Sinai At the assizes last week Mcllinnen was let off on the charge of murdering his .wife, but was sentenced to four months in jail for attempting tolake his own life. Serious Accident Mr. John Brown, implement agen met with a very painfui accident o Tuesday afternoon last. He wa riding down from the station on farmer's waggon, when the horse started to run awe' and i A HOUSE,DWAC110 Shop, uated 1, ou Victoria andCarnpbell streets, Lucknow The brick home contain two front mows, five bed rooms and kitchen. with stone wall cellar and continual flawing isapraaiyto springwater in cellar. For further pardon- , JOHN MAaBAIN, t -f Box 10, Lucknow P. O. • .155,!555Mt I5V at. tet,11%.1• 15r - for about two inches. • Medical aid t, was secured at once and the bullet removed. The revolver'' was an Old one, and it is thought the bullet that entered the young man's side must have come from the breech, instead of s the muzzle, as there were three chain - ro e rig e s ruc on • e si• e o his foot, rupturing several of the liga- ments of the foot and instep, He was carried to Dr. Tennant's office where the injured foot was carefully bandaged but it will be some time before he will be able to walk without the use of a crutch. Masonic Grand Lodge The grand master of the Grand Lodge A. F. and A. M. of Canada, M. W. Bro. ' J. Ross Robertson, has decided, in consequence of limited accommodation in Toronto during the third week in July, caused ' by the international convention of school teachers, to call the annual communi- cation of the Grand Lodge in Toronto for the fourth week of the month. A. formal meeting will be held in Toronto on Wednesday, July 15, when an adjournment will be made until the following Wednesday, July 22. On Suspended Sentence Mr. Frederick Robertson, who was some weeks ago taken to Goderich jail on the charge of forgery, was last. week liberated by Judge Falconbridge on supended sentence. • A large petition, *signed by all the leading _eitizens-L-of-thiS Robertson's previous good character, was presented to the court, and this, together with the circuinstances which led to the committal of the crime, caused His Lordship to deal very leniently with the matter. , • Juvenile Thieves There are three or four boys in this village that are fast fitting themselves for a term in the Reformatory. They 'steal everything they can lay their hands on, and there is scarcely a hen roost in the village that has escaped their raids. On Monday evening a couple of them entered Mr. A. Mc- Grory's stable and with the aid of a • lighted match were busily engaged selecting choice - birds, when his son appeared upon the scene and captured the young rascals. This is not the first time they have been caught stealing and we believe their case has been given to the constable who will no doubt bring them to justide. No Summer Camps The Militia Gazette is of opinion that owing to the lateness of the coming session of Parliament and the non-liklihood of' the passage of the appropriations in time, the usual,, Summer camps will not be held tilt; September, "though, no doubt, means might be devised for forestalling the action of Parliament, should it be deemed imperative to assemble the camps at the usual season. In view, however, of the agitation of annual drill of the whole force, and of the disposition of the Militia Department to secure this as SOOn as possible, the militia might, reap Considerable benefit from awaiting parliamentary action before arrangements for the year are made." Oddfellows A ri nivers.ary The members of Lucknow Lodge of Oddfellows to the number of forty drove to the tillage of St. Helens on Sunday morning last to attend church in honor of .he anniversary of the Order. A little before eleven o'clock the brethren, together with four visit- ing Oddfellows from Wingham Tlodge, assembled ,at the Temperance Hall and marched in a body to the Pres- byterian churcli, where the Rev. Mr. Anderson deliyered to them an exceedingly able and practical sermon. Besides • the Oddfellows there was a large congregation present, all of whom were much pleased with the' rev. gentleman's discourse. At the close of the services the brethren reformed in line and marched 'back to the hall, and shortlyafterwards left 0 lidttfa. • A. heantiftif evergreen arch, on the centre of which were the three links, was eroded across the sidewalk leading to the chnrcli. --I can lead in women's button and Balmorals in style and prices, and some choice lines in opera kid Slippers and Oxford ties.—J. Peart. reports. The wound is not deep, and the young man will not be off work only a few days. The ball struck the buckle of his suspender, which broke its &tee, and thus the young man's life was'saved, no doubt. Mr. Peter Miller's hand was also injured, the ball having grazed one of his fingers. Have Progressed- ' The 'Indian population of Ontario, as it appears in the annual report of the Department of Indian Affairs, is 17,77e, and of this number only 404 called for gratuitous aid. The Miss- issaguas of Alnwick are spoken of as having made material progress during the year. - They still number 236 souls there being 'eight deaths and eight births among them in the twelve months since the last report of the Department. S750 Dollars in Gold Fora Wife We will give to the first person tellirrwirrbefore J-dire-TecT891,-cir1iere in the Bible the word "WIFE" is first found $100.00 in gold. To , the next $50.00. To the third, $25.00; To the fourth. $20.00. Te the fifth, $15.00. To • the sixth, $10. To the next 25 5 each. To the n 9 each. To the person sending in the fast correct answer we will give $100 in gold. ' To the next to the last $50, and so on same as from the first. With your answer send 25 cts. in silver or 27 cts in stamps for a box of Dr. Cole's Blood and •Liver Pills, the best Blood; Liver and Stomach Pill ever made. Sure cure for sick head- ache. Don't gripe. Remember the presents are absolutely free, being givesa away • to advertise Dr. Cole's Perfect Pills and Family Remedies. At the close of the contest the names and addresses of all the prize winners will appear in this paper. We refer you to the Traders' Bank of Orilla. Send at once and be first. A ddress, HOME SPECIFIC CO., Orillia, Ont. —It is reported that the Donald McLeod, of Kincardine township, against whom the'Grand Jury found a true bill for arson, and who was liberated on bail, has shaken Canadian,• dust from off his feet and annexed himself to the land of Uncle Samuel. • —A Joint Stock Company is being organized in Listowel with a subscribed capital of $50,000 for the manufacture of furniture. A full stoca just received.. EMBROIDERIES; LACES Childrens Dress Trimmings, FISH NO TRIMMINGS, i Ladies Corse.ts, Etc., tc. Hats, Bonnets and Feathers In endless variety, and at low prices GIVE ME A CALL., TO THE FARMERS e &pre occupied by Mr. Geo. Kerr and. am prepared to CAS= FOR BUTTER AND' EGGS. The highest price will be. paid for butter according to quality. - R. C. SPARLINC. 1.J 0 IC0 FIRE t FIRE' Insure your farm property,- private dwelling, in the old reliable, the LONDON MUTUAL 0 Office,—A. ROSS harness shop, Lucknow. Wil be in the otEcs everySaturday afternoon, JOHN LANA Agent Kinlough. I DON'T WANT. THE EARTH, BUT-- • • 1 WANT A LIVING. And I am going to have it in Lucknow, too, and I hereby,. announee to the people of Lucknow and surrounding country that 'wha a:ny person or persons coming to me having their teeth out that I will put in two sets of teeth, TEETH TEETH 1411114-ailis emporary or Permanent For the price of one set, $15, ,ina,de of the very best material in • the world. I use no rubber but 0. Ash & Sons, London; England. ‘I) The teeth will be C. Ash & Sons, and S. S. White's, conceded 'by all who are in the business to he the best in the world. 4 Those firms have their names on their fTool.s, and the people can see what they are getting, an' -'d as I Will uarateeati'sfaction To all reasonable people, the ,unreasonable- and there are stioh in the world, will please bar in Mind, that I do not want their trade. 1 can always be /ound at Dr. Tennant's Office, Lucknow. s, *mono trisoknows •